HomeMy WebLinkAboutPALB Letter of Support OR
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March 18, 2014
Letter of Support
The City Council of the City of Port Angeles supports the efforts of Port Angeles Likes Bikes (PALE)
and it seeks to organize the first annual Bike to Work/School/Play/Shop celebration and parade in
Port Angeles in the Spring of 2014. This celebration will increase our community's awareness of the
health and environmental benefits of bicycling not only for our children, seniors,families and
recreational bicyclists but for bicyclists commuting to work, shopping downtown and riding in our
We also support PALB's efforts to reach out to community groups in order to include walkers and
hikers. Civic and community groups such as the Peninsula Trails Coalition, YMCA/YWCA, Boys and
Girls Clubs, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, church youth, senior organizations and others will be
contacted by PALB volunteers for participation in the celebration.
Civic, business and professional organizations will be engaged for support and participation. The Port
Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles Business Association, Port Angeles Downtown
Association, Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau and Olympic Medical Center are examples of PALB's
targeted outreach efforts.
In addition, we endorse Port Angeles Likes Bikes' efforts to encourage contact with bicycling groups
in Victoria, BC, Seattle and the greater Puget Sound. Greater contact and participation in each
other's bicycling events will lead to increased tourism and economic development in our City.
Dan DiGiulio, Mayor
City of Port Angeles
Phone: 0:360-4"17®4500 / Pax:: 300-417-4509 /TTY: 360-4,17-4645
Web site: www.cityofpa.us / Erna ll: counci1@c;ityofpa.u>
321 East Fifth Stroet - P.O. Box 1150/ Fort Angeles, VVA 98362-0217 0217