HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/10/2011 PORT�n ANGELES �� COMMITTEE
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JmckU^itkis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Pwrt Angeles,WmmhNmgken
Meeting Minutes for February 10~ 2011,
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting o1 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, [o-Chair Don Perry, Mike Chapman, Charlie 8noi1h. Ku
/\hlhucg, Mike Edwards, 0reA8a|berg, Christopher Riffle,Terry \Vrod.
Members Absent: Frances Charles, Linda Bo1nuurk` Willie Nelson, George Scboeoie|dt, 0uugNuma,
/tu6rJfexom/: Kent Myers,Nathan VVeoL Scott Johns, }lohcdo}{orcz, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: TinoBoy|e.
Public Present: ShuynaZerubnick.
Approval ofMinutes
Chapman made u motion toaccept the January meeting minutes ampresented. Motion seconded bv
Perry. Date nf the minutes was corrected from 2818tn201K Motion passed unanimously.
Waterfront Transportation MWrovemenft Project(WTIP) - Update
9JnwL Auvc a brief status report on the project. The concept plan of the VVu1crkon1 portion of the project
was approved by City Council u1 their February |, 2Ol|, meeting.
Next step is for the construction drawings to be completed for the project. The traffic circle feature at
Railroad and Lincoln will ronnaio` but instead of raised island in the middle, the cudrc circle will be Do1.
Discussions were conducted with the Landing and Red Lion concerning their parking needs. Both were
committed to doing what was best for the needs of the community.
Council discussed two options for parking at the City Pie,. Council decided on acompdaed plan of 10 12
spaces at City Pier. The VVu1e,fion{ Concept Plans will also provide for an additional 24 opocnm on
]leibnud west ofLaurel Street. The deadline has been extended to allow local sign companies tosubmit
bids. Prototype signs are hoped tobc installed bvthe end of March. Entryway monuments are on hold for
An added component ofthe Waterfront Project is incorporating local artwork along the waterfront and
planning for those pieces toho placed throughout the project azcu. Patterns in sidewalks and railings will
also be considered as c|enucn1s of art. Six prototype signs will be iomiu||ed in the downtown area to occ
how well they function before more signs are made and installed.
Myers added that construction drawings will be moving forward. Phase } of the project will include
something that is very visible and doable. Beach restoration can involve a long permitting process and
phase | must also fit into a budget with available funding. The first area oF focus will bn west nF the Coho
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February 1u2Ol1
Ferry area. Financing will be put together to see *4nU sources are available. ;cdeod funding will be
limited with the eliminations of earmarks and lack of federal appropriations being available this year.
Kovox explained that it is anticipated that nnu|bp|c types of funding will be possible due to the many
components included in this project OronuaM <obanopoda1ioouuduincothe area serves ouaninternational
/\b|bur&suggested including murals uo art pieces wherever possible.
Mhcm reported that Chris McKinney of/\roroark had been at a previous meeting. Myers reported that
destination marketing iy proactive strategy visitor center approach to provide Support services for visitors
and also market our community. They provide information on tour packages, make reservations, arrange
transportation, events, and other services. Whistler does this very suuocma[u||y. Myers reported that Port
Angeles D1a under the regional/natural destination category. However, what is currently lacking is good
marketing research and data on why people come to Port Angeles and how to get them 10 stay longer.
Myers suggested doing more market research and has talked with Diane Suhnm1uk. She said the cost has
been high and the results take time to come back inunucouurosb|eway. An(udy would provide how the
traveling poh|io perceives Port &ngc|uy as a destination. Visitor ea]ia[hcdun surveys are an important
c|enuon1. Port Angeles has the characteristics but uo data to support nr guide us.
K4vcm will meet with Subomtak next week and will report back 0o P/\ Forward in March. /\h|burg said we
are spending a lot on marketing but there is no rou| tracking on the runuUu of that marketing and an
organized effort makes u lot ofsense.
Chair Kidd asked for sub-committee progress reports.
Perry reported that the committee has not met. Next meeting iy scheduled for February 24.
Kidd reported that she would not be able to attend on February 24 due to a ineeting in Olympia regarding
establishing uCivic Historic District. She provided uhia\ory on the use of the building ou2|5 S. Lincoln
Street, Cunoogic Library, Veterans Park, and the C|aUuno County Courthouse. She stated that a Civic
Historic 0atdot will preserve our history and provide an additional auuroc of tourism. Kidd announced
plans for u celebration in May. Details are e|i|| in the planning stages. Perry suggested holding the
meeting ou February 23instead. Meeting will beon February 23, at8mninthe Pitda Conference Room.
Perry added that Lorraine Ross provided a comprehensive list of all of the events that have happened
during the history of Port Angeles. Pony will be presenting the list to the City and the Committee along
with Ms. 8oue`m uuggeobnua for marking certain significant dates. He will continue to work with her and
bring more info back 10 the committee.
Buy/Think Local
Edwards oa Chair,with members of West and Riffle. Deferred to the end of the list.
Edwards introduced intern Sbuyna Zcvohniok He reported that u few nnorc businesses are becoming
involved. Edwards will make op,encntuiion next week\othe P/\[)/\ to represent the effort. Laurel E\|uok
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February lO,2Ull
io working onu logo and web design. Bdv/urdo io working in conjunction *hhB|ockaod Cross Point.
Cross Point is 000rnpany that provides nweb-haocd too] that provides a nnup of all the businesses in the
greater area of Port Angeles. Viewers can zoom in to a particular area and find information about o
business from basic contact information orcontinue on (o their webyitc. Coupons, advertising and other
enticements are included. Edwards is concerned about possible conflicts with what the Chamber is doing.
Edwards will talk with the Chamber.
Edwards is hoping for enough need money from the City 10 otud the vvohmito and then oUt, this to
hunincoaoa from Port Angeles and then expand into unnconhp,abip structure next year. Edwards presented a
preliminary budget of$l6,4OO for one year. ^'Locu|" would bc defined by how the County defines the Port
Angeles region which would be similar to the Port Angeles School District boundaries.
\Vcn1 added that the E000unuio Development Fund can be only be used for specific oorviooe that benefit
businesses within the City and that providejobs. Kidd asked if this would undermine how the City supports
the Chamber. West replied that the Cburnbor is funded by lodging tax and the Chamber is there to promote
Pod Angeles outside of the Port Angeles area to bring people here. VVbu,eue the "think |oou|" would be
targeting the local to local connection.
Perry added that this would definitely add 10 what the Chamber is doing. Riffle added that links could be
established between this Local website and Chamber website. Edwards added that the intent is not to attack
big box aton:y such as VVa|nomrt` but to include any and all businesses located in the |000| area. /\bibu[g
stressed the importance of getting local businesses tnparticipate and promotion for local residents to use
the service. Edwards said the challenge is to put together a campaign to engage both retailers and
Edwards requested the assurance that u funding commitment of$|0,O0O as seed money for the first year.
Perry felt confident that the City could find the funding.
D'mnry moved to support the funding of$10,000 and to forward the funding request to City Council
for consideration. Ab1borgmecoodmd. West added that City has committed todothe retail ooulymLm
study this year and there is a grout potential of integration being possible between the two projects
and io turn find ways to share funding resources. Motion passed unanimously.
Mvum as Chair, with members Boyle,Nelson.
Myers reported that Olympic National Park((INP)has atcano uf transportation consultants working to
identify an alternative transportation ayatenn\o get visitors tuthe Ridge, Bob Rain Forest, and other areas
of the Park. Focus group meetings have been held. /\report with rcoononuooda1ionuia expected by the end
of the year. The challenge has been the wide distance that contains Olympic National Park and in trying to
cover that area with ateooib|e transportation system.
Y4o Chair,with members Ro1nnurk, Riffle, &blburA, and West.
No report.
Port Angeles Anniversary Sub-Comi-nittee
Kidd uaChair.
No report.
/ Page of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February 10,2011
Hurricane Ridge Road Update
Greg Halberg reported on different activities going on at the Ridge, including the possibility of providing
inter tubing for a nominal fee. However the Park recommended that the Ski Club should provide this, but
not charge the public. Ahlburg suggested seeing if other parks have been successful with this type of
service and then share with ONP.
New Business:
Johns announced the shoreline open house on February 23 and asked for members to attend and spread the
word on about the event.
Pierce reported the upcoming Ordinance amendment that will eliminate term limits for PA Forward
representatives. Council will be considering this at the February 15 Council meeting. The City will still
require letters from each member organization stating who their representative will be for the next term.
Interviews will be conducted for the Citizen-At-Large positions and all recommendations will be
forwarded to Council for final approval.
Myers announced that the US Mint will be announcing a new quarter that will feature Olympic National
Park. The new quarter will be dedicated in June with representatives of the US Mint coming to Port
Angeles to unveil the new quarter. As plans develop,more information will be forthcoming.
Member Reports:
Meeting concluded at 8:40 a.m.
Next Meetink Date:
• Next regular meeting date— March 10, 2011, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Memorial Conference
Room/City Hall.
Minutes revised to note that L. Rotmark does not serve as the chair of the Regulation/Business/
Finance subcommittee.
Approved as revised on April 14, 2011
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "20 10"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West Jan-Feb 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding I farbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 f lost Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Tearn Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Joan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N.West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Darn K.Myers May 20 10
I Removal Project