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Jack U»ittin Memorial Conference Room im City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for TnDe 10 201O
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting g7:30u.m.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair [)uo Perry, Larry Mkxdn, Linda Ko{mark Ka
&h|hugg, Mike Edwards, Greg 8u|borg, Christopher 0iO]e` YVi||ic Nelson, and
Sherry Curran for the Lower B|whaK|a||uno Tribe.
Members Absent: George Sob000fe|d\, Mike Chapman, Terry Weed, Terry Roth.
Staff Present: Kent Myers,Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle.
Public Present: None.
Co-Chair Perry made m motion to uuuopt the May 2010 meeting minutes as presented. Motion
seconded byAhlborg. Motion carried unanimously.
EconomicDevelopment lDownlown Port Angeles—Business Resource SurveV
Myers aunonoudzed \he work completed over the |omt four onon|bo with the survey and prioritizing the
ncauha. & spreadsheet was presented listing the projects with their current status and progress made(odate
by the City. Myers reviewed the five items in his noe000 as items that P/\ Forward may want to focus on.
Myers suggested adding another item that would find ways to assist Olympic National Park(ONP)with the
E|vvbo [)unu Keonovu| &c Kce\oroAinn Project. Myers added that it is also important to crou\u more
attractions for winter visitors. Co-Chair Perry added that area transportation services need expansion with
more options available for visitors year round.
Perry added that Mike Edwards, with aomim<onoo from City Staff, did most of the work on this project.
Perry wants the public to know what the City is doing with the hcrne that survey participants o{u1ed were
priorities. He m1rceacd that is it is important to give this information back (o those that participated in the
survey. Edwards reviewed the pn`oony of gathering the information from the ourvoy and tabulating the
results and how the spreadsheet that will provide that feedback and response tuthe survey participants.
Myers added that the information provided today is u`vock in progress and that other items could be added
as necessary such as finding ways to hdug more cruise ships to the area. Edwards would like to see
members of PA Forward to take ownership of items oil tile list in the way of subcommittees, or small teams
of two o/three,to give attention to these areas.
Chair Kidd paused to introduce the two new members of PA Forward. Greg 0u|ber& is u \ouoi real estate
appraiser, and stated that his interest in P/\ Forward is that he grew up hun:` moved away and then uunne
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
June 10,20 10
back, and lie sees tile great potential that the area has. Chris Riffle voiced similar motivations for joining
the Committee as he also lived here, moved up/ay and is now hook in the community with his family.
|\ifOu was practicing law in Onouhu, f4ehrooko, and has joined u local law Unn in Pod /\nAe|ua. llifOu
stated he wants to be part of a solution and be able to offer ideas and solutions back to the community.
Discussion returned to forming subcommittees. Edwards suggested the subcommittees could be provided
with individual survey results mu that they could review those specific concerns identified. Myers added
that tile \io1 im for discussion with tile thought of selecting specific ones\o work with. Ko\nnarkuonnmentud
on the buy local poogruno that more information will be gathered as to vvbcK resources are available
throughout tile entire county.
West added that the nuatdx should have u focus on collective progress being made by abroud range of
community entities us most are working in partnership to ensure positive results. Feedback from the EUC,
Chamber and others should be incorporated ao that what is being accomplished is promoted.
Kidd added that iiio critical to work with ()NP\o promote the B|who Dam Removal & Restoration Project,
but ()NPdoes not necessarily promote Port Angeles. Edvvu,de suggested adding promotion of the E|vvha
Duno 8i Restoration Project into Column #2. Kidd stressed the importance of being prepared for the
numerous media that will come to cover the project.
&h|burA suggested trying to integrate tile Chamber into the effort. Y4u|mou responded that the Chamber had
\hc impression that the advertising would be done by ()NP. /\h|burg offered that the ()N9 has said that
their job iaio educate the public about the project, huithoyare |innheduetovvha] kindofudveUiaingthey
can do. Myers added that ONP is working on the development of a professional marketing plan.
Suggestion was made that P& Pom,uod could act as a coordinating role to bring the groups together.
Curran added that the Lower E|r/baK|a||uno Tdho will be adding ucommunications manager to further
promote the project. Perry added that lie and Myers had met with ularge group from Canada/Victoria \o
introduce them to the area and he will go over in July to be no o |uou\ radio station to further promote the
project. Suggestion was made to have a group called the"Dam Ambassadors"to promote the project.
It was determined to divide the effort into four sub-committees as follows:
Buy Local
Edwards um Chair, with members mF West and Riffle.
Perry om Chair, with members of Nelson, Kidd, f{u|borg, Tetno`veki, and Morris.
Myers osChair, with nuunuhora Boyle,Nelson.
Ro(noarkua Chair, with members Riffle, &b|burg, and West.
Subcommittees will meet separately before the next PA Forward meeting.
Request— Trint Trees between Red Lion and Front Street
Johns reviewed Carol 8oun]noan`u request tmtrim the trees in this area. He has spoken with E|ouudnoun and
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
June |0,20|0
also with a tree service. He detailed the type of vegetation in the area that ranges from alders Wslump
sprouts, salmon berry, and other vegetation that is well over 0 feet tall. The area is oil u steep slope with
past history of soil movement so permitting becomes uu issue with environmental concerns and various
permits being necessary. Public safety also buu000uo an issue if this oouaeu u slide that impacts the Red
Lion. The cut materials could not remain on the ground and would have to be removed, the area is steep
and is not easy to acouxa safely for cutting. All of this adds tothe cost. Red Lion would insist oil limiting
the time and days of work could hodone. The estimated cost ie $7000 to $|0,0001odo the work. Johns
a{,coued the importance of keeping in mind that the trimming could create ye( u bigger and larger project
and a much more expensive cost later.
Myers a(o]ed that there in no nooney in the City budget for this, but Council could n||ocu1e contingency
money for the project. Johns detailed the process oil how the trees and debris could be removed and the
related extra expenses that could he possible depending on the nnodhnd of removal. He etrcyacd tbc
ioopoduuoc of maintaining the under story (opreserve tbc integrity of the bank. Kidd asked if volunteers
could huused. West responded any work in the area should be done by professionals considering the steep
slope and environmentally sensitive nature of the area. &ddhiouu||y` liability would beu concern since the
area is in the City's right ofway.
Co-Chair Perry moved to table discussion to momt meeting. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion
carried mmuminmwmmlv.
News Business
Mvcm added that {}NP Superintendent Karen Guudn confirmed that the Department nftile Interior has
committed to additional funding of$250,000 to keep Hurricane Ridge Road open, however, there is a gap
remaining of approximately $75,080. /\h|hurg inquired about using County or City equipment for auovv
removal. Myers responded that there are limitations on jurisdictions and availability of equipment.
Discussion continued oil whether to approach the County to see if they Would approve funding towards the
project. l}u|horg suggested seeking out area businesses that di,coi|y benefit from the Ridge Road being
open to eoc i[they would be willing to contribute and thought it would he possible to find 75 businesses or
groups that could contribute $1000 each.
Meeting concluded at 8:43 a.m.
Next regular meeting—July 8, 2010, u17:30 u.nu. in tile Jack Pittie Conference Room, City Hall.
Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce
Executive Coin nounicatioumCoordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "20 1 0"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various July 2010
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West Nov-Dec 2010
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 planning Commission Completed
and Count),regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Cornplet 1-06
with Jim flaguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine I"A Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 20 10 Census Bureau N.West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N. West Recommendation to City
May 2 010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project