HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/08/2012 PORT ����U�� l� COMMITTEE
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Mee1`D�� ��'DDf�0 for November 8 '�Al2
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
Vice-Chair Downie opened the meeting sU7:3\ u.no.
Members Present: Patrick Downie, Linda Rotmurk, Mike Chapman, K ' /\h|horg` Larry Morris,
Mike Edwards, Greg }fa|berg, Terry Weed` Charlie Smith. Chair Kidd arrived at
Members Absent: Max Mania, ]ino Hallett, y,auoeo Charles, George Bergner, Citizen-At-Large
S>u��yrexon/.� Y�n{honVVeat, Sco�Johns, [lohoduI�orcz, and Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: None.
Public Present: None.
Approval ofMinu
Motion was ouade Chapman with second hy Edwards (o approve the September 2012 minutes and the
October 2012 auoonnary. Motion carried unanimously.
Bicycle tourism topic tabled due ho the absence of George Bergner.
Waterkont Transportation Improvement Proiect(WTIP) Update/West-End Park
VVoa1 thanked ConnrniUoo rnoruhom for attending the project's ground breaking on Monday. With
deconstruction completed, the construction phase has begun. /\ total of 59 piles will he installed starting
later this week. The project is on schedule. West noted the importance of maintaining momentum on the
next phases. On November 6, 2012, the Design ?cano presented City Council with the 30% design for tile
West End Park. The hope im \o have complete construction drawings by March 2O\3 ao construction could
begin in July 20|3. All major punnitean: in place for tile entire project. Smaller permits are oil schedule as
needed. The delay in obtaining the Army Corps of Engineers permit now forces construction to take place
during holiday shopping, including pile driving, in order to he oornp|c\od by the fish-window deadline in
K. l{orcz reviewed the same y,countu{iwu given 0m City Council on November 6. Design includes rain
gardens, u tree grove, beach areas, water-jet type of vvatn, feature, musiuinuh|o and 1`dbx| elements,
gathering areas, plaza, nruunouue, Captain's Cove, and more.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for November 8, 208Z
Cog for the West End Park is estimated now at $3.2 million which is down hnnuthe c«igiuu| $4.6 million
esdonn1o. Comments from the Committee regarding design are appreciated by November 16.
&h|burg asked about funding. VVea\ responded the City is pursuing a number of grants to food
construction. Some of the phasing may be re-evaluated with certain elements moved forward and others
rescheduled for later depending on funding availability.
Edwards was impressed with the work ofthe designers and progress made so On. He inquired amtohow
P/\ Forward could help generate funding possibilities. West responded the West End Park has u number of
sponsorship opportunities and Auvo ozaooy|es such as sponsors for the fountain, pavers, buildings, and
other o|conenta and features. Discussion continued regarding generating a list itcnnn available for
sponsorship or "adoption" by o business, service organization, individuals, or other oodtico. [)ovvniu
referenced the City of Portland and bop/ the success with Pioneer Park was duo in part to citizens being
able to buy a brick and then have u sense otownership iu the project.
Edwards reported being in contact with E\/\L.LE(E|uaineoy Alliance for Local Living Economies) regarding
a proposal to bring in an experienced buy-local professional to help establish the next phase of the Choose
Local strategy. /\ Peninsula/)o//vNews (9I)N) insert is being prepared for publication. Contact has been
made again with the Economic Development Council (EDC) and Peninsula College regarding possible
ouatonucr service training opportunities for local business owners.
Efforts will be rnade to emphasize the Downtown is open, accessible, and lively during construction and to
encourage people to come and "ace vvhg all the noise is all about". Discussion continued including
suggestions for signs showing how the project will lookvvhen done to apomitivc nneymu&e for both |oua|o
and iruffiocoming off the ferry.
West emphasized efforts by the City to recognize the cbu||ougca facing the Downtown including u|\oy
eooeaa and irnprovcnuuo1u, garbage pickup, deliveries, and other vvoya to minimize impacts. Discussion
continued nnpossible events to create unique and interesting incentives such as Pile Driver drinks, contests
and other special events and promotions.
Economic Development lDownlown Port Angeles ISub-Committee Repo
l[wm-imrn /ONP/0Uvvhu
Port Angeles Anniversary Subcommittee
Chair Kidd reported events are coming 1ou close io commemorate the 150"'anniversary. Time capsule
deadline imiuDecember. 9|cuse contact her if you have any suggestions for items. Downie noted u
contribution corning from local-area artist Duncan K4cy{iornao.
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Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for November N~ 20&2
Hurricane Ridge U
Mayor reported the National Park Service is no longer interested in keeping Hurricane Ridge Road open
mid-week during the winter. Chapman noted with a new superintendent and congressman coming on
board soon, how this may lead k` new opportunities for future funding.
Topics for Discussion in 2012
Lincoln Park Master Plan
None `
Cross-Town/Alternate Route
0dvvurdu requested this to he discussed at future meetings in more detail regarding ideas for development
and/or innprovennun\of the entire Bdiz Hook area.
Bicycle Tourism
Tabled-Bergner absent.
Improving Relationships with Regulatory Agencies
Alilburg suggested development of a local plan to use in communications with the Army Corps of
Engineers and other state agencies such aa the Department ofEcology.
Member Repo
New Business
Co-Chair Downie reported lie and West continue to find ways to establish a carnpus in the downtown for
Feiro,NO/\/\, and conference-type facility. The West End Park will open the door 10 future development
in the area, especially with new access<o beach-front property. Co-Chair Downie noted NOA/\ rennuinu
positive, collaborative, committed, and energetic about establishing a campus in the downtown.
Co-Chair Downie adjourned the meeting o18:33 a.m.
Next Meetinm Date
Nonxrcgu|urooee\ingdote—Deooanher )3, 2012` o17:]0 u.rn. io the Pittie Conference Room.
Teresh Pierce
P" o-Chair
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