HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/11/2010 '
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Jack D^ittiw Memorial Conference Room io City Hall /D,ort Angeles, Washington
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Meeting=, ^' ~ .— March _ _, _. - -
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting m]7:]U a.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, DouQNaao, George Sohouote|di, I{ ' /\h|hurg` Mike Edwards,
Willie Nelson, Mike Chapman.
Members Absent: Co-Chair Don Perry, Frances Cbur|em` Terry Weed, Terry Roth, Linda Bo(noark.
Two vacancies for Lihzon-/\t-Lurgepositions
Stoff'Prexox/: Kent Myers, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce
Others Present: Tim Boyle
Public Present.- Ralph Lovely, Chris Riffle, Grn&||o|bcrg
Being without a quorum, mo action could be taken mm any mf the agenda items. Items will 6ccarried
forward to the April meeting. 1[kome im attendance agreed mw continue and only discuss the agenda
Approval ofMinu
2010 Census Opportunities for Invol entent - US Census
Chair Kidd noted that participation in the census is very important and that she had received u notice that
the census forms would he coming out soon. Edwards asked if they had hired enough people yet todothe
door-to-door gathering. Chair Kidd responded that they are still hiring and that she tried to apply for one of
the positions but was iou|iQih|e because she is an elected o[Uoio|. EdvvuoJm asked if PA FonvunJ was
fulfilling the oornrnittoo`a commitment to the process. Chair Kidd responded that our obligation is to send
the message back to our respective groups.
Chapman added that the County will be leading an cztoudud effort into the recnote portions ofC(a||nnn
County 10 encourage participation in those avuun. Workers are already being recruited in those specific
PA Forward Work.Plan Proposa
) 2Wveo reported that on using Survey Monkey for this business survey process with rumuhm being presented
at the next meeting. The information will give P/\ Forward specific direction about needs of our |muo|
business community.
Port Angeles Forward MeetingSurnmm
March l|,2O|8
Continuation—Discussioii of 2010 fiaure topics Per City Council reconinlell(lations
Chair Kidd talked about the importance of the kx`k of the ohv and finding ways to get community spirit
behind it. She reviewed the importance of the noonueo\unn generated hv the /\l& report and keeping that
going. She talked about the AIA recommendations about reducing sign clutter and other suggestions. She
would like<o hear from the committee on their thoughts and ideas. Myers reported that the next process of
the downtown painting project will atmt up again in May. He also reported that painting the 9enP|y
building is also planned for this spring. Chair Kidd stated that she would like to see u paint brush in the
hand of each member of tile connooiUce to help paint this building. Kidd requested that committee
members put May lston their calendars to participate in the project. Edwards plans to organize the work
differently this year with more community groups participating. Kidd stressed that tbe P& Fmnvu,d
Committee members go back tn their respective groups and determine exact dates for participation in the
Downtown Painting Project.
Ralph Lovely offered that there are avadety of volunteer groups in dhs community that might be uvui|mb|u
to xumisL Tioz Boyle will make all announcement at the I.iooe Club meeting today. Myers is taking the
lead in organizing the Pen Ply project with help Grono the City's Employees' Association.
Myers reounonocndcd adding discussion of the Dov/uiov/n Painting Pr 'eu\10 the next meeting agenda and
inviting Jan Uarhiuk 1u attend. /\h|hurg offered that nouro|a odd a lot of character and interest to u
community and he would like to see more o[1honn nn the main abec(o in the city. lIdv/unie offered that Jan
lUu,biok will he able to offer more information as there are already u group of nourm| adim\m in the
downtown area.
Myers added that next year with the ll|v/hnDunu Removal Prcject thut |boor will be u definite increase in
visitors to out-area and it is important to give ugood impression of our community. Kidd added that when
she goes for her walks she takes her gloves and picks up trash along the way. She asked if there was an/ay
to work with \bc schools to increase awareness, perhaps through their leadership o|uomey` so they oou|d
perhaps partner with p/\ Forward onu type of"Pick L7p PA" theme. Trash affects the appearance ofour
\uvvn and she would love to see kids get involved. Boyle said that lie has seen private citizens picking Lip
\xaab on 1bc west side of town. Sohoen/e|d\ offered the idea of a o|uys oornpedduu hotvveun seniors,
juniors, etc., a1 the High School umuu incentive project.
&b|hurg added that the appearance of the Chinook Motel has long been a problem and wondered if there
was a way to expedite the pcoouam. K1ycm reported that the motel is no longer operating and that the
property is for sale and that the City has done all it call at this 1irnu. Nelson inquired about the I}ubh|o.
Kidd responded that she has the understanding that it is in storage and that good location for it was just
never found.
Kidd asked what preparations are in place to vo|| out the red carpet to "/e|uunne all of the media and other
attention that our community will be receiving in regards tothe B|whuDaru Ronoovo| Project. Edwards
suggested that working with the Peninsula College as the College is already starting moiuudfic studies on
the project. Ah|burA suggested that the high school marketing class could use this as a o|ume project.
Myers added that Olympic National Park is already working oil o marketing plan and creating opportunities
for people \o be able to see the deconstruction. /\h|hurgvvi|| contact the high school and see if there is
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Summary
March |l,20l0
Boyle asked about improvements to Railroad Avenue. Myers responded that the City has made federal
appropriations request for improvements io that area including improvements k`the Ferry Terminal and the
area between the City Pier and Estuary Park.
Johns reported that the Planning Department is looking at sign clutter in the areas of Front and First Street.
Edwards suggested x subcommittee meeting for the /\|/\ recommendations |ohelp keep the nuonocniuou
going. Johns reported that the next round nfPugud* Improvement Projects vvi|ihethiaeydng.
Discussion continued on other ways 10 capitalize on the ionpuu< of the Elvvhu Dam Removal project to the
overall community. Suggestion was made to have Olympic National Park ((]749) come io ufuture nnccdng
to report on their marketing plan and pn`A,euo.
Myers and Chair Kidd recently nnoi with (}Y49 staff regarding keeping the Hurricane Ridge Road open
more throughout the year. Mvom reported that (INY cadnuuted that it would cost an additional $400,000
per year to keep the road open upto seven days aweek. A City delegation will bc going toDC next week
<u further promote the effort.
Chapman Suggested PA Forward send a letter of support along with the delegation. Consensus was to send
a letter with the delegation to DC. Discussion continued on use of County and City personnel and
equipment to help keep the Hurricane Ridge road open. Myers stressed that financial resources ia what is
needed and 10 also keep in ooiud that cs1renne weather and avalanche dangers will u|vvuym cause road
Nelson reported that the 0oonnnnio Development Council is moving along with preparations for the
Economic 3unonniL In May, the Cbuonbu, is providing for him to &o to a big outdoor adventure show in
Victoria this year. Myers and the Mayor will also be going to the event io further promote Port Angeles.
Kidd expressed her thanks to Myers and the Mayor for being so active in promoting Port Angeles. Nelson
expressed his appreciation for Myers' outstanding efforts ua City Manager.
New Business
No discussion.
Meeting concluded at 8:32 a.m.
Next regular meeting—April 8,2010, ot7:30o.nn. in the Jack Pittia Conference Room, City Hall.
Teresa Pierce
Cli—erie-kidd, Chair
Executive Communications Coordinator
Page of
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Summary
March ll,20l0
2-9-06 Continue Discussions oil Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
1-08-09 Follow-up&Sul-Vey for Subcommittee April 2010
Business Resource Event 12-12-2009: K.Myers
12-10-09 Complete Count Census All Spring 2010
Committee Participation
3-2010 PA Forward Work Plan Proposal Nathan West April 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
3-2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam Kent Myers May 2010
Removal Pro,ject
Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
March 2006 Planning Commission
and County regarding
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim I-laguewood
Make recornmendation to City
February 2007 Council regarding Harbor Plan Group Completed 2-8-07
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
Octobet-2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Stattle Pro�ject N.West Recommendation to City
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