HomeMy WebLinkAbout000254 Amendment AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO THE
OCA 2011-03
THIS AMENDMENT NO. 5 is made and entered into this 17 day of November 2013, by
and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington,
(hereinafter called the "CITY") and Herrera Environmental Consultants a Washington
Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Washington (hereinafter called the
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENT and. this AMENDMENT,
the parties hereto agree as follows:
The City entered into the existing AGREEMENT with CONSULTANT on December 9,
2011, (the AGREEMENT), Amendment No.I on March 13, 2012, Amendment No. 2 on
Julie 19, 2012, Amendment No. 3 on March 28, 2013, and Amendment No. 4 on July 16,
A. The last sentence of the first paragraph of the General Scope is stricken from the
B. The following sentence is added to the General Scope of the Agreement:
This Agreement and all amendments refer to a single project, SW02-2012, Landfill Bluff
Stabilization, that is the "Task." All work previously labeled as tasks identified in the
project Scope of Services of Tasks (Exhibits A1, A2, A3, and A4, and A5 of this
amendment) are subtasks of the original singular "Task" (project), SW02-2012.
C. The scope of professional services to be performed is amended to include additional
work subtasks 26-31 as described in the attached Exhibit A5. The CONSULTANT shall
provide and furnish all services and material necessary to accomplish the additional
subtasks 26-30 identified in attached Exhibit A5.
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page I November 6,2013
A. All SUbtasks 26-31 shall be completed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the
attached Exhibit B5 of Amendment 5.
B. Exhibit B of the Agreement is amended to read in its entirety:
The Agreement shall be effective on the last date set forth in the signature page. This
Agreement will remain in force and effect throughout the period for the Task, Project
SW02-2012, or until December 31, 2015, whichever is later.
The maximum compensation in Section V of the Agreement is amended to J2 78,327.
The budgets for Tasks 26-31 are listed in Exhibit C5.
This Amendment, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Amendment, supersedes all
prior written or oral understanding related to the subject of this Agreement, and may only
be changed by written agreement by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made
part of this Amendment:
Exhibit A5 - Scope of Services of Tasks
Exhibit B5 - Schedule of Performance to Tasks
Exhibit C5 - Budget of Tasks
Except as modified herein, the original AGREEMENT is confirmed and ratified. In
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No.5 to the
Agreement as of the date and year written above.
, .
By: B i
Theresa M. Wood
Dan McKeen, City Manager
Title: CFO, Herrera Environmental
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 2 November 6,2013
Janes&Hurd, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
OCA 207.1-03 Amendment 5,Page 3 November 6,2013
The State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) potentially has $2.5 million in
additional funding to support additional waste removal for the Port Angeles Landfill (PALF).
The certainty and timing of the $2.5 million may not be known until the winter of 2014. The
City is anticipating this opportunity and within the PALF Cell Stabilization Project bid package,
an Add Alternative will be prepared that reflects additional waste removal and the subsequent
landfill and site adjustments to accommodate this removal.
Additional subtasks 26 and 27, described below, represent the scope of service necessary to
complete the design, permitting and additional specification requirements to incorporate this
alternative into the PALF Cell Stabilization Bid Package. Additionally, Amendment 5 provides
funding for investigation of recently discovered pooling of groundwater at the bottom of the East
304 Cell Subtask 28), design of working platforms on top oil'the seawall to prevent work on the
shoreline (Subtask 29), and for additional permit assistance on the project(Subtask 30 and 31).
The original Scope of Services dated December 9, 2011 provided for the CONSULTANT
to assess the City's 304-compliant section of the landfill for bluff stability, develop both
short and long term strategies to prevent refuse from spilling onto the beach, and design
drainage revisions to prevent erosion. Based on the CONSULTANT's findings, the CITY
requested through Addendum No. 2 that the CONSULTANT investigate solutions and
develop conceptual design alternatives which included subsurface investigations,
geomorphic evaluations, 304-compliant cell relocation scenarios, comparisons between on-
site and off-site disposal, and cost analysis. Five alternatives were developed that
provided a comprehensive overview of options and their application to selection criteria
(1) Environmental impact
(2) Level of infrastructure protection
(3)Cell encroachment(refuse at risk)
(5)Ability to monitor and manage future bluff retreat.
Alternative 3, which includes end wall protection on the existing seawall, was recommended and
approved for design in 2013 and construction in 2014. The Scope of the Services provided under
Amendment 3 included the development of permits and the 30% level design to resolve the issue of
erosion of the marine bluffs that are currently threatening to expose municipal solid waste and allow
that waste to spill onto the beach. The primary element of the design is waste relocation to manage
the retreat from the most at-risk areas of the landfill along the bluff.
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 4 Noverriber 6,2013
The conceptual design Alternative 3 includes the following elements:
Solid waste located within the northern 150 feet of the eastern 304-compliant landfill
(approximately 265,000 cubic yards) will be relocated to a new cell of similar capacity on the
351-compliant landfill. The volume was estimated from the existing 304-compliant landfill well
logs, historic photos, and subsequent borings (four in 2012). Remaining solid waste will be
configured for a stable Closure that ties into the remaining east 304-compliant landfill cover
system. In addition, the existing seawall will be upgraded at both east and west ends to protect
shoreline and Dry Creek erosion and other impacts along the side and behind the seawall. Rip rap
and vertical revetment(partial secant wall)will be utilized within the approximate footprint of the
existing rip rap located at the east and west ends of the seawall.
Interface with the bluff face on the east end will be critical,as the bluff will migrate to the south
over time while the seawall remains stable. The orientation of the end wall protection will be
designed in anticipation of this migration to continue protection of the east end over time. The end
wall protection may be rip rap, vertical revetment, and/or some other form that may be influenced
not only by eventual function,but also by constructability. Seawall ends may have additional
improvements to assure proper sealing between seawall fluid collection system and outer end
Both 304 and 351 cover systems will need to meet solid waste closure requirements
designated either by WAC173-351 or WAC 173-304. The cover system may utilize an
alternative,approved liner system to allow a 2.5A (H:V)slope.A toe drain/intercept will be
designed to intercept residual leachate and landfill gas. Exposed native slopes will be
stabilized through regrading, where possible. Surface water will proceed north through the
newly open area of the 304 East cell and utilize the existing Notch 2 drainage Outlet.This
outlet will require modification.
Solid waste removals may extend to the west to include removals(up to 15 feet depth)along
portions of the central north(mini-cell)and Valley Cell.Both areas are not well defined
regarding depth or extent and type of solid waste.The Valley Cell removal will be
reconfigured for a WAC 351 or 304 landfill cover system.Waste removals through these
areas anticipate bluff erosion and surface water conveyance to Notch 2.
The:351-compliant landfill will be reopened to allow an approximate 271,000 cubic yard cell
development on top and within the permitted elevation and footprint boundaries. Solid
waste will be placed in lifts to final grades between 3:1 and 2.5:1 (H:V), depending on the
closure strategy, A WAC 351 CIOSUre system will be designed with gas wells and/or laterals
extending into the new cell. Cell preparation will begin with the existing cover system being
removed from the new cell footprint.A temporary gas management system will be installed to
control oxygen intrusion and gas exposure in the working area. The final cover system will
include lining system, gas system, surface water system, and access.
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 5 November 6,2013
An on-site construction access system will be established to allow solid waste transfer from
the 304-compliant landfill to the 351-compliant landfill. Waste screening, staging areas, and
control entrances will be included.
Both shoreline and landfill facility activities will require permitting. Shoreline work will
likely include activities below the mean higher high water(MHHW) line of the Strait of
Rian de Fuca including site access and construction activities for end wall protection at the
existing seawall. Shoreline work also will occur below the ordinary high water mark of Dry
Creek for placement of large woody debris structures to provide roughness and habitat
features that will tend to keep the stream thalweg from migrating significantly. Permitting
will include federal, state, and local compliance. Landfill permitting will be required for
opening and reclosing the east 304-compliant landfill and opening, filling,and operating the
351-compliant landfill. Shoreline permitting may require a scheduling off-set compared to
landfill scheduling. End wall protection materials analysis and initial configurations will
require early review by Washington State Fish and Wildlife and Corps of Engineers. This
early review may delay selection of the end wall approach, resulting in impacts on the
Seawall Improvements and End Protection Technical Memorandurn and 30% design. It is
not anticipated this will affect the final design schedule(end of 2013) unless resolving
permitting delays restricts finalizing the design.
The scope of design services is divided in two phases. Phase 1,Amendment 3 (April—
August 201.3) initiated permitting for both landfill and shoreline work; 304-compliant
landfill and 351-compliant landfill Engineering Report; 30% Landfill conceptual design;and
30%seawall end protection and Dry Creek conceptual design.Phase 2,Amendment 4,
(August 2013—Spring 2014) included subsequent permitting efforts and completion of
the design process consistent with regulatory feedback.
The specific subtasks involved for Amendment 5 are:
Subtask 26 - Additional Refuse Removal Concept Desi
Two approaches are possible using the primary project's general approach and budget as a basis.
The supplemental approaches will be incorporated into the primary project with a new cost
estimate. The first alternative would remove all waste from the East 304 Cell. The East 304 Cell
south wall would be unsupported by the in-situ waste, requiring buttressing to protect the
existing infrastructure immediately South of the site and to meet project slope stability criteria.
The second alternative focuses on removing the Valley Cell first; then moving into the East 304
Cell. This approach removes the immediate waste at risk behind the seawall's east end. The
north Valley Cell buttress would not be required, and drainage would be directed toward the
beach. Both approaches have common components requiring design modifications including:
1) 351 landfill cell expansion with additional drainage and access considerations,
2) New and existing 304 landfill cover system tie-in and interfaces,
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 6 November 6,2013
3) Access road relocation,
4) Drainage system modifications
5) Gas and leucba<o system modifications
h) Excess soil management.
Shoreline permitting may require additional iofnlnu81i0o about the selected approach i0 reflect
the new project. TheiechnicalooeuI0TDndumodevei0pedooderSubtuSk 2h would he used t0
support any addenda to the permit applications.
The design team will evaluate locations that provide the best value for additional
refuse removal and preparing OieohnicOl memo to provide approaches for possible future design
efforts. The target areas include the Valley Cell and the East 304Cell.
The resulting analysis and technical memo will be used to analyze the now-exposed 304 East
Cell uooth wall; modify surface water calculations for 3U4and 351 cells; design new cover
system transitions along East Cell/Valley Cell; design u new access road into the 304 East Cell;
consider removing vvu8te fc0no the Valley Cell vs. East Cell; and revise the cost estimate.
The d00000en1 will provide 8deCisi0o-cD8king (0O1 for the City; a6@0i0 for modifications to the
Shoreline Permit and Add Alternate engineering dru\vioAS; and an engineering justification for
additional removals.
A. Provide conceptual grading and cross sectional designs for the targeted refuse removal
areas iu the Valley Cell and East 304Cell.
B. Discuss pros and cons for 8304 East Cell-centric removal vs. 8 Valley Cell centric
C. Modify surface water control on the 304 and 351 landfill cells.
D. Provide slope stability and materials balance considerations.
E. Provide an updated total project costCStinoa1cdeno0oGkatingbOvvtbe $2.5M is
incorporated into the Add Alternate design.
F. Prepare for and attend up to four, one-hour task-related teleconferences or meetings with
the design team.
A. Technical memorandum that includes grading and cross sections.
B. Additions to the Supplemental (]C0t8Cbuical Report specific io the Add Alternate.
A. Period of performance im November 2U|3tO December 20]3.
0CA2011-03 Amendment 5.Page 7 November 0.20|3
B. Geotechnical redesign 0fthe 35| Cell will not.he required aem result 0[additional refuse
Two prqject de8ignS will be carried through the 60% and 100% design process; one
for the original design and one for the selected Add Alternative for additional refuse removal.
The design team shall provide engineering and environmental support for producing p8cuUCl
c(toJen(S of the potential design plans, specifications and estimate.
A. Produce design p|ano, specifications and estimates for the selected Add Alternative and
the 0cigiDu} design as described in Subivak 20 of Amendment N0. 4 to the agreement for
professional services be\vv000 the City of Port/\ugcleS and }{eczCru Euviz0ncocoia]
Coosu/iuoia, ()C/\ 2011-03.
A. 60% PS&E
B. 100% PS&E
A. Period of performance is Dcoxn\6Cr 2013 through February 2014.
lo addition, groundwater has been observed iu Gas Well (GVV) -1 that may affect devva1mingand
other design considerations. MeOson}roeoi8 at []VY-? and (]YV-3 have been 8UCrn0(ed` but
concerns exist regarding depth (n groundwater values because 0[known damage hothese gas
wells. The City has directed the Consultant to setup upunop test program for GW-] with
subsequent field work performed by the City to determine the local groundwater characteristics.
Observations VfGVY-2 and {]W-3 will 8SSisi in characterizing the phreatiC su/[8C0. This
information will determine hydraulic transmissivity -And potential extent ofgroundwater depths
around the ceobu1 area of the East 304 Cell.
Earlier testing of gas well GW-I confirmed the presence of water in refuse, but did
not determine recharge boundaries, bvdr0ge0l0giC4| properties or water quality characteristics.
Surveys V[GW-2 and GVY-3 revealed damaged casings that prevent measuring groundwater in
LhcSu wells. This Subi8bkv/i|l develop additional data on the extent and characteristics of
groundwater in refuse in the vicinity of GW-1. This subtask will include installing an automated
punopiog and discharge system ioGW-| V) facilitate the evaluations. The GW'l installation will
OD\20l}-O3 Amendment 5.Page 8 November 0.20l3
boternporaryand designed to be removed ando;iostaUed as necessary. Work in GW-2mnd GW-
3niUConmisto[attempts k) install a conductor casing or tubing ioGW-2 and GVV-3 for water
level monitoring. Data from the gas vvel|S will he used to evaluate the need tor, and if necessary,
design of construction devv81mriDg and permanent clevvuLczing systems. The Sub-Consultant shall
provide geotechnical and hydrogeological consultation to implement the testing. The City will
irop|enzeui periodic monitoring of groundwater sampling. Results will support g0(lo design.
A. Develop informal plans fo[ iheGW-| pump and operations Sy6tOrnand an informal plan
for City monitoring using landfill personnel. Sub-Consultant will obtain concurrence
from City.
|@. Obtain GYV'l components and install a1ernpOruzy (approximately 3 months Of
operations) mys(enn. lf requested hy the City, the Consultant will remove system 4t end 0[
testing period.
C. Provide instruction t0City on obtaining periodic fl0o/ and groundwater level
DUuasorxOlCD<S and collecting and submitting discharge 8unople8 [oc water quality testing.
D. Analyze weekly water level and discharge flow data, and analyze monthly and quarterly
water quality analytical data.
E. Assist the City with attempt to insert conductor tubing or casing past casing obstructions
iuGV9-2 and [}VV-3.
F. Attend uVtothree, one-hour SuhL38k-rC|41edLe(eC0nfe[enCe6 or meetings in Seattle.
A. Installed k5zup0razy pump and discharge 9yatozo.
B. Short inernorandurn documenting findings. Results will be incorporated into
supplemental gu0brohoico! design documents.
A. Permission oc permits for increased discharge to muoii8ry sewer will hc obtained hyCity.
B. A power outlet and space for the compressor is available at the landfill personnel building
south of the East 304 Cell or at other nearby secure location. Temporary air supply and
water discharge lines can hw run o8the ground surface from [;YV-Iand through the
stormwater culvert below the main road to a sanitary sewer or leachate discharge system
ai the landfill and tn the compressor.
C. City will provide a clown-hole video camera and personnel to help install the conductor
casings inGVV-2 and {]W-3
D. City and will perform weekly water level measurements ioGW-1, GYY-2, (]W-3, and
discharge O0vv meter zoeO8nrerneu\ in {}VV-1 and report readings to Sub-Consultant.
B. City will perform monthly discharge GW-I sampling and analytical analyses and report
results i0Sub-00o8ult8nL
OrA20ll-0] Amendment 5.Page 9 November 6.20l3
F. Period of performance ia November 20l3 through January 2014.
Seawall width expansion has been identified 8S3u important component to implement Seawall
east end protection and Valley Cell north face corrective actions due to the access restrictions on
the beach. Seuv/e}/ width expansion will require evaluation of the existing seawall using
previous technical reports and design by Pocuzoeoix 8nd /\MBC` in co jouCiiou with SCav/8]l
hOck{i}] and north slope ge0technicul data, and final analysis and design of the South retaining
wall (O facilitate ao 1K-il wide roadway <o allow one-way construction equipment tOaccess along
the top 0f the seawall.
Evaluate traffic loading impacts \0the existing seawall and evaluate and prepare
plelicnin3zy designs for u retaining wall landward Oƒthe existing seawall that allows space for
vehicle access io the area adHaCeuLtO the top oƒthe existing seawall.
u. Evaluate Existing Scuvvull
u. Evaluate the deozund vcrSoS capacity of the existing aoovv8|l structure
based Ourecord drawings and static loads aS shown iu the /\ooec
[;e0\eChDiCu] Report 5-qlM-}433U-C dated June 17 and prepared for
P8zarnetdx for use io the original seawall design. Evaluation will be
limited t0 the following elements:
l. Steel soldier piles
2. Precast concrete panels
3. Muri000no 08SSivt soil pressure 81 the h8SC of male drilled-shaft
secant piles
4. Traffic loading
h. Estimate the allowable short term maximum vvhce] load for un axle with
wheels spaced 8 feet apart and the wheel closest k) the back of the seawall
positioned &i6t\tr0oo the back o[the seawall.
}. Analysis Assumptions:
T. Soldier piles and secant piles assumed rigid with D0
consideration of soil-structure iu&:ruC1i0n. Point of fixity
will he assumed tohe located below the M{K}{9V line D
distance 0[25 percent 0fthe distance from MFlf(W {0the
bottom 0f the pile.
T|. Composite action 0fthe secant and soldier piles may hC
ignored when uv8/uu|iog steel soldier piles.
OCA20|l-O3 Amendment 5.Page lO November d.2O1]
B) Evaluate Existing Seawall with Widened B8CbfiUZone
8. Estimate the odoioounu operating setback, without the addition of tiebacks,
for 7A,000lhs. loads located on the seawall huckfi/l during landfill
modifications and seawall armor construction, assuming widening of the
hackfiUed area bycutting into the existing slope.
C) Technical Memorandum
u. Prepare upreUzoinuxy Technical &4emor8udorn 8nrncnmriziug Activities /\
thought B.
b. Mco( to discuss with the City of Port Angeles.
o. Make corrections and revisions \O the Technical Mecuozaoduon based Vu
review comments from the Consultant (FIo/TCra) and the City. }lcvi8i0u8
that involve evaluating additional load arrangements or changed wall
C0O[igor81i0o 8SSo[OptiOD8 are not part of this scope.
/\) |)raftundfinoj ToChmiooJ K8ocnorooducO
Subtask 30— Construction Storm Water Perg����
Assist City in preparing the Construction S{Oon water permit application,
A. C0mnnuoiCu1e with City and then Ecology indetermine applicable requirements
for permit.
B. Prepare draft memo presenting requirements including standard Best Management
Practices o1 the various project ureus, VYm1ez ()uulityCdtCri8, aodnm0oitoring
protocols. Submit\0 City and then Ecology for confirmation 0fapproach.
C. Prepare Construction Storm W8&x 9tcnni(Application with uVuChn)emt of memo
and other support design plans, as required,
A) Draft and final Technical Memorandum
B) Construction Storm Water Permit Application
Subtask 31 —Dry Creek Permit ApRfications
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page I I November 6,2013
Objective: Prepare in-strearn work permit application for Dry Creek structures below the
ordinary high water mark.
A) Prepare the following permit and support documents
a. Critical Areas Report
c. Mitigation Plan, if required
d. Biological Assessment
f. Section 106
g. CZM Certificate
A) Draft Environmental Documents to City
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 12 November 6,2013
• Subtask 26, Additional Refuse Removal Conceptual —Shall be completed by December
31, 2013
• Subtask 27, Supplemental Plan, Specification and Estimate (PS&E)- Shall be completed
by February 28, 2014
• Subtask 28, Gas Well (GW) -I Pumping and GW-3 Monitoring - Shall be completed by
January 1, 2014.
• Subtask 29, Seawall Access Road Design- Shall be completed by December 11, 2014.
• Subtask 30, General Stormwater Permit- Shall be completed by February 17, 2014.
• Subtask 31, Dry Creek Supplemental Permitting- Shall be completed by January 31,
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 13 November 6,2013
Subtask Estimated Sub-
Labor Estimated consultant Total
Cost Direct Cost Cost I3ud let
Subtask 26: Additional Refuse Removal
Concept $26,101 $183 $45,360 $71,644
Subtask 27: Supplemental PS&E $45,813 $183 $27,540 $73,536
Subtask, 28: GW-I Pumping and GW
2/3 Monitoring $1,384 $0 $29,160 $30,544
Subtask 29: Seawall Access Road
Analysis $8,750 $0 $33,440 $42,190
Subtask 30: General Storm Water
Permit $24,645 $0 $0 $24,645
Subtask 31: Permitting $39,996 $0 $0 $39,996
Total Cost $282,555
All tasks above (Task 26 through Task 3 1) shall be paid on an hourly (time and materials) basis.
OCA 2011-03 Amendment 5,Page 14 November 6,2013