HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/12/2009 '
Pork Angeles, Washington
Meeting �lJ00D78l� f�r ��Q��n`b�rl2 7000
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: ` -Summary '
Co-Chair Perry opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Co-Chair Don Perry, George Schoenfeldt Willie Nelson, Terry Weed, Mike
Edwards, and Jan Harhick for Terry Roth.
Members Absent: Chair Cherie Kidd" Mike Chapman, Frances Chudco` Doug Naas, Linda ALotouork,
Terg' Smhbtun, David Miller and Buck(3ieaeke.
X/u#'Prexan/: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Teresa Pierce.
(/thex, /VyuhUc Present: Iino Boyle, Council-elect Pat Downie, Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband;
Gladys Flonouro and Rdou Martinez of the Census Bureau; Debbie Frazier of
Peninsula College; Mike Gentry o[Gentry Architects.
Approval OLMillut
Lacking a quorum,the October meeting minutes were not approved.
Although there was a luck of quorum, Co-Chair Perry continued the meeting to accommodate
special guests that had prearranged to attend.
Wave Broa(lband Street Banner Prof,),ram Proposal
Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband presented information concerning the I)|uo Star Banner program that
recognizes active rni|hery personnel. The banners are purchased by individuals, families, or businesses.
Wave would install the banners at no charge. Banners would be placed on either light or utility poles. The
cost is $350 each with u |ibc expectancy of three 0o five years. Individuals must give their consent prior tn
inm(u||utiou and the banners "/oo|d be removed when the individual |emvuo military service. He added that
banners could hoplaced in ooronucrciu| and/or residential areas.
N. West explained the process where PA Forward would forward a recommendation to City Council. Code
requirements would also have tohe changed to allow the installation of the banners on utility poles. Chair
Pc,g' expressed concerns about possible conflicts with the /\{/\ Study rcuunnrncndo1ion to reduce sign
Clutter. M. Bdnonda expressed similar concerns. City Manager Myers suggested that the banners p/wu|d
have more impact ifthey were placed io one area rather than throughout the city.
J. llurbiok added that the Pod Angeles Downtown /\s000iu1ioo is also currently working on a separate
banner project for the downtown and Railroad Street areas. Suggestion was made to consider the Lincoln
Street corridor aa u place to install the signs.
Being without o quorum, 000menmmw of those in mttemNumoo was to further consider support for the
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
November l2,2009
2010 Census 0
City Manager Mvura stressed the inopuduuoc of the census and collecting accurate |ncm\ population count.
P/\ Forward may beugood candidate tohauComplete Count Committee. Gladys Romero presented
information oo the background of the Census Bureau and the process. Federal funding im often distributed
based oil population, transportation, education, and also plays o factor in determining the number of
representatives each Siu1c has in the House otRepresentatives.
G. 8brnuvo emphasized that |oudcm are needed to influence and encourage tile community to complete the
fbnnm and send them back. She suggested for the City to issue uproo|unoa]ion or resolution in support of
tile census. /l tremendous unnountu[data iu available \o share with local agencies and help is available to
navigate the information atnocost.
G. Romero provided materials that further detail the census process and how the count is conducted. Door-
to-door is the ]um\ nnc\hod used to gather the count. The Census Bureau is looking for agency support to
promote the census at events and programs to encourage people to complete the forms.
Being without u quorum, comuemmwe of those in attendance was to further consider support for the
Juan (le Fuca Statue Proiec
N. West introduced the proposal from the Hellenism group to donate a statue of Juan de Fuca to the City of
Port Angeles. The group would orooto o bronze o1u1ue and donate ittotile City. The [hv and/or other
/ puduem p/nu|d be responsible for the huao of the statue and installation. N. West provided iUugodiouo and
,e{ernoum nooiedu|m from the Hellenism group. An appropriate location would need to be determined and
also be coordinated with the various plans in process for tile waterfront, the VL»yooic, property, and any
plans that the Port may have. City Manager Myers suggested contacting the Lower E|p/huf{\a||urnTribe to
see what their opinion is of the statue and its historical reference.
Being without a quorum, consensus was for general support for the concept of the project. Staff will
bring back more information kma future meeting.
Economic Development lDownlown Port An,-e
M. Edwards reported that the survey was nonovvcd down to three basic questions with the focus on a
variety of businesses. Questions are: "What /x x/"r6/no well /^oav? #hu/ are your biggest bxx/neox
challenges? What could the O/voh /oho/n?^
Discussion continued on determining the beat way to get the aun/cy out to bumiocomom either through
vveboi<us or via x service such as Survey Monkey. l Pierce suggested the use of survey monkey as the
portal for participants. That way all data would bucollected in one place.
Being without m quorum, consensus was to owmtimuw with developing the project with the use of
survey monkey and report progress mt the next meeting.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
November |2,2O09
"Pick Up PA"
No discussion.
Continuation—Divcussion of 2010 future topics Per City Council recommendations
City Manager Myers reported that lie and N. West have given three presentations ou the ATA report todate
including the County Commissioners, Rotary Club, and Chamber of Commerce. Enthusiasm continues for
the project. N. West added that the October 13 public forum was very productive and surveys were
/\lA benoe included in the 2010 budget include: Si8nugu and vvuyfiuding, waterfront promenade project,
training for tbon-haacd code v/dtiog, building height analysis, parking code amendments uboogea for
downtown area, and consideration of residential parking in the downtown area.
Member Reports
No discussion.
N. West introduced Deb Frazier from Peninsula College.
Dt was noted that due tw the lack mf a quorum,all wK these items will be continued to the next meeting
for formal approval by the committee.
Meeting adjourned ut@:39 a.m.
Next Meetinm Date. ,
Next regular meeting�'-December| 0`-2009 a17:3Uo.nn. in the Jack PiUia Conference Room, City Hall.
Don Perry, Co-Chair TcreA'a Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
November 12,2009
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up& Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8,2009
2009 Event/Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations
April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
Summer AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
2009 Final Report Roll Out
August 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
2009 Presentation
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