HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/09/2010 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall /Port Angeles, Washington
Meeting M^nn| f�[ ��Df�rn �
krO^ 2010
Mission Statement:
To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
Chair Kidd opened dle meeting at 7:30 a.n.
Members Presenl: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co-Chair Don Perry, Jeff Robb, Greg Ha|berg Willie Nelson,
Terry Weed, Mike Chapman` Terry Weed, Mike Edwards, Doug Nase,
Christopher Riffle.
Members Ahxon� Ku &h]burg, Linda&obnurk.
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns,Teresa Pierce.
Others Present: Tiro E|oy|u
Public Present.- None.
Approval ofMinut
M. 0d+vmrdm muuWo m motion to accept the AmgmmV 2010 muumtkug nmimm0mm as presented. Motion
seconded by J. Robb. Motion carried unanimously.
Wateffiynt Transportation Improvements Project(03M - Update
N. West provided un update on the project. Next week consultants from Studio Cascade will be here to
conduct interviews and will also make o presentation to the Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Studio
Cascade will be setting up a temporary office on Laurel Street that will be open for the public to learn more
about the project.
Cameras and traffic counters have been set up around town. Studio Cascade im reviewing parking demand
information and took readings over the Labor Day holiday and will also do that during lower volume dnnoa.
West stressed the importance of stakeholder participation and invited P/\ Forward members <o attend u
meeting in the Pittim Conference Duonn on Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 1:00 pm to discuss
This project is also being incorporated with the Shoreline and Harbor Planning project. West encouraged
PA Forward committee members to come io that open house oil September 14` o10 pill io the Vern Burton
Community Center.
Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September 9,20lO
Co-Chair Perry asked for sub-conunittees progress reports.
Buy Local
Edwards xm Chair,with members of West and Riffle.
Edwards reported ho and Riffle had met and discussed in details that there already are n wide variety of
"buy ioua[" efforts throughout the country and trying to find one that fits our area was acba\ienge. An
example was found that focuses on smaller oonnnnoni\ioe like ours. They determined u set of steps to
h00000e organized. Determining these steps also included dnoe|iocs` u step-specific budget, funding
sources, and obtaining adequate funding to sustain nnonoeo\urn. The suggested the theme of "think |oou[`
rather than "buy local"to focus on the entire region to think, shop, visit, and buy. Edwards commented on
the importance ofu steering committee being formed. /\ logo needs \obe professionally designed. There
is a need to create educational nuotoria|a that address the business benefits as part of recruiting plan.
/\Uzompta would be made to contact different types of businesses. Market research includes u huuincmy
survey to see why people do, or do out, buy local and then conduct another survey six months later to
compare results. Advertising would include signs for windows of participating businesses. Promotional
cOoda and active recruitment is necessary to get people on board, signed up, including the understanding
that there will hou commitment\n be involved. Designing uv/ebmiteand determining measurements could
be leveraged using abodun<s from Peninsula College and high auhou|m for needs such as logo and web
design were suggested. Also needed would be web hosting, graphic design services and a"leakage" report
to determine why, and what types of products and services that people are buying outside the area.
/ I*<non'aki added that the Lower E|`vhaT{|a||amn Tribe (L.BKT) had done research when planning for their
casino and L8KT would he willing to share that information. She asked v/hmJ role the Chunnbu, would
have in this oDhd as it is her understanding that this is part of what the Chamber's responsibilities.
Edwards will contact Russ\/ecoernau1 the Chamber tu see what efforts they have in p|uoc. Willie Nelson
responded that the Chamber does rnnko efforts io this regards, and further connrnonted that Edwards' plan is
definitely more proactive. Nelson suggested that Edwards could make u presentation tothe Chamber or
Pod /\oge|em Business Association (P/\B/\). Tetnov/ski offered 10 share any info or data the Tribe may
?c(novvuki reported that the Heritage Center will be used as ntrainiug center for |ov/ income people and
[onui|ioy and feature classes such as nrauoue writing. Meeting space is available for groups. She also
announced that onOctober 5 there will ho academy training for high school students.
Perry ao Chair, with members ofNelson, 1{idd, 8u|berg" 1,etnop/mki` Roth, Barb K4uynoe, Jan }Karhiok, and
Perry reported that the committee met and discussed a wide variety of topics and narrowed it down to not
reinventing the vvbcc| or duplicating efforts. 7Fbrce priorities were determined: l. Follow through and
promote llurdoauo Ridge Road being open during the winter all week. 2. ()NP and E|`phu darn, removal
and working with [)N9 and the LEl{T in promoting that effort along with working with the County. 3.
Tseweitzen Village and working with the Tribe on the planning and support of those efforts.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September V,20|O
Efforts will he concentrated on these three items along with working to remove road blocks 0o tourism
pronuotion. Next meeting of tile subcommittee will be Sept. 32n18:00unnin the Pittia conference room.
Discussion Continued about access to the Elwha River Dam site during construction. Access does not seem
to be ynomib|c as the ()NP works out the contract with the contractor. LJo|iku|y` {hero will be nooema for
tours during the project.
Myers us Chair,with members Boyle,Nelson.
Kidd read City Manager Myers' Report umfollows: The purpose nJ'/hoYron4purtat/ox,�oboomm/ttme
meeting was to discuss improved transportation services to major attractions it? the National Park
yxrtinx/ur/v f/urr/ooxo Ridge, Crescent Lake and the/yo6 Rain}0rox/. '4Kcno6ox at the mox//ng/nc/mue'f
/{oron (Jox/bn, Yhdy 5mxu and Barb Mzvoex with the National Park. Also /x attendance were Council
member Cherie Kidd, Kent Myers and Tim Boyle representing/A Forward. Other attendees included
Randall Waltz with (�vmpic Park Institute, Doug,�andan with the Port, Jack Heckman, Jack Harmon and
Terry Weed.
/6nrcnL7xx//nreoor/od/hu//n /hudcvu/nnx/en/nf/ho2&z//nou//'/rk'sL;onmro/Manugomon//`/un /hu/
transportation planningwas ident�ed as one of the top three priorities. The/vorkServ/ce has recently
v/V/8ex/orop/onn/ng grant that they expect/o receive onor about Oc/ober /. This grant would allow
them to do afieasibiIiiy stu�v on theJeasibility ofproviding improved transportation services to the Park.
She requested that members n/the fN/onvum/,�u8mmmittepparticipate in this study and help them scope
the project later this year. /f the study indicates that improved/ovnspor/u//onxerr/coxuroftux/b/e' then
the Park Serv/oewoo/du%y//v/orxuoxoxdgun///odvoy//o//,r qjuo/ix20/2/ode/cnn/no/he/ope/of
interest in specific transportation services such m shuttle services to Hurricane Ridge.
The subcommittee also discussed the idea nf creating o destination marketing center/n the downtown area
which wouldprovide a centralized source of iqformation on tourism attractions and transportation
services. It was agreed that this conceptshould be explored 6y PA Forward since it involves more than
transportation services.
llu|herg had the understanding that the transportation effort would he park-wide rather than 'ua\ epcuifio to
Hurricane Ridge. Kidd confirmed that it is park-wide effort. Ha|herguwked about plans for this winter io
provide bauypudu1ion for packages either through C|a||onn Transit or private bunopodu1ioo like \ui]|ic
Nelson's tours. Nelson stated he would be interested as his van pretty much sits idle during the winter
beyond the Victoria market.
Edwards suggested having ten points of measurement to determine success and be able to prove success 10
obtain funding io the following years.
Boyle suggested the use of Olympic Park Institute (OPI) for promoting transportation to the dams and also
]lunioaoc Ridge. Hallberg added that the NPS does have an orophoaia on youth participation iu their parks
and connecting that with the school district would be important. }}niherg will contact 09l and [udhoz
discuss their programs and coordination with the noboo| district.
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Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes
September o`20lU
Kidd reported on establishing u location downtown for the (}NP and that ()N9 would entertain u
deudno]inu marketing center. T. VVc*d offered that there is n enno|| office area o1 The Gateway that could
be available. Chris McKinney 0nnn Ar000urk will be invited to attend the next P/\ Forward meeting to
llu|berg added that having udowntown center for (}NP is important and will also help encourage more
cuatonnumtothe dop/n1ov/o urea.
Rotnou,kumChair, with members Riffle, /\b|burg, and West.
No report.
New Business
Member Repo
Nelson reported that the new slogan for the Chamber of Commerce will be announced soon.
Meeting concluded ut0:36a,mo.
Next regular meeting—October 14" 2010, o17:30 um. in the Jack Ph1iy Conference Room, City Hall.
Executive Communications Coordinator
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2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going
3-13-2008 "2010"Theme Adopted Group On-Going
6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various July—August 2010
2010 PA Forward 2011 Nathan West Nov-Dee 2010
Work Plan Proposal
Letter to City Council,
March 2006 Planning Commission Completed
and County regarding Mark Madsen
Southern Cross-Route
April-May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06
with Jim Flaguewood
February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07
Council regarding Harbor Plan Group
Determine PA Forward
May 10,2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007
October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07
October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07
Route issue
Give Recommendation to City
December 2007 Council Regarding Cross-Town Group Completed
January 2009 Host Business Resource Event Subcommittee January 8,2009
Council Chambers
March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009
Forward Recommendations to
April 2009 City Council regarding CFP& Group April 9,2009
Policy Issues
Summer 2009 AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009
Final Report Roll Out
August 2009 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009
February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N. West Recommendation to City
May 2010 Complete Count Census N.West May 2010
Invited ONP to discuss
May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K.Myers May 2010
Removal Project