HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/04/2014!TANGBL]3S W A S Ni 1' 0 NH LN . r, , A . CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street February 04, 2014 SPECIAL MEETING — 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and /or convenience of the Council and the public. Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:15 P.M. — Executive Session under authority ofRCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS C. PUBLIC COMMENT - D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS - E. CONSENT AGENDA / Approve 1. City Council Minutes: December 17t1, 2013, January 7th 2014 and January 21st, 2014 E -1 2. Expenditure Approval List: 01/11/2014 to 01/24/2014 for $3,792,088.52 E -14 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments l Approve E-3 1 4. Council Committee Assignment Updates /Approve E -33 5. WTIP Esplanade Construction Contract /Approve Final Change Orders 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the amount of $82,857.01 and authorize release of retainage bond E -35 F. QUASI- JUDICIAL MATTERS — REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) None G. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. None H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance / Conduct 2 "a Reading /Adopt Ordinance H -1 2. City Hall Hours Ordinance Amendment / Conduct 1st reading / Continue to February 18th H -6 3. Apprenticeship Program Ordinance/ Conduct 1st reading /Continue to February 18th H -11 February 4, 2014 Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 . RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Statement of Intent -Use of Sales and Utility Tax from the Landfill Bluff Project I -1 J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. West Monroe Partners AMI Project Update / Information only J -1 2. U.S. Coast Guard Land Use Agreement / Approve J -3 K FINANCE None L. COUNCIL REPORTS - M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Public Works & Utilities Construction Status Report M -1 2. Public Works & Utilities Grants & Loans Status Report M -2 3. Public Works & Utilities Quarterly Consultant Report M -4 4. 2013 Work Plan — 4th Quarter Updates M -24 5. Port Angeles Downtown Association — 4th Quarter Update M -55 6. Parks & Recreation Beautification Commission Minutes M -56 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION O. ADJOURNMENT - PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. February 4, 2014 Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. DATE OF MEETING: February 4, 2014 You are encouraged to sign below if: CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and /or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. MMEREMMOTAMWRE G:\Group \Clerk\Forms \Council Attendance Roster.doc Page 2 of 19 Quebec -based magazine La .raison da 21e siecle asked physician Draviri 0 cjizefnderr, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NV's School of Public Health, to comment an open letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devvir on May 24 2011 This letter claimed wireless smart meters pose no risk to public health. More than fifty international experts contributed to the following rebuild Dr David 4. Carpenter, founder, University at Albany (NY) School of Public Health We, the undersigned are a group of scientists and health professionals who together have coauthored hundreds of peer- reviewed studies on the health effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We wish to correct some of the gross misinformation found in the letter regarding wireless "smart" meters that was published in the Montreal daily Le Devo•fr on May 24. Submitted by a group Quebec engineers, physicists and chemists, the letter in question reflects an obvious lack of understanding of the science behind the health impacts of the radiofrequency (RF) /microwave EMFs emitted by these meters. The statement that « Thousands of studies, both epidemiological and experimental in humans, show no increase in cancer cases as a result of exposure to radio waves of low intensify... » is false (1). In fact, only a few such studies — two dozen case - control studies of mobile phone use, certainly not thousands, have reported no elevations of cancer, and most were funded by the wireless industry. In addition, these reassuring studies contained significant experimental design flaws, mainly the fact that the populations followed were too small and were followed for a too short period of time, Non industry - funded studies have clearly demonstrated a significant increase in cancer cases among individuals who have suffered from prolonged exposure to low -level microwaves, transmitted notably by . radio antennas. The effects were best documented in meta- analyses that have been published and that include grouped results from several different studies: these analyses consistently showed an increased risk of brain cancer among regular users of a cell phone who have been exposed to microwaves for at least ten years. Children and youths are especially vulnerable (2). For example, the 2009 Hardell- Carlberg study reported a consistent association between use of mobile or cordless phones and two types of head tumors, astrocytoma grade I -TV and acoustic neuroma. The authors »found an especially high risk for persons that started use of mobile or cordless phones before the age of 20 years, although based on low numbers », Brain Cancer Rates Furthermore, the argument that brain cancer rates do not indicate an overall increase in incidence is not evidence that cell phones are safe: the latency for brain cancer in adults after environmental exposure can be long, up to 20 -30 years. Most North Americans haven't used cell phones extensively for that long. The evidence of the link between long -term cell phone use and brain cancer comes primarily from Northern Europe, where cell phones have been commonly used since the 1990s. Nevertheless, the most recent collection of primary brain tumors mined from pathology units in Australia showed brain cancer incidence rose by about 35% between 2000 and 2008 in the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales (total population : more than 7 million). ht€pse // isonsaine.ea/sante -et- seourite /eiecfrc sir og /smartemeters- corTeeting- gross- rrnisinf,.. 10/31/2013 Page 3 of 19 In May 2011, after reviewing the published scientific literature regarding cancers affecting cell phone users, the International Agency for Research on Cancer {].ARC) classified radiofrecTuency radiation as a 2B, possible human carcinogen. Despite the absence of scientific consensus, the evidence is sufficiently compelling for any cautious parent to want to reduce their loved one's exposure to RF/microwave emissions as much as possible, as recommended by various countries such as Austria, Belgium, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom. Electrosensitivity Public fears about wireless smart meters are well - founded. They are backed by various medical authorities such as those of the Santa Cruz County(California) Public Health, Department. These authorities are worried about the growing number of citizens who say they have developed electrohypersensitivity (EHS), especially since for many of them, the symptoms developed after the installation of such meters (it takes some time for most people to link the two events). Since the tam of the millennium, people are increasingly affected by ambient microwaves due to the growing popularity of wireless devices such as cell phones and Wi -Fi Internet. Therefore, the mass deployment of smart grids could expose large chunks of the general population to alarming risk scenarios without their consent. According to seven surveys done in six European countries between 2002 and 2004, about 10% of Europeans have become electrosensitive. The most famous person to publicly reveal her electrosensitivity is Ciro Harlem Brundtland, formerly Prime Minister of Norway and retired Director of the World Health Organization (WHO). While there is no consensus on the origins and mechanisms of EHS, many physicians and other specialists around the world have become aware that EHS symptoms (neurological dermatological, acoustical, etc.) seem to be triggered by exposure to EMI' levels well below current international exposure limits, which are established solely on short - term thermal effects (3). Organizations such as the Austrian Medical Association and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine have recognized that the ideal way to treat of EHS is to reduce EMF exposure. Therefore, caution is warranted because the growing variety of RF /microwave emissions produced by many wireless devices such as smart meters have never been tested for their potential biological effects. Well -known bioeffects While the specific pathways to cancer are not fully understood, it is scientifically unacceptable to deny the weight of the evidence regarding the increase in cancer eases in humans that are exposed to high levels of RF/microwave radiation. The statement that tt there is no established mechanism by which a radio wave could induce an adverse effect on human tissue other than by heating » is incorrect, and reflects a lack of awareness and understanding of the scientific literature on the subject. In fact, more than a thousand studies done on low intensity, high frequency, non- ionizing radiation, going back at least fifty years, show that some biological mechanisms of effect do not involve heat. This radiation sends signals to living tissue that stimulate biochemical changes, which can generate various symptoms and may lead to diseases such as cancer. Even. though RF /microwaves don't have the energy to directly break chemical bonds, unlike ionizing radiation such as X -rays, there is scientific evidence that this energy can cause DNA damage indirectly leading to cancer by a combination of biological effects. Recent publications have documented the generation of free radicals, increased permeability of the blood brain barrier allowing potentially toxic chemicals to enter the brain, induction of genes, as well as altered electrical and metabolic activity in human brains upon application of cell phone RF /microwaves similar to those produced by smart meters. These effects are cumulative and depend on many factors including RF /microwave levels, frequency, waveform, exposure time, biovariability between individuals and combination with other toxic agents. Clear evidence that these microwaves are indeed bioactive has been shown by the fact that low - intensity EMFs have proven clinically useful in some circumstances. Pulsed EMFs have long been used to successfully treat bone fractures that are resistant to other forms of therapy. More recently, frequency - specific, amplitude- modulated EMFs have been found useful to treat advanced carcinoma and chronic pain. hops: / /eats€ nsaine.ca/ sera. te- et-sec ante/ electrostnog /smart-meters- correoti g- gross- misinf... 10/31/2013 Page 4 of 19 High frequency EMFs such as the microwaves used in cell phones, smart meters, Wi -Fi and cordless "DECT" phones, appear to be the most damaging when used coimnortiy. Most of their biological effects, including symptoms of electrohypersensitivity, can be seers in the damage done to cellular membranes by the loss of structurally - important calcium ions. Prolonged exposure to these high frequencies may eventually lead to cellular malfunction and death. Furthermore, malfunction of the parathyroid gland, located in the neck just inches from where one holds a cell phone, may actually cause electrohypersensitivity in some people by reducing the background level of calcium ions in the blood. RF /microwave radiation is also known to decrease the production of melatonin, which protects against cancer, and to promote the growth of existing cancer cells. Early warning scientists attacked In recommending that the Precautionary Principle be applied in EMF matters, the European Environment Agency's Director Jacqueline McGlade wrote in 2009: "We have noted from previous health hazard . histories such as that of lead in petrol, and methyl mercury, that `early warning' scientists frequently suffer from discrimination, from loss of research funds, and from unduly personal attacks on their scientific integrity. It would be surprising if this is not already a feature of the present EMF controversy... » Such unfortunate consequences have indeed occurred. The statement in the Le Devoir letter that « if we consider that a debate should take place, it should focus exclusively on the effects of cell phones on health » is basically an acknowledgement that there is at least some reason to be concerned about cell phones. However, while the immediate exposure from a cell phone is of much greater intensity than the exposure from smart meters, cell phone use is temporary. Smart teeters As Australian Associate Professor of neurosurgery ''dint G. Khurana reports, adverse neurological effects have been reported in people who sustain close proximity to wireless meters, especially under 10 feet (3 metres). A wireless smart meter produces radiofrequency microwave radiation with two antennas in approximately the same frequency range (900 MHz to 24 GHz) as a typical cell tower. But, depending on how close it is to occupied space within a home, a smart meter can cause much higher RF exposures than cell towers commonly do. If a smart meter is located on a common wall with a bedroom or kitchen rather than a garage wall, for example, the RF exposure can be the same as being within 200 to 600 feet distance of a cell tower with multiple carriers. With both cell towers and smart meters, the entire body is immersed by microwaves that go out in all directions, which increases the risk of overexposure to many sensitive organs such as the eyes and testicles. With a cell phone, people are exposed to microwaves primarily in the head and neck (unless using speaker mode), and only when the device is turned on or in standby mode. Wireless smart meters typically produce atypical, relatively potent and very short pulsed RF/microwaves whose biological effects have never been fully tested. They emit these millisecond -long RF bursts on average 9,600 times a day with a maximum of 190,000 daily transmissions and a peak level emission two and a half times higher than the stated safety signal, as the California utility Pacific Gas & Electric recognized before that State's Public Utilities Commission. Thus people in proximity to a smart meter are at risk of significantly greater aggregate of RF /microwave exposure than with a cell phone, not to mention the cumulative exposure received by people living near multiple meters mounted together, pole- mounted routers or utility collector meters using a third antenna to relay RF signals from 500 to 5,000 homes, A technical study performed by Sage Associates in California indicates that RF levels from various scenarios depicting normal smart meter installation and operation may violate even the out-of-date US public safety standards which only consider acute thermal effects. This can happen when a person stands close to the meter to read the power consumption, or touches it, or shades the meter face with a hand to better read it. Emissions are also increased by reflective materials, such as stainless steel, other metals and mirrors, which can re- radiate stronger that the otherwise unaltered background. Microwaves are absorbed and dissipated by partially conductive materials, such as cement and special RF shielding paints and fabrics. https:// maisonsaine. caisante- et- securite /eleotrosmog /smart - meters - correcting _gross- misinf ., 10/31/2013 Page 5 of 19 In addition to the erratic bursts of modulated microwaves emitted by wireless smart meters transferring usage data to electric, gas and water utilities, wireless as well as wired smart (powerline communication) meters are also a major source of "dirty electricity" (electrical interference of high frequency voltage transients typically of kilohertz frequencies). Some scientists, such as American epidemiologist Sam Mi lh.am, believe that many of the health complaints about smart meters may also be caused by dirty electricity generated by the « switching » power supply activating all smart meters. Since the installation of filters to reduce dirty electricity circulating on house wiring has been found to relieve symptoms of EHS in some people, this method should be considered among the priorities aimed at reducing potential adverse impacts. Indeed, the Salzburg State (Austria) Public Health Department confirms its concern about the potential public health risk when in coming years almost every electric wire and device will emit such transient electric fields in the kilohertz -range due to wired smart meters. Rather be safe than sorry The apparent adverse health effects noted with smart meter exposure are likely to be further exacerbated if smart appliances that use wireless communications become the norm and further increase unwarranted exposure. To date, there have been few independent studies of the health effects of such sources of more continuous but lower intensity microwaves. However, we know after decades of studies of hazardous chemical substances, that chronic exposure to low concentrations of microwaves can cause equal or even greater harm than an acute exposure to high concentrations of the same microwaves. This is why so many scientists and medical experts urgently recommend that measures following the Precautionary Principle be applied immediately — such as using wired meters -- to reduce biologically inappropriate microwave exposure. We are not advocating the abolishment ofRF technologies, only the use of common sense and the development and implementation of best practices in using these technologies in order to reduce exposure and risk of health hazards. (1) • Scientific papers on EMF health effects (2) On Nov, 19 2012, we struck from this letter an error propagated in the media claiming that « In May 2012, the U.K.'s Office of National Statistics reported a 50 percent increase in incidence of frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children between 1999 and 2009. » (3) Explanation and studies on electrosensi.tivity (4) Governments and organizations that ban or warn against wireless technology • David O. Carpenter, MD, Director, Institute for Health & the Environment, University at Albany, USA • Franz Adllcofer, M.D., Chairman of the Pandora Foundation, Coordinator of the European Reflex Report an DNA- dama_e b cell hone radiation, Neuendorf, Germany • M. S. H. Al Saiameh, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan • Jennifer Armstrong, MD, Past President, American Society for Environmental Medicine, Founder, Ottawa Environmental Health Clinic, Ontario, Canada • Pierre L. Auger, MD, Occupational medicine, Multiclinique des accidentes 1464, Montreal, Quebec, Canada • Igor Beliaev, PhD, Head research scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak republic • Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, Director Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazaini Institute, Bologna, Italy • Dominique Belpomine, MD, Director of the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute, Brussels, Belgium • Martin Blank, PhD, former President, Bioelectromagnetics Society, Special Lecturer, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA • Barry Breger, MD, Centre d' integration somatosophique (orthomolecular medicine), Montreal, Quebec • Siinona Carrubba, PhD, Prof. Biophysics, Daemen College, Amherst, NY, Associate Researcher, Neurology, Buffalo General Hospital , Buffalo, NY • John Cline, MD, Professor, Institute for Functional Medicine, Federal Way, WA, USA, Medical Director, Cline Medical Centre, Nanaimo, BC, Canada httns: / /rnaisonsaine.ea/ sante- et -secu rite /electrosmog /smartameters -co ecting- gross- misinf .. 10/31/2013 Page 6 of 19 • Alvaro Augusto de Salles, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil • Christos Georgiou., Prof. Biochemistry, Biology Department, University of Patras, Greece • Andrew Goldsworthy, PhD, Honorary lecturer in Biology, Imperial College, London, UK • Claudia Gomez- Perretta, MD, Director, Centro de Investigation, Hospital Universitario LA Fe, Valencia, Spain • Livia Giuliani, PhD, Senior Researcher, National Insurance Institute (NAIL), Chief of Radiation and Ultrasounds Research Unit, Rome, Italy • Yury Grigoriev, PhD, Chair Russian National Committee on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russia • Settimio Grimaldi, PhD, Director, Institute of Translational Pharmacology (Neurobiology and molecular medicine), National Research Council, Rome, Italy • Magda Havas, PhD, Centre for Health Studies, Trent University, Canada • Lennart Harden, MD, Professor of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden • Denis L. Henshaw, PhD, Professor of Physics, Head of The Human Radiation Effects Group, University of Bristol, UK • Ronald B. Herberrna.n, MD, Chairman of Board, Environmental Health Trust, and Founding Director emeritus, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, USA • Donald Hillman, PhD, Dairy Science, Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, USA • Isaac Jamieson, PhD, Environmental Science (electromagnetic phenomena in the built environment), independent architect, scientist and environmental consultant, Hertfordshire, UK • 011e Johansson, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience (Experimental Dermatology Unit), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden • Yw-y Kronn, PhD, Soviet authority on physics of nonlinear vibrations and high frequency electromagnetic vibrations, founder of Energy Tools International, Oregon, USA • Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, Associate of Professor of Neurosurgery, Australian National University, Australia • Henry Lai, PhD, Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA • Abraham R. Liboff, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA • Don Maisch, PhD, Researcher on radiation exposure standards for telecommunications frequency, EMFacts Consultancy, Tasmania, Australia • Erica Mallery- Blythe, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician, England • Andrew A. Marino, MD, Professor of Neurology, LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA • Karl Maret, MD, President, Dove Health Alliance, Aptos, CA, USA • Fiorenzo Marinelli, PhD, Researcher on biological effects of EMFs, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council, Bologna, Italy • Andrew Michrowski, PhD, Director, Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Ottawa, Canada • Sam Milham, MD, former chief epidemiologist, Washington State Department of Health, USA • Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD, Director, Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley • Gerd Oberfeld,.MD, Public Health Department, Salzburg State Government, Austria • Mike O'Carroll, PhD, Professor Emeritus (Applied Mathematics), University of Sunderland, UK • Jerry L. Phillips, PhD, Director, Center for Excellence in Science, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, USA • John Podd, PhD, Professor of Psychology (experimental neuropsychology), Massey University, New - Zeland • William J. Rea, MD, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, founder of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Tx, USA • Elihu D. Richter, MD, Professor, Hebrew University- Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel • Leif G. Salford, MD, Senior Professor of Neurosurgery, Lund University, Sweden • Nesrin Seyhan, MD, Founder and Chair of Biophysics, Medical Faculty of Gazi University, Turkey • Cyril W. Smith, PhD, lead author of " Electromagnetic Man ", retired from Electronic and Electrical his: / /maisonsaine.calsante pet- securiteklectrosmog/ smart - meters correcting- grass- rnisinf .. 10/31/2013 Page 7 of 19 Engineering, University of Salford, UK • Morando Soffritti, MD,Scientific Director of the European Foundation for Oncology and Environmental Sciences "B. Rama2zini" in. Bologna, Italy • Carlos Sosa, MD, surgeon affected by the Microwave syndrome, Medellin, Columbia • Antoinette "Toni" Stein, PhD, Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE -EMF Working Croup), Co- Coordinator, Berkeley, CA, USA • Stanislaw Szmigielski, MD, PhD Professor of Pathophysiology, Consulting Expert, former director of Mserowave Safety, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland • Lauraine Vivian, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Primary Health Care Directorate, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa. • Bradford S. Weeks, MD, Director, The Weeks Clinic, Clinton, WA, USA • Stelios A..Zinelis, MD, Vice- President, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece Coordination: Andre Fauteux, Publisher and Editor in chief, la Matson du 21e siecle magazine, Sainte - Adele, Quebec, Canada. Articles similaires: 1. ' Electrosensitivi ty caused by chronic nervous system arousal - Dr Roy Fox 2. Actualites electrosmog: cellulaire et cancer 3. Electrosmog: twelve ways of avoiding it 4. Compteurs intelligents: les dernieres actualites web Mots -cle: brain cancer, cancer, microwaves, quebec, radiofrequency, smart meters Categoric: Actualites, Electrosmog, Hypersensibilites environnementales, Maisons saines propos de l'auteur (Profil de I'auteur) Articles similaires: 1. Flectrosensitivity caused by chronic nervous system arousal — Dr Roy Fox 2. Actualites electrosrnog: cellulaire et cancer 3. Electrosmog: twelve ways of avoiding it 4. Compteurs intelligents: les dernieres actualites web Jnscri'ez -volts Si vows avez aline cet article, inscrivez-vous pour en recevoir d'autres similaires. I adrosse courrie0 J soumettre Confidentialite garantie. Nous ne partageons jamais volre info. Commentaires (13) URL de retrolien 1 Flux RSS de conch entaires Sites qui pointent vers cet article 1. C om pteurs intelligents : cles experts denoncent la « desinformation flagrance » 1 11 juillet 2012 httus:l /maisonsai e.ca/sante- et -secu rite /electrosm. cog /sr art- meters - correcting- grass- misinf... 10/31/2013 Page 8 of 19 2. Smart Meters: Correcting.the Gross Misinformation ! EMFacts Consultancy 1 11 juillet 2012 3.' Right Reason news update July 12, 2012 1 Right Reason 1 12 juillet 2012 4, Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation - Stop Smart Meters! (uk)1 12 juillet 2012 5. Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation 1 Fairfield Safe Meters 1 12 juillet 2012 .6. Gross Misinformation on Public Health Threat Refuted by Medical Professionals and Scientists » Naperville Smart Meter Awareness 1 13 juillet 2012 7. Smart Meter Dangers: The Latest from Dr. David 0. Carpenter 1 Conscious Life News 1 14 juillet 2012 8. Doctors' Warning: American Academy of Environmental Medicine Recommends Patients Avoid Smart Meter Radiation j Stop Smart Meters! 1 14 juillet 2012 9. Major Physicians Group Implores Exemption From Smart Meters - Are You On the List? 1 Barking WindowTm j 19 juillet 2012 10. Major Physicians Group Implores Exemption From Smart Meters - Are You On the List? I Pakalert Press 120 juillet 2012 11. Doctors' Warning:.Anierican Academy of Environmental Medicine Recommends Patients Avoid Smart Meter Radiation 1 Sovereign Independent UK 120 juillet 2012 12. Doctors Warning: "Avoid Smart Meter Radiation" 1 Barking WindowTM 121 juillet 2012 13. Smart Meter Dangers: The Health Hazards of Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure I Next Level Nutrition 1 1 aoait 2012 14. EMF Killing Fields « 3edi Command 1 16 wilt 2012 15. Smart meters, not safe, not smart « East.Oippsland Action Group 1 17 aorlit 2012 16. A must read for all concerned about Smart Meters I Stop Smart Meters Australia 1 18 wilt 2012 17. Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation « Stop Making Sense 121 ao>3t 2012 18. Sachverstandigenbtiro Baubiologie Plauen » Elog Archive » Gesundheitsexperten aus 20 Landern warn.en vor „Stuart Meter" 14 octobre 2012 19. CEP's Smart Meter Protest in Encinitas, CA I Center for Electrosmog Prevention 1 5 octobre 2012 20. Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation (Microwave Weapons, EMF, Biological Warfare) UN Agenda 21 (U.S. Army/Navy/AF/Marines/Fusion Centers /Police- Traitors) 1 USA COINTELPRO VICTIM OF THE PATRIOT ACT 1 19 octobre 2012 21. The End of the Roads After 15 ieation ste s down. If ou haven't followed his work 1 suggest that you take the time to view his very last compilation. Go well Jean!) Hugs, -J 1 2012: What's the 'real' truth? 122 octobre 2012 22. Massachusetts Utilities continue implementing Smart Meters 1 M2M Magazine 1 5 novembre 2012 23. Hurricane Sandy 1 -0 Not -So- Smart Grid. Poor Response to Recent Storm Power Outages & Continued Warnings 13y Medical Experts - Stop Smart Meters! (uk) 1 5 novembre 2012 24. Health Experts Caution About Smart Meters « Mindceptions 1 21 novembre 2012 25. Sarasota Newspaper Caught Censoring Expert's "Smart" Meter Warnings 1 129 novembre 2012 26. Massachusetts Utilities Continue Widespread InAplenzentation of "Smart Meters" Despite Poor Response to Recent Storm Power Outa.ges & Health Warnings - (Take Back Your Power) 1 30 novembre 2012 27, Massachusetts Utilities continue with Smart Meters I Wireless Data Solutions 13 decembre 2012 28. Smart Meters - Correcting the Gross Misinformation - Waking Times : Waking Times 2 mars 2013 29. Alternative News Network - Smart Meters - Correcting the Gross Misinformation 12 mars 2013 30. Stop Smart Meters Being Imposed On Us 1 Purehealth Clinic 1 18 mars 2013 31. Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation 125 mars 2013 32. Smart Meter Health issues - Real or Psychosomatic? 1 Stop Smart Meters Australia 127 mars 2013 33. Bulletin du COLPE #12 :.Envoi special sur i'dlectro- desinfoniiation 1 Lanaudiere Refuse 1 16 juin 2013 34. I UV 1 Letter from EcoTruth Seattle to Seattle Utilities on "Smart Meters" 128 juin 2013 35. NEW FLASH: WI opt out law proposed today J Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin 1 10 juillet 2013 36. Natural.News --- Homeowner Files Class Action Lawsuit To Stop Smart Meters - 7 August 2013 I Lucas 2012 Infos 17 am at 2013 37. Forbidden News » Homeowner files class action lawsuit to stop smart meters 1 7 aofrt 2013 38. Homeowner files class action lawsuit to stop smart meters !Natural Health Cures Remedies That Cure 1 7 aoiat 2013 https:/ /maisortsaine.ca/sante- et- seeuri to /electrosinog /sfart Peters- Correcting- gross- misiraf .. 10/31 /2013 February 4, 2014 Dear Port Angeles City Council Members: I want to respectfully address the council and also your consultant from West Monroe Partners regarding our City's Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project or what is commonly known as smart meters. 1 ask you to call for an end to smart meters in our town. It would be the right thing to do on behalf of our health, especially the health of children, pregnant women, and the medically vulnerable. I'm talking about you and your families, too. It would stop the big black boot of surveillance and remote control from entering our homes, and violating our Fourth Amendment rights, through the use of what are technically robots. I'm talking about smart meters. For the record I do not give consent to the installation of a smart meter on my home, neither for electric power usage, nor for water. 1 would dearly love to remove the hideous signs and locks which I've been forced to use in order to block the installation of smart meters an my home. Here are the words of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, words precious to me and to all free Americans, as stated in the Bill of Rights: Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Thank you. Sincerely, Virginia Leinart 3002 S. Peabody Port Angeles, WA 98362 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 17, 2013 CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Nelson and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, C. Delikat, K. Bogues, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher, B. Olson, N. West, D. Bellamente and B. Braudrick. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Hanna Brown, Mayor for A Day, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Mayor For A Day Recognition Mayor Kidd presented Hanna Brown, Port Angeles Stevens Middle School student, with a Certificate of Recognition for her essay contest win and designation as "Mayor For a Day" for December 17, 2013. 2. Recognition — Councilmember Brooke Nelson Mayor Kidd presented Councilmember Nelson with a Certificate of Recognition for her four years on the City Council and thanked her for her dedication and service to the community Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 6:07 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:19 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT William Hunt, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to removing trees at Lincoln Park, and stated the Port of Port Angeles should have expanded the airport to the west. Dan Maguire, Director of Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts, spoke in favor of purchasing an event tent with Lodging Tax Funds for use in the upcoming West End Park planned as part of the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project. LATE ITEMS Manager McKeen added the COPS Grant acceptance to the agenda under the Finance Section, K5. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Kidd pulled Consent Agenda items OPSCAN Engineering Study, and Audio Visual and Sound Equipment Upgrades for Council Chambers and Jack Pittis Conference Room, for further discussion at the request of Councilmember Bruch. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes: November 19th December 3rd, and December 10�', 2013 2. Expenditure Approval List: 11/23/2013 to 12/06/2013 for $4,560,372.35 3. Olycap Senior Nutrition Program Agreement / Approve 4. Underground Cable Replacement, Project CL02 -2011 / Final Acceptance 5. C Street Extension/Stormwater Rehabilitation, Projects GG02 -2003, WT02 -2009, DR02 -2011 / Final Acceptance PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — DECEMBER 17, 2013 6. 2012 Alley Paving, Project TR04 -05 / Final Acceptance 7. Olympic Peninsula Humane Society Contract / Approve 2014 Services Agreement with OPHS for $41, 648 8. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointment / Appoint 9. Electric Utility Easements /Approve 10. WSDOT Reciprocal Maintenance Agreement Amendment No. 1 and 2014 Task Assignment /Approve 11. Stormwater Education and Outreach Services Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County / Approve Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County in an annual amount not to exceed $8, 290 12. Utility Advisory Committee — Medic 1 Representative/ Appoint 13. Port Angeles Fire Department Purchasing Agreement — Defibrillator / Authorize the City Manager to sign a Purchasing agreement as consistent with recommendation...Approve Interlocal Agreement with National Purchasing Partners and Purchase Agreement with Zoll Medical Corp. for $34, 401.26 14. Port Angeles Fire Department Purchasing Agreement — Thermal Imaging Cameras / Approve Purchase Order with SeaWestern Firefighting Equipment in the amount of $30, 894 Motion carried 7 -0. 15. OPSCAN Engineering Study/ Approve contract with ADCOMM Engineering Company for $73,350 Police Chief Gallagher provided a brief explanation of the advantages of working with ADCOMM Engineering Company to conduct the study now, and described how this would provide needed information regarding regionalization between the Jefferson and Clallam County dispatch centers. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Nelson to: Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract, and make minor modifications as necessary, with ADCOMM Engineering Company in the amount of $73,350.00. Motion carried 7 -0. 16. Audio Visual and Sound Equipment Upgrades for Council Chambers and Jack Pittis Conference Room / Approve purchase agreement with AVI -SPL, not to exceed $35, 999.25 Clerk Hurd provided a brief explanation regarding the upgrades needed for both the Council Chambers and Jack Pittis Conference Room, and stated the upgrades were included in the 2013 Budget and have been planned for a few years. Chief Financial Officer Olson noted the Council had also approved of the project as part of the Capital Facilities Plan adopted earlier in 2013. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase agreement with AVI -SPL for the equipment specified in the exhibit attached to this memo in an amount not to exceed $35,999.25, and to make minor modifications to the agreement as may be necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. ORDINANCES 1. 2013 Budget Amendment #3 Chief Financial Officer Olson introduced the proposed amendment and described many of the changes being made, explaining the need for the amendment. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3492 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the 2013 budget and funds. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Di Guilio to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — DECEMBER 17, 2013 2. 2013 Fund Management Chief Financial Officer Olson provided a brief explanation of the need to close funds and make changes to others. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3493 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, managing special funds of the City, and discharging funds from the 2001 General Obligation Bond Refunding Fund (Fund #211), authorizing closure of Water Treatment Plant Fund ( #412) and the Cultural Resources Fund (Fund #504), and amending the Solid Waste Utility fund, Ordinance 2317. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Capacity Provisioning Inc. Agreement Manager McKeen provided a brief history regarding the City's current contract with Capacity Provisioning Inc. (CPI), for fiber network connections and services, and CPI's plans to sell their company. He discussed the City's alternatives regarding the sale of CPI and the current purchase offer from Wave Broadband to buy CPI. Lee Afflerbach, with Columbia Telecommunications Company provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the City's options to move forward with telecommunication services. He recommended moving forward with the current offer from Wave Broadband which would extend the City's current contract with CPI for seven more years under a contract with Wave Broadband. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Nelson to: Approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7 -0. 2. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Semi - Annual Report Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Russ Veenema provided a brief presentation regarding the Chamber's Semi - Annual Report. Council discussion followed. 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation Community and Economic Development Director West thanked the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members for their service and discussed the 2014 Applications for Funding received by the committee. He described the Committee's recommendation from the October 24, 2013, committee meeting, and stated the committee had plans to meet more frequently in 2014. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Di Guilio to: Approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Budget as recommended. Motion carried 4 -3, with Whetham, Kidd and Bruch voting in opposition. Manager McKeen provided a brief update regarding economic development and tourism related activities funding, stating staff has been involved in recent discussions regarding increasing efficiencies and effectiveness as well as a meeting between the funding partners in our area. Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 8:36 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:46 p.m. Page 3 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — DECEMBER 17, 2013 FINANCE 1. Grant Approval for 18th and N Street Overlay Improvements Public Works & Utilities Director Fulton stated the City recently received a grant approval for the 18th Street and N Street Overlay Improvement Project. He described the funding percentages, stating the City would be responsible for 8% of the project's expenses totaling $125,000. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Collins to: Accept the grant for the 18th and N Street Overlay Improvements and authorize the City Manager to execute the grant and other documents required to obtain funding assistance for the project, and 2) authorize the Public Works and Utilities Department to negotiate an interlocal agreement with Clallam County Public Works Engineering for the design of the project. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7 -0. 2. 2014 Cultural Resources and Archaeological Services Agreement Director West provided a brief history of the City's efforts to prioritize cultural resources over the past seven years and discussed the City's plans for continuing this without an in -house archaeologist. He described the proposed agreement and the City's plans to use the agreement on numerous upcoming and current projects. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Bruch to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an as needed agreement with SWCA Environmental Consultants for cultural resources and archaeological services in the not to exceed amounts of $112,000, for calendar year 2014, and $70,000 for calendar year 2015, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. 3. Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modification, Project WW08 -2008 (US06 -01), Change Order 2 Director Fulton described the proposed modification to the existing contract stating the project developed unforeseen conditions which can be common in underwater conditions. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Whetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 2 of the construction contract with Richard Phillips Marine, Inc., for CSO Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Repair /Modifications Project, in the not to exceed amount of $50,000, including applicable taxes. Motion carried 6 -1, with Bruch voting in opposition. 4. Port Security Grant Funding Director West referred to the receipt of a 2009 FEMA grant for the purchase and installation of security cameras to be placed in the Port Angeles waterfront area. Funding for the grant was delayed causing equipment costs to drop saving the Police Department $100,000. Director West seeks to re- appropriate remaining funds to existing FEMA Port Security Grant projects. Fire Training Officer Bogues spoke about the Waterfront Transportation Improvement project and the need to upgrade the emergency radio system currently used by the Clallam County Fire District #2. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Bruch to: Authorize the City manager to approve the re- appropriation of approximately $100,000 of pre- approved FEMA Port Security Grant funding. These funds will be used to augment existing FEMA Port Security Grant projects currently being undertaken by the Community and Economic Development and Fire Departments. Motion carried 7 -0. 5. COPS Grant — Added as Late Item Police Chief Gallagher stated the Police Department recently received a COPS grant and asked the Council to accept the grant and authorize the hiring of an additional officer. He explained the City needed to accept the grant by December 27, 2013, and the City planned to replace some officers in the future. He also clarified the City would only hire additional officers if it was in the best interest of the City. Council discussion followed. Page 4 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — DECEMBER 17, 2013 It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to: Authorize the acceptance of the $125,000 COPS Hiring Program Grant and the hiring of one police officer under the terms of the grant. CDF. Motion carried 6 -1, with Bruch voting in opposition. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Nelson thanked her family for their support during her campaign and service on the Council. She also thanked Council, staff and the community as well. Councilmember Whetham thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service and stated he would be at the Saturday Farmers' Market on January 4th Councilmember Downie also thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service. Mayor Kidd thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service and notified Council of the recent article featuring the City of Port Angeles in the Association of Washington Cities' City Vision Magazine. Deputy Mayor Collins thanked staff for a wonderful Employees Association Holiday party, and spoke regarding his attendance at a recent water rights presentation at Peninsula College, an Eco- system Recovery Network meeting, and an upcoming Economic Development Council meeting this Thursday. He also thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service on the Council. Councilmember Bruch thanked staff for a wonderful Employees Association Holiday party, and thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service. She also agreed to accompany Councilmember Whetham at the January 4th Saturday Farmers Market. Councilmember Di Guilio thanked Councilmember Nelson for her service on Council. INFORMATION Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports in the packet, and had Police Chief Gallagher, Chief Financial Officer Olson and Community and Economic Development Director West provide an update regarding the City Hall improvements. Director West also provided a brief overview of the WTIP West End Park 100% Design. Council discussion followed. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was determined there was no need for an executive session. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 9:47 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Page 5 of 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 7, 2014 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Gase and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, M. Puntenney, H. Greenwood, C. Fulton, B. Olson and N. West. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Kidd announced the need for an Executive Session, under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 55 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:01 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:56 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:56 p.m. CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Gase and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, B. Olson, B. Smith, N. West and R. Hostetler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag CEREMONIAL MATTERS 1. Oaths of Office Clerk Hurd administered the Oath of Office to the following Councilmembers: Council Position #1 — Brad Collins Council Position #2 — Lee Whetham Council Position #3 — Patrick Downie Council Position #4 — Dan Gase PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 7, 2014 2. Mayor & Deputy Mayor Mayor Kidd called for nominations for Mayor. Councilmember Gase nominated Councilmember Di Guilio for Mayor. Councilmember Whetham nominated Mayor Kidd for another term as Mayor. Councilmember Bruch nominated Deputy Mayor Collins for Mayor. Mayor Kidd conducted a roll call vote for Mayor: Councilmember Di Guilio for Mayor: Councilmembers Gase, Downie and Di Guilio voted in favor. Mayor Kidd for Mayor: Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Whetham voted in favor. Deputy Mayor Collins for Mayor: Deputy Mayor Collins and Councilmember Bruch voted in favor. Mayor Kidd conducted two more roll call votes, and the results were the same as the first roll call vote. Mayor Kidd called for nominations for Deputy Mayor. Councilmember Whetham nominated Councilmember Downie for Deputy Mayor. No other nominees were submitted. Mayor Kidd conducted a roll call vote for Deputy Mayor and Councilmember Downie was unanimously elected Deputy Mayor. Mayor Kidd conducted another roll call vote for Mayor: Councilmember Di Guilio for Mayor: Councilmembers Gase, Downie and Di Guilio voted in favor. Mayor Kidd for Mayor: Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Whetham voted in favor. Deputy Mayor Collins for Mayor: Deputy Mayor Collins and Councilmember Bruch voted in favor. Each nominee for Mayor took turns speaking as to why they wanted to be elected Mayor. Mayor Kidd conducted another roll call vote for Mayor: Councilmember Di Guilio for Mayor: Councilmembers Gase, Downie and Di Guilio voted in favor. Mayor Kidd for Mayor: Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Whetham voted in favor. Deputy Mayor Collins for Mayor: Deputy Mayor Collins and Councilmember Bruch voted in favor. Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 6:27 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:42 p.m. Council discussed the possibility of conducting a weighted ballot to eliminate one nominee for Mayor. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Downie to: Conduct a weighted ballot election to eliminate one nominee for Mayor. Motion carried 7 -0. Clerk Hurd distributed paper ballots to each councilmember which required them to list their preference for Mayor in order from 1 to 3. The councilmembers were also required to sign their ballots. Clerk Hurd collected the completed ballots and tallied the votes as follows: #1 —1 point, #2 — 2 points, #3 — 3 points. The candidate with the most points would be eliminated Clerk Hurd read each ballot aloud and the votes were as follows, in order from 1 to 3: Councilmember Gase voted for Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd and Brad Collins; Councilmember Whetham voted for Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio and Brad Collins; Deputy Mayor Downie voted for Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd and Brad Collins; Mayor Kidd voted for Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio and Brad Collins; Councilmember Collins voted for Brad Collins, Dan Di Guilio and Cherie Kidd; Councilmember Bruch voted for Brad Collins, Dan Di Guilio and Cherie Kidd; and Councilmember Di Guilio voted for Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd and Brad Collins Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 7, 2014 Clerk Hurd tallied the votes and Councilmember Collins was eliminated with the highest score of 17. Mayor Kidd received a score of 14, and Councilmember Di Guilio received a score of 11. Mayor Kidd conducted another roll call vote for Mayor: Councilmember Di Guilio for Mayor: Councilmembers Gase, Downie, Bruch and Di Guilio voted in favor. Councilmember Di Guilio was elected Mayor with a majority of the council vote. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Di Guilio pulled item #2, DNR Aquatic Lands Lease Agreement Amendment — West End Park. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Approval List: 12/7/13 to 12/27/13for $4,141,166.15 Motion carried 7 -0. 2. DNR Aquatic Lands Lease Agreement Amendment — West End Park Councilmember Gase stated he would abstain from the vote on the West End Park due to a business property listing. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the amended lease agreement and make minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 6 -0, with Gase abstaining from the vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER: 1. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendment Chief Financial Officer Olson introduced the proposed Utility Discount Ordinance Amendment as well as his Customer Service Manager Rick Hostetler. Manager Hostetler conducted a brief PowerPoint presentation on the proposed ordinance amendment, including staff's recommendation to increase the funding for the program to $150,000, and widen the eligibility requirements to include more applicants. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing. Due to there being no public testimony, Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing to January 21, 2014. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Section 13.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to utility discounts. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Council Committee, Board and Commission Assignments Mayor Di Guilio asked each councilmember to review the assignment list and provide him with an email in the next week regarding desired committees. He instructed staff to bring back the item to the January 21, 2014, City Council meeting. FINANCE: 1. Tumwater Slide Repair, Project TR06 -2009 Public Works and Utilities Director Fulton introduced the Tumwater Slide Repair Project, stating the local company, 2 Grade LLC, was the low bidder on the project and asked Council to award the contract. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Kidd to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the Tumwater Slide Repair, Project TR06 -2009, with 2 Grade, LLC of Port Angeles, WA in the total bid amount of $185,405.00, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. Page 3 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 7, 2014 2. Communications Equipment Purchases — Fire Department Fire Chief Dubuc explained the City had recently saved money on FEMA related projects due to delays in funding. He stated staff wanted to spend this savings on needed radio equipment for the Fire Department. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Downie to: Authorize the City Manager to approve purchase orders in the amount of approximately $130,000 with Day Wireless and Richmond Radio, for the purchase of communications equipment for the Port Angeles Fire Department. Motion carried 7 -0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Gase expressed his excitement to be back on the Council. Councilmember Whetham congratulated Mayor Di Guilio and Deputy Mayor Downie on their new appointments. He also discussed his recent attendance with Councilmember Bruch at the Saturday Farmers' Market Council table. Deputy Mayor Downie thanked Council for his appointment. Councilmember Kidd congratulated Mayor Di Guilio and thanked everyone for her last two years as Mayor. Councilmember Collins discussed his recent visit to Victoria City Hall and his discussion regarding a joint visit to our sister cities in Japan with the City of Victoria in 2015. Councilmember Bruch stated she would be absent at the January 21, 2014, City Council meeting. Mayor Di Guilio thanked Councilmember Kidd for doing a great job serving as Mayor and welcomed all the new and returning Councilmembers. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen stated he would provide Council this week with a Council worksession schedule for the first half of 2014. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 21, 2014 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Deputy Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio [arrived at 5:05 p.m], Deputy Mayor Downie, Councilmembers Collins, Gase, Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Bruch. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, C. Fulton and N. West. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for an Executive Session, under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 50 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:05 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 6:00 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Downie, Councilmembers Collins, Gase, Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Bruch. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, B. Olson, B. Smith, N. West, R. Hostetler and K. Neal. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Excuse Councilmember Brach's absence from the January 21, 2014, City Council meeting. Motion carried 6 -0. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PUBLIC COMMENT: Edna Willadsen requested staff look into excessive wi -fi disturbance noticed by herself and others in the Port Angeles Library. Darryl Wood, 334 Sutter Rd., expressed his concerns over the proposed Flow Control ordinance, stating he thought it would raise costs for citizens and businesses using the transfer station. Peter Ripley spoke regarding his concerns with the AMI project and encouraged Council to cancel this project. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 21, 2014 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember - Councilmember Whetham requested a discussion of Council nametags. This item was added to Other Considerations. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Collins and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Approval List: 12/28/2013 to 01/10/2014 for $440,405.20 2. Substation Lightning Protection, Project CL08 -2012 / Final Acceptance 3. Washington State Patrol Interlocal Agreement — Mobilization Reimbursement 4. Equipment Purchase: Two Police Vehicle Replacements Motion carried 6 -0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance Public Works & Utilities Director Fulton introduced the proposed Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance, ensuring the public it would not increase solid waste rates or recycling. Chief Financial Officer Olson explained the proposed ordinance would help the City secure lower interest rates on bonds for the Solid Waste Utility. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 13.55 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to solid waste flow control. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Council Committee, Board and Commission Assignments — addressed earlier and approved. Mayor Di Guilio introduced the proposed assignments and asked if any Councilmembers needed different assignments. Councilmember Kidd volunteered to be the alternate for the Clallam County Sheriff Citizen Advisory Committee. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Collins to: Approve the assignment list as presented with Councilmember Kidd as the alternate for the Clallam County Sheriff Citizen Advisory Committee. Motion carried 6 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER: 1. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendment Customer Service Manager Hostetler introduced the second reading of the proposed ordinance amendment. He also provided a brief overview of the planned roll -out process to notify our citizens of the updated program. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing. Norma Turner, 3928 Mt. Angeles Rd., thanked Council for the new ordinance, stating the issue of poverty is wide and complex. She expressed her appreciation for a more inclusive criteria list and urged the Council to adopt the ordinance. Mary Van Heusen, 633 E. Whidby, stated she was in favor of the ordinance and it showed compassion for our citizens. She also urged the Council to adopt the ordinance and thanked staff for preparing a plan to get the word out about the new program. Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing. Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 21, 2014 Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3494 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Section 13.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to utility discounts. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Collins to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 6 -0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 2. Bonneville Power Administration Land Use Agreement Director Fulton briefly described the land use agreement stating it formalized the City's use of BPA's easement for an asphalt walking path. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with BPA. Motion carried 6 -0. 3. Landfill Post Closure Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 5 — Contract Extension Engineering Manager Neal conducted a brief presentation regarding the proposed amendment to the Landfill Post Closure Professional Services Agreement, stating the amendment would extend the contract for two years. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a two year extension to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting for landfill engineering services in an amount not to exceed $194,528.92, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. 4. Landfill Bluff Stabilization Phase 1, Project SW02 -2012, Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Amendment No. 6 Engineering Manager Neal provided a brief presentation regarding the amendment to the Professional Services Agreement for the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project, stating additional work needed to be completed to resolve important permitting and design issues for the shoreline work at the seawall and at Dry Creek, as well as groundwater investigations within the east 304 waste cell. Council discussion continued. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Kidd to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 6 to the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $156,731, which will increase the contract amount to $2,938,057, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. 5. Heckman Settlement Agreement Chief Financial Officer Olson explained a recent audit by the Washington State Department of Revenue had determined the lease between the City and Jack Heckman was subject to additional leasehold tax. Manager McKeen introduced the proposed settlement agreement with Jack Heckman regarding leasehold excise tax on the property he leases from the City. He described the agreement as well as the amendment to the lease proposed as part of the resolution to the overall issue. Council discussion followed. Page 3 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JANUARY 21, 2014 It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to: Approve the settlement agreement and the lease amendment and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 -0. 6. Council Nametags Councilmember Whetham requested Councilmembers have nametags to wear when appropriate. Clerk Hurd agreed to order new name tags for all Councilmembers. FINANCE: 1. PAFD Ambulance Purchase / Award Contract Fire Chief Dubuc introduced the proposed purchase of a new ambulance for the Fire Department stating one of the three current ambulances was in need of replacement, and described the new cost saving measure which could be utilized with the new ambulance. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Whetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Braun Northwest Inc., of Chehalis, Washington, for a custom 2014 ambulance in the amount of $156,195.86. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 -0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Di Guilio encouraged Council to accept the recent Mutsu City invitation received for the City Council to come to Mutsu City in 2015, for the 20 -year Sister City anniversary. Councilmember Gase spoke regarding his attendance at the Peninsula College Maier Hall Art Collection dedication, and a recent tour of the City Fire Department. Deputy Mayor Downie also spoke regarding his attendance at the Peninsula College Maier Hall Art Collection dedication and the recent Mutsu City delegation events. Councilmember Collins spoke regarding his recent work with Feiro Marine Life Center and the new developer looking to purchase the property next to the West End Park location. He also expressed his support for a 2015 visit to Mutsu City. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports in the packet and reminded Council of the upcoming Council Worksession regarding the Long Range Financial Plan on January 28, 2014. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor AMERICAN CRUISE LINE CLALLAM COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE ELECSYS INT'L CORP FIRE SERVICE TESTING CO, INC LEXIPOL LLC MARLENE MOORE STEVE JOHNSON PUBLIC ENGINES WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Legislative AWC -ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGCY City Manager Department DANIEL MONTANA WESTSIDE PIZZA PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER City Manager Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR PRIMA - PUBLIC RISK MGMT ASSN City Manager Department CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DATA BASE City Manager Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Finance Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES MICROFLEX INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Description Account Number AMERICAN CRUISE LINE 001- 0000 - 213.10 -90 CLALLAM COUNTY AUDITORS 0 001- 0000 - 213.10 -90 RADIX MAINTENANCE Tests TESTS MEMBERSHIPS Deposit Refund 001- 0000 - 237.00 -00 001- 0000 - 237.00 -00 001- 0000 - 237.00 -00 001- 0000 - 237.00 -00 001- 0000 - 239.93 -00 Deposit Refund 001- 0000 - 239.93 -00 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIN 001- 0000 - 237.00 -00 4TH Q LEASEHOLD TAXES 001- 0000 - 237.50 -00 CPLS Oct, Nov, Dec 001- 0000 - 229.60 -00 13 Seizure & ForfeitureF 001- 0000 - 229.70 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Chamber /PABA -West 001 - 1160- 511.31 -01 Mayor & Council Division Total: Legislative Department Total: 2014 AWC MEMBERSHIP 001 - 1210 - 513.49 -10 Scan Chgs 001 - 1210 - 513.42 -10 2014 ASSESSMENT 001 - 1210 - 513.49 -10 City Manager Office Division Total: Employee Apprec Lunch 001 - 1211 - 513.10 -19 Employee Apprec Lunch 001 - 1211 - 513.10 -19 Superior Perf Lunch 001 - 1211 - 513.10 -19 Customer Commitment Division Total: Scan Chgs 001 - 1220 - 516.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 - 1220 - 516.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 - 1220 - 516.31 -60 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Human Resources Voter Registration Costs Scan Chgs Shredding Chgs City Clerk City Manager Department Scan Chgs Finance Administration Scan Chgs Dec Tax Audit FINANCIAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 - 1220- 516.49 -01 001 - 1220- 516.49 -01 Division Total: 001 -1230- 514.41 -50 001 - 1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 2010- 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.41 -50 001- 2023 - 514.41 -50 001- 2023 - 514.31 -01 Invoice Amount 3,920.00 74.00 - 21.34 - 96.18 - 77.28 - 239.40 54.00 130.00 - 380.38 13,759.73 1,247.00 1,015.80 $19,385.95 $19,385.95 16.00 $16.00 $16.00 11,818.00 0.81 8,595.00 $20,413.81 55.61 99.14 56.69 $211.44 9.93 114.83 549.58 385.00 - 385.00 $674.34 27,649.49 13.25 227.54 $27,890.28 $49,189.87 6.68 $6.68 1.71 11.06 1,200.00 22.18 Page 1 E - 14 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Finance Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DELL MARKETING LP ELECSYS INT'L CORP INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR LEXISNEXIS SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP Finance Department OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Finance Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSN Attorney FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES Attorney CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSN Attorney BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Community Development CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES PAUL L. PATRICK SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP Description Account Number OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001- 2023 - 514.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001- 2023 - 514.31 -01 HECKMAN MANAGEMENT AGRMN 001- 2023 - 514.49 -50 Accounting Division Total: Scan Chgs 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 001- 2025 - 514.31 -60 RADIX MAINTENANCE 001- 2025 - 514.48 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 001- 2025 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 001- 2025 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 001- 2025 - 514.31 -60 RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 001- 2025 - 514.31 -60 Person Searches Copier Charges OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Customer Service PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) Copier Charges Copier Charges Copier Charges Copier Charges OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Shipping Chgs Reprographics Finance Department Scan Chgs WB WSBA DUES AND 1/2 HG Attorney Office December Home Monitoring Jail Contributions Scan Chgs 1/2 HG WSBA DUES AND CC Prosecution Attorney COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Scan Chgs Chamber /PABA -West Planning Scan Chgs PERMIT FEES Copier Charges 001- 2025 - 514.41 -50 001- 2025 - 514.45 -31 001- 2025 - 514.45 -31 Division Total: 001- 2080 - 514.31 -01 001- 2080 - 514.31 -01 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 3010- 515.42 -10 001 - 3010- 515.49 -01 Division Total: 001 -3012- 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 - 3021 - 515.42 -10 001 - 3021 - 515.49 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -4010- 558.44 -10 001 -4010- 558.42 -10 001 -4010- 558.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 322.10 -19 001- 4020 - 524.45 -31 Invoice Amount -22.18 282.58 1,348.20 $2,843.55 5.46 3,085.27 275.34 238.44 868.19 325.15 1,981.93 54.20 297.41 117.56 $7,248.95 76.53 95.66 104.49 26.69 13.22 545.59 272.02 142.70 88.60 $1,365.50 $11,464.68 2.77 525.45 $528.22 616.50 $616.50 2.85 525.45 $528.30 $1,673.02 22.50 20.68 60.58 $103.76 3.01 60.65 297.41 Page 2 E -15 '6 , 410}illpDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP Community Development CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Community Development CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES LEXIPOL LLC PUBLIC ENGINES PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC QUILL CORPORATION WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS & POLICE WASHINGTON (DES /TBS), STATE OF Police Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES FAIRCHILD FLOORS PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT THOMSON REUTERS -WEST Police Department AMSAN CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES EVERGREEN TOWING LINCOLN STREET STATION PAINT & CARPET BARN, THE PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Northwest Leadership Seminar PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Police Department CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Department BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 Description Account Number OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001- 4020 - 524.45 -31 Building Scan Chgs Code Compliance Community Development Division Total: 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Scan Chgs 001 - 5010 - 521.42 -10 MEMBERSHIPS 001 - 5010- 521.49 -01 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIN 001 - 5010 - 521.49 -01 Recruiting Assistance Printer Cartridges /Forks Toner Cartridge MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIPS Police Administration Scan Chgs Carpet Tile Carpet Tile Cord Concealer Clear Plus Web Analysis Investigation JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Scan Chgs Tow charge EXTERNAL LABOR Paint/Police Dept Remodel Supplies to repair wall Sims Trng Refreshments Patrol Scan Chgs NW LEADERSHIP SEMINAR - C Copier Charges Copier Charges Records Police Department Scan Chgs Scan Chgs OFFICE SUPPLIES Copier charges Office Supplies SUPPLIES Fire Administration CAR WASH 001 - 5010 - 521.41 -50 001 - 5010 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5010 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5010 - 521.49 -01 001 - 5010 - 521.49 -01 Division Total: 001 - 5021 - 521.42 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5021 - 521.49 -01 Division Total: 001- 5022 - 521.31 -01 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.49 -90 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.31 -01 001- 5022 - 521.31 -01 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 Division Total: 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001- 5029 - 521.43 -10 001- 5029 - 521.45 -31 001- 5029 - 521.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 -6010- 522.42 -11 001 - 6010 - 522.31 -01 001 -6010- 522.45 -31 001 - 6010 - 522.31 -01 001 - 6010 - 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 6020 - 522.31 -02 Invoice Amount 117.56 $478.63 2.20 $2.20 $584.59 41.14 3,089.40 4,908.68 350.00 228.15 384.36 305.00 400.00 $9,706.73 7.17 221.06 173.44 13.54 202.71 $617.92 60.54 32.00 54.20 40.82 59.45 4.37 24.17 $275.55 7.33 275.00 47.49 90.36 $420.18 $11,020.38 2.85 5.78 10.60 27.58 10.86 11.19 $68.86 63.12 Page 3 E -16 '6 , 410}illpDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Description LPG Training prop Scan Chgs INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR Mike Sanders CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS CLEANING PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT BATTERIES POSTAGE PSIC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FUEL WESTERN STATE DESIGN, INC LAUNDRY &DRY CLEAN EQUIP LAUNDRY &DRY CLEAN EQUIP Fire Department Fire Suppression BRD FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS Annual Remit Vol FF DUBUC, KEN LUNCH MEETING SUPPORT OFF Fire Department Fire Volunteers FIRE SERVICE TESTING CO, INC Fire Department M & P GARAGE DOORS Tests TESTS Fire Training REPAIR DOOR OLYMPIC PARTY & CUSTODIAL SUPPLIE:Paper Towels SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Fire Department GLOBALSTAR USA Fire Department BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES EXCEL UTILITIES MAHER ABED SONDYA WRAY PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP VERIZON WIRELESS WENGLER SURVEYING & MAPPING Public Works -Gen Fnd Tire Bleach Facilities Maintenance 12 -16 a/c 1.50018853 Emergency Management Fire Department COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Scan Chgs Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement SUPPLIES Copier Charges Supplies for Potluck Measuring Tape - Szatlocky Copier charges Copier charges Copier Charges Copier Charges 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 12 -28 a/c 271138138 -00002 On -line Subscription Pub Wks Administration Account Number 001- 6020 - 594.64 -10 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.41 -50 001- 6020 - 522.20 -80 001- 6020 - 522.31 -11 001- 6020 - 522.31 -01 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 594.64 -10 001- 6020 - 522.31 -02 001- 6020 - 594.64 -10 001- 6020 - 594.64 -10 Division Total: 001 -6021- 522.49 -01 001 -6021- 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 6040 - 522.31 -01 001- 6040 - 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 001- 6050 - 522.31 -01 001- 6050 - 522.31 -20 Division Total: 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -7010- 532.44 -10 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 -7010- 322.40 -11 001 -7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.31 -80 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001 -7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.35 -01 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 -7010- 532.49 -01 Division Total: Invoice Amount 2,505.00 0.33 67.63 82.47 13.39 32.37 12.69 10,607.78 46.77 5,207.54 975.60 $19,614.69 1,710.00 32.68 $1,742.68 1,241.18 997.28 $2,238.46 1,014.09 51.49 4.30 $1,069.88 26.46 $26.46 $24,761.03 22.50 88.26 150.00 124.35 17.52 66.13 1,981.15 260.65 14.96 15.18 612.96 193.53 142.87 199.73 100.08 37.44 1,200.00 $5,227.31 Page 4 E -17 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor ASCAP BROADCAST MUSIC, INC CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) SESAC, INC VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept CENTURYLINK -QWEST CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Parks Dept ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BATESVILLE SERVICES, INC CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DEX ONE MEDIA MATTHEWS BRONZE PA MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SOUND PUBLISHING INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST GIBBONS & RIELY, PLLC INPRA PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY VERIZON WIRELESS Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works -Gen Fnd Department Total: SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 001 - 8010 - 574.41 -50 SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 001 - 8010 - 574.41 -50 Scan Chgs 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 Scan Chgs 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 - 8010 - 574.31 -01 Copier Charges 001 -8010- 574.45 -31 Adv- Christmas Fair 001 -8010- 574.44 -10 SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 001 - 8010 - 574.41 -50 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 Parks Administration 01 -02 A/C 3604171942413B 01 -05 A/C 3604529861819B Scan Chgs Copier Charges Copier Charges Senior Center Galvanized Spike DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE Scan Chgs COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS Cemetary Supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Adv HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Ocean View Cemetery Vol Field 01 -02 A/C 3604175328784B Lincoln Park CONSULTING SERVICES Tune up Cylinder Rental Cylinder Rental Cylinder Rental Cylinder Rental HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 $5,227.31 330.00 330.00 7.25 3.66 122.34 22.16 210.00 343.00 19.83 Division Total: $1,388.24 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 42.17 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 45.43 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 0.65 001 -8012- 555.45 -31 54.73 001 -8012- 555.45 -31 20.68 Division Total: $163.66 001- 8050 - 536.31 -20 31.22 001- 8050 - 536.48 -02 603.20 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 1.38 001- 8050 - 536.44 -10 888.00 001- 8050 - 536.34 -01 228.76 001- 8050 - 536.34 -01 228.76 001- 8050 - 536.34 -01 102.94 001- 8050 - 536.31 -01 89.86 001- 8050 - 536.44 -10 267.00 001- 8050 - 536.35 -01 104.99 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 40.48 Division Total: $2,586.59 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 139.55 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 42.17 001- 8080 - 576.48 -10 186.00 001- 8080 - 576.43 -10 1,435.00 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 67.69 001- 8080 - 576.45 -30 22.77 001- 8080 - 576.45 -30 -22.77 001- 8080 - 576.45 -30 7.59 001- 8080 - 576.45 -30 -7.59 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 28.52 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 174.58 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 25.82 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 70.89 Page 5 E - 18 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF Parks Dept AMSAN SOUND RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC VERIZON WIRELESS Facilities Maintenance AMSAN CENTURYLINK -QWEST HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY Facilities Maintenance AT &T MOBILITY PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Recreation Activities OLYMPIC SKATE CENTER PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER VERIZON WIRELESS Recreation Activities CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DELL MARKETING LP Description 4th Quarter Park Facilities Parks Dept Paper towels Jet Kleen Plus 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Custodial /Janitorial Svcs JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 01 -02 A/C 3604170786905B HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER Flat wood screw HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance 12/26 a/c 994753890 Copier Charges Copier Charges SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP Sports Programs SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP Copier Charges Canvas /Cutlery 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Youth /Family Programs Recreation Activities General Fund Account Number 001- 8080 - 576.20 -60 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 8130 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8130 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8130- 518.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -80 001 - 8131- 518.42 -10 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -20 001 - 8131 - 518.35 -01 001 - 8131- 518.48 -10 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -20 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -20 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131 - 518.31 -01 001 - 8131- 518.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -8221- 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.45 -31 001 -8221- 574.45 -31 001 - 8221 - 574.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 8224 - 574.31 -01 001- 8224 - 574.45 -31 001- 8224 - 574.31 -01 001- 8224 - 574.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 8th St Bridge 102- 7230 - 542.41 -50 Scan Chgs 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 Invoice Amount 6,506.75 $8,676.97 $12,815.46 226.86 136.53 38.16 $401.55 358.59 94.18 5.31 43.96 894.30 33.22 141.83 30.57 4,737.99 2.88 20.97 17.17 29.21 55.87 $6,466.05 $6,867.60 10.03 41.46 41.46 96.15 $189.10 45.00 41.46 24.75 19.33 $130.54 $319.64 $143,325.53 69.72 1.06 119.23 151.75 213.73 412.45 83.27 Page 6 E -19 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor DELL MARKETING LP OFFICE DEPOT SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF Public Works- Street CLALLAM CNTY ECONOMIC DEV CNCL RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) Economic Development A WORKSAFE SERVICE, INC CAPTAIN T'S CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description Account Number COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 Headset return 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 SUPPLIES 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 Copier charges 102- 7230 - 542.45 -31 Copier Charges 102- 7230 - 542.45 -31 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102- 7230 - 542.35 -01 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102- 7230 - 542.35 -01 Item Return JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 12 -28 a/c 271138138 -00004 4th Quarter Street Public Works- Street Street Fund 4th Quarter Choose Local Adv Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Drug Tests SUPPLIES 01 -02 A/C 360Z020380301B 911 Repair 911 Repair CLALLAM CNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLVMWare VSphere CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES EMERGENCY REPORTING LINCOLN STREET STATION Gary Brooks PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC Pencom BANK OF NEW YORK Debt Service Scan Chgs MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 102- 7230 - 542.20 -60 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 103 -1511- 558.41 -50 103 -1511- 558.44 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107 -5160- 528.41 -50 107 -5160- 528.31 -01 107 -5160- 528.42 -11 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 AIRFARE -G BROOKS -BOCA RAT 107 -5160- 528.43 -11 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 107- 5160 - 528.31 -01 Transfer Roller 107 -5160 - 528.31 -60 Recruiting Assistance 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 Pencom Division Total: Pencom Department Total: Pencom Fund Fund Total: PORANGREF05 212- 2489 - 591.41 -50 2005 GO Bond Refunding Division Total: Debt Service Department Total: 2005 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total: BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 310- 5950 - 594.65 -10 Invoice Amount 719.91 - 119.23 28.54 76.83 61.33 25.12 126.78 -54.06 32.32 65.17 67.48 5,311.31 $7,392.71 $7,392.71 $7,392.71 3,750.00 560.00 $4,310.00 $4,310.00 $4,310.00 156.00 151.76 1,084.58 27.11 135.51 3,200.05 71.41 15,093.62 10.94 459.50 130.07 35.71 150.00 $20,706.26 $20,706.26 $20,706.26 300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 27.20 Page 7 E -20 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL LASTMILE GEAR Public Safety Projects BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC SCARSELLA BROS, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks Description Account Number Invoice Amount FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 310- 5950 - 594.64 -10 13.48 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 310- 5950 - 594.65 -10 130,894.73 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 310- 5950 - 594.65 -10 38,567.72 Homeland Security Division Total: $169,503.13 Public Safety Projects Department Total: $169,503.13 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 45.00 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 615,074.27 GF- Street Projects Division Total: $615,119.27 Final Pmt 310 -7961- 595.65 -10 165,292.95 ST- Sidewalk Improvement Division Total: $165,292.95 Capital Projects -Pub Wks Department Total: $780,412.22 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $949,915.35 401- 0000 - 141.41 -00 192.95 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401- 0000 - 141.43 -00 30,601.34 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 5.42 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 17.08 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 11.19 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 36.90 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 44.76 UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 250.00 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 71.94 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 36.21 FINAL BILL REFUND 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 86.68 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401- 0000 - 237.00 -00 -13.86 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401- 0000 - 237.00 -00 -62.10 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401- 0000 - 237.00 -00 -34.84 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS, LTD Washers MCFARLAND CASCADE AMUNDSON, BRENDA M CLEMONS, PATRICIA T COOPER, TRICIA E EARNEST, CHRISTI A ELSTROM, ARLAND C FERGUSON, GORDON GRAY JR, ERNEST W SAN ANTONIO, ANTHONY A SUTHERLAND, JORDAN NEW PIG CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works - Electric COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS C CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES EES CONSULTING INC FOSTER PEPPER PLLC MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER WASHINGTON (DES /TBS), STATE OF WECC Scan Chgs 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Engineering - Electric OR CPI Study Scan Chgs Mis Professional Service WPAG WPAG Mis Professional Service Utility Taxes WPAG Postage -Lusk COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. ENGINEERING SERVICES Division Total: $31,243.67 Department Total: $31,243.67 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 3.50 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 54.20 Division Total: $57.70 401 -7120- 533.41 -50 2,591.25 401 -7120- 533.42 -10 4.40 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 108.51 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 2,210.00 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 - 2,210.00 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 - 108.51 401 -7120- 533.41 -50 6,931.50 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 460.54 401 -7120- 533.42 -10 14.10 401 -7120- 533.31 -60 269.05 401 -7120- 533.33 -10 22,628.00 Page 8 E -21 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor Public Works - Electric ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC CANON USA, INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DIRECTV GENERAL PACIFIC INC GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION CASCADE ELECTRIC & VAC MOSS - ADAMS, LLP NEW PIG CORPORATION OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QUILL CORPORATION RADIOSHACK Description Power Systems Analysis Lumber & Tape ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 01 -05 A/C 3604529541353B 01 -02 a/c 206Z020411942B 01 -02 a/c 3604178095336B Scan Chgs TELEVISION EQUIP & ACESS Reflective Tape OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR Analysis Svc re DOR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Floor mat cleaning Mat cleaning LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION Copier Charges Meter Socket Labor Chgs Oil filler cap Chain Filler cap Filler cap Henry Boyd Rd OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Account Number Division Total: 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.44 -10 401 -7180- 533.45 -31 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 322.10 -28 401 -7180- 322.10 -28 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.45 -31 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.47 -10 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 Invoice Amount $32,898.84 40.00 103.00 46.12 45.00 176.61 139.55 84.55 617.88 42.17 96.69 45.43 9.53 50.99 1,288.66 99.44 498.95 100.50 174.32 135.25 75.00 -75.00 2,568.40 178.84 801.32 449.58 79.18 79.18 82.79 21.67 43.34 75.44 438.25 15.66 9.75 39.02 12.99 3.26 388.28 280.61 195.72 9.18 Page 9 E -22 '6 , 410}illpDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABS SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF WESTERN SYSTEMS, INC Public Works - Electric ANDERSON & SONS GRAVEL BANK OF NEW YORK CENTURYLINK -QWEST CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES FAMILY SHOE STORE FINE LINE INDUSTRIAL, INC MOSS - ADAMS, LLP OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF Public Works -Water ADS, LLC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BAKERSFIELD PIPE & SUPPLY, INC BANK OF NEW YORK CENTURYLINK -QWEST CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Description New 2/0 grounds ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Locates 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00002 12 -28 a/c 271138138 -00003 4th Quarter Traffic Signal Controller Electric Operations Public Works - Electric Electric Utility Fund Account Number 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.49 -90 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.20 -60 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 PORANGWATRO9 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 12 -14 a/c 3604571270975B 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 12 -10 a/c 360Z100240955B 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 12 -23 a/c 206T411255315B 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 Scan Chgs 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 Boot Allowance 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 Analysis Svc re DOR 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 SUPPLIES 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 Rags 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 Crown Z Water Rd 402 - 7380 - 534.47 -10 Copier charges Copier Charges FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP Lab work Lab work Locates 12 -28 a/c 271138138 -00005 4th Quarter Water Public Works -Water Water Fund CONSULTING SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS PIPE FITTINGS PORANGWATRO9 01 -02 a/c 3604170591196B 01 -02 a/c 3604170190080B Scan Chgs 402 - 7380 - 534.45 -31 402 - 7380 - 534.45 -31 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 402 - 7380 - 534.49 -90 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.20 -60 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 Invoice Amount 2,337.36 1,121.95 131.63 32.24 26.57 156.68 60.13 1,878.60 2,369.62 $17,681.88 $50,638.42 $81,882.09 596.20 60.00 188.98 156.56 64.59 1.95 186.41 369.21 2,568.40 28.54 36.42 62.02 76.83 61.33 4.18 22.50 215.00 26.57 75.70 2,309.60 $7,110.99 $7,110.99 $7,110.99 4,829.30 8.87 84.39 240.00 42.17 42.17 10.99 Page 10 E -23 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor EDGE ANALYTICAL EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICES FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FERRELLGAS INC HACH COMPANY MOSS - ADAMS, LLP OLYMPIC CONCRETE CUTTING OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PETTIT OIL COMPANY PNCWA- OLYMPIC SECTION PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VALLEY ELECTRIC CO /MT VERNON VERIZON WIRELESS WWCPA SECRETARY - TREASURER Public Works -WW /Stormwtr CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DATABAR INCORPORATED PORT ANGELES FARMERS MARKET MOSS - ADAMS, LLP OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Public Works -Solid Waste Description TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP Analysis Svc re DOR BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES - PRINTING PREPARATIONS PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET Copier Charges FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES MEMBERSHIPS Postage Masters Rd CLOTHING & APPAREL SUPPLIES Pocket Caliber /hex caps Washers /Hex caps Boot Allowance Account Number 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.32 -12 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.45 -31 403 - 7480 - 535.32 -11 403 - 7480 - 535.32 -11 403 - 7480 - 535.32 -11 403 - 7480 - 535.49 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.47 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 403-7480-535.31-01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 Locates 403 - 7480 - 535.49 -90 403 - 7480 - 535.35 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.49 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Wastewater Fund Fund Total: Scan Chgs 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 Calendar inserts 404 - 7580 - 537.44 -10 2014 MBRSHP VENDOR SPACE 404 - 7580 - 537.44 -10 Analysis Svc re DOR 404 - 7580 - 537.41 -50 SUPPLIES 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 SUPPLIES 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 CLOTHING & APPAREL 404- 7580 - 537.31 -01 Solid Waste - Collections Division Total: Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: PIPE FITTINGS PIPE FITTINGS CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 12 -28 a/c 271138138 -00006 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00004 MEMBERSHIPS Wastewater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Invoice Amount 485.00 695.00 170.50 254.96 335.68 2,568.40 300.00 32.60 294.50 22.01 2,399.43 385.61 19.17 120.00 43.29 372.71 517.15 14.58 35.45 7.52 121.30 11.89 77.63 16.33 26.55 9,148.96 43.14 53.38 30.00 $23,860.63 $23,860.63 $23,860.63 6.11 15.39 20.00 2,568.40 28.55 27.05 334.66 238.87 $3,239.03 $3,239.03 Page 11 E -24 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES EDGE ANALYTICAL APRIL AMUNDSON MICHELLE HALE SONJA COVENTON MOSS - ADAMS, LLP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP WAK -IN MAN, INC WASHINGTON (DES /TBS), STATE OF Public Works -Solid Waste ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC EDGE ANALYTICAL Description Solid Waste - Collections Scan Chgs Compost testing Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Analysis Svc re DOR SUPPLIES Compost testing Copier charges Copier Charges Refrigerant Disposal COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. SW - Transfer Station CONSULTING SERVICES TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTMENGINEERING SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES VAN NESS FELDMAN, LLP CONSULTING SERVICES Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste - Landfill Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste - LF/Trf Stn CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH Prgm Mgt and Sampling CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT Ed Chadd's time CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works -WW /Stormwtr BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC MONTANA, DANIEL J NORTHWEST REGION EMS COUNCIL OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER OLYMPIC OXYGEN PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT REIFENSTAHL, PATRICIA SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC Fire Department Prgm Mgt and Sampling Scan Chgs Locates 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Stormwater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Fund Medical Supplies Medical Supplies REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA PEARS /PALS CLASS - 15 STU Medical Supplies Oxygen Nasal Spray CPR Class December Transports Medic I Fire Department Account Number Fund Total: 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -01 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -01 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -01 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -20 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7538 - 537.45 -31 405 - 7538 - 537.45 -31 405 - 7538 - 537.48 -10 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -90 Division Total: 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 -7412- 538.41 -50 406 -7412- 538.41 -50 406 -7412- 538.41 -50 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.49 -90 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409 - 6025 - 526.20 -80 409 - 6025 - 526.43 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -08 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Invoice Amount $3,239.03 2.93 150.00 13.56 6.22 119.78 2,568.40 6.84 6.30 76.83 61.33 1,182.10 599.83 $4,794.12 1,498.41 734.00 32,944.68 71,613.08 1,987.50 $108,777.67 $113,571.79 $113,571.79 468.00 239.70 209.19 4.56 26.57 19.28 $967.30 $967.30 $967.30 135.52 333.74 233.95 450.00 94.29 30.82 16.24 50.00 3,282.22 $4,626.78 $4,626.78 Page 12 E -25 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Medic I Utility Fund Total: $4,626.78 AIR FLO HEATING COMPANY INC City Rebate 421 - 7121 - 533.49 -86 1,500.00 City Rebate 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 1,500.00 ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING City Rebate 421 - 7121 - 533.49 -86 1,000.00 City Rebate 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 1,500.00 City Rebate 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 1,500.00 City Rebate 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 1,500.00 C & F INSULATION City Rebate 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 1,402.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs 421 - 7121 - 533.42 -10 8.14 Public Works - Electric Conservation Division Total: $9,910.64 Public Works - Electric Department Total: $9,910.64 Conservation Fund Total: $9,910.64 COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR CPI Oversight 451 -7188- 594.41 -50 605.00 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451 -7188- 594.65 -10 2,842.82 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451 -7188- 594.65 -10 455.76 Public Works - Electric Electric Projects Division Total: $3,903.58 Public Works - Electric Department Total: $3,903.58 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $3,903.58 COULTAS GENERAL CONTRACTING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453- 7488 - 594.65 -10 6,337.06 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 453 - 7488 - 594.65 -10 30,153.90 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Wastewater Projects Division Total: $36,490.96 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: $36,490.96 WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total: $36,490.96 IMCO GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 463- 7489 - 594.65 -10 1,223,643.51 RICHARD PHILLIPS MARINE, INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 463- 7489 - 594.65 -10 170,537.62 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr CSO Capital Division Total: $1,394,181.13 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: $1,394,181.13 CSO Capital Fund Fund Total: $1,394,181.13 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 51.19 HOSES, ALL KINDS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 17.78 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 59.74 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 37.67 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 23.85 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 -0000- 141.40 -00 808.38 H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 56.24 INDUSTRIAL SPECIALTIES, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 134.31 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 59.25 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 84.35 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 22.70 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 3.77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 61.01 Page 13 E -26 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY PRICE FORD LINCOLN RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO SIX ROBBLEES' INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ARAMARK BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES COPY CAT GRAPHICS FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLINE J B'S UPHOLSTERY LEAVITT MACHINERY USA, INC LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP NAPA AUTO PARTS Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Scan Chgs AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Tires -Veh 913 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES Seal Kit -Veh 4901 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Account Number 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.49 -90 501- 7630 - 548.49 -90 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.42 -10 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 Invoice Amount 1.26 177.22 4.32 58.74 3.17 40.28 74.10 15.71 8,092.35 8,446.50 804.28 49.38 81.30 53.77 204.38 118.55 75.97 $19,721.52 $19,721.52 49.99 161.37 102.23 30.44 6.29 7.65 921.40 16.15 529.93 12.64 12.64 107.96 146.29 266.56 27.10 195.12 38.89 67.14 155.80 -33.73 17.50 3.77 12.34 Page 14 E -27 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY PRICE FORD LINCOLN QUALITY 4X4 TRUCK SUPPLY RUDDELL AUTO MALL RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, INC VERIZON WIRELESS Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Card lock veh #18 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES Flat Repair -Veh 1649 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES Brake Sw /Insp -Veh 8101 LOF /Rotors -Veh 4328 LOF Veh 5335 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES Copier charges Copier Charges AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Remove parts -Veh 54 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 Account Number 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.31 -01 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.32 -13 501- 7630 - 548.32 -13 501- 7630 - 548.32 -13 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.45 -31 501- 7630 - 548.45 -31 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.42 -10 Invoice Amount 7.85 18.99 -45.09 19.53 50.33 143.12 41.19 23.85 18.44 81.79 6.43 128.45 61.53 108.84 158.12 284.50 18.92 86.12 17.10 81.79 86.50 26.29 132.24 265.12 238.37 49.38 14.47 146.67 146.67 243.90 1.04 769.89 45.53 136.58 346.93 280.21 76.83 61.33 1.12 59.77 765.75 25.25 Page 15 E -28 '6 , 410}ilipDIlU1 k City of Port City Council Expe From: 1/11/2014 Angeles nditure Report To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor Public Works -Equip Svcs SCHOOL OUTFITTERS CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES DELL MARKETING LP INX, LLC SCHOOL OUTFITTERS Finance Department BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC DELL MARKETING LP LINDBERG & SMITH ARCHITECTS INC SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR Finance Department AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT Self Insurance FRANK GATES SERVICES CO Self Insurance KERRY HARVEY WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Fireman's Pension PA DOWNTOWN ASSN Description Equipment Services Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services SCHOOL EQUIP& SUPPLIES Scan Chgs Account Number Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 502 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI502 - 2081 - 518.31 -60 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. SHIPPING AND HANDLING SCHOOL EQUIP& SUPPLIES Information Technologies COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Carrying case return BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER Cognos Chgs IT Capital Projects Finance Department Information Technology Med Den /Vis Premiums LT Disability Life Insurance L1 Med /Vis Premiums Disability Board -Nov S /NS /WT RETIREES Other Insurance Programs TPA FEE FOR WORKERS COMP Worker's Compensation INHOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM WCIA LIABILITY ASSESSMENT Comp Liability Self Insurance Self- Insurance Fund Retiree Premiums Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Firemen's Pension Dec Decal Sales Dec Decal Sales Dec Decal Sales 502 - 2081 - 518.48 -02 502 - 2081 - 518.31 -01 502 - 2081 - 518.31 -80 Division Total: 502 - 2082 - 594.65 -10 502 - 2082 - 594.65 -10 502 - 2082 - 594.65 -10 502 - 2082 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503 - 1631- 517.46 -30 503 - 1631- 517.46 -31 503 - 1631- 517.46 -32 503 - 1631- 517.46 -34 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -33 503 - 1631- 517.46 -34 Division Total: 503 - 1661- 517.41 -40 Division Total: 503 - 1671- 517.49 -98 503 - 1671- 517.46 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 650 - 0000 - 231.91 -00 650 - 0000 - 231.92 -00 650 - 0000 - 231.93 -00 Division Total: Invoice Amount $8,087.11 $8,087.11 $27,808.63 - 145.02 - $145.02 - $145.02 28.17 3,085.27 10,366.67 259.48 1,611.88 $15,351.47 27.20 - 138.54 3,675.00 1,517.60 $5,081.26 $20,432.73 $20,287.71 246,192.58 4,186.03 1,690.92 10,873.39 226.65 76,123.60 12,221.00 $351,514.17 4,215.00 $4,215.00 141.60 475,080.00 $475,221.60 $830,950.77 $830,950.77 4,011.32 $4,011.32 $4,011.32 $4,011.32 1,986.16 2,108.94 2,045.58 $6,140.68 Page 16 E -29 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 Date: 1/29/2014 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS Esther Webster /Fine Arts AFLAC AFSCME LOCAL 1619 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES BROWN & BROWN OF WASHINGTON FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 GUARANTEED EDUCATION TUITION IBEW LOCAL 997 LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS POLICE ASSOCIATION UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) WSCCCE AFSCME AFL -CIO Totals for check period Description Off Street Parking Fund 12 -23 a/c 206T418577331 B Copier Charges 12 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund AFLAC SUPP INS PAYROLL SUMMARY AWC SUPP LIFE INS PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY P/R Deductions pe 01 -05 P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 1 -5 P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 1 -5 P/R Deductions pe 01 -05 P/R Deductions pe 01 -05 P/R Deductions pe 01 -05 PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY Payroll Clearing Account Number Department Total: Fund Total: 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 652 - 8630 - 575.45 -31 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -40 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -30 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -40 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -30 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -95 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -21 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -11 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -12 920 - 0000 - 231.55 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -40 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Invoice Amount $6,140.68 $6,140.68 57.46 12.37 19.33 $89.16 $89.16 $89.16 1,152.54 285.00 382.10 1,371.90 1,896.09 263.50 1,277.73 23,109.76 670.09 169.85 1,668.75 10,859.45 48,744.58 446.00 429.30 4,378.84 $97,105.48 $97,105.48 $97,105.48 From: 1/11/2014 To: 1/24/2014 $3,792,088.52 Page 17 E -30 CITY OF WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2014 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: 2014 -2015 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Summary: The terms on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will expire as of February 28, 2014. It is therefore necessary to complete an annual review of Lodging Tax Committee Members. It is recommended that positions be refilled for 2014 as listed below. Recommendation: Approve appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for terms ending February 28, 2015. Background / Analysis: On March 19, 2013 City Council approved the following members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Committee member Kathy Bande was appointed on December 17 2013. Historically appointments have been made in September or October of each year with meetings held on lodging tax funding determinations in October. This year the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) has requested quarterly meetings to ensure performance measures are being met and to make any necessary adjustments during the year. The Committee reviews, comments and makes recommendations to the City Council on activities and /or facilities to be funded by lodging excise tax revenues. The LTAC is composed of nine members appointed to one -year terms, with possible reappointment for successive terms. State statute requires annual review of committee representatives. Considering Council has expressed interest in more effective and efficient tourism related spending staff recommends that Council formally extend the terms of existing members who have already begun identifying new performance based requirements. The terms will be extended through February 28th 2015. Per the ordinance that established the LTAC, membership is structured as follows and the following terms will be extended. Advertising for one Citizen -At -Large position will be noticed and interviewed with a goal of filling that vacant position in early 2014. MEMO TO CITY COUNCIL - LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PAGE 2 Voting Members: • One City Councilmember • Two members who are representatives of businesses required to collect lodging excise tax. • Two members who are persons involved in activities to be funded by lodging tax revenue. Non - voting Members: • Three citizen -at -large members who neither represent businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax nor are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by the lodging excise tax. • One member who is a representative of the Port Angeles Forward Committee. Recommendations for filling the vacant positions are as follows: Councilmember (1) Cherie Kidd Lodging Tax Collector (2) Joseph Mollerus — Red Lion Kathy Bande — Olympic Lodge Lodging Tax Recipient (2) Scott Nagel — Local Festival Organizer Ryan Malane — Black Ball Ferry Line Citizen -At -Large (3) Non - voting Fowler Stratton Betsy Wharton PA Forward Representative (1) Non - voting Mike Edwards CITY OF WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JANESSA HURD, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: COUNCIL COMMITTEE, BOARD AND COMMISSION ASSIGNMENTS Summary: On January 21, 2014, the City Council approved the Council Committee, Board and Commission Assignments for 2014. A few changes have been made since then, and some alternates have been added that were inadvertently missed in the previous approval. Attached for your review and approval is the updated list. Recommendation: Approve Council Committee, Board and Commission Assignments as presented. Background / Analysis: On January 21, 2014, City Council approved the Council Committee, Board and Commission Assignments for 2014. Unfortunately, a few alternate positions were inadvertently missed. Since that time, a few changes have also been requested. The updated assignment list is attached for approval. Changes made since January 21, 2014: 1. Added PA Forward Alternate — Councilmember Bruch 2. Added Clallam Transit Alternate — Councilmember Whetham 3. Changed William Shore Memorial Pool District appointee from Councilmember Bruch to Councilmember Kidd 4. Changed Wellness Committee appointee from Councilmember Whetham to Councilmember Bruch 5. Change Clallam Co. Board of Health appointee from Mayor Di Guilio to City of Forks Mayor Bryon Monohon Attachment COMMITTEE, BOARD or COMMISSION Approved by Council /As of January 21, 2014 Members Di Guilio CITY Kidd COUNCIL Bruch ASSIGNMENTS Whetham Downie Gase Collins Human Services / United Way - Scheduled by United Way 1* Alt X Lodging Tax Advisory - Meets as needed 1 X Real Estate - Meets Monday between 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. 4:30 p.m. City Hall 3 X X Alt X Utility Advisory Committee - Meets 2nd Tuesday of month 3pm in City Hall 3* Alt X X X Solid Waste - Meets 3rd Thursday of odd months 3pm / Clallam Co. Commissioners Board Room 1* Alt X Clallam Transit - Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 1 pm. Rotating locations 2* Alt X X PRTPO - Meets 2nd Friday every other month, 10am, location varies 1* Alt X Law and Justice - Meets as needed 1* Alt X Community & Economic Development - Meets as needed 3 X Alt X X PA Forward - 2nd Thursday of month, 7:30 am City Hall 2* Chair Alt X Economic Development Council - Third Thursday of month, 11 am to 1pm / Lincoln Center, Rm 208 1* Alt X Feiro Marine Life Center - Meetings to be determined 1 X Parks, Facilities & Oversight - 2nd Weds, 4:30 pm VBurton 3* X X X Alt William Shore Memorial Pool District - 4th Tues at 3pm Clallam Commissioners Board Room 2 X X Disability Board - 3rd Tues of month at 9am at County Mayor Sequim Fireman's Pension Board - Meets once a year Mayor X Vol. Fireman's Pension Board - Meets once a year Mayor + 1 X X Lauridsen Trust - Meets 3rd Thurs of month at 4pm Mayor X Peninsula Development District - 4th Thursday 1* X Alt Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce - 2nd Friday, Noon, location varies 1* Alt X Olympic Region Clean Air Agency - 2nd Weds - 10am Olympia 1 X Alt Marine Resource Committee - 3rd Monday / 5:30pm Courthouse 1 X PA Downtown Assoc - 2nd Monday / 6:15pm PADA Office 1 X City Wellness Committee - Meets as needed 1 X Olympic Peninsual Tourism Commission 1 X Clallam Co. Sheriffs Citizen Advisory Committee 1 Alt X Clallam Co. Board of Health Mayor Forks * Indicates Alternate Needed - Meeting Dates and Times are Subject to Change -If you cannot attend - please con act your alternate directly E - 34 CITY OF WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Nathan A. West, Director Community and Economic Development Craig Fulton, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Waterfront Development Project — Esplanade TR02 -2003, Final Acceptance Summary: Primo RCI, Inc., has completed the construction of the Waterfront Development Esplanade Project. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and Primo RCI, Inc., is requesting final payment in the amount of $165,292.95 for a total project amount of $4,099,834.78. A 5% retainage bond has been held for the project. Recommendation: 1) Approve and authorize final change orders 8, 9, 10, and 11 in the amount of $82,857.01 for the project. 2) Accept the Waterfront Development Esplanade construction contract and authorize release of the retainage bond upon receipt of the required clearances. Background /Analysis: Primo RCI, Inc., was awarded the contract in the amount of $3,908,476.80 and the construction of the project began on October 8, 2012. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and Primo RCI, Inc., has requested final payment in the amount of $165,292.95. The original contract amount was $3,908,476.80 and the final contract amount, adjusted for quantity variance and change orders was $4,099,834.78. The following table is a summary of project construction costs: There were 11 change orders to the contract. The first 7 were within the authorization amount for the City Manager to approve. In the City Council memorandum awarding the project, Council Contract Bid & Alternate Amount Change Orders (11) Unit Quantity Variations Final Cost Project Cost Variance Contract $3,908,476.80 $173,456.71 $17,901.27 $4,099,834.78 4.9% There were 11 change orders to the contract. The first 7 were within the authorization amount for the City Manager to approve. In the City Council memorandum awarding the project, Council February 4, 2014 City Council Re: WTIP Esplanade Construction Contract Page 2 specifically authorized the project which included a 5% contingency amount for changes. Specific authorization for the remaining change orders is required from Council. The following is a list of change orders staff is requesting Council to authorize. Change orders are within the Council authorized contingency. Change Order Description Amount 8 Installation of a transition plate between the new City Esplanade and the new Black Ball Ferry Dock $21,296.96 9 Change of mortar joints to Silicone Sealant at the precast joints $24,884.52 10 Precast changes, which included replacing cracked installed mortar, change of precast caps and redesign by supplier, and change in thickness of precast units $24,984.54 11 Modifications near the hobby shop area, which included demolition of the rotted porch, installing a drywell, repair to the side sewer, changing the electrical service to underground, and reshaping and seeding hillside east of hobby shop $11,690.99 It is recommended that Council: 1) Approve and authorize change orders 8, 9, 10, and 11 in the amount of $82,857.01 for the project; and 2) Accept the Waterfront Development Esplanade construction contract and authorize release of the retainage bond upon receipt of the required clearances. N:ACCOUNCIL\FINAL \WTIP Esplanade Construction Contract - Final Acceptance.docx E -36 CITY OF W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Fulton, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance Summary: The City is moving forward with the sale of Revenue Bonds for the financing of the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project, in addition to financing from Department of Ecology and other State sources. To minimize risk to bond holders and thus reduce interest rates on the bonds (reducing cost to the regional rate payers), City staff is recommending the approval of a City Solid Waste Flow Control ordnance. Recommendation: (1) Conduct a 2nd reading of the proposed Solid Waste Flow Control ordinance, (2) Adopt the ordinance. Background /Analysis: The expected imminent collapse of the natural bluff holding back municipal refuse from falling into the environmentally sensitive Straits of Juan de Fuca, has driven the development of a $19.5 million Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project. The Department of Ecology has contributed $4.0 million to offset some costs for this project. Additional State financing options are also being sought to further reduce the burden on the Port Angeles, Sequim and County solid waste ratepayers. Though some costs are being offset, the sale of municipal revenue bonds will be required to finance the remainder of the project. Revenue bonds will be repaid using revenue generated by tipping fees at the Regional Transfer Station. To reduce risk to bond holders, thus reducing interest rates on the bonds, and therefore reducing the cost of the project, bondholders would like to see a guaranteed funding stream generated by a guaranteed flow of solid waste to the transfer station. City Flow Control would provide a level of support to maintain a steady revenue source. Note that the City of Port Angeles has an "A" bond credit rating ( "strong capacity to meet financial commitments ") which is considered "investment grade" and is one of the three highest bond ratings, only exceeded by Aa and Aaa. C:A Users \jhurd.COPA \Documents \Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance 2nd Reading.docx H -1 February 4, 2014 City Council Re: Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance Page 2 Flow Control simply requires that solid waste (does not apply to recycling) generated within the City, be disposed of at the Regional Transfer Station. The majority of solid waste generated within the city already goes to the Transfer Station via the City's collection services. The main impact would be for major demolition projects. If a facility is demolished as solid waste, all materials must go to the transfer station. If a facility is "deconstructed," many of the materials are considered recycling and thus can be disposed of at any material recycling entity, local or out of County. Flow Control will not affect: 1. City residents or commercial entities receiving solid waste collection from City collection services. 2. City residents or commercial entities using Waste Connections collection services. 3. Recyclable, reusable, or recoverable materials from residential, commercial entities or deconstruction projects. 4. Special waste types where no permitted regional disposal sites exists. Ordinance would save rate payers money: 1. Revenue bonds would be less expensive with flow control. A one point decrease in financing saves approximately $100,000 per year, which would decrease tipping fees 2 %. 2. Continued reduction of tonnage without flow control will result in faster and higher tipping fee increases in future years. 3. Encourage facility deconstruction for material recycling, vice demolition disposal as solid waste. This ordnance was not brought to the recent Utility Advisory Committee as it was anticipated the County would institute a similar Flow Control ordinance, to be followed by the City's ordinance. As the County deferred discussions on a County ordinance on Monday, January 13th, there is no reason for the City to delay discussions and move forward to consider approval of this ordinance. It is anticipated the bond sale will conclude by end of April, thus approval of an ordinance is required to be completed by end of March. It is recommended that Council conduct a 2nd reading on the proposed Solid Waste Flow Control ordinance and adopt the ordinance. C:AUsers \jhurd.COPA \Documents \Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance 2nd Reading.docx H -2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 13.55 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to solid waste flow control. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Sections: 13.55.010 13.55.020 13.55.030 13.55.040 13.55.050 Definitions. Use of Regional Disposal Sites Required. Exemptions. Deconstruction Penalties 13.55.010 Definitions 1) "Solid Waste Management Plan" or "SWMP" means the most recently updated or amended Solid Waste Management Plan adopted to satisfy the requirements of RCW 70.95.080. 2) "Deconstruction" means the demolition of any structure where 50 percent or more of the demolition debris, by weight, is source separated recyclable materials. 3) "Recyclable material" means those solid wastes that are separated for recycling or reuse, such as papers, metals, and glass, that are identified as recyclable material pursuant to Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan. 4) "Regional disposal sites" means the locations within the City of Port Angeles as identified in the SWMP where any final treatment, utilization, processing, or deposit of solid waste occurs. 5) "Solid waste" means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes (household and residential), industrial wastes, swill, sewage sludge, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and recyclable materials. 6) "Source separated" means the separation of different kinds of solid waste at the place where the waste originates. 13.55.020 Use of Regional Disposal Sites Required All solid waste, including construction and demolition debris, generated inside corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles, shall be delivered to the regional disposal sites as identified in the SWMP. 13.55.30 Exemptions A. Recyclable Materials B. Special waste types expressly identified in the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, for disposal at facilities other than the County's permitted regional disposal sites. C. Types of waste where no permitted regional disposal site exists, the solid waste may be disposed of at a properly permitted disposal facility outside of the County. D. Waste generated from federal or Tribal Lands. 13.55.040 Deconstruction Source separated recyclable materials from deconstruction may be transported to any facility within or outside the City of Port Angeles legally authorized to accept such materials, so long as containers of recyclable material transported to locations outside of the City of Port Angeles contain no more than 15 percent, by weight, of non - recyclable solid waste. All other solid waste from deconstruction must be delivered to designated regional disposal sites pursuant to Section 13.55.020 above. 13.55.050 Penalty The penalty for failure to deliver solid waste to a regional disposal site as required by this ordinance shall be equal to the solid waste disposal fee (tipping fee) for the regional site times the estimated number of tons of solid waste delivered elsewhere instead of at a regional disposal site. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 13.55 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to solid waste flow control. THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Sections: 13.55.010 Definitions. 13.55.020 Use of Regional Disposal Sites Required. 13.55.030 Exemptions 13.55.040 Deconstruction 13.55.050 Penalties 13.55.010 Definitions 1) "Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan" or "CSWMP" means the most recently updated or amended Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan adopted to satisfy the requirements of RCW 70.95.080. 2) "Deconstruction" means the demolition of any structure where 50 percent or more of the demolition debris, by weight, is source separated recyclable materials. 3) "Recyclable material" means those solid wastes that are separated for recycling or reuse, such as papers, metals, and glass, that are identified as recyclable material pursuant to the CSWMP. 4) "Regional disposal sites" means the locations within the City of Port Angeles as identified in the CSWMP where any final treatment, utilization, processing, or deposit of solid waste occurs. 5) "Solid waste" means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes (household and residential), swill, sewage sludge, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and recyclable materials. 6) "Source separated" means the separation of different kinds of solid waste at the place where the waste originates. 13.55.020 Use of Regional Disposal Sites Required All solid waste, including construction and demolition debris, generated inside corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles, shall be delivered to the regional disposal sites as identified in the CSWMP. 13.55.030 Exemptions 1) Recyclable materials. 2) Special waste types expressly identified in the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, for disposal at facilities other than the County's permitted regional disposal sites. 3) Types of waste where no permitted regional disposal site exists, the solid waste may be disposed of at a properly permitted disposal facility outside of the County. 4) Waste generated from federal or Tribal lands. 5) For purposes of this Chapter, "solid waste" excludes Hazardous waste subject to Chapter 70.105 RCW. 13.55.040 Deconstruction Source separated recyclable materials from deconstruction may be transported to any facility within or outside the City of Port Angeles legally authorized to accept such materials, so long as containers of recyclable material transported to locations outside of the City of Port Angeles contain no more than 15 percent, by weight, of non - recyclable solid waste. All other solid waste from deconstruction must be delivered to designated regional disposal site pursuant to Section 13.55.020 above. 13.55.050 Penalty The penalty for failure to deliver solid waste to a regional disposal site as required by this ordinance shall be equal to the solid waste disposal fee (tipping fee) for the regional site times the estimated number of tons of solid waste delivered elsewhere instead of at a regional disposal site. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codif ers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of 2 the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2014. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2014 By Summary Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2014. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2014 By Summary H:Aa ORDINANCES& RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES.2013 \11 - Industrial Transmision 13.12.071.docx CITY OF ME THE Smum... ., IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU" WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY HALL HOURS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Summary: In 2009, City Hall Customer Service and City Clerk Hours were decreased as a way to save on staffing costs as part of the 2009 Budget process. Since that time, the City has received significant negative feedback from the public, Council and staff regarding the inconsistency of the hours during the week as well as the shortened hours on Friday. Currently the City is making changes to the Customer Service area to improve access for the physically disabled, provide private access to Customer Service staff for confidential communications, and increase security for the area. Staff decided this was the best time to revise our City Hall business hours to provide increased and more consistent access for our citizens. Recommendation: Conduct a 1st reading of the proposed ordinance to increase City Hall hours and continue to February 18, 2014 for a 2nd reading and adoption of the ordinance. Background / Analysis: In 2009, the City Hall Customer Service and City Clerk Hours were decreased Monday through Thursday to 8:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m., and on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This change was implemented to save on staffing costs as part of the 2009 Budget process. Since that time, the City has received significant negative feedback from various groups, including the public, City Council and staff. The most frequently received complaints have been the inconsistency of the hours during the week and closing early on Friday. The City is making numerous changes to the customer service area, including remodeling the front counter to improve access for the physically disabled, providing private access for citizens to have confidential conversations about their utility accounts, and more security for the Customer Service area. Staff decided this was the best time to revise our City Hall business hours. The new proposed hours will be Monday through Friday: City Hall 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Customer Service Counter 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. These new hours will increase the access for our citizens to make payments in person and access our customer service staff for other utility account needs. In addition, the hours are consistent throughout the week, providing an easy to remember schedule for the public. Page 2 City Hall Hours Ordinance Amendment City Hall will open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. Departments will be available to answer questions and provide customer service. The Customer Service counter will begin accepting payments at 8:30 a.m. and close at 4:30 p.m., however, staff will still be available to answer questions. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington making changes to Chapter 2.44.030 and Chapter 3.70.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to City Hall business hours. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 1249 as amended and Chapter 2.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to City Hall business hours are hereby amended by amending Section 2.44.030 to read as follows: 2.44.030 Business hours. A. Except as noted in subsections B., C., and D., all public offices of the City shall remain continuously open for the transaction of business from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, inclusive, of each week. B. Customer service and City Clerk hours are: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:9930 p.m.; and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. C. Police Department hours are: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. D. On Saturdays, Sundays and State legal holidays all such public offices shall be closed. E. Whenever a legal holiday falls upon a Sunday, the following Monday shall be the legal holiday. F Whenever a legal holiday falls upon a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the legal holiday. Section 2. Ordinance 2789 as amended and Part B of Section 3.70.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Finance Department fees are hereby amended by amending Part B of Section 3.70.010 to read as follows: 3.70.010 Finance Department fees. B. Utility connections /reconnections and automatic connects. 1. Utility connections /reconnections — $25.00, during the following regular hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:08 30 p.m_ .; and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 2. Automatic connects pursuant to property owner agreements — $15.00 3. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.54.035(B), 13.54.050(B), and 13.54.060(B)— $15.00 4. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.12.030, 13.12.040, 13.12.041, 13.12.042, 13.12.060, 13.54.080, 13.54.120, 13.54.050(D), 13.54.060(D), 13.54.070(B) and 13.57.030(C)- $30.00, which includes all applicable taxes. 5. The fee for special emergency connects or disconnects outside of regular hours shall be $130.00. Section 3- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4 - Severabilit_y. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 5 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2014. DAN DI GUILO, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2014 By Summary CITY OF Za_ :::::::,,,_71 W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CRAIG FULTON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES WILLIAM BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY NATHAN WEST, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: APPRENTICE UTILIZATION PROGRAM Summary: The attached ordinance creates an Apprenticeship Utilization Program. It would apply to public works contracts issued by the City having a value of one million dollars or more, and require that at least fifteen percent of the labor hours be filled by people in state - approved apprenticeship programs. Recommendation: Conduct first reading and continue to the next regular City Council meeting. Background / Analysis: Development and enhancement of local contractor related trades is one way to improve long term economic stability in the Port Angeles economy. Ensuring there are adequate learning opportunities for apprentices can contribute to improved workforce capacity and capability The attached ordinance creates an apprenticeship utilization requirement. It applies to the larger public works contracts issued by the City - those with a bid amount in excess of one million dollars. It would require that fifteen percent of labor hours on such public works contracts be filled by persons enrolled in state - approved apprenticeship programs. Several other cities and counties in Washington have adopted similar programs. In broad terms, apprenticeship programs are adopted to serve two goals. The first is to encourage a development of a skilled work force in the area. Apprenticeship is a means to provide a trained and capable workforce possessing the skills necessary to fully participate in the construction trades. The second is to promote jobs for local area residents. Having a local apprenticeship requirement in local contracts will encourage local residents to engage in apprenticeship training. This, in turn, will lead to minimum wage, middle -class jobs. City staff has been working with Peninsula College to explore opportunities for training and capacity building that will strive to provide a depth of qualified apprentices in Clallam and Jefferson Counties. Staff plans to have additional updates on this effort presented at future Council meetings. Staff recommends that Council conduct the first reading of the attached ordinance with adoption scheduled for the February 18th City Council meeting. Following adoption all bid opportunities of one million dollars and greater will provide an apprentice opportunity. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 3.80 to Title 3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing an apprentice program. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new Chapter is added to Title 3 of PAMC to read as follows: Sections: 3.80.010 Use of apprentices required for public works 3.80.020 Definitions 3.80.030 Apprenticeship utilization 3.80.040 Administration 3.80.050 Reporting, monitoring and proof of compliance and enforcement 3.80.010 Use of apprentices required for public works. Apprentices shall be utilized on the construction of all public works in accordance with this chapter. 3.80.020 Definitions 1) "Apprentice" means an apprentice enrolled in a state of Washington apprenticeship training program. 2) "Apprentice utilization requirement" means the requirement established by this Chapter that no less than fifteen percent of the total reported labor hours involved in a public works project be performed by apprentices. 3) "Contractor" means a person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture entering into a contract with the City to construct a public work. 4) "Director" means the Director of Public Works and Utilities, Director's designee. 5) "Emergencies" means unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the City that either: a. Present an immediate threat to the proper performance of essential functions; or 1 H - 13 b. Will likely result in material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life if immediate action is not taken. 6) "Bid Amount" means the actual bid submitted by a contractor to perform a public work, including costs of materials, supplies, equipment, and labor, but excluding taxes and contingency funds. 7) "Labor Hours" means the total hours of workers receiving an hourly wage who are directly employed on the site of the public works project. "Labor hours" shall include hours performed by workers, including foremen, employed by the contractor and all subcontractors working on the project. "Labor hours" shall exclude hours worked by superintendents, owners, and workers who are not subject to prevailing wage requirements. 8) "Public work" refers to all City funded construction projects that constitute a public work pursuant to RCW 39.04.010, as now or hereafter amended, in which the awarded Bid Amount is $1,000,000 or more at the time of contract advertisement. 9) "State- approved apprenticeship training program" means an apprenticeship program approved or recognized by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council. 10) "Subcontractor" means a person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture that has contracted with the contractor to perform all or part of the work to construct a public work by a contractor. 3.80.030 Apprenticeship utilization. 1) Apprentices utilized in accordance with this chapter must be enrolled in state - approved apprenticeship programs. 2) Notice of the apprenticeship requirements of this Chapter shall be included in all instructions to bidders for projects on which the Bid Amount is reasonably expected to be $1,000,000 or more. 3) The provisions of this chapter are intended for the administrative and procedural guidance of the officers and employees of the City of Port Angeles. Such provisions are not intended to confer an independent cause of action or claim for relief cognizable in the courts of the state of Washington or the United states of America to any third parties, and these provisions shall not be used as a basis for a lawsuit in any court of competent jurisdiction challenging the award of any contract by the City of Port Angeles. 3.80.040 Administration Apprentices shall be utilized for the construction of public works by contractors and subcontractors in accordance with this section. 2 H - 14 1) Apprenticeship utilization program requirement: Public works by contracts shall require that 15 percent minimum of the contract labor hours. The 15% contract labor hours may be an aggregate of both contractor and subcontractor apprentice manhours. 2) Contract requirements. The contract documents for such public works construction projects shall include provisions imposing the apprentice labor requirements established in this Chapter. Such contractual provisions may include liquidated damages. The Director is hereby authorized calculate for each project a liquidated damages amount, calculated to reimburse the City for the Contractor's breach of this Chapter. 3) The City will make available an apprenticeship utilization plan form, which identifies the intended usage of apprentices by the contractor and /or any subcontractors to be submitted and used in evaluation of successful bidder in awarding of the public works contract. If the contractor cannot show its 15% minimum apprentice hours proposal, the bid may be deemed non- responsive by the City. 4) Failure to meet utilization goal. Failure by a contractor to comply with established apprenticeship requirements, unless otherwise reduced or waived in writing as set forth below, shall be deemed a breach of contract for which the City shall be entitled to all remedies allowed by law. Failure to comply with the apprenticeship requirements may also be considered evidence bearing on a contractor's responsibility for award of future contracts with the City. 5) Reduction or Waiver. The Director, or his designee, may reduce or waive the requirements of this section for a specific project at any time for the following reasons: a. An emergency exists. b. The demonstrated lack of availability of apprentices in specific geographic areas; c. A disproportionately high ratio of material costs to labor hours, which does not make feasible the required minimum levels of apprentice participation; d. The reasonable and necessary requirements of the contract render apprentice utilization infeasible at the required levels; e. The participating contractor has demonstrated a good faith effort to comply with the requirements of this section and has been unable to retain enough apprentices. 6) Grant funding. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the extent they are deemed to be in conflict with state or federal grant funding requirements. 7) By entering into a public works contract, all firms, corporations, and persons subject to the provisions of this chapter agree to submit to the City all information, reports, and policies 3 H - 15 relevant to the enforcement of applicable provisions of this chapter. The City will require periodic reporting on apprentice utilization to be included with each invoice submitted to the City. Such reports shall include an apprenticeship utilization report by the contractor and subcontractors that will identify the actual work performed by apprentices for the contractor and subcontractors on a monthly basis. Required reporting will include the identification of individual apprentices by name and Washington State apprenticeship registration number, and the total apprentice labor hours worked. This provision is not intended and shall not be used to discriminate against any applicant for training. The Director is hereby authorized to adopt administrative policies and procedures that establish the means and methods appropriate to efficiently carry out the reporting requirements of this Chapter. 8) All apprenticeship utilization requirement documentation shall be submitted in a timely manner to coincide with billing period. The City of Port Angeles will not release any construction funds until all apprenticeship utilization requirement documentation has been submitted to the City. Monthly reporting to the City is deemed necessary to ensure successful implementation of this program 9) Upon successful completion of the public works project, the City's project manager will compile & submit a final apprenticeship report to be used by the Director for the report to City council. Dispersing of final project funds shall be withheld until this report is completed and given to the Director. 3.80.050 Reporting to the City Council. The Director, or his designee, shall report to the council upon the use of apprentices for construction projects. The report shall be part of the final contract acceptance presented to Council and will include: 1) The percentage of labor hours actually worked by apprentices on each awarded project and the total number of labor hours on each awarded project; 2) The number of apprentices by contractor broken down by trade and craft category; 3) Others facts and information that demonstrate the results and consequences of the apprenticeship program established by this chapter. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2014. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2014 By Summary CITY OF W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BYRON W. OLSON, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING SALES TAX COLLECTED ON THE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL BLUFF STABILIZATION PROJECT AND UTILITY TAX COLLECTED ON THE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL BLUFF UTILITY SURCHARGE. Summary: The City is in the process of moving forward on a plan to resolve issues related to the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project. The project is estimated to cost approximately $19,700,000. The Washington State Department of Ecology (DoE) has already authorized funding assistance of $3,991,000 for the project leaving a balance to be funded by bonds and /or loans of approximately $15,700,000. To help reduce the cost to rate payers, the City Council has requested a resolution declaring the intent of the City Council and providing direction to the City Manager regarding: (1) sales tax that will be collected from the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project; and (2) utility tax that will be col- lected on the surcharge applied to collection services within the City of Port Angeles and tipping fees subject to the City's utility tax. Recommendation: Move adoption of the resolution to declare the City Council's intention re- garding sales and utility tax collections related to the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project, and give direction to the City Manager for the budgeting of those revenues. Background / Analysis: Background / Analysis: The Landfill Bluff Stabilization project is es- timated to cost $19,700,000 and most, if not all, of the expenditures are anticipated to be subject to sales tax. At the current rate of 8.4% for sales tax, the project is estimated to generate the follow- ing sales tax revenue for the political entities listed below: Staff Report to Council Regarding Council Intent for Sales and Use Tax Revenue from the Landfill Bluff Project Page -- 2 — Political Entities Levying /Receiving Sales Tax from Sales Made Within the City of Port Angeles State of Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clallam Transit City of Port Angeles City sales tax retained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clallam County share of City Tax State share of City Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total City Sales Tax Criminal Justice -- City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emergency Communcations (PenCom) Clallam County Mental Health TOTAL Sales Tax within City Share of City Sales Tax Rate Sales Tax Rate r Sales Tax Collected on Project Cost of: $19,700,000 6.50% $1,280,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,200 $165,480 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,550 $1,970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00%. 197,000 0.10% 19,700 0.10%. 19,700 0.10% 19,700 8.40% $1,654,800 0.60% The resolution declares the City Council's intent to return the portion of sales tax collected by the City, estimated at $165,480, to the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project to reduce the total borrow- ing needed to fund the project. In addition, Council is requesting that the State of Washington consider either returning the portion of sales tax it will collect, estimated at $1,280,500, to further reduce borrowing, or provide addi- tional funding support to the City for the project. The Council is also making that same request of Clallam County for the portion of the City's sales tax diverted to Clallam County. Clallam County is estimated to receive $29,550 in sales tax reve- nue from the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project. To pay for the estimated $15,700,000 in bonds and /or loans necessary to fund the project, the City will impose a surcharge on collection of waste within the City of Port Angeles as well as on tip- ping fees at the Transfer Station subject to the City's utility tax. At the Transfer Station, the utility tax will only apply to those fees collected from self - haulers uti- lizing the Transfer Station. Solid waste collected by the City of Sequim's contractor and other contractors do not pay utility tax to the City of Port Angeles — rather, they are responsible for pay- ment of any tax due. Sequim levies its own utility tax on the City of Sequim solid waste utility operation. To reiterate, the solid waste collected by contractors for Clallam County do not pay the City of Port Angeles solid waste utility tax but the contractor does pay the utility tax levied by the State of Washington. The resolution directs that all utility tax collected by the City of Port Angeles resulting from the Landfill Bluff Stabilization surcharge will be returned to the debt service fund for payment on the bonds and /or loans issued for the project. The surcharge will be in place for the life of the repay- ment period, currently projected to be in a range of 20 — 25 years. Staff Report to Council Regarding Council Intent for Sales and Use Tax Revenue from the Landfill Bluff Project Page -- 3 — By taking the actions proposed in the resolution, the City Council will make it clear that the City of Port Angeles will not benefit in any way from taxes generated by the project. Taxes from the sur- charge will be required to pay for the bonds and /or loans used as financing for the Landfill Bluff Project. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please give me a call or send me an e -mail. BWO:mt RESOLUTION NO. -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING SALES TAX COLLECTED ON THE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL BLUFF STABILIZATION PROJECT AND UTILITY TAX COLLECTED ON THE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL BLUFF UTILITY SURCHARGE. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City ") owns and operates a landfill and transfer station for the benefit of the residents of the City of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim and Clallam County; and WHEREAS, in 2007 the City of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim and Clallam County have entered into an Interlocal Agreement Regarding Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System Cooperation and Implementation (the Interlocal Agreement); and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement acknowledges the recommendation contained in the Clallam County Solid Waste Management Plan to close the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill and to develop a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement recognizes that the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System will be operated by the City of Port Angeles and will be utilized by the City of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim and those portions of unincorporated Clallam County eastward from Lake Crescent; and WHEREAS, engineering studies have determined that the bluff wall along the northerly edge of the landfill site and adjoining the Strait of Juan de Fuca is in a state of imminent failure and requires extensive remediation to prevent the potential failure of the bluff wall and potential deposit of garbage on the beach and into the Strait of Juan de Fuca; and WHEREAS, the estimated construction costs to remedy the bluff wall are estimated to be $19,700,000; and WHEREAS, funding assistance from the State of Washington Department of Ecology has be authorized in the amount of $3,991,000; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles anticipates issuing Solid Waste Revenue Bonds of approximately $15,700,000 to provide funding for the balance of the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that nearly all of the project costs are subject to Washington State Sales Tax will generate an estimated $1,654,800 in sales tax revenue calculated on the local sales tax rate of 8.4 %; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles levies a 1.0% sales tax rate included as part of the overall local sales tax rate of 8.4 %; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles sales tax levy is apportioned to allow the City to retain 0.84% of the 1.0% sales tax levy while Clallam County will receive 0.15% of the 1.0% sales tax levy and the State of Washington will retain 0.01% of the 1.0% sales tax levy; and WHEREAS, the sales tax collection resulting from the City's 1.0% sales tax collection is estimated to provide $165,480 in sales tax revenue to the City, $29,550 in sales tax revenue to Clallam County and $1,970 in sales tax revenue to the State from the City of Port Angeles sales tax levy; and WHEREAS, to repay the debt associated with the Solid Waste Revenue Bonds will require a surcharge to be levied on customers' solid waste collection bills or on tipping fees at the Transfer Station that is subject to a utility tax of 10.0% on the solid waste collection surcharge for City residents and an 8.0% utility tax on the tipping fee surcharge; and 2 1 -5 WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to declare its intention and to give direction to the City Manager regarding budgeting of revenues collected from sales tax on the landfill bluff project and utility taxes collected on the surcharge on solid waste collections and tipping fees as set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington: Section 1. Sales Taxes Collected from the Landfill Bluff Project. The City Council hereby directs the City Manager to cause those funds received by the General Fund from sales tax collection on the Landfill Bluff Project be remitted to the capital budget for the Landfill Bluff Project as a contribution from the General Fund. Section 2. General Fund Contribution to the Landfill Bluff Project Construction. The City Council intends that the sales tax that will be remitted from the General Fund to the Landfill Bluff Project be done in a manner to reduce to the extent possible any borrowing or bonding that is necessary to finance the project. Section 3. Sales Tax Collected by Other Political Entities from the Landfill Bluff Project. The City Council seeks to encourage other political entities, such as the State of Washington and Clallam County that will benefit from sales taxes generated by the Landfill Bluff Project to remit those funds to the City to reduce borrowing and thereby reduce overall project costs to ratepayers. Section 4. Utility Tax Collected on Solid Waste Collection Surcharge and Transfer Station Tipping Fees. The City Council hereby directs the City Manager to cause the funds received by the General Fund from utility taxes on the Solid Waste Collection Surcharge and the Transfer Station Surcharge be remitted to the Debt Service Payment account associated with the 3 1 -6 debt issued to fund the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project as a contribution from the General Fund. Section 5. Severability; Ratification. If any one or more of the provisions in this resolution shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining provisions of this resolution and shall in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of this resolution. All acts taken pursuant to the authority granted in this resolution but prior to its effective date are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 6. General Authorization. The appropriate City officials, including but not limited to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer, are hereby authorized and directed to take such steps, to do such other acts and things, and to execute such letters, certificates, agreements, papers, financing statements, assignments or instruments as in their judgment may be necessary, appropriate or desirable in order to carry out the terms and provisions of, and complete the transactions contemplated by, this resolution. Section 7. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately after its passage as required by law. 4 1 -7 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof held this 4th day of February, 2014. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William Bloor, City Attorney 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON MAYOR, Dan DiGuilio 1 -8 DATE: To: WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 4, 2014 CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Fulton, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities William Bloor, City Attorney Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer SUBJECT: West Monroe Partners Evaluation of the AMI Project Summary: On October 15, 2013, the Council approved funding for a West Monroe Partners (WMP) contract to provide an in -depth assessment of the current state of the Mueller AMI contract. The WMP contract was to: - - Assess the AMI project status - - Identify root causes of project issues - - Determine ability to meet original project objectives - - Identify electric /water meter options going forward. The AMI evaluation is complete and WMP will present its report to the Council tonight. Recommendation: No recommendations are provided at this time. Due to the ongoing contract obligations with Mueller Systems, requiring a 60 -day Cure notice period, it is premature for staff to make recommendations or the Council to make decisions on a particular way forward for a City metering system. The WMP presentation is provided for information only at this time, and will be utilized to guide future discussions with Mueller Systems and Council recommendations. Background / Analysis: The City began the AMI project in January 2011 in anticipation that the project would be fully complete and operational by the scheduled April 2012 deadline. Phase I of the project was intended to demonstrate that Mueller's AMI system would function as intended in the real -world environment in Port Angeles. Phase I required installation of 1,000 electric and 1,000 water meters together with the software and wireless communication systems designed to make an operational system. By mid -2011 it became readily apparent that system, as designed and installed by Mueller, failed to meet the stated objectives of the contract. Numerous attempts have been made to resolve the system's operational and communication issues, and complete the project in a timely manner. As of this point, there remain major outstanding issues which don't appear to be moving forward to resolution. Staff began to look for outside assistance with the expertise and specific knowledge of managing /implementing an AMI project. West Monroe Partners was identified as a firm that had both the technical knowledge as well as the actual practical experience in successfully completing an AMI project which could be valuable in helping the City assess it options. WMP conducted an on -site visit November 12 -15 to interview City staff and begin collecting pertinent contract and operational documents. WMP continued their assessment over the next several weeks with N:ACCOUNCIL\FINAL \West Monroe AMI Evaluation Report.docx J -1 February 4, 2014 Re: West Monroe Partners Evaluation of the AMI Project Page 2 follow -on phone conversations with Mueller project management staff and executives. Assessment was also conducted on other AMI systems implemented by Mueller for a comparison of issues. In summary, the findings are: 1. The project is in a state of imminent failure based on a standard WMP "Project Health Dashboard" 2. A number of Root causes were identified in Mueller Project Management; Mueller Engineering /, Software Development; 3. The Mueller system can be made to work if certain conditions are satisfied. 4. Outlines options for alternative future City metering system with various costs involved and various levels of City key objectives being met. 5. Recommendations for future City contract /project oversight whichever option is chosen. The current financial summary of the project is as follows: Automated Metering Infrastructure project CL0308 Electric AMI WT0108 Water AMI US1001 Wastewater AMI RESOURCES: 2010 Revenue Bond AMI $ 5,004,927 BPA Grants Interest earned on Bonds 271,591 Available other 2010 bond* 139,944 Other Resources Total $ 5,416,461 EXPENDITURES: Mueller 1,697,590 Mueller retainage held 230,653 Demand Response Costs AMI Other Costs 537,553 Total $ 2,465,796 AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 2,950,665 * These bond proceeds were slated for 2 other projects, pole replacement and street lights the projects were completed and the fund unused so transferred to the only other project in the bond convenants. The amounts above do not include city funded labor and equipment charges. As the Mueller contract requires a 60 -day cure period after a Notice of Breach has been provided (commencing January 17, 2014), a Council decision on a metering system way - forward would be premature. City staff will keep Council apprised of any Mueller response to the Breach letter, and on any follow -on discussions. N:ACCOUNCIL\FINAL \West Monroe AMI Evaluation Report.docx J -2 AMI Project Assessment prepared for City of Port Angeles (COPA) prepared by: Tom Hulsebosch 02/04/2014 Managing Director, Energy & Utilities Practice 312.980.9320 thulsebosch@westmonroepartners.com David South Senior Manager, Energy & Utilities Practice 312.846.9960 dsouth@westmonroepartners.com © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited Briefing Outline Briefing Outline Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project Objectives West Monroe Partners (WMP): Project Assessment Approach Key Project Findings Decision Process on How to Move Forward Final Thoughts © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 2 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Objectives © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 3 AMI Project Objectives Port Angeles defined key objectives for AMI Project. West Monroe evaluated AMI Project and alternative options against achieving these objectives Must Have Objectives Replace aging infrastructure with new electric and water meters that have improved accuracy and functionality Deliver reliable and accurate billing data Reduce meter operations costs electric rates to match Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) rate structure Provide usage data for customers to manage consumption Reduction of theft and bad debt Nice to Have Objectives Support BPA Demand Response (DR) program to reduce peak demand These are in Priority Order as defined by City of Port Angeles © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 4 West Monroe Partners (WMP): Project Assessment Approach © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 5 WMP Project Assessment Approach West Monroe assessed the current state and desired future state of AMI system (1 of 2) Discovery of Current State and Root Causes Discussions with Port Angeles Staff Discussions with Mueller and SunGard Staff Reviewed Documents (Port Angeles, Mueller, SunGard) Assess Current and Desired Future State by Functional Area Handheld Device MetersElectric (All platforms and features) MetersWater Mi.Host AMI Communications and Management Systems Meter Data Management System (MDMS) Customer Portal (ePortal) Demand Response Mueller SunGard Smart Meter Interface SunGard © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 6 WMP Project Assessment Approach West Monroe assessed the current state and desired future state of AMI system (2 of 2) Assess Current and Desired Future State by Functional Area (continued from prior slide) Program ManagementPort Angeles, Mueller Schedule Management (including managing project dependencies) Resource Management Budget Management Issue tracking, resolution Risk management and mitigation Project team communication and transparency Managing System - Tracking Estimated Time to Complete of Project Milestones Quality Control Project SupportResources (Experience, Training); Enterprise Support; Testing; Documentation; Supply Chain Logistics; Acceptance Test Plans (ATP for Phase 1 and Phase 2); System Training Describe and Assess Alternative Pathways to Achieve AMI Project Objectives © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 7 Key Project Findings Assess Project Health 1. Identify Root Causes of Project Issues 2. Determine Ability to Meet Original Project Objectives 3. Identify Electric/Water Meter Options Going Forward 4. © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 8 Key Findings of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project Insufficient Mueller experience with AMI technology and specific configuration at Port Angeles created initial issues Mueller Enterprise support Mueller AMI technology is a contributing factor, but not the only source of problems Problems may be rectified with commitment by all parties and new Mueller team Alternative options (to Mueller AMI) exist, but not without additional costs and/or modification of Project Objectives © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 9 Key Findings #1 Assess Project Health © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 10 AMI Project Health Imminent Failure Troubled At Risk On Track tƩƚƆĻĭƷ Ǟźƌƌ Ņğźƌ źŅ Ɠƚ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ ƚǒƷĭƚƒĻ źƭ ŅƚƩĻĭğƭƷĻķ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ źƭ ƭŷƚǞźƓŭ ǞğƩƓźƓŭ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ Ǟźƌƌ ƒĻĻƷ ğƌƌ ƭźŭƓźŅźĭğƓƷ ĭŷğƓŭĻƭ ğƩĻ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ǒƓŅğǝƚƩğĬƌĻ źŅ Ɠƚ ƭźŭƓƭ ğƓķ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ ƦƌğƓ ƭŷƚǒƌķ ƒźƌĻƭƷƚƓĻƭ źƓ ƷŷĻ ƒğķĻ ğĭƷźƚƓ źƭ ƷğƉĻƓ ĬĻ ƩĻĻǝğƌǒğƷĻķ ĻǣƦĻĭƷĻķ ƷźƒĻŅƩğƒĻ Governance / Business Alignment Scope / Product Cost Time Resources / Relationships Communications © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 11 Key Findings #2 Identify Root Causes of Project Issues © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 12 Root Cause Analysis Mueller field services and project management teams lacked sufficient skills and resources team lacked training & tools and did not comply with meter deployment guidelines defined in contract management tools were not defined or implemented Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) was not created by Mueller. Resulted in different © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 13 Root Cause Analysis ALL integration points must be validated to ensure proper end-to-end operation of AMI System Meter to Mi.Node (3) AMI Key: Responsible for Integration Hand Held to Mi.Node (2) Mueller Metrology City of Port Angeles Mi.Node to Hand Held to Mi.Collector (4) L&G Meter (1) CPI Fiber (5) Firewall Mi. Host SunGard MDM to SM Module to Mueller-SunGard Interface to AMI Mgmt to MDM (6) SunGard CIS (9) Mueller-SunGard (7) SunGard SM Module (8) © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 14 Root Cause Analysis Mueller Engineering, Software Development, and Product Management Teams Mueller lacked experience with AMI System defined in Port Angeles contract controls Formal training materials and documentation do not match latest software releases AMI system enhancements and software upgrades have not been deployed by Mueller at Port Angeles © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 15 Key Findings #3 Determine Ability to Meet Original Project Objectives © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 16 Can Project Meet Original Objectives? Current Mueller system and project team cannot achieve AMI Project objectives. With changes the Mueller system could achieve most original objectives Key Mueller Solution with Current Mueller ObjectiveCurrent Mueller SolutionNecessary Changes Objective Description solution and project Deploy new electric and water New Meters meters with improved accuracy approach will not be Deliver reliable and accurate billing successful Reliable data Billing Info Reduce meter operations costs Required Changes by (meter reading, on-demand reads, Lower remote disconnect/reconnect) Mueller could achieve OpEx Implement TOU electric rate to objectives: TOU match BPA future rates Support Commitment by Provide usage data for customers Mueller to manage consumption ePortal Lower New Project Manager Revenue Reduction of theft and bad debt Leakage Prioritization of AMI Support BPA DR program to Demand project within Mueller Response reduce peak demand Upgrade all software and technology © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 17 Key Findings #4 Identify Electric/Water Meter Options Going Forward © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 18 What are the Alternative Solutions? Alternative meter solutions exist. Only an AMI system can achieve Port Angeles objectives. Modifying objectives makes other meter solutions technically possible Alternative Meter Systems: AMI to Manual Current Mueller Mueller Solution with Non wireless AMI (Fiber, SolutionNecessary ChangesAlternative AMI Vendorphone, or PLC) AMR VendorManual Meter Reading Key Objective New Meters Reliable Billing Info Lower OpEx TOU Support ePortal Lower Revenue Leakage Demand Response If TOU, ePortal, Revenue Leakage and DR objectives are deleted then AMR or Manual Meter Reading become technically feasible alternatives. © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 19 What are the Alternative Solutions? Alternative AMI solutions have higher capital costs, while AMR and Manual Meter reading have lower capital costs than original Mueller project estimate Incremental Capital Cost over Mueller AMI System, by Alternative Meter Solution Mueller Non-wireless Solution with Alternative AMR Manual Meter AMI (Fiber, Key ObjectiveObjective Description Necessary AMI VendorSolutionReading phone, or PLC) Changes Phase 1 Completion Criteria: i) 1000 Electric and 1000 Water Meters deployed, ii) TOU functional, iii) COPA business Estimated Time (Months) for process design complete, iv) COPA acceptance of vendor 7151598 Phase 1 of Contract Completionsystem Estimated Time (Months) from Project Acceptance Criteria: i) 100% Meter Deployment, ii) end of Phase 1 to Project Full System Integration, iii) COPA Business Process Design, 55555 Acceptanceiv) TOU deployment, v) ePortal Deployment 100% of a resources during Phase 1, 50% for remainder of $477,888$880,320$880,320$339,552$0 Project Management Costsproject Smart Grid SME Cost (System Design, Review ATP, Business $105,840$226,800$226,800$0$0 Process Design)25% of a resource during Phase 1 only Compared with current Mueller meters, Alternative AMI $0$571,050$951,750($486,580)($761,400) Difference in Meter Costs Meters cost more and AMR/Manual meters cost less Compared to Mueller Solution, alternative AMI solutions do not include ePortal with system, so incur added cost. Non- AMI solutions do not include an ePortal because they don't $0$150,000$150,000($25,000)($25,000) Difference in ePortal Costs support interval energy data. MDMS is an additional cost for Alternative AMI Solutions . It $0$350,000$500,000$0($125,000) Difference in MDMS Costs is included in Mueller Solution cost. There are separate components for AMI, MDMS, and ePortal for other AMI vendors adding cost/complexity to the Difference in Integration Costs integration and operations. $0$500,000$750,000$0($125,000) Net Capital Cost Increase/(Decrease) vs. Original Plan$ 583,728$2,678,170 $ 3,458,870$ (172,028) $ (1,036,400) © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 20 What are the Alternative Solutions? Compared to original AMI business case, Alternative AMI solutions require additional IT resources and non-AMI solutions deliver less operational savings Alternative metering solutions have additional Operational Cost Beyond initial AMI project estimate Mueller Non wireless Manual Solution with Alternative AMR Business Case BenefitBenefit DescriptionAMI (Fiber, Meter Necessary AMI VendorSolution phone, or PLC) Reading Changes Incremental Cost to (1) IT FTE for modified Mueller solution, (1.5) IT FTE for Maintain Meter IT alternative AMI and Non Wireless AMI ($135,000/Fully 1 $1,890,000$2,835,000$2,835,000$0$0 System(s) with City Staff Loaded IT FTE) Difference in Meter Manual Meter Reading = $110,000/year (1/4 of this cost 2 $0$0$0$385,000$1,540,000 Reading Cost over 15 years for AMR) Reduction of Bad Debt & Theft = $76,000/year (This benefit is negatively impacted with an AMR or Manual Meter Reading solutions because utility will not have Difference in Reduction of interval energy information to run analytics upon to Bad Debt and Theft over 15 capture fraud or remote disconnect/reconnection for $0$0$0$1,064,000$1,064,000 years excessive nonpayment.) Added Cost vs. Original Plan$ 1,890,000$ 2,835,000$ 2,835,000$ 1,449,000$ 2,604,000 1 Port Angeles should explore having the AMI/MDMS/ePortal Vendor(s) manage the IT systems as a managed service. This saves on capital and operating costs , eliminating additional IT staff to support the IT platforms and applications. 2 Port Angeles should quantify the cost of meter reading errors for current operations to City Call center and billing staff. West Monroe typically sees reduced costs from more accurate meter reading, resulting in fewer calls and billing complaints. This could be additional savings added to the AMI and AMR business cases, but not for manual meter reading. © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 21 Port Angeles Discussion of Mueller Contract Status © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 22 Decision Process on How to Move Forward © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 23 Decision Process Based on Mueller response, Port Angeles needs to consider alternatives Today Continue Mueller Response with Mueller Port Angeles Port Angeles Implements Determines 3-Step Approach to If it will Achieve Project Success continue with Mueller with Mueller Port Angeles Re-evaluates Alternatives © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 24 Decision Process objectives and business case IF Mueller does not commit project, then Port Angeles should Reassess project objectives and system requirements Choose technology approach and system configuration that satisfies redefined objectives Create a robust business case for preferred technology approach Define a project management structure that includes an experienced project management team with technology expertise Note: Non-AMI alternatives, while technically feasible, would mean Lower capital expenditures Lower operational benefits will be realized after deployment 5-of-7 original project objectives cannot be achieved © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 25 Decision Process If Port Angeles continues with Mueller, West Monroe suggests 3-step plan for project success STEP 1: 6-Week Trial Mueller creates comprehensive implementation and resource plans and gains consensus with Port Angeles Port Angeles evaluates if Mueller is sufficiently committed to ensure project success Mueller creates test plan and gains Port Angeles approval Mueller addresses all open issues, performs all system upgrades, and validates Phase 1 system test plan functionality Port Angeles executes a successful formal Phase 1 System Acceptance Test © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 26 Decision Process If Port Angeles continues with Mueller, West Monroe suggests 3-step plan for project success (continued) STEP 3: Mueller executes Phase 2 and deploys customer ePortal Mueller deploys remaining electric and water meters Mueller deploys customer ePortal in secure manner Mueller validates Full System Acceptance Test Plan functionality Port Angeles executes a successful formal Full System Acceptance Test © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 27 Final Thoughts © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 28 Final Thoughts Numerous technical, project management and Mueller internal process issues A commitment by Mueller to address all open issues and follow the proposed moving forward with the current AMI Project the AMI Project on acceptable terms, then Port Angeles should review objectives and business case to determine an optimal metering alternative © 2014 West Monroe Partners | Reproduction and distribution without West Monroe Partners prior consent prohibited 29 CITY OF WASHINGTON, U. S. A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Fulton, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: U.S. Coast Guard Land Use Agreement Summary: The USCG has requested occasional use of the City landfill to conduct low altitude flight, hovering, and hoist helicopter operations, for search and rescue training. The area to be utilized is the sloped west 304 cell. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the USCG Land Use Agreement allowing occasional helicopter extraction operations to take place at the City landfill site, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: Over the last 18 months, discussions have taken place to potentially allow USCG helo training scenarios to take place at the City landfill. Currently, USCG low altitude search and rescue training operations take place several hours drive away (safety Crew travel time) which significantly impacts the ability of training and certification of USCG search and rescue crews. By allowing use of the sloped area of the landfill, USCG can significantly improve training opportunities, and decrease training time, using a nearby site. The training evolution is to take place as follows: (1) A safety ground crew will place a mannequin on the sloped face of the west 304 cell, (2) a rescue helicopter will enter the air space above the landfill and lower a rescue swimmer to the mannequin, (3) the mannequin will be strapped into an extraction cage and raised to the hovering helicopter, (4) the helicopter will depart the area. At no time will the helicopter land at the landfill. City legal staff has reviewed the agreement to ensure appropriate language for indemnification from any claims, losses, or damage that might occur from this activity. The agreement has a 10- day termination clause if at any time the operations impact the City, possibly during the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project period. It is recommended that Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement allowing USCG to conduct helicopter rescue training at the landfill, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. N:ACCOUNCIL\FINAL \USCG Land Use Agreement.docx J -3 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT October 2013 / December 2013 (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL PROJECT TITLE BUDGET (Construction) ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS OCT. - DEC. CHANGE ORDERS REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT Lauridsend Blvd. Bridge Replacement (TR42 -99) $5,129,025.00 $4,498,380.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,498,380.00 Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1 (US06- 01; WW08 -2008) $17,092,350.00 $16,278,350.00 $437,242.66 $129,132.55 $16,844,725.21 Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modifications — Phase 1 CSO Project (US06 -01) $400,000.00 $383,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $433,000.00 Cable Restoration Phase V (CLOS -2012) $100,000.00 $56,498.51 $0.00 $0.00 $56,498.51 Downtown Street Lighting Poles (CL06- 2012) $200,000.00 $193,291.90 $0.00 $0.00 $193,291.90 Sewer Trestle at Francis & 8th (WW05 -06) $230,000.00 $184,940.16 $0.00 $14,442.26 $199,382.42 2012 SCADA System Upgrade - Replacement (PSA 2012- 09 /WW02- 10) $730103.00 $570102.70 $0.00 $0.00 $570,102.70 PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACTS $7,500 - $25,000 AND LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS PROCESS OR SMALL WORKS ROSTER CONTRACTS UNDER $25,000 AWARDED IN LAST 30 DAYS (QUOTATIONS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT CONTRACT SPECIALIST'S OFFICE) CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR CONTRACT/ PO # DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED AMOUNT *Valley Electric Co. of Mount Vernon, Inc. LO -13 -032 City Hall Weather Station 11/8/2013 $9,148.96 *Olympic Electric Co., Inc. WA -13 -033 Water Treatment Plant Heater Upgrade 12/6/2013 $23,306.00 *Small Works Roster Contract UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EXT 60 DAYS; ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN PROJECT TITLE ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BID OPENING START CONSTRUCTION END CONSTRUCTION None PUBLIC WORKS GRANT & LOAN STATUS REPORT October 2013 — January 2014 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT/LOAN SOURCE & COST GRANT MATCH OR LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS Power Systems Demand Response Demonstration Market Project $1,101,076 Bonneville Power Administration $498,960 BPA $498,958 Waived $58,158 City $45,000 Private January 2013 Underway Residential/Light Commercial Wind In @ration Pilot Project $157,000 Bonneville Power Administration $157,000 BPA August 2010 Complete Residential Demand Response Pilot Project $660,000 Bonneville Power Administration $362,750 BPA $297,250 City March 2010 Underway Stormwater Stormwater Retrofit and Low Impact Development Grant $1,448,186 DOE FY 2011 Proviso Grant $1,000,000 DOE $333,334 Required City Match $154,852 City other costs (flood control) May 2012 Underway City of Port Angeles Stormwater Capacity Grant $170,000 DOE Local Toxics Control Account No match required August 2013 Agreement is being processed Engineering CSO Phase 1 Projects, Design & Construction $24,751,00 0 PWTF Loan $1,875,000 Loan @ 0.5% int.; 15% match April 2007 Underway CSO Phase 1 Projects, Design & Construction $24,751,00 0 PWTF Loan $10,000,000 Loan @ 0.5% int.; 15% match; may use SRF loan as match May 2008 Underway CSO Phase 1 Projects, Construction $20,000,00 0 (with contingent y) DOE SRF Construction Loan $10,000,000 Loan @ 2.6% int.; no match required Jan. 2011 Underway PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT/LOAN SOURCE & COST GRANT MATCH OR LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS CSO Phase 2 Projects, Design & Construction $16,728,000 NA NA City has started design without loan financing, and will submit applications for construction financial assistance in December 2013. Dry Creek Bridge for Olympic Discovery Trail $725,000 RCO Grant $361,708.00 grant $50,000 PTC grant $50,000 PTC in kind $160,000 Lodging Tax $110,000 National Park Service Spring 2009 Work complete. Final reimbursement request and loan closeout in process. Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement $5,971,031 BRAC Grant $4,776,825 grant $1,194,206 City Nov 2010 Project is nearly 75% completed. Anticipated substantial completion is March 1, 2014. Solid Waste 2013 -2015 Waste Reduction, Recycling, Moderate Risk Waste Disposal $225,000 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant $168,750 grant $56,250 City Expected to sign early October Signed in October 2013 Landfill Bluff Cell Stabilization $19,698,000 Interagency Agreement with DOE $3,999,100 Financial Assistance NA Agreement is being negotiated List of Acronyms BRAC: Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee BPA: Bonneville Power Administration DOE: Department of Ecology DWSRF or SRF Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund NOANet Northwest Open Access Network NOSC North Olympic Salmon Coalition PASD Port Angeles School District PSP Puget Sound Partnership PWB: Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program PWTF: Public Works Trust Fund RCO: Recreation and Conservation Office SRF: Salmon Recovery Funding TIB, AIP or PSMP: Transportation Improvement Board, Arterial Improvement Program or Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Program WSDOT: Washington State Department of Transportation ADS LLC Consultant Agreement CSO and Weather Station Monitoring Services Date Original Agreement Authorized by Council: September 15, 2009 Amendment 2 signed July 9, 2012 Amendment 3 signed July 8, 2013 Amendment 4 signed 11/5/2013 Agreement Expires: July 14, 2014 Billings Through: December 15, 2013 Task # Task nginaTContract Amount September 15, 2009 Contract Amount through Amendment 4 Billings to Date 1 Flow Monitoring Equipment Precipitation Measurements / Weather Station Allowance Site Assessment and Installation of All Equipment Website Set Up Flow Monitoring Field Service Data Analysis and Preparation of Final Flow Data Wireless Communications Website Data Display and Alarm Notification Technical Assistance Totals $36,139.79 $4,336.00 $18,399.17 $35,646.69 $4,336.00 $18.399.17 $1,626.00 $1,626.00 $149.010.07 $66.790.841 $6.184.48 $11,500.20 $10.725.94 $5,984.11 $328,144.00 $292.719.19 Aspect Consultant Agreement, Project SW08 -01 Landfill Post Closure Consulting & Engineering Services Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 7, 2008 Date Amendment 1 Authorized by Council: September 15, 2009 Date Amendment 2 Authorized by Council: February 15, 2011 Date Amendment 3 Authorized by Council: January 17, 2012 Agreement Expires: February 15, 2014 Billings Through: 11/29/2013 Task # Task 1.1 Groundwater Reports Original Contract Amount Contract Amount through Amendment 1 Contract Amount Through Amendment 2 Contract Amount Through Billings Amendment 3 to Date Complete 1.1.1 Biannual Reports 1.1.2 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 1.1.3 Seawall Fluid Report 56;500 $26.100 534.100.00 853.224.00 $13µ500 $43,400 85.8400.00 $8,000 $15.500 $15,500 587,907.00 $15.500 1.2 Seawall Monitoring Report and Beach Monitoring Analysis of Transect data, Tech Memo and 1.2.1 Recommendations 89.000 $14.800 $19.800.00 Annuar Beach Morphology Monitoring 1.2 .3 ileport $8,000 $18,300 1.3 Evaluation of Monitoring Well #3 827.300.00 88,000.00 $32.470.00 $48.459.00 $8,000,00 Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring of 1 4 the 304 Compliant Landfill___ 1.5 Evaluation of the Landfill Gas System Maintenance Su000rt Macro -Algae Survey S13.000 $6.000 $0 $61000 $8.000.00 87.000.00 $12.000 $61.000 $8.000.00 $51.658,72 $24.000 $111.000 Total 558000:00 $185,100 $249,100 $438.218.72 $54.386.83 102% $98.351.78 112% $18.046.30 118% $22,992.73 71% $28,475.35 55% $3,782.93 83% $0.00 0% $72.077.43 140% 816,479.62 69% $103.264.67' 93% $415.857.64 95% Brown & Cadwell, Inc. OCA 211 -02 Payment No. 11 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: December 7, 2011 Task Order 1 Authorized: February 10, 2012 Authorized Amount: $417,109 Agreement Expires: December 7, 2013 Table 4 - Summary Sheet Billings Through: February 21, 2013 3/26/2013 Task # 1 1.1 1.2 2 Task Contract Amount Amended Amount Billings to Date Complete On -Call Services $24,839.00 Emergency repair $6,000.00 strategy force main ITIF Mk, n), $5,470.83 m;��Iyy 91% 2.1 I &I Reporting WW Control Facilities Engineering Report Pump Station #3 Replacement $ 97°/ $26,132.00 2.2 3 (T03) 4 (T01) 5 (T01) WWTP Improvements (Solids Processing) Septage Receiving Contract Docs $91,138.00 $120,000.00 CSO Plan Update $40,000.00 System Model Update $115,000.00 Totals $417.109.00 $35,610.84 $76,137.64 $48,631.02 $40,117.95 $114,415.92 PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] Brown & Caldwell Consultant Agreement, Project 06 -01 CSO Projects Phase 1 Payment 69 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: July 5, 2006 Amendment No. 17 Authorized by Council: September 17 , 2013 Agreement Expires: January 31, 2014 JW9 12(1712013 t3UUn s Throui h.ht Task # fah r „ 2013 Description. roug Amendment No. 17 Billings to Date Project Management 104% Survey, Mapping & Condition Assessment 93% Cultural Geotechnical Engineering Environmental & Permits Alternative Development and Evaluation 5962,666,60 $50,298.64 $14,000.00 $211,200.00 $1,085,868.78 $13,677.36 $13,994.96 $210,291.90 1% 88% 104% 128% 113% 27% $9,737.50 $16,342.19 $90,321.78 $49,339.85 $2,302,407.74 WWTP Monitoring Suppport 16 First St. Stormwater Separation 17 l Industrial Outfall Repair & Cleaning 18 Engineering Services During Construction $9,168.18 $31,376.50 $14,120.62 $9,970.31 $380,791.82 $50,806.94 56% 54% 29% 91% 108% Total $512,191.00 $4,716,504.28 98.97% CH2M Hill, Project WT 0209 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: February 15, 2011 Authorized Amount: $834,552.00 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2012 Billings Through: November 9, 2012 Task # Task Confract Amount On -Call Assistance $10,000.00 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement McDougal Subzone Improvements $736,539.00 $88,013.00 Totals $834;552.00 Amended Amount Billings to Date $7,136.08 $272,480.66 $14,054.00 $293.670.74 % Complete 35% C�aM H,11 2013 Elwha Project Technical Engineering Services Date Agreement Authorized by City Manager: August 16, 2013 Agreement Expires: February 21, 2015 Amendment No.1: October 11, 2013 Billings Through: 11/1/ 2013 Task # 2 3 Task Elwha Consulting Assistance Directed Services Amedment 1 Assistance Original Contract Amount Total Contract Amount Billings to Date $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $1..000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000..00 $0.00 $4,809.20 $9,809.20 Complete 125.00% 0.00% 32.06% 49.05% Exeltech Consulting, Inc. Date Agreement Authorized by Council: 6- Mar -12 Origingal Amt Amend Amt Total Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Authorized Amount: $715,251.40 Amendment No.1 Authorized: May 7, 2013 Laurel /Lincoln /L Blvd Intersection Authorized Amount: $100,515.70 $100,515.70 $463,522.16 $1,178,773.56 Total Authorized Amount: Agreement Expires: June 30, 2014 Billings Through: November 30, 2013 $815,767.10 $1,279,289.26 our "•sen v. ri•ge (Design & Project Managment) Lincoln/Laurel/L Blvd PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] M -10 FARALLON CONSULTANT AGREEMENT CSO Phase 1 Project, No. 06 -01 Environmental Engineering Consultant Agreement Date Agreement Authorized: October 5, 2010 Amendment 5 Approved by Council: February 21, 2012 Authorized Amount: $340,618 Agreement Expires: May 15, 2012 Amendment 5: December 31, 2013 Billings Through: September 27, 2013 Task # 6 Task Document Review Technical Support Bid Document Support Proiect Administration Environmental Support Field Testing Totals Original Contract Amount $2.500 $2,500 Contract Amount through Amend 5 Billings to Date $2;500 $2.500 $2.500 $5.000 $0 $17,500 $93 „582 $10,702 $13.700 $105.488 $340,496 $95 469,21 $29.016.20 $16.707.32 $105..567 % Complete 108% 75% 102% 59% 137 %. 100% Feiro - 2013 Stormwater & CSO Public Outreach Program Date Agreement Authorized: July 2, 2013 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2013 Billings Through: 12/23/2013 Task # 1 3 Task Grade School Stormwater Education Stormwater Education Raingarden Model CSO Education Original Contract Billings Amount to Date ok Complete $4,326.69 $4,326.69, 100% $632.50 $4,312.50 $632.50 $4,312.50 100% Total Contract Amount $9,271.69 $9,271.69 100% HDR Engineering, Inc E Street Reservoir Cover Evaluation & Repainting Contract No. PSA- 2012 -08 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: August 7, 2012 Amendment 1 Authorized by Council: November 20 Authorized Amount: $97,792 Agreement Expires: August 31, 2013 Billings Through: November 2, 2013 Payment 10 11/15/2013 Task # 1 2.1 Task 2.2 4 Project management and QAJQC Data Collection and Cover Support Structure Inspection Findings and Evaluation Tech Memo repare over''uppo Recoating Specifications Original Contract Amount Amend 1 Contract Amount $5,439 $5,439 Amend 2 Contract Amount Billings to Date $20,684 $16,720.82 $7,110 $7,110 $7,113 Complete 80.84% $7,112.81 $9,049 $9,049 $4,163 $4,162.75 $10,030 Seismic Evaluation of Reservoir Cover System Services During Bidding and Construction $8,116 $8,115 $3,172.66 $10,182.78 100.00% 99.99% 99.99% $15,257 0.03% Design of Roof Retrofitting $37,836 45.92% Altitude Control Valve Vault Modifications $0 mvfn ,r $8.517 $3,267.22 Totals $55,001 $97,792 $135.255 $76.236.80 78% PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] Herrera Consultant Agreement, Project OCA 2011 -03 Landfill Cell Stabilizatlon Englneering Services Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 18, 2011 Agreement Expires: October 18, 2013 Amendment No.1: March 13, 2012 Amendment No.2: June 19, 2012 Amendment No. 3: March 19, 2013 Amendment No. 4: July 16, 2013 Billings Through: 11/29 /2013 Task # Tank Billings Contract Amount j to Date Complete S1,635.00 516 031 510 561 .......$9,007 525 955 ;31 160 525000 854 000, 349.700 853500 559,100 $43,700 515,000 557,354 $84285 5217.171 $797,281 Public Involvement Bid Phase Support Additional Refuse Removal Concept Su si rnentar PS5C GW -1 Pumolno and 0W 2/3 Monllorina Seawall Access Road Analysis 05npral Stnrmw_atgr PP-71.9 _. Permitting _.. 515000 555 200 5502,900 5163,500 595,900 552 500 515.500 53? 500 571,644 573,530 530,544 542 190 524,645 339.996 61135,62 510251 BR 33, 720 „56 56,203.48 2 481.83 540 540.99 519,779.01 846 193.77 e64 063,58 522;721,47 8129 579.20 $13,819,55 $3.899.76 573.547.73 71,000,44 S195.529 56 3725 622 79 58.832.93 512542.69 5104.757._29 $19,369_06 52 555..16., 5424.75 S0-00 50.00 600 $0.00 50,00 50.00 Total Contract Amount 52,781.328 00 51612,514 42 59% Herrera Consultant Agreement, Project DR 03 -2011 Stormwater NPDES and Capital Needs Assessment Date Agreement Authorized by Council: August 16, 2011, Amendment 5/15/2012 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2012 Billin s Throu +h: December 31 2012 Subtask # Description Project Management men •e Contract Amount Billings to Date % Complete Existing Stormwater Program Characterization $8,033.00 $16,458.00 $7, 379.63 $17,497.37 Stormwater Program Regulatory Gap Analysis $16,329.00 $16,586.06 92% 106% 102% 1.6 1.8 Water Quality Data Analysis Support Prioritization of Existing CFP Drainage Project List Financial Analysis and Funding Recommendations Draft and Final Reports and Presentation Support / Public Education Water Quality Project and Program Development Project Management Peabody Creek Drainage Contaminant Survey Total, Tasks 1.1 -1.8, 2.1 -2.2 $16,561.00 $13,977.49 $3,968.00 $25,948.00 $15,347.00 $4,499.00 $707.00 $20,269.00 $24,161.20 $6,107.52 $4,255.69 $499.31 59% 93% 40% 95% 87% $128,119.00 $110,341.64 Layne Christensen Consultant Agreement Performance Testing of Ranney Well Date Agreement Authorized by Council: July 2, 2013 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2013 Billings Through:9 /6/2013 Task # Task Permitting Observation Well Installation Well Pumping Test Test Data Analysis Support Total Contract Amount Original Contract Amount $1,000.00 $23,000 $14,000 $12,000 $50,000.00 Billings to Date $1,000.00 $22,702.09 $11,591.84 $7,100.00 $42, 393.93 Complete 100% 99% 83% 59% CLERK STORAGE, POLICE DEPARTMENT & MECHANICAL REMODEL Lindberg & Smith Architects, Inc., P.S. Date Agreement Authorized by City Manager: March 20, 2012 City Manager Approval: March 20, 2012 City Council Approval: September 18, 2012 City Council Approval: September 18, 2012 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2013 Billings Through: December 20, 2013 Phase # Task Review ADA codes, fire access and other 1 & 2 codes, and Programming and Schematic Design 3thru6 Design services for mechanical & electrical !upgrades to computer & raio equipment rooms, remodel of 2 IT offices Extra Engineering Services for trouble shooting Existing system and design repairs Totals Original Amt Amend Amt Total Amount $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $22,500.00 $47,500.00 $13,000.00 $60,500.00 $35,500.00 2011 BudgeF Contract Amount Amount $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 Amended — Billings to Amount Date $12,922.50 $35,500.00 $47,018.15 $47,500.00 $47.500.00 PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] MURRAY, SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. WW 01 -2013 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: April 1, 2013 Authorized Amount: $24,652 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2013 Billings Through: July 31, 2013 Task # Task 2006 Budget Amount on ra Amount EUGA Pump Station Renovation men .e Amount 1 ings o Date Complete $24,652.00 $11,638.42 47.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Totals $0.00 $24,652.00 $11,638.42 47.2% PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] Northwestern Territories, Inc. PSA 2013 -05 Date Agreement Authorized by City Manager: August 8, 2013 Authorized Amount: $24,000* Agreement Expires: July 30, 2014 Billings Through: 10 -04 -13 Task # Task Re- rating of the WWTP Update to General Sewer Plan 2008 Budget Amount Contract Amount $6,600.00 $6,600.00 $17.400.00 $17.400.00 Amended Amount Billings to Date Complete $5.998.85 91% $0.00 0% 0 %, PW 0410_02 [Revised 08 /06] $24.000.00, $24.000.00 0% 4 $5,998.85 25% Sargent Engineers, Inc. Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 4, 2011 Total Amount Amend Amt 00000 0 0 0 0 0 of o i o ri cocochcO0 In l` O r- r fa CA? Ea W, s., 00000 0 0.0.000 0 rM ai a- 0 000 Ltcc o cM O t}r IX>CO r' M r tf3 fR fG El} Ca N r N N N N r O r N N oi • N r N - c CNI N CO co 7 N U 2 2 2 -, cO O 0 LL N N N ` .` .` 'p O O O O O p Q „;(• ° < D. t U N M N N N 7 O O E E E o Z Z o c o V . - • w o o UI —I--« O O tri fA 12 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2013 Billings Throu . h: October 31. 2013 2011 /2012 Budget Contract Amended % Task Amount Amount Amount Billings to Date Complete Structural Analysis and Design for Repair of 8th & Francis St. Sewer $75,000.00 $14,745.00 $ 49,998.00 $58,074.59 90% Task # Trestle 1 & 2 Marine Drive Channel Bridge $15,000.00 $0.00 $ 11,091.00 $8,133.20 73% Inspection 3 $25,326.00 $18,346.04 72% Tumwater St. Retaining Wall $18,343.00 $0.00 0% ME - Marine Drive Pedestrian Study IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII 0% Totals $90,000.00 $14,745.00 $104,758.00 $84,553.83,' PW 0410_02 [Revised 08/06] Stream keepers Fecal Coliform Monitoring Payment #25 - 2013 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 16,2012 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2016 Billings Through: 12/31/2013 Table 1 - Summary of Payments yment Time Period 1 January 2013 Lab Testing 2 January 2013 Labor 3 February 2013 Lab Testing 4 March 2013 Lab Testina 1/10/2014, Breakdown Sheet printed 1/10/2014 City of Port Angeles Amount Cumula 've A of Invoice Number(s) Approved Total Authorized 13-0049 $1,475.00 $'1,475.00 10 °/. 2013.015R $873.05 52.148.05 14% 13-0157 $468.001 $2, 61605 177 13 -0206 5468.00 ".3,084.05 21 % 780.13 $4.864.18 2013.040R 5248.21 55.112.39 34 A 13 -0260 $1 „378.00 56.490.39 43 2013.051R 5410.76, 56,901.15 46% 13-0309 468. 09R 468.00 57,369,15 49% 2 $7.614.25 13 -0361 5468.00 56,0822 5 54% 3013 $425.63 58.507.88 579 3.0 5 February 2013 Labor 2013.028R 6 March 2013 Labor 7 Aoril 2013 Lab Testing 8 April 2013 Labor 9 May 2013 Lab Testing 10 May 2013 Labor 32% June 2013 Lab Testing 2 Benthic Lab Testing 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 June 2013 Labor July 2013 Lab Testing August 2013 Lab Testina July 2013 Labor August 2013 Labor September 2013 Lab Testing September 2013 Labor October 2013 Lab Testing Ocotber 2013 Labor November 2013 Lab Testing November 2013 Labor December 2013 Lab Testing December 2013 Labor G,i.ti egt Streamkeepers Fecal Coliform Monitoring Table 2 - Breakdown of Pa meat 5395.48 468.00 $1,,007.00 5336.41 $423.15 5468.00 5541.78 5702.00 5661.41 5572.00 520919 5468.00 5239.70 Contract Amount Labor and Lab Testing 515,000.00 5239.70 $8,903.36 $9.371.36 $10,378.36 510.714.77 511,137.92 511,608.92 512.1 47.70 512,849.70 513,511.11 514.083,11 514,292.30 514,760.30 515,000.00 • revious Total 514.760.30 MIIIIIN1111111111111111.111.1.11111111•11 MOM 59% 62% 69% 71■ 74% 77Y 81% 86% 90% 94% 95% 98% 100% New Total $15.000.00 50.00 Totals 515.000.00 5239.70 $14.760.30 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 „000.00 15.000.00 10/8/2013, Breakdown Sheet printed 10/8/2013 City of Port Angeles Vanir Consultant Agreement, OCA 2012 -02 2012 On -Call Construction Management Services Task 2, The Waterfront Development Project Phase! Original Amt Amend Amt Total Amount Orginal Approved: February 21, 2012 $0.00 Amendment #1 Authorized: September 18,2012 $299,005.00 $299,005.00 Payment No. 11 Table 1 - Su ry of Payments Payment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Time Period Invoice Number(s) Amount Approved Cumulative Total % of Authorized I 10/8/12 through 10/31/12 11/1/12 through 11/30/12 T369A -01 $24,937.85 $24 „937.85 8% T369A -02 $31.786.69 $56,724.54 19% 12/1/12 through 12/31/12 T369A -03 $31,881.82 $88,606.36 30 %, 1/1/13 through 1 /31/13 T369A04 $33,,751.68 $122.358.04 41% 2/1/13 through 2/28/13 T369A05 $25,770.52 $148,128.56 50% 3/1/13 through 3/31/13 T369A06 $9,192.56 $157.321.12 53% 4/1/13 through 4/30/13 T369A07 $60.374.12 I $217,695.24 73% 5/1/13 through 5/31/13 T369A08 $36,804.55 $254.499.79 85% 6/1/13 through 6/30/13 T369A09 $8,904.18 $263,403.97 88% 7/1/13 through 7/31/13 T369A10 $13,457.63 $276,861.60 93% 8/1/13 through 8/31/13 T369A11 $8.716.90 $285,578.50 96% $285,578.50 V' ousiLloit 1pooh, [. N: \Professional Services Agreements12012 On -Call Construction Management Services (OCA 2012 - 02)106 Consultant Payment\WTIP -Task 2 \Payment #11 \Payment No.11.xlsx M -22 Vanir Construction Management, Project OCA 2012 -02 2012 On -Call Construction Management Services Date Agreement Authorized by Council: February 21, 2012 Agreement Expires: February 21, 2015 Billings Through: 10/31/ 2013 Task # Task Original Contract Amount Billings to Date Complete Phase 1 CSO, Project No. 06 -01 Total Contract Amount $1,787,668.00 $1,787,668.00 1$1,544,941.82 $1,544,941.82 86.4% 86.4% mmmmr WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 4, 2014 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 2013 WORK PLAN 4TH QUARTER UPDATE Summary: The City of Port Angeles Work Plan is intended to be a communications tool between City Staff, the Council and the community, providing a brief overview of some of the major projects being worked on by the City Departments. Attached is an update of those projects. Recommendation: No action required; information only. Background: City Staff has previously provided a Work Plan that gave a brief synopsis of some of the larger, long -term projects being worked on by the various City Departments. The list provided in the Work Plan is not a complete list of all the projects being worked on City -wide and it does not reflect the regular ongoing projects that are required in order to provide the daily delivery of municipal services. The Work Plan is intended to be used as a communications tool between City Staff and the Council. By referring to the Work Plan, Council can gain a better understanding of the projects, the objectives of the projects, and the rationale behind them. In addition, the Work Plan provides a direct link between the projects and the Council Goals that were developed by the Council in the Spring of 2011. The Work Plan can also be utilized as a tool for communications between Council and the community. The City Manager, in conjunction with Senior Staff members, is providing the City Council with an update on the status of the ongoing projects and programs that are listed in the Work Plan. This update is placed in the Information section of the Council packet to allow both the Council and the general public the ability to monitor ongoing major City projects. An electronic copy of the Work Plan update will also be placed on the City website. The Work Plan can be accessed on the City Manager's webpage at http:// www .cityofpa.us /citymanager.htm. CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY WORK PLAN 2013 - 4th Quarter Update PORT Submitted to the Port Angeles City Council by: Daniel McKeen, City Manager William Bloor, City Attorney Corey Delikat, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works & Utilities Terry Gallagher, Police Chief Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer Nathan West, Director of Comm. & Economic Development City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan Work Plan Updates - Table of Contents WORK PLAN UPDATES - TABLE OF CONTENTS FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT 1 LONG -RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN 1 COMPREHENSIVE CITY BUDGET 1 LABOR CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 2 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE STUDY 2 WATER / ELECTRIC METER REPLACEMENT 3 WELLNESS PROGRAM / AWC BENEFITS TRUST 4 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & ASSOCIATED COSTS 4 MONTHLY BUDGET STATUS REPORT 5 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS 6 PUBLIC SAFETY 6 WIRELESS MESH NETWORK INSTALLATION 6 SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM UPGRADE 7 COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE 7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS EXAMINATION 8 PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY 9 NPDES PERMIT - STORMWATER / PHASE II 9 COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT - PHASE I / II 10 FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 10 WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 11 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM 11 CHINOOK MOTEL CODE ENFORCEMENT 12 HARBOR SEDIMENT STUDY 12 LANDFILL BLUFF STABILIZATION 13 OFF -SITE COMPUTER BACK -UP SERVER FACILITY 14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 15 WATER TREATMENT PLANT - OUTSTANDING AGREEMENTS 15 CLALLAM COUNTY PUD WATER CONTRACT 16 JOINT NOAA / FEIRO CAMPUS FACILITY 16 LAURIDSEN BOULEVARD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 17 NIPPON BIOMASS - CODE COMPLIANCE REVIEW 17 CHOOSE -LOCAL PROGRAM 18 Page i City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan Work Plan Updates - Table of Contents EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT 19 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION 19 BUSINESS LICENSING / OPERATING PERMIT PROGRAM 19 CITY WEBSITE & INTRANET EVALUATION 20 ELECTRONIC TIME CARD REPORTING SYSTEM 20 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 21 EMAIL MANAGEMENT 21 "THIN- CLIENT" COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS 22 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUDIT PLAN 22 CLICK- TO -GOV BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE 23 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY 23 OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY 24 Civic FIELD STADIUM/COMPLEX 24 LINCOLN PARK MASTER PLAN 25 ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK PLAN / CSO PROJECT 26 ARCHAEOLOGICAL PREDICTIVE MODEL 26 HISTORIC FIREHOUSE / C11'Y HALL 27 Page ii City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT Appendix A Provide consistent and quality municipal services that maximize return on investments, leverage outside resources, are equitable for local taxpayers, and increase the opportunity for economic development. LONG -RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN Objective: Provide a plan for long -term financial stability. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Long -Range Financial Plan (LRFP) initiated. City Council - Senior Management Retreats held on March 16 and April 20. The plan is scheduled for potential Council adoption on July 2, 2013. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Work on the Long Range Financial Plan (LRFP) was delayed during the summer due to the unplanned extended leave of Chief Financial Officer. Further work on the LRFP will commence in Q4 -2013 with a goal of having a revised, recommended draft for Council review /discussion in Q1-2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff continued work on the Long -Range Financial Plan, including work on revenue and expenditure projections and preparing materials for use at the January 2014 Council workshop. Staff is continuing to update the financial projects and lay the foundation for discussions on the Program and Services Plan to be developed in the first half of 2014. COMPREHENSIVE CITY BUDGET Objective: Provide a responsible and comprehensive budget to provide for services and programs to meet the needs of the community. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The first amendment to the 2013 Budget was presented to Council on April 16, with potential adoption on May 7. Monthly Budget Status updates help keep Council up -to -speed on finances, issues, trends or developing concerns. Future budget amendments planned on a quarterly basis with a final amendment planned for December 2013. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City Council has approved two (2) budget amendments for 2013 and we anticipate a final budget amendment in late November /early December for the 2013 budget. Work is on track to deliver the City Manager's Recommended Budget for 2014 to the City Council on October 18th, followed by a work session on October 22nd. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: ITEM COMPLETED City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A LABOR CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Objective: Complete negotiations with three unions for new labor contracts to achieve fair, equitable and sustainable labor agreements with each of the City's bargaining groups. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Negotiations in process with three unions. Agreement reached with AFSCME for 2013- 2014. Teamsters Police Non -sworn unit recently approved their contract for Council to consider. Impasse with Fire Union and Teamsters Police Sworn officers. State mediator assigned to assist. These two unions have binding arbitration as the final stage of the negotiations process. Will know within 60 days if we can settle or will advance to arbitration with these units. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Reached agreement with IAFF, AFSCME, IBEW and Teamsters Union (Non Sworn) for 2013- 2014 labor contracts. Teamsters Union, (Sworn Officers) is scheduled for Binding Arbitration in December 2013. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Reached agreement for a new 2013 -2014 labor contract for IAFF, IBEW, AFSCME and Teamsters Non - Sworn. Completed interest arbitration hearing with the teamsters union, Sworn Officers. The arbitrator's decision will be issued early to mid- March 2014. ITEM COMPLETED UTILITY COST OF SERVICE STUDY Objective: Provide stable, predictable rates for electricity, water, wastewater, solid waste collection and transfer station, stormwater, and telecommunications. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Selection panel identified preferred consultant to enter into fee negotiations. UAC discussed on April 9, with next step to bring forward to Council for their consideration. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The FCS Group presented their COSA analysis and proposed rate structure at the September 10th Utility Advisory Committee meeting and again at the September 24th Special City Council Meeting. Continued discussions on the 2014 rate structure will continue at the Oct. 8th UAC, for eventual presentation and approval at a November Council meeting. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The COSA will be used to assist the council with a review of utility policies, including cost allocations. This review will occur during a 2014 Council work session. ITEM COMPLETED City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A WATER / ELECTRIC METER REPLACEMENT Objective: Install state -of -the -art water and electric meters that can be read remotely and feature a meter -data management system, demand response utility portal, and customer web portal, to better manage the system. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Working diligently with Mueller Industries to implement required software to be able to collect data from meters, report through a wireless network, and integrate with the City's SunGard Utility Billing System. On April 1, the City received a partial delivery of software and is working with Mueller to facilitate complete delivery. The City and Mueller had on -site conference in Pon' Angeles on April 10 — 11. Work continues to resolve outstanding issues related to software integration and meter exchange. Conference calls are held weekly. Next steps include the delivery by Mueller of a complete, working package of software for testing prior to sign -off by the City. Software testing will then commence. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A two -week long meeting was scheduled between Mueller, SunGard, and the City to get the AMI project on track. The Vendor is working with the City to complete an initial phase of activating 250 meters to prepare for data gathering, testing, and City acceptance. A new project manager, Deputy Director Maher Abed, was assigned to replace Larry Dunbar. Due to the failure of Mueller to attain Phase 1 or the reduced Phase 1A completion, a consultant (Monroe Partners) was proposed to evaluate the current issues with the AMI contract, and to develop alternatives for completing the project fully or in parts. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: West Monroe Partners (WMP) was contracted to provide an evaluation of the Mueller contract; their performance under this contract, the likelihood of successful completion, cost to complete, and options available to upgrade the City metering system if AMI is not a viable option. WMP has gathered City and Mueller information and has had numerous conversations with both parties to determine project status and contract viability. A draft evaluation report was submitted to City staff at the end of December for initial review. Page3 M... -30 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A WELLNESS PROGRAM / AWC BENEFITS TRUST Objective: Continue the Wellness Program to achieve the AWC Well -City Award to receive a 2% Medical Premium discount, maintain a healthy work environment, and provide resources for employees to bring balance to work and personal time. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Human Resources Staff continues promoting and managing this program. The City received the 2013 Well -City Award for Excellence for the 3rd year in a row — the highest level of recognition. The City also earned a 2% discount on 2014 medical premiums, equal to about $75, 000. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City is again participating in the AWC Health Questionnaire campaign, Participation of 50% will earn the Well City Award for 2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: ITEM COMPLETED FOR 2013 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & ASSOCIATED COSTS Objective: Review City employee benefits and associated costs in coordination with the City's long -range financial plan. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Sustainability Committee will meet on May 14. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Sustainability Committee met on May 14 and determined that a comprehensive evaluation of City wages and benefits should occur for all union represented and non - represented employee groups as part of the City's 5 -year financial forecast. City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A MONTHLY BUDGET STATUS REPORT Objective: Provide an "easy to read and understand" financial reporting model to better assist the Council in its overall mission to make the best possible decisions and serve as an informational resource for the public. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Monthly Budget Status Reports are provided to Council and posted on the City's website. For the first two months of each quarter, the report is at a fund summary level showing revenues, expenditures and net operating position. The final month of each quarter details an extensive Budget Status Report. Multiple graphs include both revenues and expenditures to chart history and trends. In addition, two mid -year budget reviews presentations (May /June and October /November) will be made to Council to allow even greater opportunity for questions and answers. Legal Department prepares a monthly status report on criminal justice costs related to court, jail, and electronic home detention. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Monthly budget reporting was delayed during the summer due to the unplanned extended leave of Chief Financial Officer. Reporting will return to "regular" schedule with the Q3 -2013 Budget Status Report due in late October. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff is continuing with the Quarterly Budget Status reports that are delivered to Council and placed on the City website by the 25th of the month following the end of the quarter. We have stopped issuing a Monthly Budget Status Report while we implement some work re- assignments in Finance and consider alternate reporting systems to keep the Council, management, and the public informed on matters regarding the City's financial condition. Pages M... -32 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS Objective: Evaluate and demonstrate efficient contracting is in place for economic development and tourism related services. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A detailed matrix was prepared to evaluate all economic development related funding provided by the City, Port, and County. Executives from each jurisdiction are beginning to discuss the most efficient and productive path forward for use of these resources. Legal Department reviews all agreements and advises on available options. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City staff met with the Chamber of Commerce to inform them of new legislative changes and requirements associated with the use of City Lodging Tax Funds. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The 2013 Budget Process highlighted the addition of required funding outcomes and measurable performance indicators for the City's Economic Development contracts. Additional evaluation of the contracts for efficiencies and effectiveness will continue in 2014. PUBLIC SAFETY Our community is recognized as a safe place to live, work and play and is known for excellent public safety services that are provided by well - trained and highly - competent personnel. WIRELESS MESH NETWORK INSTALLATION Objective: Improve public safety emergency incident management communications. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Construction /installation is complete. Final phase acceptance testing is underway. Minor adjustments are being addressed; antennae realigned, etc. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: ITEM COMPLETED Page6 M... -33 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM UPGRADE Objective: Enhance security along the waterfront from Francis Street Park to Valley Creek Estuary Park and work in coordination with the Waterfront Improvement Project 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Port Security grant dollars have been released. We will be "piggybacking" on a Cascade Network contract with the City of Seattle to move this project forward. The City's consultant is putting necessary specifications together so the Legal Department can produce a contract. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Installation of new cameras is underway. Project is on track and on- budget. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Cameras were installed and are currently operating. The project came in under budget. ITEM COMPLETED COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE Objective: Update the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to ensure adherence to the State and Federal Emergency Management Plans. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A training presentation was made to the entire City Council. Work continues on updating the plan. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: In order to reflect format changes with State and Federal emergency management plans, the City CEMP has been updated. The updated copy has been sent to the State for review. Once reviewed and approved, all existing City CEMP volumes will be changed to reflect the new format. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City has received comments from the State regarding the proposed format changes. These comments have been reviewed and incorporated into the format changes. Revised CEMP Volume 1 binders will be redistributed during 1st Quarter 2014. City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS EXAMINATION Objective: Continue program modifications to ensure the City's criminal justice system is effective and just, while recognizing the City has a finite budget. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: All Legal Department staff are involved in daily monitoring, collecting of information, tracking success rates and developing strategies. This is on ongoing and cooperative effort between the Police & Legal Departments. Over the last year, rising Criminal Justice Costs have become one of the largest financial impacts to the City. The Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim to met with Clallam County on April 22, to discuss felony diversions by the County. Staff will update Council before June. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City has had several more communications with the County regarding felony diversions. In July, the City gave notice it would no longer accept felony diversions from the County, unless the County agreed to some equitable sharing of the costs relating to those cases. In 2012, the City filed 838 cases, of which 128 were felony cased diverted from the County prosecutor. At the end of 3rd quarter 2013, the City was estimating 765 cases, with 120 projected to be diverted from the County prosecutor. The City and County did not reach agreement on an equitable sharing of costs of felonies diverted to the City. Effective October 1, City stopped accepting felony diversions from the County. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The County did not respond to the City's offer to equitably share the costs of felonies that the County elects not to prosecute. Therefore, on October 1 the City stopped accepting felony diversions from the County. At the end of 2013, 113 felony cases had been diverted from the County. Additionally, over the past six months, the Legal Department has been working with several local agencies to develop a comprehensive Criminal Justice Alternatives program. The goal of the program is to reduce recidivism. After several meetings, the group has completed a draft operating plan. We hope to begin a pilot program in 2014. Page8 M... -35 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY Strive to provide a diversity of attractive neighborhoods and commercial districts that foster affordable living, walking environments, and a strong sense of place. NPDES PERMIT- STORMWATER / PHASE II Objective: Implement the renewed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit - Stormwater Phase II to reduce untreated stormwater impact on the City' s discharges to the Washington State bodies of water. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The 2012 Annual Report was provided to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The summary will be posted to the City website. Staff continues to work various issues of the permit. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The 2012 Annual Report is complete and has been forwarded to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The summary will be posted to the City website. Staff continues to work various issues of the permit. The City has received a $50K capacity grant to offset program implementation costs, and a $120K grant to prepare pre- design water quality projects. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Various storm water remediation projects have been completed or approved by Council for implementation in support of the NPDES Permit to include: Final Acceptance - C St Extension /Stormwater Rehabilitation Project - Approved Stormwater Education and Outreach Services interlocal agreement with Kitsap County - Approved final design funds for the 4th St Stormwater Improvement Project - Approved funding for 2014 Stormwater Capital Project Preconstruction Design Page9 M... -36 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT (CSO) Construction of Phase 1 Construction / Commence Design of Phase 2 Objective: Reduce the number of combined sewer overflow occurrences to an average of one per year by no later than December 31, 2015. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Legal Department providing substantial involvement regarding contract and tax issues. Phase 1 construction is well underway on time and within budget. Phase 11 design effort has commenced. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Phase 1 construction is underway, on time and within budget. It is expected the bulk of the project will be complete by December 2013 with project closeout in Spring 2014. A presentation on CSO Phase 1 was given at the APWA Conference on October 2nd. Phase 11 design effort has commenced. City Engineer continues to work in partnership with DOE and other State Agencies to provide low interest funding alternatives for Phase 2. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Phase 1 has reach 95% completion and is on time and on budget. Final testing will occur in January 2014. A State Revolving Fund loan application was submitted to DOE for $12 million, continuing the strong working relationship with DOE. Phase 2 Design is well on its way to allow for a Fall 2014 construction contract award dependent on funding. FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Objective: Promote and encourage private sector investment for building improvements resulting in increased property tax values and more attractive commercial corridors. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff drafted an amendment to the Fagade Improvement Program Ordinance to enable greater flexibility in the City's Fagade Program. City Council adopted amendment on April 2, 2013. Program outreach will begin later in April. Legal advising on implementation options for program, and amending ordinances to add flexibility to program implementation. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A fagade program was completed for Railroad Avenue. Approximately $59,000 was awarded for 5 Railroad Avenue properties. In August, a second round of grant opportunities was advertised and 5 additional applications were received requesting an additional $33,000. The total investment of private funding and City grant awards is expected to exceed $219, 000. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Two rounds of Fagade Improvement Program grants were successfully completed and ordinance changes were made to provide greater flexibility to the program. Page 10 M -37 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Objective: Inspire private sector investment and community pride in the Downtown's Railroad Avenue area by creating a welcoming International entrance for visitors and an attractive and functional place on the waterfront for the community to gather and enj oy. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Esplanade Construction is underway, moving forward on schedule and on budget. On March 19th Council reviewed 60% construction drawings for Phase 2 (West End Park) and authorized staff to move forward with 100% design. Legal is advising on contract issues, draft contract amendments for continuation of next phases. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Esplanade Phase of the Waterfront Project was completed on schedule and within the Council allocated budget. ITEM COMPLETED SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Objective: Complete review and update of City's Shoreline Master Program as required by the Shoreline Management Act. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff met with the Department of Ecology in January to discuss final steps for Shoreline Master Program approval. Ecology certified the City's Shoreline Master Program as complete in February. Department of Ecology held the final public hearing on March 18 and the public comment period closed on April 11. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff is working with Department of Ecology to obtain a letter of approval on the shoreline master program. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff continues to work towards a letter of approval from Department of Ecology. Page 11 M -38 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CHINOOK MOTEL CODE ENFORCEMENT Objective: Address Chinook Motel building, health, and safety code violations 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City enforcement efforts successfully convinced to the property owner to sell the former Chinook Hotel. The new owner is currently renovating the property and is intending to re -open the hotel later this summer. ITEM COMPETED. HARBOR SEDIMENT STUDY Objective: Participate in the Harbor cleanup process and review all documents to avoid potentially unwarranted liability to the City and unnecessary impacts to major employers within the community. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff has worked diligently with the Department of Ecology and other potentially liable parties to finalize a draft agreed order and work plan. Council approved an agreement between potentially liable parties as well as an environmental services consultant agreement on April 2. Legal devoted significant amount of staff time to negotiation and project contracts. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Sampling and data gathering was completed for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City and the PLP Group have authorized our technical consultants to proceed with Work Order 2, which is the next step in preparation of the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. Also, a new issue has arisen. The federal NRD (Natural Resource Damages) Trustees have asserted damage claims against the City and the other PLPs. The City and other PLPs deny they are subject to the claims of the federal trustees but acknowledge they may be subject to NRD claims under state law brought by DOE. So far, DOE has not asserted such claims. Finally, our claims made against former insurance carriers have been successful. Three primary carriers have agreed to pay defense costs. They are now in the process of reviewing and reimbursing the City for eligible costs previously incurred. Page 12 M -39 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A LANDFILL BLUFF STABILIZATION Objective: Reduce the potential of a failing landfill cell from depositing solid waste into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Take timely, cost - effective positive actions to pull back municipal solid waste and reduce the rapid pace of erosion of the waterfront landfill cells. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Legal will review and prepare final drafts of contact for next stages of planning and permitting. Federal and State regulatory agencies have been included in the initial planning stages of developing an adaptive approach to addressing the landfill bluff stabilization construction project. Herrera Engineering is authorized to prepare permit applications and proceed to a 30% design. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Herrera Engineering has been authorized to prepare permit applications and proceed to Final design. Herrera and the City presented the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project recommendations to the County Commissioners, who declined to provide the City with a low interest loan, and deferred a decision on Flow Control of County solid waste. DOE has pledged $4M to offset the cost of the project, and is seeking an additional $2.5M 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City staff held a meeting with the three 24th District Legislators to gain support for a State low interest loan and /or additional financial assistance and they appear to be receptive. Alternatively, work continues on the worst case scenario of attaining full funding using commercial revenue bonds. Break through discussions occurred with US Army Corps of Engineers to allow the 2007 protective wall to remain and be considered an approved structure. City staff is working in concert with the County to institute Flow Control ordinances, with continued discussions with Sequim on their possible support of flow control. Page 13 M - 40 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A OFF -SITE COMPUTER BACK -UP SERVER FACILITY Objective: Provide the ability to recover vital information after a large -scale disaster by installing an off -site computer back -up server facility in a location away from City Hall. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City staff finished the preliminary work that will permit IT to begin moving in and securing racks, and installing services and related computer equipment. This will provide off -site redundancy for the information technology system. Move -in will begin in April /May and be complete and operational before the end of summer. The City also continues to work with other public sector agencies on the northern Olympic Peninsula to implement a shared solution to the state -owned remote storage facility in eastern Washington. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Network racks will be secured the week of October 7, 2013. Placement of redundant servers and equipment will immediately follow and will continue as we redesign our City Hall network rack layout. Offsite equipment placement will also include a management console (CFP 1T03- 2012) which allows remote administration of servers from the City Hall location. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: All racks were installed in Q4 -2014 and staff began initial installation of the back -up servers as time permitted. Full installation of all back -up servers will be on -hold until the fire protection system is installed during Q1-2014. Page 14 M -41 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Strive to create a balanced and diverse local economy, while maximizing employment and educational opportunities for the entire community with a well - maintained infrastructure designed for future growth. WATER TREATMENT PLANT — OUTSTANDING AGREEMENTS Objective: Protect the City's water supply from the effects of dam removal through negotiation of agreements associated with the City's Water Treatment Plant. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Legal reviews agreements and advises on issues, options, and strategies relating to Elwha Water Facilities. Public Works will focus on the inability of the Elwha Water Facilities (EWF) to operate as desired. Fine material is clogging the facility. A letter of concern was forwarded to the Olympic National Park Superintendent. Meetings and discussions are on- going. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City and the National Park Service (NPS) have negotiated an agreement on the outstanding issues related to the PAWTP. Warranty issues will be addressed in an orderly fashion and NPS will pay for the evaluation of the City's Ranney Well. URS was retained by NPS to perform an assessment of the PAWTP and provide recommendations on future improvements. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Ranney well screen repairs have been completed. The Ranney well analysis has been completed. Well performance capability may be impeded by sediments during and after the sediment impact period with the NPS projections for expected turbidity. Additional data gathering is required. NPS has replaced the defective heaters in the PAWTP. NPS is nearing completion of their EWF upgrades which should be fully in -place by January 2014. Analysis of PAWTP warranty concerns continues with NPS and their consultant URS. Staff has concerns over the assessment of whether or not the PAWTP can adequately treat water above 20 NTU. Additional discussions will need to take place between NPS /URS, Department of Health and COPA to resolve. Page 15 M - 42 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CLALLAM COUNTY P.U.D. WATER CONTRACT Objective: Improve water pressure and storage capacity to the City's Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA) by resolving contract concerns with the Clallam County Public Utility District (PUD). 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Legal reviews water contract and advise on issues, options, and strategies. Negotiation position for the City has been developed. Discussions are being held at the General Manager /City Manager level. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Negotiations continue with the PUD's General Manager. It is anticipated a proposed agreement will be provided to Council for consideration by December 2013. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Negotiations are continuing, with a proposed agreement expected for Council consideration during the 1St half of 2014. JOINT NOAA / FEIRO CAMPUS FACILITY Objective: Provide opportunities for capital investments in the downtown and waterfront area as a catalyst for future investment and development. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Early this year the Feiro Marine Life Center, NOAA Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and City of Port Angeles completed a pre- design effort for a new Marine Campus Facility in Downtown Port Angeles. The final report was completed April 5th. Legal continues to work with on structure for potential public - private development in coordination with Waterfront Improvement Project (WTIP). 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: On July 16th, City Council considered and approved a Memorandum of Agreement with the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and Feiro Marine Life Center. Updates to this Memorandum will likely be required. City staff and Feiro Marine Life Center continue to pursue private sector investment for this new campus facility. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A private sector partner has been identified to ensure successful project implementation. The partner is working to acquire one of the subject sites identified in the pre- design effort. Partners met with NOAA's Director of the National Marine Sanctuary. Page 16 M - 43 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A LAURIDSEN BOULEVARD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Objective: Replace a structurally and functionally deficient bridge. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Legal is working with Public Works to develop the project manual, bid package, and contract for the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge Replacement Project It is anticipated the project will be advertised in the April /May timeframe with award in June 2013. Construction is anticipated to be complete by late 2013 or early 2014. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The construction contract was awarded on June 2013. Construction commenced on Aug. 1, 2013, with the existing bridge demolished on August 23rd. Project is on schedule for completion approximately March 2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Lauridsen Bridge construction continues with the successful delivery and installation of bridge beams on 5 December. NIPPON BIOMASS — CODE COMPLIANCE REVIEW Objective: Ensure code compliance during construction of the Nippon Paper Industries, (NPI) biomass facility. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Plan review is complete for the project and all foundations have received final inspections. There are still some remaining structural elements to be inspected upon completion. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City has continued to conduct Building Permit related inspections of the project. Testing of the facility is scheduled for October and it is anticipated that final expectations and a certificate of occupancy will be issued early in the 4th Quarter. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A Temporary Certification of Occupancy was issued to allow Nippon to begin co- generation operations. Page 17 M - 44 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CHOOSE -LOCAL PROGRAM Objective: Promote and educate the community in making conscious decisions to purchase products and services locally, support local businesses, and contract locally for professional services. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Choose Local subcommittee held a Buy Local Seminar on February 25, for local businesses and committee members. The group helped strategy discussions about the future of the Choose local campaign. Choose Local will be conducting a customer service training pilot project for local businesses at Peninsula College on May 6 and 7. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Choose Local committee has had a lack of participation from private sector representatives. In July, the Committee Chair requested a new chair be identified. No representatives from PA Forward volunteered and City staff has continued to implement Choose Local marketing at the County Fair and through other marking related opportunities as they arise. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Choose Local marketing was completed during the holiday season to emphasize the importance of shopping local. Advertisements were placed in the Peninsula Daily News and on KONP Radio. The Choose Local banner was also placed across Front and First Streets throughout the holiday season. Page 18 M - 45 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT Appendix A Strive for government that is predictable, accountable, and honest; actively seek citizen involvement; and incorporate clear and achievable goals that are committed to success. RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Objective: Increase efficiency in the management of all City daily records and decrease public disclosure liability. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Work continues on drafting a Records Management Program Manual with policies, procedures, and tasks. Legal Department already has a functioning records management program for criminal records. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Finalized Records Management (RM) Program Manual. Created Records Committee and held meetings. Started Phase 1 of RM program, creating departmental indices of records created and retained. Upgraded Laserfiche and began Phase 1 & 11 of Enterprise Content Management. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Project on Hold for 4th quarter of 2013, due to staffing shortage in City Manager's Office. Phase 1 of RM program will continue as part of the 2014 Work Plan. BUSINESS LICENSING / OPERATING PERMIT PROGRAM Objective: Evaluate effectiveness of the Business License Program in conjunction with other business related operating permits to provide the most efficient program for multiple Departments to implement and manage. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: No Update — scheduled for second half of 2013. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: No update — postponed until 2014. Page 19 M - 46 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CITY WEBSITE & INTRANET EVAULATION Objective: Ensure the City's website remains sustainable and a reliable source of current information for the public; determine if the internal Intranet is serving the needs of employees. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The first vendor demonstration occurred on April 16, 2013. Two more demonstrations will be scheduled for staff evaluation. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Viewed three vendor demonstrations and chose Civic Plus as the City's new website provider. Began design process with "Go- Live" scheduled for beginning of 2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Completed numerous phases of website design with vendor in the development of the new website. Final review and training to take place in 2014 and a Go -Live date is scheduled for the final week of February, 2014. ELECTRONIC TIME CARD REPORTING SYSTEM Objective: Replace a time - consuming paper process with an efficient electronic time- card payroll data capture system. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Software for electronic timecards purchased. In process of completing the pre- planning assessment necessary for implementation. Initial roll -out to the first test group (Finance) should happen last 2nd quarter /early 3rd quarter followed by additional deployments through the remainder of 2013. The goal is to have the electronic time card system fully deployed by year -end 2013. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Software has been purchased. Departments recently completed information request to define supervisor /subordinate relationships for timecard approval. Programming work with ExecuTime will begin at start of Q4 -2013 with initial implementation for Finance as the test department by late 2013 /early 2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Software was installed and Finance continued working with the vendor to identify reporting requirements /relationships necessary to allow for proper workflow /authorization to be in place prior to implementation in 2014. Initial testing of the application will begin late Q1- 2014 /early Q2 -2014 with the Finance Department as the "beta" test site for the City. Page 20 M - 47 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT) SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Objective: Implement an electronic funds transfer accounts payable system to provide faster delivery of payments to City vendors while reducing costs to the City. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Currently in the process of installing and testing a major upgrade to enterprise -wide accounting and business software. Testing to be complete by mid -April with a "go live" implementation at the end of April. Once that is accomplished, next step is to proceed toward further implementation of the EFT payment processing system by adding existing vendors to the EFT system as well as new vendors. Our current goal is to be "check -free" by early 2014. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: This project has been delayed until 2014 so that time could be spent on State mandated projects; in particular, converting the City's chart of accounts to new State BARS requirements. In addition, new work related to internal audit requirements have produced significant changes and realignment of work priorities to accommodate emerging needs. The EFT project will continue after accounting conversion is complete. EMAIL MANAGEMENT Objective: Identify and implement long -term solutions for cataloging and storing e- mail. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: A city -wide email management plan will be included in the drafting of the Records Management Program. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: To augment our existing hosted email archive system, legacy Groupwise email has been converted to a universal file format for ease of management and use in public records requests. IT staff will continue to work with the City Clerk as implementation of the records management plan continues in 2014. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Project on Hold for 4th quarter of 2013, due to staffing shortage in City Manager's Office. Project will continue as part of Phase 1 of the Records Management program in the 2014 Work Plan. Page 21 M - 48 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A "THIN- CLIENT" COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS Objective: Reduce overall costs for computer workstations and better manage electronic records. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City Council approved software purchase on April 16. Police will be the first group to be transitioned to take full advantage of the BTOPAMreless Mesh communications strategy. Next area for testing and implementation will be Customer Service. Once deployed, effectiveness of the "Thin- Client" strategy will be assessed before further roll -out throughout to other departments. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The planned PAFD and PAPD thin - client and virtual client deployments will take place in October as the remaining network users are migrated to the Active Directory environment. Customer service image and functionality have been fully tested and will be ready for roll -out within 30 -days of the finalized network migration. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The planned PAFD and PAPD thin - client and VM deployments were completed in Q4 -2013. Once that deployment was completed and field tests assured its operational status, the City was able to de- activate the Novell servers. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUDIT PLAN Objective: Develop and implement a plan for an Information Technology (IT) performance audit to guide future work plans, technology migrations, and information technology decisions. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Work continues to prepare a Request for Qualifications /Request for Proposals (RFQ /RFP) to issue in June /July 2013. The plan is for the project to be complete in late 2013 or early 2014 with information regarding capital purchases (hardware /software) being part of the 2014 budget process. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: This project has been placed on temporary hold pending completion of numerous IT projects currently underway. We believe that the City should be able to proceed with the RFP /RFQ process in Q1 -2014 and bring forward a recommendation to Council in Q2 -2014. Page 22 M - 49 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A CLICK- TO -GOV BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE Objective: Improve customer service for the building permit process. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: None. Click -to -Gov module update is scheduled for the later part of 2013. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: This project has been delayed due to workload related to AMI, ExecuTime, and the new State BARS requirements. This project will be added to the project plan for 2014. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY Objective: Advocate on the City's behalf, protect the City's interests, and keep Council informed on legislative issues affecting the community. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Mayor, Councilmember Bruch, and City Manager attend the AWC Legislative Conference in January. City representatives met with Senator Hargrove and Representative Tharinger during another AWC Conference in February to discuss the City's concerns regarding the State Budget. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Mayor and City Manager met with the DOE Director in to discuss environmental challenges facing the City, including the financial impact. The Mayor and City Manager also attended the AWC Mayor's Conference to discuss contemporary issues facing cities. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councilmember Downie and City Manager attended the AWC Annual Conference in Kennewick. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: In December, staff along with the Mayor met with all three of our state legislators. The purpose of the meeting was to update our legislators on the Ccity's major environmental projects and to ask for their help in supporting DOE's funding requests within the upcoming state supplemental budget. Page 23 M -50 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY Maintain our community as a place where our citizens enjoy a superior quality of life composed of abundant recreational resources, a unique natural setting, thriving cultural opportunities, and a balanced economic base. CIVIC FIELD STADIUM/COMPLEX Objective: Extend the useful life of Civic Field to provide a safe and fully - functional venue for a wide variety of athletic, cultural, and community events. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The Civic Field Steering Committee met in January. Work continues with a Structural Engineer to finish the inspections on the Light Poles. Work continues with Bruce Dee's & Associates and Musco Lighting to develop a firm cost on what it would take to replace the lighting at Civic since we now know the poles can be reused. Preliminary estimate to replace lights is around $375, 000. Right now the Lighting issue is more of a priority than the drainage issue. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Structural Engineers performed inspections on all concrete poles to make sure they were structurally sound for future field light replacements. The report verified that the concrete pole #7 was in need of repairs to reinforce the pole for wind loads. Cost of this project is estimated at $20,000. Costs for new lighting, including installation, were also confirmed and estimated at $355,000. City Staff will meet with the Civic Field Steering Committee to discuss future funding opportunities for the upgrades that were identified in the 2010 Facility Assessment. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: $110,000 from the General Fund was budgeted and approved for 2014 Capital Facility Projects for Civic Field. Of these funds, $50,000 was set aside to replace the "Red Tagged" electric boiler and $60, 000 was set aside for the future replacement of the field lighting, which is estimated at $355, 000 to replace. Staff will be looking at ways to increase this $60, 000 in hopes to get the lighting replaced by 2016. Staff is also preparing to have the concrete light pole #7 fixed in 2014 and are also putting together costs for cosmetic improvements to the exterior of the facility. Page 24 M -51 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A LINCOLN PARK MASTER PLAN Objective: Complete the Lincoln Park Master Plan to guide redevelopment. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Based on a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, Staff will be preparing information for Council consideration later this Spring. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City Staff, the Port of Port Angeles, and HBB Landscape Architecture presented the Lincoln Park Master Plan to the City Council on July 16th. Council approved the recommendation to adopt the Lincoln Park Master Plan subject to successful negotiations with the Port of Port Angeles to: 1. Provide a comprehensive approach to tree removal mitigation; 2. Fund and implement Phase "A" of the Lincoln park Master Plan; and 3. Include Council approval to implementation, including phases of tree removal and park improvements. City staff will negotiate with the Port re: the Avigation Easement and Environmental Assessment involved in this process. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Since the July 16th City Council Meeting, City Staff sent a letter to the Port on October 25, 2013 to notify them that the City is prepared to start negotiations on the Avigation Easement for Lincoln Park. This letter was sent to clarify the City's position to ensure understanding between the City and the Port, as well as for the citizens of Port Angeles. Since the letter, the Port has met with the FAA and City staff regarding the Avigation Easement and the Environmental Assessment. Page 25 M -52 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK PLAN / CSO PROJECT Objective: Meet the conditions and stipulations imposed by a Federal Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for Cultural Resources Compliance on the City's Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City Archaeologist has spent considerable time on the ground monitoring various City capital projects. The remainder of the year is expected to be a very demanding time for monitoring efforts. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: In August, City Archaeologist Derek Beery completed his grant funded obligations at the City of Port Angeles. Public Works and Community and Economic Development staff have taken on the required workplan responsibilities and reporting. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: City Council authorized an as needed contract to ensure all archaeological procedures and policies are maintained. City staff also met with the National Park Service to work together on sharing archaeological resources in the future. Required Archaeological CSO monitoring reports were provided to Ecology on a monthly basis. ARCHAEOLOGICAL PREDICTIVE MODEL Objective: Maintain and update GIS mapping to assist in predicting areas throughout the City where buried cultural resources are likely to occur. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Active monitoring works to inform the predictive model. Ongoing updates take place to the model on a regular basis. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The predictive model is being maintained and operated by Community and Economic Development staff. WORKING MODEL COMPLETED Page 26 M -53 City of Port Angeles 2013 Work Plan - UPDATES Appendix A HISTORIC FIRE HOUSE - CITY HALL Objective: Determine the use of the City property located at 215 S. Lincoln Street. 1St QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City received a communication from Jim Jones confirming the County's interest in the historic fire hall. Real Estate Committee will discuss County's proposal on May 6. 3rd QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: The City was presented with an informal offer from a private sector individual to purchase and restore the historic fire hall building. The City's Real Estate Committee directed staff to proceed with a purchase and sale agreement to be presented to City Council. 4th QUARTER 2013 - STATUS UPDATE: Staff explored grant opportunities and answered inquiries from interested parties to work towards the restoration and sale of the building. Page 27 M -54 PORT ANGELES DOWTOWN ASSOCIATION If Illllllr Board of Directors Bob Lumens — NW Fudge & Confections President, Rick Mathis - Smugglers Landing Vice - President, Andrew Schwab - Anime Kat Secretary, Eric Brown - Brown's Outdoor Treasurer, Sky Heatherton - Landings Art Gallery, Tessa Jackson - Individual Member, Lauren Johnson - Udjat Beads, Grace Kauffman - Sterling Impressions Photographic, Ryan Malane - Black Ball Transport, Robert Nicholls - White Crane Martial Arts, Jacob Oppelt - Next Door Gastropub, Richard Stephens - Individual Member, Brian Winters - EZ Pawn Ex- officio Nathan West City of Port Angeles, Dallas Maynard Downtown Resource Officer October, November, December 2013 Four businesses closed; Cottage Queen, Furniture for Less, Unique Treasures Mall, Fountain Square Jewelers Five businesses opened - LaBelle Creperie, Junkyard Lily, First Street Furniture, Easy Street Coffee & Tea House, Seasoned Woman For all of 2013 - 17 businesses opened; 15 businesses closed In 2013 $7,712,000 was spent on public improvements; of that $4,000,000 was private investment. In addition approximately $100,000 was spent by additional business owners to improve facilities or remodel. Halloween Approximately 3000 children and their parents participated in the annual downtown Trick or Treat Hometown Holiday Nov. 30 500 -600 people attended events on Small Business Saturday. Over 30 businesses welcomed people for open houses. 500 `snowballs' with gifts from businesses were dropped from a PA Fire Truck ladder to approximately 175 people below. Most of the balls were redeemed that afternoon. Shoppers received one Winter Buck for every ten they spent over the holiday season. They can then be spent in January. The community Tree Lighting was attended by approximately 500 people who saw Santa arrive aboard a decked out motorcycle escorted by the Legion Riders. Shop `Til You Drop Dec. 19 In conjunction with PA Regional Chamber of Commerce Christmas party, 31 businesses participated with specials, treats and festivities. Approximately 150 people attended. Board Elections Bob Lumens, Andrew Schwab, Tessa Jackson and Sky Heatherton were re- elected to the board, with Beth Witters from Cabled Fiber Studio being elected as well. Robert Nicholls is leaving the board, having completed his term. Results will be certified at the January board meeting. PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 19, 2013 CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING Chairperson Pittis called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Chairperson Pittis, Vice Chairperson Shargel, Commissioners Young, Stratton, and Merritt. Members Absent: Commissioners Ramsey and Knowles. Staff Present: Director Delikat and Secretary Kochanek. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES It was moved by Stratton and seconded by Shargel to: Approve the minutes of the November 21, 2013 regular meeting. Motion carried 5 -0. PUBLIC COMMENT None. FINANCE 1. Monthly Fee Revenue Report Director Delikat reviewed the Parks & Recreation Monthly Fee Revenue Report with the Commissioners. He informed the Commissioners that the City Council approved the 2014 budget 7 -0. LEGISLATION 1. Juan de Fuca Campfire Building Director Delikat informed the Commissioners that the Juan de Fuca Campfire USA has asked the City of Port Angeles to take over ownership the Campfire Clubhouse building at Webster Park. He asked the Commissioners to make a recommendation to investigate the legal possibility of accepting the Juan de Fuca Campfire building. It was moved by Pittis and seconded by Shargel to: Approve and allow the Parks & Recreation Director and City Staff to investigate the legal possibility of acceptance of the Juan de Fuca Campfire Building and stipulations attached with accepting ownership of the facility, and, if so, recommend that City Council accept the arrangements and ownership of the Campfire Clubhouse. Motion carried 5 -0. Commission discussion followed. LATE ITEMS 1. Fee's & PAMC Director Delikat provided the Commissioners with information on the Parks & Recreation Department fees in correlation to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. He mentioned that more information would be provided at the January 16th meeting. PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING - December 19, 2013 DIRECTOR'S REPORT- (PowerPoint Presentation) 1. Upcoming Commission Vacancies /Interview Questions Director Delikat informed the Commissioners of the need to fill the February 28, 2014 Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission vacancies of Scott Ramsey and Robert Merritt and asked the Commissioners to provide him with a list of questions the Commission would like to ask the new applicants. 2. Parks & Recreation Events Director Delikat presented to the Commission a list of Recreation events that happened over the last month, such as the Reindeer Run, Holiday Hoops Tournament, Tree Lighting, Vern Burton Christmas Fair, Fine Arts Center Art Classes. 3. Rentals /Events Director Delikat informed the Commissioners of upcoming events, such as the Senior Center Community Dance, Elks Hoop Shoot, Martin Luther King Basketball Tournament, and quarterly blood drives. 4. Contracts /Agreements Director Delikat updated the Commissioners on the following Contracts /Agreements: OlyCap Senior Nutrition and the Farmer's Market Facility Use Agreement. 5. Future Items Director Delikat stated that he was going to have future presentations on the Waterfront Trail, updates on capital projects, Civic Field, long range financial plans, and fee schedules. 6. Accomplishments Director Delikat highlighted the Parks & Recreation 2013 accomplishments, such as the restructuring and organization of contracts, restructuring of the budget and CFP projects, park maintenance and repairs, and the reestablishing of communications with user groups. 7. Questions /Comments Director Delikat asked the Commissioners if they have questions or comments. Commission discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Pittis adjourned the meeting at 6:40p.m. Next meeting January 16, 2014 Vern Burton Community Center meeting room# 3 at 6:OOp.m. nny -i is, ai' person Page 2 o f2