HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/08/2009 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for January 8, 200�9 ""2
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry, Terry Roth, Ted Simpson for Terry Smithton,
Linda Rotmark, Willie Nelson, David Miller, Mike Edwards, Mike Chapman,
George Schoenfeldt,Terry Weed.
.1'Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Daniel Bialzik, Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: Tim Boyle, City Planning Commission; Barbara Frederick, Port Angeles
Downtown Association; Bob Lawrence, Peninsula College; Russ Veenerna,
Chamber of Commerce.
Approval of Minutes
T. Roth moved to accept the December 11, 2008 minutes as presented. L. Rotmark seconded the
motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
AIA Grant U
L)date—Nathan West
N. West gave a brief background on the grant process to date. The grant will have a multiple focus
pertaining to maximizing the efficient use of the Front and First Street corridors. The team will make a
preliminary visit to Port Angeles on January 12 and 13, 2009 to meet with various groups in the
Community and complete a preliminary tour of the area. The strategies provided by their report can be
incorporated into the City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). R. Veenema reported that the group will be
making a presentation at the March 16, 2009 Chamber of Commerce Luncheon.
N. West introduced Daniel Bialzik, the City's new Assistant Planner and acknowledged Bialzik's valuable
contribution in the successful preparation of the grant application.
Later in the meeting discussion returned to the AIA Grant issue. Chair Kidd asked when we could expect
to receive the final report from the AIA Team. D. Bializk reported that the Team's visit next week is a
preliminary preparation and that the Team will be returning in March to do the full assessment. It is
estimated that the final report would be available approximately two months later and will list in detail the
area's weaknesses, strengths, and offer recommendations.
T. Roth suggested that the issue be included on the February agenda to discuss and review how the initial
evaluation went. N. West suggested that the subcommittee could provide a recommendation to PA
Forward who could then forward a committee recommendation to City Council. C. Kidd noted that this is
a tremendous opportunity for community outreach to City Council.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
January 8,2009
M. Edwards asked what the process would be for funding any of the recommendations. N. West responded
that the report could include other available funding opportunities or resources. N. West reminded the
committee that although the original understanding by the City was that the $5000 match would be through
staff services - the AIA is requesting that the match be in direct funding. The City will be able to fund a
portion of the $5000 from their 2008 budget, but it is possible, and hoped, that other groups within PA
Forward could donate towards that $5000 match. N. West will be able to provide assistance to any groups
interested in contributing.
T. Roth asked about the status on funding for the Promenade project from Senator Patty Murray. Chair
Kidd will check with Councilmember Rogers on the status of that appropriation.
Economic Development—Business Resources Semfiaur/ Nathan West
N. West reported that the Business Resources Seminar will be this evening in City Council Chambers. The
purpose of the seminar is to highlight business resources already available in our community. The
subcommittee is comprised of the PADA with Barbara Frederick, EDC with Linda Rotmark, Chamber of
Commerce with Willie Nelson, PABA with Terry Smithton, Bob Lawrence of Peninsula College, and the
City Community & Economic Development Department with Nathan West. T. Smithton had been
designated as the Chair, but due to an accident she was not able to continue so Ted Simpson is participating
in her place for the event.
C. Kidd requested for the February agenda to include a review of the event. D. Perry commended the work
of the subcommittee in organizing and making this event happen. N. West and L. Rotmark promoted the
event yesterday on the Todd Ortloff Show on Newsradio 1450 KONP.
"Pick Up PA"
Chair Kidd reported that she received a call from an individual that needed to perform some community
service so she set him to work on picking up trash in the downtown area. She encouraged the use of
community service workers as a way to clean up the downtown. R. Veenema reported that Helen Freilich,
Recycling Specialist for the City, will be making a presentation at a Chamber luncheon regarding how
recycling benefits the bottom line. C. Kidd suggested coordinating a pick up of trash with Earth Day and
then another time after the tourist season is over.
N. West suggested that Freilich make a presentation to PA Forward regarding recycling. T. Pierce will
make those arrangements.
Alterinde Route
C. Kidd, per City Council request, asked to re-visit the Alternate Route issue. N. West reviewed PA
Forward's discussions on the issue in 2007 and how the Committee's recommendation was forwarded to
City Council with Council approving the addition of the item on the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). N. West
further explained that although the project is oil the CFP it has not yet prioritized as a funding need.
Regular street maintenance and repairs are listed as a priority at this time.
N. West further explained that the Alternate Route is also included in the Transportation Improvement Plan
(TIP) as being eligible for funding. M. Chapman stressed that the project is only "eligible"—that does not
mean that there is funding currently available.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
January 8,288y
2009 Direction lbr PA Forlvar(l
Chair Kidd proposed that the results of the/\b\ Report would serve as o way to consolidate ideas for"Pick
[]p PA" and consideration whether 1n continue the business forums.
I. Roth said that recently hm had been up in the Suunum and the town was all example of what can happen
when nothing happens. There were numerous closed stores and boarded up buildings. Choir Kidd
suggested using i(enoo from the Historical Society as window displays in empty buildings. T. Roth
suggested historical photos and K. Vccnennx aog&cmiod listing upcoming events on the windows. B.
Fredericks responded vacant building owners were aunnednncaubi\o:mio<antk/theidcu.
R. Veenema suggested that members share the goals and objectives of their own organizations as a way for
PA Forward to formulate their own. L Qobnarkrepoded that with the pending Hood Cuuu| Bridge closure
that it would be important to put out u positive message about our airport and Kconooro Air. The
^'Tv/i|igbt" movie interest was also u d,uv/ 10 the area. She reported that |{onmnon: is working oil on
interline agreement with Alaska Air so passengers can book flights all tile way through to Port Angeles and
not aepnuAc|y. G. 8ohoeufe|dt stated that tile trees at Lincoln Park are u\U| an issue in accessing 1350 feet
of runway. The Pod currently receives $1.5 million in funding from the Federal Aviation Administration
(P/\/\) because of Kenmore's presence. N. VVed stated that the ^iuteouu1ioon| uirpud" e\u1um is odtioo\ in
keeping Kenmore.
M. Edwards asked p/hu1 opportunities were available 10 promote Kcnrno/o and tbe Airport especially
during thc Hood Canal Bridge Closure. M. Chapman stated that there was u request of $30,000 for
marketing and that tile County had pledged $15,000 from their Lodging Tax Fund. }le recommended that
Kenmore dovo|opamnurketin&p plan with Q.\/eenomnuo1 the Charnbmr. l�. YVewi stated that ibcCity has omot
with the Port oil the issue is committed to the process b/ continuation promotions of tile airport. T Roth
suggested that City Lodging Tax Funds may he available for marketing. N. West will follow through on
that possibility.
Meeting adjourned o1 8:32 um.
Next Meed"k Date:
February 12" 2009 - 7:30 a.m. in the Jack PiUia Conference Room, City Hall.
Teresa Pierce
Cherie Kidd, Chair
--_ -
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
January 8,2009
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
Grant awarded to City.
6-12-2008 AIA Grant Nathan West Arrangements pending
12-11-08 PA Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8,2009
Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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