HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/10/2009 '
Xm���� �����K �� ���� COMMITTEE
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Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting ��`nnf�� ��� ���f�rnk�r 10 2009
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: ,o � ����- " '
Co-Chair Perry opened the meeting a1 7:32 a.m.
Members Present: Co-Chair Don Perry, YViUic Nelson, Linda Qntouark` George 8cboonfe|dt, Terry
Roth, David Miller, Mike Edwards and Tim Boyle.
,�/oft'prexcn/: Kent Myers, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Public Present: Mike Gentry.
• Terry Weed and Deputy Mayor Wharton arrived at7:39n.nn.
• Chair Cherie Kidd arrived at 7:45 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
T. Roth moved to accept the August 13, 2089 ouimwtom as 9rcoummcd' M. Edwards seconded tile
motion. The minutes were approved mnumimuummly.
Due to the time necessary to review the final AIA Report, Co-Chair Perry asked for a motion to table
the remaining mAmmda items to the October meeting. W. Nelson so moved, with L. Rotmuarkuffertog
mmmoomd. Motion passed unanimously.
AIA Grant Final Rgpo
N. West reviewed the process to date and explained the work ofthe subcommittee to rank the items hono
the report. M. Edwards asked, based on the recent newspaper article, if there had been any significant
public pressure to implement any of these measures. K. Myers responded that there had been none at this
time and lie attributed this 0n the fhottha|{bu Onu| nop*n had 'ua(canno out.
B. Johns distributed u spreadsheet with the rankings and explained how the intb,nou\ion was organized.
Spreadsheet is attached for reference purposes. Projects were ranked by the aubuonunoiUeo on the basis of
cost; time factors such as ehnh-tonn or long-term completion eudnno1ea; and impact to the City. Each
uu1oAory score was added to give each item u final ranking for comparison put-poses. Spreadsheet also
contains categories for current status and comments.
M. Edv/undm added that the focus u1 this point is more on the i\onno marked in red. Other categories \o be
added vvon|d be citizen support and the likelihood of funding that were not weighed on the spreadsheet at
this time. M. Ddvvanda recommended that u member ofthe auhoornnoiUoe he involved when ocmping is done
'/ io regards to transportation itonna and/or studies.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September |0,20Uy
N. West added that staff will be working to incorporate as many of the horoa as possible and D( as many
itcnna aa possible aw part ofoverall City Planning efforts.
M. Gentry added that the spreadsheet is just one tool in the process and was curious how this compared
with the executive uunurnx,y. S. Johns responded that there is m1i|| u lot ofwork and analysis yd|| left to be
done with public input being the key to further development of the results.
M. Edwards agreed 0o add u category to capture bovv the mubuonunnittce`a and the /\l& J,norn`s
recommendations compare ingeneral.
It was noted for the record that the anbuonunoiKoc members are: T. Roth, T. Weed, M. Gentry, M.
Edwards, and S. Johns. Co-Chair D. Perry congratulated the subcommittee on their outstanding work on
the analysis iodate.
T. Roth reported that bc went around dovvn(ov/u with M. Edward's short lint for perspective. He reported
that the public did not realize there was such n long list of items involved in the report and there was a
continued high level of interest in the report and the projects. Fle emphasized that people are watching and
the steps to involve public input will be very important.
K. Myers commented on the citizen support sector and the importance of including that input as part of the
Uum| ranking. Co-Chair D. Perry asked ifu date had been determined for upublic hearing o, meeting yet.
N. West responded that Thursdays are the heo{ days so far, and added that some additional work needs to
be done fi,aL Chair Kidd stressed that it is important to have the public hearing soon since there is SO Much
interest and momentum. K. K4ye,a cautioned that the public input process is crucial and it is important to
have good moderator involved.
M. Edwards suggested offering u list to the public fbr1henn to uononnen\ on rather than just offer the entire
report. Staff responded that at least vveoky would hu needed to organize for such an event. Discussion
continued on what the best venue would be—a public hearing or an open house type event.
M. Udv/aojo suggested that u way to speed up the process would be to go through the report tocondense
i|enom and then ask the City to make aduturnoinution on the likelihood of funding, and then gather public
input after the meeting.
Co-Chair D. Perry suggested October | for the public meeting in order to allow time to coordinate within
the budget schedule. N. West recommended u fhnnu| prcmcu1o1ion in Council Chambers for public input
and feedback.
K. Myers asked if the agenda for the regular PA Forward October meeting would just contain the issue of
ranking. Co Chair D. Perry ougges|ed that the only other agenda i\ono needing attention would be the
Economic Development issue. N. West added that Betsy Wharton wished to offer a presentation regarding
just aignageissues.
[)iooueaivn then determined that the October nnoodng will include discussion of /\D\ Grant and
presentation from Deputy Mayor Wharton.
N. West requested the PAForward committee to further review the rankings therefore any items that cause
confusion or need further clarification ofimplementation.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September 10,2009
M.Gentg/ offered to meet with anyone over n lunch hour to in[6nnu||y discuss the report. Co-Chair D.
Perry suggested having another PA Eon*ucd meeting before the public event on October |. N. VVed
suggested the subcommittee to meet with an open invitation io other P/\ Forward members tmattend if
available. Possible date will be September 23, exact time and location to be determined.
N. West added that u press release regarding receipt of the Unu| report had been distributed and the Ou||
report is available on the City's vvchmite.
l0oimg time still remaining, Co-Chair D. K"or/y anggcmtoW 6imoommimg the Economic Development
Survey agenda item. Since this item had been tabled by previous motion tothe October meeting,Co-
Chair Perry asked if there was u motion to mutmru this agenda item for discussion. Chair C. Kidd
moved and T. Weed wmunmWod to return the economic development survey tmmoe for discussion.
Motion passed unanimously.
M. Edwards explained that subcommittee's work on the survey process and potential questions. Questions
determined were: |. VVho1 is helping; 2. What are your biggest challenges, i.e., competition, business
p|uua, etc; and 3: What the City can dntohelp, i.e., training, loans, tourism. Survey would have limited
number of questions with the hope\n find a way{o gather feedback. Discussion continued on the best way
to distribute the surveys such as via email or using a survey service Such as Survey Monkey.
W. Nelson moved and T. Roth mouoodud to use those questions as the basis for the survey. Motion
passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned od0;33a.ma.
Next Meetink Date:
Next regular meeting will be on October 8, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack PiUimConference Room, City
Minutes approved as presented on October 8 2009.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page 3 of 4
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September 10,2009
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group Oil-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up& Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event
Summer 09 AIA Grant FOut inal Report Roll Subcommittee October 1,2009
August 2010 Census Bureau N. West September or October
2009 Presentation 2009
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8,2009
2009 Event/Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations
April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
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