HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/11/2013 �» ������� ���� COMMITTEE
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Meeting Minutes for ~~'y _ -, ^_. -_
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting o17:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Kidd, \/ico-Chui, Downie, Wendy Clark-Gutzin, George Bergner, Charlie
Smith, Mike Edwards, Mike Chapman, Maggie Roth, and Linda Kotnnark.
Members Absent: Larry Morris, Greg Halberg, Jim Hallett, Frances Charles, and Kaj Ahlburg.
Sm*9yro�un/�� Nathan West, Scott Johns, and 7ercau Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle.
Public Present: Randall McCoy.
Co-Chair Downie welcomed the new Clul|uo` Transit General Manager- Wendy C|urk-Go\zin. She gave
brief background on her professional experience.
Approval ofMinutes
Minutes for June 2013 meeting approved by consensus.
Waterfront Transportation Improvement Proiect(WTIP) V�(Iale/West-End Park
Nathan West noted how P/\ Forward is deserving o[the credit for making this project huppen. The City
received ohcendfiuo1ion award froonthe Chamber ofCommerce for the project and VVea\ insisted this
award bo passed toP/\ Forward for their support for tile project. West also reported how the esplanade
portion of the project is moving along with substantial completion set for this month which will reopen
buLb Oak and }lui|vuud Avenue 10 through traffic. /\M elements are in progress of being installed with high
standards of quality being fbrononmt. An electric cur charger was donated by several sponsors and will be
installed in the Oak Street parking area.
There is still a $700,000 gap in funding for construction of the West End Park so it is not feasible to move
forward this construction this year. West expects the project to go out to bid in December orJanuary with
construction in20l4. /\number of grants are still pending.
Co-Chair Downie reported hc has spoken with several possible major spoomorm (humioousand individuals)
for funding ofkey elcm000\e in West End Park.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for July 1D, 2013
Bicycle Tourism lRggional Bicycle Interest Groyp—Divcussion
George Bergner reported Russ \/cenenmoof the Chamber ofCommerce said over 200 riders for Ride the
Hurricane on August 4 have signed tip and more are expected. Capacity ia7U0riders.
Bergner reported going to Victoria twice in the last month and talking with staff from the City of Victoria
about their bike bni|e and nnupm. He brought back copies for the City and County for reference. On
Canada [)uy 102 riders come over to Pod /\uge(ca to make the ride up 0o Hurricane Ridge. Plans are to
[onnu||y greet them next year.
The Port Angeles L&ax Bikes Fuoehouk page is up and will list |000| and area events. The vvehsio: is in
final planning stages. P|uoo are also io the works for o Bike Crawl ofl50riders in October. Fundraising
continues with a pledge tionu the Port Angeles Business Association.
Randall McCoy, area bike enthusiast, spoke ,e&un1iuA ocoda for oyo|io\a and other non-motorized
bnnapoda1iou. McCoy gave a presentation focusing on the Active Y}z/nsporiation ,/Jvoxug/ o/yo/Y
,4ngo&x (AT/\P/\). Purpose iuto educate the public. Funding, sponsors and general support is welcome.
Maps are being developed which note areas needing improvement. Bike boxes io the downtown area are
working very v/m|\. McCoy shared statistics of various team ohuDungc roxn|ia and the Suronnur Bike
League efforts. The National Bike (Ya8oxge is May l through Se[oennho, 30, 2013. Seattle uses u Ride
the City tool for their area.
Think/Choose lBuy Local Canwaign
Mike Edwards aunurnu,ized his report from |nyt month as be is passing his chairmanship on and working
with Nathan West during the transition. More direct homiueme support is necessary. The Choose-Local
banner will be put up on a regular basis and information will be available at the Clallarn County Fair.
2013 Topics for Discussion on Future Akendas
Chair Kidd noted the difficulty tourists have in finding Olympic National Park. She noted the history
behind norniug Race Street was in recognition of the Race family and farm. The farm and the family is
now gone. She offered the suggestiou of leaving North Race as is, and considering changing the name of
South Race to something like National Park Boulevard. She asked the committee for discussion and
feedback. West responded Race Street is incorporated in the Waterfront&Transportation Irnproverneut
Plan(VVT[P)and the plans already include a for aboulevard-style approach with landscaping median. /\
name change would coordinate with this effort. C|u||um Transit offered iohe involved in any changes tm
the area for bus stops, etc. West added how designs for better signage are already done and funding is the
next step.
The topic will he added to the August agenda for further discussion.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2013
Member Reports—New Business
Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:33 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—August 8, 2013, at 7:30 a.m, in the Pittis Conference Room.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
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