HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/19/2013CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
November 19, 2013
Mayor Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:05 p,m.
Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Gase and
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, T. Gallagher, B. Olson, N. West and B. Coons.
Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Kidd announced the need for an Executive Session, under authority of
RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel and for a Closed Session under authority of
RCW 42.30,140(4)(b), to adopt the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any
collective bargaining, for approximately 45 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:06 p.m.
The Executive/Closed Session concluded at 5:50 p.m. No Action was taken.
Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m.
Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Gase and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher, B.
Olson, N, West, K. Neal, M. Puntenney and D Bellamente.
Deputy Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. National Adoption Month
Mayor Kidd presented Suzanne Hayden, President of the Adoption Advocates International, with a proclamation in
recognition of November as National Adoption Month.
Mayor Kidd presented Clerk Hurd with flowers in recognition of her hard work during the recent staff shortage. She
also thanked all the Councilmembers who ran for election or re-election and congratulated them on their success.
Devon Graywolf, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to cutting trees at Lincoln Park and suggested designating the park
as a monument.
Priscilla Schloss, 1225 Columbia St., spoke in opposition to fluoridating the City's water supply.
Judi Hangartner, 1815 E. 4th St., spoke in opposition to smart meters.
Darlene Schanfald, PO Box 2664, Sequim, presented a recently developed brochure by the Olympic Environmental
Council regarding the Port Angeles Harbor clean-up.
Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th St. #102, spoke in opposition to cutting trees at Lincoln Park, fluoridation, smart meters, and
congratulated all the councilmembers on winning the recent election.
Phelps Freeborn, 123 Lone Pine Rd., spoke regarding the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Port
Angeles Harbor clean-up process, and the lack of equality between what DOE requires of the City of Port Angeles in
comparison to what they require of their own operations.
Virginia Leinart, 3002 S. Peabody, spoke in opposition to smart meters and fluoridation.
1. 2014 Proposed Budget
Manager McKeen and Chief Financial Officer Olson conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the 2014
Proposed Budget. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Kidd opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
Candace Pearce, President of the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society, discussed current contract negotiations with
the City, and stated if the City budgeted a decrease in the 2014 contract, the Humane Society could only sign a
contract for one year. She also proposed an alternative, which included increased funding over three years.
Jody Moss, Executive Director of United Way, thanked Council for restoring funding in the 2014 Budget for Health
and Human Service.
Don Bradley, United Way Board member, thanked Council for its support of Health and Human Services funding,
and provided a brief overview of how these dollars are being spent in the community.
Maggie Fricker, representing First Step, thanked Council for its support of Health and Human Services funding.
Larry Little, Volunteer In Medicine of the Olympics representative, thanked Council for its support of Health and
Human Services funding.
Becca Korby, Executive Director of Healthy Families, thanked Council for its support of Health and Human Services
Melvina Worman spoke in opposition to smart meters.
Mary Budke, Executive Director of Boys and Girls Club, thanked Council for its support of Health and Human
Services funding.
Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th St., thanked Council for its support of Health and Human Services funding.
Mayor Kidd continued the Public Hearing at 7:26 p.m.
Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2014 Budget for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2014,
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Chief Financial Officer Olson highlighted some minor changes to Exhibit "A" to the Budget Ordinance. Council
discussion followed,
Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 7:52 p,m. The meeting reconvened at 8:02 p.m.
Council briefly discussed the items included in the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
l . City Council Minutes: October 15th and 22°1; November 5th and 12th, 2013
2. Expenditure Approval List: 10/26/2013 to 11/08/2013 for $1,886,331.20
3. Equipment Purchase: Dump Truck Bed and Snow Plow Retrofit / Award contract to Northend Truck
Equipment, Inc., in the amount of $28,249.
4. FEMA Port Security Grant Memorandum of Agreement — Waterfront Improvement Project.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Stormwater Capital Project Pre -Construction Design Professional Services Agreement
Public Works and Utilities Director Fulton introduced the Stormwater Capital Project Pre -Construction Design
Professional Services Agreement, explaining moving forward with the design would allow the City to take advantage
of grants and other funding for the project.
Engineering Manager Neal conducted a brief presentation on the professional services agreement and stated the
design work would enable the City to apply for competitive construction funding grants from the Department of
Ecology, Council discussion followed,
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Collins to
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental
Consultants in an amount not to exceed $119,844, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0,
2. Brown & Caldwell Project 06-01, Amendment 18 — Front Street Stormwater Separation Project
Deputy Director of Engineering Puntenney provided a brief description of the Front Street Stormwater Separation
Project, stating the project was part of the City's efforts to address infiltration and inflow issues in our waste water
sewer system. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 18 to the Professional Services Agreement with
Brown and Caldwell in an additional amount not to exceed $67,234, which increases the maximum compensation for
CSO Phase 2 design to $2,627,327 and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
3. Landfill Bluff Cell Stabilization Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental,
Amendment 5
Engineering Manager Neal provided a brief overview of the project, stating the proposed amendment would prepare
the design and contract documents for additional civil work as well as for the investigation of recently discovered
pooling of groundwater. She also stated the Department of Ecology had requested additional funding for the project
and this amendment would prepare us for that funding if it came through. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera
Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $282,555, which will increase the contract amount to
$2,781,326, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
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Councilmember Gase thanked Council for the recognition of National Adoption month and for supporting him during
his appointment on Council.
Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the National League of Cities Conference and stated the
Esplanade is having a positive economic impact on Port Angeles, especially for businesses considering locating in the
Mayor Kidd spoke regarding her attendance at the National League of Cities Conference and thanked
Councilmember Gase for serving the Council during his short appointment.
Deputy Mayor Collins spoke regarding the Annual Dry Creek Luncheon and his plans to attend again this year.
Councilmember Bruch spoke regarding her attendance at the Pathways to Success seminar regarding economic
development and stated November is also Native American Heritage month.
Councilmember Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance at the Red Cross Heroes dinner and their recognition of our
Light Operations Manager Jim Klarr for his heroics in saving a life on the 8th Street Bridge. No other reports were
Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports in the packet. He asked Council to provide direction to staff regarding
the monthly Farmers' Market Council table sessions for the winter months. Council agreed to continue the sessions
during the whole year. Staff also provided an update on the recent rash of graffiti in the City.
It was determined there was no need for an executive session.
Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:51 p.m.
Cherie Kidd, Mayor Jan Hurd, City Clerk
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