HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/2011 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall / Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Summary for November 10, 2011
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Co-Chair Perry opened the meeting at 7:35 a.m. Chair Kidd arrived at 7:41 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Greg Halberg, Ed Bedford, Jeff Robb,
Charlie Smith,Terry Weed
Members Absent: Mike Chapman, Frances Charles, Larry Morris, Linda Rotmark, Mkj Ahlburg,
Mike Edwards, Christopher Riffle
Stq#'Presenl: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Roberta Korez, Teresa Pierce
Others Present: Tim Boyle
Public Present: None
A quorum was not present.
Approval ofMinutes
Without a quorum present—approval of minutes and meeting summary tabled.
Lincoln Park Trees
Myers reported the Port of Port Angeles has hired HBB as the consultant to develop a master plan for
Lincoln Park. A public meeting will be held on November 30 to gather comments and suggestions for
elements and features to consider including in the master plan.
Korcz reported HBB has also been involved in development of the Waterfront & Transportation
Improvement Plan (WTIP). The November 30 meeting marks the beginning of developing the master plan
for the park. A facilitator will be in place to keep the meeting flowing and manage public comments.
Cross-Town Route
Myers reported City staff met with Washington State Department of Transportation representatives to
update the State on the plans for the cross-town route. Funding is in place for replacing the LaUridsen
Boulevard Bridge, however other construction projects will be necessary at other points along the route.
West noted the planning for the cross-town route is included in the WTIP project.
U»*ot Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Summary for November K0, 20X1
Mvcm reported the lack ofucomprehensive p\uu being in place for 8diz Hook and the necessity (odefine
the future look ofthe area. Plan development will involve several property owners. West reported the
Harbor Resource 9|un and Shoreline Master Program already include [ldiz|louk, bovvcvur a more specific
plan for Ediz Hook could hecompleted in-house by City Staff. Perry asked for a map outlining property
owners tobe provided for the committee at the next meeting. Bedford noted the extensive use bywalkers
and bicyclists and suggested u restaurant or store would improve the area. Kidd noted the increase in eouhu
divers and the need for u fresh water rinse station.
Waterfront Transportation & Improvement Plait
West noted the committee's discussion regarding the VVT{P would involve details pertaining to design
elements which may come before the Planning Commission. West respectfully offered the suggestion to
Tim [loy|o 10 consider leaving tile meeting during the preauokzdoo. M,. Boyle u@7oed and left the meeting
before discussion began.
Discussion continued on specific elements uf tile design plan.
West noted that dbe next Council meeting will feature the W1[iP as part of the bonding issue being
considered by City Council. Myers reported oil the funding process tn date to fund Phase l. Myers
explained how the City will be paying off certain bonds soon, and this will be an opportunity for the voters
to fund additional projects with no increase in taxes. /\ bond issue may also include Civic Field
improvements. It is estimated the Civic Field project would total approximately $4 million and
approximately $6 million would be available for Phase 2 of the WT|P. Plans and construction will he
closely coordinated with Black Ball Ferry. Phase funding will bc discussed hyCouncil. City is seeking
funding and grants at every opportunity.
F|u|bn,O asked if a ship could be permanently moored at the City Pie,. The Dopnunnunt of Natural
Resources has many restrictions in place that discourage a large ship being in that area. Bedford suggested
asking the USCG if they would be interested in putting ship back attile pier.
Choose Local
Edwards was absent due Loufamily i||ueea. West reported on progress with fliers, utility bill inserts and
other p,00uutioun| items. The Pod &ogo|ea Business Association (P/\l0/\) has sponsored $500 for key
chains and Wilder Toyota will sponsor $900 for the upcoming Peninsula Daily News insert featuring
Cbuuee I.uoo|. There is still u funding need for $400 for street banners overPirat/Fvont Street corridors.
The proposed City 2Ol2 budget includes $|5,000 for the Choose Local effort.
Hurricane Ridge Update
Kidd reported on the Saturday uUcr Thanksgiving there will he grand opening at 11:00 um. to celebrate
the second winter of keeping the road open. She will take the banner from |aai year to the Port /\ngc|oe
Regional Chamber of Commerce and other groups to further promote the road being open. She stressed the
importance of strong numbers tu demonstrate the success to the Department ofInterior. She plans oil
reaching out to civic groups to encourage members to visit the Ridge this winter.
Myers added that u planning rneoduQ has been held involving tile Olympic National park and o second
planning roec\inA will he on November 16. Marketing and promoting will be dune as oDloieody as
possible with the limited available funding.
Page 2uf4
Port AmemUem Forward Committee
Meeting Summary for November 10, 201&
lla|bcrg noted the VVin1orFeet cvoo\ at the \/con Burton on November 19. Lnon| movies about Hurricane
Ridge will hofeatured.
Myers noted a presentation by Buxton on November 29, at 5:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers regarding
retail sector analysis.
New Business
Member Repo
CoChai,Perry adjourned the meeting ut8: 34u.nn.
Next Meefin,-Da
Next regular meeting date—December 8, 2011, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room
City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Tcruau'Picmo, Executive Commooioo1ioouCoordinator
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding I larbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging"Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Charnbers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
y Council
May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Darn K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project