HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 03/09/2010 OR T, NCG1 L E S
WASH 1 N GT0N, U.. S. A.
City Council
March 9, 2010
Mr. Wemer Beier
145 Viewcrest Avenue
Poil Angeles, WA 98362
Y Re: Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Beier:
At its ineeth of March 2, 2010, the.City Council interviewed applicants to fill the vacancies on
the Plaruling Commission. The'Council felt each applicant would have been an excellent choice,
t so the decision was a particularly difficult one to make. Unfortunately, you were not selected to
serve on the commission for another term.
I want to thank you for your service on the Planning Commission. I encourage you to continue
your interest in matters facing the City. Thank you for your involvement and I wish you great
success in the future.
Sinc ?
Y. INI - -
;.1k; - ..
Daniel A. Di Guilio
Phone: 360-417' 5001 Fax: 360-417-4509
Website: www.cityofpa.us/Email: council 0 cityofpa.us
321 East Fifths Street- P.O. Box 11,50 L Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
W A S H 1• N G T O N, U. S. A.
City Council
March 9, 2014
Ms. Deborah J. Frazier
3115 City Light Place
Port Angeles, WA 98362 ,
Re: Planning Commission
Dear Ms. Frazier:
At its meeting of March 2, 20105 the City Council interviewed applicants to'fill the vacancies on
the Planning CoiYUilission: The Council felt each applicant would have been an excellent choice,
particularly y you were not selected to
so the decision was a articular) difficult one to make. Unfortunately, y
serve on the commission.
I wm)-t to thank you for your interest u1 seryi�rg'on the Plaz�aaing Conunission: I encourage you to
continue your interest in matters faciuig the City and I wish you great success iii the fixture.
Si y,
Daniel A. Di uilio
Phone: 360-417-4500/Fax: 360-417-4509
Website: www.cityofpa.es/Email: council @cityofoa.us
321 East Fifth Street- O. Box 11,50.1 Port Angeles, WA 98362
/•► W�A S H I N G T D N, U. S. A.
s City Council
December 8, 2010
Mrs. Carla Sue
gw 201 Do ood Place
Port Angeles, WA 483.62
Re: Departure from Planning Commission
Dear Mrs. Sue
City Council was recently advised of your formal resignation froze the Port Azxgeles l'lai�ning
h Commission.
extend our most s
ea x
eciatiori for the
On behalf of the City Council, I would like to x pp
time you served on the CormniSsion: Your participatiolz and leadership will be greatly
We tha do you for your service and Wish you the best in your future endeavors..
A. Sin ely,
Dan Di Guilio
cc: Community & Economic Developinent Department
ac ,
:i -
Phone: 360-417-45001 Fax: 360-417-4509
Wehsite: www.cityofpa.us"I Email: council @cityofpa.us
321 East Fifth Street- P.O. Box 11501 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
` I 'i f Nf
1 W AS H I N G T O N, U. S. A,
City Council.
- December $ 201Q -
r, ,
"u Mr, David L. Miller
501 S. Blue Water View
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Appointment to'Planning CO"unissiOn
Dear Mr. Miller:
At its meeting of December 7, 2010, the City Council uiiaaunously appointed you to the
membership of the Planning Conunission to fill a recently vacated term th at will expire on
February 28, 2011, Congratulations! ;
You will be hearing from the staff of the Planning Department ui the immediate future to
provide you with cuzxent information relative to your appoixrtn1ent to the Planning
V� ,
The Co�uicil looks forward to your continued involveixient"in the deliberations of the
Planning Conunission, as there are many ext eixiely impoxlaxlt issues being addressed. We
A thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of Port Angeles.
?, Sincerely,
Dan Di Guilio
cc: Commluiity& Economic Development Department
Phone:360-417-45001 Fax:360-417-4509
a . Wefisi#e; www.cityofpa.us/Email: council @cityofpa.us
l 321 East Fifth Street- P,O. Box 1150[Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217