HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/2012 PORTANGELES D� COMMITTEE
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Jack U»ittim Memorial Conference Room in City Hall / Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Summary for January 12^ 2012
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting cU7:}0u.nn.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, 8d Bedford, K ' &h|hurg, Charlie Smith, Mike Bdwuo1u,
Christopher Riffle,and Brenda Francis a17:45u.nn.
Mein boxrAbsent: Mike Chapman, Terry Weed, Linda Kotnuurk, Larry Morris, Greg Ilu|bcrg, Port
Representative, and Co-Chair/Council Representative (previously held by Perry).
,�/o/F/fuvoxt: KcrV Myers, Nathan VVeo\, Roberta Koroz, Scott ]oboo, Richard Booine,
Teresa Pierce
Others Present: Tim Boyle, Planning Commission.
Public Present.- None
Approval ofMinutes
Quorum not present. December minutes not approved.
Kidd noted the opportunities PA Forward can bring (u the community and reviewed past iouncu discussed
including the VVa1ccOmnt Improvement Project. She voiced appreciation for the committee's vision and
Myers asked if other organizations should be added to the |imi and suggested the Pod /\nge|oo School
District as a po1eudo| member. Olympic National Park was invited to join, but declined as they cannot
serve ou advisory committees, Other suggestions included representation from the medical community and
Peninsula College. Invitations will be sent to the Pod Angeles School Dioizio1` Peninsula College and
Olympic Medical Center to see if there is interest and the ability to participate.
Waterfront Transportation Pwrovement Project(WHM Update
West reported permitting for the project is in process. City staff im working closely with the downtown
regarding design and other c|enncniu. He noted significance of the AJ/\ grant which a1uded this project.
West provided o handout (N1aohed) noting 2010 and 3011 ucoonnp|iohmeo\m and Qou|u for 2012. l{oror
reviewed the outline for the committee. Discussion fb\|onod including coordination of improvements at
the Cobo Pony terminal and timing of both projects. Edwards congratulated the City Co, their hard work
) and excellent planning for this project.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Summary for January 12, 2012
ThinklChooselBuy Local Campaign
Eivvurdn reported on plans for 2O|2. Discussions have begun onthe next phase with focus oo four main
areas toprioritize.
l. Helping local business find ways to better leverage the in\enucL
2. Importance and use of the Buxton data.
3. A challenge program to encourage commitment<o the Choose Local principles.
4. /\ customer service certification program to include training and recognition for
y000exufu| participants and businesses.
Discussion continued including considering inviting other cities to participate in a City-City partnership,
and having a either useparate booth at the&(}NP Home Show or share the City's booth.
Edwards noted the need for Choose-Local 1ohave new leadership in20|2. Although hc intends(oremain
an active member, due to other commitments, hc is recruiting for anew leader 1otake over. Kidd thanked
Bdvvurdu for his dedication,time and hard work on the effort.
Economic DevelopmentlDowntown Port Angeles/Sub-Committee Repo
Tourism /ONP/XIlwbu
Port Angeles Anniversary So6conunubtmo
Kidd reported on the sesquicentennial celebration and invited comments and ideas for the
celebration for the 150"' anniversary of Port Angeles. Kidd asked Y}. Francis ou how to invite the
Lower E\vvhaK{njlum Tribe (L|8KT)to participate in the parade. B. Francis provided contact
information for u dance group leader and the casino manager. B. Francis noted the L6KTCasino
has participated {u the 4m of July parade in the past.
Kidd reviewed the celebration of events to date, ino|udiogihcm:wbuhvfor20l2, hervioi1aiouquikin8o|ub
and aopenia|quilt to he raffled, utinue capsule, and mbe`u looking for ideas for items to go inside. She noted
the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center will have an exhibition with June 19, 2012 being the actual anniversary
date. /\postage utarnp is possible, as well uaa souvenir coin. Kidd will contact the City of Victoria iosee if
they will participate. Johns suggested a living tirne capsule by the planting of a tree. He will gather
information and suggested planting ou either Arbor Day or Earth Day. & banner will be on Front Street
noting the anniversary. Kidd will contact the LEKT Heritage Center to see if they are interested in having
one of their monthly events to highlight the sesquicentennial event.
Page Inf5
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Summary for January X2, 20K2
Hurricane Ridge Update
Myers reported a lot of snow shoeing ia going on, but there has not been snow for skiing. The ski lift is
not open yet. Preliminary numbers will be available soon with a 3% increase being predicted. Kidd will
ask children to d/uvv pictures about Hurricane Ridge so she can take \bem back to Washington D[. Kidd
stressed the importance o[encouraging aa many visits as puayih|e otherwise funding may not be available
for next years.
Topics for Discussion in 2012
Cross-Town Route
0diz Hook
Purpose nfPA Forward/2O12 Goals J& Vision
Bd*aoja reviewed the previous survey n:au|(m which highlighted what the City can do to help huminemoco
and the progress heingnuudc on several of the suggestions. He suggested consideration ufanew business
/\h|hurgno1ud uvioiou includes looking many years ahead and stated appreciation for the City's cffbdy
with pursing efforts on the Rayoniersite and to not|ouc sight onthe possibilities for that area.
Lincoln Park—Bonine reviewed the process for developing a master plan for the park. At least two more
public meetings will boheld. Discussion continued on the importance o[the airport 10 the community.
8ow Skating Riuk— Honinu reported this idea is not new to the community. He has been doing rcuuurcb
into v/bu( odbuc uonoonunidca have done with xuaaonu| ice rinks regarding recreational and economic
development opportunities. Location ia key, with a site downtown being preferred. No specific locations
have been determined. Common obx1uu|oa include the costa for special equipment and o}cotdoul load
service. Costs vary but the annouo{just for the 1runafhrnncr is approximately $28,000. An outside company
would come in and set up, manage, and then tear down the facility in the spring. /\ population of|00`O00
people, within a50 mile radius, io the usual nniniouuno needed for success. User fees are just not enough
revenue for the facility 10 break oven. &uuuu| costs are oahroo1ed at $165,000 to $195,000 per year. The
duko would be for entertainment purposes only and would not be large enough for hockey. Corporate
sponsorships are important.
Member Repo
New Business
Page 3uf5
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Summary for January 12,2012
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:39 a.m.
Next Meeting.Date
Next regular meeting date—February 9, 2012, at 7:30 a.m. Meeting location will be in the Vern Burton
Meeting Rooms for the February meeting.
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teresa Pierce, Execulive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West 2011
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan do Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project
2009 - 2012
In 2009 the City of Port Angeles was awarded a competitive grant from the
American Institute of Architects. The grant was sponsored and endorsed by the
Port Angeles Forward Committee. In March of that year a team of 7 professionals
from around the nation visited Port Angeles and conducted an intensive 3 day
planning process. The last evening of their visit the),put together a presentation
that included over 30 recommendations for implementation. Rather than waiting
for the final report the Port Angeles Forward Committee immediately passed along
10 recommendations for implementation to City Council.
The City maintained the momentum with a campaign of presentations to other local
governments, organizations and service clubs throughout the community. Once the
final report was received the City hosted a well attended public meeting Where
community members voted on and prioritized over 130 different implementation
items. The private sector and other local partners responded with their own
initiatives and considerable changes have been made community wide.
In 2010 and 2011 the City focused on implementation taping the public's priorities
and bringing them closer to reality. Along the way the City prioritized public
involvement and an open design format that engaged the local community. A total
of 10 capital projects were incorporated in the City's Waterfront Transportation
Improvement Plan that ensures implementation of these public priorities.
In 2012 we expect to see the focal point of the WTIP project implemented in the
form of the Waterfront Development projects Esplanade. A design first
contemplated in a 1997 Revitalization Plan (Concept by Lindberg and Smith
Architects) had long been a popular community plan but after 14 years never made
it past conceptual exploration. In 2012 this plan will be realized along with several
other AIA SDAT priorities. The City anticipates completion of the Signage and
Wayfinding program, and continued development of construction drawings
associated with the Waterfront project. Additional work will also be conducted on
the following WTIP projects:
• OG03-2009 Entryway Monument
• PK01-2002 City Pier/Hollywood Beach Renovation
• TR0I-2006 'Pransportation CODII)rehensive Plan
TR02-2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes
• TR1 0-2009 First/Front Street Nodes
• TR20-1999 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping
• TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Study
In addition to these projects the City will continue to offer grants through the faqade
improvement program.
The following outlines some of the accomplishments over the last 3 years.
Ranked and prioritized 30 implementation items identifying 10 for
immediate action.
• Received Council support for implementation of 10 AIA items including:
C I apital Projects; and vehicles
1. Signage and wayfinding system for
2, Improve existing buildings (appearance, facades, etc. in downtown and
3. Provide visitor information kiosks
4. Create an entryway monument in the vicinity of the First/Front Street and
Golf Course Road intersection (or similar at the east end of the City)
5. Create nodes/centers at the intersections of First Street, Front Street and.
Race Street.
Policy Items;
1. Conduct a comprehensive parking study in the downtown area.
2. Increase housing opportunity and multi-use buildings in downtown.
3. Institute the use of form based codes rather than conventional zoning.
4. Remove the parking regulations in downtown and let the market drive
5. Return the Farmer's Market to the downtown area.
■ Amended the comprehensive plan
New Policy The City should investigate the value and utility of form-based
codes, either as
New policy. The City should consider undertW(ing f
Ic studies discussions
with Washington State Department.of'Transportation, lc�q_ql stakeholders and
businesses to investigate the potential il Uiacts and benefits of returning the First
and Front Street corridor to two-way traffic on bath streets.
1 Goal B,Policy 1: Traffic flow modifications
on&. -ee-tq�should be
j4 Ig
made before physical alterations are made to existing streets.
2. New Policy: The City should create a unified, coherent design
element for signigg street lighting traffic control devices, and similar
structures to be used.throug-ig-qt in the-downtoAqi area
as a method for improved way finding and place identification for visitors and
residents alike.
3, New Policy: The Cit should consider im lenientation of a building
sadg restorationpra ram that will provide incentives and/ar assistaa7ce to
building ownerLig-imP=b�_�) c S.
■ Amended the Capital facilities plan to include
• Wayfinding/Signage Citywide
• First and Front Street Nodes @ Race Street
• Building Height and Viewshcd Study
• East Entryway Monument
• Downtown Parking Study
■ Obligated $115,000 towards a faeade improvement program
Actively recruited the Port Angeles Farmers Market to the gateway site
■ Pursued grant opportunities for the waterfront promenade
■ Issued two rounds of grants as part of the Facade and Signage Improvement
■ East Entrance Monument-was incorporated as part of the WTIP project
■ Improve Sign age/Wayfin ding- incorporated as part of the WTIP project,
design was selected and we are on schedule to have 6 prototype signs
installed in 2011
■ Develop a pedestrian and vehicular plaza at Railroad and Lincoln Streets-
Incorporated in the waterfront portion of the M7TIP.
■ Improve linkage with Railroad and Oak- Incorporated in the waterfront
portion of the WTIP.
■ Encourage redevelopment of City Pier as premier waterfront park-
Incorporated in the waterfront portion of the WTIP.
■ Parking Study- Downtown parking study completed as part of the WTIP.
■ Angie Parking Downtown-Feasibility studied as part of the WTIP.
■ Develop a green streets plan-three green streets will be implemented as part
of the WTIP.
■ Building height study of downtown buildings- incorporated in the Shoreline
Master Program update.
■ Enhance Railroad Avenue streetscape-incorporated in the waterfront
portion of the WTIP.
■ Established permanent location for Farmer's Market- Contracted with them
to use the Gateway.
■ Attended training to facilitate staff writing of form based code.
■ Conti-acted for Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan design
incorporating 10 AIA related capital projects
■ Completed 60% construction drawings for esplanade portion of the
Waterfront Development Project
■ Submitted all permits associated with the entire Waterfront Development
■ Received Washington State American Planning Association and Planning
Association of Washington Best Physical Plan Award for 2011.
0 Implemented 6 Signage and Wayfinding Prototypes in Downtown Port
■ Presented Port Angeles WTIP project at the Regional American Planning
Association Conference.
■ Requested to present'at the Coos Bay, OR Your Town Conference on the
Port Angeles AIA implementation and Waterfront project.
■ A total of 14 Facade and Signage Improvement grants have been awarded.
An investment of$88,000 in City funds has resulted $264,000 in commercial
faqade investments.
■ Developed the Art Framework Plan
■ Selected a Local Artist to join the design team and develop elements for
Phase I
■ Submitted local, state, and federal permit applications
■ Developed the east entryway design
■ Developed concept plans for Race Street nodes and pedestrian/bicycle lanes
■ Created an animation to demonstrate to help investors envision the
completed waterfront project
■ Developed a brochure for the project and for potential private sector
■ Incorporate wayfinding comments into the final document and install the
remaining signs
■ Finalized design documents for Phase I (esplanade and Oak Street)
■ Complete permit application processes-
Construction of the Esplanade
■ Continue design coordination with CSO
■ Construction of east entryway gateway feature
■ Continued coordination of Race Street and Lauridsen Bridge projects
■ Transportation Comprehensive Plan update/alternate route