HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/08/2012 ANGELES �� COMMITTEE
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Meeting Minutes for March 8, 20U2
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at7:3O a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Vice-Chair Max Mania, Jim Ru||ed, George Bergner, k[u
/\b|burQ` Chudie Smith, Mike Edwards
Mem8erx/%hxen/: Mike Chapman, Frances Charles, Larry Morris, Terry Weed, Linda Rotinark, Greg
f}u|berg, Christopher Riffle
Sto�*Prexen/. Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Korcz, Teresa Pierce
Others,Present: Patrick Downie(Council Alternate)
Public Present: None
Quorum not present.
Chair Kidd asked if there were any changes to the February 2012 minutes. None offered. Minutes
approved hyconsensus.
Waterfront TranMortation Improvement Project(WIM Update
VVcu1 gave a brief review of the project. Preparations are in place for the project going out to bid,
hopefully, kvthe end nfMarch. Kncczropodod |nou\ permits are in place. Army Corp approval is ab||
pending. /\ recent meeting with stakeholders discussed potential support for the bond measure. Council
may consider in May with placement yoanih|y on the August ballot. & public meeting vvoo|d he held in
advance o[Council consideration. NO/\/\ has expressed interest iuudowntown location. Staff has been
involved to coordinutcN()/\/\'a needs as part ofthe project.
Think/Choose lBuy Local Canwaign
� Edr/o,do reported the Choose Local booth at the KON9 Flonoe Shop/ was a success with several pledge
sheets signed hv businesses and local uooaunners. Most of the comments were positive about the campaign
with several requests for new and different types of retail businesses 10 he present in Port Angeles. Other
comments ro|u1od to how pdoco on the lntecoc\typically appear to he lower than in stores, so the emphasis
will be to encourage local businesses to focus oil ouo{onner service and other elements rather than price
alone. Cononoen(u also included requests for more |000| products and services toho available online. Next
meeting will look at specific ways to reach out further to local businesses.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2#12
Discussion continued on the value of customer service, and how customer recognition is available only via
one-un-ono contact between merchant and customer. The real guu| is to exceed customer expectations.
Ilo\leU asked if there are any core products or services only available here. Service-type businesses are
more likely than retail for this sector.
Downie discussed the impact of stores such naLL Bean and how they give the customer auexperience
when visiting those stores. Be stressed the importance of encouraging |uoo| retailers turealize and iducAiFv
the dennund from consumers for this type o[shopping experience.
Chair Kidd asked the mernbers for their own personal experiences or feedback received regarding Choose
Local efforts. Discussion continued oil personal shopping habits and preferences. West stressed the City's
efforts in incorporating local fiono and businesses invo\vcmuoo< with City projects such as design and
construction ofcapital projects. The importance of educating local businesses hoconnect with conmunnmr
deooundm and outside ou|ea listings on vvubyhee (such as cur sales) was noted. Edwards offered how
addressing the in(ennct challenge, cumionne, service training, and the use of the Buxton data are all key to
success of the program.
Economic Development IDowntown Port An,-eles lSuh-Committee Reports
Tourism /ONP/0lwha
Pierce presented a written subcommittee report for Myers.Next subcommittee meeting is March 20.
Port Angeles Anniversary Subcommittee
Kidd reported onthe sesquicentennial celebration. She noted recent meetings with City Manager Myers in
Victoria with their Mayor and City Council. Victoria imvery interested in exchanging visits and Port
Angeles has been invited 10 send ngroup of representatives over on July | for Canada Day. The Mayor of
Victoria will he in our 4''ofJuly parade. Plans continue for the cities to share iu their Mutual
sesquicentennial oc|chm1ionu. Idea was discussed topossibly plant \50 trees\o signify the celebrations.
West offered assistance frorn his department to develop a tentative plan for the tree planting effort.
Hurricane Ridge Update
Kidd reported visitation numbers are down and more people need to 8p up to the Hurricane Ridge. City
rop,oecn1otivum will be going to Washington, D.C. to talk with |0nucu Schafer of the Department of the
Interior to again lobby for permanent funding. Edwards stressed the importance oftaking significant data
to present to M,. Schafer. Bu||oU offered be is hearing consensus from the community that resources
should be used elsewhere rather than on continuing to fund the road being open. Mania suggested asking
the Department of Interior to upgrade the facilities up at the Ridge to draw more people Lip there. Downie
stressed the |uok of marketing to the outside area and the innpoduooe to engage Olympic y4o1ionu| Park in
making those changes to result ina more attractive destination.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2012
Topics for Discussion in 2012
Lincoln Park Master Plan
West reported the design team continues work on defining the design and master plan for the park. The
web survey closes on March 9. Hallett suggested PA Forward consider submitting a recommendation of
support for the master plan to City Council when appropriate. West noted development of a master plan
for Lincoln Park is an excellent opportunity to redevelop a City park to better the quality of life for
residents and visitors.
Cross-Town Route
West reported Council approved to move forward with the contract for design for the replacement of the
Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge and redesign of the intersection at Lincoln, Laurel, and Lauridsen. This
project is the first major step in an overall approach to reroute truck traffic from the downtown via
First/Front to Race,Lauridsen, Highway 101 and the truck route exchange area.
Member Reports
New Business
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:38 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—April 12, 2012, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teresa Pierce, Execut ve Com-munibations Coordinator
Page 3 of 4
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2012 PA Forward 2012 Group 2012
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Joan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N.West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group December 2010