HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/2012 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2012
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:33 a.m.
Members Present.- Chair Cherie Kidd, Vice-Chair Max Mania, Jim Hallett, Larry Mort-is, George
Bergner, Greg Halberg
Members Absent: Mike Chapman, Frances Charles, Mike Edwards, Terry Weed, Linda Rotmark,
Kaj Ahlburg, Charlie Smith, Christopher Riffle
.f Present: Dan McKeen, Glenn Cutler,Nathan West, Roberta Korcz, Teresa Pierce
Others Present: Tim Boyle, Planning Commission
Public Present: Sharon Stevenson representing Olympic Medical Center
Quorum not present.
Chair Kidd welcomed Interim City Manager McKeen to the committee. She also introduced Sharon
Stevenson from Olympic Medical Center as a guest. OMC is considering joining the committee.
Approval ofMinutes
Chair Kidd asked if there were any changes to the April Minutes. None offered. Minutes approved by
150 Trees—Sesquicentennial Project
Chair Kidd noted a specific place will be found to plant a special tree in the Historical District. Trying to
plant 150 significant trees throughout the City proved too complicated. Elaine Jace is willing to donate 150
seedlings for the public to plant. West noted Dan Liberman has already planted over 100 trees in Valley
Creek which were donated by Green Crow.
Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project(WVP) Update
West reported City staff continue to navigate the permitting process. Army Corp of Engineers has
circulated to other agencies for final concurrence on their findings of no affect/no adverse impact . Other
permits are expected to be approved soon.
Alternate Route
West reviewed how PA Forward was the committee which produced recommendations to City Council for
an alternate route as part of City Council goal to establish both short-term and long-term solutions to
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for May .10, 2012
alleviate bottlenecks oil both sides mf tile City. Council did move forward hv adding certain projects totbo
Capital Facilities P|oo (CFP). P& Fnrv/uud wanted to create annure vibrant downtown and this included
removing noisy truck traffic from tile area. West noted the importance for P/\Forward to continue support
to Council for these projects.
The long-term plan involves a route to follow a path similar to the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
power lines. No funding is available now, but tile p|ou is in the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) / and State
Trail apoda1ino Improvement Plan (STTP) . Cuuddmen Boulevard was always designed to eventually hox
meijor udcda| route within the City.
Along with u new bridge, significant imnproveouoo\aoro necessary utthe intersections of Race and Front,
0aoo and First, Boulevard and Lincoln, and the Truck Route interchange before the alternate route would
he accessible to larger vehicles.
Whether trucks will be required to use the alternate route will need tobe dotconiocd after all the projects
are done. Construction of the Luoridauo Blvd Bridge ia planned for 20|3. Each intersection project needm
tmhe completed on its own merit regardless o[alternate route. Other funding will be necessary io order to
corny]e<u other negroun\a of the overall project. The alternate route will also xouonnmnodu1e passenger and
other vehicles,no\juntbuuke. The new L.auridsou Boulevard bridge will also feature bike |ooeu.
Kidd noted the long-standing request from dhe downtown to remove the deafening buck traffic. Cutler
noted there will be upcoming public meetings and asked for PA Ponvuui`m support to uyuiui Council in
promoting the idea and benefits 1othe community. This will be everyone's o](ecoute rou<c — not just for
Cutler offered<o support PA Forward in their efforts with more information aa appropriate and ueoeeyug'.
Think/Choose/BuV Local Campaign
VVoet reported Edwards has put together several packages of promotional hcnno and will use high ooboo|
students to distribute 0o downtown and other businesses. /\notho, special insert will he in the ynn/nxu/u
/)o//vNexm. Local businesses and government entities will be encouraged to implement policies to Choose
Local for the purchasing needs.
Economic Development lDownlown Port Angeles ISub-Commiltee Reports
Tourism /ONP/KCUvrha
Kidd noted another cruise ship arrives tomorrow. Positive feedback and appreciation has been received as
the result ofthe last ship's visit.
Port Angeles Anniversary Subcommittee
Kidd reported planning continues. She noted Bedford's Beverage Company will he putting uspecial logo on
his root beer bottles. Open house will be held at the Historical District and postage stairip canceling is hoped
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Port Angeles Forward Cwmmmmitteo
Meeting Minutes for May K0, 2#82
for with on entry in parade oo July 4th. Time capsule ie hoped for also with involvement nf High School
Hurricane Ri(&g Update
Kidd reported the next move is to plan a trip to Washington D.C. to meet with the Department of Interior.
Ha|herg has three studies noting the Wi6d ()6vnnicn and how the coononuy is docoup|ud, quality of life is
our biggest asset, and attracting retirees and others who call work anywhere \o locate here. An Economic
Development Council (EDC) study from 2000o noted economic clusters with one being tourism and our
competitive a1roogtbm. Tourism jobs are typically vvell-paying,j List not year-round employment. \/iai(u1imn
nurube, are not "home-runs", but solid singles. He noted an extra 40 ourm per day and the carryover into
the connrnunityouudcthenmad -heingopeu pay for itself. If this in on economic goal to get more off
ucayou visitors and to oo:ato greater quality of life, there isn't uuod`cr duoo on the table that oun be done as
cheaply oukeeping the road open. Comparable would boa new Tsc`vvehzuunnuaeuno.
Keeping the road open v/mu|d attract \ouddo and also oUruc1 others to live here. Hallett noted the
Headwaters Study has merit but does not accurately reflect who p/eare. Discussion continued.
/\n amenity-based 000norny does not provide u living v/ugc and can nrou|t in generating ao<uo||y more
poverty. Discussion continued. Hallett noted all alternative to perhaps approach Congress for funding to
make the cxboc 8 u, 9 months of tile year better for visits, rather than have 12 months at lesser quality of
services. Discussion continued.
Challenge is convince policy makers that keeping the road open all winter is the biggest bang for their buck
and sometimes nca|ity 'uu\dounn"\v/orkinthonnizofvvha1imdeeired. 8u|hurg noted the similarity ofEstes
Park to Olympic National Park(ONP) and farnily oriented prograrns which could be successful.
Bergnerno\ed oiAoopo have begun for the Ride the Hurricane event. In 2011, dxo,e were 300 entries.
Approximately |OO have already signed up for this y*ur`m event in /\oguaL Bergner noted efforts to reach
out to Victoria to promote the event. ONP will permit up to 500 riders this year.
Topics for Discus.vion in 2012
Lincoln Park Master Plan
|{orom reported u xuouemefu| open house |oot month. Holding pattern d&b\ now while the FAA ceviuvve the
plans. Another open house will boforthcoming. Hallett cmnunoonded City staff ou their efforts to keep the
project moving and involvinQ1be public through the process.
Cross-Town Route
0dtz Hook
West noted how the Lower E|v/haK|a||aon Idbc (|.E|{7,) and Department ofNatural Resources (I}NF() are
moving b»n*ond with restoration efforts to remove old pieces of the &-Frunuo and other remnants. The
Shoreline Master Plan includes the BdizHook, and the Planning Commission recommended approval and
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Port Angeles Forward Cmmmnfittem
Meeting Minutes for May K#, Z0D2
will now forward to City Council for approval. Kidd suggested extra ui8nuge in the Nippon Mill area to
encourage tourists to continue through towards the Hook. Bergner suggested un information sign near the
Coast Guard buuo detailing what the Hook is and historical info. Hu|berg suggested the K4U| post a sign in
on the walkway that goes over the road.
Discussion continued regarding repairs for storm damage tobu funded hv[EM&.
McKeen noted the committee's mission statement and asked if the committee has specific visions and/or
goals to reach out to the entire community. Discussion continued on pom\ efforts including the impact of
the American Institute of Architects(/\IA) study.
Meniber Repo
New Business
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting u1 8:37 u.nn.
Next regular meeting date—June 14, 2012, at 7:30 a.m. in thm Ph1im Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd,Chair ' Teresa Pierce, kxeoutiv Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On-Going
2012 PA Forward 2012 Group 2012
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Council Chambers Subcommittee January 8,2009
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA(it-ant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Pro Recommendation to City ject N. West Council
May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group December 2010