HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/2012 U»���� ANGELES l��� 4� '���l�
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Temporary location: VRCRNBkJRTON M0IElFUrQG ROOMS / Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2012
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting a17:38um.
Members Present.- Chair Cherie Kidd, Max Mania, Patrick Downie, Tony Weed, Larry Morris, Iinn
Hallett representing the Pod, & j /\h|hur&, Charlie Smith, Mike Edwards, Brenda
Members Absent: Mike Cbupnnon` Linda Ro\nnurk, OroA Ua>hcrg` Chunnhor Representative,
Christopher Riffle, Greg T{u|herg.
/DoJJ'/~rexont: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Roberta Koroz, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: None
Public Present: None
Approval ofMinutes
Chair Kidd asked if there were any changes to the minutes. None offered. December Minutes approved by
consensus.Nu quorum present u1 the January meeting.
Designation of Vice-Chair
Chair Kidd nominated Max Mania for Vicm-Chair. Edwards seconded. Motion carried.
Waterftont Transportation Improvement Project(WIM Update
West gave o brief review of the project with the VVo1erkon1 portion being the primary fhoou. At their
February 7, 2012 meeting, City Council made decisions on the final design elements as part ofthe 100%
design package. Construction is planned for munnoner of 2012 assuming all permitting is in place.
Construction drawings are anticipated in the near future for the west-end park.
VVuat bigbUab(od some of the design detail decisions made by Council. City is the owner ofthe artwork
and the design elements used vvi\biu the eup|noxdo. Opportunities will be available for the public to
sponsor benches and other features. Some ofthe existing benches are significant umthey recognize pua\
captains ofthe Coho ferry. & place in the west-end park is envisioned to feature these historic benches.
Specific places are also reserved for the Garden Club to continue maintenance of flowers and plants in the
area. Myers highlighted the long and involved public process included in the development of the project.
He noted the extensive lighting, security cuonenso and lauded the deuign0:aos for the oxcel|cnt job\hoy did
on the project und further suggested for the Mayor to send a letter ofappreciation.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 9, 201Z
Korcz reported how area businesses have been contacted and included throughout the process and the City
will work with them during construction. Parking space capacity will ,ennmio about the same with the
planned reduction in xpumem at the City Pier parking |o\ in exchange for additional diagonal parking spaces
along Railroad.
West reported that construction is |innhmd by the fish window. Construction can start no sooner than July |
depending on permitting. Chair Kidd asked for the P& Forward Committee to be m pad of the
groundbreaking ceremony.
VVnyfiodiug aignuge has been put on hold for the doue being along with the west-end park. Ab|burg
commended City Staff on the project. ||u}|ett noted bovv it has been nearly 30 years mince plans for the
waterfront innproveooent were considered and appreciated the project finally becoming areality.
West noted Konuz"a excellent work ay lead un the project andhix appreciation (o City Council and City
Manager for their support.
Think/Choose lBuy Local Canipailm
Edwards reported there have been two meetings with both centered around plans to have u booth u< the
K(lY4P l}ooue Show. Bdv/urdo spoke at both Sovopiinmint Club nuoedngm and plans to meet with Rotary
soon. Emphasis will be on hop/ to use the inteooe\ and use of the Buxton data, cuatnouer service
certification, challenge program, puaeib|o contact with adjacent cities including Forks and Scquino` and a
door-to-door effort to distribute u promotional package with literature for hue(neaoea along 8 u. Street,
Lincoln, First and Front Streets. He noted failure u< not being able 1oresign aa chair person and asked for
the committee's assistance in determining a new chair and leadership.
Discussion continued regarding expanded hours for downtown business and ways to encourage them to
stay open into the evening. Myers will ask the City uf Victoria for any statistics they may have to support
the success of evening hour operations.
Economic Development IDownto;vn Port Ankeles ISub-Committee Repo
Tourism /ONP/|&lwhm
Myers reported on the composition of the subcommittee and one of the priorities identified by this group was
transportation to, from, and around Olympic National 9mck(ON9). /\ meeting was held with (]NY and
followed with u letter from ()NP(aUuohcd)that includes their recommendations for(lNP and connrnuoih/
partners. Mania suggested adding Randall McCoy*,another representative from the biking community tu
Discussion included aa\o whether tm continue this subcommittee. Subcommittee im without uchair. Edvvan]m
reminded the committee how all of these subcommittees were formed as part of the response to the business
survey. Consensus was to keep the subcommittee.
Page 2oY4
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 9, 20K2
Port Angeles Anniversary Subcommittee
Kidd reported on the sesquicentennial celebration. She reviewed events to date and plans in process
to have 8 postage-stamp cancellation, coins, u4 m o[July parade with the theme o[the
Sesquicentennial, coordination with Victoria, and p{uu1iog o[otree. She vvc}oucoee any ideas or
suggestions. /\banner, sponsored by First Federal, will be installed for placement over Front
Hurricane Mike Update
Myers reported that lie and the Mayor will be meeting next week with (lNP \w review visitation statistics.
Visitation has been down due to the lack ofsnow. Goal is\o get data<o secure permanent federal funding.
Edwards offered to help with comparing snow-pack levels with visitation statistics.
Topics for Discussion in 2012
Lincoln Park Trees
Myers announced that the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission will hold a meeting on February
15, 2012` u16:00 p.m. in Council Chambers regarding development nf the Lincoln Park Master Plan. Pour
concepts will bo presented for review and comment.
Cross-Town Route
At the oox1 Council meeting Council will consider selection of an engineer for o:ploocnuont of the
Lauddauu Boulevard Bridge. The City's cross-town route project is on the top 20 list of priorities for the
Peninsula Regional Transportation group.
Myers reported significant damage around the YMCA boathouse and along tile roadway.
Member Repo
New Business
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting u( 8:36 a.m.
Next regular meeting date—March 8, 2012, at7:3Oa.00. in the PiUim Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teresa Oierce,Executive bonuflunications Co6rdinator
Page 3of4
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2012 PA Forward 2012 Group 2012
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N. West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project
Waterfront and Transportation Improvement Plan (8/TIP)
Waterfront Community and Public Outreach Overview
City Council * September 5,2O11 Phase 1-30%design
• February 7, 2O1I VVT}P update to Kivvanis ° June,2011
Esplanade final presentation * August 1D'21'2011 Art Framework Plan
• November 1, 2O11 ` County Fair City booth 0 February 1,2O11
VVl|P60Wdesign * June 20'3O11 Schematic Design Drawings
• August 1Ei2011 Call for local artists to join the * November18-%9, 2O1O
VVT|P3OY6design design team "Points of Lights"concepts
• March 15, 2O11
° June 1, 2011 with comment sheet
VVT|P Professional Services Port Angeles Art '
Council ^ October 2010
Agreement presentation Concept notes and designs
• February 1, 2O11 v November 18' 2010 PA Forward HVT|Pupdates
VVT|P final concept plan VVT|p Open House
• December 7, 2D1U 0 August 12'September17, w ]anuary12, 2O12
2O1O * December 8, 2O11
VVavfindin8end Entryways '
• October 21, ZO1O Stakeholder interviews& 0 November 1U,2O11
Special meeting-VVT|Pupdate summary report '
* September 2011
• August 3, 2O1O
w September 10, 2010 w August 11,2O11
VVT|P consultation selection VVT|P presentation on tothe * July 14 2011
Chamber membership 0 June 9,2O11
w September 27-3O, 2O1O w May 12, 2O11
Newspaper articles Downtown schematic design * April 14,2O11
• January], 2U12 week * February 1O, 2O11
Waterfront Plan Update * September 27' 2O1O 0 January 13,2O11
• November 8, 2O11 Art Slam 0 November 1D,2O1O
Waterfront Plan update p September 2O' 2O1O 0 October 14, 2O1O
• October 24, 2O1l Concept Forum | m September g, 2O1O
Waterfront APA/PAVVaward * September 28' 2O1O August 12,ZO1O
• August 1D, 2O11 Downtown Walking Audit Ongoing
Esplanade plans ° September 29,2O1O
• June 27, 2O11 Concept Forum || 0 City websiteupdates
Art Plan * September 13, 2O1O 0 Projeotwebsite(Awly.pa-
Chamber o .
b fC
* January9, 2U11 Commerce y�[�1f»�l���)
Waterfront plan update luncheon v Department Focebookpage
• November 21,2O1O * August 19-22,2O10 updates
Waterfront plan update [|a||am County Fair * Static City Hall display
• October Z2, 2O1O comments
New Beach concept * January 1]-14, 201O
• October S, 2O1O A|A follow-up visit and
Waterfront Plans meetings
October• September 26,2O1O ~ 0o '2009
VVT|P walking audit A|A visit and recommendation
• September 2], 2O1O prioritization
* K8a/ch1G 1A 2OO9
Waterfront Workshops - '
Designs and Plan updates
p January 26, 2O12
pADA Design meeting * ]anuan/31,2U1�
/) * D���mber�9, 2O11 �sp|anad�d�siQm
- ° September 29, 2011
PADA Design meebnB '
Phase 2-6OY6design
0 September 16, 2O11
VVT|P update to Lion's Club * ]u|y27,2O11
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w REPLY REFER TO: Pmf&ugelux.Wuobiugtoo 98362-6798 �
,W 2
�A88/OLyM-D\ �ypn,r
Kent KJvem
CityofPort Anga/es
92| E. 5=Street-POBuxllSO '
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear Kent:
Ao you know,Olympic National Park(ONP) invited several community members to meet with National
Park Set-vice(NPS)Transportation Planners and ONP staff tast year to lielp Lis better undorstand the �
various opportunities and constraints related tu public truoxpnrtwtionbptionuiu and around fbe,Pmk.A
summary of what we learned from these conversations is inGlucled (attachment 1).
I would like to share the following recommendations from the NPS Transportation Planners based un
their analysis of the iufbooutiou gathered from the meeting last year, and u review of visitor use trends:
The following are recuuuomemUmtioom for ONP;
Work with County transit providers to explore possibility ofproviding expanded visitor connections to
Lake Crescent(East Beach Road at Log Cabin Resort),the E lwha an.d SolDuc.
Publish the"Explore Olympic NP by Bus"brochure developed during the summe,r of 2011 and
provide to local ouunmuoidcmuud purt<v|uitom.
° Consider ways for yJPGto have more ofu presence downtown. Explore funding opportunities iocreate
and instal.]exhibits, ^
* Consider allocating some oC the winter parking spaces nc Hurricane Ridge for^atpooVvuupooluse
The following are recommendations for mommmuo|typartners
Work collaboratively io improve arid link existing transit options,Provide improved transit service
information uudvveholtooiobm[p people plan trips no the Olympic Peninsula using multiple transit
options(for example, links between Jefferson and C|o||mn County transit rontes).
Develop and /mp|o/nont bnprovcd orientation and way-finding,
Explore community-based summer alternative trans po/fut]uu opportuoitiwato IIurdouoo Ridge,
Work with community to identify opportunities to improve o^oumm for those that visit the area without
cars(such as those arriving 6v 8brry). Explore ways bndo this without u Hurricane Ridge shuttle,
Explore introducing travel kiosks in Port Angeles where you can book reservations for travel and.
troompmtutloomorvionw (similar to Whistler, Canada).
� Work oo improving relationships between the Chambers of Commnco and the cross ohu6ogof
in0umotiou. '
One facet of our conversations was the feasibility of developing uscbuduednhottleaervio:h)xnuuect1be
Port Angeles community with Aunrixuoe Ridge during the winter season. The YJPDtransportation
planners reviewed data collected over the winter to determine whether or not the visitation pattern to
Hurricane Ridge could support nnohedu|md shuttle service.The team fbundthat there was not sufficient
deruuudN make u oohmJubd shuttle economically viable, It was recommended that local Uuouportu >un
p»ovidersv/ouldbohotte/oui&Wtoprov|dumn"on'demmod" trunopnrtadonupt|ondur|n8thevv|ntex
Vym remain highly interested im working With the u"oomuoitytonxy1nrooptiono for ' rovbngvioitor
transportation options to(DNP. Although tbeD:ao|bUitymtudv did not recommend Pursuing owinter
ohutt|otu Hurricane Ridge, the parkremains interested in completing aaimi|ar assessment for other areas
of the park including the HobBL*lnfbces . Though funding for this does not currently exist, the,park will
remain watchful oyputaoUu| funding Opportunities,
Lastly, we learned that more transportation options currently exist that may be better utilized by visitors if
improved trip planning information is provided, We would wol(;ome the opportunity,to work Nvith
community partners to move forward oo this goal.
Karen 02111
Enclosure:Notes from Community Stakeholders Meetings
(}.Du|mguiut Hurricane Ridge Whiter Sports Club
% 9/awd,C|o||am Transit System
VV. Nelson, All Points Charters and Tours
ll. Yamnmxa`Port Angeles Chaniber of Commerce
Im,/�| C� o�K'1
R. 84u|aoo,Black`Ball Fur[yand Expeditions yJW
J. H*ckmm\Uoug«noos l.hno
V.Maples, SeqoimCbauJerofChmmorce
B. 8chnotak North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Tourism Bureau