HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/2012 PORT���� ����D�� %� COMMITTEE
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Meef^Il Minutes for December 13' 2012�
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting ot7:30u.nn.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Patrick Downie, K ' /\h|hurg, Mike Edwards, Greg Ba|herg`
Terry Weed, George Bergner, Charlie Smith.
Members A6xont: Max Mania, LinduRotnzurk, Mike Chapman, Larry Morris, Jim K|o|iuU, Frances
Charles, Citizon-At-Lurgevacancy.
StufFPresent: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Ko,cz, and Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle.
Public Present: Randall McCoy, Maggie Roth.
Approval ofMinutes
November 20|2 minutes were approved.
Bicycle Tourism lRerional Bicycle Interest Gro4p—Discussion
George Bergner reviewed materials and resources regarding bicycle tourism. The Olympic Discovery Trail
should ho included aa pail ofa larger trail system covering the entire Olympic Peninsula and Port Angeles
has the potential tobeu destination for bicycle tourism.
Bergner proposed for P/\ ymopu,d to find ways to promote and fudher these econonmiu boncDim fbr the
community. & trernendoun mnmuntofmoney is spent 6v bicycle tourists. He introduced local expert of
bicycling, Randall McCoy. Bergner suggested P& Forward could serve omunincubator.
McCoy noted how he and his wife specifically look for vacation destinations providing great venues for
bicycling and other activities. He mentioned one place in Bend, Oregon that combines bike and brew
events. He noted the importance of making the 1-5 corridor ^^E\icyu|o Friendly" vvbioh would provide a
connection to the Olympic Peninsula and the Trail.
McCoy tries <o purchase om much equipment and clothing locally as possible. }le uses two buoincaoom in
town to service his bikes.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for December 13, 2012
Discussion continued as to whether certain bicycle products could be manufactured here in Port Angeles,
ways to further encourage or initiate tourism, the role of Clallam Transit System (CTS), adding more bike
racks on CTS buses, current infrastructure in place (including bike lanes and bike boxes), addition of more
bike lanes on Front Street, and improved signage.
Edwards asked for a top-ten list of things a bicycle tourist is looking for when considering a city and then
see what we already have and what needs to be implemented. Bergner asked for PA Forward to endorse a
planning session with stakeholders. Discussion continued.
Bergner suggested the Mayor appoint a subcommittee. Subcommittee includes Downie, Bergner, Edwards,
possibly Rich James (from the County and avid rider), Randall McCoy, Greg Halberg, and possibly
someone from Olympic National Park (ONP) and the Clallam Economic Development Council to
determine a list of possible objectives.
Waterfront Transportation Improvement Proiect(WTIP) Update/West-End Park
West reported how portions of the WTIP will also enhance the bicycle infrastructure system in Port
Angeles including a connection to ONP from both Front and First Streets.
Construction is on schedule for the Esplanade. Pile driving was completed ahead of schedule. Black Ball
is now working on their new dock area. Work is being coordinated with the Combined Sewer Overflow
(CSO) project. hi-Water work must be done by January 15, 2013. West noted the excellent work of Korcz
to secure two grants totaling$800,000.
Korcz outlined some possible sponsorship opportunities for key elements of the project. Elements from
trees to wind spires to major elements could be sponsored. Donations would be tax-deductible.
Sponsorship program is subject to adoption/approval by City Council.
Think/Choose/Buy Local Campaign
Edwards reported no significant changes. He will be meeting with the managing director of Balle, from
Bellingham, regarding consulting and guidance for future buy local campaigns. Edwards is working with
Peninsula College to provide business training in 2013. on the subject of customer service. A Peninsula
Daily News (PDN) insert is out. Customer service training program is still being planned. Ahlburg
suggested for Edwards to return to both Port Angeles Business Association (PABA) and the Chamber to
note successes to date and upcoming goals and proposals.
Port Angeles 15ffh Anniversary Subcommittee
Chair Kidd noted the time capsule will be installed at the Clallam County Courthouse on Saturday,
December 1.5, 2012. This will be the final event for the year-long celebration.
Lod,-ing Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Update
Edwards reported attending the first meeting of the LTAC. There was not much debate on the budget.
Majority of funding goes to the Chamber with stipulation that only certain types of special projects may be
eligible for Lodging Tax funds. Lodging Tax funds have to be dedicated to getting heads in beds.
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Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for December 13,2012
Member Roo
Halberg noted the Port Angeles School District (PASD) will be evaluating their infrastructure for schools,
buildings, and other facilities. He auAQcxtcd a PA Forward nounober uUoud P/\SD meetings and a
ropo:moo\a1ivc from the P/\SD attend P/\ Forward. Chair Kidd offered to coo{uo1P&3D Superintendent
Ra|herg noted Jim Schouten is gi|| in possession of the "Bubble", an inflatable building. l{u|be/8 stated
there iao huge need for indoor athletic space and hoped PA Forward would consider fiudingu spot where
this building could huused.
It was agreed by consensus for the issue of Indoor Athletic Space be added to #8 Economic Development
section of the next agenda. Wnwi gave u brief munomnary of previous unsuccessful etKode to find oui\oh|o
locations for the building as Erickson Park was not considered the ideal site.
Pierce noted the oaudido1ow for the vacated Citizen-At-Large position are Maggie Roth and George Bergner
and Choi, Kidd and Counoi|ruennber Downie would be conducting interviews immediately following the
West added the significance of Linda llotnnook, serving onCEQB Board was key\o the success o[securing
the $500,000 grant. West also noted the ongoing needs and importance b` continue Support ofbusinesses
downtown during construction.
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:42 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—January 10, 2013,o17:30o.nu. io the Pidim Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teresa Pierce
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