HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/08/2010 ANGELES �� COMMITTEE
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JmublPittis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting Minutes for July v, 2010
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORIDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting ut7:3Om.nn.
Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Mike Chapman, Terry Weed, Terry Roth,
l.cd Simpson for the Port Angeles Buaiuoaa /leaouio]ion` Jeff Robb for tile Port of
Port Angeles, Doug Nuua, Linda Ro\nnurk, Mike Edwards,
Members Absent: Greg Bu|horg, Christopher Riffle, Willie Nelson, Frances Charles.
/lxfFPrusen/: Kent Myers,Nathan West,Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: None.
Public Present: None.
Approval ofMinutes
Edwards made a motion to accept the June 2010 ommottmg minutes as prcmmmtuW. Motion seconded by
Perry. Motion carried unanimously.
Economic Development lDoivntown Port Angeles—Business Resource SurveE
Chair Kidd asked for oub-oononnittcca progress reports.
Buy Local
Edwards uy Chair, with members of West and Riffle.
Edwards reported that the sub-uonnnniU*c'o first oneoting will be this coming Friday which will include
business people from the business survey.
Perry as Chair, with members of Nelson, Kidd, Halberg, Tetnowski, and Morris.
Perry reported that o meeting had not been held yet but discussion has taken place regarding Hurricane
f<idAc Road. ~yom\erdoy he spoke with Barb Mkn/uum of Olympic National Park (()NY) regarding o
marketing punuocmhip for the E|vvhu Dam Removal project. Mayneo will join the oornnniUoc after she
returns from vacation in late July. Kidd commented on the improved partnership with ()NP.
Myers as Cbui,' with nunnoberm Boyle,Nelson.
Myers reported that a variety of transportation issues will be need to be addressed. The eub-uonnnnittechas
not met yet, but Myers has met with C|oUuni Transit and ()NP about providing public transportation up to
the Ridge. /\ feasibility study is hoped tobe funded for next year. \Ycud added that there iaosignificant
Port Angeles Forward Meeting MbuUoa
July 8,20|O
amount o[federal money available that the ONP could take advantage o[ Myers said there isnfederal
mandate to reduce the carbon footprint mu there is a good possibility for this funding. Myers asked for other
volunteers to join the aub-0000rnh\ou.
Chapman offered that the County may he able <u provide road clearing equipment and man-power 1ohelp
keep the road open in the winter nzou1ha. Mk'e,o responded that there apparently is u liability issue with
[Np using County or City equipment or crews. Chapman suggested contacting Congressman Dicks.
County Road engineers are working on o proposal io present to the Park for their consideration.
Regulation /Business/Financing
Roimnurkae Chair, whhnncnnhoru Riffle, /\h|burg` and 9/ee\.
R*tnourk reported that u meeting had not been held yet. Rotnnork stated she was o bit unconnfbmLuh|e
contacting survey participants via email. Edwards responded that cnuxi| addresses were provided by
participants and he encouraged contacting participants to sue if they are interested in serving on a sub-
committee. Rutmuuck will contact the sub-committee(o arrange ameeting.
Roinuuck added that the Euononoio Development Council (8DC) is in partnership with other EDCo to
develop a premiere expert in putting together financing for public and private projects. The business plan
is being v/dUeu now for the Olympic Finance Development Authority. The Authority could consider
providing resources for micro-loan funding. The Olympic Finance Development Authority is unique not
only to the state, but nudunu||y` with the first step being 0o provide four counties with one entity that
understands the market and related issues. A consultant has been hired and all intern ioiu place to write the
business plan.
New Business-National Historic District
Kidd introduced this topic for discussion. She reported that she is currently working oil an application to
ca\ub|ieh aNationa| Historic District (N [)) on "u ,h Lincoln �\r�ct b�kv�un � and 4 Streets. /\N|;D gives u
location dimduc(ino and includes a building on the National register. She is in need of letters of support
from the community to submit with the application and hopes that the entities represented onP/\ Forward
will support this application. Myers inquired ifapublic hearing would he required to notify property
owners of the designation. West responded that h depends oil the type o[Historical District planned and
there would probably be upoh|io process involved. Tile specific area she is interested in is only oo the east
side of Lincoln hctwoou 2"u and 4t" Streets. Roth inquired if the nearby trailer park and road access would
be uoonoe,n. West responded that ho would have to confirm if that access was pdvu10 or in the public
right ofway.
Kidd added that she will he submitting u pru|inuiuo,y application to D|ynnpimv/dh a5nu| presentation to be
made in possibly September. If approved at the State iovu|, then 0|ynopio would then present this on u
Federal level.
Request—Trim Trees between Red Lion and Front Street
Kidd, Perry, West, and City staff Scott Johns and Corey Delika1 visited the location. Perry stated that the
trees in that area are much larger and much denser than he expected and the area is very o1oop and hand to
ouocsa. He does not believe it was feasible to do this project now or at any time. He in concerned about
erosion in the area and believes that the trees keep this area secure and the area is too steep and wide to be
able io 'umttoptbe trees.
lVod added that if the tn:om were to be removed the work abuu|d be done from he|o`v and there are
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
July 8,2010
concerns about how much yearly maintenance would be required because of the types of trees in this area.
City Crews did trim as much as they could north of the 1-laynes Park lookout area and this greatly improved
the view of the harbor. Edwards asked if just branches could be cut to open up the view and Perry
responded that this might be possible after the trees grow taller.
Motion by Perry that it is not feasible to do any more than the clearing that has already been
completed by the City at Hayes Park lookout area — however, this issue may be reconsidered in
approximately three years. Motion second by Roth. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Boardman
will be informed of the decision.
Lodginjz Tax Advisory Committee—Confirm PA Forward Representative
Myers reported that interviews have been completed for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)
and the next step is for Council to approve these appointments. Myers requested confirmation from the PA
Forward Committee for Terry Roth to continue as their representative on the LTAC. Chapman moved to
appoint Terry Roth as PA Forward's non-voting member on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
Second by Nass. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business- Other
Myers reported that the Elwha Klallam Heritage Center will be dedicated today at 10:00 a.m. and
he encouraged others to attend.
Rotmark reported that renewable energy projects are being considered and that Port Angeles
offers many attributes such as a deep harbor, port access to the ocean and especially composites.
Battelle knows how to go after funding and can incubate science and technology businesses and
situate them here in the community with recent success specifically in the Sequim area.
Roth reported that at a recent Port Angeles Downtown Association (DADA) meeting it was noted
that having a dedicated downtown resource police officer has reduced crime 54%. PADA hopes
that an officer can be specifically kept in the downtown area. The Gateway facility is still a
catalyst for the certain individuals and groups that appear to have no other place to gather. West
reported that this has been brought to the attention of the Chief Gallagher of PAPD and he expects
the Police Dept to be responsive. Roth responded that there has been increased police presence in
the downtown and that effort is much appreciated.
Myers added that design consultants for the Waterfront Improvements project will be interviewed
today and Mike Edwards will be participating on that interview panel representing PA Forward.
He is hopeful that a preliminary recommendation will be forwarded to City Council next month.
Perry reported that he is headed to Victoria today and will appear on AM Victoria tomorrow to
promote Port Angeles and during the weekend he will meet with various business people and
other groups to discuss tourism.
Jeff Robb reported that meetings have been held regarding Lincoln Park and the FAA. Agreement
has been made to send a letter to the FAA to encourage progress.
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Port Angeles Forward. Meeting Minutes
July 8,2010
Meeting concluded at 8:12 a.m.
After the meeting was adjourned,Terry Roth noted that he would be joining the Tourism/ONP/
Elwha subcommittee. No formal action taken.
Next Meetin,-Date:
• Next re ttlar..aneet4.1 -August 12, 2010, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall.
.-Chef ie•-l-WE6;6-ha' Tere a Pierce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various July—August 2010
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West Nov-Dec 2010
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to LodgingTax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business lZesource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final lZeport Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue PrQject N. West Recommendation to City
May 20 10 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project
` Buy-Local Sub-Committee ofPAForward Mike Edwards
Based on the results from the 301OPA Business Survey, vve identified that several major business
challenges. By prioritizing these (based on the survey feedback),one area to address would be the
concept of Buying-Local.The current sub-committee as now met 3 times(twice a month meeting
schedule) and have added several people to the team, We reviewed past efforts while brainstorming
new methods to help in determining the proper scope &objective of the current Buy-Local initiative.
The current members include; Nathan West, Chris Riffle, Mike Edwards, aprilb@olypen.com,
dramarex@gmaif.com, sterlingimpressions@gmail.com, Barbara Fredrick and we have just added Clea
Rome and Susan Chadd (who had lead a similar effort a year ag¢).
Here are the highlights to date;
• Determined additional members(from survey respondents) and encouraged them to join this
initiative. (April Bellerud—Odyssey Books, Grace Kauffman—Sterling impressions)
• After discussing the possible gCDpe of the t2B|n (backing a COup|8 of local projects V8. creation of
a 'buy-local' initiative), we concluded that forming a 'buy-local'campaign to be the right focus.
• We reviewed material on several other city'Buy-Local' initiatives and it was suggested that vve
leverage whatever is applicable 10 Port Angeles' challenges.
• Clea Rome&Susan Chadd brought with them a presentation deck from a year ago when the
"Think Local First'workshop was given by Michelle Long of Bellingham.
• We also discussed the basic elements that make up such a campaign (Defining 'Buy-Local',
Research, Marketing plan, Budget, Fundraising, Recruitment, Launching&Susta|ning\.
• Last night we met again with a focus on Vision—Mission—Goals.We agreed on the following
definitions but still need to further research existing Buy-Local methodologies(the how-to);
A prosperous economy that maximizes the share of wealth that is distributed arid controlled
within the regional community, for the benefit of the P.A. community.
Create a sustainable process that drives a PA regional wide effort to publicize and encourage
reinvestment inthe local economy.
Build, launch and sustain a 'Bux/T6inkLoca|'efkort beginning 2010. This will include — (specifics
to be added once initial first year objectives are determined).