HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/13/2008 ,
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Port Angeles, Washington
Meef^DL� ��'Dnf�86�[ ��@I�6 1 � 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORIDER: ^� Minutes '
Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting a]7:3| a.mu.
&&/mbcxs Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry` Mike Chapman, Terry Roth, Craig Johnson,
George 8ohnemfe|d1` Dave Miller, Linda Rmtnnurk and Willie Nelson.
SIufy.Prexon/: Nathan West, Scott Johns and Teresa Pierce.
Puh//oPruxem/: Tim Boyle from the Planning Commission.
Selection Process of Committee Chair lElection of Vice-Chair/Openin'-s lAlternates
m Committee Chair/Election of Vice-Chair
Chair Kidd reported that City Council had elected her as the ConnnoiMru Chair. The CnnnnniUre would
determine the position ofVico-Chair. She nominated Mike Chapman for Vioe-Cbair. T. Roth seconded.
D. Perry moved to close the nornina]ionm. M. Cbopnnoo elected unanimously ma\/ice-Chuir.
m Citizen-At-Large Vacancies
The Planning Commission had traditionally been considered as one of the Citizen-At-Large (CAL)
positions. This apparently etudud when u prior Planning Commissioner, Kevin Snyder, took one of
the CAL positions and the uasonopdun begun that it was as o fhnoo| representative of the Planning
Commission when, if fact, that was not correct. N. VVoot reported that the City Attorney had stated
that representative of the Planning Commission could either only observe at PA Forward meetings,
or apply for one ofthe CAL positions, but not umarepresentative of the Planning Commission.
Discussion continued umtothe participation of the Planning Commission along with possible uunDiote
of in\oroui that could adoo if u P& Forward topic had to ever be considered by the Planning
Commission in ufbnnu| process. The Committee agreed that the Planning Commission could send u
roproaon1u1ivc to P/\ Forward only as u liaison and not be u voting member, nor serve in u CAL
w Openings
T. Pierce reported that 3 applications had been received for the C/\[ positions and those applications
were currently being considered bv Chair Kidd and D. Perry.
m Alternates
T. Pierce reported that at the |ua\ City Council meeting that the City Attorney stated that u]<unno]oa
were permissible for PA Forward noenoherm but not for the CAL positions. She encouraged members
to provide their alternate's contact information as muou as possible.
Port&n&u|ca Forward Meeting Minutes
March l3,28O8
Approval of Mhiules
Vice-Chair Chapman made a motion to approve the February 2008 nnioutca as presented. L. Rohnock
second. Minutes approved unanimously.
Future Topics Per(Ny Council Recomnienddlions
L. VLo1noark asked how the P/\Forward Committee ietm operate when itconucsto topics like beuudfioution
or eignaAm. She felt that since the 80C is about jobs,that there would not be a place\oparticipate. Vice-
Chair Chapman offered that the Committee needs to take on bigger projects that,oDec\theuo\ibcrofthe
C"nnnoiUcc'e representative groups and that bigger projects will do more to move the community forward
and support the City while driving groups toward cooperation and encourage noonoontunu.
Chair Kidd went io the white board and wrote^^2OlO" This represents the year that the Winter Olympics
will be held in British Columbia, Canada and she stressed the importance of the Port Angeles community
being ready for all of the tourists that will be coming. She stated that Victoria was already getting ready
and offered as an example how Port Angeles looks when people come off the ferry. I]o they know where
they are? How will we look? Be perceived?There is only one chance to make a first impression. Port
Townsend markets who they are very vve||. This is uhugc opportunity for Port Angeles.
W.Nelson offered his absolute agreement. T. Roth stated that P/\D/\ has already started work and offered
eznrnp|ea of The Landing being repainted soon and irnpvovenuen\o to that dock. 2011 and 2012 will be just
ae important 10 accommodate ^'corne-haoh" visitors. Be further explained how artist Bob Stokes iapainting
the back of buildings that face the ferries and that the Waterfront Trail will also get attention. He offered
that a series of flags should be placed along Railroad Avenue to line the street with U.S. State flags and
also represent the provinces ofCanada. The"Second National City"theme should be incorporated and that
p/o need<o clean up what vvo already have. He concluded that P/\[)/\ members have and will be
encouraged 10 keep the areas in and around their businesses clean.
L. Rotrnark offered that Russ Veenema of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce and Diane
Shostak of the Forks Chamber of Commerce would be helpful with any ideas. Vice-Chair Chapman added
that'^2Ol0"could evolve into a big project. Chair Kidd commented that'^2U|U"embraces everyone and
every group in the room and that i\im important to raise awareness.
T. Roth reported that Black Ball has new managernent and a new marketing person and that the company
has extended that marketing into Canada. He suggested that this iaau opportunity for Port Angeles tuget
on the map. Chair Kidd a\a1cd that Sequirn is"Big Box" while Port Angeles is a^'l!ia1udo International
8oupod". C. Johnson stated that the goal of"2010" is good, but suggested to zoom out further. He added
that the downtown ia just not looking good and needs 0o look good for 20|O and beyond. S. Johns
suggested k`create a`^yuite"of projects toucoonnphabibe'^2O|O"goa|vvhiohoou|dinc|udeox1cnding\ho
trail and relocation of the Dayonior locomotive to the waterfront.
Vice-Chair Chapman said that recornmendations can be rnade to City Council and also back to the
respective groups represented bvP/\ Forward. T. Pierce encouraged members tngo back to their groups
and gather ideas to share with the Committee and that all ideas do not necessarily have to be approved by
City Council. The Committee can stimulate ideas and projects thrspeoiDoorgunizo]ionooro\he,groupa
too. G. 8ohoenfe|dtoffered that noenohora could also bring their group projects to the Cmnnonittee for
discussion and ideas.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
March 13,2008
T. Roth stated that visitors have commented that they really don't want to go to"big box"type stores and
that they make comments that they like the"1950s" feel of Port Angeles. The Main Street program
preserves a traditional downtown look and both the PADA and the City are in support of the Main Street
W.Nelson reported that on March 26, 2008 the Chamber will be holding a workshop regarding the
downtown and that PA Forward is a "clearing house"for issues for City Council's consideration and also a
way for other groups to determine priorities and that there is a greater chance for success if groups know
that a particular issue has been established as a priority by PA Forward.
G. Schoenfeldt said that he would also be taking ideas back to the Rotary Club even though they are not
represented on PA Forward. He suggested ideas for murals on the Platypus building as a way to direct
visitors as they come down the Truck Route.
D. Perry said that instead of individual groups reinventing the wheel,that this would be an opportunity to
coordinate, discuss and help each other out. Chair Kidd returned to L. Rotmark's comments about how the
EDC would participate and stated that this is all about economic development and how we can improve the
community as we prepare for 2010.
C. Johnson offered to make a motion to adopt as a PA Forward agenda item the issue of preparing for
"2010". Discussion continued with Vice-Chair Chapman offering a modification. The motion was then
made to"Adopt `2010' as the focus theme of PA Forward including preparations before and following that
target date". D. Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Member Reports
L. Rotmark announced that the EDC, PADA and PABA will be working together to bring artisans to the
downtown area.
C. Johnson reported that Sue McGill of Olympic National Park had given a presentation to regarding road
conditions to Hurricane Ridge. Roads are in great need of repair. N. West offered that extensive road
repairs were scheduled for this year. C. Johnson continued that severe weather conditions will cause the
road to be closed and that heavy snowfalls make it impossible for the road to always be open.
T. Roth stated that PADA looks forward to street work in the downtown area being completed. PADA is
planning a"D (done) Day"party around the first of May 2008. S. Johns added that the street trees have
arrived and will be planted.
G. Schoenfeldt offered a response to T. Roth's inquiry at the February meeting regarding management at
the Port of Port Angeles. He thanked T. Roth for his comment that G. Schoenfeldt was part of the solution
and he had the hope that he would more a part of the vision. He welcomed anyone with questions to
contact him, Port staff or offer comments during any of the public comment section of any of their
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
March 13,2008
New Business
D. Miller said that a shooting range had been built in King County with issues very similar to those here
and that those safety and hazardous material issues had been successfully mitigated. T. Roth reported that
the PA Forward position on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee(LATC)would now be a non-voting
position due to changes in State law.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m.
Next Meetin,-Date:
April 10, 2008 at regular starting time of 7:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room in City Hall.
1 C= °C_c
Cherie Kidd,Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
March 13,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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