HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/18/2014 (3) CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
February 18, 2014
Mayor ZiGuUio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council 0x order m5]5p.m.
K4cmhem Present: Mayor Di GnHio,Deputy Mayor Downie, Conoci6ocuzhmm Collins,Kidd and Whodano.
Members Absent: CounoUmoo6bcxBouck and Qaoc.
Staff Present: City Manager Mo[Ceuu,Attorney 8|oor.Clerk Hurd,B. Olson and N. WonL
BuooJ on input from Attorney 8lonr, Mayor Di 6oUio ouoouuood the need for nuExecutive 8ummiou' under the
oudbodiy of 8CW 42.30.||0(|)(0 for the purpose of diuonooioA poico1a} litigation with ]c&a| oouoocL for
approximately 30minutes. The Executive Session convened ot5:]gp.m.
The Executive Session concluded at5:46pm.No action was taken.
Mayor DiGuJin adjourned the Special Meeting ot5:46pm.
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
K8om6orm Yzooeut: Mayor Di Guilim, Deputy &8uyoz [>ovvz6e` C0000Unnooz6o/a Bruob, Collins, Gue4 Kidd and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager&4uKecu, Attorney Blonr, Clerk Hurd, C. De}iba(, p[. Dubuc, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher,
B. Olson,N. West, 8.8o6erJm, S. Johns,D. Bolloonoutu,P. Lusk,K8.Abed and(3. King.
Mayor Di GuJio led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the Flag
l. CortiDcoteoIRuoogndtioo-DcaoKued
Public Works and Utilities Director Fulton and retired Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler presented Dean
Reed with u certificate mf recognition io honor ofhis service on the Utility Advisory Committee.
Devon Gruywo][23D Lopez,spoke 6o favor nf saving the Lincoln Park trees.
Dick Pilling,72 Mt.Pleasant Heights Lane,spoke in opposition 10 the proposed&ppzeodoumhiy Program Ordinance.
The following individuals spoke in favor of the proposed Apprenticeship Program Ordinance: Tami St. Paul,Rylan
Croroatzoot`Vince CadJeo and Chuck Mo.
Barbara Frederick, £zcontvnDire000,of&eyou/bngcl*oDovmntonmA^umuio1iou,poacntedthuCoouc(}nd&thc
PADA Partner Award for the VYoturfi-ont Improvement Project. `
Judi Doogormor, |Q|5E.4"' 8t, spoke io opposition to the AMiproject.
Director Fulton provided a brief explanation regarding Consent Agenda item#3, stating the proposal was to install a
metering system 10 monitor the Dunucy Well status over time. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
/. (l(r Council Minutes:January/4, 2014
2. Expenditure Approval List: 0//25170/4/o02&/7OD/4/6r$4,276,73o.4y
3. Rnnmey Well f\qA-�vx/ono/ Services Agn.00/en/ Amendment No. / /Approve Agreement AmoxJmcn//in-
4. Public SVe/y Advisory Board Jppob,oxen///ppo/n/
5. Computer M/iv/vnoxop Management J\s/nn Software livunxr 8cxevv/ / Approve one-year license
6 Washington Transportation Alternative Prograin Grant Acceptance lAccept Grant
7. Utility AJ,iso(vComm//,oe Representatives/CnnfinnAppointments
8. 8a'&Francis Street Sewer Trestle, Project NrW0J-0d/A0,rnro Change Order J/6/'$26,/0V./Ifirototal
contract umonn/o/$2JKy55.88
Motion carried 7-0.
l. Green Crow Rezone
KYuy*r Di Guilin inquired of the Council as W wbcUzor any of the nocm6om had u conflict of interest or any»r000u
under the Appearance of Fuicoeaa Doctrine, or any other reason, why they could not fairly and impartially bcor or
participate iu the issue.
CouuoJmom6ur0oxc stated be had received ouemail from a neighbor m{the proposed rezone area. Deputy Mayor
Downie, ConnoGnuumhurBnonkand Collins eta|uJ they had received the oumu email as well. All confirmed they did
not respond to the conaJ. ConocUmemhu/Collins also stated he was invited to discuss the issue with u citizen and he
declined. No other okAcnueuio were made and all ConucUmonberm ogroc6 they could hear the issue fairly and
Mayor Di Guilio inquired as to whether any member of the audience wanted to disqualify a Councilmember under
the Appearance o[Fairness Doctrine,and oo one from the audience responded.
Community and Economic Development Director West informed Council the email they referred to receiving is part
of the record. He described the proposed rezone stating, it was a request to change from residential single family to
residential medium density.
Associate Planner Johns conducted oPowetpoint presentation regarding the proposed rezone and provided obrief
overview oI the staff report. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di8uHio conducted a first reading of the ordinance 6y title,entitled,
ANORD|/\NC[of the City o[Port Angeles,VVos6iugmo,rezoning approximately 1.56 acres from DS-V
Residential Single Family mDMDResidential Medium Density.
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} L Apprenticeship Program Ordinance
Attorney Bloor described some minor changes mthe proposed ordinance since the first reading.
[>ircckx Fulton stated the proposed ordinance was developed to oo6nocc work force capacity in the local
community. Council discussion followed.
Mayor[iGuUio conducted a second reading o[the ordinance 6y title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE o[the City o[Port Angeles,Washington adding u new Chapter 3.80|o Title 3 o[the Port
Angeles Municipal Code establishing uu apprentice program.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded byWbetbummto:
Adopt the ordinance u;read 6y title, with oprogo/m review/x4years.
Council discussion followed. CouooUmombc, Gasc y(oieJ for the rcooul he objected to adding multiple layers of
government,but would hc voting io favor of the motion.Motion carried 7-O.
Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:35 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:47 p.m.
2. City Hall Hours Ordinance Amcudnocot
M000gozMcK000 iuunJuoeJ the proposed amendment \o ionn:uer City Hall hours and am/cJ the target start date
was approximately March |,2O}4. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington making changes to Chapter 244.030 and Chapter
3.70.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to City Hall business hours.
Vt was moved by Kidd and seconded b7 Collins to:
Motion carried 7-0.
l. Interagency Agreement with State Department ofEcology
Director Fulton explained the need for the proposed Interagency Agreement with the Washington State Department
of Ecology, stating it allowed the City to receive and spend the financial assistance offered by DOE for the Landfill
Bluff Stabilization Project. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to:
Accept the financial assistance from the Washington State Department ofEco|ogyiuthemowuotof$3,VPy.lOOaod
authorize the City Manager to sign the Interagency Agreement for the acceptance and administration of these funds,
and to make minor modifications/o the Agreement, if necessary.
Motion carried 7'0.
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2. Port Angeles Harbor Cleanup Process-Amendment to Work Order#2
AUorooyBloor introduced the proposed amendment to Work Order#2 regarding the Port Angeles Harbor Cleanup `
Process. He stated the amendment expanded the scope of work and increased the total price w perform watershed
loading calculations and evaluation, items which are important to the determination of natural recovery rates.
Councilmember Bruch recused herself from the agenda item due to her employment with the Lower Elwha Klallam
Tribe. Council discussion followed.
It was moved hy Collins and seconded by Gumeto:
Authorize the City &Youugcr to approve an monodueot to Work Order No. 2 expanding the scope of work and
iuc/roaiog the total price from $555,500 to $573,500 and to approve minor modifications to the Work Order as
Motion carried 6-0,with Couoci1mncmmbez0rnob abstaining from the vote.
3. Capacity Provisioning Incorporated Amendment tothe Memorandum ofUnderstanding
Muuogor&8oKcou provided u brief history on the City's ug,00mcu<o with Capacity Provisioning Incorporated (CPI)
and the cuouot offer from VVovc Broadband to poo6uoe CPI. He o:ouioJod Council of the Memorandum of
Oodomtoudiug with Cyl, approved by Council on December 17, 2013' regarding the purchase of CPI by Wave
Broadband, and the future rate predictability b provides the City. 8u stated Wave Broadband had one objection tmou
item iu the M0U, and asked the City to compromise on this issue. He explained the proposed amendment to the
M0O exempted specified connections from the 9U'doy notice provision. Council discussion followed.
I/was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve the proposed amendments to {hcMOD with CPI attached, and uothodou the City Manager to make minor
modifications aynecessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
4. Cable TV Franchise Renewal Professional Services Agreement
Director Fulton oxp|u(uod the City needed to begin the process of renewing its Cable 7c}cviuiou Fmoo}dau
&gmcmou|. He explained under the Federal Cable Television Act, u ooepm] process could take up to 36 months to
complete. Be described otoB~o request to retain Columbia Telecommunications Corpo/abou(CTC)to assist with the
completion of the reoe`vo| process, due to their many years of experience vvoddog on cable 6aoohian rouevvole.
Council discussion followed.
N was moved by Kidd and seconded hJWbmtbu/oto:
Approve and authorize the City Manager (o sign the C&TV Franchise 800evvol prn6:omiouo) 8crvioou /\g000000t
with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an aomno\ not 10 exceed $76`850 and 0o nuuko minor
modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Motion carried 7'0.
l. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2O|4Recommendations
Director West provided o brief description of the Lodging Tax Advisory CononiVou 2014 /r000zoeuJo(iooa. He
described the mo]a of measurements they proposed on using to evaluate rutocu on investment and stated the
committee proposed meeting at least quarterly to review these measurement results. Council discussion followed.
Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Russ Veenema answered questions frorn Council
regarding marketing dollars spent 6y the Chamber and agreed(n work oothe goals set 6y the committee.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's recommended amended marketing budget subject to the required
list o[performance measures and to lift the sequestration for use ofthese funds; and direct staff\o prepare o2O|4
Budget amendment naappropriate.
Council discussion followed. Motion carried 4-3,with Whetham,Bruch and Di Guilio voting in opposition.
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2 WTIPBoplaouduCooatruodooCootroot-Fioo|Acunptaocc
Director West stated Primo Construction had completed the construction of the waterfront Development Esplanade
project and the work had been accepted as complete. He discussed the issues brought up by Council at the previous
City Council meeting and explained all the iaanum were reviewed and determined 1o6cmaintenance issues, except
one warranty issue. He explained a notice had been sent regarding the warrant issue and requested Council authorize
the release o[the rc\oiou8e bond oo the project. Council discussion followed.
li was moved by Kidd and seconded by Wbetbuom/o:
Accept the Waterfront Development Esplanade construction contract and authorize release uf the rotuiuogebond
upon receipt o[the required clearances.
Motion carried 7-U.
Councilmember Whetham spoke regarding his attendance at the UAC and Parks Commission meetings.
Deputy Mayor Downie spoke regarding his attendance ui the 9ADA Annual meeting and o recent visit with George
Bergner to Victoria regarding bicycle tourism,He emphasized the importance of marketing.
Mayor Di GuUio spoke regarding ODCAA and the rcnout p|uoeounot of additional air n000dom in the area. He
thanked Chief Dubuc for his assistance with the placement of a monitor on the Fire Station.
Councilmember Kidd discussed her attendance at the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting.
Couuui|mcmborBnuc6 spoke regarding her interest iu attending ou upcoming healthy cities conference.
CuuuuUmomhcr Collins spoke regarding the upcoming Fuiro Marine Life Center fundraiser this Friday evening.
No other reports were given.
Manager MoKoeospoke regarding the reports in the packet and reminded Council of an upcoming work session on
February 25"',regarding public records training and an update on the proposed shared marine campus facility.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was oo need for uu executive session.
Mayor DiGuilio adjourned the meeting ut9:|8pm.
Dan Di Guilio,Mayor Jt)esa Hurd,City Clerk
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