HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 E Front Sti APPLICATION ■ l®a■ FOR BUILDING PFRM1T AND CERTIFICATE OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 1VORKS—CITY OF PORT AN OCCUPANCYfs})ILDING DiVISl01, GELES tiYASHINGTON r 1 ��. In , DATE -- Building -Address- NAME J Moil / rh — '— m j City i 0 NAME ZAddress rim u City - --- ANPlicant to fill in between heavy. lines Permit No. Date Permit lsst✓ej or------------- r $ -- - - .Valuation C(C/� I CLASS OF WORK Permit Fee - c; �10 J_ Plan Cherkiny Fee _ Building i New- �- - ,f Alteration Demolish --- Total . .._ - Repair ---- — _ _ __ Y Iress Addition -- -- Imove --- -------- ,Treasurer's Receipt _ Use of building - . _ Ph. N� -- ---- Life of Permit . �- -- Size of building �-- - Height - No, of rooms --- No. of FamApplication token by .. . ---- -------- -------- ilies __ No. of floors - Size of Lot _ Date review completed . ..................... . ,Bldgs. Ph. No. Now an lot -"` Now on Lot Total Floor Area O z NAME ---- SPECIFICATIO(\JS-----`__ --- -- ------ o Lot covers "---'------. ge S - 9' Ff -' Address Material �OONDATION --" , Area of Lot ----- ---- Sy. Ft. O city —"--- --- ---- Ph. No. — - - -- -- Width of wall Footing Sins _ _ - _ ___ _ -- Exterior -. --- _— Piers —.------- - ---____ Type Construction (, II, III, IV, V n NA ME _—.- ------ -—.�-----_-- Height -- _ _ Material - ---- w R, Use done aov 1-Hr, HT, N _ - --- Address - ---- ---- - Beams ize Spacing — -- - ---- --P 9 Span n City -. . License No. Plans and S1166fications submitted.. Plot Plan r- a ra "a Ln E-- 3707A REV 282 rr Joist Ist FI Occupancy Group A, Ph. No. Joist 2ndFI _ Joist Ceiling -- — --- -. _ Roof _Other Permit Numbers: - Plumbing Exterior Studs Property Line t..• -- �= z:� --� -- Sewer PROPOSED I kn I I PERMITEE-_ / i ✓/ v7 �' 1.....1 0 EXISTING1 BUILDING Subdivision let -N i--� 0 D EGAL DESCRIP ION��' Block No. $treat Variance or Conditional Use Permit -- E, I- H, (0 R, M 1 (:� 3 4 5 R/w — APPROVED _ Director of Dept. of inspections � SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �l ...........INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST- � Date ----------Time Received by Z ; l (phon person t Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspec Address of person requesting inspection — Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Phone No. -- Permit No. Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other l G'1,alK INSPECTION NOTE : Inspected: Date d Time z� ,y / RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑ Gravel ❑ Asphalt ❑ PCC ❑ Repaired by City Work Order # ❑ Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑ No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE ❑ Other (Continue on reverse side if necessary) 'STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) Chapter 70.89 SAFETY GLASS:'IN SLIDING GIASS IfOOKS Safety glazinj material used in this chapter. "salety glazing material" Me.Ins kilaxing ma- ted, treated or con-ibined with other mat4-rials erials so comtmruct as, to reduce sQh�sUntially, in on-mpariarin. frith ordinary 9he"el Man or -plate g4v, -e I.-W injq�y to persons by these, Patety th ihood of glailnig znateriak whWn'ihey May'l =ca�acked or broken., al�,d these niatenals shall be t­Ote fol echt',m* of- tht�-lbllarvino** 'd inn tests" (1) Ftilly tempered glassz: (a) Particle test --the fully tempered safety glass Panel shall bt fracturei by impact w ith a spring loaded center punch or by striking a regular center puneb with a hanimer. The point of impact shall be one-half inch to one inch from any glass edge. When fractured, there shall be no Individual fragment larger than 0.15 ounces. b' hnPact test --as in test No, 8 of American Standard:.: Association, Z26.1 conducted January 1.. 1950. (2) Laminated glas�, (a) MAI test ---as in test -11,4o. 4 of Arnerican StaxidaTds Asso- ciation ZX1 conducted Januan!- 1, (b) IMP -set test--,qs ill tostsS No. 9cmd 12 of Arnerifc.an ards Association Z-76.1 cijnducx.ed Y ja,.Iua- 1, 1950. V (a) Wire 9_1w;s; impact test —as in test No, I I of American Stand ards A:-svciafion ZZ&'l condurled January 1,, 1450. 19tM- c 123 § 1] "M020 Glas,,i in sliding dck)rs ant U."tInblift- JO fie of li.-,3dety glazing inaterial—Identifiratio.n. The gla&s in sfidinzg glass doors and sliding glass door assemblies irsstalled after January 1, 19,C4 in new or remodeled houses, buildirip, or other structures 4ial3 be of a wnfety glaziri,- Materi"41 f-IS dern(%d in RCW 70AS,010, and sh;)11 lv_ar a label, decal, or etching in a, lower corner which' shall be Nisible after installation. and shall identify the glass a:R being of a type and meeting the tests et forth. in 70-89.010. [1983 128 12.1 shall be urilawful for any person, fixM or cd ratiort to install in houses, puddings or other smictures, tDr cau,,-- t n t ed o be 5(� i_ Sta*l gliding ghiss doors, or sliding glass door assemtlies unless jjjE. gla- ing material in such dciors or assemblies is of ai typ*- arts i-iier'ts thi.- test set forth in RC Vtr '210M,01o. [IM c i,)e, 70A9.M ---penalty. -Inv provISwn ol this chapter Shall Constitute a misdemeanor. [1963 c- 128 § 4] i "'0-89.90# 80,vembility. If amr provision of fh4s chapter, or its application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the retrirainder of the chapter, or the appheation of the provision tc, other fwrsons or circu m" Ftane,�s is not affected. t 1963 c -19a § 5.1 A_ �:hapter 7014 AIR POLLUTION CONntot 70.94.M Formation pursuwt to beitting by state baAW. *The 'M-Iff board may, after the direvtor of healtb., has made rtcomnum- rMidiz-48 to approv'ri'atc, n,.easures- inrhAimh Co. SEA IDS, R0EZ-3UCK TO 410M- ]+"IRST AVE_ —SC. SL EATTE, i,-!I�SH. FROM FULLVIEW INDUSTRIES, INC. 1033 S. E. MAIN ND 14, OREGON I" RE I c-4LO247 PORTLAN 1 Phone: 234 0247 ATTENT lo.ol: JL t'! P fi- RED SILHjN GLI'llSS DOORS (SAFETY GLASS)— �DATE: SUBJECT: T.E FOLD 0 r ct o or is in flu 1 Cl 0 -u a n c e �3 1� c- J vTith theae C�.! f'i IiOTZ': Certification on brochure and Identij'ication 01-1 DATE GRAYARC Co., BROOKLYN 32. N. Y. 1-l-, L THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED 1 City of Port Angeles :-`-� TOURIST MECCA OF T'HF.-- 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Februery 16, 1964 Sears Roebuck and Company 120 East Front Street Port Angeles, Washington Genf 4; emai7t - Enclosed Is a c6py Dr "'Ka Ater, 'sa,.89 (-f the Rovl red Code of the State of Washington. x beiieve this Utw is worth spe ci fi ca l 1y drawing your attention Sincerely yours, R, P Willson building lnspextolr jj ly RPW .8ih$% f r 4 Afg Qi OF i,cRp {i a{.0 .),. . i - i in a !. S Ni "yS"';"'1'ii; �Q,A.. rT •,J,,l. DEPT............ OMIT SU13. k0101 ------------------------- .......................... PAGE--- ....... DATE----------------------------- MEMO - .... SIZE ........................ COLOR ............ PRI CAT. NO------------------------ t. DESCRIPTION----------------------------------------------------- I ---------------­-- " ---------------- ,ST;B, NO --------------------- -----SIZE--- ---- . -_COLOR ------------ PRICE.--,.;- --- ............... NUMBER of DAYS -------------------- QUAN. TRANS. or MEMO--------------- ........... DATESHIPPED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........... SH, FT. DUE ----------------------- .----SOURCE----------------------------------------- ORD.NOS ....................................................................... .............................. APPROVED 180 -------------------------------------- RECORDER ------------------- F- 1857 STOCKMAN'S COPY :, ��� 7 }ti Pka��� �� 3 .' { {'! ' t —�_ t,E. 'r a..�n 1^, � 't � �� DOODLER PAD From the Desk of John Doty f, Pater J. Capos 217 [Jest 4th Street Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 Dear Sir. - City of- Port p�r�a��[j,� 140 WEST FRONT ST. P,O, BOX 1150 • PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 February 1, 1982 Peter J. Capos 217 West 4th Street Re: Crafts & Bicycle Repair Fort Angeles, 14a. 98362 120 Last Front Street As you are probably aware' the Port Angeles Planning Commissi Business Association have been k, on and the Downtown aking on a sign ordinance for the Central Business District over the Past several years. After the original draft of this ordinance was approved a lz Cory was made and evaluated. This 1.� to revisi� P otographic field i.nven- ons in the Original ordinance and a re-evaluation of the original inventory, Now, as a result: Of: this re --evaluation, letters are being mailed the Central Business District to inform them of the status of to businesses in their signs. Should you have any questions in relation to be pleased to discuss it with Your particular evaluation, we would than telephone, since most of tile questions, recommend you corcc� to the office rather of the photographs, evaluation sheets and Ordinance. anticipate, would require exarniliation According to Section 9 of the ordinance, those signs Is must be brought into compliance or removed by January cl,S1987�d Thoas se prohibited" category must be remocred within se signs in the There �irc possible except_:ians to the above, under dace °f receipt of this notice. would lza{7e to be determine(( on a case-_b rtain circumstances, but these y-case basis. Sincerely_, - L E , Willson Chief Building Uffi.cia; ITUT : cc Pollowing :is the summary of signs a.;socizltoEl with yottl Pedestrian sign Wall sign Place of business: Prohibited no longer serves ongoing busineF..s prohibited no lon ,� - �, t serves orlgOing bttsitless CITY OF- v PO T A.. DEPARTMENT OF P � , BUILDING GIVISIOL-���RK IQN r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date — - `-------- -__ _ Ti in e —__-_---------- _.. _------Received by—j: .A ,,;,.,�...•a��.;K�,, Location of Work to be inspected-------__Jphone� person) Name of person requesting inspection ___ ----�-`--_------ Address of person requesting inspection Y A e of Inspection (c i r c i e appropriate "-----------_...—.—___--_--- `—'------___. . one): �`--- — —__.. Phone No. Sewer Foundation 'k` Framing Chimney Plumbing Permit No. 9 Final Othe r Inspected: Date V7 Remarks:_ - —Time by (continue on reverse si � if ` necessary) APPILWATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF -OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINCTON BUILDING DIVISION I: DATE Permit No. ....................... $ Valuation Date Permit Issued sz/ �- CLASS OF WORK Plan Checking Fee Building Address ' I TotalZVNew — '------ 6e Alteration Ro Treo surers Receipt o. Move NAME Addition Life of Permit. Mail Address !X_ b�&Use of .f.ng en by ............ M ph. No. 0 of building Height Appl�cotion taken rn 5i, City EA Ll 9 Wamilies'0--i Applicant to fill in between heavy Ines Building Permit Fee AME No. of rooms No. of floors 0. Sim of Lot Sq. Ft, 0 Address No. of ifdgs. dV'L'4__ use of Bldg. Total floor Area z TM Now on lot 0 Now n Lot Sq. F1_ ph, No. City SPECIFICATIONS Area of Lot If IIIN I'd NAME 0 w- Exterior Piers Type Construction 1 2 3 4 0 z 4 Address Width of Wall— r FootingUse H 1 Zone 0 Ph No. SiSpan material Si Spacing Occupancy Group A B C D E rG H I J ;> 0 NAME 6-e-a-W—s 1 6) 3 4 5 Joist 1st Fl. �X A_ddres.s Joist 2nd Fl. Fire Zone 102 Ph. No. 3 jj Joist coiling License No. plans and plot Plan 0 0 O ons submitted .......... ............ Property Line ------------ � I M a) oc PROPOUP—_ R EXISTI BUILDING Street Exterior Studs —T- --T V�l ---- I ------------- - ------ APPRO tion . s t'�' o Interior Studs Z_ Director a Dept. of Inspections COVERING Exterior Wolfs — Interior a Roof Reroofing Heat: Wood G a s i Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above in correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE OF PERMITEF ...... . .......... LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subdivision ii—ccc-No. .— t& Var-janceor*_Conditional Use Permit SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONPAONS l20 � Fore APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BUI DING DIVISION DATE ____�/� _ Applicant to fill) in between heavy lines 7 Building _ Address � c.0 i f cry-- /yes i — — ---- - -- �f 1 New p I NAME_ e° - .4'ljl Alteration Mail Address ��'� Addition mI _ __-- _-�--4 ��� r ! t� G�3�t'_! ._ Use of building m City -A Ph. No. Size of buildin O ( NAME -.__./ e_ c? No. of rooms No. of floors Address �% No. of Bldgs. 7O City Ph. No. Now on lot O n NAME__ ` z AC4 �'o' Material Address - ; -- Width of 0 Q City Footing Si _ _ Ph. No. Height - A NAME = Address n City_ Ph. No. License No. Plans and Specifications submitted........... ' ' ' ' ' • • • • •i Plo 0 U 0 O 0 t Plan ( ) Proparty line J 6. W ro o nc m m ;a PROPOSED,-, ro OR �IST�IN' i BlU ING ) e a -c r G � U.. ?^ I Street Permit No. Date Permit Is. L $ ��'-------- Valuation / building CLASS OF WORK g Permit Fete 1009 vG ��'✓ Plan Checking Fee $ - - Demolish Total-- - ----- - _ Repairj� _ _ — Move Treesurer 's Receipt No. Life of Permit..;`)tL ✓�, g Height - -- --- Application token by .. �• ...�1/ , , No. of Families ................' . -- Sine of lot Date.. t/?/!✓i.......... . Use of Bldg. �� v Total Floor Area — - S p. - --- - Now on lot �% /�'L'c i -- - -- -- --- --- —q� SPECIFICATIONS FOUNDATION Area, of -_ _ Exterior Pie Wall -- - --- -- —---._.--- Type Construction - ---/---------- - - — Use Zone _ Mci rial Size - Spacing Span Beams - Joist ]st Ff. - — Joist 2nd FI. _ - - Joist Ceiling - Roof Rafters Exterior Studs -- — Interior Studs I- - COVfXING - Exterior Walls I Roof Interior Walls _ _ ( Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas Oil— Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE OF PERMITEE ... 3.'_le_t tl"_-It� ". LEGAL DESCRIPTION Srbdivision / _ �{ — Lot No. Block No. r - --- -- - Sq. f 1 2 3 C 55 Occupancy Group A B C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 Fire Zone 6-1) 2 3 .APPROVED +�: r-- Mt✓-t-I - -- -- ----- Director• of Dept. of Insaections`1� SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS I e,, APPLICATION FOR BU iLDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BUILDING DIVISIO14 DATE_����_ moo, Applicant t4 fill in ihetyveert heavy fines Building Address�i�� -M NAME mMail Address • `y -�' `^ City----- Ph. No. O NAME2�r•-mot Q� ••-.fr«� . ZAddress m-- p City — — -- ---- Ph. No. , : �.. �• - - pNAMES Z __.... Address City O Ph. No. nNAME -_ s' Address n City Ph. No. License No. Plans and Plot Plan 4 C n a a. scificatinns submitted .......... ............. I Properly lino PROPOSED OR EXISTING BUILDING I Street CLASS OF WORK New Demolish Alteration_ ��- Repair-- -- - _ Addition Move Use of building` �� ,�'-�� , .,i j 1�• �' Size of Height _building No. of rooms No. of Families No. of floors Sine of Lot No. of Bldg$. Use of Bldg. Now on lot Now on Lot SPECIFICATIONS FOUN7'ATION Material Exterior Piers _ Width of -_Wall - _ - - — — Footing Sine - - -- Height — _-- Material I_ Size _ Spacing Span Beams Joist 1st Fl. Joist 2nd FI. — ---- Joist Ceiling Exterior Studs Interior Studs _ Roof Rafters COVERING Exterior Walls I Roof - Interior Wolis _ _— Reroofing Heat: Wood _ GasOil Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE ��—�, PERMITEE L�4 rrtL.� ..r-. +L. !.... LEGAL DESCRIP ION Subdivision Lot No.- `;-^" _ Block No. -4�1 — Permit No. r?I.i" ; ---------- ----------------- --- _. V - = aluation $--- - Building Permit Fes Plan -Checking hs Total Date Permit /�.lZe Treasurer's Receipt No.,/44. S� Life of Permit ........ .............. Application taken b ................... /r Date ...Z. Total Floor Area Sq. Ft. Area of lot --2,'- - Sq. Ft. Type Construction 1, 31 41--- Use Zone R. B- , M. 7, 3, 41 Occupancy Group A. B. C. D. H. I. J. 1, 2, 3, 4, S Fire Zone �1, . 2, 3 APPROVED AC- /� Director of Dept. of Inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS 1.2 CITY OF PORTANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT .... . „ ... . REQUEST: _Q G, r % � 30 �! (phone, Date `) Time Received by person) Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection — Address of person requesting inspection_ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation 1=rafn� g Chimney CE� P Phone No. — — Permit No. Plumbing Final Sewer Excdv. tt`iejr 4 INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date r _Time —j '..z— -r ByK) — — Remarks: ------ — RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... 'YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑ Asphalt ❑ PCC ❑ Repaired by City ❑ Repaired by Permittee ❑ No Damage Found Work Order # ❑ COMPLETE ❑ INCOMPLETE ❑ Other (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET- SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) ('3*ITI./ OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PuBt..Ic vvcyRKs REQUEST: /� Date cl'u4�—.___.___ Time 5-"' -----Received by Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection ._/ Address of per, .)n requesting inspection — Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): (phone, perso Phone No. Permit No. _ Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Finai Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date Time_ JAX By Kd . Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES_ ---- NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑ Asphalt ❑ PCC ❑ Repaired by City ❑ Repaired by Permittee ❑ No Damage Found Work Order ## COMPLETE INCOMPLETE ❑ Other __. (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) MEMO: April 11, 1984 TO: Building Section FROM: Gary Braun, Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Angeles Bikes - 120 East Front Street (new -location) Larry, After reviewing the plan submitted, we have no comments at this time. However, the new occupants ;must be informed that all portions of the basement shall have no combustible storage within. (This basement has only one exit.) GB/jg Pi ,WOR'SB-EPI. ���� RECEIVED DATE (J_�A1 2�- S%0%0 1 -- FYI. AC N 17 ` t CON+C.` DIRECTOR_.__ 01"FICE ENGR, j SOLID vIASTE BUILDING ENGiNEER'NG FILEmi �i i� .� E 1 � 490 AI j 13 I wir 406 K 7-12z�O W* ROMINBOW NEON SIGN CO. 2251 PAGE RD. - PORT ANGELES, V!ASHINGTON 98362 - PHONE 452-3224 Fl L Dc*G`-c- PL,'-1<5r--/c-- qc4e-d Vj -O-L- I jrag- L