HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/2010 '
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Jack 8vkttim Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meef^n� ��'IlOf�Df^[ �����DO�� l1 2010
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: �� � �� ~ '
Chair Kidd opened the meeting o17:3Oum.
&&//n8ms Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Terry Roth, David Miller, LanyMonio
for Doug Nams,Jeff Robb for George Sohoonfe|dL LindoKotnourk, K j /\b|horg.
Members,Absent.- Paul "Buck" Gieeeke, Mike Edv/u,da` Mike Chapman, Prnnuca Charles, 7cny
Weed, and Willie Nelson.
/tu#'pruxon/: Kent Myers,Nathan VVcot, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce
Others Present: Tim Boyle
Public Present.- Carol Boardman, Rex Springer, Ralph Lovely, Bill Robertson.
Co-Chair Perry moved toaccept Jeff Robb us alternate representative of the Port of Port Angeles for
this meeting. Roth second. Motion passed momminuomm1y.
Approval ofMinutes
Motion made byRotmmurk to approve the January 3010 meeting minutes. SeuwmW by A&|6mrg.
Motion passed mmuoiruonm|y.
20.10 Census Opportunities for Invol ement - US Census
Chair Kidd introduced Rex Springer with the Census Bureau. Mr. Springer reviewed the Conup|e\eCount
Committee process and the importance of having a complete count of all residents. Re Outlined the process
of gathering information and pudiuiyu\iou of Complete Count Committees. Census fbrrnw will e(ud being
mailed oil March l5 with Census Day being April l.
PA Forwand Work Plan Proposa
Chair Kidd tabled the i\onn to March meeting.
Juan (le Fuca Statue Proiec
West reviewed the proposal hoon the Greek Foundation of Hellenism ofAnnodouorganization regarding
the donation ofn statue uf Juan de Fuca 10 tile City. West provided a handout showing photos ofsample
statues and wording. The City's cost to install the statue vvou|d be approximately $4000 for the concrete
foundation. West provided arnop showing possible locations for tile statue. Discussion continued oil the
various locations at the Valley Creek Estuary Park and u location at the City Pier. This project includes o
required sister city relationship with the city of \/uledauo, Cephalonia in Oreooc and in turn for that
relationship tile Greek city would donate the statue tothe City. This agreement would also provide for the
opportunity for exchange visits between the cities. Suggestions were made 10 have both the Parks,
Kcorca1iun & Beautification Commission, and the Suvopdnnimta review tile proposal.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February ]i28l0
Roth moved to forward m recommendation to City Council to proceed with the project with the
mtutsm to be located along the waterfront area and for City Council to also consider entering into the
sister-city maludnmmh8p. A&l6argmeuwmd. Motion passed unanimously.
Economic Development IDowntown Port Anf,,eles—Business Resource Survey
Co-Chair Perry expressed his thanks to Dianne Myers for her work on developing the survey. & draft was
provided for the committee to review. Next step is to determine whether to nnui| out the survey, or to
provide online. Press release will go out to various organizations to announce the survey and encourage
Ko\nnack noted the ease of using services such as Survey Monkey. /\b|burg added that u letter from City
Council would be good to include if mailing the survey and to provide oreturn envelope. Myers stressed
the importance ofpublicity. Discussion continued un the process, return dates and level ufresponse.
Chair Kidd asked for direction from the comuomtttoe. Motion by Co-Chair Perry to use Sul-Vey
Monkey for the business survey. Roth seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Appoint Representative to Lodain,- Ti-"A dvisory Committee
P/\ Forward appoints onon-vo\ing representative to the Lodging Tax Advisory Cnnoonittuo. It is necessary
to reuovv the appointment at this time. Terry Roth is the current representative. /kblbmrg moved to
reappoint Terry Roth as the PA Forward representative tw the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
Robb seconded. Motion pummmd unanimously.
Citizen Contmenh
Carol Boardman expressed cononnonta regarding the/\l/\ report and showed u2003 newspaper article from
another community that highlighted the Peninsula. The article was not complementary on their impression
of Port Angeles ae they entered the city. She added that she is excited about the Waterfront Promenade
project and said that previously agnoup had recommended that the vegetation u|uog Front Street from
Haines Park\o the west be cut, but nothing was done and the trees now block the view. She vvnu|d like to
see that area maintained \o open Lip the view of the harbor and downtown. West will research the request
and see ifsolution is possible.
Continuation—Discussion of 2010 future topics per City Council recommendations
Previous meetings had discussed whether to consider forming u aubuonunnittoc for finding ways to keep
Klonioune Ridge Road open. No action was taken at this time due to the major o:poirproject currently
underway. Co-Chair Perry reported that Olympic National Park(ONP)was u1 the last Council meeting and
they had explained that lack o[funding was the deterrent. City Manager Myers reported that ho had been
in contact with ()NP regarding finding other ways and funding.
Ah|bnrg suggested that rather than work at the local level, that it may be more effective to seek the
influence of Congressman Norm Dicks for funding and having community organizations work together |o
stress the importance to the Congressman uf keeping the road open.
City Manager Myers added that timing is very critical as Congressman Dicks may he moving to another
congressional committee. Robb stressed the importance of adding in any comments \mthe Congressman
that keeping the road open returns money tuthe cmnnnnunin/ through economic development and ebomaiu&
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February ll,20|O
what the value isto the community. City Manager Myers added that the City is sending a delegation to
Washington DC in K4nroh and that be is talking with Karen Guodn, Superintendent of ()NP on this
Roth Member Reports
uunuoocu\cd that as u tenant of the Pmt he was greatly pleased of tile return of Pat Z) 'a to the Port
staff. Robb thanked him for his comments and added that Mr. D ju;viUbennorofocuaudonnuarkc<iugand
economic development for the entire community.
New Business
No discussion.
Meeting adjourned ut0:3Za.mm.
Next Meetinz Date:
* Nextnogu\arnue«dinA—Murch 11, 2010, u17:30um. iu the Jack PiUie Conference Room, Ci1y Hal .
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page 3 of 4
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
February li20l0
2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up& Survey for Subcommittee Immediate
Business Resource Event 12-12-2009: K. Myers
12-10-09 Complete Count Census All Spring 20 10
Committee Participation
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
2006 with Jim Haguewood
February Make recommendation to
2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07
Harbor Plan
May 10, Determine PA Forward
2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007
Tax Committee
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December Give Recommendation to
2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed
Cross-Town Route
January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8,2009
2009 Event/Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations
April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9,2009
CFP&Policy Issues
Summer AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
2009 Final Report Roll Out
August 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
2009 Presentation
February Recommendation
2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N. West forwarded to City
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