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830 W Laurdisen Blvd Maint - Building
Aug 08 2014 01:53PM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 page 1 RECEIVED QOar,�; CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION AUG I 1 20% c i� �S,r Building IlilvisionlElectrical Inspections EiKIRICAL 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150 l Fort Angeles Washington, 98362 I�URTIO S Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: ZI Multi•Famliy orCommerclal` * Plan Review May Be Required, Re se Complete Electl P an Rey�w Information Sheet Job Address: A21fzez 2r�P�.+ ff Grrcd. r �z 2 f'` Building Square Footage: Descriplion of above Owner Informatico Contractor Information Name: % Name'. OLYMPIr ELECTRIC Mal in5 Addres s: Mailing Address:4Z30TLWWArEA City: Zip: City. Ponrnr�oELes State; +va zip; aa�sa Phone: ax: Phone: sec- as7aaaa FaX: 00452.3400 Lloense i xp, License # 1 Exp, OLVMPEC286DI Item Un i Charge Totd19tyMultiofledbyUnit C harge Service/Feeder 200 Amp, $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 201400 Amp. $160.D0 $ ServioelFeeder 401 -600 Amp $ 225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp. $ 288.00 S ServlcdFeeder over 1000 Amp, $ 410,00 Branch CircuitWl Service Feeder $ 5.00 $� Branch Circuit *10 Service Feeder $ 74,00 Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp, $102.00 $ Temp, ServicefFaeder 201.400 Amp, $121.00 $ Temp, ServicelFeeder 401.500 Amp, $164,00 $ Temp, ServicelFeeder 601.1 COD Amp . $185,00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 5 SignlOullinoLighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy - Multi - Family $ 64.00 S Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy/ First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 S Note: $5,00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - SKVA System or Less $ 413.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T -Stal ear $ Total Owner as defined by RCW,19.2UI31: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner Is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor, I am making the electrical installation or alteration In compliance with the electrical laws, N,E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAG. Chapter 298.46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Kermit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: 0 cash 0 ChecN © CredltUrdri d1r01rZ012 . G ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 14- 00000947 Date 8/11/14 Application pin number . . . 767416. Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-09-5-0- 9190 -0000- Application type, description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . Property Use . , . . , , Property Zoning , . , , . . . UNKNOWN Application Valuation -. . . . 0 Application desc Brick beater Owner Contractor CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC 830 LAURIBSEN BLVD 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -5303 Permit . . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAT, Additional desc . . Permit Pee , . . . 74.00 Plan Chock Fee .00 Issue Date 8/11/14 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 2/07/15 Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 74,0000 ECE $ Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total 74,00 Plan Check Total .00 Grand Total 74,00 Extension 5 -COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 Paid Credited Due 74.00 .00 .00 ,oa .00 .00 74.00 .00 ,00 t REPORT SALES TAX on your excise fax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GIEXCIIANGEIBUILDING ELI] North Peninsula Electric 928-9409 p 1 RUCEIVED 0�rosr, A9 0@ a CITY OF PORT ANGELES FEMVUT APPLICATION FL Cd' ak Building Division/Electrical inspections mSPECTdONS 321 East Fifth Street—P.O. Box 11501 Port Augeles Washington,98362 Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax: (360)417-4711 Date: �-3 •�t�E-Family or Commercial* Plan Review May Be cSgiredl, Pleas Corn lete Electrical Plan Review I ormati Sheet Job Address: Building Square Footage: Description of above _, ' e--LA i Owner info at'o Contractor Info tio� Name, i� �} Name: c, trr PAailing Adddss: +^ (.icy Mailing Address: �CC_Ll Stall:u.a 2'ip: r1�> � City: 1� ip: �i-� Phone. / Fax: Phone: 11 Alax: License#1 Exp license 01 Exp. .'10 V1 I Item Unit Charge Total Lty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 20tA00 Amp. $15000 5 Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp S225,00 S Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $28B4O0 3 ServicelFeederover 1000 Amp. $410,00 Branch Circuit W!Service Feeder 5 50D $�._ Branch Circuit W!O Service Feeder S 7400 Each Addi`ional Branch Circuit S 5,0D Branch Clrcuils 14 S 86.90 g Temp,Senccel Feeder 200 Amp. $102,00 5 Temp.SenccelFeeder 201-400 Amp. $121,00 3 Temp.SerricelFeeder 401.600 A.mp, $164,03 W Temp,SenccelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. S 185.0 S Portal to Portal Hourly 5 96.00 S SignlOutlinelighting $ 8800 $ Signal CircuiU Limited Energy-Multi-Family $ BUD 5 Signal Circuit/Limited Energy i First 1500 sf-Commercial S 96.00 S Note: $5"00 for each addilicial 1500 sf Renevrabie Etearical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat S 56.00 $ „ Mote:$5,00 for each addlional T-Slat UL-1$9 L Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28,251:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said properly is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires alter six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.l am making tie electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the elecildcal laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19,28,WAC.Chapter 2S6-46B,The City of Foil Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications end PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: Cl cash ❑ Check "r {Jaled: 67r64r2012 0.190Rr4,VQc ELECTRICAL INSPECTION G -wy WIRING REPORT 417-4735 cloaks PERMIT# 412,113 -0t OWNETCONTRACTOR ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...;;;;2� ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �) CORRECTIONS NEEDED: j GU Iz i nru VZ 5- JJJ n o ��� � .._ ►,c c, 40. .�� R c ar_ao, m o ya, f..SL-D c-) i5v sT7F-9 C r a L1-ki6 urr.. Zrl& eo D NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS — DO NOT REMOVE --- OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC.(360)452-1381 kJO ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES1 350-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 13-00000319 Date 4/01/13 Application pin number , . . 644599' Property Address . . . . . . 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-09-5-0 9190-0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . , , , . on your excise fax form Property Use to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning . , , , . . INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , , , . 0 Application desc office space remodel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 477-1764 V Permit , . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . , . 94.00 Plan Cheek Fee 00 Issue Date 4/01/13 Valuation , , , . 0 Expiration, Date 9/28/ 3 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000. ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CI.R WO/ S/F 74.00 4.00 5.0000 ECH- EL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT- -__-rv- 20,00- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due a„u`Y Permit Fee Total 94.00 fuu4`9- _-u`YU 4,00 __--------.00 '00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 00 .00 Grand Total 94,00 94.00 V` INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS; PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor.X u Date: G:IEXCHANGEIB UILDING TECHNICAL Permit c1 Address $3c_) W Quhd Sin (3 VG( Project description e\cMary) Co ur h, I ransi+ i\\&rh S 54e L) Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages 50 4 two Fire Security SimplexGrinnell SimplexGrinnell LP 9520 10 Ave. South Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98108 Phone: (206) 291 -1400 Fax: (206) 291 -1500 www.SimplexGrinnell.com Building Systems Submittal Package Clallam County Transit 830 West Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98363 FM200 Clean Agent Suppression Fire Alarm System Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World Clallam County Transit 830 West Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98363 Phone: 360 460 -7712 two Fire& Security SimplexGrinnell Clallam County Transit Table of Contents Section I Scheduling/Installation Checklist Section II Equipment List Equipment Datasheets Section III Hardware Warranty Section IV Manufacturer's Recommendation Section V Testing Procedure for Devices Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World -yco Fire& Security SimplexGrinnell Office: (206) 291 1400 Fax: (206) 291 1500 Email: jsolbakken@tycoint.com Scheduling We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to John Salbakken. He /She will be the SimplexGrinnell Project Manager assigned to this project. The Project Manager has the full responsibility and authority over this project. Only the Project Manager can commit or change delivery dates, order materials, and schedule field personnel. Please direct all of your correspondence, questions and construction needs to this person. John Salbakken can be reached at the following In an effort to assist you in your installation we require you to arrange a Pre Construction meeting with one of our Technicians. This meeting will allow your field foreman to ask any questions they may have in regards to the installation of your system. Based on the equipment quantities and current scope of work our Technician will need no less than 2.00business days to complete all necessary programming and commissioning from the time the below checklist is complete prior to any AHJ testing. Please make sure this time is allowed for in the General Construction CPM schedule as it can not be compressed. Change orders, change of scope, etc. may require additional time allotment to field personnel. Installation Checklist SimplexGrinnell is committed to providing the highest quality service available. As part of this service we want to ensure that the installation results in a trouble -free system. Please review the Checklist below and ensure each item is complete prior to our site visit. A Technician will be dispatched only after the below checklist items have been completed. If these items are not completed prior to the visit by our technician, you may incur additional charges not covered by our quotation. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. O Fire Alarm Panel(s) have been mounted and all wiring (power MAPNET signal, door holders, etc.) pulled into panel(s). O All wiring pulled into panel(s) or junction boxes have been permanently marked with wire markers and can easily be identified by a SimplexGrinnell Technician. O System Power is supplied and on a dedicated circuit (Do Not Energize prior to Technician visit). O All peripheral devices have been mounted (Smoke Detectors still covered). O All end -of -line resistors have been installed. O All alarm initiating circuits (smoke detectors, pull stations, etc.) have been checked for shorts, opens and grounds. O All alarm notification circuits (speakers, horns, strobes, etc.) have been checked for shorts, opens and grounds. O All remaining wiring (door holders, FACP 24VDC etc.) has been checked. O Flows, Tampers, and Pressure Switches installed, properly wired and adjusted. O All devices are properly protected against construction dust and contamination. O Contact us immediately if there is no digital dialer or system monitoring provisions already in place. The dialer phone lines and service will be required for system testing. O There are no missing parts or equipment. Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World two Fire Security SimplexGrinnell 1 2080 -9057 1 2080 -9060 Equipment List subject to change Equipment List Equipment Datasheets Fire Alarm System Quantibt Product ID Product Description Fire Alarm Devices 1 4004 -9301 4004R RELEASING PANEL, BEIGE 1 2081 -9046 2 AMP COIL SUPERVISORY MODULE 2 2081 -9272 BATTERY 12VDC 6.2AH ABORT SWITCH SURFACE MAINT SWITCH W /LAMP SURFACE 1 2099 -9149 RELEASE STATION 1 4099 -9802 LABEL KIT 1 2975 -9178 BACKBOX 13 4098 -9601 PHOTO SMOKE DETECTOR SSD 13 4098 -9603 IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR 26 4098 -9788 SMOKE BASES 1 4904 -9168 V/O M -C NON ADDRESS RED WALL 2 4905 -9937 HORN /STROBE SKIRT 1 4901 -9820 TRUEALERT HORN NON ADDRESSABLE 1 4905 -9980 HORN COVER RED 'NO FIRE' 1 4905 -9984 STROBE COVER RED 'NO FIRE FM200 System 1 570005 32 LITER DOT CYLINDER WITH 70 LBS AGENT 70 LBS AGENT FM -200 1 570085 MOUNTING BRACKET 10' 1 570159 7 PORT -BR 1 in NOZZLE (7 mm DRILL SIZE) 4176 SC 1 570095 MANUAL ACTUATOR 1 570059 PRESSURE SWITCH 3 570192 NPLATE, FM200 PROTECTED 1 570209 SOLENOID Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World E Simplex UL, ULC, CSFM Listed, FM Approved; MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Features Fire alarm control panel designed specifically for suppression release operation with Four initiating device circuits (IDCs) Two notification appliance circuits (NACs) Two releasing appliance circuits (RACs) Two special purpose monitor inputs (SPMs) that accept manual release request and manual abort request for Agent Release systems, and waterflow and supervisory for Preaction or Deluge systems Three auxiliary relays with selectable functions Easily selected activity timing options Suppression release operation includes. Automatic extinguishing release Deluge and preaction sprinkler system release Dual or single hazard area protection IDCs are selectable for cross zoning or for activation from a single detection input Short circuit RAC supervision Audible Escalation of Events. Temporal or 20 bpm March Time pattern for first cross -zone alarm 120 bpm March Time pattern to indicate release timer active On steady to indicate release timer expired and actuator is activated Operator interface provides. Status LEDs per circuit for Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory (where appropriate) Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, and System Reset Operating mode selection and timer selections when in programming mode Compatible with Listed /Approved 24 VDC or 2, 12 VDC series connected actuators Related system components. Coil supervision module 2081 -9046, one per RAC Maintenance Switch, one per RAC Abort Switch Listed to. UL Standard 864 ULC Standard S527 -99 Introduction Dedicated for Suppression Release. 4004R Suppression Release Panels provide conventional fire alarm control circuits and are equipped with the features required for a wide vanety of single or dual hazard suppression release applications. Capabilities include automatic extinguishing agent release and deluge and preaction sprinkler control. Release Control Fire Alarm Systems 4004R Suppression Releasing Panel for Automatic Extinguishing Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Control Actuator circuit Agent source Coil supervisory module Maintenance Switch Agent discharge path 4004R Suppression Release Panel RAC 1 RAC 2 SPM 1 II( Il lllllllllllilll {Itlllll{lflilllllll'hillllll� Introduction (Continued) Panel Feature Description Actuator C 4004R Suppression Release Panel One -Line System Reference Drawing NAC 1 NAC 2 qL IDCs 2, 3, and 4 9 lljn lllilllllll @piiNtIIIII11iiN1111111 Flexible I/O Capabilities. Four IDCs allow for either four separately monitored zones or two, cross -zoned connections. Two SPMs allow dedicated manual inputs for release or abort, or waterflow and supervisory depending on system type. Two releasing appliance circuits (RACs) supervise to the actuator coils and activate the actuators when required. The two NACs and the three panel auxiliary relays provide status condition information. Easy Program Selections. The operator panel has a program mode that allows selection of panel operation type and detailed operating selections using an easily selected sequential programming operation. History Log. The last 50 events are stored in non volatile memory This information is accessed by connecting a technician s computer to the service port which is also used to set the date and time. Operator Panel. The operator panel has alarm and trouble status indicating LEDs for each input and output, visible through the locking cabinet door (refer to diagram on page 4). Unlocking the door provides access to the Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, and System Reset pushbutton switches. See product selection on page 2 for additional details. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7165-0026:314 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re-examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster S4004- 0002 -2 5/2006 Panel Feature Description (Continued) (NOTE. Refer to specifications on page 6 for more information.) Four Class B IDCs provide coverage for either two cross -zoned areas or four separately zoned areas. IDCs are capable of supporting up to 30 Simplex current- limited smoke detectors or electronic heat detectors (see list on page 2) as well as manual stations and other compatible contact closure initiating devices. IDCs are capable of Class A operation with an optional adapter module and can be programmed as Style C (short or open initiates a trouble) for use with current limited devices only Single hazard agent release applications monitor pressure switches with IDC 3 and tamper switches with IDC 4 Two Class B Special Purpose Monitoring Circuits (SPMs) are dedicated for manual release or abort, or waterflow and supervisory depending on system type. Inputs are normally open switches. An abort switch stops release while activated and upon deactivation, the release operation occurs after a selectable time delay Manual release inputs override abort switches and activate the release after selectable delays of from 0 to 30 seconds in 5 second increments. For Dual Hazard applications, current limited abort operation is required. SPMs are programmable as Style C and capable of Class A operation with the optional adapter module. Two Class B NACs are provided for reverse polarity notification appliance operation, each rated 2 A. Class A operation is available with the optional adapter module. NAC operation is selectable per application. Product Selection Release Control Panels 4416 Model Color 4 Listirigs` 4004 -9301 Beige UL, ULC CSFM, FM 4004 9302 Red UL, ULC, CSFM, FM, MEA (NYC) 4004 -9301 CAF I Beige 1 ULC only Expansion Modules Model. ,Description, 4004 -9860 Auxiliary Relay Module; four dual contact relays selectable as N.O or N.C. rated 7 A 120 VAC resistive, 5 A 30 VDC, 0.35 p.f. inductive; unsupervised contacts 4004 -9864 'Two Circuit Class A Adapter Module for IDCs, SPMs, or NAC5 er° Two Class B Releasing Appliance Circuits (RACs). Rated 2 A each, these circuits are dedicated to operating release control actuators. RAC cutout timing is selectable as no cutout, 45 seconds, or 1 3, 4 5 6, or 7 minutes. Auxiliary Power Output. Two sets of output terminals are provided, one for continuous operation and the other for resettable operation, rated for 750 mA combined. Resettable terminals are provided for 4 -wire smoke detector power Standard Auxiliary Relay Outputs. Three relay outputs are available, selectable as normally open or normally closed, rated 2 A 30 VDC, 0.35 p.f. inductive: Aux Relay 1 (Trouble) is energized when Normal and is de- energized with a common Trouble condition. Aux Relays 2 and 3 respond differently depending on the system type and whether single or dual hazard. Typical functions are: For Single Hazard Operation, Aux Relay 2 is the common Alarm relay Aux Relay 3 can be selected to indicate pre discharge (release time delay started), common supervisory waterflow or pressure switch relay depending on the system type. For Dual Hazard Operation, Aux Relay 2 is for Hazard Area 1 common Alarm; Aux Relay 3 is for Hazard Area 2 common Alarm. Power Supply and Battery Charger During alarm, the power supply provides 3 A at 25.5 VDC, filtered and regulated. The temperature compensated battery charger provides 27.5 VDC for charging batteries suitable for up to 90 hour standby and 10 minutes of alarm. External battery chargers and cabinets can be used for more battery backup. Description Basic Releasing Panel; operates with AC input of: 120/220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz (auto select); includes: four IDCs, two NACs, two SPMs, two RACs, 3 auxiliary relays, and 3 A power supply with battery charger cabinet and door I Basic Releasing Panel, same as above, but French for Canada; ULC listed only ;Reference Two maximum Select as I Four maximum I required Panel Accessories (See data sheet S4081 -0001 for external battery cabinets with chargers and for larger battery sizes) Description Reference Remote Battery Meter Module, 0 -50 VDC voltmeter and 5 -0-5 A ammeter with beige four -gang cover. plate I 6.2 Ah battery, 12 V I 2081 -9288 1 12.7 Ah battery, 12 V 10 Ah battery 12 V Model 4001 -9811 01 4002081-9272 2081 -9274 Release Control Systems Accessories (refer to additional information listed on page 3) Model Descriptiori 2081 -9046 Coil Supervision Module, one required per RAC; refer to pages 6 and 7 for detail Abort Supervision Module; encapsulated 56012, 1/2 W resistor for Dual Hazard SPM; allows non current limited Abort and Manual Release stations to be on same circuit; refer to pages 6 and 7 for detail 4081 Series I End -of -Line Resistor Harnesses; refer to data sheet S4081 -0003 2099 Series 1 Manual Stations for Releasing Applications; refer to data sheet S2099 -0010 Strobe synchronization modules; 4905 -9914 for Class B, 4905 -9922 for Class A, see data sheet S4905 -0003 for details 2081 -9048 4905 -Series Mounting requires a four -gang box, 1 3/4 (45 mm) minimum depth Select one battery model per system standby requirements; two batteries are required 2 S4004 -0002 2 5/2006 y Reference Information, Compatible Simplex Detectors and other System Components ;Model 4098 -9601 4098 -9605 4098 -9602 4098 Series 4098 -9612 4098 -9614 4098 -9613 4098 -9615 2099 -9149 2099 -9152 2080 -Series FIRE 'SYstpot bRT 'PU$H AND:HOLO Standard detector Reduced sensitivity detector Combination smoke and heat detector Ionization Smoke Detectors; 2 -wire and 4 -wire models 135° F (57 °C) 200° F (93 °C) 135° F (57 °C) 200° F (93 °C) Standard Style C, with 560 tZ internal resistor Fixed heat detector Fixed with rate -of -rise heat detector Expansion Modules and Accessories Auxiliary Relay Module 4004 -9860 provides four additional relays. Dual hazard applications will require two modules for auxiliary relay operation. Each relay module has a manual disconnect switch that controls relays 2 through 4 (Trouble Relay 1 is not controlled.) Relay outputs are required to be connected to a 15 A maximum circuit breaker (Relay specifications are detailed on page 6.) Auxiliary Relay Module Operation is per the following: Relay 1 activates on any common trouble associated with its hazard or any system trouble Relay 2 activates on any common alarm associated with its hazard Relay 3 activates for pressure switch, waterflow switch, or release timer as required per application type (hazard specific), or activates with the second zone for cross -zoned systems (hazard specific) Relay 4 activates when the hazard specific RAC activates Dual Circuit Class A Adapter Module 4004 9864. This module converts two Class B circuits to Class A operation. It consumes no additional current and is compatible with IDCs, SPMs, and NACs. Up to four modules may be mounted within the 4004 R cabinet. Abort Switches. For manual abort requests, these abort switches are available with or without a built -in 1.2 kSZ, 1 W resistor and are mounted on single -gang stainless steel plates. Abort switches are connected to the SPM inputs per system requirements. Activity abort occurs while the switch is pushed and continues after releasing the switch for the selected Abort Release Time Delay (See illustration to the left.) Photoelectric smoke detectors for 2 -wire and 4 -wire bases Electronic heat detectors for 2 -wire and 4 -wire bases Manual Release Station with selectable release labels; double action push, N.O contact Maintenance Switches, flush or surface mount; indicator lamps require 24 VDC wiring Abort Switches, surface or flush mount; available standard or with 1.2 kS2, 1 W resistor Maintenance Switch. Proper service of release appliance circuits requires the ability to securely disconnect the release circuit during installation and maintenance. Simplex maintenance switches are controlled by keyswitch and initiate a supervisory condition when in disconnect/disable position. Models with lamp are on a double -gang plate and are powered from separate 24 VDC wiring. Mounting is on stainless steel plates and models are available as either surface or flush mount. For additional Maintenance and Abort Switch information refer to data sheet S2080 -0010 Remote Battery Meter Module 4001 9811 provides a display of battery voltage and battery charge and discharge current. This module mounts within 3 ft (1 m) of the 4004R cabinet using a four -gang electrical box with 1 3/4' (45 mm) minimum depth. (See illustration below FIRE -AI ARt+I S' STEM 'BATrERv 00E14 al!i I IIILJFI 1111 ;p■;: .,,•25 ZS „'S Data Sheet S4098 -0015 S4098 -0017 S4098 -0018 S4098 -0014 S2099 -0010 S2081 -0010 3 S4004- 0002 -2 5/2006 Programming Modes and Selection Choices Sequence Pirogranimirig,ModeDesoiption 1 Application Mode (9 choices) 2 I IDC and SPM Circuit Style 3 I Automatic Release Time Delay 4 I RAC Cutout Timer 5 I Manual Release Time Delay 6 Abort Release Time Delay 7 I NAC Coding (where selectable) Standard Operation 8 NAC Operation 9 I Supervisory Latching 10 Supervisory Notification Operator Panel Function Reference RUN MODE: LEDs provide Alarm (red) and Trouble (yellow) status per IDC zone; Zone 4 yellow LED indicates supervisory status if still flashing after ACK PROGRAM MODE: Top ten LEDs indicate Programming Mode Category Alarm Silenced yellow LED indicates that audible notification appliances are silenced prior to system reset Supervisory and System Trouble yellow LEDs; for UL systems, indication of disabled or disconnected RAC AC Power green LED is on with normal power status Pre Discharge Operation ACK acknowledges status during RUN mode and accepts selection during PROGRAM mode; press and hold for 5 sec to perform LAMP TEST Choices Agent Release Preaction /Deluge Agent Release Single Hazard Dual Hazard Single Hazard Dual Hazard I Single Hazard Cross -Zoned Either Zone Cross -Zoned Either Zone Cross -Zoned Either Zone Cross -Zoned Either Zone Cross Zoned, I Class B /Class A or Style C I 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 seconds I No cutout, 45 seconds, or 1 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 minutes I 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 seconds UL Standard 864 listed I Immediate or 10 seconds remaining Not UL: Standard: 864 IRt abort:( cross zoned:. systems:orily), ;NYC abort, _or on ginah release '.delay, I Temporal pattern or 20 beats per minute (first cross -zone alarm) No inhibit or one minute inhibit selected as: both on until silence, NAC 1 on until reset and NAC 2 on until silence, or both on until reset; NOTE: For Halon 1301 Halon 1211 or clean agent release, a pre discharge NAC must be configured to warn of impending discharge, the release timer selects the duration of the pre- discharged signal I Latching or non latching LED and tone -alert only or with: NAC 2 also on; Aux Relay 3 also on; or both NAC 2 and Aux Relay 3 also on LABEL INSERT selectable for Preaction/Deluge or Agent Release, UL or ULC versions (UL Agent Release version shown for reference) Alarm Zone 3 Trouble Alarm Zone 4 Alarm Silenced Supervisory System Trouble AC Power ALARM SILENCE Zone 5 Trouble Manual Release Zone 6 Trouble NAC 7 Trouble NAC 2 Trouble RAC 1 m RAC 2 Agent Released Earth Fault Abort Active, Relay Disconnect Alarm Zone 1 Trouble Alarm Zone 2 Trouble 4 ALARM SILENCE silences audible alarms Combined Release (RACs activate together) Independent Release (RACs are separate) I Combined Release (RACs activate together) Independent Release (RACs are separate) NYC Abort (not UL listed) RUN MODE: red LEDs indicate Manual Release activated (for Agent Release Applications); yellow LEDs indicate Trouble for SPMs (Zones 5 and 6) and NACs, for RACs, yellow LED indicates supervisory if still flashing after ACK PROGRAM MODE: Top nine LEDs provide Programming Selection SYSTEM RESET restores the system to normal during RUN mode and toggles the selection during PROGRAM mode Agent Released red LED indicates RACs are activated Earth Fault yellow LED indicates presence of an earth fault Abort Active yellow LED tracks state of Abort Switch Relay Disconnect yellow LED indicates that expansion relays have been disabled for service 54004- 0002 -2 5/2006 Release Control System Reference Automatic Extinguishing Release Systems. These systems automatically activate actuators for the release of a fire extinguishing agent (such as dry chemical, water spray foam, CO or Halon) in response to fire detection device input. UL and FM Extinguishing Release System Panels must have a minimum of 24 hours of standby power Initiating devices must be Listed/Approved for the application, and may be wired either Class A or B. Actuators must be electrically compatible with the control panel circuits and power supplies, and are wired Class B to provide coil supervision (refer to additional information in Requirements section below). Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Systems automatically activate water control valves in response to fire detection device input. Deluge Sprinkler Systems employ open sprinkler heads and provide water flow when the fire detection system activates a common automatic water control valve. They are used to deliver water simultaneously through all of the system sprinkler heads. This type of system is applicable where the immediate application of large quantities of water over large areas is the proper fire response. Preaction Sprinkler Systems are similar to deluge systems except that normally closed sprinkler heads are used and supervisory air pressure is maintained in the pipe. Operation requires both an activated sprinkler head and an activated fire alarm initiating device. UL requirements for Fire Alarm Systems Listed for Automatic Release or Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Systems are the same as described above for Automatic Extinguishing Release Systems. FM Approved requirements for Fire Alarm Systems for Automatic Release of Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Systems require operation of specific compatible FM Approved Automatic Water Control Valves, a minimum secondary power capacity of 90 hours, and all circuits for the automatic release initiating devices must be capable of operation during a single open circuit fault condition (Class A). Release Control System Requirements Actuators are connected as two -wire, Class B notification/releasing circuits with only one 24 VDC actuator per circuit to ensure supervision. Where applicable, two, 12 VDC actuators in series, or one 12 VDC actuator and a manufacturer supplied series resistor may be used. 2. Coil Supervision Module, model 2081 -9046, must be wired electrically before the actuator and located in the actuator wiring junction box. (Refer to System Connection Reference on page 7 3 For UL Listed Automatic Extinguishing Release valves and actuators, refer to list on page 7 1 5 Requirements (Continued) 4 For FM Approved Automatic Extinguishing Release, secondary standby must be a minimum of 24 hours with 5 minutes of alarm. Actuators must be electrically compatible. 5 For FM Approved Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler operation: IDCs must be Class A, wired to Listed/Approved devices; secondary standby capacity must be a minimum of 90 hours with 10 minutes of alarm, and the specified compatible Automatic Water Control Valves /Actuator must be used. (Refer to list on page 8.) 6 Power supply loading and wiring distances must be per Installation, Programming, and Operating Instructions 579 -354 7 Battery standby must be selected for proper actuator operation and may require a minimum voltage of 23 VDC depending on the actuator Detailed battery calculation reference information is contained in Installation Instructions 579 -354 8 Maintenance Switches, one per RAC, are required per NFPA 72 the National Fire Alarm Code (2002 Edition, Chapter 6) to allow the system to be tested or serviced without actuating the fire suppression systems. Their use may not be allowed in some jurisdictions, always confirm local requirements. When used, Simplex Maintenance Switches are required to ensure that operation initiates a supervisory condition. Additional System Device Information Simplex Abort Switches are available when abort operation is required. When used, wire on Special Purpose Monitoring Circuits (SPMs) as Class A or Class B, Simplex model Abort Switches are required. 2. Manual Release Stations are used for direct activation of the release actuators with the appropriate time delay implemented by the fire alarm control panel. 3 Reference for additional information is listed on pages 2 and 3 l Additional Information This data sheet is a summary of the extensive operating features and options available with the 4004R Release Control Panel. Complete details are covered in the 4004R Installation, Programming, and Operating Instructions manual (publication 579 -354) shipped with each 4004R. Compatible system devices are listed on page 3 For general information, refer to Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) `FMRC Approval Guide, FM Approval standard `Deluge Systems and Preaction Systems. PLEASE NOTE. Proper operation of release control systems requires that the system design, installation, and maintenance be performed correctly and in accordance with all applicable local and national codes, and equipment manufacturer s instructions No liability for total system operation is assumed or implied. S4004- 0002 -2 5/2006 Specifications (Refer to diagram on page 7 and Instructions 579 -354 for additional information) P..ower:Ratings AC Input Power Supply Output Battery Charger Standby Current Alarm Current Stan %Ratings Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs) Special Purpose Monitoring Circuits (SPMs) Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) Notification Appliance Reference Release Appliance Circuits (RACs) Auxiliary Relay Module 4004 -9860 Voltage Ratings 1 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, auto select Current Ratings 12 A maximum 120 VAC input; 1 A maximum 240 VAC input 13 A maximum available for external loads Temperature compensated, capable of recharging batteries required for 90 hour standby and 10 minute alarm (contingent on auxiliary power load) 1 100 mA, with IDCs fully loaded, tone -alert silenced, trouble LED on, charger off 264 mA external loads; (2 zones in alarm 2 internal relays, NACs and RACs on) (NO fE.`Total DC current 3 A maximum see NA ratings; for details) Supervisory 1 3 mA maximum; 3.3 kd2 end -of -line resistor per circuit Alarm Current 175 mA maximum Output Voltage 128 VDC maximum Capacity Each IDC supports up to 30 detectors (smoke or electronic heat) and manual stations as required; wiring distance is limited to 50 f2 maximum For Manual Release, Abort Switches, or Supervisory functions only not for detectors; wiring distance is limited to 50 f2 maximum Dual Hazard Application Abort Switches require a current limiting resistor of 1.2 kC), 1 W or an external Abort Supervision Module per SPM 6 mA, 3.3 kf2 end -of -line resistor per circuit 75 mA maximum Application For Dual Hazard Applications Supervisory I Activated I Output Voltage Synchronized Strobe Operation Special Application Appliances Regulated 24 DC Appliances Output Current Output Voltage Output Voltage 128 VDC maximum Special Application appliance rating 2 A maximum on a NAC NOTE: Special Application appliance rating full 3 A power supply rating Regulated 24 DC appliance power 1.5 A maximum on a circuit NOTE: Regulated 24 DC strobe load 1.35 A maximum total for power supply I Alarm 26 VDC max. supervisory 29 VDC maximum; 10 kf2 end-of -line resistor Requires NAC dedicated to strobe control with non -coded output; use an external Synch Module (4905 -9914 Class A, or 4905 -9922, Class B, see data sheet S4905 -0003 for details); up to 33 strobes can be synchronized per 4004R I Simplex 4901 4903, and 4904 Series horns, strobes, and 4 -wire horn /strobes; (contact your Simplex product representative for compatible appliances) I Power for other appliances listed to UL Standard 1971 or UL Standard 464 use associated external synchronization modules where required i 2 A maximum per circuit Activated 26 VDC maximum; non -alarm 29 VDC maximum; 10 k0 end-of -line resistor Two outputs are available, continuous operation or resettable operation; combined output is 750 mA maximum; output voltage 19.25 to 27 VDC Contacts rated 2 A 30 VDC, 0.35 p.f. inductive, selectable as N.O or N.C. by jumper Terminals rated for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm to 3.31 mm Alarm Current Auxiliary Power Output; for Special Application loads only Auxiliary Relay Outputs (Trouble, Aux Relay 2, Aux Relay 3) Wiring Connections for Above Circuits and AC Input Class A Adapter Module 4004 -9684 additional current required) Relay Type! Four relays with two outputs per relay individually selectable as N.O or N.C. AC Ratings 17 A 120 VAC, resistive DC Ratings 15 A 30 VDC 0.35 power factor inductive Module Current] 12 mA standby 70 mA with all four relays energized; 24 VDC Wiring 1 Terminals rated for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm to 3.31 mm 2081- 9046:CoIl Supervision Module and 2081 -9048 Abort`Superviision:Moduie page:7 for additional: details) Construction Dimensions Wiring Coil Supervision Module Current Rating Abort Supervision Module Resistance Enviroriiitental'Rati ngs: Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Two circuits per module, rated same as circuits; not applicable to RACs (no Epoxy encapsulated 1 1 -3/8' W x 2 7/16' Lx1 1/16" H (34 mm x 62 mm x 27 mm) 118 AWG (0.82 mm wire leads, color coded i 2 A maximum; internally fused at 3 A, non replaceable 560 SI, 1/2 W 32° to 120 °F (0° to 49° C) up to 93% RH, non condensing 100.4 F (38° C) maximum 6 S4004- 0002 -2 5/2006 4004R System Connection Reference MFG. ANSUL Skinner Star Sprinkler Actuator wiring junction box Abort Supervision Module 2081 -9048 (for dual hazard mode with non current limited devices on the SPM) Abort Switches (as required) alarm station Compatible detection devices SPM 1 IDC 1 Manual fire Optional 4001 -9811 Meter Module NOTE: Locate within 3 ft (1 m) of 4004R cabinet Model tumber. Manual Release Stations SPM 2 I Model D deluge valve, with solenoid 5550 RAC 1 LJ III1111(1 11111' lllil {IIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII U IIIIIIIII IIUllllllllllllllll (IllllU11IlIllIllUl 4004R Suppression Release Panel Compatible UL Listed Valves and Actuators 73212BN4TNOONOC111C2 (Skinner coil C111C2) 1/2" 73212BN4TNLVNOC322C2 (Skinner coil C322C2) 1/2" 73218BN4UNLVNOH111C2 (Skinner coil H111C2) 73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2 (Skinner coil C111C2) 1/2" RAC 2 7 Meter module cable (supplied with meter module) `,MFG. *AUTOMAN Il -C Assembly (solenoid 17728; coil 25924) AUTOMAN II -C Explosion -Proof Releasing Device (solenoid 31492; coil 31438) *AUTOMAN II -C Assembly (solenoid 68739• coil 25924) Solenoid Electric Actuator (solenoid 73111 coil 73097) •CV90 HF Electric Actuator 73327 (may use 73606 in -line resistor) LP CO2 w /ASCO solenoid 422934 LP CO2 double action 24 VDC solenoid 430948 LP CO2 3 -way selector valve solenoid 433419 Electric Actuator 24 VDC solenoid 570537 I 71395SN2ENJ1NOH111C2 (Skinner coil H111C2) 1/4 NPS, 1/16" Maintenance Disconnect Switch ASCO Pyro- Chem Listed /approved actuator or Deluge and Preaction Automatic Water Control Valve; one if 24 VDC (or 2 in series if 12 VDC) per RAC 24 VDC for Maintenance Disconnect status indicator (if required) Optional 4905 -9914 or 4905 -9922 Synchronized Flash Module NAC 1 NAC 2 5 -300 psi NPS, 0.92 A, 250 psi NPS, 5/8 in. orifice Coil Supervision Module 2081 -9046 12 VDC coils, either wire two in series for 24 VDC activation, or if available from manufacturer I Typical strobe only NAC 6 I l mre JU Typical horn only NAC l GENERAL WIRING NOTE: Wiring shown is for reference only refer to specific installation instructions for detailed wiring information. Model Number 8210A107 (097617 -005D coil) 1/2" NPS, 5/8" orifice, 24 VDC 8210G207 (238310 coil) 1/2" NPS, 1/2" orifice 8211A107 (097617 -005D coil) 24VDC HV2628571 (23810 coil) N.C. 1/2" NPS, 1/2" orifice HV2648581 (23810 coil) N.O. 1/2" NPS, 1/2" orifice R8210A107 (097617 -005D coil) 1/2" NPS, 5/8" orifice I T8210A107 (097617 -005D coil) 1/2" NPS, 5/8" orifice ECH Electrical Control Head (551201) Explosion -Proof Electric Actuator (570147) Removable Electric Actuator (570209) 0.2 A use series resistor S4004- 0002 -2 5/2006 FM Approved Water Control Valves Groiip Manutcturer A Skinner B ASCO R8210A107 8210A107 C Star Sprinkler I 5550 D ASCO 18210G207 E Skinner 73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2* 73212BN4TN00N0C111C2 F Skinner 173212BN4TNLVNOC322C2 G Skinner J 71395SN2ENJ1NOH111C2 Vitaulic I Series 753-E solenoid valve J Viking 11591 and 11592 11595 and 11596 K Viking 1 11601 and 11602 For new applications, LV2LBX25 has been replaced by model number 73218BN4UNLVNOC111 C2. Mounting Reference Information A 13-1/2" (343 mm) V k (Top and side views are Typical conduit entry area shown with door installed) t (cut holes as required) T ;Model Nuimiser•' LV2LBX25" T8210A107 k IB Box width 14 -5/8' (372 mm) 11 1/4 (286 mm) Class A adapter boards 0 b h'�' (Main board) L AC input) I o 13 -1/4" (337 mm) 81 II Battery Area No conduit or wiring in this area J p( Aux. relay module 1 Aux. relay module 2 (Front view module placement reference showing mounting hole dimensions, optional Class A adapter modules, and optional relay modules) Details 24 VDC 11 W 458 mA, 1/2 inch NPS, 1/2 inch orifice 24 VDC, 16.8 W 700 mA, 1/2 inch NPS, 5/8 inch orifice I 24 VDC part of Model D deluge valve 124 VDC, 10.6 W 440 mA, 1/2 inch NPS, 1/2 inch orifice 124 VDC, 10 W 420 mA, 1/2 inch NPS, 5/8 inch orifice I 24 VDC, 10 W 420 mA, 1/2 inch NPS, 5/8 inch orifice; 5 -300 psi 1 24 VDC, 22 W 1/2 inch NPS, 920 mA, 250 psi (1725 kPa), 1/2 inch orifice 24 VDC, 10 W 420 mA, 1/4 inch NPS, 1/16 inch orifice, 250 psi (1725 kPa) rated working pressure 124 VDC, 8.7 W, 12 inch NPS, 364 mA, 300 psi (2069 kPa), 12 inch orifice I Normally closed (NC) Explosion proof solenoid valves, 24 VDC, 10 W I Normally open (NO) 12 inch NPS, 300 psi (2069 kPa), 4 1 Cv I NC solenoid valve, 24 VDC, 9 W 122 inch NPS, 250 psi (1725 kPa), 6.2 Cv Door thickness_ 5/8" (16 mm) Box depth 4 -1/4 (108 mm) k i I xs- A 1 i" (406 mm) NOTE: For semi -flush mounting, cabinet must extend 1 1/2" (38 mm) minimum from wall surface NOTE: A system ground must be provided for Earth Detection and transient protection devices. This connection shall be made to an approved, dedicated Earth connection per NFPA 70, Article 250, and NFPA 780 Tyco, Simplex, and the Simplex logo are trademarks of Tyco International Services AG or its affiliates in the U.S. and /or other countries. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). ii1®Sirnplex Tyco Safety Products Westminster Westminster MA 01441 -0001 USA S4004- 0002 -2 5 /2006 www.tycosafetyproducts-usa-wm.com 2006 Tyco Safety Products Westminster All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. B Simplex UL, ULC, CSFM Listed, MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Features Abort switches provide a manual Fire Suppression System release abort request: Pushbutton momentary switch is mounted on a stainless steel single -gang plate A protruding collar protects the switch from accidental contact (collar is removable if required) Available flush or surface mount Flush mounting requires standard single -gang box Surface mounting includes a red mounting box Models are available with internal 1.2 kS2 resistor for current limited operation Maintenance switches provide a secure and visible disconnect means for servicing Fire Suppression System Releasing Appliance Circuits (RACs): Maintained position keyswitch is mounted on a stainless steel double -gang plate Key is removable in either normal or disabled position Disabled position opens connection to output circuit and places a 16.2 kk2 resistor across the input circuit to initiate a supervisory condition at the host panel Disconnect indicator lamp is a bright incandescent bulb with red lens, powered from separate 24 VDC Available for flush or surface mount Flush mounting requires a standard double -gang box Surface mount models includes a red mounting box UL listed to Standard 864 Description Releasing systems typically require maintenance disconnect switches and often require abort switches. These abort and maintenance switches are clearly labeled and combine easy operation with rugged construction for high integrity operation. Refer to page 2 for specific product listings. NOTE: MEA is not applicable to Maintenance Switches. FM is not applicable to Abort Switches. As indicated on page 2, these products have been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7300-0026:313 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Abort switches are accepted for use City of New York Department of Buildings MEA35-93E. Maintenance switches were not approved by FM as of document revision date. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster. Releasing System Peripherals Fire Suppression System Abort Switches and Releasing Appliance Circuit (RAC) Maintenance Switches Abort Switch (shown 1/2 size) Mk/ DISABLE FIRE SU!PRESSIONN: pISCONNEq 1;pIS*4 Maintenance Switch with Disconnect Indicator Lamp (shown 1/2 size) S2080- 0010 -2 11/2006 Product Selection (see page 3 for specifications) Abort Switches Model'' =bescription 2080 -9056 Flush mount 2080 -9057 Surface mount; includes red mounting box Abort Switch Installation Reference Box width 3" (76 mm) CD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ABORT PUSH AND HOLD CD 0 Simplex Abort Switch width, 2 -3/4" (70 mm) Listing Status 'Details UL, ULC, CSFM listed; MEA (NYC) Acceptance Abort Switch height 4 -1/2' (114 mm) Switch recess depth 5/32" (4 mm) Supplied gasket attaches to box; field installed for flush mount; pre attached for surface mount Removable collar 2 Single -gang size; includes 3 position contact block housing with one contact block installed Abort Switches for 4004R Series Suppression Release Panel Current Limited Operation •Model, Description u Listing 2080 -9067 Flush mount UL, ULC, CSFM Single -gang size; includes 1.2 k.(2, 1W resistor for current Surface mount; includes listed; MEA (NYC) limited operation and 3 position contact block housing with 2080 -9068 red mounting box Acceptance one contact block installed Maintenance Switches with Disconnect Indicator Lamp Model Description -7- ;.Listing•Status z befalls. M 2080 -9059 Flush mount Double -gang size; includes 3 position contact block housing UL, ULC, CSFM with 2 contact blocks installed; disabled position opens 2080 -9060 Surface mount; includes listed connection to output and places a 16.2 kfl resistor across the red mounting box input circuit; resistor is removable if required for retrofit Accessories for Field Installation moo' Description 2080 -9061 Additional Contact Block for Abort or Maintenance Switch; 1 Form C contact; UL recognized component for use with these switches; listings and approvals are not applicable Red box is supplied with surface mount Abort Switch 2080 -9057 or 2080 -9068 2 -1/4" (56 mm) into box 2 -3/4" (70 mm) NOTE: For flush mounting, use a 2 -3/4" deep (70 mm) single -gang box Box height 4- 13/16' (122 mm) S2080- 0010 -2 11/2006 Maintenance Switch Installation Reference Specifications Electrical Ratings Abort Switch; One Contact block Maintenance Switch with Lamp; Two Contact blocks Maintenance Switch Indicator Light. (models 2080 -9059 and 2080 -9060) Wiring Connections Abort Switch Abort Switch with Current Limited Resistor Maintenance Switch Environmental Ratings Temperature +Range Humidity Range Box dimensions 4- 13/16" (122 mm) square NORMAL DISCJ DISABLE sCD FIRE SUPPRESSION DISCONNECT/ DISABLE OSImplet Maintenance Switch width 4- 9/16 "(116 mm) Supplied gasket attaches to box; field installed for flush mount; pre- attached for surface mount 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 49° C) I Up to 93% at 90 °F (32° C) Red box is supplied with surface mount Maintenance Switch 2080 -9060 2 1/4" (56 mm) into box 2 -3/4" (70 mm) NOTE. For flush mounting, use a 2 -3/4" deep (70 mm) double -gang box Silver contacts; 1 N.O 1 N.C. rated 2 A resistive 30 VDC Circuit control: Silver contacts; 1 N.O 1 N.0 rated 2 A resistive 30 VDC Lamp control: Silver contacts; 1 Form C; rated 2 A resistive 30 VDC Replaceable 2 W incandescent bulb; 24 to 30 VDC typical; 83 mA 24 VDC; requires separate 24 VDC I Terminal blocks for in /out wiring; 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm to 2.08 mm Terminal blocks for first wire connection; 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm to 2.08 mm 18 AWG wire lead for second wire connection 18 AWG (0.82 mm color coded wire leads for suppression circuit; terminal blocks for lamp wiring; 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm to 2.08 mm 3 S2080- 0010 -2 11/2006 Tyco, Simplex, and the Simplex logo are trademarks of Tyco International Services AG or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries IZSimplex Tyco Safety Products Westminster Westminster MA 01441 -0001 USA S2080- 0010 -2 11/2006 www.tycosafetyproducts-usa-wm.com C 2006 Tyco Safety Products Westminster All rights reserved All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Simplex UL, ULC Listed; FM and CSFM Approved* Features Manual fire alarm stations for releasing applications. Double action push and pull operation with a normally open (N 0 contact Current limited model is available with series connected 560 Si resistor for Style C operation (current limited alarm; open or short trouble) Operation complies with ADA requirements Pull lever protrudes when alarmed Break -rod is supplied (use is optional) Label kit provides six varieties of releasing applications (ordered separately) Screw terminals for wiring connections Tamper resistant reset key lock (keyed same as Simplex fire alarm cabinets) Multiple mounting options. Surface or semi -flush with standard boxes or matching Simplex boxes Flush mount adapter kit Adapters are available for retrofitting to commonly available existing boxes UL listed to Standard 38 Operation Double Action Push Type Manual Release Stations require that a spring loaded interference plate (marked PUSH) be pushed back to access the pull lever of the single action station, reducing the possibility of an accidental activation. A firm downward pull of the lever then activates the alarm switch, breaking an internal plastic break -rod, visible below the pull lever Break -rod use is optional. Use of a break -rod can provide an additional reduction of the possibility of an accidental activation without interfering with the minimum pull requirements needed for easy activation. When activated, the pull lever latches into the alarm position and remains extended out of the housing to provide a visible indication. Station reset requires the use of a key to reset the manual station lever and deactivate the alarm switch. (If the break -rod is used, it must be replaced.) Station testing is performed by physical activation of the pull lever Electrical testing can be also performed by unlocking the station housing to activate the alarm switch. Releasing System Peripherals Non -Coded Manual Stations for Releasing Applications Double Action Push Type Manual Release Station (shown with sample release label) Label Selection Label Kit 4099 -9802 A blank area on the front of the station allows the selection of a label to match the specific release application (label kit is ordered separately). (Refer to data sheet S2099 -0007 for standard Simplex manual stations.) This,product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7150-0026:175 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re-examination, revision, and possible cancellation. This product was not MEA (NYC) approved as of document revision date. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster S2099- 0010 1'6/2003 Product Selection Do uble Action, Push Operation, Manual Release Stations Model Description 2099 -9149 2099 -9152 4099 -9802 Accessories at atieitib 3Model 2975 -9178 2975 -9022 2099 -9813 2099 -9814 2099 -9819 2099 -9820 2099 -9804 Specifications Wire Connections Temperature Range Humidity Range Housing Color Material Pull Lever Color Housing Dimensions Standard operation, N 0 contact Manual release station, red housing with white letters and white For Style C operation, N.0 contact pull lever requires label kit 4099 -9802 with series connected 560 f2 resistor Label kit; select the label required for the specific release application; types include: Clean Agent, Extinguishing, Carbon Dioxide, Foam System, Sprinkler and Manual Description; Surface mount Steel red box Cast aluminum I Semi -flush trim plate for double gang switch box, red Surface trim plate for Wiremold box V5744 -2, red Flush mount I Black adapter kit I Beige I Replacement break -rod Semi -Flush Mounting Reference Single Gang Box Mount Single gang box, 2 1/2" deep (64 mm), RACO #500 or equal (supplied by others) C C FIRE Screw terminal for in /out wiring, for 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm to 2.08 mm 32° to 140° F (0° to 60° C) intended for indoor operation Up to 90% RH at 90° F (38° F) Red with white raised lettering Housing and pull lever are Lexan polycarbonate or equal White with red raised lettering 5" H x 3-3/4" W x 1 D (127 mm x 95 mm x 25 mm) (ALARM PUSH PULL DOWN j J IDs 4' Square Box Mount 4' (102 mm) square box, 2 1/8' (54 mm) minimum depth, RACO #231 or equal (supplied by others) r J 1 r J r 0 1 o' Mount flush or with 1/16 "(2 mm) maximum extension DO NOT RECESS Single gang cover plate, 3/4' (19 mm) extension, RACO #773 or equal (supplied by others) Station side view i Wall surface Re ference: Refer to page 3 for dimensions Typically for retrofit, refer to page 4 for details Refer to page 4 for details 4" Square box with cover plate Single gang box outline Semi Flush Mount Side View 2 S2099- 0010 -1 6/2003 Surface Mounting Reference Preferred Mounting. For surface mounting, the preferred electrical boxes are shown in the illustration to the right. Additional Mounting Reference. Refer to page 4 for Wiremold box mounting compatibility Surface Mount Side View 2975 -9178 Box 5- 3/16" H x 4" W x 2 -3/16' D (132 mm x 102 mm x 56 mm) (ordered separately) Knockouts located top and bottom 2975 -9022 Cast Box 5' H x 3 -7/8' W x 2 -3/16" D (127 mm x 98,mm x 56 mm) (ordered separately) \II j Station cover hinges open for installation access FIRE 5" (127 mm) 3 IALARMI PUSH I PULL DOWN 4 w ex ELEASE 1 1 (25.4 mm) I 4c 3-3/4" (95 mm) sI 2099 Series Manual Release Station Simplex 2975 -9178 box (shown for reference) Access for 3/4 threaded conduit Located top and bottom S2099- 0010 -1 6/2003 Additional Mounting Information For retrofit and new installations, additional compatible mounting boxes and the required adapter plates are shown in the illustration to the right. Flush Mounting Information a 8 (203 nm) 6' (152 mm) 4 -3/4' (121 mm) 6 -3/4" (171 mm) Front View 2099 -9814 Surface trim for Wiremold box 5 -1/8" H x 5" W (130 mm x 127 mm) 2099 -9813 Semi -flush trim for 2 -gang switch box, 6" H x 4 -1/2" W (152 mm x 114 mm) Hole cutout must be a minimum of 6" H by 5" W (152 mm by 127 mm) Wall surface so N 0 0 C) C O Side View 4- 11/16" (119 mm) square box, 2 -1/8" (54 mm) minimum depth (by others) Wiremold receptacle box model V5744 -2 (supplied by others) Two gang switch box, each 3" H x 2" W x 2 -3/4" D (76 mm x 51 mm x 70 mm) (supplied by others) Flush mount adapter kit 2099 -9819, Black 2099 -9820, Beige Box must be recessed into wall 1" to 1 -1/8" (25.4 mm to 29 mm) Tyco, Simplex, and the Simplex logo are trademarks of Tyco Services AG or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Lexan is a trademark of the General Electric Co. Wiremold is a trademark of the Wiremold Company. E3 Simplex Tyco Safety Products Westminster Westminster MA 01441 -0001 USA S2099 0010 6/2003 www .tycosafetyproducts- usa- wm.com 2003 Tyco Safety'Products Westminster All rights reserved All specifications and other information shown were current as ofdocument revision date and are subject to change without notice. i Simplex UL, ULC* Listed; FM, CSFM, and NYC, MEA Approved Features Photoelectric smoke detector with on -board True Alarm sensitivity drift compensations UL listed to Standard 268 Functional chamber enclosure: Louvered design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber Entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted Multi- function indicator LED indicates normal and alarm conditions Magnetically operated functional test: Initiates alarm and verifies performance Identifies general sensitivity status using detector LED Models available in two sensitivity settings. 4098 -9601, Standard Sensitivity, nominal 2.8 %/ft obscuration 4098 -9605, Special Application Sensitivity, nominal 3.5 %/ft obscuration Available base options. Bases for 2 -wire or 4 -wire operation Auxiliary alarm relay output Optional remote alarm indicating LED Description Simplex TrueAlarm photoelectric detectors provide many of the proven TrueAlarm analog sensing features for applications where detectors are connected to conventional 2 -wire or 4 -wire initiating device circuits (IDCs). Each TrueAlarm detector has an on -board microprocessor that evaluates its photoelectric light scattering chamber activity and makes an intelligent decision based on light obscuration history as to whether an alarm condition is present. TrueAlarm detectors are packaged in a patented housing that minimizes the visibility of the air intake louvers from the normal viewing locations while maintaining a high performance smoke capture ability/ Bases are available for remote alarm LED indicator connections and auxiliary relay outputs. 2000 Simplex Time Recorder Co. All rights reserved. TrueA!arm Smoke Detectors TrueAlarm Photoelectric Smoke Detectors for Two -Wire and Four -Wire Bases Specifications Voltage Standby Current Alarm Current, 2 -Wire Operation Alarm Current, 4 -Wire Operation Auxiliary Relay Ratings Air Velocity Range Altitude UL Listed Temp. Range Operating Temp. Range Humidity Range Color Dimensions 4098 -9601 TrueAlarm Photoelectric Detector Mounted in Base 15 to 32 VDC, from Fire Alarm Control Panel IDC 1 100 ilA 24 VDC Up to 86 mA maximum, exact current is determined by alarm current limiting of connected IDC 24 mA typical 24 VDC Refer to page 2 under Product Selection I 0 -2000 ft/min (0-610 m/min) Up to 8,000 ft (2438 m) 132° to 100° F (0° to 38° C) 15° to 122° F -9° to 50° C) 10% to 95% RH from 32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C) non condensing Frost White 4 7/8° Dia. x 1 7/8" H, mounted in base (124 mm x 48 mm), refer to p.3 for detail ULC listed models are designated with a °C° suffix such as 4098- 9601C. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7272 .0026:219 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re- examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Accepted for use City of New York Department of Buildings MEA35.93E. Additional listings maybe applicable, contact Simplex for the latest status. t Simplex TrueAlann smoke detector operation is protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 5,155,468; 5,173,683; 5,543,777 5,552,765; 5,552,763; DES. 377 460. S4098- 0015 -4 3/00 TrueAlarm Smoke Detector Features Intelligent Data Evaluation. Conventional smoke detectors will typically drift toward being too sensitive due to the accumulation of dust and dirt. With TrueAlarm analog detection, data from the photoelectric chamber is monitored and analyzed at the detector to provide a continuously shifting reference point. Drift Compensation. The data evaluation and its shifting reference point provide a software filtering process that compensates for environmental factors (dust, dirt, etc.) and component aging, establishing an accurate reference for evaluating new activity With this filtering, the resulting drift compensation provides a significant reduction in the probability of false or nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity either up or down. Magnetic Test Information. Status information is available by performing the magnetic test and observing the detector LED pulses. The LED will normally go Product Selection Smoke Detectors Model 54098 -9601 4098 =9605 Compatible Bases Model Description 4098 -9788 2 -Wire Base with connections for Remote 4098 -9682 4098 -9683 Alarm LED Indicator Detector Accessories Model 4 -Wire Base with Auxiliary Alarm Relay Contacts and connections for Remote LED Alarm Indicator 2 -Wire Base with Auxiliary Alarm Relay connections for Remote LED Indicator 4098 -9832 Adapter Plate Description TrueAlarm Photoelectric Detector NOTE: Must be connected as the only device on the IDC to ensure relay operation. Description 4098 -9830 I Remote LED Indicator 2098 -9739 I Encapsulated 24 VDC End -of -Line Relay 2098 -9735 I Plate Mounted 24 VDC End -of -Line Relay directly into alarm with the magnetic test. If there is an off normal condition, the LED pulses first to indicate the condition and then goes into alarm. (See page 3 Application Reference Detector Locations. Locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code. For further detailed installation information, refer to 4098 Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual (574 -709). Sensitivity Selection. The 4098 -9601 standard sensitivity detector is recommended for most applications. When a special application for a reduced sensitivity detector is required, the 4098 -9605 should be considered. Consult Simplex for assistance in determining the proper selection. Nominal Sensitivity 2.8 %/ft (standard) 3.5 %/ft Compatibility Compatible with detector bases: 4098 9788,4098 -9682, and 4098 -9683 Details IDC and LED connections are screw terminals for in /out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG 'Relay Ratings, Single Form 'C' For Suppressed Loads: Power limited, 3 A 28 VDC Non -power limited, 3 A 120 VAC Wiring Connections (In /Out' where required): Relay contacts and IDC wiring, color coded 18 AWG leads LED wiring, screw terminals for 18 to 14 AWG Relay Ratings, Dual Form 'C' For Suppressed Loads: Power limited, 1 A 28 VDC Non -power limited, 1/2 A 120 VAC Wiring Connections, (In /Out where required): Relay contacts and IDC color coded 18 AWG leads IDC and LED wiring, screw terminals for 18 to 14 AWG Details Required for mounting to 4 square box, fits 4" octagonal box May be used when retrofitting existing bases Compatible with 4098 -9788, -9682, -9683 detector bases Mounted on single gang stainless steel plate Required for 4 -wire circuits using 4098 -9682 base, one per circuit, select mounting type as required Simplex Time Recorder Co. 2 S4098- 0015 -4 3/00 Detector Status LED Indications 1/4 (6.4 mm) LED indication Pulses approximately every 4 seconds Steady On LED Response to Magnetic Test LED Indication LED tums ON LED pulses quickly 6 times in 3 seconds, then turns ON LED pulses slowly 4 times in 8 seconds, then turns ON further test and maintenance information. Base height 11/16" (17 mm) k k r Followed By,- Alarm is initiated Alarm is initiated Alarm is initiated Does not initiate Alarm Testing requires placing a magnet at the designated to Dimensions and Reference Information cation on the detector cover for 4 seconds. Refer to Application Manual 574 -709 for 3/8" (162 mm) 4098 -9832 Adapter Plate 7/8" (124 mm) I I III I .z I lc: c LED Status Indicator (with clear lens) ALARM 0 Simplex Status Normal, sensitivity is within compensation range More sensitive, out of normal compensation range Less sensitive, out of normal compensation range Detector is malfunctioning Status Normal Alarm J 17/8" °..;e °.1 ,.I (48 mm) 4098 -9601 -9605 Dimensions Mounted on Base r Action None Cleaning or other service is required Service is required 4098 -9830 Remote LED Indicator (not to scale) Simplex Time Recorder Co. 3 S4098- 0015 -4 3/00 Mounting Information (Electrical boxes are supplied by others.) 4' (102 mm) square box f3 ®Simplex Electrical Box Requirements: Without relay (base 4098 9788): 4 octagonal or 4 square, 1 1/2' deep Single gang, 2' deep With relay (bases 4098 -9682 and 4098 9683): 4 octagonal, 1 1/2' deep, with 1 1/2" extension ring 4' square, 1 1/2" deep, with 1 1/2' extension ring Surface mount reference Z.,,, '.`.s'^an Yc .r°.1"_': :.&a_ #R:' b::.:OK 1 1/2' (38 mm) minimum box depth Flush mount reference, mount even with final surface, or with up to 1/4 (6.4 mm) maximum recess 4098 -9832 Adapter Plate, reauired for mounting to surface mounted boxes and to 4" sic uare flush mount boxes 4098 -9682 and 4098 -9683 include a relay module that mounts in base electrical box Smoke Detector Bases 4098 -9788, 9682, -9683 4098 -9601 -9605 Smoke Detector Simplex, the Simplex logo, and TrueAlarm are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Simplex Time Recorder Co. in the U.S. and/or other countries. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 4" (102 mm) octagonal box S4098- 0015 -4 3/00 Westminster Massachusetts 01441 -0001 USA visit us on the world wide web at www.simplexnet.com All specifications and other information shown were current as of printing and are subject to change without notice. E Simplex UL, ULC Listed; FM and CSFM Approved* Features UL Listed to Standard 268 Functional chamber enclosure: Louvered design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber Entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted Alarm indicator LED. Pulses to indicate power -on On steady to indicate alarm Functional diagnostic tests. Magnetic test initiates alarm and verifies system operation Service connections are available for sensitivity verification testmg Available base options. Bases for 2 -wire or 4 -wire operation Auxiliary alarm relay output Remote alarm indicating LED output Optional remote alarm LED indicator Designed for EMI compatibility Description For applications requiring ionization detection, the 4098 -9603 detector provides conventional dual- chamber detection in an attractive housing. Bases are available for 2 -wire or 4 -wire operation. A built -in magnetic test feature allows service personnel to conveniently initiate a test alarm condition. Options include relay outputs and remote LED alarm status indicators. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7271 -0026:229 for allowable values and /or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re- examination, revision, and possible cancellation. ULC listed models are designated with a 'C' suffix such as 4098- 9603C, refer to page 2 for model availability. This product was not approved by MEA (NYC) as of document revision date. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster. Multi- Application Peripherals Ionization Smoke Detectors Model 4098 -9603 for Two -Wire and Four -Wire Bases 4098 -9603 Ionization Detector Mounted in Base Application Reference Detector Locations. Locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code. On smooth ceilings, smoke detector spacing of 30 ft (9 1 m) may be used as a guide. For further detailed installation information, refer to Simplex publication 574 -709 4098 Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual. Specifications Voltage Standby Current Alarm Current, 2 -Wire Operation Alarm Current, 4 -Wire Operation Sensitivity Level Radioactive Source Air Velocity Range Altitude UL Listed Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Humidity Range Color Dimensions 8.5 to 33 VDC, from fire alarm control panel Initiating Device Circuit (IDC 180 NA @24 VDC Up to 86 mA maximum, exact current is determined by alarm current limiting of connected IDC 24 mA typical 24 VDC 10.61 to 1 46 %/ft 0.9 Microcurie AM -241 10-400 ft/min (0 -122 m/min) 1 Up to 8000 ft (2438 m) 32° F to 100° F (0° C to 38° C) 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) 10% to 95% RH from 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) I Frost White Refer to diagram on page 2 S4098- 0018 -4 1/2007 Product Selection ;Model 1 SDescript ;on: 4098 -9603 Ionization Smoke Detector Detector Bases 11140 Model Description 4098 -9788 2 -Wire Base with connections for Remote Alarm LED Indicator 4098 -9682 4098 -9683 Detector Accessories Model :Description 4 -Wire Base with Auxiliary Alarm Relay Contacts and connections for Remote LED Alarm Indicator NOTE: Requires external 24 VDC for operation 2 -Wire Base with Auxiliary Alarm Relay connections for Remote LED Indicator NOTE: Must be connected as the only device on the IDC to ensure relay operation. 4098 -9832 Adapter Plate 4098 -9830 I Remote LED Indicator 2098 -9739 I Encapsulated 24 VDC End -of -Line Relay Required for 4 -wire circuits using 4098 -9682 base, one per circuit, 2098 -9735 I Plate Mounted 24 VDC End -of -Line Relay select mounting type as required Metric wire equivalents: 18 AWG 0.82 mm 14 AWG 2.08 mm Detector and Base Dimension Reference Base height 11/16" (17 mm) Compatibility Compatible with detector bases: 4098 -9788, 4098 -9682, and 4098 -9683 sDetaiis IDC and LED connections are screw terminals for in /out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG* Relay Ratings, Single Form 'C' For Suppressed Loads: Power limited, 3 A 28 VDC; Non -power limited, 3 A 120 VAC Wiring Connections (In /Out where required): Relay contacts and IDC wiring, color coded 18 AWG leads; LED wiring, screw terminals for 18 to 14 AWG* Relay Ratings, Dual Form 'C' For Suppressed Loads: Power limited, 1 A 28 VDC Non -power limited, 1/2 A 120 VAC Wiring Connections (In /Out where required): Relay contacts and IDC color coded 18 AWG leads; IDC and LED wiring, screw terminals for 18 to 14 AWG* Details: Required for mounting to surface mounted boxes and 4" square, flush mounted box I May be used when retrofitting existing bases Compatible with 4098 -9788, -9682, -9683 detector bases Mounted on single gang stainless steel plate li ®IEI®: I. H11111 1 -7/8" (124 mm) LED Status Indicator (with clear lens) 2 A 1 7/8" (48 mm) S4098- 0018 -4 1/2007 Mounting Reference 4 (102 mm) square box Electrical Box Requirements: Without felay (base 4098 9788): 4' octagonal or 4' square, 1 1/2' deep Single gang, 2" deep MU relay (bases 4098 -9682 and 4098- 9683): 4' octagonal, 1 1/2" deep, with 1 1/2' extension ring 4' square, 1 1/2' deep, with 1 1/2' extension ring Surface mount reference `�su<.a;.:< `m.':a<,` s'-•_ <`.h`.K. ti::�� �'dX:.,_,.n:. ,.,.:u': hd r ..:'�d$. %�?4 '":1•". f .<,...'.(1, e ms- 4' (102 mm) octagonal box 1 1/2' (38 mm) minimum box depth LJ Flush mount reference, mount even with final surface, or with up to 1/4 (6 4 mm) maximum recess 4098 -9832 Adapter Plate, required for mounting to surface mounded boxes mg to 4' s uare flush, mount boxes 4098 -9682 and 4098 -9683 include a relay module that mounts in base electrical box Smoke Detector Bases 4098 -9788, 9682, -9683 4098 -9603 Smoke Detector 3 34098- 0018 -4 1/2007 Simplex UL, UL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC) Approved* Features 24 VDC powered xenon flashtube visible notification appliance (strobe) for wall mounting: UL listed to Standard 1971 Models are available with 15 75 or 110 candela Strobe candela rating is clearly indicated on reflector Compatible with ADA requirements (refer to important installation information on page 2) Diode polarized input for connection to reverse polarity supervised notification appliance circuit (NAC) In/out wiring is accessible from front of housing providing easy access for installation, inspection, and testing Regulated circuit design ensures consistent output Rugged, high impact, flame retardant thermoplastic housing available in red or white Covers are available separately to convert housing color TrueAlert notification appliance design provides flexible, easy, and convenient semi -flush or surface wall mounting: Easily mounts to single gang, double gang, or 4 -inch square outlet box In/out wiring terminals for 18 AWG to 12 AWG wire Rear of housing does not extend into box Optional adapters and wire guard Mounting adapters are available to cover surface mounted electrical boxes and to adapt to Simplex 2975 -9145 boxes UL listed red wire guard is available for semi -flush or surface mounting This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7125-0026:235 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re- examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Accepted for use City of New York Department of Buildings MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster. TrueAlert Notification Appliances Visible Notification Appliances for Free -Run Operation TrueAlert Non Addressable Strobes are Available in Red with White Lettering and White with Red Lettering Description Strobe Selection TrueAlert non- addressable free -run strobes provide quick and convenient installation using a flexible mounting design. The strobe housing is a rugged, one -piece assembly (including lens) that mounts to single gang, double gang, or 4 square standard electrical box. Wiring terminals are accessible from the front of the housing, providing easy access for installation, inspection, and testing. The cover can be quickly removed (a tool is required) and when in place, the entire assembly is impact and vandal resistant. Separate covers are available for color conversion. Proper selection of visible notification is dependent on occupancy location, local codes, and proper applications of: the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), ANSI A117 1 the appropriate model building code: BOCA, ICBO or SBCCI, and the application guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 54904- 0005 -5 9/2004 Product Selection Free -Run Visible Notification Appliances (Strobes) Strobe _output: Rating 15 cd I 75 cd Model Number 4904 -9168 4904 -9169 4904 -9170 4904 -9171 4904 -9172 4904 -9173 4905 -9961 Wiring access hole Wiring terminals Adapters Ntodel" Descriptl'on- 4905 -9937 Surface mount red adapter skirt Mounting is compatible with single gang, double gang, and 4" (102 mm) square boxes, 1 -1/2" (38 mm) deep, by others If 110 cd Use to cover 1 1/2" deep surface mounted boxes 4905 -9940 Surface mount white adapter skirt 4905 -9931 2975 -9145 Red mounting box, requires Adapter Plate 4905 -9931 Covers and Guard -Model =Description 4905 -9992 Red cover with white "FIRE" lettering 4905 -9993 I White cover with red "FIRE" lettering Wire guard with mounting plate, red, compatible with semi -flush or surface mounted boxes UL listed by Space Age Electronics Inc. Adapter plate, red, for mounting to Simplex 2975 -9145 Box (typically for retrofit, may be mounted vertical or horizontal) Semi -Flush or Surface Strobe Mounting Removable cover (tool required) 'I I 1 Il Mounting Holes: 4" square (4) Single gang (2) Double gang (3) Transparent housing and lens assembly 2 Housing Color Red with white "FIRE' lettering White with red "FIRE" lettering Dimen 5 -3/8" H x 5 -1/4' W x 1 -5/8" D (136 mm x 133 mm x 41 mm) Total depth with strobe 4 -3/8" (111 mm) 8 -5/16" x 5 -3/4" x 0.060" Thick (211 mm x 146 mm x 1.5 mm) 7 7/8' x 5 -1/8' x 2 -3/4' Deep (200 mm x 130 mm x 70 mm) f)imensions' 5 -1/8" H x 5" W x 1 1/2"D (130 mm x 127 mm x 38 mm) 6 -1/16" H x 6 -1/16" W x 3-1/8" D (154 mm x 154 mm x 79 mm) IMPORTANT! WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION HEIGHT REFERENCE Bottom of lens is either even with, or slightly above bottom Y box outline of compatible boxes NFPA 72 requires 80" (2.03 m) that the entire lens minimum be not less than 80" and not greater than 96" above the finished floor r S4904- 0005 -5 9/2004 Specifications General Specifications UL Listed Range, Regulated 24 VDC; see Note 1 below ULC Listed Range 120 VDC to 30 VDC per ULC S526 -M87 Housing Dimensions (including lens) 5 -1/8" H x 5' W x 2 -3/4" D (130 mm x 127 mm x 70 mm) Temperature Range 32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C) Humidity Range 10% to 93 non condensing at 100° F (38° C) Terminal blocks for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm to 3.31 mm two wires per terminal for in /out wiring Rated Voltage Range Connections Strobe Specifications Flash Rate 1 Hz Maximum RMS Current Rating per Strobe Output (see Note 2 below) Reference Currents at other voltages NOTES: 1 "Regulated 24 VDC" refers to the voltage range of 16 to 33 VDC per UL Standard 1971 Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired, changes effective May 1 2004 This voltage range is the absolute operating range. Operation outside of this range may cause permanent damage to the appliance. Please note that 16 VDC is the lowest operating voltage that is allowed at the last appliance on the NAC under worst case conditions. 2. The maximum RMS current listed is the device nameplate rating. Strobe designs are constant wattage and the maximum RMS current rating occurs at the lowest allowable operating voltage. (RMS is root mean square and refers to the effective value of a varying current waveform.) Installation Reference, Adapter Plate, Guard, and Adapter Skirt Pr71iI�ICICI -l�i1 J1IIII,I■I1IIII I %llNE Ini i i Q Rf =a.. I O 4905 9931 Adapter Plate 18 VDC I 24 VDC .I /2975 -9145 Box-, O 15 cd 76 mA 68 mA 51 mA J) FORE 4905 -9931 Adapter Plate r h 4905 -9961 Optional Wire Guard (shown here for reference only can be used on other mounting options) 3 O n 75 cd 192 mA 171-mA 128 mA Optional 4905 -9961 Wire Guard Surface Mounting Reference with Optional Adapter Skirt and Optional Wire Guard Surface mount conduit and box shown for reference 4" (102 mm) square box profile, 1 -1/2' (38 mm) deep 1,10 cd. 227 mA 202 -mA 151 mA Optional Surface Mount Adapter Skirt, 1 1/2' deep: 4905 -9937 Red; 4905 -9940, White (conduit knockouts are provided on all four sides) S4904- 0005 -5 9/2004 B UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved; MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Features Low current, 24 VDC electronic horn provides. Harmonically rich sound output suitable for either steady or pulsed operation Diode polarized input for connection to reverse polarity supervised NACs Rugged, high impact, flame retardant red thermoplastic housing with white `FIRE' lettering (white cover is available separately) Switch selectable horn operation modes: Free -Run mode tracks the output of a conventional fire alarm control panel notification appliance circuit (NAC) SmartSync two -wire control mode accepts horn control commands from compatible control panels (see list on page 2) Free Run Mode operation provides: Horn activated when NAC is in alarm, suitable for Temporal pattern, March Time patterns, or Coded patterns as determined by control panel operation SmartSync two -wire control of audible and visible notification appliance provides: SmartSync horn activation of Temporal Pattern, March Time pattern (at 60 BPM), or on continuously controlled separately from visible appliances on the same circuit Visible appliances on the same circuit operate at a synchronized 1 Hz flash rate Operation that allows `on- until silenced' and `on- until- reset' on the same two -wire pair Class B operation when connected to a compatible SmartSync NAC or to SmartSync Control Module (SCM) 4905 -9938 Class A operation when connected to the 4905 -9938 SCM or with 4100U 4006, or 4008 Series fire alarm control panel NACs TrueAlert notification appliance design provides flexible, easy, and convenient semi -flush or surface wall mounting: Easily mounts to single gang, double gang, or 4 -inch square electrical box In/out wiring terminals, 18 AWG to 12 AWG Rear of housing does not extend into box Optional Accessories. Mounting adapters to cover surface mounted electrical boxes and to adapt to Simplex 2975 -9145 boxes UL listed wire guard 4905 -9961 White cover with red `FIRE' lettering for on -site color conversion (ordered separately) Listing Reference UL listed to Standard 464 ULC listed to Standard S525 TrueA/ere Notification Appliances 4901 -9820 Electronic Horn, Free -Run or SmartSyncTM Compatible, Non Addressable 4901 -9820 TrueAlert Non Addressable Horn, Red Cover with White Lettering Description TrueAlert non addressable horn model 4901 -9820 is an audible notification appliance with a loud and penetrating, harmonically rich sound that can be controlled either directly from a standard NAC (free -run operation mode) or by the SmartSync two -wire operation mode. Standard (free run) operation mode. In the free run mode, a positive voltage from the controlling NAC will activate the horn according to the desired output of continuous or coded output per the controlling NAC's capabilities. SmartSync mode. When selected for SmartSync mode and used with compatible Simplex control (refer to list on page 2), this horn can be wired onto the same two -wire NAC circuit as visible appliances but with separately controlled operation. Typical applications are audible notification activated as `on- until- silenced' and visible notification appliances activated `on- until reset. In addition, visible appliances (strobes) on the same circuit are activated es. SmartSync two wire advantage. Allowing these separate controls to be carried on the same two -wire NAC circuit can significantly reduce installation time and expense for both retrofit and new construction. Flexible mounting. This horn can be semi -flush or surface mounted on a standard single gang, double gang, or 4' square (102 mm) electrical box. Optional accessories are available to increase mounting and application flexibility This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 71350026:238 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document It is subject to re-examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Accepted for use City of New York Department of Buildings MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster. SmartSync two -wire hom/strobe operation is protected under U.S. Patent No. 6,281,789. S4901- 0010 -6 6/2006 SmartSync Two -Wire Control Background. Typically fire alarm control panels activate both audible and visible notification upon receipt of an alarm. At the direction of an authorized operator (or by pre determined program), audible notification appliances may be silenced before the alarm condition is reset (on- until- silenced) while the visible notification appliances are kept activated until the alarm condition is reset (on- until- reset). This operation has traditionally required two different circuits (four -wire operation). The SmartSync operation mode provides this operation using a single circuit (two -wire operation). Product Selection Model 4901 -9820 Adapters Mode! 4905 -9937 4905 -9940 4905 -9931 2975 -9145 Synchronization Control Module AMel 4905 -9938 4905 -9988 4905 -9989 4905 -9961 :Description TrueAlert non addressable electronic horn, red with white "FIRE" lettering <Descriptori Surface mount red adapter skirt Surface mount white adapter skirt Adapter Plate, red, for mounting to Simplex 2975 -9145 box (typically for retrofit, may be mounted vertical or horizontal) Red mounting box, requires Adapter Plate 4905 -9931 Use to cover 1 1/2" deep surface mounted boxes Descrlptlonn SmartSync Control Module, Class A or Class B (Style Z/Y), installs in 4 square box; refer to data sheet S4905 -0003 for details Covers and Guard Model Description Red horn cover with white "FIRE" lettering, available for replacement if required White horn cover with red "FIRE" lettering, use to convert cover color on -site Wire guard with mounting plate, red, compatible with semi -flush or surface mounted boxes UL listed by Space Age Electronics Inc. 2 SmartSync output control is available from: 4006, 4008, 4100U, and 4010 Fire Alarm Control Panels (refer to individual product data sheets for details) 4009 IDNetT"" NAC Extender models 4009 9201 and 4009 9301 (refer to data sheet S4009 0002) SmartSync Control Module (SCM) 4905 9938, which provides a SmartSync interface to conventional NACs and also is used with the 4009 IDNet NAC extender or 4010 Control Panel to provide Class A operation (refer to data sheet S4905 -0003 for additional SCM details) t) *04 5 -1/8" H x 5" W x 1 1/2" D (130 mm x 127 mm x 38 mm) Dimensions 5-3/8' H x 5 -1/4" W x 1 -5/8" D (136 mm x 133 mm x 41 mm) Total depth with horn 3 -1/8" (79 mm) 8 -5/16" x 5 -3/4" x 0.060" Thick (211 mm x 146 mm x mm) 7 7/8' x 5 -1/8' x 2 -3/4" D (200 mm x 130 mm x 70 mm) Dimensions 4" x 4 -1/8" x 1 -1/4" D (102 mm x 105 mm x 32 mm) Dimenslons 5 -1/8" H x 5" W x 1 -1/2" D (130 mm x 127 mm x 38 mm) 6 -1/16" H x 6 -1/16" W x 3-1/8" D (154 mm x 154 mm x 79 mm) S4901- 0010 -6 6/2006 4901 -9820 TrueAlert Non Addressable Horn Specifications Rated Voltage Range Current Ratings Sound Output Characteristics Sound Output Ratings @10ft(3m) (see Note 2) General Specifications Temperature Range Humidity Range Connections NOTES: 1 The rated voltage range listed is the absolute operating range. Operation outside of this range may cause permanent damage. Please note that 16 VDC is the lowest operating voltage that is allowed at the last appliance on the notification appliance circuit under worst case conditions. NAC voltage drops and standby battery calculations should be made using anticipated operating conditions. 2. Coded values are typical of the output measured with a Temporal pattern or a March Time pattern pulse and with a sound level meter reading on a 'fast" setting. Under the same test conditions, coded horn output "peak" sound level readings are typically 4 dBA higher Anechoic horn output ratings are typically more representative of actual installed sound output. Installation Reference Surface or Semi -Flush Horn Mounting Mounting is compatible with single gang, double gang, and 4" (102 mm) square boxes, 1 -1/2" (38 mm) deep, by others Mounting Holes: Single gang (2) Double gang (4) 4" square (4) 16 VDC to 33 VDC, see Note 1 6 VDC 24 VDC 33 V00 21 mA 23 mA 27 ma 2400 to 3700 Hz sweep, modulated at 120 Hz rate 16 VDC I 24: VDC. I 33 VDC Sound Type (Note 2) I Steady I Coded I Steady Coded I Steady I Coded UL 464 Reverberant Chamber I 86 dBA I 83 dBA I 89 dBA I 85 dBA I 92 dBA I 88 dBA Anechoic Chamber I 93 dBA I 89 dBA I 96 dBA I 92 dBA 1 96.3 dBA 1 92.3 dBA Removable cover (tool required) 132° to 122° F (0° to 50° C) I 10% to 93 non condensing 100° F (38° C) Terminal blocks for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm to 3.31 mm two wires per terminal for in /out wiring Selector switch for free -run or SmartSync operation mode V 4905 -9961 Wire Guard Input wiring test points are available with cover removed (wiring terminals are accessible from rear Side View of Horn with Surface Mount Adapter Skirt (Surface mount conduit and box shown for reference) 4" square box profile, 1 -1/2" (38 mm) deep 4901 -9820 Hom 7 1!,,,,,_.:"11 Surface mount adapter skirt: 4905 -9937 Red; 4905 -9940, White (conduit knockouts on all four sides) 3 S4901- 0010 -6 6/2006 Polar Sound Output per ULC Standard S525 96 E 95 S.) 94 93 m 92 d 91 90 3 89 to d 0 88 87 0 CO 86 85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Angular Displacement (Degrees) on Horizontal Axis 4905 -9931 Adapter Plate Installation Information 4905 -9931 Adapter Plate O 0 lII.IP-I. zlir=1- 11=1 .11 r 2975 -9145 Box n o A 0 r 1 4905 -9931 Adapter Plate 4901 -9820 Horn 4905 -9961 Optional Wire Guard (shown here for reference only, can be used on other mounting options) V Tyco, Simplex, the Simplex logo, IDNet, TrueAlert, and SmartSync are trademarks of Tyco International Services AG or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. E3 Simplex Tyco Safety Products Westminster Westminster MA 01441 -0001 USA S4901- 0010 -6 6/2006 www. tycosafetyproducts- usa -wm. com ©2006 Tyco Safety Products Westminster All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. B Horn or Speaker NHS Standard Red I 4905 -9988 I Red White I 4905 -9989 I White Strobe (V /O) L FMB Standard Red I 4905 -9994 White I 4905 -9995 SpeakerNisible (SN) llI Standard Red I 4905 -9996 White I 4905 -9997 FEU French Red 4905 -9826 TrueAlert Notification Appliance Accessories Aftermarket Cover Selection Chart for Addressable and Non Addressable Appliances w- IF0l l E FCi LD Standard French Red I 4905 -9992 Red 4905 -9825 I White I 4905 -9993 HornNisible (AN) FIRE Blank 4905 -9980 I Red I 4905 -9813 4905 -9981 I White I 4905 -9814 NA Without FIRE Blank Red I 4905 -9984 I Red I 4905 -9809 White I 4905 -9985 I White I 4905 -9810 Without FIRE Red I 4905 -9982 White I 4905 -9983 MOM Blank Red I 4905 -9807 White I 4905 -9808 L) Li) L J FEU French Without FIRE Blank Red 4905 -9827 Red I 4905 -9990 .1 Red I 4905 -9811 White I 4905 -9991 I White I 4905 -9812 NOTE: These covers are for use with Simplex listed /approved audible, visible, or combination audible /visible notification appliances as a direct mechanical replacement for the cover originally shipped with the product. Compatibility includes both fixed and multi candela products. White lettering is used on red covers and red lettering is used on white covers. Further agency listings and approvals are not applicable. S4905- 0002 -3 10/2004 Valve Size 1 in 1 in. 1 in. 2 in. 2 in. 2 in. 2 in. 3 in. Part No: (Cyl Valve) 570003 570004 570005 570006 570007 570008 570009 570346 One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 A r Material: Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur Ref Temp for Developed Pressure: Developed Pressure at Ref Temp Hydraulic Test Pressure Minimum Burst Pressure: Thread Type. Paint Finish: Maximum Fill Density Minimum Fill Density FM-200® FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET FM-200® TANK AND VALVE ASSEMBLY 4.1 0 006133PC Specification: Manufactured in accordance with DOT 4BW -450 minimum Grade 2 or Grade 3 .24 max .22 max 0.5 -1.0 max 1.25 max 0 40 max 0.45 max 0 05 max 0 05 max 122 °F (50 °C) 482 psi (33.2 bar) 900 psi (62.1 bar) 1800 psi (124 1 bar) 4 in. 8UN Red epoxy polyester or red polyester powder coated 1 kg/L 0.5 kg/L Volume: Dimension A. Empty Nominal Nominal Diameter Weight: 8 L 12.0 in. (304 mm) 10 in. (254 mm) 32.6 lb. (14.8 kg) 16 L 19.8 in. (502 mm) 10 in. (254 mm) 40.6 lb. (18.4 kg) 32 L 32.8 in. (833 mm) 10 in. (254 mm) 57.5 lb. (26.1 kg) 52 L 23.5 in. (597 mm) 16 in. (406 mm) 108.3 lb. (49 1 kg) 106 L 40.2 in. (1021 mm) 16 in. (406 mm) 158.3:lb (71.8 kg) 147 L 53.3 in. (1354 mm) 16 in. (406 mm) 198.2 lb. (89.9 kg) 180 L 64.3 in. (1633 mm) 16 in. (406 mm) 233.2 lb (105.8 kg) 343 L 57 7 in. (1466 mm) 24 in. (610 mm) 456 lb (207 kg) PC Iyro• 's= Part No. 570085 570092 One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 Specification: Material: Mild Steel Coating: Black Polyethylene powder Plascoat LDPE Coating Thickness: 300 800 microns Mounting: Unirax Unistrut CH10 Channel Part No Container Weight (Brkt) Dia. 570085 10 in. (254 mm) 7 lb. (0.30 kg) 570092 16 in. (406 mm) 1.0 lb. (0.46 kg) FM -200® FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET FM -200® TANK BRACKET gyro iChem One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 Specification: Material: Thread Type: Size: Drill Incrementation: Nozzle Type: Coverage: Protection Height: Max. Distance from Ceiling: Orientation: Temperature Range. Part Numbers: 3/8 in. NPT Nozzle: 1/2 in. NPT Nozzle. 3/4 in. NPT Nozzle: 1 in. NPT Nozzle: 1 1/4 in. NPT Nozzle. 1 1/2 in. NPT Nozzle: 2 in. NPT Nozzle: FM-200® FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET DISCHARGE NOZZLE 000130PC Brass BSP NPT Male Female 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 and 2 Inch 01 mm 8 Port 360° 7 Port 180° 28.7 ft. (8.75 m) (8 Port) 10 05 m (7 Port) 10.5 ft. (3.2 m) (8 Port) 2.9 m (7 Port) 12 in. (300 mm) Pendant upright 32 °F to 122 °F(0 °C to 50 °C) Part No. 570156 Part No. 570157 Part No. 570158 Part No. 570159 Part No. 570160 Part No. 570161 Part No. 570162 PC2001110(1) hen s One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 Part No. 570095 A 2.9 IN. (73 mm) 1.6IN. (41 mm) FM -200® CO2 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET MANUAL ACTUATOR 006128PC Specification: Body' Brass CZ121 Knob: Nylon Safety Pin: Zinc Plated Mild Steel Actuator Pin: Stainless Steel Min. Actuation Force 5.7 lb. (25.5N) Vent Area. 0.01 sq. in. (7.9 mm Stroke. .3 4 in. (7 78 8.38 mm) Part No. 570059 2 CORE CABLE 1 One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 1 1.5 IN. (37.8 mm) 006138PC FM -200® FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET LOW PRESSURE SWITCH (UL) (NORMALLY CLOSED) 1/8 IN. NPT Specification: Body Stainless Steel Electrical Housing: Epoxy Sealed Terminals Connection: Brass 1/8 in. NPT Switch Type: Normally Closed atmospheric pressure Switch Point: Close on Fall at 247 psi (17.0 bar) Open on Rise at 307 psi (21.2 bar) Tolerance: 10 psi 0 7 bar) Proof Pressure: 5000 psi (345 bar) Electrical Connection: 0.9m x 2 Core Cable Max. Current: 2.9 A Voltage Range: 5 -28 vdc Certification: UL Pyr Che N116 Part No. 570192 One Stanton Street Marinette, WI 54143 Specification: Material Finish: Thickness: Dimensions: FM-200® FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DATA SHEET FM -200o DOOR SIGN <NOAEL) Craylon Gloss, scratch resistant 0.08 in. 8.3.in. x 8.3 in. (210 mm x 210 mm) Vico Fire& Security SimplexGrinnell 1) SIMPLEXGRINNELL WARRANTY STATEMENT a) SIMPLEXGRINNELL WARRANTS TO THE PURCHASER OF NEW SIMPLEXGRINNELL PRODUCT(S) THAT THE PRODUCTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL. 2) WARRANTY PERIOD HARDWARE WARRANTY a) THE WARRANTY PERIOD WILL TERMINATE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE EARLIEST OCCURRENCE OF EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING. i) 18 MONTHS HAVE ELAPSED FOLLOWING SHIPMENT OF ANY SYSTEM OR SUB- SYSTEM FROM SIMPLEXGRINNELL TO THE CUSTOMER, OR ii) 12 MONTHS HAVE ELAPSED FOLLOWING THE FINAL CONNECTION OPERATION AND BENEFICIAL USE OF ALL OR ANY PART OF THE SYSTEM. iii) AS STATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS AND /OR CONTRACT DRAWINGS 3) SIMPLEXGRINNELL OBLIGATION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE WARRANTY a) SIMPLEXGRINNELL'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY SHALL BE TO REPAIR, ADJUST OR REPLACE, AT ITS OPTION, ANY SIMPLEXGRINNELL PRODUCT WHICH FAILS DURING THIS PERIOD PROVIDING PURCHASER HAS PROMPTLY REPORTED SUCH FAILURE TO SIMPLEXGRINNELL IN WRITING. REPLACEMENT PARTS WILL BE WARRANTED ONLY FOR THE BALANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT WARRANTY SIMPLEXGRINNELL AGREES TO CONTINUE TO HONOR ALL OF THE UNEXPIRED EXPRESSED WARRANTIES SPECIFIED ABOVE ON DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT AFTER TRANSFER OF THE EQUIPMENT TO PURCHASER'S CUSTOMER, PROVIDED PURCHASER'S CUSTOMER ASSUMES THE PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED BELOW b) EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESSED WARRANTIES STATED HEREIN, SIMPLEXGRINNELL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES ON PRODUCTS FURNISHED HEREUNDER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND THE STATED WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF THE SIMPLEXGRINNELL ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS. THE SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE PRUCHASER OR USER OF THIS EQUIPMENT ARISING OUT OF THE FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT TO OPERATE IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SAID EQUIPMENT c) SIMPLEXGRINNELL MAKES NO WARRANTY AND NO WARRANTY SHALL BE DEEMED TO EXIST THAT PURCHASER HOLDS THE GOODS FREE OF THE CLAIM OF ANY THIRD PERSON BYWAY OF PATENT INFRINGEMENT OR THE LIKE. 4) PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE TERMS OF THE WARRANTY a) THIS WARRANTY IS CONTINGENT UPON THE PROPER INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE PRODUCT(S). SUCH WARRANTY SHALL NOT APPLY IF THE PRODUCT FAILURE IS THE RESULT OF ACCIDENT UNUSUAL PHYSICAL, ELECTRICAL OR ELECTROMECHANICAL STRESS, NEGLECT MISUSE, USER PROGRAMMING ERRORS, FAILURE OF ELECTRICAL POWER, AIR CONDITIONING OR HUMIDITY CONTROL, CONSTRUCTION DUST DAMAGING FOREIGN SUBSTANCES, TRANSPORTATION OR CAUSES OTHER THAN MANUFACTURING DEFECT PURCHASER AGREES TO PROVIDE FULL AND FREE ACCESS TO AUTHORIZED SIMPLEXGRINNELL EMPLOYEES. Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World two Fire Security SimplexGrinnell 5) WARRANTY SERVICE HOURS: a) SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY WILL BE PERFORMED DURING THE HOURS OF 8:00A.M. TO 5:00P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY EXCLUDING LOCALLY OBSERVED SIMPLEXGRINNELL HOLIDAYS. OFF HOURS RESPONSE IS AVAILABLE AS AN EXTRA COST SERVICE OPTION. 6) WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS: a) LABOR, TRAVEL, AND MILEAGE FOR: i) SERVICE OUTSIDE OF SIMPLEXGRINNELL NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. ii) PROGRAMMING AND /OR LABEL CHANGES. iii) FAILURE DUE TO EXTERNAL CAUSES (LIGHTNING SURGES, CONSTRUCTION DUST ETC.) OTHER THAN MANUFACTURING DEFECT b) ELECTRICAL WORK EXTERNAL TO THE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL OR MAINTENANCE OF ACCESSORIES, ALTERATIONS, ATTACHMENTS OR OTHER DEVICES NOT FURNISHED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL. c) BATTERIES d) COVERAGE OF EQUIPMENT CLASSED AS A WATER FLOW MONITORING /CONTROL DEVICES INSTALLED IN OR ON WATER PIPING. Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World Vico Fire Security Simp /exGrinne// MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION 1 CONTRACTOR IS EXPECTED TO PULL AND TERMINATE ALL CONDUCTORS AND INSTALL ALL DEVICES FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATING SYSTEM. 2. WHERE FAN SHUTDOWN, ELEVATOR RECALL OR SPECIAL AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ARE REQUIRED, CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY WIRING REQUIREMENTS WITH THE SIMPLEXGRINNELL FACTORY TECHNICIAN ASSIGNED TO THE PROJECT (IN MANY CASES, SPECIAL WIRING WILL NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS). 3. WHERE POSSIBLE, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO USE COLOR CODE FOR ALL WIRING. 4 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE NOT TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN 3 FEET OF AIR OUTLETS. 5. CONTRACTOR MUST NOT INSTALL SMOKE DETECTOR HEADS IN BASES OR DUCT HOUSING UNTIL FINAL CHECKOUT TIME TO INSURE THAT DIRT OR DUST DOES NOT CONTAMINATE THE UNITS. DIRTY DETECTORS ARE NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY 6. DO NOT POWER -UP SYSTEM UNTIL SIMPLEXGRINNELL FACTORY TECHNICIAN IS PRESENT 7 A SEPARATE GROUND (ISOLATION FROM CONDUIT GROUND) MUST BE PULLED TO ALL CABINETS. 8. LOADS GREATER THAN 10 AMPS (FOR AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS) ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE SAME CONDUIT AS FIRE ALARM. 9 CONTRACTOR IS TO ENSURE THAT ALL WIRING AND SHIELDS ARE FREE OF SHORTS, GROUNDS AND OPENS. 10. UNDERGROUND WIRING MUST MAINTAIN ONE MEGAOHM, 20F RESISTANCE TO GROUND 11 ANY MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION IN CONFLICT WITH ENGINEERING DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADVISE SIMPLEXGRINNELL OF ANY CHANGES. 12. PROTECTIVE COVERS ON SMOKE DETECTORS ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL OWNERS ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM. (PREVENTS CONTAMINATION OF SMOKE CHAMBER). 13. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST THE STATE OR LOCAL FIRE MARSHAL TO BE ON SITE FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND CHECK OUT IF REQUIRED 14 IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INVENTORY ALL EQUIPMENT RECEIVED FROM SIMPLEXGRINNELL AGAINST THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OR SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL ASSUME THE ORDER TO BE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. a. *NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES IN THE NUMBER OF DEVICES SUPPLIED THE FOLLOWING SIMPLEXGRINNELL POLICY WILL APPLY i. TOO FEW DEVICES: IF THE DEVICE IS SHOWN ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND HAS NOT BEEN ADDED AS A RESULT OF A POST BID ADDITION OR CHANGE ORDER, SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL SUPPLY THE DEVICE AT NO CHARGE TO THE CONTRACTOR OR END USER PER SIMPLEXGRINNELL'S CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS. Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World two Fire Security SimplexGrinnell ii. TOO MANY DEVICES: IF THE DEVICE SHOWN IS EXTRA, DUE TO A POST BID ADDITION OR CHANGE ORDER; IT REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR END USER. IF THE DEVICE IS EXTRA DUE TO AN ERROR IN QUANTITIES SUPPLIED THE DEVICE MUST BE RETURNED TO SIMPLEXGRINNELL. NO CREDIT WILL BE ISSUED FOR THE RETURN OF EXTRA EQUIPMENT ABOVE THE QUANTITIES GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 15. OWNERS PRESENCE FOR FINAL DEMONSTRATION AND ACCEPTANCE. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SIMPLEXGRINNELL 1 SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL PROVIDE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF SIMPLEXGRINNELL EQUIPMENT 2. SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL PROVIDE A FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIAN TO ASSIST IN TRAINING: a. OPERATION OF THE CONTROL PANEL AND FUNCTIONS b. ALARM TEST OF ALL SIMPLEXGRINNELL PERIPHERAL DEVICES (SMOKE DETECTOR, MANUAL PULL STATION, ETC.) c. SUPERVISE TEST OF ALL INITIATING, SIGNALING, AND CONTROL CIRCUITS. 3. SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL PROVIDE (1) INSTRUCTION AT FINAL TEST OF THE SYSTEM TO a. OWNER REPRESENTATIVE b. FIRE INSPECTOR AND ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR c. ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER 4 UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL TEST SIMPLEXGRINNELL WILL PROVIDE: a. TEST REPORT b. CERTIFICATION (IF REQUIRED) c. ONE YEAR WARRANTY Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service -Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World Vico Fire Security SimplexGrinnell TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DEVICES GENERAL. FOR ALL DEVICES (SUPPLIED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) VISUALLY VERIFY PROPER LOCATION AND INSTALLATION. SMOKE DETECTOR: ACTIVATE THE DEVICE USING A SMOKE GENERATOR AND VERIFY ALARM CONDITION ON PANEL. RESET PANEL AND VERIFY RESET OF SMOKE DETECTOR AND PANEL. TEST FOR ALARM VERIFICATION IF APPROPRIATE. HEAT DETECTOR: FIXED TEMPERATURE REPLACEMENT ELEMENT REMOVE ELEMENT ON HEAT DETECTOR TO INITIATE ALARM AND VERIFY ALARM CONDITION AT PANEL. REINSTALL ELEMENT RESET SYSTEM, AND VERIFY NON REPLACEABLE ELEMENT NON REPLACEABLE ELEMENT HEAT DETECTORS CAN ONLY BE TESTED FOR CONTINUITY RATE -OF -RISE DETECTORS RATE OF RISE DETECTORS ARE TESTED WITH A HEATER OR BLOW DRYER UNTIL THEY INITIATE ALARM, THEN ALLOWED TO COOL. RESET PANEL AND VERIFY PULL STATIONS. ACTIVATE STATION WITH THE T- HANDLE, VERIFY ALARM AND LABEL FOR LOCATION, RESET STATION, RESET PANEL. DUCT DETECTOR: (PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) REMOVE DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING COVER AND ACTIVATE DEVICE WITH SMOKE, VERIFY ALARM, TEST ALL INDICATORS OR MANUAL TEST SWITCHES, RESET DETECTOR, RESET PANEL, TEST SAMPLE AND REFERENCE TUBE FOR POSITIVE AIR FLOW (IF NOT PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) VERIFY THAT ZONE CIRCUIT IS PRESENT AT THE DEVICE. AUDIBLES AND VISIBLES: ACTIVATE ALARM AND CONFIRM THAT ALL INDICATING APPLIANCES, AUDIBLES AND VISIBLES, ARE OPERATING. DOOR HOLDERS: VERIFY THAT DOORS CLOSE ON ALARM. VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCHES (TAMPER): (IF PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) ACTIVATE SWITCH BY MOVING VALVE OFF NORMAL, VERIFY STATUS CHANGE, RESET SWITCH, RESET PANEL. (IF NOT PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) VERIFY THAT ZONE CIRCUIT IS PRESENT AT THE SWITCH. FLOW SWITCHES AND PRESSURE SWITCHES: (IF PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) ACTIVATE SWITCH (WITH SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR PRESENT) BY A FLOW OF WATER, VERIFY STATUS CHANGE, RESET SWITCHES, RESET PANEL. (IF NOT PROVIDED BY SIMPLEXGRINNELL) VERIFY THAT ZONE CIRCUIT IS PRESENT AND SUPERVISED AT THE SWITCH. FAN/DAMPER CONTROL CIRCUITS: VERIFY (WITH HVAC CONTRACTOR PRESENT) THAT THE CONTROL CIRCUIT IS OPERATING AND THE DEVICES IS BEING CONTROLLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. ELEVATOR CONTROL CIRCUITS: VERIFY (WITH ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR PRESENT) THAT THE ELEVATOR IS BEING CONTROLLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. TRAINING: SIMPLEXGRINNELL SHALL PROVIDE A ONE TRAINING SESSION TO THE CUSTOMER. WARRANTY. THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A ONE YEAR HARDWARE WARRANTY Fire, Security Communications, Workforce Solutions, Sales Service Offices Representatives in Principle Cities throughout the World TECHNICAL Permit uv\knoco n Address $30 w Lauy--td s C3 v� Project description C l aaa Coo VI*7 'fivo,hs ss Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages 43 l99`t Merritt+Pardini Date 4 Distribution Union Station Historic District 1701 Commerce Tacoma, Washington 98402 -3207 Tacoma 206383 -8700 Olympia 206 753 -0087 206 383 -8728 (Fax) Members of The American Institute of Architects By Architecture Urban Design Space Planning Interior Design To ciTy of P,G O Attn e Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. Y gamy, Return enclosures to us. We Transmit: (P-) #j 2 7 (fg By Fa mile Hard copy will (0) will not (El follow (r< Herewith Under separate cover vie For Your In accordance with your request Approval Distribution to parties Information Review Comment Record Use The Folio ng: Drawings Shop Drawing Prints Samples Specifications )Change Order Shop Drawing Reproducibles Product Literature Copies Date Rev. No Remarks_ Project'No. Action Code A. Action Indicated on item transmitted B. No action required C. For signature and return to this office D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under remarks E. See remarks below tea D/� rro_feG? 464A4k Tr1. L®®r G /9264.0 r itch ,s sPs� eo G� If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: Description 'vow i Action Code 900 /TO0 Ijj IN ±,L1 Hedit SZLS 98Z 90 7, Xb.d 90 60 t6/97./t70 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 4 -22 -94 8 18AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES- 206 383 8728 2/ 7 GENERA!. DATA OCCUPANCY 132 and A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Vn LOCATION ON PROM...KI'Y 900 /Z00 �1 FLOOR AREAS. CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING #1 ADMINIS'1'UAT1ON BUI 2ND PLANCHECK APR11 .15.1994 SETBACKS 40' to 100' ROW (i1; NORTH 255'± to Maint, Bldg (r CAST 350'1 to PL (rt1 SOUT11 140 to 60' ROW g WEST MAIN FLOOR. A3 Area 1 155 S F R2 Area 7.5 12 S.F. Total 8,667 S r LOWER Le,VEL 132 Area: 8 479 S.F TOTAL FOR ROTH LEVELS 17,146 Sr ALLOWABLE. 6,000 S.F for A3 Occupancy 8 000 S.F for B2 Occupancy INCREASES. 100% Increase for setback 4 sides 200% Increase For Automatic fire Sprinklers MAIN FLOOR UNITY CHECK 1155 /6000+ 7512/R000 1 13= 40 OK HEIGHT 24' Proposed 40' Allowed NUMBER OF STORIES: I -Story Plus Basement Proposed 2 Story Allowed Bldg 1 I of 2 IuItnJvd +J1IHH IW 9ZL9 gin 90Z Xd.d 90 60 176/9Z /t'0 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 4-22-94 8 18AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES- 206 383 8728 3/ 7 NOTES: 4.► *1 Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies: a. 1 ire Sprinkler System b Prefabricated steel c Olulams d. e. Wood -1 floor joists Fire alarm system f Elevator g. Glass Walls including anchorage to supporting structures. h Skylights and Curtain Walls 1. Masonry All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engnneer licensed in the State of Washington. *2. Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies. Special inspectors shall he approved by the building department prior to construction. Inspectors should be 1C130 Corti lied or meet other qualtttcattons acceptable to the local building department. Copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the I3uilding Department 4f S94,es- ©i4� Welding Lrcction and Installation of Structural Steel P. High Strength Bolting Concrete Glue Nailed Walls *3 Steel l:abneation shop uscd for fabrication of prefabricated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(f). (If shop is AISC. Licensed they will comply but should provide proof of licensing.) 4 44. sQ�e." 131 Z2. *4 Welders should be certified by a third party quality assurance agency WAB() Certification or equal is required. Provide copies of centlicates to building department with shop drawings *5 Statement of structural observation will be rcqurApt;r Seiot1307 ,7 7 ZZOO A z 1 1 Kitchen/Lounge has an occupant load 01 46 per ii s.f and requires two exits. While second exit through unratcd corridor will be allowed because of Lxceptlon 5 to §3305(g). corridor must be uninterrupted by intervening rooms as required by §3305(a) C'.i S CZ) txtTS am Miter. IAU 14 Reiites to h R corridors must be 45 mm. assemblies. 4 1 5flT H' i Fi1'to( c ioA2._ Bldg I 2 of 2 sod coo(] I N T. QUVd +Z1I HNHW 8ZL8 EsE 90g XVd 60 60 t6 /9Z /60 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 4 -22 -94 8 19AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 4/ 7 9oa /tO9II GENERAL DATA OCCUPANCY 113 and 114 LOCATION ON PROPERTY FLOOR AREAS CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING N2 MAINTF,NANC'F BUILDING 2ND PLANCHECK APRIL 1S. 1994 7'YPIH' OF CONSTRUCTION II -1hr with Automatic Sprinklers substituted for I hr construction SETBACKS. 85' to lMli' ROW NORTH 40'1 to 80' ROW (it) FT to PI (irk SOUTH 225'1 to Admin Bldg WEST MAIN FLOOR 1 Area. 3,409 S 1 H4 Area 14.119 S.F. Total 18637 S F SLC,'OND FLOUR H4 Area 1 109 S, r ALLOWABLE 1 1,200 S I Ibr Either H2 or H3 INCREASES 100% Increase for setback Vii? 4 -sides MAIN FLCX)R UNITY CHECK. 18,637 11,200 1 66 5 2 0 t-- OK HEIGHT 26 Proposed 4V Allowed NUMBER OF STORIES: 2 Proposed 2 -Story Allowed 13Idb 2 1 of 3 IMIQ2IHd� LJIHN1L RZLR ERE 90Z XVd 60 60 16/9Z/60 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 4 -22 -94 8 19AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES-- 206 383 8728 5/ 7 NOTES. *I Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies 900 a. Fire Sprinkler System b Prefabricated steel components c. Pre-engineered steel building. f Fire alarm system Storefront Window j Skylight Plastic and I All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington. *2 Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies. Special inspectors shall be approved by the building department prior to umstruction. Inspectors should be ICBO Certified or meet other qualifications acceptable to the local budding department. Copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the Building Department. Welding Erection and Installation o Structural Steel High Strength Bolting L.oncrete Reinforced Masonry where noted on Structural Drawings *3 Steel fabrication shop used for fabrication of prefabneated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(f). (If shop is A!SC. Licensed they will comply hut should provide proof of licensing,.). Welders should he certified by a third pany quality assurance agency WABO Certification or equal is required. Provide copies of certificates to building department with shop drawings. *5 Statement of structural observation will be required per Section 307 i l 1 Door OSC from Chassis Wash to Corridor must swing in direction of egress. Ot fC, 12 Door 23C Crum Parts to Repair Bay must swing in direction of egress. al k l Required exit doors in N3 area must not be provided with latch or lock unless equipped with panic hardware e.g A1dg =2- 2of3 INIQ2IVd� kLI2RI3W 8gL9 £8£ 90Z XVd OT 60 66/9Z/60 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 4 -22-94 8 19AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 6/ 7 14 Corridor currently is serving as required exit for an occupant load greater than 10 Fxit from iv corridor must he to outside of building without intervening rooms. §3305(a) a te p 44tizey 26 Provide supporting data showing compliance with State Energy Code for lighting. rie041701"0 foe fie iffAetery s gp-ceelf Ar mom',. 900/900@1 131dg2 3 of 3 INIG2Wd +3.1IHERK 8ZL9 ESE 90Z YV1 OT 60 t6/9Z/V0 Polaris Engineering and Surveying, Inc 206 South Lincoln Street Suite 201 Poit Angeles, Washington 98362 (206) 452 -5393 FAX. (206) 457 -9319 Mr Larry Romig City of Port Angeles Building Division 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 Subject: Clallam Transit Buildings. Dear Mr Romig: I have examined the revised plans and specifications for the proposed buildings to be built for Clallam Transit at the intersection of Lauridsen Blvd and Hwy 117 and my comments are attached. Most of the comments (those marked with an asterisk) are items that can be addressed during construction. Also there are still a few miskeyed details on the plans that have been marked in red. I have reviewed the plans for conformance with the following: Sincerely cc JN94035 1991 Uniform Building Code 1991 Uniform Plumbing Code 1991 Uniform Mechanical Code WAC Chapters 51 -20 and 51 -21 (State Building Code and Accessibility) WAC Chapter 51 -11 (Energy Code) WAC Chapter 51 13 (Ventilation) Please call me if you have any further questions on this matter I will leave it to your discretion as to whether further revised plans be required, or a permit be issued now with the remaining items being addressed by addenda during construction. J A. Crandall, P.E April 18 1994 CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING #1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 2ND PLANCHECK APRIL 15. 1994 GENERAL DATA OCCUPANCY B2 and A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Vn LOCATION ON PROPERTY FLOOR AREAS. SETBACKS 40' to 100' ROW NORTH 255'± to Maint. Bldg EAST 350'± to PL SOUTH 140'± to 60' ROW WEST MAIN FLOOR. A3 Area. 1 155 S.F B2 Area. 7.512 S.F. Total 8 667 S.F LOWER LEVEL B2 Area. 8 479 S.F TOTAL FOR BOTH LEVELS 17,146 S.F ALLOWABLE 6 000 S F for A3 Occupancy 8 000 S F for B2 Occupancy INCREASES 100% Increase for setback 4 -sides 200% Increase for Automatic Fire Sprinklers MAIN FLOOR UNITY CHECK. 1155 /6000 +7512/8000= 1 13_ <404 —OK HEIGHT 24' Proposed 40' Allowed NUMBER OF STORIES. l -Story Plus Basement Proposed 2 -Story Allowed Bldg 1 1 of 2 NOTES. *1 *3 *5 Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies a. Fire Sprinkler System. b Prefabricated steel c Glulams d. Wood -I floor joists e Fire alarm system f Elevator g. Glass Walls including anchorage to supporting structures h. Skylights and Curtain Walls I. Masonry All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington. *2 Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies. Special inspectors shall be approved by the building department prior to construction. Inspectors should be ICBO Certified or meet other qualifications acceptable to the local building department. Copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the Building Department. Welding Erection and Installation of Structural Steel High Strength Bolting Concrete Glue Nailed Walls Steel fabrication shop used for fabrication of prefabricated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(f). (If shop is AISC Licensed they will comply but should provide proof of licensing.) *4 Welders should be certified by a third party quality assurance agency WABO Certification or equal is required. Provide copies of certificates to building department with shop drawings. Statement of structural observation will be required per Section 307 /a 2 Z 11 Kitchen/Lounge has an occupant load of 46 1 per 15 s.£ and requires two exits While second exit through unrated corridor will be allowed because of Exception 5 to §3305(g), corridor must be uninterrupted by intervening rooms as required by §3305(a) 14 Rehtes to F.R. corridors must be 45 min. assemblies. Bldg 1 2 of 2 GENERAL DATA OCCUPANCY H3 and H4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION LI -lhr with Automatic Sprinklers substituted for 1 -hr construction. LOCATION ON PROPERTY FLOOR AREAS. CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING #2 MAINTENANCE BUILDING 2ND PLANCHECK APRIL 15. 1994 SETBACKS 85' to 100' ROW NORTH 40'± to 80' ROW EAST 90'± to PL SOUTH 225'± to Admin. Bldg WEST MAIN FLOOR. H3 Area. 3 409 S.F H4 Area. 14,119 S.F. Total 18637 S F SECOND FLOOR. H4 Area 1 109 S.F ALLOWABLE 11,200 S.F for Either H2 or H3 INCREASES 100% Increase for setback 4 -sides MAIN FLOOR UNITY CHECK. 18637/11,200= 166.204--OK HEIGHT 26' Proposed 40' Allowed NUMBER OF STORIES. 2 Proposed 2 -Story Allowed Bldg 2 1 of 3 NOTES. *1 Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies *3 a. Fire Sprinkler System. b Prefabricated steel components e Pre engineered steel building. f. Fire alarm system Storefront Window Skylight Plastic and Frame All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington *2 Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies. Special inspectors shall be approved by the building department prior to construction. Inspectors should be ICBO Certified or meet other qualifications acceptable to the local building department. Copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the Building Department. Welding Erection and Installation of Structural Steel High Strength Bolting Concrete Reinforced Masonry where noted on Structural Drawings Steel fabrication shop used for fabrication of prefabricated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(f) (If shop is AISC Licensed they will comply but should provide proof of licensing.) *4 Welders should be certified by a third party quality assurance agency WABO Certification or equal is required. Provide copies of certificates to building department with shop drawings. *5 Statement of structural observation will be required per Section 307 A Z 11 Door 05C from Chassis Wash to Corridor must swing in direction of egress. 4 2 3 12 Door 23C from Parts to Repair Bay must swing in direction of egress 13 Required exit doors in H3 area must not be provided with latch or lock unless equipped with panic hardware Bldg 2 2 of 3 14 Corridor currently is serving as required exit for an occupant load greater than 10 Exit from /V A, corridor must be to outside of building without intervening rooms. §3305(a) 26 Provide supporting data showing compliance with State Energy Code for lighting. Bldg 2 3 of 3 04/15/94 09 37 FAX 206 383 8728 MERR I TT+ PARD I N I Post It` brand fax transmittal memo 7671 I of pages T o 4T From/ w U) co.O C/ I CO.' w N Dept. Phone r-- ce Fax 157_ 73J9 IFax O ww I✓ 3 w to =x y 000 O O 00 t7 c7 O wp mm ta I— I— zz_ N iii.- c E wwc7 U U ww 99 III w w fp ft N vim i 4 I I II I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I z I_ I. 1 I 1 I _I I I 1 1 A �I e i."= &AAAA AAA A AAA5A& Q V F _AA &.AAA &A .iA f N CI 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)Ol0) W O) 0) 0) 0) O) CO O) 01 0) O1t00) C) Of00f0)t0 l' 1 y 0 2 vo1pp 00000 0 Pr- roca0 rnvrr� vmt- mnr.t.lom�ocoaont�rn xC7 rr(+) Kf r' N r�� N Cl c3.. 17 1-- S t- 1 I I I 3h I I t- I Nt• -1333 1 I i3 1 I I I 1 i I 1 3 13 1 1; LL JJJJJJJJaJJ JJJ LL i.JJJJ LL _JJJJJJQ JJJJJJQ 1 pp pp pp pp aa g3g3g33ggggaggggg a3sgg 3 333 pp 33 p :tg3 QnmmmOmmc.)c)o=Jc)Umomwwz__z I I Qmt)Ouo oum❑00LL jI ih m i l llllll111111w ~111111 tit IIIIt(IImt. I u _I LL _LLI LL _I LL _I LL _LLLLI LL _LLI LL I I W I I Z as =mmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmaammmmoo ammc7mmmwmmmmmmLL 0) Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C Z 22 22 2 2222 Z MMMMMM M2MMM2 m 9 I _I,AH :LI I I Rg I g I R I I I NR I I I REERRR I N�.J I W �ueR 0 mksp 009 /9t 9 09 4F4f4f4b 21 09 1 4 9k4mbPktOct4t4kk 4kkt9/09 1,F.FF.F_FF Nf -F.:NN .NFF.r.. NN 6362 F.F.F.F.NF-F.F-F.r.F F..r; g $M M M MM gM M M I y o mama §t o i l f o oMml lm MM= to t o M 0 S'11 QQ pq�rQq�r �aa�( onwy�LLo�g p d a�am� mQ j g O 90Q 0000 r NNC�7 CrI f7 r�` `n g0004OOOOO2 se 0 0 Z Zi 1.11011010110111111111 UM Wnork Olmkt Mettitt+Pardini O m earm•ff v Atehltecture lhhen netion CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM COMBINED ADMINISTRATION, OPERATIONS, 8 MAINTENANCE FACILITY I j 001 /001 O CI 04/15/94 12 13 FAX 206 383 8728 DET31 Merritt+Pardini Mt- BLDG MFR TO DESIGN FOR 2m@ PLF kch$ectare Urban 0edgn Space Planning Intarlor Deakin SLOPED BOND BM AT TOP OF WALL SECTION w I51f SCALE I" l' -mkk Union Depot Historic 01aUict 1701 Commerce Tacoma. Washington 98402 -3207 206 383 -8700 Tacoma) 206 -753 -0087 Olympia) 206 383 -8728 Fax) MERRITT+PARD IN I Dept. IFax Post It" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 I of pages I Tb e �11444�iK�C� 1 From Co. I_ �L (Co. I (Phone /V 9 (Fax I CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM COMBINED ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY Mk D13 L 4x4x'/4 CONT -TIGHT AGAINST EA SIDE OF WALL -BOLT TO EA GIRT UI (I) 1 /2 M.B. 17J 001/001 Ia I Merritt+ Pardini Date l By 1 Distribution Union Station Historic District 1701 Commerce Tacoma, Washington 98402.3207 206383 -70D Tacoma) 206753 0087 (Olympia) N8383-8728 (Fax) Members at The American Institute 01 Architects E00 /ZOO J Architecture Urban Design Space Planning Interior Design 3 �3 57 a Project C7S Subject With/To: C 1 a k l avn Court r sci ss- 1/9 '3o W Lave -dsev► 6lvd, No Phone It this does not meat with your understanding, please contact us In writing wI thin seven days. THANK YOU TA fregh v keirc;.4,,4,• qt.4_ ci- cAvyli, 1‘,/ u ari 3 z? -14 k 7 L it. 01■5 29. f (Ape- 4 w eat (41,-,5 0 —7) z"210Z 1+ O S 7- /Z 5/012-e- 3 t(i-e nuAl2vt_ kr7-1 ceettaw 4- pa-P 13 t ?C leg c17 .es full- 4 Memorandum Telephone Record O Note to the File Minutes of Meeting Page of .1 IMIQavd +S,ZI2RIME SZLS ESE 90Z LO ST I'6 /0£ /£0 Merritt+Pardini Date 3°/14' By Distribution Union Station Historic District 1701 Commerce Tacoma, Washinptor 98402 -3207 206383.8700 Tacoma) 206753 -0087 Olympia) 206 383-8728 fax) Members of The American institute of Architects E 00 j Architecture Urban Design Space Planning Interior Design Project Subject With ?o If this does not moat with your contact us In wrftin wl THANK 9. P g thht seven days. NANK YOU. AteA,4 9-0 Ule �n (AA fi 14- f e4 c i Si cve our respery, ie s 0 1,, Q k sa l r fri fp itle A a /fr t A 411, r a 4r (ema- /n 4 ?-?ItJ i;t &b 4/4 cevei 1/ i t t z zo i_. l Ay4 //4144pn No- Phone INIQ?Ivd +S,yIHaI 8ZL8 E8E 90Z YVd 80 8T emorandum elephone Record I Note to the Fife Minutes of Meeting 0 Page of 2_ k Cli 7 024t 66/0E/E0 "03/29/94 09 16 FAX 206 383 2572 AHBL ENGINEERING Q002/004 BUILDING 1 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS An add iti.cnal note will be added tc Section 1 0 1 on sheet So 1 The concentrated lead is to be distributed over a 2 5 fc ot square area The l c ad to a hanger spa ed at 19 2" o c w' ul d be 1280 lb The ma imum :lead load at a ganger wriul d be approximatel 370 lb The typi capa-ity og a tc_p flange hanger such as in detail 1 )5 is 2t lb See atta_hed calculations .24 Support angle i nct required This will be _oordinated BUILDING 2 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 21 F:r typical p.l.a_ement :f reinforcement in masonry wail= see 5/S0 2 There are no locations with #5 Vert iLal and 2) 1 #6 hor iz -)ntal s: there are no _on l i :ts w th reinfor_ing pia4:.ement See prints dated 15• -94 There are no moments at the base _f perta1 frames thus, none t: be resisted 24 See atta:hed ca:Lr ulsttion=_ 03/29/94 09 17 FAX 206 383 2572 Al IBL CIVIL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Date: 3 By 7174 Copies to: 206/383-2422 206/383-2572 FAX Project de-44 772.A-"..)S1 7- N 2 Subject 1)R.1 7 r 7)e-- WithfTo Address 1 01..1 Pr Co A.) CA Alpe L,/ft.14.0 d o= 5-s Ala" 6 4/ Z:-• e c") C-5"(S)0,7-'7)00c0) io‘ -3 7 so 1c 2215 N. 30th Street Suite 210 Tacoma, WA 98403 Old Town Historical District 1 2'I0 AHBL ENGINEERING [0004/004 Phone Fax Faxed Pages ec 78\ 3, 0 D Page 2- of c alculations Fax O Memorandum 0 Meeting Minutes 0 Telephone Memo if this does not meet with your understanding, please contact us in writing within seven days. THANK YOU. *03/29/94 09 16 FAX 206 383 2572 Al: IBL CIVIL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Date: 3 By 771 Copies to: 206/383-2422 206/383-2572 FAX project C. A-c. (4,-' rrFadas Subject _...2.P e....b/ I With/To Address tc)A- kc) /PEI ef4-A-49PY By f Cbi/k I I 3 fp, .5"Yho) A (JO 44 1" 14e c.3536, 73- ,6_,; 2.6:ts at r (-7 AHBL ENGINEERING 0003/0 0 4 No 2 S 9 0 7 8 Phone Fax Faxed Pages 7 mot c co 2.e> ta6 62)C 7r) 20.'6-'1) S 4) tO Co) 4 .s" 2 4. 1 1 1- 2215 N. 30th Street 1 1 Suite 210 1 Tacoma, WA 98403 i i 1 Old Town 1 Historical District i 1 1 4 --z...,34) CD Page I of CaCalculations 0 Fax 0 Memorandum 0 Meeting Minutes 0 Telephone Memo 1 i 1 1 i i t 1 1 1 1 I If this does not meet with your understanding, please contact us in writing within seven days. THANK YOU. SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -25 -94 10 30AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES- 206 383 8728 2/ 3 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name: Clallam Transit Address: Lauridsen Blvd and Truck Route Plan #94 -5 -7298 Com R -1 Date: March 2, 1994 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions 1 On Plan Sheet Cl 5, please ensure that the signage of the red curb for no parking is lettered with six -inch words whic state, "No Parking Fire Lane S,e.t 2 Plan Sheet Cl 6 Fire hydrant west side of administration must be capable of flowing 1500 gallons per minute Also, the eight -inch supply line serving the hydrant must be capable of flowing the fire sprinkler required flow 3 Fire hydrants shall comply with the City of Port Angeles Public Works specifications w (7611-5 S"C-5 4 Plan Sheet Al 1 Need to locate Knox Box on front gate of the maintenance building and outside of west vestibule Please contact the Port Angeles Fire Department for application of Knox Box v i o 3 -1 g- 4-- 4 5 As indicated on Plan Sheet A2 1, 2 2, and 2 3, please locate fire extinguishers of the appropriate ratings Fire extinguishers are to be mounted to be plainly visible and accessible 511.4 p m ;46-14 6 As indicated on Plan Sheet M2 1 and 2 3, fire dampers are needed in the corridors 3 4 14 5Fr Ek too e 7 Plan Sheet PE1 1 As noted underground storage tank will be required A permit is required from the Port Angeles Fire Department prior to any installation JM 5pisc 8 Please submit approved fire alarm drawings to the Port Angeles Fire Department for approval prior to any installation D.k 9 Please submit approved fire sprinkler plans to the Port Angeles Fire Department for approval prior to any installation FP 22 Page 1 of 2 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -25 -94 10 31AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES- 206 383 8728 3/ 3 t NOTE W �t, c.t4 tp.l ire- fq,04/9 Please ensure posting of occupant load signs in the training and conference rooms As noted on the plans, smoke detectors in the HVAC ducts shall comply with NFPA 90A and B Please ensure that the smoke detectors are connected to a remote indicator light located in a corridor or in another approved location by the Port Angeles Fire Department Appropriate signage for each remote indicator light as to the location of the duct is important P e9 8,AlcAry Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, compliance to the above conditions will be met Reviewed By e C lad Date Z 1- Building Department Fire Copy W CONCEPT REVIEW PRELI�IAAY ENEW FINAL REVIEW DRAWING covtuEM DR MD- SPEC. REF. REVISION PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS NOTE TO PLAN SUE IMITTER ALL PLAN COMMENTS FFEOUARE WRITTEN RESPONSE AND/OR °DEFECTION FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE RETURN FESPON9E WITH PLAN FESURIMI TAL APPROVAL OF ALL F EVEWNG DEPARTMENTS fEOUAFED PROR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE RENBNER REVIEWING DEPAMILIENT APPROVAL Ofw SY DATE COMMENTS I EP EVANG DEPT r ATE1 1 1014 I ..11.0 oL,.......,1, _4-".1 d,- 1 P .c. CT# 1 erg,_._ 4 iwc 4--.1 i a. ,-..f c c g L4 J i ,Q.•,,{zt 414f 1 ,PIA I .0-41.....-el r( ;di, iQ i'.. .�c�cc .es I -c{ b /J i� 4-1-/ v �-h J P C c 1I �4DIcJU rt e`er c g:), �C it K.) EST 0Ou :I 4,- c,- I )0' X.,P, r 2 i9ov ad"' b.J5 //is_. s ed 6..,• b c,, i p Q -�D� v i b a e% P �Y 3e,. ,.......1 1M kE/ 01€1.-,1 JL Se c- c c ---.1 c LOCATION: Owv 511. t 1 7 6-1 S ,22 i-/ f �Z DATE SOLD WASTE FUNNING U HT F3� BACK CHECK S BY/DATE: T A a TAILS c oE9 T ommew ACos+m U Cr, Nfis CO GO N oc oomsoo r a mcwo 1S 0111.0100.4 V 3 -VC S SOHO aria ststaio A4 070r,-417r41----)5;171%, st S 1 ,56 4 0,0,0 s 4 4 vs MAR -21 -1994 13 11 FROM TRES WEST ENGINEERS INC TO JAN -I3 -199 15 27 FROM TRES LEST E TGI S INC TU 71a000cio -ouno •t t.. f Cry, t G (.1 S Props Jun 1iAeretlt +Padini uca ass It e ms 1.1444•0 APtital/ I wo Diglitalbn Motes WammtlEAMX iftillamagaillhielwaranlICIOMMINSIONNo sold wbuiligraillatings14110 Mi. o b r© roe tti cOodr.c 6a "1-04 Al Cowl 37 vftAs Aotr-eth c M +P P 03 see sPe�e 4,26 g o' a hif rif/4 See. $pec ribem-- c&A-eR fzie.3e4AA2-4 p.toS4vis b+%. 1/' 3. 1 Pastir brand truss= memo M en Saws t V Coq. rom p D lbnas U 7oeet d MMus) to Al• ra amine n. of With; RUA ec (9 4 :..J L.1,L v E) ,-6._ (U L 42-1 trlrL r &`r c -v 0 0-evit jcp"AileA9 MAR -21 -1994 13 10 FROM TRES (JEST ENGINEERS INC TO M +P P 02 Talmo .ter 1Mfarch 21, 1994 Mr Tim Bradeb Mechanical Project Manager TresWcst Engineers 2702 South 42nd Strut Suite 301 Tacoma, Washington 95409 Refeiice: Clallam Transit System Subject: Selection of the Oil Water Separ ator CrilluH,braan Ana :lia Dear Tun, A c we discussed on the phone, I based my selection of the oil water separator on two criteria.. The fast criteria. was a phone conversation with, Mark Probst of F M. C. Mark felt there was uo reason to size the oil water separator for a gross spill in the Lube Oil Storage room. His logic was based on two elements. First, each of the teaks/barrels in this room are position over spill containment sumps. This isolates any spilL Secondly, any spill would be manuaally cleaut -up before the sump is drained. This will be accomplished with normally closed fluor /swup drains. The drains would be opened only after pump-out for final rinse down. The second critens was based on the oil /grit separator calculation which were prepared by .Tmad Bahbah of Merrit Pardini on 11/8/93. Working with the daily uskee spelled oat in this document I estimated the oil water separator size as follows. 1) Imad`s work up calla fur 22.68 gallon per day in working thru put 2) The bus washer recycles all water thus adding nothing to the system. 3.) Lacking any specs on the components/parts cleaner,1 doubles the we/icing gallons per day and ruundod up to achieve a figure of 50 gallons per day working thm -nut. 4 For oil water separators, this is all most no thru -put. So, I converted 50 ;eons per day to 50 gallons per hour 5.) Allowing for any spillage in the diesel fueling area, shop work arras etc. I figured on a safety factor of 2,5 tune no mal usage nr 50 gallons per hour x 2,5 =125 gallons per hour maximum thru -put Port Angeles require all oil water separators to achieve a discbaic water quality of 10rng/1 or 10 part per million for total hydrocarbons With my working number of 125 galloon per hour maximum mru -put, I call my supplier and selected the sinallest unit which would meet the water quality requirements. I selected the 660 CPS manufactured by Utility Vault of Auburn, Washington. By selecting the 660 CPS I,again built in another safety factor as this unit is rate at 12.5 gallons per minute at 10 ppm. SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3-24-34 9 41 AM CITY 01 1JOR f ANGELES 200 383 444 2r 1 GENERAL DATA OCCUPANCY Bt and A3 TYPM' OF CONS'I'KUCI'ION Vn LOC:ATION ON PROPERTY FLOOR AREAS. C.LALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING #1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1ST PLANCHECK MARCH 18. 1994 SFTBACKS 40' to 100' ROW NORTI 255'_+ to Maint. Bldg (u) FAST 350'1 to PI SOUTH 140'± to 60' ROW WEST MAIN FLOOR A3 Area. 1 155 S.F B2 Area. 7.512 S.F. Total 8 667 S r 1.C)WF K 1.1-V1 -.I B2 Area. 8 479 S F TOTAL FOR ROTH 1,FVEI.S 17 146 S.F Al.!.OWA13I.1- 6 000 S F for A3 Occupancy 8 000 S.F for B2 Occupancy INCREASES 100% Increase for setback fr 4 -sides 200% Increase for Automatic Firc Sprinklers MAIN 11OOR UNI l'Y CHLCK. 1155/6000 1 7512 /8000— 1 13 40 OK HEIGHT 24 Proposed 40' Allowed NUMBER OF STORIES. 1 -Story Plus Basement Proposed 2 Story Allowed Bldg 1 lof SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 41AM CiTY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 3/11 NOTES. 1 Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies: o te. a. Fire Sprinkler System b Prefabricated steel c. (ilulams d Wood -1 floor joists c. Fire alarm system f Llevator g. Glass Walls including anchorage to supporting structures. h Skylights and Curtain Walls All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington e K 2 Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies, Special inspectors shall he approved by the building department prior to construction. Inspectors should be ICRO Certified or meet other qualifications acceptable to the local building department. Copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the Building Department 5e 59665 SEUtroN D l 40D 2 r 3 Welding Erection and installation of Structural Steel wile- $3E ROM) FO WOMI4Di1 I ligh Strength Bolting Concrete Glue Nailed Walls 3 Steel fabrication shop used for fabrication of prefabricated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(f). (If shop is AISC Licensed they will comply but should provide proofol'lieensing.).51 SpEc SEc !3t 22 4 Welders should be certified by a third party quality assurance agency WARO Certification or equal is required. Provide copies of certificates to building department with shop drawings. Dias 5 Statement of structural observation will he required per Section 307, /VS Pr oio t FIE0 45Y wRre 51 -2o D3o'7 6 Elevator must be prefabricated assembly conforming with all state requirements and IJ Chapter 51 Sly •eprocs 14-2.40 (,i H Z° -2 2 7 Wall schedule sheets (Details 1.1 LS) do not specify wallboard type or F R, ratings or assemblies. Note rating where required and specify Type or normal usage GWA as required. S Sic S Z'tog 65 me* 4 1 .UNE l Bldg 1 2 01'4 LO 6-Ptire-k Nett. SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 41AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 4/11 r i 8 Locker/Dispatch area has a calculated occupant load of 33 Two exits arc required by table 33A for either I rocker or Office areas. Provide and exit separated from first Vim) rquired by §.3303(,c). OC—• L. D 58 MR e 7 -G'� 1. 9 19 5F /5a a 62_ oe y�, Z5 p-t.th S -1 c.E 16,6-351= Bo 4 l rg Z rke- 4 t r 419 South Section of I raining/Conference Room when room dividers are extended, will have 55 0k, a calculated occupant load of 65 a 1 per 7 S I. ruin wits will be required from this section per Table 33A. &S /9t7T AcFPIrr -5& i2t -'ism P ell 10 Provide drinking tbuntain for A Occu ancy as required by $605. /Lr� v'S i 1 /0A7frt r svIE -a— 4 A� h atf2 5t D. f ht, e eta \l sf 1 Kitchen /I.oung has an occupant load of 46 a per 15 s.f and requires two exits. While second exit through unratcd corridor will be allowed because of Exception 5 to Gib §3305(g), corridor must be uninterrupted by intervening rooms as required by §3305(a). Also, lighted exit signs must delineate this second exit. tcSitti (2) /,rrt5 12. Corridor wall "Ti. at lower level is required to be part of] hr'coindor per §3305(g). Section on Detail Sheet L5 indicates unfinished bare studs on one side Revise as required. 5EFc. AmettOz"ir'- g Csi14-1 Te' Ti L 13" Wall type "W" indicated at mech:inicat roam is not included in de ils. Ctti n) tCi e fir rF-- D1 I 14 Relite schedule not completed iy/o i Nil pp tom/ ,•5' 15 Door hardware schedule not included with submitted documents. Provide complete schedule Sae I5eoi< 049- 2 F.E fiDvE,t404 12 0 oa 20 min. corridor doors to be tight fitting, smoke- and draft- control per §3305(h) Panic hardware required on exits serving A Occupancy §3317(d) 16 Section 3/A3 7 is not completed. 5th 1 3" r S" 94 17 Mechanical Sheet M2 I does not show any tire dampers at penetrations into 1 -hr corridor on lower level Provide F D at all corridor penetrations. Also provide details of how 1 hr membrane is to he maintained at WH 1 in vestibule LS. 5 "Yrrib' 18 Sheet A2 4 Roof Plan, is incomplete in that most detail markers are not filled in. Also Detail A /Y is not included in details. ,FE A2.A- 1 9 Window types D and 1' shown on detail sheets F2 and f3 require safety glazing in bottom panels. §5406(d) ID -06riv vM 20 Detail 2 /A3 9 noted on Sheet A2 4 is not completed. cAte, PrAmihp -3445-14— Bldg 1 3 of4 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 42AM CITY OF PORT ANGFI FS-. 206 383 8728 5/11 1' I 2I Provide details of skylight system (Details D6 -D9 not included). Provide screenin' if required by §3403 �t�f r c� u t t� S l- t,mt 4'tt 5' 5 PSG 7toN ceSo 5> DI" t g A-00 eetfev Specification for floor loading on Sheet SO I should include 2000# concentrated load in office areas per §2304(c). Venfy capacity of floor framing system to support this load at critical points such as top flange hangers specified in Detail IN5 23 Verify capacity of canopy (Detail I /W12) to resist upltll from wind loading. 24 Grating support angle shown in Detail 1 /A19 not specified in structural drawings as required. 25 Mechanical plans shall be signed by engineer 5 m,g,. teAliS 3 '5 -14- 26, How is building to comply with State Energy (ode? Provide supporting data showing compliance including: U- values for building envelope components. Glazing area calculations Lighting loads 27 Attached copy of plans have numerous red marks indicating minor inconsistencies or deficiencies in plans. Revise as required, Return the red marked set or plans with the revised plans. Bldg I -401' 4 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 42AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES-{ 206 383 8728 6/11 GENERAL DATA OCCUPANCY H3 and H4 TYP1. OF CONSTRUCTION LOCA PION ON PROPM RTY FLOOR AREAS: CLA1.1.AM COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BUILDING #2 MAINTENANCE BUILDING 1ST PI.ANCHECK MARCH 18. 1994 18637/5100= 365.404-OK Vn C, ft4NC TU t t+e- SE 1'BACKS 85' to 100' ROW (cg NOR I H 40'± to 80' ROW EAST 90'1. to PL (a) SOUTI I 225'± to Admin. Bldg (cl} WF.S l' MAIN FLOOR. H3 Area, 3 409 S F f 4— HrArea. 14,1 19 S.F. Total 18637 S.F SECOND Fl OOR, Area 1 109 S.l. ALL.OWABLL. -5 -I S F for hither �'�or H3 //12,DC, INCREASES 100% Increase tier setback (c 4 -sides 300% Increase for Automatic Fire Sprinklers rt(Z /efi 7 -mwzi et4 MAIN FLOOR UNITY CHECK 5'613 HEIGHT 26' Proposed 40' Allowed ---%1 p wi vrEderb --Q� NUMBER OF STORIES: 2 Proposed I Story Allowed i- NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS OCCUPANCY AND TYPE OF CONS I'KUUTION Bldg 2 I of 4 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 42AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 7/11 NOTES. 1 Provide shop drawings and engineering prior to installation for the following assemblies: e a. Fire Sprinkler System. h Prefabricated steel components e Pre engineered steel building. f Fire alarm system Storefront Window .1 Skylight Plastic and Frame All shop drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington. ©le; Special inspections will be required for the following assemblies. Special inspectors shall he approved by the building department prior to construction. Inspectors should be ICAO Certified or meet other qualifications acceptable to the local building department. Copics of all spec n reports provided to the Building Department Welding Erection and Installation of Structural Steel 1E4 AiolDiEsowa'l. High Strength Bolting Concrete Reinforced Masonry where noted on Structural Drawings 3 Steel fabrication shop used for fabrication of prefabricated components should comply with minimum quality control and other provisions of §306(1). (if shop is AISC Licensed they will comply but should provide proof of licensing.). cfb 5pgaS Sf 2 4 Welders should he certified by a third party quality assurance agency WABO Certification or equal is required, Provide copies of certificates to building department with shop drawings. lc 5 Statement of structural observation will be required per Section 307 AS Prtmifile4e 8 iv —c— ao-b3b7 o Proposed mechanical room dots not qualify as mezzanine per §414 in that it is not .1. "within a room 7 see n ]story several separate oo5 rat ii''�� (f v v R, Door 25A and Pass -Thru 08C arc in 1 -hr Occupancy Separation Wall Asscmblit —must be I -hr rated, not 20 -min as noted in door schedule. §503(c).4 0 3 4514 Bldg -2of4 SENT BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 43AM CITY OF PORT ANGELES 206 383 8728 8/11 V 9 rovide details of how masonry I -hr U S wall is to be constructed at perpendicular intersections with roof purlins. Structural detail 1/w5 I does not provide complete separation. 'Sim 1 VB3 114 'PiT Eret, 1 k7 3 -/7 ?4-- q 0, Lvery room or area having a floor area of more than 200 s.f must have two exits per 3,/ Lxrts must be separated as required by §3303(c). Provide second conforming exit for following areas 75 e_f J SSA Washer Area 06 _e /en SFCotmnon Work Area 11 4 o 5f Facility Maintenance 02' r-` C 1 11&14 12..i 5f Break Room -12 .r Door 05C from Chassis Wash to Corridor must swing in direction of egress.l w f "c2 Door 23C. from Parts to Repair Bay must swing in direction of egress. 13 Required exit doors in H3 area must not be provided with latch or lock unless equipped with panic hardware §3319 Provide hardware schedule, i }t 3 l lt`0 �d✓ Ssk 057 to -l It-t SfEze Corridor currently is serving as required exit for an occupant load greater than 10 Exit from corri mr must be to outside of buildrn 7 without intervening rooms. $3305(a) ®e'- Lam E. c l L Peen iG- pi2t-r4.4 e tom ✓�:r 15 Exposed V apor aitrt iii f ooh: 'om with §1714(c) for smoke development and flame spread. Provide listings for material 1 50 S1-c" [to$ 07 -ZO ?tl D S� S CTi ON 131 16 Wall construction designations are unclear Combined types N R at Fare Retrieval Room apparently indicates GWfi, steel studs and masonry What is meant by combined sections as in wall type O -Q at supervisors office or R -0 at break room? is the intent to have GW13 steel studs, masonry stee studs and.CrWE3? Please clarify. 17 "B" Section of Details is incomplete. 50e. Or 3 /6'14 I R Sheet A2 5 Roof Plan, is incomplete S k2-.5 3 i4 Provide information of proposed translucent roof paneling. Panels and anchorage must he designed to support roof snow and wind loads as required under r tram rhant )1 nru• *5203 Maximum area limitations will apply over corridor I Shy t p$SlbtvEo 6�' /'ri St�fsp 1,�I 'U NO 20 Provide information on propose iransi wail paneling. Panels and anchorage must be designed for wind loading as required by UBC. Chapter 23 and *5203 Areas and separation must conform with §5207 eKC M 1 Bldg; 2 3 of 4 SENT,BY XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER 3 -24 -94 9 43AM CiTY OF PORT ANGELES- 206 383 8728 9/11 21 Providc, sections ot'masonry wall showing reinforcing spacing and locations a Where walls have 2 445 vertical and 2 -116 horizontal which bars arc to be closest to outside faces'' b How will required bar clearances be provided in wall noted above? 22. Details for mezzanine framing plan on Sheet S2 3 are incomplete. 23 How are portal frame column footings to resist applied moments. 24 Verify capacity of canopy (Detail l /W43) to resist uplift from wind loading. 25 Mechanical plans shall be signed by engineer c pt4 014' ko 3 rti'R4- 26 How is building to comply with State Energy Code? Provide supporting data showing compliance including: l i- values for building envelope components. Glazing area calculations Lighting loads 27 Attached copy of plans have numerous red marks indicating minor inconsistencies or deficiencies in plans. Revise as required. Return the rcd marked set of plans with the revised plans. Bldg 2 4 ol' S -rr ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE CALCULATION Abacus Consultants, P.S. 401 Second Ave. South, Suite 201 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)5830200 CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINT BUILDING per JULY 1 1991 WA St. Energy Code Table 5-2, page 54 (ZONE I). Component Performance, Path B. ENERGY CODE MAXIMUMS GROSS WALL CEILING SLAB ON GRADE PERIMETER PROPOSED DESIGN GENERAL PLAN SLAB ON GRADE PERIMETER CEILING /ROOF (OPAQUE) CEILING/ROOF (Kalwall) NORTH ELEVATION: GLAZING (Ka wall) GLAZING (door windows) BAY DOORS PERSONNEL DOORS NET OPAQUE WALL (Upper wall) NET OPAQUE WALL (Lower wall) EAST ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) GLAZING (Colwell) NET OPAQUE WALL (Upper wall) NET OPAQUE WALL (Lower wall) SOUTH ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) GLAZING (Kidwell) GLAZING (Doo( windows) BAY DOORS PERSONNEL DOORS NET OPAQUE WALL (Upper well) NET OPAQUE WALL (Lower well) WEST ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) GLAZING (Kalwell) NET OPAQUE WALL (Upper wall) NET OPAQUE WALL (Lower wall) GRAND TOTAL. Proposed envelope beats Code by K2:384-012%S P READ1E N VST1 R9.WQ 1 Z d U -Value U -Value SECTION TOTAL (Btu/hr -F): 0.190 0.580 0.090 0,410 0.053 0.190 0.580 0,190 0.053 0.190 0.580 0.190 0,580 0.080 0.410 0.053 0.190 0,580 0.190 0.053 0.190 (Btu/hr -F): 8.7% 247J84 (H:12384- 0121ENVST1 R9.WQ1) FINAL 2384412 Groan Floor Area: 18,819 SF Grose Wall Area: 13063 SF Glazing Area: 3380 SF GlazinglWall: 25.9% 32% Max In Zone I Area or Length U x A TOTA 0.250 13,063 SF 3,265,8 77.0% 0.035 18,819 SF 858.7 15.5% 0.560 S70 LF 319.2 7.5% BUDGET MAXIMUM (Btu/hr -F): 4,243.6 100.0% Arse or Length U x A 0.730 S70 LF 0.033 16,882 SF 0.190 1,937 SF 1,724 SF 97 SF 1422 SF 56 SF 232 SF 182 SF 347 SF 218 SF 1,201 SF 2,214 SF 90 440 48 51 4 80 480 1,214 SF SF SF SF SF SF SF 347 SF 216 SF 1,201 SF 2,214 SF 416.1 10.7% 5571 14.4% 368.0 9.5% 1,341.2 34.8% 327.8 8.5% 56.1 1.4% 128.0 3.3% 23.1 0.6% 12.2 0.3% 34.6 0.9% SECTION TOTAL (Btu.ihr -F): 581.5 15.0% 201.3 5.2% 41.0 1 1% 63.2 1.6% 420.7 10.9% SECTION TOTAL (Btu/hr -F): 728.1 18.7% 52.2 1.3% 83.6 Z.2% 26.S 0.7% 48.7 1.2% 32,6 0.8% 25.8 0.7% 230.7 6.0% SECTION TOTAL (Btufir -F): 498.1 12.9% 201.3 5,2% 41.0 11% 63.2 1.6% 420.7 10.9% SECTION TOTAL (Btu/hr -F): 726.1 18.7% 3,873.1 100.0% Reviewer Page 1 of 1 S d S1Ndl1fSNOJ Sf1SdSd WdBS TO V6, 62 2lUW ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE CALCULATION Abacus Coneulfants, P.S. 401 Second Ave. South, Subs 201 Swede, Washington 98104 (206)5630200 CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM ADMIN. OFFICE per: able 5-2, e (ZOEnergy E Code Component Performance, Path B. ENERGY CODE MAXIMUMS GROSS WALL CEILING FLOORS (Exposed) SLAB ON GRADE PERIMETER PROPOSED DESIGN GENERAL PLAN SLAB ON GRADE PERIMETER EXPOSED FLOOR (2nd floor overhangs) CEILING/ROOF (OPAQUE) NORTH ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) NET OPAQUE WALL NORTH EAST ELEVATION: GLAZING (v1ndows) NET OPAQUE WALL EAST ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) NET OPAQUE WALL SOUTH ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) NET OPAQUE WALL SOUTH WEST ELEVATION: GLAZING (wlndews) NET OPAQUE WALL WEST ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) NET OPAQUE WALL NORTH WEST ELEVATION: GLAZING (windows) NET OPAQUE WALL GRAND TOTAL. Proposed envelope basis Code by: gross wall u value HA2384-0121SPREADIENVADMR3.WQ1 Ed U -Value 0.250 0.035 0.050 0.580 0 0.055 0.410 0.058 0.400 0.060 (BtuIhFF): 24.9% 0.053 2122/84 FINAL (H:12384.0121E NVADMR3. W Q 1) 2384-012 Gross Floor Area: Gross Wall Area: Glazing Aron: GlazingniVaII: 32% Max In Zone I Area or Length 12,320 SF 6,321 SF 154 SF 420 LF BUDGET MAXIMUM (Btu/hr -F): U -Value Area or Length 0.580 420 LF 0.050 154 SF 0.092 8,321 SF SECTION TOTAL (B5Uhr -F); 0.580 323 SF 0.058 1,484 SF SECTION TOTAL (Blulhr..F): 0 SF 198 SF SECTION TOTAL (Btufir -F): 0.507 1,129 SF 0.055 2,380 SF SECTION TOTAL (Btulhr -F): 519 SF 1,063 SF SECTION TOTAL (BtuIhr•F): 528 SF 689 SF SECTION TOTAL (Btulhr-F): 0.372 1,072 SF 0.059 2,198 SF SECTION TOTAL (13tulhr -F): 0.580 25 SF 0.059 525 SF SECTION TOTAL (Btufir -F): 15,096 SF 12320 SF 3596 SF 29.2% UxA %TOTA 3,080.0 88.9% 221.2 8.2% 7.7 0.2% 234.9 0.6% 3,543.9 100.0% UYA 234.9 8.8% 7.7 0.3% 202.3 7.8% 444.9 18.7% 187.3 7.0% 64.9 3.2% 272.3 102% 0.0 0.0% 10.6 0.4% 10.8 0.4% 685.3 25,7% 131,5 4.9% 815.5 30.7% 217.5 8.2% 81.7 2.3% 279.1 10.5% 2112 7.9% 53.3 2,0% 284.5 9.9% 385.8 15.0% 129.8 4.9% 525.3 19.8% 14.5 0.5% 30.9 1.2% 45.4 1.7% 2,882.1 100.0% Reviewer Page 1 of 1 S d SLNdl1f1SNOD srouau Wd6S TO P6 62 'JLiW ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384 -012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date: 9129193 Initials: MRN Page 1 Seattle, Washington 98104 (208)583 -0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY FILE NAME. H:12384- 0121ROOF1 WQ1 ASSEMBLY NAME: SECTION EmmalbasMi b d TYPE NUMBER. LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0.17 0.17 2. METAL ROOFING 0 0 3 FELT 0.06 0.06 4. RIGID INSULATION 30 30 5. PLYWOOD (19/32 0.62 0.62 6 7 8. 9 10. INSIDE AIR FILM 0,81 0.61 Insulated Fraction. 1 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R): 31.46 Framed Fraction: 0 U -VALUE (1/R)• 0.032 U (avg) 1/( (Insulated Fractlon•Insulated U- Value) (Framed Fraction'Framed U -Value U- Value) U (avg) 0.032 31.46 0.032 S d S1Ndl1fSNOJ SfJdEd Wd6S TO b6 62 elldW ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384 -012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date: 9/29/93 Initials: MRN Page: 2 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)583 -0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY FILE NAME: HA2384- 0121WALL1 WOl ASSEMBLY NAME. Insulated Fraction: Framed Fraction, SECTION U (avg) =1 (Insulated Frection'Insulated U- Value) (Framed Fraction•Framed U -Value U- Value) U (avg) 0.057 S d TYPE NUMBER; LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0.17 0.17 2. CMU (5' AVERAGE) 0.4 0.4 3. AIR SPACE (2 0 9 0.9 4. NOMINAL 2X6 STUD 0 5,5 5. BATT INSULATION WN.B. 19 0 8. GWB (5/8') 0.56 0.56 7 8. 9. 10. INSIDE AIR FILM 0.68 0.68 0.85 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R)• 21 71 8.21 0.15 U -VALUE (1 /R): 0.046 0.122 S d S±Ndl1f1SNOJ snouad Wd6S TO b6, 62 8dW ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384 -012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date: 9/29/93 Initials: MRN Page 3 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)583.0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY FILE NAME: H•12384- 0121WALL2.WQ1 ASSEMBLY NAME. Insulated Fraction: Framed Fraction. 9 d SECTION U (avg) 1/( (Insulated Fraction Insulated U- Value) 4 (Framed Fraction`Framed U -Value U- Value) U (avg) 0.061 TYPE NUMBER: LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0.17 017 2. CONCRETE (T AVERAGE) 0.56 0.58 3. BATT INSULATION WN.B. 19 0 4. NOMINAL 2X8 STUD 0 5,5 5. GWB (5 /8 0.56 0.58 6. 7 8, 9. 10. INSIDE AIR FILM 0.68 0.68 0.85 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R). 20.97 7.47 0.15 U -VALUE (1 /R) 0.048 0.134 S d S.NdlTfSNOJ snousu Wd00 20 b6 62 aUW ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384 -012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date' 9/29/93 Initials: MRN Page: 4 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)583 -0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY FILE NAME; H:12384- 0121WALL3.WQ1 ASSEMBLY NAME: SECTION L d TYPE NUMBER: LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0.17 0.17 2. CMU (4') 0.32 0.32 3. AIR SPACE (1") 0.94 0.94 4. PLYWOOD (1/2 0.62 0.62 5. BATT INSULATION 19 0 6. NOMINAL 2X6 STUD 0 5.5 7 GWB (5 /8 0.56 0.56 8. 9 10, INSIDE AIR FILM 0.68 0,68 Insulated Fraction: 0.85 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R) 22.29 8.79 Framed Fraction: 0.15 U -VALUE (1 /R). 0.045 0.114 U (avg) 1/( (Insulated Fractlon'Insulated U- Value) (Framed Fraction'Framed U -Value U- Value) U (avg) 0.055 S d SINdl1f1SNOJ Sf USI3 Wd00 20 176 62 auw ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384.012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date: 11/2193 Initials: MRN Page 5 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)583.0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY (MAINT BUILDING LOWER WALL) FILE NAME. H•12384.0121WALL4R3.WQ1 ASSEMBLY NAME: SECTION Insulated Fraction: 0.5 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R)• 12.495 12.05 Framed Fraction, 0.5 U -VALUE (1 /R): 0.080 0.083 U (avg) 1/( (Insulated Fraction•Insulated U- Value) (Framed Fraction•Framed U -Value U- Value) U (avg) 0,082 B TYPE NUMBER: LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0.17 0.17 2. CMU (8 wNerm. 1.645 0 3. CONCRETE REINFORCING 0 1.2 4. EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE, 10 10 5. 6. 7 8. 9 10. INSIDE AIR FILM 0.68 0.68 S d SINdl1f1SNOJ snoba3 Wd00 20 b6 62 eltiW ABACUS Project: CTS Job Number 2384 -012 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 201 Date: 9/29/93 Initials. MRN Page: 6 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)583 -0200 U -VALUE CALCULATONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY FILE NAME. H:12384- 0121WALL5.W01 ASSEMBLY NAME: Insulated Fraction Framed Fraction: SECTION U (avg) 0.093 6 d TYPE NUMBER: LIST OF CONSTRUCTION R -VALUE R -VALUE COMPONENTS BETWEEN STUDS AT STUDS 1 OUTSIDE AIR FILM 017 0.17 2. CMU (4 0.32 0.32 3. BATT INSULATION 11 0 4. NOMINAL 2X4 STUD 0 41 5. GWB (5/81 0.56 0.56 6. 7 8. 9 10 INSIDE AIR FILM 0.68 0.68 0.85 TOTAL RESISTANCE (R)• 12.73 5.83 0.15 U -VALUE (1 /R): 0.079 0.172 U (avg) 1/( (Insulated Fraction•Insulated U- Value) (Framed Fraction'Framed U -Value U- Value) S d SINdl1f1SNOD Sf1JtId Wd00 20 176 62 eJtiW MAR -25 -1994 14 47 FROM TRES WEST ENGINEERS INC TO M +P P 02 CLALLAM TRANSPORATION CENTER LIGHTING ENERGY CALCULATION TYPE ADM UP ADM LO MAIN SITE LABEL WATT EL BATTERY 0 F2 2 REC 2X4 58 F2VT 75 WTR PF 58 F2W 35 45 WRAP 58 FBL 10 UNDER BUS 58 FD 11 HI PL 58 FD2 11 LO -PL 16 FDS 12 SHOLLOW 32 FL 28 LINEAR 69 FL1 0 LINEAR 1L 30 FLC 2 2 MIRROR 40 FLW 8 COR 58 FP2 0 9 6 REC PAR 58 FP2A 3 REC PAR 1 58 FP2S 6 6 SUF PAR 1 58 FP3 53 8 15 REC PAR 88 HA 1 EXTER 100 HD2 1 A EXTER 110 HW 15 M EXT 81 MS 4 M EXT 201 IR 11 INC CONF 75 M2 3 MH 250 275 M4 20 MH 400 460 MC1 8 COR HID 201 MC2 9 COD HID 201 MF 8 EXT FLOOD 81 SD 2 SHOWER 26 SP 1 STAIR 150 X 9 4 9 EXIT 10 PD 5 W400/30 460 PD1 5 W250/30 275 PD2 5 W250/25 275 PS 3 W250 *2/30 550 PS1 4 W250/24 275 PS3 12 W250 275 PS2 2 W250/17 275 ITEM AREA WATT W /SF ADM UP 8667 9577 1 104996 ADM LO 8479 3727 0 439557 MAIN 19299 19839 1 027981 PARKING AREA MAIN PARAMETER ADM PARAMETER ALLOW WATTAGE ACTUAL WATT 165000 580 380 15450 14527 RECEIVED ?OR T V' CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERT APPLICATION SEP 12 ?913 - d Building Division/Electrical Inspections ��CCt�ICI F 321 East Fifth Street--P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 INSPECTIONS rLI Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date: -'� Ulti-Family or Commercial* *Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Revie InformatioD_�baet �-✓"' Job Address: " Building Square Footage: Description of above Owner Information Contractor Information Name: I Name: "Ll-il Mailing Address; Mailing Address; City: State: Zip: Ci State:. Zip: Phone: Fax: Phone: a ax: License#1 Exp, License#!Exp...... id (2 10 Item Unit Charge City Total(Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp, $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp, $410,00 $ Branch Circuit Wl Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit WlO Service Feeder $ 74.00 �_ $�- - L— Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1.4 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102,00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164,00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp, $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ SignlOutfine Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit!Limited Energy-Multi-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy I First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96,00 $ Note: $5,00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note:$5.00 for each additiona[T-Stat ffi Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that t am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am making the electrical installation or alteration is compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC,Chapter 296-4613,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical coDractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash ❑ Check 11,,4 edit Card# L ;' d. Dated: ` 1@1112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 13-00001044 Date. . 9/12/13 Application pin number 853036 Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN RLV04MAINT ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-09-5-0-9190-0000- R EPORT SALES T^v Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax farm Property Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Pro ert Use Property Zoning , , . . . . . UNKNOWN (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc Move propane tan], and circuits Owner Contractor CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM SOTERO & SON ELECTRICAL 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 { (360) 452-4766 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee , , . . 74.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 9/12/13 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date 3/11/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74,0000 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CSR WO/^S/F -^ -A-^-^74.00- -- -- ----------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due e ----------------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 74.00 74.00 .00 00 Plan Check Total .00 00 .00 00 Grand Total 74,00 74.00 00 .00 r INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G;TXCI3ANGEIBIJILDING Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning. Application valuation Owner CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES Occupancy Type Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per 'BASE FEE Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Charged CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 07 00000479 Date 5/14/07 503890 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSIT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM UNKNOWN 21650 Contractor SIMPLEX GRINNELL 9520 10TH AVE S SEATTLE (206) 291 1400 Structure Information 000 000 BUSINESS OFF /PRO /MED /REST WA 98363 FIRE SPRINKLER COMM IT ROOM ADMIN BASEMENT 100859 375 75 Plan Check Fee 244 24 5/14/07 Valuation 21650 11/16/07 BASE FEE 20 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14.PER-K)- FIRE SPRINKLER COMM FIREIN_SPECTION TESTING 101717 100 00 Plan Check Fee 5/14/07 Valuation 11/10/07 Special Notes and Comments 05/08/2007 04 56 PM KDUBUC :1) An acceptance test wi1115 required for this system All detectors. and notification devices1Will be tested' •The manual' release -station will also be tested 2) Owner is responsible for all ongoing system maintenance and inspections 3) System must be interconnected with building fire alarm system Test will include verification of alarm receipt by remote monitoring station 'd 3 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or S abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give- authority to violate or cancel STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Paid Credited Due 475 75 475 75 00 244 24 244 24 00 u Z Signature of Contractor or.Authorized_Agent~ SUITE 100 WA 98108 Extension 95 75 ._.280..00. 00 2i650 ExtensioriF 100 00 00 00 the provisions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the permit. (Date Signature -of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date Call 360- 417 -4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24 -hour notice It is unlawful to cover insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. Inspection Type FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough -in inspection Alann final LP -GAS Underground piping inspection /pressure test Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Tank (container) inspection Appliance inspection LP gas final Removal of flammable /combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final GENERAL COMMENTS FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Date Passed Completed by Contractor. Test #1 Piping pressure test Time initiated Test #2 Piping pressure test Time initiated Comments 2/15/00 psi psi s Page 2 Application Number 07 00000479 Date 5/14/07 Application pin number 503890 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 .00 Grand Total 724 49 724 49 00 00 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compled with whether specified herein or not. The-granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate of cancel the rovisions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the permit. Ali 4 4 1-1 4 Signature of ontractor or.Authoriaed.Agent_- CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5` Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date .Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date x;a Inspection Type FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough -in inspection Alarm final LP -GAS Underground piping inspection /pressure test Above ground piping inspection /pressure test Tank (container) inspection Appliance inspection LP -gas final Call 360 417 4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24 -hour notice It is unlawful to cover insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable /combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final GENERAL COMMENTS FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE ID -Zy -i1 (410 I I Date Passed Completed by Contractor Test #1 Piping pressure test Time initiated Test #2 Piping pressure test Time initiated Comments 2/15/00 psi psi 4 D Building Department Copy Contractor/ Owner Copy Fire Department Copy PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name Clallam Transit FM -200 System Address. 830 West Lauridsen Blvd. Plan 07 -16 Com Residential Date 5 8.2007 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances. 1) An acceptance test will be required for this system. All detectors and notification devices will be tested. The manual release station will also be tested. 2) Owner is responsible for all ongoing system maintenance and inspections. 3) System must be interconnected with building fire alarm system. Test will include verification of alarm receipt by remote monitoring station. NOTE Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by t'L c ,..CC.Q Date 5 0 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Multi family Addition Commercial Remodel Repair Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE TI L42 i Ai. 1h1 v\ct COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. No. of Stories: Lot Size: Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY T•\FORMS\BIdgPermitAppl. wpd Applicant: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 1AX(360)417 -4711 Pe�';ntt- 1 v PtcK uP Cot Ro•-*h% O' a o6-Z91-1`I 6 Applicant or Agent: S t rn P rt vvv't Q-.Q Phone: oLo (.n col l 4- Owner Coos i v rvyLt, Address: d 50 U 3 U N L t c L- cLCity (>\A Architect/Engineer N /A Contractor it v C� r Address: ti 2--0 (0` 4 V1-t) Q.. 14 '"((70 City SLe CRP �A Zip: q$1.0( �t 4s31. PROJECT ADDRESS. 8 l -I 0 We L AAArIC"- 6 eRR.o ZONINo a Re -roof Stove Move Garage Demolition Deck iOther t t No... T PROJECT A cir,Q}- v Occupancy Group Existing Sq. Ft. Phone: State License 51 LLX'WI S Exp: 01 11 0 91 Phone: 2vt, V( 1 b ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Subdivision. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. n 5 Permit C) Date Approved: O 5 -07 Date Issued: Og— t 4 Phone: WO 1112 V v1 t Lak Zip: e t 5 `Nez, _7 1,/c SIZE/VALUATION a t, LP o '0(15 5 0 e SF SF /SF VII SF /SF t'O r P`" I. TOTAL VALUATION ....6., 0 l" r v\ s UNIx. Ili SUOtA.vrt _bp LAci 5 h "A atrVI AAp Occupant Load: Proposed Sq. Ft. /SF Construction Type: 1 TOTAL Sq. Ft. 1 U7 in3pe 11 Yt otai Date: 6 I I fr7 APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG: DPWU FIRE. OTHER. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. tildCari I Fire cur;ty LE TTER OF TRANSMITTAL S implexGrinne r. 9520 10th Avenue South, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98108 Tel. Line: (206) 291 1400 FAX Line: (206) 291 1500 Contractor's License SIMPLL *988BG TO. City of Port Angeles, Building Department 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone 360 417 -5815 WE ARE SENDING YOU COPIES 3 3 1 0 Shop Drawings Copy of letter DATE NO 4/22/2007 Sets 4/22/2007 Sets 5/1/2007 Original THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below 0 For Approval For Your Use As Requested U U For Review and Comment U Attached Under separate cover via Prints Samples Change Order IN Other DESCRIPTION Fire Alarm Drawings for the above job Data/Spec Sheet Submittals for the above job. Application for a Fire Alarm Permit for the above job Resubmit For Approval U Return DATE. 5/1/2007 I JOB NO 927087901 ATTN. Linda in the Bldg Department for Permits RE. Clallam County Transit 1 or 2 0 Cut Sheets IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE copies for approval. copies for distribution. corrected plans. the following items. REMARKS Please accept these documents so that we may obtain a fire alarm permit. for the above job We may need an electrical permit if it is not included in the fire alarm Once this is approved and ready to pick up, please let me know at the number below and I will come over and pay for this and pick it up at the same time. If you have any questions, please let us know Thank you very much. COPY TO File, Ship FedEx SIGNED* ICatli% O'Realr 200 291- 1408 PREPARED 8/03/06 11 49 11 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 8/03/06 ADDRESS 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM TRANSIT CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM PHONE PARCEL 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 APPL NUMBER 06 00000561 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL1 01 6/30/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING 6/30/06 DA 06/29/2006 02 33 PM PBARTHOL KEVIN 460 7712 06/30/2006 03 50 PM JLIERLY This was a frame inspection cannot approve until electrical has been approved first/j11 BL3 01 6 8/03/ 6 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13 00 9 KEVIN 417 1359 08/02/02 /2006 03 41 PM DYASUMUR 08/03/2006 08 25 AM PBARTHOL COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 7/26/06 11 14 34 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 22 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 7/26/06 ADDRESS 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM TRANSIT CONTRACTOR CONTROL CONTRACTORS INC PHONE (206) 328 1730 OWNER CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM PHONE PARCEL 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 APPL NUMBER 06 00000806 MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS MERP 01 7/26/06 J L MECHANICAL REFRIGERANT PRESS TIME 13 00 A t DEREK 206 730 8290 07/26/2006 07 59 AM DYASUMUR COMMENTS AND NOTES Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 83352 Permit Fee 36 40 Issue Date 7/25/06 Expiration Date 1/21/07 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 83345 Permit Fee 64 70 Issue Date 7/25/06 Expiration Date 1/21/07 Signature of CoKractor or Authorized Agent T• \Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 06 00000806 841894 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 CLALLAM TRANSIT MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT UNKNOWN 9328 Contractor ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL BASE FEE CONTROL CONTRACTORS INC 1128 POPLAR PL S SEATTLE WA SEATTLE (206) 328 1730 Plan Check Fee Valuation Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 36 4000 ECH EL -LVT FIRST THERMOSTAT Plan Check Fee Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 14 7000 ECH ME INSTALL 100 FAU Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Permit Fee Total 101 10 101 10 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 Grand Total 101 10 101 10 00 Date 7/25/06 WA 98144 00 0 Extension 36 40 00 Valuation 0 Due Extension 50 00 14 70 00 00 00 iA` Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection Fhereby have- read -and- examined- this application -and know- the -same- to -be true -and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 7 /zs /ae Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 YES I NO FINAL FINAL PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA. PARKING /LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING I SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT DATE ACCEPTED BY. CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING FIRE 417 -4653 I I I I FIRE DEPT I 1 I um 3o 'Jk. DATE ACCEPTED BY. PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I I I I PLANNING DEPT 4/ `N I r 4 1 6 BUILDING 417 -4815 I I I I BUILDING I I T- \Policies \l 102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] g. 6 Applicant or Agent:_, A n A Owner Ilurn 'han5 +-i- 6,, i-em Address _R?o (v. ZGt rJ( Ad setn,j/vh. City j lees Architect/Engineer Contractor con I 6n s T State License cz Exp to/oz /o 7 Address. 1(2 c e o n I Pi S. City ,f1 PROJECT ADDRESS b3a fit. Le-tue ds'cr 131,x.1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER 6 3005617160000 Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit Card Type VISA MC TYPE OF WORK. Residential Multi family 1i Commercial Repair Fill out COMPLETELY and in. INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 New Constr Addition Remodel Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT fre4�-fA n4► tad" ru.�Siae. No of Stones: Lot Size: Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Re -roof Stove Move Garage Demolition Deck Other COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group snsll ew Existing Sq. Ft. ESA/Wetland(s): Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other t, Applicant: Phone (tai) 3 Z 8 1730 exl IfR Phone Phone o) 452 4V1 Zip q83, S FOR O FFIC IAI/ USE ONL Y Date Rec. �fi r0/ Permit #•�V(L Date Approved:_ Date Issued. 7 /2a�/�/V Phone (2ci6) 322 1730 Zip ZONING L Z Subdivision. Giot llam Trxinsel 51 Y27 P3o7.51A SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION ft`1 06) tJ v i'-. e'vrA en S I✓ d;, l Jrt t T e b Occupant Load. Construction Type: Proposed Sq Ft. TOTAL Sq Ft. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon wntten request by the applicant (see Section R105 3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Date. 7/z1 APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE OTHER Owner Contractor CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Construction Type Occupancy Type Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 61 3000 ECH EL COMM ALT <5 CIRCUITS Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 06 00000031 Date 7/24/06 Application pin number 557500 Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 Tenant nbr name CLALLAM TRANSIT SYS Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning UNKNOWN Application valuation 500 OWNER Structure Information 000 000 TYPE II NON RATED GARAGES CARPORTS SHEDS Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc OLY EL/ 1 5 CIRCUITS IT RM Permit pin number 83006 Sub Contractor OLYMPIC ELECTRIC Permit Fee 61 30 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 7/24/06 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/20/07 Special Notes and Comments The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review Charged Paid Credited 61 30 61 30 00 00 00 00 61 30 61 30 00 Due Extension 61 30 00 00 00 CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVED INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. DITCH ROUGH -IN COVER SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO COMMENTS 11co D 5/710 PW- u02.151 1 Job wired by Electrical contractor name License number Date Expires OL yin C eeefr aLemee.e4L$50f Purchaser's mailing address L I 0120 7:11 1'ifi f Tee /t,q,,J i l ie zl 3 Telephone number PAX number 1 -157 5303 Li sa 3g `l8 Premise• owner's name C' A /IA rr e, -r'-4 371 A inspection 53 0 L q u k, I r_.ice+ i 01.1/t, pp ?wr ,4r► c &le.s City Phone number to schedule inspection. /4 is- Owner as defined by RCW .IF 28_26110 Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is fur sale, rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor, I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. /Signature o' ner, electrical c tractor or electrical administrator TO 39G'd e N(Electrical Contractor Owner Date T `?i Qd ofcard Electthal Loyd Additions and or suction NO LOAD CHANGES O Baseboard KW Furnace KW Overhead Service O Neat Pump Ton LAR Temp Service D Fan -Walt KW p:Underground Service SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360- 417 -4735 ROUGH -IN r THERMOSTAT Inspection Date Oma Appe''Cd Cy F1NaI, I f D Dula APMybvud ,(1,1r) 71/.2i4 1 t y D aC Pure Approved By DITCH Area, Building or Equipment Inspected 0Ia10313 OIdWA 1O ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATXON" /Installation description 0 (Connmercial Residential O New Or-Altered/Addition fliti a 2 e /ya tt,e ..F 6,� raw Cash Check 0 Credit Card Visa Card Expiration Date Approved By Dolt. Mastercard Discover ale 30 I ccti n fcc s Servjce Information Voltage "/V8° o Phase 12(3 Service Size: Feeder Size: SERVICE Action Taken Dule Approved By J FL€DER Approved By Electrical Inspector 86tEZSb09E Zb LO 900Z/TZ/L0 PREPARED 6/30/06 8 55 20 INSPECTION TICKET CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY ADDRESS 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM TRANSIT CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM PHONE PARCEL 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 APPL NUMBER 06 00000561 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL1 01 6/30/06 1t ING 06/29/2006 02 33 PM PBARTHOL KEVIN 460 7712 COMMENTS AND NOTES PAGE 20 DATE 6/30/06 c- 704 e LA 0 Application Number 06 00000561 Date 6/06/06 Application pin number 649079 Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 Tenant nbr name CLALLAM TRANSIT Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning UNKNOWN Application valuation 2000 Owner Contractor CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Construction Type Occupancy Type Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 79400 Permit Fee 95 75 Plan Check Fee 62 24 Issue Date Valuation 2000 Expiration Date 12/03/06 Qty Unit Charge Per CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 OWNER Structure Information 000 000 TYPE, V NON RATED BUSINESS OFF /PRO /MED /REST BASE FEE 15 00 3 0500 HND BL -501 2K (3 05 PER C) Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc Permit pin number 79418 Permit Fee 64 70 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 12/03/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 1 00 14 7000 ECH ME INSTALL 100- FAU 14 70 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 160 45 160 45 00 00 Plan Check Total 62 24 62 24 00 00 Grand Total 222 69 222 69 00 00 Extension 50 00 45 75 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authors to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. k4k ,$mature of Cont ctor or Authorized Agent bath Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T•\Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] V 1 FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE SACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING/LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT FIRE 417 -4653 I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Pia I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: 2� FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING ..,ra rnrrlf i wn[1 11 /4/20051 I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING Project Name Clallam Transit IT Room Address 830 West Lauridsen Blvd. Plan 06 -16 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances, with the following comment: 1) Separate plans are required for the FM -200 Fire Suppression system. NOTE Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by Ei PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT Building Department Copy Contractor/ Owner Copy Fire Department Copy PLAN REVIEW Corn Residential Date 6 1.2006 Date Ca l U C. Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST B COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 Applicant or Agent: Ilf 1t,4 6, AL LA C. I Owner C L ALL R M ITC 11,14 s -r Address: 836 W LttuR i i st •I (3 Architect/Engineer. tr1A Contractor Address: 5i ST'L M PROJECT ADDRESS 1 LAL) a 12 S 6...• 1 L. JD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: 1 .x, 3 Block. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City `^`T 120)67 L L E D TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re -roof Multi- family ar Addition Move Garage Commercial Remodel Demolition Repair Sign Other BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (DA/ State License Exp City CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. b 6 3 Ofd 9 Co i y 60 SIZE/VALUATION Stove ,700 SF f 0 /SF SF /SF Deck SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION VC7' a n (0 ROD v7 in/ //O/176✓ /3 r/24170.J Zv /G 0 /.t/4' R01 S /'1/-7 •n/p 6-p 7 HO OS 2 at- rhiD /c R" 7/ SNST /!l COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group No of Stones: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003) No application can be extended more than once. 1 hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T•\FORMS\BIdgPerrnitform.wpd Applicant: v131 oV ?.O 2 Subdivision. &.Proposed Sq Ft. Phone: Date: 4 Phone: Zip ZONING GI�o�T.s' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY l ate Rec./ O l ermit 66 5Co Date Approved: Date Issued: Phone: (36 4 3 5 5 Phone. C 360) 4 15 0? 1 3 15' zip. 1 8 3 C 3 TOTAL Sq Ft. co/4 PQn1 &17-5 e9M mI4 ij 5/4sc• /'JtiYC. 6 'J7 Occupant Load. Construction Type' APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. OTHER. _5 h0/f 'c'44,Fb ©c› -Lto Clallam Transit System Technology Room Relocation Project Details DETAIL 20 x 10 ft. addition located in the Administration building basement located at 830 W Lauridsen Blvd Non supporting interior walls to be 2 x 4 construction spaced on 24 inch centers, secured at top to existing floor joist and fastened to concrete at both sides of north entrance door and then bolted every 12 inches R -11 insulation backing interior walls 1/2 inch drywall on interior walls 5/8 inch drywall ceiling Interior fire door installed at north entrance (minimum 20 minute burn) ADDITIONAL Electrical work and permitting shall be performed by electrical contractor and shall support outlets, lighting and systems detailed within electrical permit permit shall be obtained by installing contractor Sprinkler system to be modified to accommodate a FM -200 Fire Suppression System or equivalent permit shall be obtained by installing contractor HVAC shall be independent designated heat pump system permit shall be obtained by installing contractor Smoke detection system shall be interfaced into existing panel T \keg \facility \addition 2006 30" x 72" WORK TABLE IT-ROOM-Al VSD Rev. 2/17/06 STORAGE SHELVING iS I-XIS I ING SPRINKLER PIPE CLALLAM TRANSIT IT EQUIPMENT ROOM GENERAL PLAN 0 5 SCALE 3/8 IN. 1 FT EXISTING WALL r WALL- MOUNTED COMPONEN fS LAX DEPTH 9' I- MAINTAIN MIN. 36' CLEARANCE co U b) C- OPSCAN CABINET I. LI I 23 -IN RACK REMOVE SPRINKLER HEADS 9' CABLE TRAY ABOVE RACKS U PLYWOOD ON WALL 23 -IN RA 2 MAINTAIN MIN. 36' CLEARANCE I LI I 19TR RACK t 1011 E x4sTINo= QNtp Tf_T_SABpvE O KEEP THIS AREA CLEAR UNDER SLEEVES AND CONDUITS TO PROTECT FROM WATER ENTRY FROM ABOVE Lt. 0 ILL_ tv "v .J /L) PLANS APPROVED BY PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPT DAT G l 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 (33 EQ CMU COURSES) 24 —0" 5 -4" 3 FILE g CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other doa shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of ail codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. 2003 a3C Jk- Approval Date By fi czz v o I N` \I o ff' 0 a yrt I r 0 4 1 J O 7 1. 1 1 J ,r T F1 O d FF4 NIA/0 )A/ Le /rs?ih)l7 y4& f ZT7' 1 I' 1 80770 /✓f P rA q 7":&> ,Yy a o N y �cTG a F4 rr,k= r elr9r1c,/ t 7 T' 7 r 7 r Y 7 fiZ5 /Z o c L J r 4 J .1.1 r r 7 rlib d /v00, 1'1 a et41.1:4 1 vMr57 T"_ UNM CR e y er!' 1` r` 2 A3.6 0 o ENt"ARGEt Pt AN 22' -8 1/4" s 011RIDOR t 1 of 6 PREPARED 2/08/06 13 16 48 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 2/08/06 ADDRESS 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM TRANSIT SYS CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM PHONE PARCEL 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 APPL NUMBER 06 00000031 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 KEVIN 2 /08/ 0006 JLL 0UI07ING 6RAMING 02/07/2006 10 59 AM PBARTHOL KEVIN 417 1359 THIS IS 4100 TUMWATER TRK RT TRANSIT MAINT BLDG COMMENTS AND NOTES CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 06- 00000031 Date 1/12/06 Application pin number 557500 Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 Tenant nbr name CLALLAM TRANSIT SYS Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning UNKNOWN Application valuation 500 Owner Contractor CL ALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM OWNER 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD �N PORT ANGELES WA 98363 v n Structure Information 000 000 Construction Type TYPE II NON RATED r Occupancy Type GARAGES CARPORTS SHEDS c� l„ Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc 4r Permit pin number 68726 Permit Fee 50 00 Plan Check Fee 32 50 n c ___C Issue Date 1/12/06 Valuation 500 Expiration Date 7/11/06 4. s Qty Unit Charge Per Extension '-e P' f. BASE FEE 50 00 J CA Z c v ee summary Charged Paid Credited Due a) 1' r fir 4 i 1 Plan Check Total 32 50 32 50 00 00 Grand Total 82 50 82 50 00 00 T•\Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] a9‘oreb Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 2 a P' Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date nature of Owner (fifer is builder) Date 6 FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING /SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING/LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT FIRE 417 -4653 I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I BUILDING 417 -4815 I T•\Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd 1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS 1 1 1 1 YES I NO I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I f 1 1 I l'O 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE I ACCEPTED I YES I NO 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION RW PW/ CONSTRUCTION RW ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT BUILDING DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. 1 e1 1 Vp 0 Address Contractor Address TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Multi- family Addition Commercial Remodel Repair BUILDING PERMIT Fill out COMPLETELY and in LNK. Your CUfi1LLiL Lc, n PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 Applicant or Agent: C AFL (/ZAr4 r-r Owner e L4 041'( Phone 130 NIA LA)ur r95E4 ✓d2, City' 702 :lfiAi 1 R L 646 7 Phone Gt.'T NO /41 )State License y 00 rum iv E rl�- cit Q1 Ails �z 5 PROJECT ADDRESS SQ W ,VsUR( PS MVP. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: I 2 3 I Block. 2 Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. SP 0,40P 'I I j (3/O6Q 0 Re roof Move Demolition Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Stove Garage Othe Other A/D BHA 4). COMMERCL4L/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group H 3 N 1 Oc No of Stories: Lot Size: 1 SL U' Existing Sq Ft. 1ti Z.ig Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other APPLICATION application and site plan MUST B If ii ry c:F.nr: 0 11 F_ X(360)417 4711 Exp ,3* 3,6 3 Zip G(g 3,b /117 135 Phone Zip ZONING E n o -f'S SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION ,TO SO<� 1-4,WW 4,1/ TD FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. tc ermit n O' 01 Date Approved. Date Issued ica/mr- 417 /3 59 Phone -3b0) 4 13 I S cupant Load. Construction Type 'V n(. 5012(4{KLI 144 Proposed Sq Ft. S' TOTAL Sq Ft.j J l J APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWTJ FIRE OTHER. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee as due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submutted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003) No application can be extended more than once. 1 hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to deferm what p t are equired ,not the City's, and tha I mu t obtain such permits prior to work. r is i o P A I TAPolicies\BL I 102_13.wpd Applicant: ate: 0) z 1 .0 3 Feet Vertical Datum NAVD 88 Horizontal Datum NAD 83/91 Area Map 1/ I This map is not intended to be used as a legal description. This map/drawing is produced by the City of Port Angeles for its own use and purposes Any other use of this map/drawing shall not be the responsibility of the City 4.-**) Approval Date I F e r rL rl t2 CP,ft EP-O rA dGEJ:v C i0i1 ails The I uance of this p irmit based up i n these plans, specifi- shah e buit�di ei9ciai from t ereafter requi►`ng t i of errors in said data, or from preventing buiidin�. operations being carried on thereunder when in vioiatin n° all_codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. (Q B I f i p051 Tr /E` eOKnJE.C.:7 V Y© ,GDO,e— s i A L L fi i5 �J8 IZU UG t Dip ZI�L G4L) c-ki-WitS 503 S k- T(2k. c Lt& j O G. O tv G 2., J Z. Si A1.2 J ti -a De Si 6040 k t4A/9 1 4 Sr�il/Z (411) t\ in -oV /Li ,P_ C 1° V-11-c- Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application desc Surveillance system Owner CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 124883 Permit Fee 84 00 Issue Date 4/24/08 Expiration Date 10/21/08 Qty 1 00 4 00 Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 98363 Unit Charge Per 40 0000 11 0000 84 00 00 84 00 08 00000459 346881 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY UNKNOWN 0 Contractor ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL HI TECH SECURITY INC 723 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 2727 EL LOW VOLT SYS =2500 SQFT EL -LOW VOLT SYS >2500 SQFT Paid Credited 84 00 00 00 00 84 00 00 Date 4/24/08 WA 98362 Plan Check Fee 00 Valuation 0 Due Extension 40 00 44 00 00 00 00 INSPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL ‘/J5/ A frore)~66 ArctO Application Number 06 00000811 Application pin number 958041 Property Address 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 09 5 0 9190 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning UNKNOWN Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 CONTROL CONTRACTORS INC 1128 POPLAR PL S SEATTLE WA SEATTLE WA 98144 (206) 328 1730 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc CONTROL CONTRACTORS/ AC UNIT Permit pin number 83410 Sub Contractor CONTROL CONTRACTORS INC Permit Fee 61 30 Plan Check Fee 00 V Issue Date 7/27/06 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/23/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 61 3000 ECH EL COMM ALT <5 CIRCUITS 61 30 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Date 7/27/06 Permit Fee Total 61 30 61 30 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 61 30 61 30 00 00 d COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO DITCI1 1 ROUGH -IN COVEk 1 7-26.0 b SERVICt I'? -Z't o I I I I 1 l I I I I I I COMMENTS PW -i 102.131 1 d'''''''~ "@ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS . ELECTRICAL DIVISION J21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98J62 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 6/24/98 Permit No: 6353 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ CLALLAllI COUNTY TRANSIT 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD W 2417 W, 19TH STREET Lot: 1,2,3,4 Port Angeles, WA 98363 Block: 2 Long Legal:' 206/45~-1315 Sub: CROFTS T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR--------------~--------~-----DESIGNER-----------------------~--------- STRAIT$ ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 2914 PORT A~GELES, WA 98362 360/45~-9104 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT jNFO------------------------------------------------------------________ prj Type: COML. MISC. prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occ vrp: Occ Load: Land Use: LI Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Futnace KW: Hellt Pump KW: Fat\/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Service X Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service size: Feeder Size: -1 o -3 DAMPS DAMPS PROJECT ~OTES---------------------------------------------------________________ WIRE RECEPTACLE FOR SUMP PUMP IN WATER VALVE VAULT. POWER FROM CKT. TO GATE OPENER PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT-----~---~-----~----------------------------_____________ S,ervice: . $0.00 Ad~itional ~eeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $52.00 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc $0.00 ====*============================ TOTAL FEE: $52.00 TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $52.00 $52.00 -------------------------- Balance Due: $0.00 COMMEl'nS/ACTlON NEEDED ELEcrRICAL PERMIT INSPEcrlON RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COlIER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPKCllON TYPE DATI< ACCIll"RD coMMENTS YES NO VnCH V -IN / CUYhK SERVICE , , I c-/OIf//'1X' I~ I . GENERAL COMMENTS, PW.I101.1}14'96] . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. ~~ Z- /1,/;~1r1 DATE Sitp Address: D READY FOR INSPECTION license Number: \l(WI LL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Imitalled By: O~ner/Business: Phone: Sq. Ft. EutCTRIC HEAT D BASEBOARD KW D FURNACE KW - D HEAT PUMP KW_ D FAN/WALL KW D RESIDENTIAL D COMMERCIAL D NEW CONSTRUCTION D REMODEL ;g ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS D SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR D TEMPORARY SERVICE D RISER D OVERHEAD SERVICE D UNDERGROUND SERVICE VOLTAGE: D116 D316 SERVICE SIZE FEEDER SIZE AMPS AMPS Deiails/Description: ,LOu) ~ /11/ /I-C 1~ G-J;~~ . w.$. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: D O.K. D NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: D CHANGE TRANSFORMER D INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. D OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED D CHANGE SERVICE WIRE D OTHER D pitch Inspection 0. K. D Rough-in/cover O.K. D O.K. to connect service I D Final OX ~ New Meters . Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not e covered befbre inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or 6n the Bu~ Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. ff I ~... NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT tr ...... ~D i /~A $ ~c ; / Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE - File by address I OLYMpIC PRINTERS INC. , .1. PINK - Top: Eng, Soltam, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. 7170'::<" 7/.;2/ /p.)/ DATE Sit Address: o READY FOR INSPECTION license Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. I I ELBCTRIC HEAT o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW_ o FAN/WALL KW _ Details/Description: o RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o TEMPORARY SERVICE vlu", o RISER o OVERHEAD SERVICE Jf! UNDERGROUND SERXlQ,E VOLTAGE: .:271 Vcf'C/ D1~ ~3 SERVICE SIZE /6<90 AMPS FEEDER SIZE ~ AMPS CC kc/" t ;Lu . w.s. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. 0 NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Pitch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. , o O.K. to connect service I y ~ final O.K. Site Address: 8 . Injtaller: ~ New Meters Notify Port Angeles Cif ight by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered befpre inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or?n the B~permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. ! (~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ 1/41038 '!:f' ! Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHI:rE - File by address PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OlYt,lr1C PAINTERS INC .l. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. <Y6.? ':I S-4c;-~1 DATE Sit Address: o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Inst lied By: OwherfBusiness: , I Owner/Business Address: ~/f- Phone: Sq. Ft. I ELE;CTRIC HEAT o BASEBOARD KW _ o fURNACE KW o HEAT PUMP KW o rN/WALL KW _ o RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR ;q TEMPORARY SERVICE o RISER 1!" OVERHEAD SERVICE o UNDERGROU'j;SERVICE VOLTAGE: /~ .;2tjD '\zl1fO 03 (SERVICE SIZE ~ AMPS FEEDER SIZE AMPS Det~ilslDescription: 1jd- . .' , W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: . 0 O.K. 0 NOT O.K. ActiON REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Pitch Inspection O.K. o !Rough-in/cover O.K. d-$- p. K. to connect service o Final O.K. . permit~6e;; i Installer: New Meters 1 I J NOJify Port Angeles City ht by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. I .~ 01tv1 NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT ? ~t9-0 I . $ - Electrical Inspector Permit Fee , WHI!E - File by address PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. .l FROM HI-TECH ELECTRONICS FRX NO. 360 452 8560 Rpr. 18 2008 02:59PM Pl, o<3-6YC;1 o Elt:nrlL.:l.ll Contractor 0 Owner {!~ liI'~ ~~:' ~ ,,~:. ....... ELECTitlCAL WORK PE1{r,HT Al'PLlCATIOl':l o R~'qUeslll1sPCtliOIl i.j Ancu;jll'cl'mit 0 Abrm 0 ClH'lliv~l ~omme.-ci1l.l CJ HesidcntiJ:ll 0 Rcsiucullall\'hint. 0 SigllS 0 Thel'rl\Oil;i1 0 TdecOln. InSlalhllioTl da::scripliull Juv "iI'cd by ~lectric.l Contractor 0 Owne!' f.le..:::ui.:ll.: \:,m(l.s.Clor nam~ Lie!.:ll.sc number ~yre.c:;~ 9SSe. s,. r>o..l.>",~!"'L-_ S~~\.J~\ \ \^'-l~ $~ ~ o-e-I/V'I - A ~ i""' \...J .. e.. """~\>.J\"i:....,~c....L \S\~3S. - H''''~ s.~~\'I"l' ~ PIl(cb:Js;:r's ll1i1ilinf, ad.drCSI:i ~~ ...- ..72~ City ~DR:\ ~U'Z. f.d C Tt:lcph(HL<! l'l.umber 'Sid) - '-1-'5'2- - ~ -'27 PrcUllses QWQH'S name t:...\~\ \............ LQo.l~--'-( ~R-t)o.J ~ State ZIP ~~ 9B3C.2- FAX number C2::)r 3'C.O -452 - D.>l:OO Addl'~~S or illspe"ion 8'30 eil) ~QR.:l f\.....:l0'CJN;ls,. ~. Cl Cash Cl Check # ()..:. >=d~ I hCl\::by cenify iliar I am the owner ot' the above namdd pl'OpCrty or a licensed clc:c~l'ical contrliClOr (01' m.e firm.~ authorized 3g<:nl) und anI lnaking the e1~ctrical in$taUarion or altt:r'"tioD. in complianc/; with Ihe elecrricallaw, Chaptc:l' 19.28 RCW. Cl Credit Card VIS. Mastercard Discover Card # ------------------ x ExpirationDare of card cO Slgn:lIUrl!! oC QWuer. elec rical cOntraCfor or electrical administf3tor /2 S-o C! WALLS insulation Gilly CEUJNG Insulation Gnly ( D'~OS:",., DITCH SliRVlCE p:r.te ~;;~ DMl;' "'ppr~..<::d I:!.y Cov~r D~le ItpprfhClS By Cov~r FEEDER D::.Ic App.ruvcO By D~'c A"plo~coJ Qy O"lr;: ^PPIO~<<I. 13)' D:l.tc ~J'jIICVCd. By ~trical Load Additions and or subtracti~ o NO LOAD CHANGES o Ba,.bOard _ KW o Furnaca KW o H~L1t Pump Ton LAR o F",,-Wail _ KW .s.e:rvice Informati9.0 o Overhead S.rvlce Q Temp Service Q Undergfound Service Voltage Phase 0 1 0 3 Service Size: Feader Size: ID.:>pc.;rion O::l.to:: Area, Building Or Equipment Inspected Action Tak.en Elcclricul Inspector ~('vA<.- '~ linn ~ W ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION' , Job wired by Ii!! Electrical Contractor 0 Owner Installation descriptlon 1CI Commercial 0 Residential Electrical contractor llame G>^-m.1 rb'II'~r>;d..f'S' X= purchaser's mailing address . IIZg l).jl,r..r PI. S', Ci.ty~' ~:.. t+ie Telephone number 5# 32... '] Premises owner's name C-/<<I/um TY'''~'''+- >,,~IT-m Address of inspection I 830 w. L<<uri,)"",," "'iv). License number Date Expires 5i311ct:p o New o Altered! Addi1i<>n t-dN.'frz..c:I ;6 g &A 'r n~+.. (/ 1'1<"..-1 , ' c::::;\ rc."J1 r- (z~v'AL.., IStl) +-0 , State ZIP w ^ "''8'(44 FAX number new A.:. u." + (206 Cit). ~"r+- Ifn.."I..., Phone number to $chedule inspection: '1t;.O} .3$"1 v:" Owner as defined by RCW /9.28.26/:(/) Owner will occupy ,he structure for two years after this electrical pennit is finalized. (2) O\1mer is required ro hire an r:/ectricaf contractor if abO\'€ said property is for sale. rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical conuactOT. I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws. N.E.C.. RCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chapler 296-468. The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. and Ulllity Specifications. Signature of owner. ele trical contractor or electrical administra(or o Cash 0 Check # o Credit Card Card # VIsa Mastercard Discover x ~ Date: 7!Zr!2tl:J& Expiration Date of card Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions D NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard KW o Furnace i<:N a Heat Pump Ton LAA o Fan-Wall" _ KW SAri:. U"IT" -.J.Z? k.'w 'SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE Service Information o Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service Voltage PhaseD 103 Service Size: Feeder Size: 1 b ,~ Dale Approved By ANAL DITCH h-O Dale .-\OlH'Oved By Aoproved By 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 TIIERMOSfAT SERVICE Dale AWrovedBy FEEDER Dale- Approved By Inspection Date Area. Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Inspector ". I I I I . \\~~\' 'C I ,4cR1 0-6/trb ___I ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION ''�� Building Division/Electrical Inspections A 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington, 98362JUL 3 0 2013 Ph: (360)4174735 Fax: (360)417-4711 ELECTRICAL. Dater �Z r� i Multi-Family or Commercial* MSPECTIONS *Plan Review May Be Required, ease Complete Electrical Plan Review aleformation Sheet Job Address; 'Y/6j .. WF_�� �.1. z. " �-a2 .,-_, l' u L•7 � C r AA. Building Square Footage: Description of above �_ /�•7 ,�� �.,�- �/ . 6� °� 3,��s r._ `T`7�.-s�N:,...� I �'mil Owner Inf��ffmation Contragto nfo ration Name: / vt `�, Name; ,- c Mailing ess '� Mailin Address; City; State:UA zip; city, • Late: zip: Phone: Fax; Phone: Fax: License#!Exp, License#1 Exp. ;3 .r.._.. 6 Q 0 Item Unit Charge oat Total(Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp, $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $ 74.00 1 $� Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 �� $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ SignlOutline Lighting $ 88,00 $ Signal Orcult/Limited Energy W-Multi-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuitl Limited Energy!First 1500 sf--Commercial $ 96,00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56,00 $ Note;$5.00 for each additional T-Sias $ 79-6'�)' Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261;(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2)owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor,I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N,E.C„RCW, Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296-46B,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contr ctor or electrical administrator; ❑ cash El Check - El Credit Card 4 '-1 l-e l Dated: -��• Pl �S 01101/2012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . , . . 13-00000852 Date 8/02/13 Application pin number' 029504 Property Address , . 630 W LAURIDSEN BLVD MAINT REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-09-5-0-9190-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise-tax form Subdivision Name , , , , . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use , . . , , Property Zoning . , . , , . . UNKNOWN (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . , . . 0 Application desc 2 circuits propane tank Owner Contractor CLALLAM; TRANSIT SYSTEM_ BOTERO & SON ELECTRICAL 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-4766 Permit . . . . , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL' Additional desc , Permit Fee 79,00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 7/30/13 Valuation 0 (* Expiration Date 1/26/14 ]�f Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74,.0040 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 _______1-p4- - 5.0000 ECH EL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT T5,00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total _ 79,00 79.00 00 .00 ^� Plan Check Total ,00 00 00 00 Grand Total 79,00 79.00 .00 ,00 INSPECTION TYPE DAVE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: , s DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MON'T'HS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUILDING ~-,~%.,,~-& ?o~r ~% Official Use Only Backflow Assembly Test Report Received 'P' City of Port Angeles -o~s ~.~o Public Works and Utilities Department Water/Waslewater Collection Division NAME OF PREMISES: ~ ~ SERVICE ADDRESS: I(X'ATIONOFDEVICE:· ~ ~ ~, -: ASSEMBI.Y: ' : Manufacturer Model Size Serial No. ISTHISANAPPROVEDASSEMBLY? YESH NoFI ISASSEMBLYINSTALLEDCORRECTI.Y? YESD Non DATE OF INSTALI.ATION UNKNOWNn REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY RP FI RPDA [] DC [~' DCDA [] DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY SVB [] ^VB [] Replaced [] Relief Valve Exercis~ YES [] NO [] Test [] [] Final [~ [] Application Number . . . . . 23-00001287 Date 12/06/23 Application pin number . . . 934240 Property Address . . . . . . 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-09-5-0-9190-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL LIGHT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc PV system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM POWER TRIP ENERGY CORP. 830 LAURIDSEN BLVD 83 DENNY AVE PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368 (360) 643-3080 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 264.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 12/06/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/03/24 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 2.00 132.0000 ECH EL-COM 0-200 SRV FEEDER 264.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 264.00 264.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 264.00 264.00 .00 .00 830 W Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles, WA 98362 50.37 kW Grid-Tied Roof-Mounted PV Clallam Transit- 830 W Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles, WA 98362 Power Trip Energy POWERTE964JN 4-15-202483 Denny Ave Port Townsend, WAbuddy@powertripenergy.com (360) 643-3080 11/1/2023 Andy Cochrane 2 264.00 264.00 Gary Abrams (360) 452-4511 garya@clallamtransit.com PREPARED 12/05/23, 9:59:25 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00001287 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 264.00 TOTAL DUE 264.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment CLALLAM TRANSIT PV SYSTEM STATS PV MODULE Make and model – REC N-peak 2 365W OPTIMIZER Make and model – Solar Edge P960 INVERTER Make and model – Solar Edge SE66.6K Max AC amps – 60A (continuous) AC volts – 480V AC watts – 66600W (50370W module total) SYSTEM # of strings 4 # of modules per string – 36, 34, 34, 34 # of optimizers per string – 18, 17, 17, 17 System operating amps – 60A (continuous) System operating volts – 480V Sizing Conductors and Overcurrent Devices (690.8(B)(1) System circuit Breaker - (operating amps x 1.25 = 75A (100A breaker/fuse) Strings - #10 THHN minimum for conduit fill calc. (8 wires, 70% of 40A = 28A) Feeder - #3 THHN minimum EGC/GEC - #6 minimum Main Distribution Panel is 1600A and located outside of bus barn. The Admin building has a 600A MDP located inside of office building on main floor and it is fed from this panel. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 2/13/2024 23-1287 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Power Trip PROJECT ADDRESS 830 W Lauridsen Blvd