HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/2009 ,
PORT��o�� ����K7K�� l� COMMITTEE
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Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for TD|»/ 9 7009
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
Co-Chair Don Perry opened the meeting a17:30a.m.
Members Present: Co-Chair Don Perry, Terry Roth, I.uny Morris, Mike Edwards, Linda Ro{nourk,
Terry SnniLhtou, Terry Weed, George Sohucnfe|dt, Mike Chapman, Tim Boyle.
Su�''Prexex/: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Glenn Cutler, Sue Rnberde
Public Present: None.
Approval ofMinutes
M. Edwards moved tw accept the May 14, %009 minutes as presented. T. Roth moommWcd the motion.
The minutes were approved unanimously.
AIA Grant Update
N. West distributed copies of the American Institute of Architect's (/\l/\) Sustainable Design Assessment
l`eonn (S[}/\T) draft report, and noted that recent unueudnounto to the City's Comprehensive Plan
incorporated some o[the 8L}/\TsuQgeohono into the City's planning documents. Some forward moving
activities resulting bnnu motivation following the SDAT visit include u request for Council to approve u
$115K fugudc improvement progn*on for improvement to business facades through the City, City actively
recruiting x Farmer's Market group activity to locate in the Downtown, and the community has done a
phenonuenu| 'oh with the recent Paint the Town project.
N. VVeai reported that the final report will be presented to the community through another oodee of
informational meetings.
Economic Development—Business Resources Seminar
T. Srni1htnn stated that the business resources seminars held in January and June were completed. She
believed the sessions were very auoceaok/| and helpful to community members particularly seeking |
information on business networking, The Lincoln Center can and will do fb||op/ up business networking
training. Everyone oecrned very happy in their experience but asked consistently for more networking
D. Perry urged another session before determining that the training is oonop|e\u.
L &otnnurk suggested ov/urk session with the Port Angeles Business and Downtown Associations. She
thought that the Survey Monkey tool could be an easy way to run a survey at little cost as to what types of
training is nd|| desired and ho try(o obtain more input unthe process thus far and its benefits.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 9,208y
D. Perry was skeptical that the meetings had reached enough people due to low attendance.
7. Snnitb\on agreed that tbo survey approach is good as long as answers are generated, not just more
discussion items.
N. West suggested that u survey be done due \w busy summer business schedules and the difficulty of
scheduling meetings in general. The Incubator and Entrepreneurship Institute are doing a lot of good work
but word needs to get out ueto the business training opportunities available.
T. 6noitbiou urged additional technology training.
D. Perry, M. Edwards, and T. Snuitbb`n will work on amu,vey.
"Pick ''
T. Roth reported that 38 buildings in the Downtown have been enrolled in the project vvi(h 20 having been
completed through the Paint tile Town Project that began May |, and was to ou|nninu<e on June 15. Due 10
more participation than expected, the projected completion date has been extended into August. The
activity includes not only buildings in the Downtown, but will include \hc Del Guzzi building on Front
Sin:oL Some 3000 hours of volunteer labor have gone into the amazing project.
The Port Angeles City Loonoi|`e Lodging Tax ConunoiUec recently surprised the Paint the Town Project
volunteer group by granting them $12,000 in assistance when only $7,500 was requested. T. Roth said he
had never seen anything like this in tile Downtown before. Even the owner o[the Lincoln Theater has been
considering bringing the original [hgodo somewhat back tolife.
K. Meyers noted that the Red Lion Hotel has agreed to do some painting to join in the oDbdm.
K. Meyers added that a July |It" ribbon cutting is planned at The Gateway to celebrate tile Paint the 1[nvvn
Continuation-Discussion of 2010 Future Proiects 12er Council Reconintentlytion
G. Cutler noted that stimulus do||mn have lots ofstrings attached. Du described transportation funds that
are available but noted that transportation investment recovery dollars require a minimum project of$20M
and u onaxioounn of$200M. To qualify for these funds, several projects nuud be bundled in order 1u nuec1
the grant nuioirnunue. Grant applications resulting in significant transportation improvements to a
geographic area must also be Submitted hy September |5, 2UOq. Such u grant application Could include un
overpass on k4uduc Drive from the shoreline area to lessen traffic impact, irnp,uvennuuia to the vvu1uzhront
in the form of a promenade, an overpass at Deer Park, Lauridsen Boulevard bridge repair at Race Street, an
entrance to the Truck |l*utu from the cus1 v/horo none now exists, inoprovenncot to the Onow|n
Sbcmt/[uuddoen interchange, innprovenment\oLaurel Stn:ot/l|igb`voy |O| intersection and traffic handling,
and assistance with improvement to the Coho ferry terminal development. These projects vvou|dneed1ohe
bundled with cooperation from the Yon, County, and City in order to be uuooeoah/|. The transportation
dcvo|upnoeota would then qualify for consideration due to their impact relief on freight, passenger, and
single vehicle travel impacts.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July g,2009
Member Reports
G. 8choe|feldt reported that the west Marina parking lot resurfacing and storrnwater repair has been
completed and in quite nice. Pmt Staff are o1i|| searching for appropriate landscaping to onnop|oto the
project. Paving at the Airport is planned. Kenmore Air experienced an excellent boost during the o:ocot
bridge closure and it is hoped that travelers will continue to utilize air travel to Seattle as a result ofthe
T. Weed reported that C|aUuno Transit has been operating from the Gateway for a couple of months now,
and that seems tobe going well. llu asked to know about any operational issues that have been observed ur
are heard of
D. Perry commented that Transit drivers are very skilled in maneuvering the various obstacles in their path
in the Gateway area.
T. Roth expressed thanks on behalf ofthe Downtown businesses for the City's I)ov/otov/n PLeauunue
Officer. Fifty (50%) po,ocn\ fewer calls have been received in the area since the location of the Officer at
The Gateway. The Kaufmann Miller building ownership has been determined and the owner will soon be
getting the building ready torent. K-P|y negotiations seem tobe going well. July l5isa decisive date for
the K-P|yfuture.
New Business
) Mcnohcm were tasked to bring ideas as to how 10 ponnno\o and advertise Pod /\ng*|eo for the 2010
Olympics to the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 u.nu.
Next Meeting Date:
/\ '2009 at 7. in the Jack Pittiv Conference Room, City Hall.
Page] of4
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 9,2009
1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going
priority list to meeting
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group Oil-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group Oil-Going
12-11-08 PA Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8,2009
Resource Event
1-08-09 Follow-up& Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
April 2009 Forward Recommendations
to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
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