HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 07/20/2012 I Pr� T ANGELES,
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City Council
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July 20, 2012
Mr. Mark Bowes
524 Wiest 9th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory board.
Dear Mr. Bowes,
At their meeting of July 17 2012,. the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public Safety Advisory Board for the term of March 1, 2012,to February
29, 2016.. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port.Angeles,
Cherie lidd.
cc: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone: 0-417-4500 /Fax: 60-417-4.509 f : 360-417-4645
Website:w w.dtyofpa_Us/Email: couiridn dt of a.uus
X21 Fast RM Street.. R . Fox 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
/� w. .. C9 Council
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July 20, 2012.
Mr. David Winsor
2104 West 7 Ih Street
Port Angeles, WA 98363
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear 'fir. Winsor,
At their meeting of July 17, 2012, the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the public Safety Advisory Board for the term of March 1, 2012,to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council loops forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles.
Cherie Kidd.
cc Terry Gallagher, police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone:360-417-45010 l Fax; 0-4.1 7-4509 l TTT 360-417-464
"' e sfte: wvvw.cdyotpa.0 s,P ail: councitl@dtyof a.ijs
321 East Fifth Street° P.O. Box 1150 0 Port Angeles, WA 08002-0 t
V"' 'E'LES
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City Counicil
July 20,2012
Mr, William B. Payne
2421 Atterbcrry Poad.
Se uim, WA 98382
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Tear Mr. Payne,
At their meeting of July 1.7, 2012, the City Council unarth ously appointed you to t
membership of the Public Safety Advisory board for the term of March 1, 2012,to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles,
Cherie Kidd
cc: Terry Gallagher Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone:360..417.4500 /Fax: 360-417-4509 "6'ry: 336 -417-4645
W arta; ww ,cittyofpla,us 1 Email: cot.jndI @)cit otpa.Lts
321 East (Fifth Street- P.O. Box 1150/'Pope ArigeU es, WA 98362-0217
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11 P W A S H 1 NGTON, U. S. A
City Council
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July 20, 2012
Ms. Pamela Lindquist
1902. test t" Street
Port Angeles, '4rv"A 98363
Re Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Tear Ms. Lindquist,
At their meeting of July 17, 2012,. the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the public Safety Advisory Board for the term of March 1, 2012, to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of:Dort Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
Mayor y } `
cc: "T"erry Gallagher, Police Chief
Tien Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone: 360-4.1' -4 00 I' `ax: 360-417-4509,/TTY; 360-417 4645
"ebsite www.dtyofpa.Lis/Email: cound1@61 olloa-us
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 /Port Angeles, WA 98362-021
S I NGTON, U . S. A.
City Council
July 20, 2012
Mr. Wayne"Scott," Manning
326 Bast 12` Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re. Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Lear Mr. Manning,
At their meeting of July 17,2012, the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public Safety Advisory Board for the term of March 1, 2012, to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next cornmittee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port.Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc. Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting hire Chief
Phone: 360-4174500 Fax: 360-417-4.509 /QTY" b-417-4
e si e• www,dtyofpa.urs/Email: COUndI@Pcityofpa. s
321 Fast Fifth Street - P.0, Box 1150/ Fort Angeles,, 98362-0217
WASH I I G 'T O I' , UI S. A..
City Council
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2.0, 2012
Mr. Alan Barnard
697 Lemmon Road.
Port Angeles,, WA 98362.
Re: Appointment to public Safety Advisory Board.
Dear Mr. Barnard,
At their meeting of July 17, 2012,the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public safety Advisory Board for the term of March 1, 2012, to February
29', 2016. City staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
the Council loops forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of fort.Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting, Fire Chief
Phone:360-417-4500 /Fax: 360-417-45019 l TTY.360-417-4645,
e ite: www-dfyof a.us/ mail:councd@dIyof a.us
321 East Rfth Sty°eet - R 0. 'Box .A.I 50 l Port Angeles, WA 98362-021
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W "A S H I N G T 0 N, U. S A
City Council
July 20, 2012
Dr. Dennis '"Wilcox
221 Fox Point Road.
Port Angeles, 'OVA 983613
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board.
Dear lira Wilcox,
At their meeting of July 1.7, 2012, the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public Safety Advisory board for the term of March 1 2112, to February
29, 2016. City taf f will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for yout willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc. Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone:360-41:7-45010 Fax 3601-417-4,5019 /TTY: 3601.417 464
ed apte, wu w—dtyof'pa.us/Email: council cltyofpa.u,cs
321 East Fifth Street - RO. Box 1150/ Sort Angeles, WA 98362.0217
City C Ljncin
July 20, 2012
Mr. Joseph Fisk
6012 South"13" Street
Port Angeles, WA 98363
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Boar
Lear Mr. Fisk,
At their meeting of July 17,2012, the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public safety Advisory:board for the terns of March 1, 2012,to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles,
Cherie Kidd.
cc: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone; 360-417-4500 Fax: 0-417-4509 l TT' : 360-417-4645
Mebsite: wvvw.cityoIpa.us I Small:coLwrucll D�cityotpa.us
321 East l lttl°i Street- R . Box 1 169/Dort Angeles, WA 98362-0217
City Councii
July 20, 201
Ms. lathy Steinkamp
1508 West " Street
Port Angeles, WA 98363
Re: Appointment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear Ms. Steinkarnp,
At their meeting of July 1.7, 2 12, the City council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public Safety Advisory Board for the term of lVlarch 1, 2111 ,to February
9, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting ,Fire Chief
Phone: 5o-41 -4500 f Fax: 360-417-4509 TTY 360-417-464 5
e alter www.dtyofpaAIS d ail',cwjnd@dtyofpa.us
321 East Fifth Street - RO. Box 1150/Port Angeles, WA 98362-0 t
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/ W A S H t N G T 0 N, U. S. A.
City C ouncH
July 20,2012
Mr. Edward Zoble
1928 West 7t" Street.
Fort.Angeles, WA 98363
lie: Appo ntment to Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Zoble,
At their meeting of July 1.7, 2012,. the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Public Safety Advisory Board for t he term of March 1„ 2012,to February
29, 2016. City Staff will contact you with information regarding the next committee
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Public Safety
Advisory Board. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Fort Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc: Terry Gallagher,Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone:360-417-4500 1 Fax; 360-417-4509 f TTY; 0-417-4645
e site; wvwvw ,cit otpa,us d E nail: oOUncH cjtyof'pa,US
1 Past Fifth Street - F"O. Box 11 /'Port. n fides, 362-0217