HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/08/2014 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
April 8, 2014 @ 3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For March 11, 2014
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Utility Billing Changes
B. Department of Ecology FY 2012 Supplemental Statewide Stormwater Grant Acceptance—
Peabody Water Quality Project
C. Landfill Cell Stabilization—Phase 1,Project SW02-2012—Professional Services
Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Amendment 7, for Construction
D. Professional Services Agreement for Landfill Cell Stabilization,Project SW 02-12
E. Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management Services, Combined Sewer
Overflow(CSO)Phase II,Project WWI 008 —Vanir Construction Management
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Morse Creek Hydro Project Update (verbal report)
VII. Next Meeting Date: May 13, 2014
VIII. Adjournment
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\040814 Agenda.docx
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
March 11, 2014
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Acting Chairman Sissi Bruch called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
IL Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, Dan Gase, Lee Whetham
Other Councilmembers
Present: Patrick Downie
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio, Brad Collins
UAC Members
Present: Betsy Wharton, Lynn Bedford
UAC Members
Absent: Paul Elliott, John LeClerc
Staff Present: Dan McKeen, Craig Fulton, Mike Puntenney, Byron Olson, Sondya Wray,
Bill Bloor, Gregg King, James Burke, Maher Abed, (3:20)
Other Present: Shannon Greene—Bonneville Power Administration via Phone
IIL Approval Of Minutes
Chairman Sissi Bruch asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of February 11, 2014. Lee
Whetham moved to approve the minutes. Dan Gase seconded the motion,while Betsy Wharton abstained.
IV. Late Items: None.
V. Procedural Items:
A. Committee Chair and Vice-Chair Selection by Members
A motion was passed to nominate Lynn Bedford as Committee Chairwoman and Lee Whetham as
Committee Vice-Chairman
Vi. Discussion Items:
A. Bonneville Power Sales Agreement Revision No. 1,Exhibit H(Renewable Energy
Certificates and Carbon Attributes)
Gregg King,Power Resource Manager,introduced Shannon Greene from Bonneville Power Administration
via phone conference. Revision No. 1, Exhibit H for Renewable Energy and Carbon Attributes implements a
portion of the 2012 Settlement Agreement that awarded a portion of the Renewable Energy Certificates and
any future carbon credits associated with Federal system resources. This would put the City of the same legal
footing as parties that settled with the Bonneville Power Administration in 2011. There was a lengthy
Lee Whetham moved to recommend forward to City Council to approve and authorize the City
Manager to sign Revision No. 1,Exhibit H(Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon Attributes) to
the City's power sales agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration.Dan Gase seconded the
motion,which carried unanimously.
B. Consumer Confidence Water Quality Report
Maher Abed, Deputy Director of Public Works &Utilities reviewed the 2013 Consumer Confidence Water
Quality Report. The Environment Protection Agency requires community water systems to provide each of
their customers with a report every twelve months. The report references the 2013 calendar year and is
available to the public on the City's website. There was a brief discussion.
Information only, no action required.
C. Electric Utility Membership
Gregg King,Power Resources Manager, discussed the Northwest Public Power Association membership
renewal. The City of Port Angeles has been a member of NPPA since 1980, and a City representative is
currently on the organization's Board of Trustee's. Annual dues are $29,410 and are already budgeted in the
2014 electrical utility budget. The membership provides several benefits,including savings on education and
training used to maintain and/or improve City's staff skills and professional certifications. There was a brief
Lee Whetham moved recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to renew the annual
membership to the Norwest Public Power Association. Sissi Bruch seconded the motion,which carried
VIL Information Only Items
A. Utility Billing Practices (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
B. Landfill Cell Stabilization Project Update(verbal report only)
Information only.No action taken.
C. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Facility(verbal report only)
Information only.No action taken.
VIIL Next Meeting Dates: April 8,2014
VIIL Adjournment: 5:16 p.m.
Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist II
W A S H I N G T 0 N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: April 8, 2014
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Byron W. Olson, Chief Financial Officer
Rick Hostetler, Customer Services Manager
Subject: Change to the utility bill due date
Summary: Current utility charges are billed before the previous month's utility charges become
due. The City bills on a twenty-eight day billing cycle, but have a thirty day due date. The cus-
tomers misinterpret bills, and have voiced concerns on how the City bills utilities.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to amend the
PANIC to reflect a 25 day due date as compared to the current 30 day due date on monthly utility
Customer Service staff consistently receives customer concerns related to how a previous month's
utility charges appear to be past due on a current utility bill. Customers have expressed dissatisfac-
tion with how the City bills utilities and question how the city can bill for new charges before a
previous bill is even due.
Currently, the City bills utilities on a 28 day cycle, but allows for a 30 day due date. Staff proposes
to change the due date of utility bills from thirty days to twenty-five days. The change would take
affect on the first bill run for July 2014. Staff recommends waiving interest and penalties that may
accrue as a result of a change in the past due date, so that the customer may more easily adapt to
the change. As a result of the change, staff foresees greater customer satisfaction with utility bill-
For comparison, we have surveyed surrounding utility agencies on the due dates of their utility
• Clallam PUD 91
10 days from the bill date
• Puget Sound Energy
15 business days from the bill date
Memo to UAC on the Utility Discount Program
December 10,2013
Page 2
• City of Port Townsend
All bills mailed at end of month and due the 20"'of the month
• City of Sequim
25 days from bill date
• City of Forks
Bills are dated the I" of each month and are due the 11�' of each month
• City of Hoquiam
Bills are dated the 21" of each month and are due the 10 ' of each month
• Grays Harbor PUD 41
15 days from bill date
• City of Shelton
10 days from bill date
• Mason County PUD 4 1
Bills are dated the 26 ' of each month and are due the 10 ' of each month
• Mason County PUD 43
21 days from bill date
• City of Aberdeen
Bills are dated the last day of the month and are due the first day of the 1" day after a
full month has passed
If UAC approves the recommendation to Council,it is anticipated this item would be placed on the
agenda for the April 151' Council meeting. This would allow enough time for an insert to be
placed in the June bills to notify customer of the change in due dates and for a July 2014 imple-
mentation date for this change.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington making
changes to Chapters 3.64 and 13.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to utility billing.
Section 1. Ordinance 2112 as amended and Chapter 3.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to delinquent utility billing are hereby amended by amending Section 3.64.060 to
read as follows:
3.64.060 Delinquent bills—When.
All utility bills, e. .e.e. ..M ,&. . shall be delinquent if payment therefore is not received by the
City on or before the� twenty-fifth day after the .a+ itr t;f.4 aw b i I I d..t ..
M it I is ll 4-i tt 4e Ektfi+q -ea+t i:1:...:ffiy wait F+(.4 ree ive<113-y 41e......9 41*.I&Y
Section 2. Ordinance 2693 as amended and Chapter 3.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to delinquent utility billing are hereby amended by amending Section 3.64.075 to
read as follows:
3.64.075 Delinquent utility bills—Penalty.
All billings for utility services remaining unpaid after the �hit4ie�h twenty-fifth day after the
ffi-44-Rt fiI.:th1.e. bJII. .date. shall be assessed interest at the rate of one percent per month on the
unpaid balance, commencing with the date of delinquency. I:V ��:
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Section 3. Ordinance 2055 as amended and Chapter 13.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to delinquent utility billing are hereby amended by amending Section 13.16.040
to read as follows:
13.16.040 Bills delinquent before next monthly billing—Notice of delinquent account.
A. All utility bills of the City shall be delinquent if payment therefore is not received by the
City on or before the t4it4iet4 twenty-fifth day after the cu:rrei+a Wrg.e^ �1„ date posted on the
bill. Such curFe +t diarg. ,,i Elsa. ,date shall be stated on the bill with particularity.
B. Upon lapse of a bill into delinquency, the City Manager, or his designee, shall cause a
notice of delinquent account to be deposited in the United States mails, addressed to the
consumer as provided in section 13.16.020.
C. Deposit in the United States mails pursuant to subsection B. of this section shall be
deemed full and complete notice to the consumer of the nature and amount of any particular
utility billing.
D. The notice of delinquent account shall state that unless all delinquencies are corrected
within ten days of the date of the notice of delinquent account, the City will disconnect or
discontinue utility service without further notice on or after a date certain to be stated in the
notice of delinquent account. The notice of delinquent account shall further state that, if the
consumer has questions concerning the amount or disputes the amount of the account, he may
appeal to the Finance Director, or his authorized designee, whose address and telephone number
shall be stated on the notice of delinquent account.
E. An account which has become delinquent and for which a notice of delinquency is
issued, may be assessed a penalty fee in accordance with City policy defining chronic
delinquencies in the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
For the purposes of this subsection, when an account receives a third penalty during any
consecutive 12-month period, the City Manager or his designee may further request a deposit or
additional deposit be submitted in accordance with section 13.16.050, along with payment or
arrangements thereof for the delinquent charges due.
F. The Finance Director, with the approval of the City Manager, is hereby authorized and
directed to promulgate rules and policies for the implementation of this Chapter and for the
definition of terms such as "chronic delinquencies".
Section 4- Corrections_ The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of
the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and
any references thereto.
Section 5 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 6 - Effective Date, This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated
to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take-effect
J u l y 1 , 2 0 14 a4etz passage ®and a f t e r publication of an approved
summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of ,2014.
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
By Summary
A' ,
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: April
To: Utility Advisory Committee
Fromm: Jonathan Bnchmc, P.B., Stnonwutcr Engineer
Subject: Department nf Ecology PY20|2 Supplemental Statewide StnonvvutcrGrunt
Acceptance—Peabody Water Quality Project
Summary: In March 2014 the Department of Ecology offered the City a Statewide Stormwater Grant
in an amount of up to $150,000 for the Peabody Creek Fecal Coliform Bacteria Reduction Project,
DR02-2012. The offer was a result of a legislative provision in the State's 2011-13 Biennial Capital
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City
Manager to sign the grant agreement with the Department of Ecology under the FY2012
Supplemental Statewide Stormwater Grant Program in the amount of up to $150,000, and to
make minor modifications to the grant agreement, if necessary.
Background/Analysis: The Peabody Creek Fecal Cn|ifoon Bacteria Reduction Project, [)R02-
2012, was implemented no reduce fecal cnliforn\bacteria in the Peabody Creek Watershed. /\ key
tn improving the long term health of Peabody Creek is reducing the pollutants that drain into it.
This grant will fund uproject to install Piltcrruunito in City ci*6t-nf'vvuy in the East Peabody
Creek ouhhuointn reduce fecal cnliforn\bacteria discharging into Peabody Creek.
Stormwater from this basin currently flows through the City's stormwater system untreated
directly into Peabody Creek. Based onu Water Quality Data Analysis performed on data recorded
from 200| tn20||, Peabody Creek io the highest priority stream in Port Angeles tn target fecal
cnlifoon reduction. Water quality treatment io proposed tn treat runoff from road and oidcvvu]k
surfaces. Up no 8 Piltcoru units will hc installed on street comers. /\ Piltcoru unit io similar in
concept tnhinootcntion (rain gardens)but has been optimized for usmall footprint with high
pollutant removal. Stnrn\vvutcrpuooco through u filter media mixture contained in ulundocupcd
concrete container. Annual maintenance io nominal compared tn equivalent oingurdcno,
estimated tnhc at less than $3,000 annually for all 8 units.
This project cnoto are estimated ut $250,000. Grant-eligible pr jcctcnoto may hcincurred
beginning August 2, 2013. The grant requires matching funds from the City equal to ut least 25%
of the eligible project cnot. Tn utilize thc entire potential grant amount the City must contribute
$50,000 for the design and construction of the bio-retention raingardens. The match funding of
N:UJ4CDWEIDN6SUJ4C20l4UJ4C0408l4\D0E20l2 Supplemental Smoowm,z Grant Acceptance yoabwdy.docz
DOE 2012 Supplemental Stormwater Grant Acceptance_Peabody
Page 2
$50,000 and additional funding for other project elements of$50,000 is available from existing
CFP stormwater project balances in the Stormwater fund (DR0108 (2013 & 2014) $40,300,
DR0401 (2014) $55,000, and DR0211 (2014) $4,700).
It is recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
the City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the grant agreement with the Department of
Ecology under the FY2012 Supplemental Statewide Stormwater Grant Program in the amount of
up to $150,000, and to make minor modifications to the grant agreement, if necessary.
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W WAS H I N G T O N, U . . A.
DATE: April 8, 2014
FROM: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Landfill Cell Stabilization—Phase 1, Project SW02-2012 —Professional Services
Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Amendment 7, for
Construction Engineering
Summary: Preparations are underway to begin construction of the Landfill Bluff Cell
Stabilization project. The construction project has been advertised with a bid opening scheduled in
late April. As Design Engineer of Record, Herrera Environmental Consultants' services are
required during the construction phase, which is estimated to last until December 2015.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to authorize
the City Manager to sign Amendment 7 to the Professional Services Contract with Herrera
Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $426,000,which will increase the
total contract amount to $3,364,057, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if
Background/Analysis: The Landfill Cell Stabilization Project is necessary to protect the Strait of Juan
de Fuca from the threat of solid waste being deposited on the beach by ongoing bluff erosion. Project
elements include relocating approximately 265,000 cubic yards of solid waste from the East Cell of the
304 landfill and relocating that waste to the re-opened 351 landfill, which is a lined cell about 16 acres
in size located about 1500 feet landward of the 304 landfill. Other major project elements are installation
of new landfill cover systems, temporary erosion and sediment control, modifications at the ends of the
existing seawall, modifications to the access road at Dry Creek, stream restoration, and stabilization of
slopes. In addition, restoration/improvements of the landfill gas, leachate, stormwater and SCADA
systems will be accomplished.
The Landfill Cell Stabilization Project was designed by Herrera Environmental Consultants. Design
work began in October 2011 when Council authorized the award of the Professional Services
Agreement. Herrera submitted final plans and specifications to the City on February 14, 2014. The City
plans to open bids for construction in late April 2014. Construction is expected to begin in May 2014
and to last until December 2015. As Design Engineer of Record, Herrera has an important role to play
during the construction phase. The scope of work for Herrera's design team during construction
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\PALF Cell Stabilization-Herrera Amendment 7-Services During Construction
April 8,2014 City UAC
Re: Construction Management Contract—Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
Page 2
• Review of contractor submittals on proposed material components of the improvements,
• Interpretation of design intent when questions might arise,
• Evaluation of proposals for changing the design,
• Observations of construction work completed, especially for specific design elements such as the
mechanically reinforced earth wall (MRE wall), landfill cover systems, bulkhead walls and rock
reinforcement at the ends of the seawall
• Communication and meetings as needed, for instance attending the pre-construction meeting,
and weekly construction meetings by phone
• Final revisions to the grading plan, final cover design, leachate collection design, and surface
water system once excavation is complete and all contaminated soil at the bottom of the 304 Cell
has been identified ($70,000 remains in previous amendments to support this design effort).
The design team covered by this scope includes Herrera Environmental (principal designer), Aspect
Consulting (geotechnical consultant), and BHC Engineering (structural engineering and landfill cover
systems). NTI Engineering, a local firm, was involved during design as a subconsultant to Herrera, and
will be involved during construction as a subconsultant with the Construction Management (CM) team.
The tasks and estimated costs for engineering services during construction for the Landfill Cell
Stabilization project are shown below.
Task Description Amount
33.1 Engineering Services During Construction $292,700
33.2 Subconsultant support
BHC Engineering—Landfill Cover System $86,400
Aspect Consulting—Geotechnical, MRE Wall $43,600
PRDW Ltd— Seawall Ends $3,300
Total tasks cost $426,000
Current funding is available as a temporary loan from the Landfill Post-Closure Fund. This fund was set
aside to provide for post-closure maintenance activities for the mandatory period of 30 years as
prescribed in law. Because this will be an unanticipated expenditure in this fund, its balance will need to
be restored. It is anticipated that the source of reimbursement will come from future municipal revenue
bonds and/or loans and financial assistance through the State of Washington. A reimbursement
resolution was approved by Council in June 2012.
It is recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 7 to the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera
Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $426,000, which will increase the contract
amount to $ 3,364,057, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
N:A UAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\PALF Cell Stabilization-Herrera Amendment 7-Services During Construction UAC.doc
WAS H I N G T O N, U . S. A.
DATE: April 8, 2014
FROM: Michael Puntenney, P.E., City Engineer
SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement for Landfill Cell Stabilization, Project SW 02-12
Summary: Anchor QEA, LLC.,has been selected to provide professional services for the
Landfill Cell Stabilization, Project SW 02-12.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and
authorize the City Manager to sign the professional services agreement with Anchor QEA,
LLC., of Seattle,Washington in an amount not to exceed $1,429,000.00, and to make minor
modifications to the agreement,if necessary.
Background/Analysis: This professional service agreement is for construction management services
for the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project. This Project is being undertaken to prevent an uncontrolled
release of municipal solid waste into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. As a result of continuing erosion at the
base of the bluffs along the Strait, the edge of the older municipal solid waste cells was exposed at the
top of the 135 foot high bluff in 2011. The City has made short term repairs; however the larger more
extensive Landfill Cell Stabilization Project is necessary to protect the Strait from the threat of
deposition of refuse. The Landfill Cell Stabilization Project includes relocating approximately 265,000
cubic yards of solid waste from the old landfill cell adjoining the 135 foot high bluff, relocating that
waste to the 351 Landfill located inland, installation of new landfill cover systems, modifications at the
ends of the existing seawall, stream restoration, and stabilization of slopes. In addition,
restoration/improvements of the landfill gas, leachate, SCADA and stormwater systems will be
The Request for Qualifications (RFQs)was advertised January 19, 2014. Proposals from four
construction management firms were received for the Landfill Cell Stabilization project by February 14,
2014 and interviews were held February 27, 2014 with the top three firms. The top three firms
interviewed were Anchor QEA, LLC of Seattle, WA; Vanir Construction Management, Inc. of Bellevue,
WA; and AECOM of Seattle, WA. Selection team members were Councilmember Dan Gase, City
Director of Public Works and Utilities Craig Fulton, City Engineer Mike Puntenney, and Staff Engineer
James Burke. Anchor QEA, LLC., was selected as the firm best qualified to provide construction
management services for the Landfill Cell Stabilization project. NTI Engineering is a local firm and
will be sub-consulting on the project for Anchor QEA.
N:\UAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\PALF Cell Stabilization CM Professional Services UAC.doc
April 8,2014 City UAC
Re: Construction Management Contract—Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
Page 2
Construction Management services will ensure that the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project site is
managed efficiently, that the quality of the work is secured by inspection, that costs are fair and
reasonable, that all documentation is handled timely and retained according to State and Federal
requirements, and that schedule and time management responsibilities of the City are performed in a
timely manner. The ability to promptly work through resolution of issues during construction is essential
in claim mitigation. The following list illustrates the types of services that Anchor
QEA will be performing during this contract:
• Pre-bid review of Division 0 - (Legal and Procedural Documents) and Division 1 —(General
Requirements) of the contract
• Bid marketing and assistance,
• Development of a Construction Management Plan and a master construction schedule;
• Share-point document control system,
• Review of contract documents,
• Surveying services through a local subcontractor,
• Pre-construction meeting and progress meetings,
• Permit documentation and reporting assistance,
• Loan reimbursement and reporting assistance
• Submittal coordination,
• Coordination of Requests for Information with the designer of record,
• Change order management, associated cost estimating support, and negotiation,
• Schedule coordination and impact analysis,
• Dispute Review Board assistance
• Payment application review, analysis, and processing,
• Monthly status reports,
• Field inspection, including special inspections and material testing through local subcontractors,
• Recommend approval of substantial completion, and final completion
• Project closeout services, including as-built and other record documents.
A project with the complexity of the Landfill Cell Stabilization work will require substantial
coordination and oversight to manage and protect the interests of the City. Handling of refuse and
potentially contaminated surface water and groundwater will be subject to strict permitting
requirements. The total negotiated cost for the professional services for construction management is
$1,429,000, which includes construction management staff, sub-consultants, equipment, and utilities. A
cost summary is shown in the following table:
Construction Management Services
Project Management and Administration $ 406,164
Field Project Controls, Submittals, Documentation,
Scheduling, Estimating $ 410,600
Field Oversight and Inspection $ 399,987
Testing and Surveying Services (Northwestern Territories, Inc. -NTI) $ 100,000
Landfill Synthetic Liner/Cover Specialty Inspection—Theil Engineering $ 35,000
Direct Expensives (Office Equipment, Housing, mileage) $ 77,249
Total—Professional Services Agreement $1,429,000
N:\UAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\PALF Cell Stabilization CM Professional Services UAC.doc
April 8,2014 City UAC
Re: Construction Management Contract—Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
Page 2
Current funding is available as a temporary loan from the Landfill Post-Closure Fund. This fund was set
aside to provide for post-closure maintenance activities for the mandatory period of 30 years as
prescribed in law. Because this will be an unanticipated expenditure in this fund, its balance will need to
be restored. It is anticipated that the source of reimbursement will come from future municipal revenue
bonds and/or loans and financial assistance through the State of Washington. A reimbursement
resolution was approved by Council in June 2012.
It is requested that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to authorize the
City Manager to sign the professional services agreement for construction management services with
Anchor QEA, LLC., in an amount not to exceed $1,429,000.
N:\UAC\MEETINGS\UAC2014\UAC040814\PALF Cell Stabilization CM Professional Services UAC.doc
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W WAS H I N G T O N, U . . A.
DATE: April 8, 2014
FROM: Michael Puntenney, P.E., City Engineer
SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management Services,
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Phase II, Project WW1008—Vanir Construction
Summary: Vanir Construction Management, Inc., has been selected to provide construction
management services for Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO)Phase 11, Project WW1008. This
project is the final phase of the City's CSO Reduction Program approved by the Department of
Ecology (Ecology). This project will reduce CSOs into the Port Angeles Harbor in compliance
with the terms of Agreed Order 3853 from Ecology.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and
authorize the City Manager to sign the professional services agreement with Vanir
Construction Management, Inc. of Bellevue,Washington in an amount not to exceed
$1,563,726.00, and to make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary.
Background/Analysis: The scope of work for the CSO Phase II Project will be to replace existing
Pump Station 4 with a new pump station that will have an increased capacity of 28 million gallons per
day (mgd). The new pump station will be located directly south of the existing Pump Station 4 on
Marine Drive. The Project will also include a gravity diversion sewer(Front Street Diversion Sewer) to
convey flow directly from the location of CSO 008 at Peabody Creek to the new pump station, the
completion of the new force mains partially constructed in CSO Phase 1, a new influent sewer to divert
flows from the existing Pump Station 4, and a new stormwater trunk line for CSO separation on Front
Street. The CSO Phase II project is the final phase of the City's CSO Reduction program approved by
the Ecology. This project will reduce CSOs into the Port Angeles Harbor in compliance with the terms
of Agreed Order 3853.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQs)was advertised January 19, 2014. Proposals from three
construction management firms were received for the CSO Phase 11 project by February 14, 2014 and
interviews were held February 27, 2014 with the top two firms. The two firms interviewed were Vanir
Construction Management, Inc. of Bellevue, WA and AECOM of Seattle, WA. Selection team members
were Councilmember Dan Gase, Director of Public Works and Utilities Craig Fulton, City Engineer
Mike Puntenney, and Staff Engineer James Burke. Vanir Construction Management, Inc., was selected
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April 8,2014 City UAC
Re: Construction Management Contract—CSO Phase II
Page 2
as the firm best qualified to provide construction management services for this project. NTI Engineering
and Wengler Surveying are local firms and will be sub-consulting on the project with Vanir. Vanir
Construction Management has demonstrated exceptionally well-qualified performance during
construction management services for the CSO Phase I Project, which is anticipated to be completed
within the approved construction budget.
Construction Management services will ensure that the CSO Phase II Project site is managed efficiently,
that the quality of the work is secured by inspection, that costs are fair and reasonable, that all
documentation is handled timely and retained according to State and Federal requirements, and that
schedule and time management responsibilities of the City are performed in a timely manner. The ability
to promptly work through resolution of issues during construction is essential in claim mitigation. The
following list illustrates the types of services that Vanir will be performing during this contract:
• Pre-bid review of Division 0 - (Legal and Procedural Documents) and Division 1 — (General
Requirements) of the contract
• Bid marketing and assistance,
• Development of a Construction Management Plan and a master construction schedule;
• Share-point document control system,
• Review of contract documents,
• Surveying services through a local subcontractor,
• Pre-construction meeting and progress meetings,
• Permit documentation and reporting assistance,
• Loan reimbursement and reporting assistance
• Submittal coordination,
• Coordination of Requests for Information with the designer of record,
• Change order management, associated cost estimating support, and negotiation,
• Schedule coordination and impact analysis,
• Dispute Review Board assistance
• Payment application review, analysis, and processing,
• Monthly status reports,
• Field inspection, including special inspections and material testing through local subcontractors,
• Recommend approval of substantial completion, and final completion
• Project closeout services, including as-built and other record documents.
The fee negotiations have been successfully completed. The total cost for the professional services for
construction management is $1,563,726.00, which includes construction management staff, sub-
consultants, facilities, equipment, and utilities. Funding is available from the CSO funds accumulated
through CSO rate accumulations and Washington State Public Works Trust Fund and State Revolving
Fund loans. A cost summary is shown in the following table:
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April 8,2014 City UAC
Re: Construction Management Contract—CSO Phase II
Page 2
Construction Management Services
Project Management and Administration $ 515,772
Field Project Controls, Submittals, Documentation,
Scheduling, Estimating $ 465,954
Field Oversight and Inspection $ 271,004
Testing Services (Northwestern Territories, Inc. - NTI) $ 65,000
Surveying and Mapping Services (Wengler) $ 2,500
Construction Closeout Services $ 91,722
Subtotal—CM Services $1,411,952
Field Office Expense $ 54,340
Pre-Construction Constructability Review $ 97,434
Total—Professional Services Agreement $1,563,726
It is recommended that City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign the professional
services agreement for construction management services with Vanir Construction Management, Inc., in
the amount not to exceed $1,563,726.00.
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