HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/14/2008 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for August 14, 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry, Doug Nass, Terry Weed, Linda Rotmark, Mike
Edwards, Terry Roth, Buck Gieseke.
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns,Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: Tim Boyle from the Planning Commission,Mike Gentry from Gentry Architecture
Approval ofMinutes
M. Edwards moved to accept the July 2008 minutes as presented. L. Rotmark second. Minutes approved
Time Line Development/AIA Grant Nathan West
N. West introduced Mike Gentry of Gentry Architecture Collaborative. N. West described ]low an
assessment team would come and evaluate items of our choice and how the work plan includes the
assessment and the grant. N. West requested that PA Forward send a recommendation to City Council for
placement on the August 19, 2008 City Council meeting agenda to proceed with the application for the
grant. The grant is for $15,000 and requires a $5,000 match, which would be fulfilled by in-kind services
from the City. There was no guarantee that the City's application would be accepted but he believed our
application would be very competitive. The grant would require that a scope be determined, the
appointment of a steering committee and letters of support from PA Forward member organizations. The
grant would provide for an "outside eye" to do an assessment and provide suggested implementation items
to consider. West suggested that the steering committee be composed of Mr. Gentry (required AIA
sponsor), a Planning Department staff person, and three members representing public, private and citizen-
at-large. He included that the Port Angeles Downtown Association voted to support the grant. After brief
discussion it was determined that the steering committee would consist of Mr. Gentry, N. West, M.
Edwards, T. Roth and T. Weed.
T. Roth made a motion that PA Forward endorse the AIA Grant application and send a
recommendation to City Council to apply for the grant. M. Edwards second. Motion passed
unanimously. Letters of support from PA:Forward member organizations will need to be provided to
N. West by August 25.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August l4,2008
Lmlate—ffLorts hy PADA to install Llygs along,Railroad A veil ue— Terr),Roth
I. Roth stated Ab\ Grun\nniuht be helpful in Ubc process for ideas±brtho Railroad Avenue at-ea. Qu
reported that input and ideas lie received from the Y/\[)/\ included:
• Determining a theme or statement for Port Angeles as all international crossing point
with ueio1uo or monument.
• Gate like aou|p\urn/ata|uea1 the foot o[Lincoln Street that Would be '^opeu"to the north
and South.
• Flags that would be easy to see 1oonurkthe area uuucorridor.
• New elements should be complimentary to tile new Gateway facility.
T. Roth omntinued that lie was looking forward tu the results from the grant's analysis but stressed that
funding will beaconcern. He inquired if there are fuoding Opportunities Outside ofWashington State with
perhaps private organizations and encouraged the idea of reaching out for other opportunities for
implementation. N. West offered that staff could bo directed to research funding Opportunities for
implementation items resulting from dhc/\]/\ grant and funding backup funding options should the A|}\
grant application beunsuccessful.
Chair Kidd asked T. Roth for more ideas pertaining the flag pavilion concept. T. Roth offered that the
sidewalk could be removed on both sides of Railroad Avenue between Lincoln and Oak Streets and the
parking lane would be removed oil one side. Both Canadian and American flags would be installed with all
poles lighted. He suggested that a monument of some design be placed at the foot of Lincoln Street and to
maybe extend that area to the north or cover a portion of tile creek with a boardwalk to further expand tile >
space. A covered monument might be needed due to our weather conditions but he hoped it would still be
viev/ub|eDrom Front Street. N. West requested confirmation that any innprnvu/nenia1n the Railroad
Avenue should be part of the AIA process and that a comprehensive planning approach be undertaken so
that improvements are not atand'u|ooe. Additionally, West indicated that such considerations might hu
reviewed in association with tile International Waterfront Promenade planning effort.
Continuation of 20.10 Ftiture Topics
Chair Kidd shared that when she went tn the last Concert on V\e Pier event that she wm* lots of garbage uy
she walked 10 the aron. She recalled a PA Pri(](,, subcommittee that cleaned up areas of town and also
moved overgrown ]ob. She suggested starting that up again and this would be by volunteer and not require
any funding O'o/ntile City. T. ilny|o stated tbo1\Yindome,e Rea} Estate recently o|cmnod upusection of
Marine Drive.
Chair Kidd offered the theme of"Pick Up PA"and asked if member's organizations would Offer Support
for this beautification effort. She added that tile City cant enforce tile litter issue so this has to filter down
to individuals. [. IluLmudkasked if set-vice groups could take oil this project oudChuirKiddrcmponded
that service groups were already obligated to certain projects. T. Roth offered that Kevin Thmnpeon`a
([u/ni]y Shoe Store)daily efforts 10 clean the sidewalk were all excellent example and that while some of
the other businesses do care about beautification many others donot. Ile emphasized that individuals need
to be responsible for their own property.
D. Perry offered that the City has u sidewalk sweeper that is available for use by the Downtown
Association. T. Roth will check with the Coho to see if it call be stored in their warehouse.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August l4,2088
Chair Kidd asked iy there was interest from the committee to adopt the "Pick K7p PA"theme. M.
Edwards moved that P/k Forward adopt the theme nf"Pick 3JpPA^'. T.Roth second. Motion passed
unanimously. Do1ado and immy|ou000tuhuu were tabled for discussion at a later date.
T. Roth reported that the Avenue of the People was unveiled over the weekend and that the Federal
Building dedication ceremony will be on September at 2:00 p.m. D. Perry added that citizens and
tourists are having lots of fun taking photos of hugging or standing with the statues.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 a.m.
Next Meetink,Date:
September ||,2O08 ut regular starting time mf7:3Ou.m. in the Public Works Conference Room in City
CheriOKidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August 14,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
Develop time line and discuss Recommendation
AIA grant with Mike Gentry forwarded to City
6-12-2008 Nathan West Council—August 08—
Item now pending upon
application approval.
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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