HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/12/2011 Nm ANGELES %� COMMITTEE
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Jack Pittim Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /P*rt Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2011
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting ut7:30a.m.
Mem8xrxprexcnl: [hair Cherie Kidd" Co-Chair Doll Perry, K ' /\hiburg, Mike Edwards, Greg
Bmlborg, Christopher Riffle, Terry Weed, Larry Morris, Ed Bedford.
Members Absent: Frances Charles, Linda {lo|nnurk, Mike Chapman, George Sohoonfe|dt, Cbudiu
/&z#'prxxon/: Nathan VVcet` Scott Johns, &obodnKonoz, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle.
Public Present: ShaynuZe,obniok.
Approval ofMinut
D. K»mnry made motion to accept the April meeting minutes as prwmomtod' Motion seconded by K.
Ah|6mrg. Motion passed unanimously.
N. VVu* gave u brief status report on the project. The phum: U contract is underway. Geoteohoiuu|
engineers will bc evaluating the boardwalk area. Ali Arts Framework plan io also u point of focus regarding
flow io in1ug,n10 artwork into the waterfront area. /\ draft version of the plan was provided. The plan was
generated through input from the local ode community with the goal (o ca\ah]iah uoity-vvide policy and
also generate local interest. Comments oil the draft plan are appreciated back toK. KorozbyJune l.
VVeN reported that the six prototype vvayGnding signs are expected to he installed in June. &h|burg
commented oil the importance of the community having ail identity and having artwork that further defines
that concept. M. Edwards added that in terms of identity that with the money and time to be invested how
this could really ooi Port Angeles on the map as on arts community and cnoou,uAu other artists \o make
contributions. He applauds this effort and believes this is the right thing to do. YVem( added there are
funding considerations still to be determined and taking advantage ofthe |ouo| tu|on1m is key.
Think/Choose/BuE Local Campaign Up(late— Up(late
Bdvvandm reported that initial funding was approved by City Council. The \oazu has onct and understands
that the securing the initial funding was the first phase. Laurel Black has been under contract 10 develop
and will now finish the logo design. Once the |o#u im done, then the promotional campaign can begin.
Press release is being vvdUen iu lieu of ail interview with the yan/nxu/u l)oi/v News (P{)Y4). Goal is to
stretch the funding as far as possible. Repetitive imaging is more effective than one large billboard. Ideas
include: putting the logo oil the side of City-owned buildings; presenting on K()NP; social media and
� *ebaitca (ua long oo someone can maintain them constantly and keep content fi-oah); possibly posting on
the Ci1y`avvuboitu; City utility bill inserts; consider publications in Port Angeles School District newsletter;
Port Angeles Fmn°mmNMmeting Minutes
May 12,2011
the Olympic Medical Center newsletter; the Peninsula College no"/apupec buttons; and City booths at the
C|uUain County Fair or Farmers' Market. Leveraging ten reasons why to buy local would be the main
theme. Possible use nfa jinAlc *us discussed. Other cities have used banners on buses and Edwards hopes
that C|u||urn Transit would he able to support that advertising effort. T. Weed responded that bus
advertising costs are more reasonable than many people think.
Edwards continued that m\ask |ini is being developed that will include aamigoouerVx and timelines. Now is
the time to do a bunch of work and he hopes for others to be able to participate and/or VOILinteer.
/\h|bur& suggested uubnniUing o letter for the yo/n/ nfMew um|urnn in the P[JN. Lots of vacant buildings
may be available for having u sign with the logo, or using the City's street banners over First and Front.
West advised against using banners and signs on buildings to avoid the sign clutter that was brought up by
Shuyna Ze,obniok is in the Bachelor of Applied Science program at Peninsula College and has been
serving as an intern and providing administrative support to the effort. She has been responsible for
collecting information, taking minutes, and attending meetings. She graduates June 18. Edwards lauded
her work and the value of her assistance. She stressed the importance of using "Chnoou" local rather than
"Buy" local.
Discussion continued on the inupuo\ of the intornet on both local and outside ao|eo` and irnpndunoo of
having u presence on the web for both local and ou\-of'oroacustomers.
Perry thanked BdvvanJm for his dedicu]iou, drne and work iothis effort and how he has gone above and
beyond the call nfduty.
Perry um Chair,with members ofKidd, Uu|he,g,le\novvyki, Barb Moynca, Jan|{urbick, and Morris.
Perry reported that the subcommittee has not met. &1thoir |uytnnee(iugthuooumunmuavvnnthu1thcE|v/hu
Dunu Restoration was being led by Olympic National Pork. Perry asked if members of the ?ooria/n
muhooromuiUce di|| felt there was still u need for them to ooubuuc and if so, what should they determine to
he their goal. /\h|burg said it the goal should be 10 get the most out ofthe B|`vha Dam Kcnnovul & River
Restoration project for the bencfitofthe City and to capture some of that "buxz" so when people come
here for the event they will want to come back \o Port Angeles again. Bdp/u,dm asked if joint effort to
promote \ondnnn would be possible with the L|u||ano Economic Development Council (BDC). VVcm1
responded that tourism is not ufboua of the Il[)C as part wftheir long range plans, hovvcvcr1oudaou is one
of the City's key economic development strategies.
Hurricane Ridge Road
G. lIu|bergrepodcd on the need for funding to keep Hurricane Ridge Road open next year. He believes
that the uonoe amount of Federal funding will be allocated again. lTovvcve,, the matching $75,000 would
ad|| need to be raised. His initial hope had been that the increase in visitors would have also increased
oo|ea tax revenues and then provide enough to cover the required match, but this does not econu 10 he
apparent. |1e added that bimdiffiou|t10 know if the recent increase in sales tax revenue could heattributed
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 12,2011
directly to the Ridge being open this winter. Heie also not sure if results from just one year are enough to
determine success. Ue noted that during January — February 20ll, there were \8of24 days inu row that
the road was closed due \o weather and snow conditions. De believes that the road really needs tmbuopen
seven days x week\obesuccessful.
Edv/noJe added that back when this first started on effort had been made to provide ways for Olympic
National Park (()NP) to gather mtudedcm to show the uuoueaa of the project, but there were no takers. He
added that without gathering the data, it is not possible to prove muuooma, and in turn - be eligible for more
funding. }lo|herg vo|un(nerod 10 Ao1hcr data. Weed added that about ten years ago ()NP was able to
provide dnneofday statistics and wondered if that was m(i|| being collected.
Chair Kidd announced the Historic District Celebration event and parade on May 21 ut noon on Lincoln
Myers ua Chair, with members Boyle.
No discussion.
No Chair,with nocnnbcm0otmurk, Riffle, Ah|hurg, and West.
No discussion.
Port Angeles Anniversary Sub-Cornmittee
Kidd aaChair.
No discussion.
New Business:
Member Reports:
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting u1 8:37 a.m.
Next regular meeting date— June 9, 20|\, ut7:3Uu.nn. iu the Jack PiUio Memorial Conference Room
City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair T=6 Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page 3nf4
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "21)10"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Council Chambers Subcommittee January 8,2009
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau Presentation N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
Complete Count Census
May 2010 Committee N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to diSCLISS
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Darn K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project