HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/12/2010 � ��� COMMITTEE
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` JuckK»btis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles,Washington
2 Minutes � � "2USf /2' 2010
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Co-Chair Perry opened the meeting at7:30a.m.
Members,Present: Co-Chair Don Perry, Brooke Nelson, Mike Chapman, Sonya ?ctnovvkai, Terry
Weed, Terry Roth, K ' /\hlhurg, Jeff Robb, Mike Edwards, Christopher Riffle.
Members Absent.- Chair Cherie Kidd, Greg Halberg, Doug Nass, Willie Nelson, Linda Rotmark
@��'Preuon/.- Kent Myers,Nathan West, Roberta l{orcz, Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tim Boyle
Public Present: Barb K4uynusof Olympic National Park; Bill Grimes o[Studio Cascade.
Approval of Minutes
T. Roth made nuodoo to mucwyt the July 2o10 mmmmduX minutes as presented. Motion mmcnod*d by
M. Chapman. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation / Waterftont Transportation Improvements Project (R7M bV Studio Caseade
N. VVea1 gave o brief review of the project which includes four capital improvement projects - the
waterfront promenade, v/ayGoding'aiguaAc` entry monuments and transportation. Studio Cascade of
Spokane was selected as the lead 000au|tun[ with Zenoviok & Associates as the local firm. West
introduced Bill Grimes from Studio Cascade.
B. Grimes offered how community revitalization takes many components to be au000eefu|. This particular
project will involve three important components including the vva1orfiord, wayfiodingond transportation all
important{ohelp establish momentum for the project. The concept phase will be accelerated so that six of
the *nyOoding signs will uo1uol|y he in place by the end of 2010, along with the design for entry
monuments. There will be a very interactive process for public participation and involvement. Studio
Cascade will be developing o dedicated wehoito just for this project. The`vohoi{e is not functioning yet but
the domain will be . Workshops will be held to bring design and construction
teams together and will be open 10 the public for their in1ozuchoo and participation. An Open House will
also be bc|d for the public with final concepts expected in December. Studio Cascade will start this
v/eoknod interviewing people that are visiting Port Angeles on the ferry and also at Hurricane Ridge.
Stakeholder interviews will also heheld.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August |2,20l0
After conceptual design, then construction and architectural design will begin so hopefully ubid package
vvoo\d he in place in uppooxinno1c\y ayeaz. The waterfront area will be bc|*cco the estuary and the City
Pier. Robb added that access {o marina is lost because ufgap between i( and the rest of the waterfront by
the industrial area. Grimes agreed that tying the marina to the downtown area is important.
Perry added the importance of working with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to also tie in that area west of
the marina with the vvu{crfionL Roth asked about p|oou 10 work on the Cobo dock. Dohh responded it
might he30|3orao before actual construction could begin.
West added that this project wi|| U|| one of the gaps between the waterfront and the estuary and further
encouraged the committee<o participate in the Shoreline &Harbor master plan.
Economic Development IDowntown Port Ang-eles ISubco"Imittee Reports
Co-Chair Perry asked for sub-committees progress reports.
Buy Local
Edwards ao Chair,with onomhemof West and Riffle.
The scope of this committee has changed and expanded. They have had <broo meetings yo far to properly
address the scope of this project including defining, marketing, fivauoiog` scheduling, and recruiting
boaincxacu. They have looked into other examples but questions a1i|| remain about the proper objective in
the first year. It will not be as simple as first envisioned but will be more of a long-term process that will be
a co1a|ya| for economic development opportunities. They have recruited o fen participants from the
business survey to participate including C|coRome and Susan Chadd who ran uvory similar effort afew
years ago.
West thanked Edwards for his initiative and research and also acknowledged that Riffle has also been on
active participant outhis subcommittee.
Perry as Chair, with members of Nelson, Kidd, Da|berA, Tctnowaki` Roth, Barb k4uynom` Jan Hurhiok, and
Perry reported that no formal meetings have been held but efforts have instead gone towards the Hurricane
Ridge Road project. He plans on holding u meeting next week if possible. Meeting set for July 26 at 7:30
a.m. in the PiUie Conference Room.
Barb Muyoeo gave o brief update on the B|wka Darn Removal Project. Award for the construction contract
will he coming up later this year. /\ consultant from Bea1Uo is working on u media campaign tu provide
outlets for television, magazines, and newspapers (o get the word out about the project. More information
about the project wi||be included oo the ONPvvehai{e.
ONP is also working with Diane Shostak of the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Bureau on"packaging"as part
of marketing program. The Pod /\ngo|eo High School is also very interested in seeing bow they can
incorporate this project into their curriculum for science and other educational purposes.
There is also hope for a media training session in the spring to equip ONP staff for media interviews. &
kickoff event is also being planned for approximately September of 2011 for the uutou| beginning of the
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August 12,2010
Maynea added that are other locations outside of the actual dam removal site that will be part wfthe project
and opportunities for tourism. The greenhouse, other areas of the river and also the Peinu Marine Life
Center has umode| of the area on display that illustrates how the sediment will move once the dams are
Myers as Chair, with members Boyle,Nelson.
The subcommittee has had one meeting so far. Others have been recruited 10 join the subcommittee
discuss better coordination and opportunities for additional transportation in the area. Riau Anderson, Jack
Heckman, a representative from the Port, and Terry Weed have joined the subcommittee. Hurricane Ridge,
Lake Crescent and the RohRoio Forest are top destinations for tourists coming off the ferries and there are
gaps in transportation options 10 get people to these locations. Discussions also included transportation to
the upcoming dam removal uohwihou and transportation to outlooks and other ooeuo of interest.
Coordination with ONP*i}\ be an important part oftile process. Olympic Park Institute also has ways to
provide transportation and they will bo included iu the process.
Ko1markay Chair, with members Riffle, Ah|huz8, and West.
Ro(noackabeeut. Riffle reported that the subcommittee has not met.
New Business-
Myers reported that Hurricane Ridge Road fundraising efforts are progressing well. There will beu
meeting next Monday to review donations<o determine ifthe goal has been met. &n announcement iy
possible for Monday's Chamber ofCommerce noco1iog.
Myers continued that should the goal be triet,the next challenge will be marketing that the road is open,
increasing baffiuto the park, and being able to measure traffic and other elements. /\h|hurA asked about
expanding the skiing operations. Myers responded that uo commitment had been made yet aethose
operations are run mostly by volunteer efforts.
Myers noted tile various partnerships that made this fundraising effort successful ino|udingC|ullam County
and the City ofSeqnim.
Member Repor
Lower ElvvboK3aDmmmTribe
Sonya Totnov/eki reported that the LB|{T has submitted a grant for a curator-type of facility m1 the Tae'
*cit-zunmi{u. She also invited everyone to attend the presentation of the Y'ennis Creek restoration plan on
the evening of August |7,20|O` a1 the Heritage Center on First Street.
Port oY Port Angeles
Robb reported that they are moving ahead with design for expansion of/\CTT. Black Ball dock design is
underway and wanted to clarify that the Port does not have the$] million in fcdooa| funding in pocket yet.
He expects the City Council to consider a 1111,11ti-step Lincoln Park tree removal process and transition from
uhigb-caoopy to y|ow-uonopy park possibly in September.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
August 12,2010
Clallam County
Mike Chapman reported on the recent clean up of a private residence, in the Gales Addition area, where
over 60 garbage truck loads junk removed from the site.
PA Downtown Association
Terry Roth reported that businesses are enjoying the tourist season. He attended the first Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee meeting with the next meeting being on September 29. Expectation is for less funds
to be available for 2011.
Perry announced that Heritage Weekend will be going on this Saturday and Sunday.
Clallam Transit
Terry Weed reported that are continuing budget challenges with revenues and as time goes on decisions
may be necessary on possibly changing services or fees. He reported that there is a possibility for grant
funding for a bus washing system, and electronic signage at The Gateway.
PA Business Association
Kaj Ahlburg reported on new building rules affecting the east side of the City out to the Morse Creek area
and how PABA has a committee working on the project to express concerns to the State. He added that
there is still a hope to reopen the building formerly of Gottschalks as a department-type store again once a
manager is determined.
City of Port Angeles
City Manager Myers
A possible Civic Historic District is being prepared for Council consideration. Myers also noted the recent
approval of Nippon's Cogeneration project and emphasized how this further stabilizes that company's
presence in the community.
Meeting concluded at 8:36 a.m.
Next Meeting Date:
• Next regular.meeting—September 9,2010,. at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall.
n Perry, Co- .hair Teresa herce
Executive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
I lousing/Jobs
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various July—August 2010
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West Nov-Dec 2010
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Haguewood
February 2007 Make re coin mendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging'Fax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 1 lost Business Resource Event/ Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CH& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N.West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N.West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwlia Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project