HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/10/2008 Kn ANGELES �K� COMMITTEE
PORT =��=vv^�"�""^, FORWARD ~^~^^`~^`.~ ~ ~~~~~
` K^oxtAngeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for ~ '
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the xuoetiogu1 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, George ScbocmfbkU, LiodaRo\nnurk, Terry Weed, Jim Jones
bnr Mike Chapman, Mike Edwards, Craig Johnson and Terry 8nnithtou` Willie
Nelson,Terry Roth, David Miller, Buck Gieuoku, Terry Roth.
/Ioff'Prexen/: Scott Johns,Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: ],inn Boyle from the Planning Commission.
Chair Kidd asked that the newer members please take a n000ucnt and introduce themselves and dceodbc
their background.
Request to Add Item to Amenda
C. Johnson requested that the topic of the City Manager's resignation be discussed because Mark Madsen's
resignation does nct"000v* P/\ Corp/urd." Chair Kidd noted his request.
Approval of Minutes
T. Roth moved to accept the June 2008 minutes as presented. M. Edwards second. Minutes approved
Update—Efforts by PADA to install flags alonk Railroad A venue— TerrV Roth
T. Roth reported that he oeu\out request for ideas to Port Angeles Downtown &aaociutiou(P/l[)/\)
members. There were two common themes. One was to have u monument of some kind a1the end ofEdiz
Hook; however,the Coast Guard was not a1 all receptive of that idea. The other idea was for aflag
pavilion along Railroad Avenue with a larger presence or monument to be located at the foot of Lincoln &
Railroad. The American flag along with the flags ofthe 50 states,and the Canadian flag and provinces
could bu installed along the south side ofRailroad. The parking lane oil the north side, ora portion, uf
Railroad could be eliminated to allow room for the flagpoles. Then the parking lane on the south would
also be eliminated with the thought that the traffic |uueu could possible be shifted to the south.
What is necessary is money for flags and poles along with funding for maintenance. Be referred to $l
million in federal money that was secured for the promenade by Senator Patty Murray that could be used
for this project. This would change Railroad fr000 just u walkway tu oo entry tothe l]8/\. 7[bero is ad||
time\o get this done by the 2Ul0Olympics. 8e included that the American flag would need(oheproperly
lit ut night, but not the State flags. Ho estimated that flagpoles cost between $850 and $|5O0each. /\total
of 61 flagpoles and flags would be needed to accommodate both US and Canadian flags. lle suggested that
Charlie Smith of Lindberg& Associates onigbt donate his services for adesign concept.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 10,2008
J. Jones added that it is important to include flag replacement costs and to include the cost of lowering flags
whenever ordered by the President or the Governor. C.Kidd added that this would make an ideal
fundraiser and involve the community.
T.Roth will talk to Charlie Smith about developing a preliminary sketch or artist's rendition for the group
to consider. D. Miller added that local artists could be invited to participate in ideas for a monument.
Artists such as Jackson Smart and Bob Stokes would be good resources for ideas. T. Roth offered to speak
with them.
Review of PA Forward Plan—Scott Johns
S. Johns presented copies of the PA Forward Plan that was developed about 3 years ago. Discussion
continued on the types of trees that could be planted,tree height, necessary maintenance and the need for
flat, walkable surfaces on the right-of-ways. S. Johns asked that if any members had questions about the
materials,to please contact him for more information.
Request to Add Item to Agenda
T. Roth made an additional request that the topic of the City Manager's resignation be discussed. Chair
Kidd noted his request.
Time Lime Development/AIA Grant—Scott.Johns fir Nathan West
S. Johns gave a brief introduction of the time line prepared by N. West. S. Johns indicated that Mike
Gentry could come to the next meeting to give more information. PA Forward will need to forward a
recommendation to Council for approval to continue with the AIA grant process and letters of support from
the organizations represented by PA Forward would be very helpful. The topic was continued until the
next meeting when more information will be available. Chair Kidd asked that members please discuss this
topic with their respective organizations.
New Business
Resignation of City Manager
C. Johnson stated that the resignation of the City Manager sets us back at least 5 years and how will it be
possible to get a new City Manager in this situation. G. Schoenfeldt added that this appears to be the same
situation as Sequim has been going through and this is really too bad.
T. Smithton asked Chair Kidd what the status is right now at the City and what the process would be to
replace the City Manager. Chair Kidd referred to T. Pierce for more information. T. Pierce reported that
Mark Madsen is in the office today, and that at any time that the City Manager is not on duty,that the City
Attorney is then designated as Acting City Manager and should the City Attorney not be available that the
Public Works Director would be Acting City Manager so there is always a provision for proper leadership
to be in place.
C. Johnson stated that City Council appears to be dysfunctional. T. Roth commented that the recent
election results indicate when change occurred and that we need a council that works together. He cited
that there are still problems downtown; concerns about the City's reserves and that this will not be an easy
C. Johnson stated that"there is not a better person"than Mark Madsen and recalled a PA Forward meeting
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 10,2008
when Madsen made a presentation about what another City had done and remembered the"gleam" in
Madsen's eye when he described the potential for Port Angeles. He asked how the Council is going to be
able to fix themselves and how the business community will "come unglued"over this issue.
Discussion continued on possible reasons for the problems and how Council provides direction to the City
Manager. Chair Kidd stated that we have a diverse Council and that there were plans in the works for a
Town Meeting and other ways for the Council to get out into the community. She stated that Council does
not like this disruption and that they all want to work together.
C. Johnson asked how hard will it be to find someone to take the position. J. Jones offered that anytime
there is a change on any board or commission that there is a learning curve for new members. He added
that there are a variety of training opportunities available including team building retreats and other revues.
T. Pierce provided that since the last election that Council had been involved in several training
opportunities including AWC training for newly electeds,that a representative from the WCIA had
provided resources to Council during open sessions of Council meetings and that Attorney Bloor had lead
work sessions as part of open Council meetings describing the responsibilities and limitations of a City and
City Council.
Chair Kidd offered that Council was hoping to plan a retreat in the near future.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m.
Next Meeting Date:
August 1.4, 2008 at regular starting time of 7:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room in City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 10,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-12-2008 Develop time line and discuss Nathan West Pending
AIA grant with Mike Gentry
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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