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PORTXv���� ������� ��K� COMMITTEE
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Meeting Minutes for January 10' 2013
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at7:3O urn.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd` Patrick Downie, K j &h|burg, Mike Edwards, Greg Hu|burg,
Terry Weed, George Bergner, Charlie Snndh` Linda Rotnuark, Mike Chapman,
Larry Morris, Jinn Hu||oU, and Maggie Roth.
Members Absent: Max Mania, and Frances Charles.
S&iff Present: Dan k4cKeen°Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta l{orzz` and Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: None.
Public Present: Randall McCoy.
Approval ofMinut
/ AhXbmrg moved and Bergner seconded taapprove the December Z01% minutes has presented.Motion
carried unanimously.
Bicycle Tourism/Reqional Bicycle Interest Group—Discussion
Bergner reported the agenda has been prepared for the O,at suboononoiUco meeting. Bergner asked if non-
PA Forward members are eligible 10 serve onthe sub-committee. Consensus was this ia very acceptable ao
experts, such um Randall McCoy, may participate.
City Council Representatives
Chair Kidd noted the Council assignments to PA Forward will change to Councilmember Downie as Vice-
chair and Deputy Mayor Collins mon/iug on the alternate.
Water ront Transportation Mwrovement Project(WTIP) (?�qdate/West-End Park
West reported construction onudnueo on the oyp\unudo. Work will meet the Oab window dcod|iuo in
January. Construction will coordinate with the CSO project in the area of Lincoln Street and Railroad
Avenue. City staff continue to work with downtown businesses to keep them informed on the schedule.
Tile samples were passed around. Surfaces will be graffiti-resistant and easy\o clean and maintain.
West End Park design is on hold for now while funding opportunities are sought. Two grants have been
secured for portions of the West End Park. The initial oowi of West End Park has come down, however,
staff is still working to cut costs and also encourage sponsorships of certain elements such as fountains, etc.
The draft sponsorship brochure was distributed for review. The program is subject to Council approval.
Discussion followed regarding poamih|c soou\\er sponsorship opportunities such as buying u brick or u
bench. The hope iato have applications available and in place hynoid-Febnuury.
Pert Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for January D0, 2083
It was moved by XIdvvmrdm and meuo*W by Hallett to forward m recommendation to City Council to
adopt u sponsorship program for the West End Park. Motion carried unanimously.
Think/Choose/Buy Local Canipaikn
Edwards reported B/\L[ll has put bino in ooutoo{ with Derek Long, Executive Director for Sua1uinnh|o
Connections, to provide u speaker/consultant for usession in Port Angeles. February 20, 21, 22 or 25"' are
being considered for a half-day session. Members are encouraged to contact Edwards if interested.
Bdp/undu will be meeting with the College, Linty Uopie` Connie Poulson, and Luu,u| Black regarding
customer service training for local businesses. The Choose Local committee will need to determine which
businesses to invite to a pilot class, with the goal to use that class to determine the future program.
Edwards also hopes for others bnnnthe business community\o join the committee.
Economic Development IDowntown Port Angeles ISub-Committee Reports
Tourism /ONP8O6wha
Downie noted there will onuiou ship |iuu is planning 12 stops in Port Angeles beginning in April through
October. These annu||er 100-pasaonger capacity cruise ships will dock at the City Pier. The Cruise
uonnrniKee is being started up again and he invited others to join if interested. The |orAor ocuiac ships are
expected|oreturn in 2014.
Indoor Athletic Space
/ Greg llu|berg made o presentation on the possibilities of new indoor athletic space in inflatable-type
buildings. The presentation outlined various types of buildings, flooring or playing surface options, and
possible |0001ioow including City parks, Port /\oge|ee School District property, Port property, Peninsula
College Campus, and property io the area of the Extreme Sports Park.
Committee discussion followed. Ownership would depend onthe location. Private groups could also own
and operate.
Hallett inquired about the status of Civic Field. K4cf{oen responded the new Director of Parks and
Recreation will be arranging meetings with the subcommittee(o determine next possible steps to uddcoom
major maintenance and upgrading issues. Hallett noted the Port has certain e0000nmiodevelopment
abilities and perhaps Civic Field renovations and capital improvements may fall into such a category.
Hallett offered his assistance to research this further. Updates regarding Civic Field will be provided tothe
P& Forward Committee ua they beconoeavailable.
Downie eoggemted resetting the platform regarding community awareness about the feo1un:u and
possibilities uf inflatable-type buildings.
2013 Topics for Discussion on Future A,-en
No discussion.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for January 10, 2013
Member Reports
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:35 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—February 14, 2013, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teres4 Pierce
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