HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/11/2011 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
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Jack U'ittiw Memorial Conference Room in City Hall / Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2011
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry, K ' &h|hurg` Mike Edwards, Greg Uo|herg` Ed
Bedford, and Brenda Francis fiorn the Lower E|v/bu}{|a||nnn Tribe.
Members Absent: I.indaRutnnark, Mike Chapman, George Sohoenfe|d\, Larry Morris, Christopher
}liDlc, Charlie Smith
/to8'Proxun/.- Kent Myers, Scott Johns, Sue Roherdo
Others Present: Tim Boyle
Public Present: None
Approval ofMinules
Mike Edwards moved to accept the July 14, 2011 meeting minutes as presented. The motion was
mmuwmdod by Don Perry and passed unanimously.
City Manager Myers mtu1od that staff has received the 30% design plans for the Waterfront &
Transportation Improvement Project (\Vl.TP) doounocotw for Phase 2 (Ferry Terminal to \/u||oy Creek)
p/hiob will be presented to the City Council at the August 10 meeting. He cnoonra&ed oonnnniUee rnonnhura
to attend the Council meeting to hear the presentation which will he made by the project designers, SLudio
Scott Johns added that m walking audit was done by transportation engineers Fehr and Peers who are
working oil the VV1[lPto determine non-motorized needs and mo\udoun along Race Street. Fehr and Peers
brought anou'mmntodzed expert to do the analysis. Representatives from the County, C|ui|uon Transit, the
Lower B|vvha l{|u|\uno Tribe, and Olympic National Park were also consulted to determine their needs.
6ignagoprototYpeo have been inoCu||cd and public comment io being taken until August 19. Feedback thus
far has been positive. Local artist Laura Alisanne has been selected and added to the design team.
Cherie Kidd commended committee members for their dedication to making the WTIP a reality.
Greg Fluibe,g spoke ofthe success ofwind surfing u1 Hood River, Oregon, where lie has wind surfed for
over 20years. He encouraged such an opportunity in the Port Angeles Harbor area as part of the proposed
improved rcc,co1iouu| opportunities along the shoreline. Sue Qoheudu noted that thc City did set aside u
Sail and Paddle Park area on Bdiz Hook many years ago that is underutilized. Perhaps it would be good to
build oil that beginning.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2011
Manager Mb/cm reported that Council and staff had visited Anucodea to learn how their waterfront
development had been done and had become mosuccessful.
K j /\h|herg noted that the &nmcodea site is u brovvnfic|d redevelopment that is now a `va1er|inn\ pork.
The park im well used and obviously u very successful redevelopment.
Mike Edwards agreed that the redevelopment imimpressive.
Buy-Think Local
Mike Edwards reported that the v/ehmite is nearly complete, the logo design is done, huaiocms signs and
window decals are being made, nbvochore is being printed, and u ,adio spot is scheduled for August 23,
2011. Bn thanked Terry Weed of[|n||acu Transit for Transit's participation in providing u good rate\o put
eiguKge on transit busses and noted that odvunieernonte will he placed in the Peninsula/)ui4vNews in the
future when funds are available.
Brenda Francis noted the variety of events planned by the Tribe during the week prior to the Elwha Dam
removal inSeptember. The series o[events can he found mn the LBI{Tv/ehmik: (o|whu.org).
No report
No report
Port Anj!eles Anniversary Subcommittee
Chair Kidd reported that the 150"'anniversary of the USCG and the City of Port Angeles correspond with
each other. It would be good to coordinate some events accordingly.
Hurricane Rifte Road
Chair Kidd reported that sufficient funds ($75,015) have been donated frorn area businesses and the public
to keep the F{uoicuuu Ridge Road open for one more season. It was uv/ondorful effort put forth by the
oononnoni(y and hard won. K4una8c, Myers noted that federal representatives will be here for the darn
ronnovu| next month and City nupcomooto1ivca should make it very clear to theno that it iodnne for the federal
government to step up and keep the road open all year. {t should not boupto local businesses and private
individuals\o make that happen.
Mike lldvvurdx stated that more visitor information is needed representative of real usage demand for the
road. That information has not been made available. Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce could obtain
visitor information on the number of people who come to the area particularly with o visit to Hurricane
Ridge in mind. He suggested that the Chamber increase advertising for the Ridge to let people know that
the Ridge io now open year round.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 18, 20K1
Greg 8m[berA noted that (lY4P needs to provide a tubing area. Families will likely use such an area
significantly increasing use of the Park during winter months.
Mike Edwards suggested a meeting of those supporting keeping the road open to coordinate eDbdo.
1.inn Boyle noted that the Lion's Club health screening van will be here for two days nest month. Don
Perry added that one of the two days visits will be to provide health screening for City and County
employees and their families, and one day will he open to the public.
Lincoln Park Trees
Various committee members discussed the need to keep informed of the Port's efforts in this matter and the
steps necessary to keep the airport open to the public. The City io waiting for o report from the Port
regarding the Unu| Airport Master Plan prior to publicly discussing this issue.
Kaj Ahlburg stressed the importance of keeping tile airport open as a matter of econornic development and
connection to areas outside of the Peninsula.
Scott Johns noted that he would like to see new trees planted throughout the city in anticipation of trees
being removed from Lincoln Park in order to maintain and increase the City's urban tree canopy.
Ne;v Business
Member Repo
Ed Bedford wished to compliment the City on operation of tile baseball fields for tournament events. The
fields bring hundreds of visitors to the City and are all active part of a healthy recreation/visitor program.
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—September 8,2011, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room
City Hall.
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "25-10"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 f lost Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009
2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Darn K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project