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Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for Feb 8Tyl4 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chair Mike Chapman opened the meeting o1 7:32 a.nn.
Members Present: \/ico-Cbui, Mike Chapman, Cherie Kidd, [)oo Perry, Terry Roth, Craig Johnson,
Terry Weed, Dave Miller, Linda BLnicnuck and Willie Nelson as the new
representative of the Chamber otCommerce.
��/resm/: Nathan West and Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: RueaVeonornm.
Selection Process of Committee Chair lReview Membership Terms/Openin'-s
Since the position of Chair is vacant,Vice-Chair Chapman will run the meetings until a Chair is appointed.
Selection of tile Chair is the decision of the City Council. Counci|nocnobc,mKidd, Perry and Di Gui\io
should have u separate discussion and bring recommendation toLhe February |g, 2008 City Council
meeting for approval. D. Perry and C. Kidd asked Vice-Chair Chapman if lie was interested in being the
Chair and M. Chapman said lie would pending City Council approval.
Discussion continued regarding oherouieo for committee nnennhurm. The hy|uvva only provide an alternate
for City Cnunci|nnenobeo and not for other committee nnenohem. U. Perry and C. Kidd will look into
possibly revising the by-laws to include mhu,nutom for members. C. Johnson asked how on ukcmnato could
be kept informed so that in the event they did attend a meeting they could vote properly. D. Perry
responded that okuooutes could be included in the onnai| distributions to keep informed. T. Pierce
suggested that committee members regularly report back \o their respective organizations on the results of
P/\ Forward n000dnQm as u way 0o keep alternates iuhonnod and to also possibly generate ideas for the
Cornnnidue to consider. The Planning Conncnioaioo has been represented as one of the Citizen-At-Large
positions rather than as specifically u Planning Commission member. D. Perry said he would ask the City
Attorney to review the alternate process for the Citizen-At-Large positions and how the Planning
Commission is represented.
Approval of Minu
C. Johnson rnade a motion to approve the December 2007 minutes as presented. T. Roth second. Minutes
approved unanimously with D. Perry and L. Rotmark abstaining. (No meeting was held in January 2008).
Cross-Town Route Recommendation to Council
N. West reported that PA Forward's recommendation was forwarded to City Council and Council
approved adding the cross-town route issue into tile 20O8 CFP plan for consideration. Council will decide
in June which pr joctmvvi\lhefondedinthe 2009 budget.
Vice-Chair Chapman reported that lie was recently in Olympia for a Peninsula Regional Transportation
Planning Organization Legislative Outreach meeting with members ofthe legislature and Department of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February |4,20O8
Transportation (DOT). He talked with Kevin Dayton who confirmed that the DOT iy aware ofthe possible
need for ucross-town route for Port Angeles however there are already |Nm of other projects Qpiu&on and
the Hood Canal Bridge Project buaydorhvriohtnu"/ucUi| hiaconnp|eted. Vice-Chair Chapman offered
the U9e|Cair By-Pass oa all example that projects do get built. The|0e|tuirproject is similar in size\othe
8oguinn by-pass project.
N. West will keep the Committee posted nn the progress of the cross-town route in the Cib/`a CFP.
Member Reports
T. Roth reported on the basketball tournament with 70 ieunna coming to town this weekend, To\| Ships in
June, the process of dedicating the Federal Building to Marine Richard Anderson and plans for that
ceremony oil June 21, 2008 including a parade which may be the largest parade in Port Angeles since
World War ll.
D. Miller reported that"the citizens are quiot"
N. West reported that the 2007 Annual Report for the City's Department of Community& Economic
Development io now available. & record number of8|0 permits were issued in2OO7 and there appears to
bcno significant slow down in20O0yet. Waterfront planning continues and the City will bo making u
report to City Council oil Phase I of the Puget Sound Partnership Plan at the February 19, 2008 City
Council rno*(inA.
T. Pierce gave a quick review oil the Gateway, 8 m Street Bridges and Downtown Water Main projects.
R. Veenema reported that the Chamber's 2008 media campaign was already underway with emphases on
the l5 corridor, northern California,Vancouver and DCregions. Chamber is working with Bed &
Breakfasts, 2007 was orocord year for roorn tax with an 8.696 increase vvhiob is the result of higher room
prices rather than more visitors. He reported that visitors spending at least I night in Port Angeles
generated $40 million into the economy.
Q. Vecncnnu presented a new issue for the Committee's consideration. llu suggested working closer with
artisans within the downtown area au that buildings could bcused for more multi-use and diverse purposes
so that artisans such as glass blowers, pottery makers, and welders could be in a more open venue with
greater access tm the public.
He further reported that he often receives negative cornments about waterfront beautification and how it is
all embarrassment to residents. Waterfront needs a^'vvc|corning"thennc and upronnenode with interpretive
areas and places\ostroll. N. West responded that funding is the issue and that the Waterfront promenade
im oil the Transportation Improvement Program. The City has leased the I)NR property(o continue the
promenade in that area.
R. Veenerna said that signage to the ferry and the college needs improvement and that emphasis should be
un promoting Port Angeles aau"college tovvn". |lo spoke briefly oil the closure uf the Hood Canal Bridge
for several p/ouka in 2009 and the impacts on the community.
C. Kidd offered that signage also needs to be improved on Race Street and Mt. Angeles Road to direct
people to Hurricane Ridge. ;l. Veonennu added that aiAnuAe oil the west side of town also needs tobe
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February 14,2008
improved to direct people to Hurricane Ridge and welcome them to town. C. Kidd stated that emphasis
should be made that Port Angeles is an international host city with signs that say"Welcome to Port
Angeles, USA".
L. Rotmark reported on various efforts by the EDC and how the EDC is meeting monthly with the PABA,
PADA, and the Chamber on issues.The EDC's annual report is now available.
W.Nelson said he was glad to be at the meeting, found the discussion very interesting, and looked forward
to serving on the committee.
D. Perry reported that the Lions Club will be holding their annual convention in Port Angeles, bringing at
least 300 people to town.
T. Roth reported that Canadian currency exchange will be available on board the Coho.
T. Weed reported that Transit will be looking at their services and routes as they plan for growing demand.
He would appreciate any comments on types of services that Transit can provide. They are looking into
alternative vehicles that are smaller and lighter, and battery driven. Fuel is a big concern for all transit
C. Johnson reported that PABA is drafting a letter to Congressman Norm Dick asking why the road to
Hurricane Ridge isn't kept open on a more regular basis. The president of Black Ball Transport(Coho)
will be speaking at the next PABA meeting.
New Business
Vice-Chair asked for items of new business. T. Roth asked that the group discuss the situation at the Port
of Port Angeles regarding recent termination of staff, inadequacy of leadership and the impact on the
community. T. Roth stated that he believes G. Schoenfeldt is part of the solution at the Port. No action
was taken to add this as an item of discussion at the next meeting.
Vice-Chair Chapman asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by T. Roth, seconded by D. Perry.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m.
Next Meeting Date:
March 13, 2008 at regular starting time of 7:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room in City Hall.
Mike Chapman, Vice-Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February 14,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
10-2007 Further Discussion on Short Group On-Going
term and long-term
transportation issues
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Hagewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
October Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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