HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/12/2009 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting ^ f�~ �� 17 7/\A(�
Minutes for " � '^., ^.vv/
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting ot 7:30om.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry, Mike Chapman, Terry Srnkhton` Linda Rotmock,
VVi||ic Nelson, David Miller, Mike Bdv/u,du, George Soboenfe|dt, Larry Morris
for Doug Nans, Buck Gicsoke.
SIu�'yrexon/: Nathan VVoat, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce and Corey[le|ikat.
Public Present: Tirn Boyle, City Planning Commission; Russ Veenerna, Chamber of Commerce.
Approval of Minutes
M Cbmpmzmm moved to accept the January @, 2009 minutes as presented. G. SchwmmNmUWkwecwmWod
the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
N. West gave u brief review o[the /\i/1 Sustainable Design Assessment Team's visit in January. The team
will return March 16 — 18. An Open Rouse will be bc|d on March 16 to gather public input and provide
information. It ia anticipated that the Team will provide very preliminary results a1aaunnnnory meeting oil
March 18. N. West provided the Committee with a handout providing professional background on each of
tho {oann members. Copy is attached. The Team will also be making u presentation a1the March 16
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon and possibly u1 the March l7 City Council meeting. [. Qotnourk and D.
Perry expressed how pleased they were with the enthusiasm demonstrated by the Team so far.
K. \/oeuennauaked for clarification unthe inclusion of"mnstainuh|u" in the formal nunnm of the Team. N.
West responded that the focus of the Team would not necessarily be on "sustainable" or "green" concepts,
but more on emphasis 1u provide recommendations for our international corridor. Chair Kidd asked hu`v
the open house would bcorganized. N. West responded that the Team would head the organization ofthe
event with uemiatanoo from the 9/\ Forward subcommittee. N. West added that the focus of the Team
p/oo|d be to ruoonnnuund implementation of improvements in the area from the Coho Ferry mouth to the
h|u[L and from the eastern City limits west tothe Valley Creek Estuary.
M. Edwards suggesting working with Peninsula College 1u provide note Cnkcm for the open house. N.
West will check nn that possibility. Chair Kidd suggested promotion of the event via radio and newspaper.
T. Pierce will work with Y4. West on promotion of the event.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February |2,20Oy
Chair Kidd asked when the Ony| report from the Team vvon|d be completed. N. VVewi estimated o mid-
April date. The results p/uu|d he shared with the 9/\ Forward subcommittee that will be working directly
with the Team. The next step would be to share the results with P/\ Forward 0o consider forwarding a
recommendation to City Council.
"Pick Up PA"
Chair Kidd vvo|oonnud Corey 0e|ikat, City of Port Angeles Parks &c Streets Superintendent. C. [)c|ikst
n:vicvvcd how the City maintains the downtown area. Lo*o gets done in the winter months until eeuuono]
help cornes on in the spring and summer—however his budget was cut approximately $40,000 in 2009, but
the City will make every attempt to maintain the same level ofservice. [. Notnnurk offered that the Youth
Bnnp|oynnen\ Services p,o8runn rni8h( be available to help fond workers. D. Perry also suggested using
youth groups and prisoners frorn the County jail to help out and work at the Humane Society.
T. Pierce offered that there is u difference between Community Service Workers and the Chain Gang
crews. Community Service VVuckerm do community service in lieu of jail droe or fines, vvbi|o the Chain
Gang crew is incarcerated prisoners. Community Service Workers can often be very unreliable and be
very ohu||cnAinA and time cooaunning for o\uf[ C. l)c|iko1 added that Community Service workers do
require extra staff time for supervision. N. West added that the City already has a pn*gruoo for using
Community Service Workers.
Chair Kidd suggested the ConomniUuc schedule some clean up days. R. \/eenenoa offered that the P/\
Downtown Association already has dates and coordination in place for this kind of event. PA Forward will
wait to see `vbut those dnbm are before proceeding. D. Perry offered to check with the P/\D/\ for that
schedule. D. Perry will also look into finding o storage space for the sidewalk sweeper.
0imuoeaiou turned 10 the pu`b|onn of graffiti. M. Chapman ebroacd that graffiti needs 0n be painted over
within 24 hours by the building owner in order to be effective em waiting for volunteer groups to approach
the building owners if not effective. He also added that it is the responsibility o[ property owners and
huoiueaa owners to pick Lip trash in front nf their own areas.
Chair Kidd returned 0o the focus of the "Pick Op PA" theme and how to include taking care of trash and
graffiti. B. Gieseke reported that he had recently seen shoes dangling from power lines and mentioned that
this is eonno\irnom considered as u type of tagging for drugs. M. Edwards offered to volunteer to help
remove graffiti and Chair Kidd and W. Nelson also volunteered. M. Edwards will contact [on Bei| to see
what resources lie knows of for volunteers.
Other Business
M. Edwards asked about how the proposed stimulus package could be used to expand or build new ferry or
other docks in Port Angeles. G. Suhoonb:)dtreapondod that "shovel ready" projects would bonooat likely
10 qualify and that the ydnnu\us project was direoted more towards State ferry terminals rather than private
docks. He added that it takes much more than just building u }urge dock to get cruise ships to come bccc.
R. Vecnennu added that we don't have the appropriate [uoilhica for large cruise ships but perhaps Pod
Angeles could develop n niche for smaller boats.
R. Veenennu suggested that P/\ Forward could work on finding ways 10 help the business community and
downtown. Along with retail, there needs <o beu mix ofoffices, restaurants and residential. He suggested
that the City consider engaging building owners to encourage making buildings more uU,audvc with
expansion to new and other uses. Discussion continued with the suggestion to hold u special fbronn for
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February \2,2UO9
building owners and N. West agreed that ateam effort, such ueP/\ Forward, would bea good approach. T.
Pierce suggested that sharing tile final report of the AIA Grant with building owners might be a good way
to bring them \ogc\huc as part of o possible information-sharing [brunn. N. YVos\ indicated that the
Community and Economic Development Depudnnoni would be better equipped to support this effort
following the uunnp|ctioo of the /\7& grant process. Item will be added to the P& Forward agenda upon
receipt of the final /\I/\ Report.
L. Bu1nnurk reported that the Shared Work Program is available to supplement out back hours for
Economic Development—Business Resources Setnincir
There was no discussion. Issue will bo continued(othe next meeting in March.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
Next Meetii!g Date:
March 12, 2009u17:30 u.ru. in the Jack Pittin Conference Room, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd,Chair / Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February 12,2009
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
Grant awarded to City.
6-12-2008 AIA Grant Nathan West Arrangements pending
12-11-08 PA Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8,2009
Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
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