HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/13/2009 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for August 13, 2009
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Co-Chair Perry opened the meeting at 7:33 a.m.
Members Present: Co-Chair Don Perry, Mike Chapman, Larry Morris for Doug Nass, Terry Weed,
Linda Roti-nark, Terry Smithton, Terry Roth, David Miller, Mike Edwards and
Tim Boyle. Chair Cherie Kidd arrived at 7:50 a.m.
Stuff Present: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns,Teresa Pierce
Public Present: None.
Approval ofMinutes
L. Rotmark moved to accept the July 9, 2009 minutes as presented. M. Chapman seconded the
motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
AIA Grant Final Report
N. West reported that the draft of the final report had been received, but a few revisions still needed to be
made. Final draft is expected at any time. S. Johns has updated the rating spreadsheet for items and
projects based on the AIA recommendations. Approximately 77 items are on the list at this time. The
Fagade Improvement Program was recently approved by City Council. The Final report is expected to be
complete and ready for presentation at the September meeting.
S. Johns reported that a PDF of the final report will be on the City's website and also be provided to the
committee as soon as it is available.
City Manager Myers reported that Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton has requested to be at the September
meeting to make a presentation regarding signage in the area. Item will be added to next meeting agenda.
Economic Development — Downtown Port Angeles / Update on Preparation OL Business Resources
D. Perry reported that the sub-committee had not had the opportunity to meet yet. He suggested that they
stay after today's meeting to discuss and set a time to work on the survey.
D. Perry reported that Heritage Weekend was a great success. T. Roth reported that stores were busy.
Next year the Port Angeles Downtown Association will be organizing the event.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August l3,20O9
2010 Census—Opportunities for lit volventent
K. Myers explained the importance ofthe census process and how having accurate Population numbers is
inopodoui for avariety of reasons including being the basis for how Krduru| funds are uv/an]ed to states and
communities. Efforts are necessary to reach out tu all population demographics. K. Myers inquired ifP/\
Forward would be interested in participating as u Census Complete Count Committee. M. Chapman
reported that mail in returns, on average, are about 60Y6 but the County has traditionally been significantly
less. Bo added that certain areas uf the County are very under-represented because o[the low percentage
of returns so it is very important to get the word out so people will return the survey. }|c agrees this would
bou good project forP/\ Forward.
A handout was provided from the Census Bureau (CB) regarding the details of the partnership agreement.
M. Choynuun suggested representatives from the CI) come to u P/\ Forward meeting and make u
presentation. l 8mnithtoo expressed interest in having the CB ounne and make u presentation \othe Pod
Angeles Business Association. T. Boyle suggested bringing service clubs intuparticipate. Staff will see if
they are available to come\o a future p/\ Pnrvvurd nnou{iog.
K. &4yure also reported that the CH offers another poo&runn that includes training on use of census data.
The City and County could possibly sponsor this as a joint effort.
Chair Kidd joined the meeting mt7:5& am.
Dkmcmmmiom returned to the ADA grant. Chair Kidd asked about plans to ,o|| out the results. Chair Kidd
suggested holding a public meeting to talk about the hno| report 0o keep the rnonoentunn going. M.
Edwards suggested taking the long list and condensing it down to urnorc workable list for public review.
/\ \iai ranking the i0:noa will be presented to 9/\ Forward prior<othe no|| out.
T. 8ouhbton asked if there was an oO]oiu| City flower which could be used as way to provide uniformity in
the downtown. She will check with Andrew May\o acu if there imuspecific plant orflower.
"Pick "
Chair Kidd reported that the "Pick Op 9/\" concept had folded into the Painting the 1bv/n project. D.
Perry Would like 10 know more about placing additional trash cans in the downtown and perhaps having
businesses sponsor them. T. Both responded that the Port Angeles Downtown /\amooio1ion (P&D/\) had
looked into the uom\ and found that the |eumi expensive containers were $250 each, but they were not
durable. Based on cxho,pending projects, PADA did not move this project forward. T. Roth will bring the
issue back 10 the 9&D/\ again for their consideration.
T. Roth reported on the Painting the Town Project. Five major pr 'ec\s are left to oomp|c10 including the
Kaufmann-Miller, MeLean`m, and old l<aoington"m buildings. Discussions with the owners of the Lincoln
Theatre building continue, and the Elks Building is set<obe painted. Community service workers might be
used tm clean LIP parking lots and alleys.
D. Perry recognized the outstanding effort and commitment of Mike Edwards on the Painting Project. T.
Soniibimn asked about publicity. T. Roth reported that Port Angeles io part of the Main Street program and
recently representatives were in town and were truly amazed n1 the progress and results. The Project hoo
been featured several times in the Peninsula Daily News and also on NCN and CUEKtelevision.
- Page of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August l3'20U9
Continuation-Discussion of 2010 Future fmkcts per Comicil Recommentlatioll
M. Edwards stated that the 2010 Olympics in another Opportunity to pn*nno\e the Paint the Town project.
Chair Kidd added that the 2010 Olympics are an opportunity for Port Angeles and Victoria to work
together, whether by adding flags in the downtown or finding other ways\o participate. K. Myers reported
that the City plans to meet with the Mayor ofVictoria later this Fall.
T. 8rnhh1on reported that P/\l)/\ hopes to have the Mayor o[Victoria and/or the Director of their Tourism
come and speak in the near future. Chair Kidd hopes to have more Canadian flags placed along the
waterfront to greet visitors. D. Perry reported a 50% increase in Canadians taking part in his tours.
M. Edwards asked about finding ways to improve, or increase, transportation routes between here, Canada,
and the Sun Juans, and/or offering travel packages on how to get here and v/hen: to stay. T. Roth n:cm||ed
how the Canadian Exposition in the 1980s did not really draw people to the Peninsula that year, but there
was a marked increase in the years immediately following that represented people returning to visit our
M. Chapman said it is important to realize the various organizations that already have strong marketing
programs in place and those need to be supported. Russ Vueuennonfthe Port Angeles Regional Chornhor
of Commerce and Diane Shoxtuko[ the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Bureau have well-established and
robust campaigns in place and lie believes our area is well-positioned for tourism promotion.
/ M. Edwards suggested that the uoonnnittuc use the /\I/\ recommendations as ways to enhance the area for
the 2010 Olympics. K. K4yom reported on the plans for the Coho Ferry terminal innprovunuoo|e and the
Waterfront promenade project undhov/\hio "/i|| bebennendousuyme\\otheoonnrnunity. /\ conceptual plan
may ho available for the next meeting.
Q. Myers reported that one of the recommendations from the /\\8 Study was for u farmers market io he
located in the downtown area. He announced that the Port Angeles Farmers Market will be located in The
Gateway for the uox] two Saturdays oil a bim| buuiy' and the success of these trail runs will determine if
they will decide to make this their permanent location. K. Myers distributed u flier pu`noodng {ho event
and encouraged members io forward this info 10 their respective groups.
Member Reports
T. Smithton reported that October 18,2009, will be"Safe Community Appreciation Day" and will be a way
for businesses to mbuvv their appreciation for Police and Pinr for keeping buaiocasua safe. Event may be
held at the Vern Burton.
M. Chapman reported on the N()&A decision and that the County's perspective is that un|omm there is
u\n`ng support from Senator Cantwell, he doubts the County will participate in all appeal process. He
added that the State of Oregon did ugreat job in their proposal. D. Perry repeated [ounci|nnenobo/ T{urcn
Rogers' oonnnnentm from the last Council Meeting oil how the State ofOregon is able to offer incentives
that Washington State ianot.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August l3,2V8Y
New Businevs
Meeting adjourned at 8:33u.rn.
Next Meetim-Date:
September |O, 2009a17:30 a.m. in the Jack PiUin Conference Boonn, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August |3,2OO9
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "20 10"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up&Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event
Summer 09 AIA Grant Final Report Roll Subcommittee Upon Receipt of Final
Out Report
August 2010 Census Bureau N. West September or October
2009 Presentation 2009
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8,2009
2009 Event/Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Tearn Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations
April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP& Policy Issues
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