HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/2008 '
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting M`nnff�[ ���~� �' 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 um. She invited Connnubteo
members to enjoy the bouh baked ciunonnon rolls and orange juice to prepare them
for apower-packed hour.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, [)on Perry, George Soboonfe|ck, Doug Naee` Linda |{ctnnudk,
Willie Nelson, Dave K4i||oc, Terry Both and Craig Johnson.
/tm8'.Prexen/. Nathan 9/em\, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: Iirn Boyle from the Planning Commission.
L. Rotrnark made u motion to approve the April 2O0D minutes axpresented. C. Johnson second. Minutes
approved unanimously.
w Citizen-At-Large Openings
C. Kidd announced the recommendation of Mike Edwards tofiU the CAL position. T. Pierce added that
there were two CAL positions currently vacant. [). Perry and C. Kidd then added tm recommend Paul
Buck(}ieaeketo fill the second CAL position. Recommendations will be forwarded for City Council
a Alternates
T. Pierce requested that if rnennborm had not already done so, to p\ceac provide their a|tornn1u`e
contact information. T. Roth provided Jan 8urbiokos9/\[)/\alternate.
Meeting Discussion
C. Kidd read the P/\ Forward mission statement tothe group. The 20l0 Olympics provides u deadline for
improvements tobe done io the community. She suggested n5-you,plan be developed bv the Committee
and displayed the"PA Pride" insignia on the back of the City of Port Angeles denim shirt that she was
wearing aaunexample. She recalled the time when a group of City Staff and the then City Manager Mike
Quinn went out and worked in different areas of town on x'^u|oon-up"day. She asked what issues should
the Committee take on that would be visible to the community.
C. Johnson stated that the PABA will be discussing signage on the eastern entrance of the community. W.
Nelson suggested that an attractive sign design be determined to direct people to area sites such as
Peninsula College and KIdizFKook Signs should beuniform in design but attractive and eye catching fbr
� ) k`orimtm. C. Kidd added that people really have to hunt to find the College and the Fine Arts Center and
that the signs need tnbo clearer and easier iosee.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 8,2008
T. Roth stated that 2010 is the chance to make Port Angeles a definitive entry and exit into the United
States. DADA will be asking their members for suggestions for a marker of sorts for the community and
gave the example of the Statue of Liberty. He offered that at the bottom(north)of Lincoln where there are
currently flags, that this might be a good place for a statue and that flags should be placed along Railroad
Avenue that could be lighted at night. He emphasized the need for an identity stamp for the community.
C. Kidd stated that when she is out of town she will always run into people that will say that they"went
through Port Angeles to take the ferry"not that they"stopped in Port Angeles". She stressed that we have
always been an international port.
T. Roth offered that flags could provide a theme and be a directional tool. C. Kidd stated that the
community needs to"ID"ourselves so that people will come here and not just go through here. C. Kidd
displayed the logo concept(American Flag with the words"2010"and "Port Angeles")that was first
shared at the last meeting as an example. She added that it was important to welcome Victoria visitors with
the criss-crossed American and Canadian flag arrangement.
D.Nass offered that an "ID" is a good first step but that the problem still remains to have something here
for the people to do,to have substance behind a nice looking entry to keep people in town.
W.Nelson suggested a multi-faceted concept as there is a need to pick up the promenade idea and set plans
for redevelopment of the downtown to encourage people to locate there while still keeping the historical
look. He felt there were no restrictions in place to keep someone from building what he considered an
eyesore. T. Roth responded that the PADA does have input on building design. D. Perry added that the
"Avenue of the Peoples"art exhibit will be in place on Laurel in August,Jackson Smart is working on
signage ideas for the waterfront with kiosks to highlight the Gateway and Underground, along with a mural
on the Coho Ferry terminal - so things are happening downtown.
L. Rotmark stated that she was excited about Bob Stokes idea for a glass blowing and bronze casting
foundry on Railroad and suggested that PA Forward could offer support to bring artisans to the waterfront.
C. Johnson responded that while he understands the identity issue, he has concerns about too much
emphasis being placed tourism by PA Forward and no discussion about jobs. Tourism in Port Angeles is
basically a 3-month window out of the entire year and will not fix Port Angeles. Tourism brings in low
paying jobs and he would appreciate the Committee to concentrate on better defining its mission statement.
C. Kidd responded that the first step of more jobs in a town is for the town to look good and not be a
dumpy town and have more of a dynamic impression. L. Rotmark added that there is a need to have
something that brings people that live here to the downtown.
G. Schoenfeldt stated that it is great to beautify and agreed with C. Johnson's comments. He read the
description of PA Forward from the City's website which is as follows:
The Port Angeles Forward Committee is dedicated to creating a strong, economically
and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens through the
following goals:
A.) Leverage private sector investment in Port Angeles;
B.) Facilitate input from stakeholders to create a consensus, strategy, and vision for
development and implementation of a Port Angeles Forward Master Plan;
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 8,2OO8
C.) Provide communication between stakeholders;
and livability of the community; and
E.) Identify and resolve barriers that hamper our ability to achieve committee goals.
G. Schoente|d\oontioned that while tourism is important,the Committee needs to look at the bigger picture
and gave the example of what could possibly happen with the K-Plyproperty.
I). Miller asked about industrial Port property out by the airport. G. Sohounfe|dt responded that property
was available, but people nearby strongly oppose industrial uses in their neighborhoods.
C. Kidd said that the community needs to "wash our faces and comb our hair"to attract more people to the
downtown. D. Miller offered that we have Peninsula College and the Incubator but they are underused. D.
Nama,oK:oed k`the April nnuedug minutes where the decision was to nnuke u request to City Council to
provide the top two iaauoo for the Committee to work on with N. West providing relevant planning
information. C. Kidd responded that City Council fully supports the PA Forward Committee and things
that will make avieih|o impact on the community.
D. Perry suggested that each member bring back a list of the things that they are currently working on so
everyone knows that the others are doing so the Committee does not reinvent the wheel and also be able to
help others. W.Nelson offered that it is important to identify the oha1ou|ce in getting to where we want to
bu and then determine what Council can doto eliminate\buun.
T. Roth suggested that the downtown should have an (udimu carving location. C. Kidd said that one thing
should be picked by the Committee, and then identify what seems to be the obstacle, with the focus being
on what vve can dutm improve the City by20l0. D. Perry repeated the suggestion for members tobring
huok lists from each group for further discussion.
T. Pierce offered that P/\ Forward ina committee ofthe Port Angeles City Council. P/\ Forward's role is
to make recommendations to City Council for thern to consider, discuss and possibly approve and then
direct implementation. N. West added that PA Forward needs to define the scope for u project oriusueoud
include that with their recommendation toCouncil. Within that scope can he the inclusion of requests for
proposals and funding.
T. Boyle offered comments about the cleanliness of some of the streets in town particularly between the
downtown and the Nippon Mill. He likes tu ride his bike out mu Bdiz Hook and has noticed lots ofcars,
fisherman and other people out there and that the area needs immediate attention.
C. Kidd asked that members bring back\othe next meeting lists uf Current projects from the respective
groups for comparison purposes and to also then continue the discussion regarding signage and community
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 8,20OQ
Member Reports
Not addressed.
New Busiiievs
Not addressed.
Meeting adjourned ut8:30u.00.
Next Meetina Date:
June 12, 2008 at regular starting time of7:3U a.m. io the Public Works Conference Room in City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 8,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group_ On-Going
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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