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Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for May 1 /1 2008
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Co-Chair Don Perry opened the meeting a\ 7:]Oo.no.
/NennhcrxPrexun/: Lo'ChuirDon Perry, Terry Roth, Larry Mort-is, David Millet-, Mike Edwards, Paul
"Buok"Gieecke, Pain Maoua for Linda Rotoourk, Terry Srnith(on.
/Do�'Prexcn/: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns,Teresa Pierce
Public Present: None.
T. Roth moved to accept the April 9, 2O09 minutes as presented. T. Smmithbwm seconded the motion.
The minutes were approved unanimously.
N. West reported that City Council was very receptive ofP/\ Forward's recommendations and approved
adding those recommendations for consideration tuthe Capital Facilities P|an (CFP). The first public
hearing regarding the LFP will be held on June 2, 20O9.
N. VVoat u:p*dud that the City is expecting the first draft of the Onu| /\|/\ report monnednne ncs\ week with
the final report to follow ufev/weeks later.
Economic Develo
Lwient—Business Resources Seminar
T. 8nndhton reported that ndate for afollow up session has not been determined. She anticipated holding
the uox1 event in the Vern Burton in either May or June. First Federal is holding similar events this p/ouk
so there is interest in the business oonnnouuiiy for this type of information. T. Srni\h1on reported that Barb
Frederick recently sent Out the survey to participants from the January event, but no responses had been
received yet. Co-Chair Perry stressed the importance of planning a follow up event in a timely manner and
was concerned that several months had now gone by without another event planned.
"Pick Up PA"
T. Roth recognized the individuals that have continually worked on the eOhd to n|uun up the dmv/oinwn
area. He reported that the Downtown 0o{u| was currently being painted and that cleaning in other areas of
the downtown had already noudeu positive impact in the area. There has been n very good response from
business and building owners. On May 3"d there was ucononnonity clean up effort that includes area youth
groups cleaning upalleys and front sidewalk areas. Currently 35 building/business owners are involved in
the project with Edna Petersen, Jan ]|urbiok, Kathy Charlton and Barb Frederick being the principal
organizers for the event. He complimented the City on having a "can-do" rather than a "can't-do" attitude
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 14,2009
throughout the planning and somewhat difficult and complicated permit processing.
T. Roth also reported that Bank of America was planning on closing their downtown location u|the corner
of Front and Laurel Streets.
2010 Future Projeeft
D. Miller requested that 1,ce removal at Lincoln Park be added as n topic in this category. He suggested
having Jeff Robb from tile Port oorncand make a presentation regarding how the trees affect use mfthe
runway u1 the Airport.
K. Myers reported that City Council has had rccord discussions about the cross-town route project. The
project is already included on the CFP and Council may decide to rank this pr jeothighordudngopconning
CFP process. K. Mk'nru suggested that this kurn also be added to the 2010 category so it can be discussed
onu regular basis.
Co-Chair Perry m� �d that it is inopo,�u1br include businesses in other areas of town, such as 8 m and
T.ioom|n Streets. ffu hoped that the idea of cleaning Lip signing and increasing sign visibility could also he
increased outside the downtown uu:u.
Hurricane Ridge Road
D. Perry reported the tremendous amounts of snow are what keep Hurricane Ridge Road honu being open
all year. He shared that at a recent meeting there were photographs that showed the mnov/p|ovv on the road
with 20-foot snow banks on either side. T. Roth shared that trains are used in Europe with great success.
M. Edwards reported that he rnudc contact with Dun Williams regarding the D|ynupio Canopy Tours
business concept. This could provide u stepping-stone for u larger system such ama sky rail. Cost ieahuge
factor with Williams' project estimated at $1.5 million and u sky rail system costing$30 million ormore.
Farmers' Market
K. 84yu,m reported that there is u possibility for the Furnneca` Market to move back to the dovvn|o`vu area
and that the Market might try using the Gateway pavilion on a trial basis—once the Gateway is open. He
further reported that the Market would be displaced from the County Courthouse parking lot on May 22
because uf the Juan do Puuo Foa1ivo| so they are looking for an alternative location just for that day. The
Market has muQgoa1ud two locations: |. On Lincoln bctv/uco Railroad and Front; and 2. Oil Lunrc|
between First and Front. K. Myers reported that City Council will be reviewing this request at the May 19
City Council meeting. K. Myers added that one of the /\T/\ reoonnnoendoii000 was to locate tile Market in
the downtown area.
Member Repo
K. K4very reported that Harbor-Works is planning a public fbruno, tentatively set for Juno 9, to provide
updates mn the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSL)) and Ruvonierprojects. K. Myers also reported that the
Dive Park project,/uo facing some permitting and other issues with the Department o[Fish 8i Wildlife and
the project might need support from P/\ Forward and/or tho oornnuuoiiy. He also reported that Pod
Angeles is sd|| being considered au a possible location fh,ND/\/\. The next proposal is due in June with a
final decision expected from NO/\/\ inAugust.
T. Snoi{h<on reported that the Port Angeles Business /\a000io]iou (P/\B/\) is planning m First /\onun| Safe
Community Appreciation Day to recognize both police and fire for their efforts to keep our omnuonuui\y
safe. The event is expected to be held this July or August with the idea of holding tile 2010 event u1the
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May l4,20O9
manne time am Peace Officers' Week. T. Pierce will research if there already iyuPublic Safety Awareness
Day or Week that also includes Fire and other public safety personnel.
D. K4U|u, said he read in the yonhou/u /)u//v News that the Council was considering eliminating
conorniUcea and wondered if that included P/\ Pnn*urd. Co-Chair Perry responded that Council was only
considering eliminating ihneo committees that involved Counoi|nnonnbeo hearing presentations or
discussions on on issue that would then again be presented to the full Council. PA Forward is not one of
those committees.
New Business
Meeting adjourned at8:l6mm.
Next MeefinjZ Date:
June l|,3O09u17:3Ua.nn. in the Jack PiUim Conference Room, City Hall.
Anu meeting was, canceled. Minutes approved uv presented on.July
[)on Perry, Co-Choir Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 14,2009
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
12-11-08 PA Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8,2009
Resource Event
1-08-09 Follow-up&Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
April 2009 Forward Recommendations
to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
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