HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 10/20/2011 • ART I�G
W.A S H, I N G T 0 N, U: S.' A.
�� City Council
October 20, 2011,!.
Mr: Ryan P. Malanc.
603 S.Alder.Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
'Re:, Appointment to Lodging Tax Advisory Conunittee
Dear Mr. Malane:
At its meeting of October 18,2011,-the City Coiuicil unanimously appointed you to the.
membership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Conuni tee for the term March 1 2011 February
29, 2012.
The.Council looks'forward to your involveiiientint.he deliberations of the Lodging Tax'
Advisory Commit ee. We thank you for your willingness to.serve the citizens of Port
Angeles. Information regarding the next meeting will be`sent to you:via email. j
Daniel A. Di Guilio
Phone: 360-477-4500/fax. 360-417-4509
Websi#e; www<cityofpa.us 1 Email., councii@ciiyofpa.us
.321 1=ast.Fifth.Street - P.O,Box 7:1.50 I Port Angeles, WA 98362-021'7
W AA S H i N G T- 0 N, U. S.
City Council
October 20,2011
Mr. Robert L. Harbicic
1006 South Lincoln Street
Fort Angeles, WA 9$362
Re: Appointment to Lodging Tax.Advisory Committee
Dear Mr: Harbicl{:
At its meeting of October 18,2011,the City Council unanin ously,appointed you to the
membership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Coinniittee for.the_terin March 1, 2011 —February
29; 2012:
The Council looks forward to your involvement.in the deliberations of the Lodging Tax
Advisory Cormnittee: We th ilc you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port
Angeles. Inforination.regarding•the next meeting will be wilt to you via email
Darlle i Guilio
Phone: 360-417-45001 Fax: 360-4:17-4509
Website: www.cityofpa.us/Email. council@cityofpa.:us
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 /.Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
-DR"Tr N,- ,, _."ELES
W A S HA N G. T O N, U, S. A.
City Council .
October 20; 2011
Mr. Abdellah Chourki
Red Lion.Hotel
221 N. Lincoln
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Appointment to Lodging Tax Advisory Conulittee
Dear Mir. Chourki:
At its meeting of October IS 2011,the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Lodging Tai AdvisoryConnn ttee for the teen March.1,2011 February
29, 2012.
Tlie Council loolfs forward to your involvement in the deliberations of the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port
Angeles.' Information.regarding the next.meeting will be sent to you via einatl
Sincerely; ;
Daniel A. Di . uilio
Phone: 360.4174500/'Fax: 360.-4 17-4509.
Website:,Www.cityofpa.us].Ernail-. councjl.@6ityofpa.us
321,.East Fifth Street- P.O. Box 1150/.Port Angeles; WA 9836M2'17
OR., T N,,'.
■ 'W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
City Council
October 20, 2011
Mr. Scott A.Nagel
2872 Dan Kelly Road
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Appointment to'Lodging Tax Advisory Committee _
Dear Mr. Nagel:
At its neet izg of October 18, 2011;the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
rneinbership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Comn.�ittee for the term Marcl '1, 2011 February
20, 2012.
The Council looks forward to your involvement in the deliberatiops:of-the L,odging Tax
Advisory Coirunittee. We thaak.you for your willingness to serve.t11e citizeiis of Port .'
Angeles. Infonnation regarding the next meeting will be se.iit to you via email.
Daniel A.Di Guilin
,.'_A-- !
Phone: 360-417-4500/Fax: 360-417-4509
W.ebsite.: www.cityofpa,us 1 Email:.council @cityotpa:us
321 East f=ifth Street - P.O, Box 1156/_Port.Arigeles •WA 98362-0217
• = R ' ! NGELES ''
W A S H I .N G TO N, U.. S. i0..
City Council
October 20, 2011
Mr. David H. Neupert .
Platt Irwin Law Firm
403 South Peabody
Port Angeles, WA 983.62
Re: Appointment to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Dear Mr. N eup ert:
At its meeting of October 18, 2011; the City Council unanimously appointed you to the
membership of the Lodging.Tax Advisory„Committee for the term March 1, 2011 —February
29, 2012.: .
The Council looks forward i-o your involvement hi the deliberations.of the Lodging Tai`
Advisory Committee. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens ofFort
Angeles: Infoi-rnation regarding,the next meeting will be wilt;fo you yr a eniarl.
Sin y;
Daniel A. Di Guilio ,
Phone: 380-417,4500 FAX 350-417-450)
Websi#e: WWW.cityofpa'us/ Email:'council @eityofpa:us
321 East Fifth Street- P.O. Bo)<.1150.I Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217'
• ORTIN. ... ,L� 'S r W A- S H I :N G T. ON, U. S. A:
City Council
October 20, 2011
Mar. George Bergner
139 E.Ahlvers Road
Port Angeles; 'WA '98362
Re: Ap�ointiment to,Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Dear Mr.Bergner;
At its meeting of October.l$, 2011;.ihe City Council unanimously appointed you to the
P . ' Y ,. ebruary'
rnemberslu of the Lodging Tax Advisor Cozniilittee£or the terns March 1 2011 --F
29, .
Tl�e Council loos£oiward to your involvement,iin the deliUerations of the Lodging Tax
Advisory Conunittee. We thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port
Angeles. Infoirnation regarding the next meeting will be sent to you via email.
Sincerely; .
Daniel A: Di Guilio
Phone: 3607417-4500 /-.Fax: 360-417.4509
Website: www 6 yofpa:us/ Email: council@cityofpa.us
321 l=ast. Fifth 'Street P.O. Box 1 150/Port Angeles, WA 98362=0217