HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/04/2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
February 4, 2014
Mayor Di GuUio called the special meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council W order N516p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilin` Deputy Mayor Downie, Couoci|meuzbcm Dmuk Collins, Guuo, Kidd and
WhoUhan .
Members Absent: None.
8N[[ Pruauo/: City 88uoogor DJoKocu, &uocooy 0|oor, Clerk Hurd, C. [n|tou. B. 0}aoo` N. YVout and H.
Qouod on input from AtwnuuyBloor, Mayor Di Guilio 0000uuuuJ the uccd for an Executive Bcaaioo, under the
authority of KC\Y 42.30.110(l)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with |ugo\ oouuoul, for
approximately 35minutes. The Executive Session convened u{5:|8p.nu.
The Executive Session concluded ot5:38pm.No action was taken.
Mayor DiGui6o adjourned the Special Meeting at5:]#p.m.
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mcobcm Present: Mayor Di Gui6o, Deputy Mayor Downie, Couooib000bcm &mc6' Collins, Goao` Kidd and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager MoKceo, /\UooneyB]oor, Clerk Hurd, C. Delikat. K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher,
8. Olson,li.West,B. Greenwood,].Harper,V. Hostetler,kJ.Abed and D. BnDumuuto.
Mayor I}iCuHio led the Pledge of Allegiance w the Flag
Cindy Iuoney430W. 8~ 81,spoke in opposition N smart meters.
Virginia Leina¢30O2B. Peabody,spoke iu opposition W smart meters.
Dan Williams,24]6 Woodside Circle,spoke iu favor o[the Apprenticeship Program Ordinance.
JumooCrrc|ruou, ll0l E 2"dSi, spoke ioopposition to the Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance.
|. West Monroe Partners AM7 Project Update
City Manager &4oKcuu introduced the agenda item and provided u brief history of the Automated Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) project. He listed the original goals which drove the AMI project and described the hiring of
Mueller to complete the project. He e|oteJ \Yuut Monroe Partners had »uouoUy been hbcJ to cvu\nair the onocu1
state ot the Mueller contract.
Public YYoda & Lti6doo Director Fo|tnu also provided a brief history regarding the project, Juaordbiug the effort
and time that `pco| into trying to make the project successful. He otutoJ u 6ncnu6 of contract letter was ueo( to
Mueller ioJanuary.
Attorney 0}oo/explained tonight's presentation, conducted 6y West Monroe Partners, iu their status on the Mueller
000^no/. Bc reminded everyone that Council ou000t take action tonight oothis issue because the City io still under
Tom Oolne6ouo6 and David South, from \Yca/ Monroe yurtnom, conducted a Po*edPoiut presentation /cgonlio&
their findings. Council discussion followed.No action was taken.
Mayor DiGu1liorecessed the meeting for u break ut0:l9y.mo, The meeting reconvened u|0:30p.zu.
2. O.S. Coast Guard Land Use Agreement
Director Fulton introduced the proposed land use agreement with the DniocJ 8tutco Coast Guard and explained the
agreement would allow for occasional helicopter extraction training exercises. Council discussion followed.
Uoi{o6 8tu|um Coast Guard Commander Michael Campbell discussed their plans for the land use agreement and
answered questions from Council. Council discussion followed.
lt was moved by Kidd and seconded byGumcto:
Approve and oudbodzo the City Manager (o sign the O8C(} Land Use Agreement allowing m000eiouu| helicopter
uxkuudoo operations to (obe p|uou at the City iaodGU site, and to make ouioo, modifications to the ogocmuuu, if
ouuooyory. Motion carried 7-0.
Mayor Di Guilio removed Consent Agenda item, WDy Esplanade Construction Contract, at the request of
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Gawotu approve the Consent Agenda toinclude:
l. City Council Minutes: December |7'u.2Ol3,January 7'11,2O|4 and January 2lu`2Ol4
2. Expenditure Approval List: 01/11/2014 to 01/24/2014 for$3,792,088.52
3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments//¢l,)rove
4. Council Committee Assignment Updates/Approve
Motion carried 7-0.
5. VVTly Esplanade Construction Contract
Community and Economic Development Director West introduced the proposed final acceptance on the Esplanade
project, P600u I of the VVator6ou1 Transportation Iogpzoveoueo, Project. Council discussion followed zcgun]iog
issues noticed at the site and whether or not the retainage should be released at this time.
It was moved bJ0ruub and seconded by Downie to:
Postpone the agenda item N the next City Council meeting. Council discussion followed
The motion was withdrawn by Counciftnember Bruch and Downie. Council discussion followed.
It was moved byBruxb and seconded by Downie to:
Approve and authorize final change orders X`A, l0 and li bu the amount of$82,X57.0l for the project.
Motion carried 7-0. )
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I. Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance
Director Fulton discussed some minor changes to the ordinance since the first reading. Council discussion followed.
Mayor DiGuilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance 6y title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port &ogo)co, VVxobbng(ou adding u new Chapter 13.55 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating<osolid nmatc flow control.
It was moved by Downie and seconded bJ Kidd to:
Adopt the ordinance uo read hy title. Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 7'0.
2. City Hall Hours Ordinance Amendment
Manager McKeen provided a brief history regarding the previous changes made to City Hall hours.He discussed the
negative feedback the City had received since decreasing the hours in 2009 and proposed the new City Hall hours
ordinance amendment. Council discussion followed.
Chief Financial Officer Olson described the changes to the Customer Service counter as part of the proposed City
Hall hours amendment. Council discussion followed.
Mayor DiGuHio conducted o first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles,Washington making changes/o Chapter 2.44.O3O and Chapter
3.70.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating(o City Hall business hours.
3. Apprenticeship Program Ordinance
Director Fulton introduced the Apprenticeship Program Ordinance and described the group effort that was involved
io researching and creating this proposed program.
Manager McKoeu thanked Couuci}mom6erWhu/6uo for his support ou this issue.
Director West stated Peninsula College has been extremely receptive and wants to participate in the proposed
Councilinember Whetham described his interest and participation in the development of the ordinance and stated his
support for moving forward with this program. Council discussion followed.
Mayor DiGuJio conducted u first reading o[the ordinance hy title,entitled,
&N ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles,Washington adding a new Chapter 3.OU to Title 3 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code establishing un apprentice program.
Council discussion followed.
l. Statement of Intent-Use of Sales and Utility Tax from the Landfill Bluff Project
Chief Financial Officer Olson described the proposed resolution stating the intent was for the Council to doo}nrn all
sales and utility tax received as u result of the LoudGU Bluff Project *mn|6 not 6uueG\ the General Food. Be
explained the taxes would hu added 0o the project fund.
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Manager McKuco explained the proposed resolution would help keep the utility rates |ox/ for our citizens. Council
discussion followed.
Mayor DiGuUio read the resolution 6y title,entitled,
/\ RE-SOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, \YawbiogWu, declaring the iouoo< of the City
Council regarding sales tax collected on the Solid Waste Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project and utility tax collected
oo the Solid Waste Landfill Bluff Utility Surcharge.
I,was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to:
Pass the resolution aa read hytitle.
Motion carried 7'&.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Brucbto:
Extend the City Council meeting past lO:OOpm.
Motion carried 7'0'
CouncUmemher Bnch spoke regarding the recent loss ofu Lower B)vha Klu|lam Tribe Elder. Mayor DiGuJio
spoke regarding his attendance at the recent AWC Legislative Conference.Deputy Mayor Downie also spoke
regarding his attendance at the recent AWC Legislative Conference. Councilmember Whetham spoke regarding his
attendance a<the Saturday Farmers Market. CouucUozcmbe/Gooe also spoke regarding his attendance o(the recent
A\YC Legislative Conference. No other reports were given.
Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports in the packet.Director West provided a brief update on the potential
meeting and conference center project between the City,NOAA,FcbnMarine Life Center and lNeoocrConstruction.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: lt was determined there was uo need for uu executive session.
Mayor DiGuUioadjourned the meeting utlO:05p.nu.
Dan Di Guilio,Mayo-�r Ja 01a Hurd,City Clerk
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