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` Jack Pdkim Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for 2010
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: '� � ����- �� �~ '
Chair Kidd nncncd the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present.- Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Mike Chapman, Larry Morris, Linda
8o1ouark, |{ j Ah|borg,Terry Weed,Terry Roth, Mike Edwards.
Members Absent: Pruuucm Charles, George Schmenfe|dL Willie Nelson. Two vuounoico for Cidzen-
/iufFyrexen/: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle.
Public Present: Ralph Lovely, Barb K4oynee and Dave Reynolds from Olympic National Park,
Laura Brabant from Port Angeles High School, and student Courtney Lemon.
Elwha River Restoration Project—Olyny2ic National Park I Barb Maynes and Dave ReEnolds
Presentation by Barb Maynea and Dave Reynolds of()NP. K4uynemgaveubriofhuukg,oundonthoC|p/hu
River Restoration project including o history of the restoration act, salmon habitat that will be restored,
years to recovery, and habitat improvements. Muynoa outlined communication goals and planned ways 10
work with the oVoocnuoity and regional partners to spread information out even further. Goals include
concentrating on news and marketing plans. Marketing has not been their usual area o[expertise in the
past. (}NP is engaging with key partners including Lower E)v/hu K|uUum Tribe, Olympic National Park
Institute, and the City of Port Angeles.
Three different marketing consultants are involved. 7,o develop u good tag line was completed with New
Path Marketing, logo development with Laurel Black of Port /\n&c|ea, and with Carol Merry of Seattle,
(with experience with King 5 TV and IKEA) for developing marketing co-ops for tOUrism-based activities.
Co-Chair Perry asked if the public will be allowed above the dams during construction. Mayoea said that
they want to have as nouub public access to the project as possible while work is being done. However,
how Much access will he determined by the project's Contractor with aute\y concerns being primary in any
planning. \/on or shuttle services may be possible to view the removal process along with some trails to
overlook areas.
Johns asked if there was an estimate of jobs produced by the dunn removal. MuYncm responded that
approximately 200 people were employed during construction of the v/u1er i,euinoeni plants and
approximately the same is expected for the ,enmuvn| process. /\h}burg asked if specific budget had been
au< for marketing. Moynee responded that ONP cannot pay for advertising itself, and hopes that this
nation-wide rnu,kctiog plan will involve co-operative ufD/da with other agencies. Any expenses for
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 13,2010
marketing are separate Rnm the project fund. Collaborative marketing plans will be u significant part of
the overall plan. ()NP will have more details iuJune.
Chair Kidd stressed the importance of this project that will bring national and international attention to our
area and how will we connect with them so they kunn' where to stay, who 10 talk to, do. &h|bur& added
that lie asked the Chamber about who io coordinating the project and they responded 1hat (}N9 was. He
further offered that this may hou chance to work outside of the box.
Myers added that P& Forward might ,/mut to create a new set of ambassadors, an expansion of the
Chambers Red Coats, 10 p/e|oonoe people and also inform them of other interesting uroom here. Edwards
asked what specific and measurable goals will bc used to make sure this is successful, auch as increased
visits to the Park ao that results can bemeasured.
Roth Approval ofMinutes
made u motion to 000ep( the February 2010 meeting minutes as presented. Motion seconded by
/\h|burg. Motion carried unanimously. /\ quorum was not present for the March meeting and the April
meeting was cancelled.
2010 Census Opportunities Lor Involventent - US Census
Myers reported that the County did u great 'oh in communicating in the public the irnpoouuoe of
completing the ocnouo form. Chapman confirmed that C|u||ann County had one of the highest return
percentages in the State. Chapman stressed that John Miller and Mike Doherty, of the County, worked
very hard and their efforts were u great part vf the Success of the project.
Economic DeveNpnientlDowntown Port An,-elev—Business Resource SurveV
Co-Chair Perry thanked Bdp/aoda for his work on the project and also Kent and Diannc Myers. Edv/evde
reported that 87 responses were collected via Survey Monkey. Edwards distributed a report that
sunonon,izcd the eurvoy results. The results were grouped into three categories: vvhu1 is working hcmt for
your business, biggest challenges, and what they would like to see the City do.
Working best for business was improving customer service. Biggest challenge was tile recession and items
for the City to do include: revitalize downtown, improving tourism, and encouraging new business.
Existing ufDody include continuing 0o implement the /\[A rcconomnendo]ionm, faoado improvements, and
painting downtown with new efforts on buying local,tourism, and regulatory requirements.
West reported on the RFP process for tile waterfront is at the stage of accepting proposals. He anticipates
Council considering u proposal in July. On the Pugadu Improvement the City is currently accepting
proposals for that progrmn with n deadline of June 4. Painting downtown continues with tile PcnP|y
building project.
Edwards suggested sending the results back<uthe people that responded. Edwards and West will meet to
add more information about existing and new efforts tothe 5nu| aunnnoury of the survey. Perry suggested
putting a list together to present to businesses and the P/\D/\ so they are more aware of what eDhda have
been done and what ioavailable.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
May 13,2010
Myers reminded the group that the purpose of the survey was to gather information to consider new
programs or services and encouraged members to offer those ideas and recommendations. Report will be
given at the next meeting.
Request - Trint Trees between Red Lion and Front Street
Carol Boardman was unable to attend. Issue was tabled to the next meeting.
Member Reports
Co-Chair Perry reported that the first Blue Star Banner went Lip on Lincoln Street and the family was
extremely pleased. Approximately a dozen banners have been sold and he indicated there may be an
interest to expand the program to include 8"' Street.
Ahlburg inquired about the status of the Juan de Fuca Statue project. West responded that presentations
were made, and well received, by the Soroptimists and the Parks Commission. He added that the City is in
need of more information regarding the requirements of this sister-city relationship before taking on that
obligation along with requirements of other sister-city agreements.
Roth reported that there are five buildings targeted for painting this year.
Myers reported a cooperative agreement with ONP and the Feiro, Marine Lab to install an Elwha River
Restoration display that would include preserving items from the power house.
New Business
No discussion.
Meeting concluded at 8:32 a.m.
Chair Kidd and Co-Chair Perry remained to conduct interviews for two citizen-at-large positions.
Candidates are Christopher Riffle,Ralph Lovely and Greg Halberg. Their recommendation will be
forwarded to City Council for approval.
Next Meetinm Date:
• Next regular meeting—June 10, 2010, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Therne Adopted Group On-Going
1-08--09 Follow-up&Survey for Subcommittee April 2010
Business Resource Event 12-12-2009: K.Myers
3-2010 PA Forward Work Plan Proposal Nathan West Apri 12010
3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed
Planning Commission
and County regarding
SOUthern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group Completed 2-8-07
May 10,2007 Determine PA Forward
representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Representative
October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
2007 Route issue
December 2007 Give Recommendation to City
Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIATearn Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Prqject N. West Recorrumndation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Pqject
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Port Angeles City Wide Business Survey 2010 Results Questions (1-6)
Where is your business located?
Answer Options Response Response
Percent Count
Downtown 28.9% 24
Within the city limits, but not downtown 48.2% 40
Outside the city limits 22.9% 19
answered question 83
What type of business do you have?
Answer Options Response Response
Percent Count
Professional 24.1% 20
Retail 13.3% 11
Food Service 3.6% 3
Service(other) 12.0% 10
Medical 3.6% 3
Health and Beauty 0.0% 0
Other(please specify) 43.4% 36
answered question 83
Where are the majority of your customers located? (Choose one)
Answer Options Response Response
Percent Count
Within Port Angeles 14.5% 12
Within the immediate Peninsula area 50.6% 42
State-wide 6.0% 5
Internet Sales 3.6% 3
Other(please specify) 25.3% 21
How many employees do you have? Please list the number of full
Answer Options Response
Between 1 and 1,000 (majority between 2 — 20) 83
What are your peak business times?
Answer Options Response
8-11 am 12
Noon 10
1-2 pm 14
3-5 pm 13
6-8 pm 5
How would you rate Port Angeles for the following on a scale from I to 4?
Answer Options Answer Options Poor Excellent
Attractiveness Attractiveness 16 33 29 4
Cleanliness 9 40 30 3
Parking Convenience 12 34 24 13
Safety Safety 4 11 51 16
Variety of goods/services Variety of goods/services 20 37 23 1
Quality of goods/services 10 25 43 3
Special events/festivals Special events/festivals 3 17 33 29
Friendliness of merchants Friendliness of merchants 4 21 44 13
Public Services Public Services 5 19 56 1