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Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for December 11, 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting n17:3Ouno.
Chair Kidd welcomed those present.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Terry Roth, TonY Snoidh{on, Don Perry, POD /\}hurnaie Larry
Morris, Linda Ko(rnurk, Willie Nelson, David Miller, Mike Edwards, Paul ^'lNuok"
S/u/fPraxent: Jerald Osterman,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: 7inn Boyle, City Planning Commission; Barbara Frederick, 9nn /\uge|em
Downtown Association, and Linty lTopiu, Coordinator for the Entrepreneurial
Institute— Peninsula College.
Chair Kidd thanked Jerry Osterman for his service as iu1orinu city manager.
Approval ol'Minutes
T. Roth moved to accept the October 9, 2000 minutes as presented. T. 8mmhhtom mwunuded the
motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. The November meeting was canceled.
N. West gave u brief background on the grant process 10 date. The grant will have a multiple focus
pertaining to maximizing the u[Uoicnt use of the Front and First Street corridor. City Council will fhona||y
accept the grant on December 16, 2008. The team will rnuko u preliminary visit\o Port Angeles on January
12 and |3, 2009. The original understanding hy the City was that the $5O0U match v/nu|dhcthnoughmtmfT
services. However, the /\l& is requesting that the noo]oh he in direct funding which will be requested Oronn
the City's 2008budget.
Chair Kidd reported that AAA Mau'c/me and Sunset magazine had both highlighted the Avenue of the
People project. B. Frederick added that the P/\D/\ had contributed o publicist to promote the art exhibit
and that Bob S(ukoa had been featured on NPR and Seattle radio stations. She added that this had been o
great help to promoting the art movement in downtown. M. Edwards was concerned about future funding
for the rest of the project. B. Frederick replied that miniatures of the sculptures will be available for sale{o
help with funding. T. Roth added that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee had reviewed the application
for additional funding but decided 10 wait to ace what the impact ofthe project would bring over the next
year in relation\otourism.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
Dccem6cr \|,2O0D
Economic Development—Downtoun Poil An�,_eles/Nathan West
Recent discussions had occurred with the P/\D/\ and the 8DC regarding concerns about the financial
condition of downtown businesses as the downtown's success directly cot-responds tu tile overall success of
the city. B. Frederick suggested that presentations be made available to businesses citywide listing all of
the available resources to help umm|| businesses succeed during these challenging economic dnuco. She
added that it is important to he sensitive to those businesses in need of help with the possibility of
providing handout information eo they can respond when comfortable to do no. D. Frederick is ou,n:nUy
compiling a list mf resources for distribution. She plans to also include energy conservation information for
building owners.
T. Roth added that "pride imexpensive" and although some businesses may not show obvious nod Oo&m,
some have been in trouble for over ayear. Sales are down everywhere oa out- local and national cuuoonny
is in tough shape. He suggested that the information be nnodc readily available not as u life-ring, but as a
resource. He said that the P/\D& will be working with vacant building owners to put displays in vacant
building windows rather than the traditional h,ov/n paper oil windows. He reported that on the positive
side,one business owner was closing in one location to move to another larger space.
D. Perry commented that although business was not that bad yet, it was not good. Be offered the idea for
9/\ Forward to host m work session with all area businesses and agencies to discuss options and what can
he done to help ourecononny. P/\ Forward would serve as the spearhead for the event. L. Rotrnurk added
that if we all do o |ik|c hit to help, it v/mu|d make an inopuo\ 'um\ as a community block v/u1ch does — and
that the uumo type of program could apply for businesses. T. Roth reminded the committee that this
economic situation is not short-term and could last three years, or longer, before the trend changes.
T. Snnithtoo offered that her hueincaa is actually improving. She noticed this inorcuac in September after
the construction was done. She is constantly doing new things |u attract customers and also asking her
cootonneo directly for ideas and suggestions. She said it is important to look outside the box and that
sharing ideas imgood. She reported that the P/\0& focus ie oil encouraging everyone<n buy local.
B. Frederick reported that there are |9O businesses located in the downtown. D. Perry suggested using our
very giving community to help itmo|[ He shared bn,/ the Lions Club, Festival of Trees and other
organizations had recently raised more money than the previous year uxun example of how this town will
take care of its own.
M. Edwards emphasized that tile &|/\ grant process should provide for long-term solution. W. Nc|eou
added that the focus needs to be on both shod and long term situations and P/\ Forward should take
advantage of opportunities such uo the pending dam removal project and hov/ things such as this G( into
improving tile economy and how they can be used as |cvcruAo. lUc was confident that positive things are
coming for our economy's future.
Chair Kidd asked for the uooumiKue`m ideas on how to go about this process. B. Frederick offered to
complete the |in|ofreeouroeeandouggeatedihuip/ebriogtheao8roupatogo(her(oruocive1bioinfhnna1ion
with presentations about available services. D. Perry hoped for an initial meeting to receive input from the
business community nn what can hc done \o improve the economy in Port Angeles. Ue suggested holding
an evening event with P& Forward as thc host. Discussion continued nn the possible structure for that
event in order to provide resources and capture questions and impressions from businesses as a way to find
solutions for positive eoonoonioou\000nc io Port.Angeles.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
December 1.1,2008
D. Perry moved to establish a subcommittee consisting of. PADA with Barbara Frederick, EDC
with Linda Rotmark, Chamber of Commerce with Willie Nelson, PABA with Terry Smithton, and
the City Community & Economic Development Department with Nathan West to put together a
format for a January 8, 2009 forum. Motion seconded by B. Gieseke and passed unanimously.
Suggested location was the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. T. Pierce will check to see if it is
available and reserve. Subcommittee will meet as soon as possible to discuss details and planning of the
Due to a lack of time, D. Perry moved that the remaining agenda items be tabled until the next
meeting. T.Roth seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:38 a.m.
Next Meeting Date:
January 8, 2009-7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
December H,2008
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
Grant awarded to City.
6-12-2008 AIA Grant Nathan West Arrangements pending
12-11-08 PA Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8,2009
Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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