HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/14/2011 PORTK»��U�1� ��J�Z�1U ]��� ���� COMMITTEE
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Jack Pittim Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2011
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO OR-DER: Chair Kidd opened tile meeting o17:]0um.
Mem8eroPvcxmv� Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair L)oo Perry, Mike Chapman, Charlie Smith, Kn
&h|burg, Mike Edwards, Greg lla|horg, Christopher Riffle, Terry Weed, Linda
&uimonrk, Oeorge Sokocn(e|dt, Larry Morris
Members Absent: Frances Charles.
S/u�'Prexen/. Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Konuz, Teresa Pierce.
()thenvPrexon/: Tinn Boyle, Kuma Vouuunnu, and Jan Uurbiok.
Public Present: ShuynoZerohniok.
Approval ofMinutes
' K. AblhnrA made u motion to accept the February meeting minutes as presented. (No meeting was
held in Mmro0J Motion seconded by C. Riffle. Chair Kidd noted m correction to remove Linda
Rntmmmrk as chair of mn600zummitbce on Regulation / Bnwimmmm / Financing. Motion passed
unanimously tm accept the minutes mwrevised.
Waterfront Transportation Improvements Project(WTIP) - Oulate
VVoa\ gave o brief status report on the project. He reported that City Council considered moving fbnvan]
with Phase Tl of the project that inc|udeaihe construction drawings for the area along Railroad Avenue.
Other recommendations are being considered including the alternate route, nodes and transportation
components. West unveiled one of the first prototype signs as part of tile wayfinding portion of the project.
Signs will be put in place and public comments will be accepted before more signs are made. Prototype
signs will be located in the downtown along Laurel, First, and Front Streets. Myers noted that many ofthe
older and obsolete signs will be removed. Construction of the waterfront innpoovcnoen<m could possibly
start io early 20l2. Design io being continually defined.
Destination Marketing Centers—Kent MVers
Manager Myers requested the issue bctabled.
Think/Choose/Buy Local CaffMaifm Update—Kent M
Manager Myers provided an update. The idea for the buy-local campaign started about a year ago based
upon responses frorn a survey of local businesses that identified a need for a buy local type of program. /\
subcommittee was formed to address the issue. Mike Edwards has chaired the ouhomnunni(1co. 8dp/erda
introduced 8hoyna Zc,ohniokan intern fionn tile college and that others participating onthe aubconnnniUou
include C. Riffle, N. YVmmi, Uuzh Frederick, along with three other business owners that have participated.
He reported that progress has been made. Rdvvonis recently spoke at the pod Angeles Business
� /\yaociu1ion (y&B/\) and the Port Angeles Downtown &emnoio1ion <P/\L)&> and then contacted the Port
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
April l4,ZUll
/\nge)cm Regional Chamber ofCommerce regarding the efforts and nuz1 a<opm. PAB& and PA[tA have
expressed their support for the campaign. However, the Chamber has expressed concerns with the project
and Edwards met with the executive board of the chamber and discussed options for moving forward. He
then presented those options to the buy local subcommittee and also to PA Forward committee.
Edwards reported that there has not been any response that these proposals are workable and there has been
a disagreement in the area ofproject scope. The Chamber prefers u regional focus bop/eve,the view was
that this would not betangible in the first phase o[the project. Success nf other groups has not been with
regional focus but with o more concentrated effort. Several meetings have been held with interested groups
and individuals. He reported that more work is needed to improve upon the present strategy. The
subcommittee has resolved not tu tie with the project iotbeChunoberoltbim \innc. Once some footing has
been made as a local program expansion and modification may be considered.
K. Myers added that back in February the establishment of u new p/ebohu was considered by the
subcommittee but that was withdrawn as 10 not oonope\c with the Cbarnbor`m existing vvebohc. Edwards
added that oeepumtc v/uheite u(i|| nnukua good sense, but it doesn't make sense to compete for the ounne
advertising dollars. Myers added that any recommendations must go to City Council for funding approval,
and since this is City money any funding for the program and the effort has to have haouu on businesses
located within tile City.
B. Veenenuu added that uonnnnuniouiiuo could have been better between the Cbuo/bu,`a previous
representative on p/\ Forward and the Chamber board. He continued that the Chamber feels there is
already duplication of efforts occurring and this would again be 'ue\ another example of duplication with
yet unothurp/ehebe. 7Fhoro is nneud for shop }oum| campaign, but to keep it just Within dho City \irnds or
the school district boundaries imamistake. The community does not understand borders and this could do
more burnn than good. As for funding, the feedback he has heard are concerns that no long-term funding is
in place and e(ad up uom1m would be used without providing for staff or other support. Shop local is good,
but how to continue is important. He felt that the Chamber was not included in meetings arranged by
0d,/unda. He reported that the Chamber will continue efforts with u buy-local card and encourage
consumers to be more loyal to |oou| huminoaaco. More meetings will be held (o continue the concept for
promotion efforts for why people should shop local and those benefits. He stated that oo it stands right
now, the Chamber will not endorse this and will speak in opposition Should this come forward to Council.
Myers responded that his impression was that the Chamber would beneutral. \/eeoernu responded that the
direction lie has from the Chamber board was that the Chamber would not support the campaign.
E. 0odk`u] added that ho hates to aco any kind of division on iamucm and noted that the president of
Chamber board stated that it was impossible for the Chamber to endorse this campaign. The Chamber
works beyond the scope of the City of Port Angeles and their membership goes beyond the city lit-nits and
it is difficult for them to support u concept for o specific area. Co-chair Perry added that nnoyho o
separation ofthe two is a possibility then and perhaps a good reason for this particular campaign to not be a
part ofthe Chamber. Members mfthe Chamber include businesses in Soguino that might voice opposition
for a program that focuses j List ou Port Angeles.
VVomi added that tile motives of the program were driven by the local bosinomaox requesting this effort and
the best approach is to continue and if partnerships happen later,that is good. /\h|bur&reported that 9/\B/\
had an extensive debate on the issue and agreed that limiting to the City of Port Angeles area was u good
idea and that the City Council cannot be expected to fund o project that auppodm shopping outside of the
Page 2o[j
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minute
April 14,2011
City limits. He hopes that the Chamber call understand there is justification for a program in Port Angeles.
If the program is to be supported by businesses, then multiple pnogrmnna, each with u coot` have to
dornonairgo what the ino,crncntu| benefit is for o business to participate.
\/eenenno added that just because o lot o[work has been done does not mean that the work had the right
direction. 8o thinks the City could ask other communities to reach Out and help fund this pvogrunn so that
the program could he expanded by adding funding from the City ofSoquinuor [|u||unnCounty. He wants
to avoid push back from the oornruuuir/. He feels it makes eonao <o tie the program ittothe Chamber, but
the focus has tobo beyond City of Port Angeles boundary.
}liOle added that it strikes hirn that the fundamental Aou|a for the Chamber and p/\ Ponvund are different.
This buy-local effort ioto educate both businesses and consumers. It is his hope that itiy not made more
complicated than that. Perhaps it does make sense to separate it, but lie does not agree that the Chamber
should directly oppose this program.
Bedford responded that the involvement of the Chamber over the last two months has been extensive, but
that they were not invited to participate in meetings or discussions during the last two weeks. His opinion
was that the direction for tile campaign apparently changed without the involvement orknowledge of tile
Chamber. Perry added that was not the intention. Perry uiu1ed that ho recently viewed the Chamber's
website and saw the marketing potential and further remarked oil how this website provided a great service
and support for Chamber members.
G. llu|ho,gamked if what the Chamber is doing now will meet the needs expressed in the recent business
murvey. Bdvvordm numpuodod that survey rcmu|1* were categorized and rouuke indicated that businesses did
not believe there was all active boy local pvogrxnu in place. Riffle asked if what the Chamber is doing will
meet that need. Edvvo,dy responded that follow-up is needed to be done about nnmnibo after uprogram
has been launched and sodia unclear o1 this time if that need has been met.
\/couunoa eunnmnorizod that with the original concept of the P/\ Forward buy-local campaign that the
Chamber had issues with staffing, donations bnou huainoaacm` vvuboiie, marketing and again that the
Chamber had heartburn with these issues, again because ofduplication. l{e noted that there are several
groups that represent specific areas within town —but who represents the vveu| side of town? The Chamber
has efforts iu place to include noo-rnenoheo. The effort has toho10 encourage shoppers to think local. He
noted that the [bunobur board has not directed him 10 speak in opposition. Be again noted that it would be
o vvumic of resources unless there is u \nn# ionn funding onccbaniarn in place. The Chamber would most
likely support educating the poh|io on buying |oou|, however there are just some parnnnctoo in the P/\
Forward program that the Chamber opposes.
Myers added that phase one would be something unthe street within the next 30 to 60 days to encourage
people to buy local. Then the eUbdm would he reevaluated to determine if the need was for 'uu1 an
cduco1ionpoogrmn. He encouraged tile Chamber and others to come together to either promote it or remain
Russ responded that education is sornething that the Chamber does all the time. Chair Kidd added that she
understands that the Chamber Must focus on its mernbers and she believes that the Chamber does work oil
o regional basis and the pilot project has the ability to educate and see how helpful the outreach is. She
stated she was unsure what the conflict is. Russ stated lie had nofudher comments tooffer.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
April 14,2011
C. Smith said it made sense to the PADA for the campaign to be focused just on Port Angeles and the
PADA was in favor of the concepts. J. Harbick stated that it is logical to start small and then expand later
if successful and if so, then other communities may want to join.
Chair Kidd stressed that if the program is wholly funded by the citizens of Port Angeles then that is where
the focus should be. Edwards added that partnering is important and part of the mix for success and that
the Chamber can keep doing what they are doing—while PA Forward can continue to educate and promote
on why and how it is important to bury local.
Myers reviewed the previous meeting motion from PA Forward meeting in February supporting a
recommendation to City Council to allocate $10,000 in funding. However this was being brought back to
PA Forward for further review and discussion based on the Chamber's concerns.
M. Chapman suggested holding the item for now until the issue is resolved between the City and the
Chamber. Discussion continued on the timing of when to approach Council with the recommendation.
Chair Kidd asked if there was any interest in changing the motion. Discussion continued. Bedford stated
that he wants to do everything possible to avoid a divide on this issue between the City and the Chamber.
He recommended that fiirther discussions continue.
West noted that a lot of staff time and effort on the part of volunteers has been invested and that it is time
to either move this forward or drop the issue.
No motion was made to revise the previous motion from the February 2011 meeting.
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
Economic Development/Downtown PortAnaeles/Subcommittee Reports
Hurricane Ridke Road Update
New Business:
Member Reports:
Next Meetink Date:
• Next regular meeting date— May 12, 2011,at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room
/City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page 4 of 5
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging"Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
I lost Business Resource Event
January 2009 Council Chambers Subcommittee January 8,2009
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N:.West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for 1,1wha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project