HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 07/20/2012 (2) p NGELES
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/,,,, City Council
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July 20, 2012
Mr. Justin Charon
2225 East 7'h Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re. Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Charon,
At its meeting of July 17, 2012, the City Council approved appointments to the Public Safety
Advisory Committee. [Unfortunately, you were not selected to serve on the committee at this
I want to thank,you for your interest in serving and l encourage you to continue your
involvement with issues pertaining to the City of Port Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone: 369-417-460O / Fax: 369-417-4609!TTY:360-417-4645
ebslte: wvww.dt of aAus I mail: coUr dl@Pcjt cf a.Lis
321 f=ast Fifth Street- RO, Box 1150/Port Angeles, WA 98362-9217
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City Council'
July 20, 2012
Mr. Michael Edwards
34013 East Masters Road.
Port Angeles, `OVA 98362
Re: Public Safety Advisory board
Dear Mr, Edwards,
At its meeting,of July 17, 2012, the City Council approved appointments to the Public Safety
Advisory Committee. Unfortunately, you were not selected to serve on the committee at this
I want to thank you for your interest in serving and l encourage you to continue your
involvement with issues pertaining to the City of Dort Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
Mayor W:: CIJA .
cc. Terry Gallagher, Police thief
.en.Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone: 360-417-4500 t Fax:360-417"-450 /TTY: 360-417-4645
ebsit : www.cityofpa.us/ ErnaW council dtyot'pa.0
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 11 /Port. rrw otos, WA,98362'-021
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City Council:
July 711, 201
Mr.John Herschelrnan.
916 S. Cherry Street
Port A ngeles, WA 98362
Ike: Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Herschelrnan,
At its meeting of July 1.7, 2012,the City Council approved appointments to the Public Safety
Advisory Committee. Unfortunately, you were not selected to serve on the committee at this
I want to thank you for your interest in serving and I encourage you to continue your
involvement with issues pertaining to the City of Port Angeles.
Cherie Kidd
cc, Terry Gallagher,Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Rhone.,360-417-4500 l Fax: 360-417-4509 l TTT 360-417-4645
" eb ite: ,citycfpa.t.js Entail:COLflICfl@dtyofpa.us
321 East RIth Street- P.0. Box 11 /Fort Afigeles, WA 98362-02-17
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July 20, 2012
Mr. Jakob Lindquist.
1902 West `h Street
Port.Angeles, WA 9
Re: Public Safety Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Lindquist,
At its meeting of July 17,2012, the City Council approved appointments to the Public Safety
Advisory Committee, Unfortunately, you were not selected to serve on the committee at this
I want to thank you for your interest in serving and I encourage you to continue your
involvement wit h issues pertaining to the City of Port.Angeles..
Cherie Kidd
cc: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief
Ken Dubuc, Acting Fire Chief
Phone; -417-4500 / Fax: 360-4174509 /'TTY:360-41'7-4645
°re sit : wvvw.cityofpa,uis/ mall:coma°rcoi )cit of a.os
321 Fast Fifth Street - RO, Box 1150 / Pori Ange9es, WA 98362'-0217