HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/2009 PORT0»���� ANGELES ��' �n
��,~"���� "� �v"~ vr ���� COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for ~~e—e^```~^ ^ `' ~~``'
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting a17:30xm.
Members Present.- Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Mike Chapman, David &4i||or, Terry
Weed, Doug l4oyx, Mike Edwards, Terry Roth, George Sohoonfeldh, Linda
|lo\nua,k' Tccg' Snniib1on` Willie Nelson, SonyuTetno*'mki for Frances Charles.
Members Absent: IluckGioyeke
Slo#*/»rosen/. Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: l,ino Boyle, Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband; Mike (Jeu1cy of Gentry
Approval ofMinutes
Motion made by M. DIdwumdm to approve the October meeting minutes. Scommd by L. Rotmnmrk.
Motion pmmwod unanimously. November summary was provided for informational purposes only.
Wave Broadband Street Banner Prwram Proposal
Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband returned to present information concerning the Blue Star Banner
program that recognizes active military personnel. The banners are purchased by individuals, funni}ium, or
businesses. Wave Broadband would install the banners u1nocharge. Banners would be placed on either
light o,utility poles. The cost im $350 each with x life expectancy ofthree to five years. Individuals must
give their consent prior 10 installation. He added that banners could be placed in connnncroia| and/or
residential areas.
N. West explained the process where P/\ Forward would make o recommendation to City Council. Code
requirements would also have to be changed to allow the installation of the banners on utility poles.
M. Sturgeon explained that Wave Broadband would heresponsible for installation and removal of the
banners. The intention was to hang banners in 6nn1 of sponsoring businesses or along o wpcoiDo corridor.
At the November meeting, there was u general preference for the Lincoln Street corridor because of
Veterans' Park. Six banners have already been requested. There is space for approximately 4O banners
along the Lincoln Street corridor.
N. West added that the Lodging Tax Committee did approve the Signngo and Wuyfinding project eothis
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
December 10,2009
particular project might hu out about 6 months before k could hu irnpiernoniud.
Motion by M. Edwards to forward a reowmmmucmduGam to Council to approve this project in
coordination with the Sigmuge and WmyfimWimg project with m preference for the |Ltuomlm Street
Corridor, Second by Co-Chair Perry. )0toomswi°n continued as to if the Uuommcx vvwmld be for those
involved to u conflict orbeing active military personnel. Banners would represent those im conflict.
Motion passed unanimously.
2010 Census Opportunities for Invol ement
K. Myers reviewed the benefits of an accurate population count and how P/\ Forward would serve as
Complete Count Committee for the oonaoa process. He offered as an example that C|u\lum/ Transit Could
use signs on their buses iupromote participation.
Homeless inudifficult group 1oCount. Myers encouraged all committee members 10 take the information
back\o their respective organizations to further spread the word. Federal funding io also determined inpart
by population mo securing un accurate count io very important.
M. ]Kdpvurdm moved for PA Forward members to further leverage this project within thoicmpeoifio
organizations with PA Forward designated as u Complete Count Committee. T. Roth second.
Motion passed unanimously.
Juan t-le Fuca Statue Projec
S. Johns briefly described the proposal frnnn the Hellenism group to donate statue of Juan de Fuca\othe
City of Port Angeles. He provided suggestions for possible locations for the statue including the Peabody
Creek Estuary and City Pier area, and the Valley Creek Estuary Park. Valley Creek is preferred, aa there ie
uruonuouen|already io place noting the history of Port Angeles.
K. Myers continued that this otu(uc would be u donation fiorn the |le||enieou group and recommended
receiving input from the Tribe before making arecommendation. M. Edwards inquired what the wording
of any inscription nniQh1 be on the wimiue and felt it important 0o know that in advance. Chair Kidd
suggested contacting the So,np\innio|m and Daughters of the /\nucdcan Revolution for their input and
support. K. Myers suggested tabling tile issue to February 20lOto allow time to gather more information.
Co-Chair Perry moved to table the item t° February meeting to allow time tm gather more specifies
oo statue design and inscription vmr6ugo. ][,Roth seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
M. Edwards reviewed the process to do1c in developing the bnoincna survey. ].he survey would he
extended to businesses Outside of the downtown area. M. Edwards stated that hoand Co-Chair Perry felt
that they do not have the expertise needed to use the Survey Monkey application, and with Terry Smithton
leaving the area,heasked for assistance. City Manager Myers volunteered to help with the survey process.
Continuation—Discussion of 2010 f
T. Sooithton reported that representatives from Victoria have u "Green Teurn" that take youth that are at
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
December iU,2OOo
risk and use them to work on projects such as painting over graffiti, sweeping sidewalks, and other work
throughout the year to take care of the city. This provides training and bc|pm u|cun the city. The
opportunity is also open to other youth organizations to participate.
M. Chapman offered to have County Staff look into the Green Team Youth Cleanup Program concept and
have additional information io share ut the January meeting. Chair Kidd stressed the importance ofpicking
up t/uab in the area and possibly combining the two together.
K. Myers suggested tabling the issue to the oux1 meeting for more infbnno1ion 10 be presented. T. Roth
added that youth are already completing community service in the downtown area. Co-Chair Perry added
that the sidewalk cleaning machine is still available for use. l Roth will look into possible use and storage
for the equipment.
T. Smithton asked if area banks will accept Canadian money and what can be done to encourage banks to
do mo. T. Roth offered information on what banks are doing and bop/ involved the process is.
Unfortunately,there ienm easy solution.
K. Mvom reported that City Council will be considering Lodging Tax Advisory [000nuiKco
recommendations u1 their next meeting which include the waterfront promenade, entrynuonunnento, eignage
and vvuyfinding, and the Pciro K4udne [ob`a E|p/hu River Restoration Model projects. In addition, the
City's Planning Commission has approved three fbgude and one yiQnuge project n/hichvvcrepadof\hu
/\]/\Final Report recommendation.
Member Reports
No discussion.
New Business
No discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 a.m.
Next Meeting-Date:
* Nustregu|ornncodng-January 14, 2010` u\7:30o.nn. io the Jack Pittin Conference Room, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd,Chair'— Teresa Pierce
Executive Conurnoni cations Coordinator
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
December 10,2009
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up& Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event 12-12-2009: K. Myers
12-10-09 Complete Count Census All Spring 2010
Committee Participation
12-10-09 Juan de Fuca Statue Project Staff February 2010
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8,2009
2009 Event/Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations
April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
Summer AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
2009 Final Report Roll Out
August 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
2009 Presentation
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