HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoger Spencer T there-wiyl still be'big#lo
– f iathe:springt mes and des.
ert'dryness in the.summer- .
q Af times.'
Nip Ml k� How will the salmon a ,
All k survive that? t
l _ Indeed will people get (;E
i then gh potable water'
J Those dams will be
extremely expensive to A�gtO�
replace in the future= C1ty ®�pptti
probably impossible in a
declining econoiuy. i ,
] . Rogei Spencer
r �Mlr � �'� PortAngele '
I would ike.to ask why
the S6gmm Senior Activity
Center is not receiving
Milk, 1 fund's from the United Wa'Y
/ n
of Clallam County,
l:.. I bobe.ywiliey should.
The"SSk.has many
I: ers and the fuel t son " seniors using walkers, Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Daily
that fuel. ,� some using oxygen,some
You-paythewa f,�Und- using vheelYchairs News, pub. 3/17,stating the obvious developments from
£ benefits of the autd�rk- All these people berlefif= destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA supposedly to
err who _our and from the center.
all'the taxes associewith It's a place where every recreate the original habitat for wild salmon,
those wages;and b
"fits. one:can come and enjoy
y' At every level OEM- themselves and learn. The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
tion,those taxes ar��'�t ded They pay all their bills 9
Bay to the cost of the puT;. ct at and certainly can use and concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
that level.'Then'tha N ost is iTeyit deW yh ould gi e. very much faster than they had been assuming,due primarily
e multiplied by the profac- I ho e the to the malting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
for before the product a P y will give g p p
ill sold to the next level d s „ thoughtful consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
amending their policy and-
ies So,the actual cost ofloie . more to greenhouse warming.
taxes gets increased as include the Sequim Senior 9
1 ghe; Activity Center in their'
rin- rave material moves £trading: When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts.will
S, through the processes lead g
ingto the final product + # I Ruth J Albertson melt also, leaving a weather pattern of huge spring floods and
.al So,for those,ofyou what summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
advocate solvati�our pA"MBRA benefits drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
national,and state budget Uzi i
M A'woes.by taxing those`big M How.many of have
rich corporations,"remem- and ofBOOBRA? It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
her,those corporate taxes ti How many unemployed situation is. Therefore it's U to you,the people with
i don't come out of the pock- currently thanking p y
ets of the management or lucky stars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
owners/stockholders corraions___t ev expensive,they can their own irrationality. You should be striving to et financial
those corporations-they sY�eep the medical cov- Y g g
just get passed on as er Mthey had before they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them—
increased prices on the wed laid off? so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy.
goods and services those D ,ou know how that.
f corpore,tions.provide: OB fpands£oral what
When you ddvocate tax- C ,�t Even if,for whatever reason,you can't be sure of the rate of
h ingbusiness,you advocate. Yt ds:for Gongressi❑ global warming,shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
taxing yourselves. C Budget Rec-
oncilia{' .Act. I Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
l Consider this next time So pl Vie,see:that bud-
,you advocate for taxing get reco ,§ ,see. as been caution?
someone further back in used m times for man
the manufacturing chain. import aspects of our Yours,
W � g' mutual w -being;includ
,•, sgmg this ortant health
Elwha River dams pare ini Ve
Don't scared bymis-
Future generations wily '' Drina .n and scare-„
look back andbe.da in nge' g
sorry that the dams on the d The dire congressional
l Elwha River were taken J ans' ends,and budget
out.' co ation is a commonly
The weather is warming, i e of to get things done
significantly, benefitiyou. .
` Even if there is increased iy Lyn Muench,
a snow on the mountains port Angeles
s 134 Wr�§9Nk we kclaYX eriaptarpor 94 411a
leigaragl11ie3a�� athtof�frvorsoEfevKlram
point�tyfs�ylestopl�o rcolumns t iQ ttx�rerj�n 5a0 t�orrls llt
incu vnloeal�orn€nC itylitestyleis5ues Pl se Sendusp❑k,_geller
oriXm€Eterm9L1� 1 �3
zersand c�oestroi❑mngR�Csgec�ita�mlErproRarlof
f?eCt(gsula7�jrNeW��fld�Sraseru�931kak7�htt¢�Iecl Ct�tletlsacrr
Metiers pa�IlsFiedl>3 otlSe�newsFapeis�anonymous ie�er; eyspn�(
-�. aHa+s4c3-laRlaen:ar4�m�.w4lncuM�M�.z{aHaRezF,�°�,nlFicrrwrdmin�`&"Fa E ,:,
there will stilt be big flo ,y
.in the springtizaes and des
G ,ert dryness in the.summer-,
.Rap M! ite How will the-salmon
µiOttK grRS survive that?"
1 ... Indeed will people.get
! enough potable water'
n Those dams will.be ��.
v extremely expensive to �`
replace in the future
probably imliossible in a a �q `
declining economy.
.Port Angel.
I would like:to ask why
the Sequim Senior,Activity
!; 3 Center is natreceivin
' funds from the United Way CG� L otw,Ctl`iyr�i l'afrc �)191111�e
of Clallam'County.
;F •I beheve'.they should. `
'The SaAC has many
t ors and the fuel tax s on seniors using walkers Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Dail
that fuel some using oxygen some
ow pay th way °,e�nnd': usingwheeTcliairs News, pub. 3/17,stating the obvious developments from
)f' benefits of the at ta�dxk All to center. beziefit= destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA,supposedly to
ers who built your Ur and fl°m the center.
It's a lace where eve recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
all'the taxes assocr��e with P xY".
those wages;aad b( fits, one,can come and.enjoy
y' At every level ot�h "a- themselves and learn. The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
tion those taxes ark ded They pay all their bills
'ay and certainly can use and concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
to the cost of the prouct at need help the way the very uch faster than the had been assuming, due primarily
that level,Then that host is United Way could give, Y y
e multiplied by the prcfiffac- I hope.they will,give to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
for before the product t
yll sold to the next 1'evel ?t;: thoughtful consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
amending their policy and .
ies So,the actual cost ofl� 9 -include the Sequim Senior more to greenhouse warming.
1 taxes gets increased as�lig„ Activity'Center in their
an_ raw material moves �; funding: When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts.will
5, through the processes lead'• - g
ingto the finalproduct Ruth J. melt also, leaving a weather pattern of huge spring floods and
rI�� S�quim
,al So,for those 4yorl wh"l summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
r advocate solving our v 1f g
national and state budget �iOB6tA benefits drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
3 woes.by taxing those"big kl&r How many ofiydn have
rich corporations,"xemem- and of COBRA? It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
her,those corporate taxes. 1 Sir glow many unemployed
don't come out of the pock- gently thanking situation is. Therefore it's up to you,the people with
ets of the management or lucky stars that,how- . knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
owners/stockholders of ey�rXpensive,they can their own irrationality, You should be striving to et financial
r those corporations-they a' eeg the medical cov- Y• g g
just get passed on as er�v `Aheyhad before they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them—
increased prices on the wer old o0 so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy,
goods and services those De u,know how that. 9 Y
a corporations provide. law'`, Epassed,'andwhat
g When you advocate tax- COB stands for?. Even if,for whatever reason you can't be sure of the rate of
ingbusiness,you advocate. It ',ds for.Congressio-• global warming, shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
taxing you selves, nai 0 us Budget Rec-
x Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
r Carzsider this next time oncilia�} ct.
'_ :you advocate for taxing So pl e,see that bud- caution?
someone further back in get reco` ation has been
the manufacturing chain.
used m Mimes for many
Import aspects of our Yours,
Wi $mgr
mutual 1-being includ
mg.this artaitt%health
Elwha River dams AE
Don't scared by mis-
Future generations Will Drina and scare.,.,,
'.: look back and be.damn Ronge
sorry that the dams an the The ire congressidiial
Elwha River were taken ans ends,and budget-
y co ation is a commonly
The weather is warming e of tp getthirigs done
significantly. 't benefit you, .
Even if there is increased '_ Lyn Muench,
a� snow on the mountains Port Angeles
Darr YotJC; ��v
lieic fA[uoceel�day cororadltai6C14'i 35
1" Was QO��a(tl-owMthg r i M0,btdGortsvlert°m
refers cu SuplectspttocaFinler�§tr2" P5 c#Lfew airrt?Tees
M ock trlr9rl¢WJI1SSrH(hail-;2,DJF}Cfls tll�k
#ocusontoeal uM".P.ir lo"1 1s;. s6rdusonl cl�letler
ormiurr�n Rer�Ro� �
', � tettei s�rtd g�,esl�afurstns pufi�strad bec�t�eNhe pto� ,q{� �,
' �, , Par�lasula Aar(YNs��and Il re er�rsa t�,�H€{o retsc!cszQd�se be t
+ alilSlo�elarlt�Qtiuher�irtforclallGa>sFated lstaelrc�r�r�atrha;5ub�tantiatetl r;
° ` La�ej��ublished�trather€iew�AaQers,anoe�i�rAli�let#ersp�mo�is� -:-
t-=�-,.� ,aiks�dia_;i&uea=nr4rnrntmrn'hnuca�t�.lakora Grirs#I'�aT.�anlu,macs.,,,xw.,_...a
there will still be big flo
m the sprmgtimes and des,
ert dryness in the summer
NIAf; iW times.
How will the salmon Q+��
{yORli w 1 survive that
Indeed,will people get
enough potable water'a
M Those dams will be
extremely-expensive to
replace in the future— �
"a• probably vnpossible m a
declining economy. -
x Roger Spencer+
I Fie PortAngele
I would like.to ask why
1 l 1• the Sequun Senior Activity
(° Center is not receiving
funds from the United Way / n
of C1aIlam County, . C t CoGlrtcE�i�i<rh 1�/�� �Ol�Gh1/
,�.., d•belleve�tliey should. ,�
The'SSAC has many
ti '' seniors using walkers,
ers and the fuel taxes on some using oxygen some Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Daily
that fuel. g News, pub. 3117, stating the obvious developments from
You pay the wad"{ 'and usin •wheelchairs,a E'j
)f benefits oft'e auto tirk All these people benefit'_ destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA,supposedly to
tf ers who bunt your' and from the center. pp y
It's a place Where every recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
all'the taxes associe wrth
those wages and b fits.
one can come and enjoy
e e
y At every level ofaxa- themselves and fern. The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
tion those taxes ark"idedeY RaY them bills
aY ,� andcertairxlycanirseand concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
to the cost of the prq uct at
that level.Then:thats� st is need help the way the very much faster than they had been assuming,due primarily
e multiplied by the profi fac- l7ni ho Way could give. to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
I lro e the will give g p p 9
tar before the product} thoughtful consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
)11 sold to the next 1'evel amending their policy and
ies So,the actual cost ofthe _ more to greenhouse warming.
d as include the Sequim Senior
I taxes gets increase
,�_ raw material moves Activity Center in their'
S. through the processes le4d-;,-funding: When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts.will
Ruth J.Albertson,
ing to the final product melt also, leaving a weather pattern of huge spring floods and
.al So,for"those of youwhox summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
advocate solving orr i
national. OBRA benefits drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
and state budget �� t
PS- woes-by taxing those"big a"r How.many of you have -
rich corporations,"iemem- , and of COBRA? It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
l beer,those corporate f axes. i "How many unemployed situation is. Therefore it's u to you,the people With
4 don't come out:of the pock- �urreritly thankEg p y p p
ets of the management or lucky stars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
ownerdstocklrolders of e g expensive,they can
s `'ee the medical cov- their own irrationality. You should be striving to get financial
those corporations=they. �, P
i just get passed on as erg' they had before they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them w
increased prices on the wed laid off? so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy.
goods and services those D ",qu know how that. y
law'' 'lpassed,�and what
J corporations,provide: , Even if,for whatever reason, you can't be sure of the rate of
When you advocate tax- COB stands for.,
Ing business,you advocate. It ,ds for Congressio global warming,shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
taxing yo selves. bus Budget Rec-
J. one ati ,Act. Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
Consider this next time
. .you advocate for taxing So pl- 'e,see that bud- caution?
someone further back in get reco ation has been
the marnfecturing chain. used m times for many Yours
unpo aspects of our
y W. • gr mutual.w -bging,;includ-
$00� mg this artant health
' are init ve. cvt
EIWII�a River dams Don't a scared by mis-
Future generations will '.l orma and scare,.,
look back and be-damn 'onge
sorry that tie_dams on the ` a The, sire congressional
Elwha River were taken eans ends,and budget
out. co ation is a eommonly
The weather is warming, 'e of to getthings done
significantly. J't benefit you.
Even if there is increased _' Lyn Muench,
snow on the mountains, Port Angeles
e �
(-�Av Ytrl�Si�lr x
i € ✓�€x'tM1rasop,weeJsday sa eritaCy d�1s�_ 564
Visaicaaraetitl04M,51 h iiiko�4t 1Woed o*l o"iraea
r de� su�lectsataizcal7nsetesl�ld('��Polrttot�lfew as?d`T�en
Pnfot5iew gUeStojSinwe�colilttf%s �onarfsar�5oyvorsltsL
#dc[�st!rrl4ttal communlly lulesivle€sloes. r as -sarul r�s�N��av getter
� R�txr(umnpormonftt � � '- '
i Lellets andaest columns pal}I shed bey aa}se p �
Pert�strlad?ai�Nerys a�H rese�u�s 1ha nghetg rsJ�1,r�gnd�seor -
s Gs�@C5�blisfled un, rAgWSpa�ers astc���sCetlets P�so�l
..-., �nNa.dratdcH r,a�lnroontn •Miimlt�5ahceaMrtsY'narr�peadtb°stikaa ,......,
there will still be big A00'.
m4he springtime s and des. '
s I.;iert dryness in the summer-,
{� 0 tunes.'
Nip M6' a i How will the salmon
{yORH n f survive that?
Indeed,will people get
V cnough potable water . • IR
then? pFt 2 2®10
Those dams will be
�Hs extremely-espensive to t±,Q�
replace in the future `", Q p��Alta
probably impossible m a 3 t Oki
dectix ing economy'
Roger Spencerll
- N` PortAngele
I would Leto ask why.
1 , the Sequun
Senior Activity
{^ Center is not'receiving
funds from the United Way of Mallow,County..
`F' I believe'the `
a: y should.
The SW has many
seniors using walkers
t �aandethe fuel ta�es on „ some using oxygen some Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Daily
to �'Supaythewa' ' d-ZJ�
usingwheexchairs. News, pub. 3/17,stating the obvious developments from
of benefits of-the auto rkl tkese people benefit destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA,supposedly to
ers who built, and from the center• recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
all•the taxes associ�i with Its a place where every
those wages andb02�__' . themselves anpaid arr.y The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
At every level ofltxa They pay all their bills
,ay lion those taxes arJadded and certainly can use and concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
that the cost hen'thaf%t at need help the way the very much faster than the had been assuming, primarily
that level.Then bha ¢qst is United Way could give. Y g' p Y
e multiplied by the proofac- to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
for before the produciM, 1 hope they will give
sold to the next level thoughtfixl consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
$1 4t amending their policy and
ies So,the actual cost o�,the more to greenhouse warming.
gets increased as . e include the Sequim Senior
l g Activity Center in their'
raw material moves fundingc When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts,will
s, through the processes lead P.-,;:, J.Albertson,
ing to the final product tI'l Sequim melt also, leaving a weather pattern of huge spring floods and
gal So,for those ofyouFvhf summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
advocate solving our t E OBRA benefits drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
national.and state budget Y
Woes.by taxing those'big k, ELHow many ofyau'have
£� rich corporations,"iemem- sf and o£oo73ItA? It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
ber,those corporate tuxes. How many unemployed situation is. Therefore it's u to you,the people with
don't come out-of the pock- currently thaniting p Y p p
ets of the management or Lucky stars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
owners/stockholders of e expensive,they can_ their own irrationality. ou should be striving to et financial
p a those corporations-they. steep the medical cov y g g
i just get passed on as crag ytheyhadbeforethey aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them–
increased prices on the were lard: oft? so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy.
1, goods and services those R ou,knowl how that. Y
corporations.provide. law',,
co 13 stands for?. Even if,for whatever reason,.you can't be sure of the rate of
When you advocate tax- i.
ingbusmess,you advocate. It ds.for Corigressio- global warming, you stop he destruction of the
taxing yo sot es. nal 0� bus Budget.Rec- g' Y p
Consider this next time
oncilia1j'• ;Act. Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
tm you advocate for taxing Sop e. e,see that bud- caution?
someone further back in get reco ]Nation has been
the manufacturing chain, used m ,itimgs for many Yours,- q�g� Apo aspects of our
mutual.w -being includ-
ing this artant health
1 e mi ve.
0ffi' Iwha River dams 2 Don't scared by mis- /—
Future generations wll! ' Drina and,bum U,
look back and be.damn �onge' -
sorry that tie:dams on the The congressidnal
Elwha River were taken ans -rends,and budget
i` out.' co ation is a commonly
Pheweat}aex is warming° Ae .of tq get things done
e- significantly. t benefit you,
Even if there is increased Lyn Muencli,
snow on the mountains Port Angeles
Y 5 ,
a �"� �YoU�,��y � •
, � � a 1�ClJil`ILSON�,kV4ek�YglarnmeataJ�+ oanr360���$5�4
CQSrcour (i leeXS tctheedllplofortiaafewaclrom
rosuFzlectSQflocatJnlexssl ead2l�Loin1ofllfgw a�7FE�4eR
15 POtoty U*P1n1gnCGJ_,q'sofao�arO(bat�55E)y�grdst4al
tt�c�soalP�lcwnmuliii�t�ast�faJSSUes feria -seeddsooly�onaJer � .
o eofumear ta4g1it3
°,rzs endguesttolu prJbl�sf�grliieFnrae�lEfe ProFQ93
��anr�sirJa�a?r�Ne� :ar�cirt�as¢lY�+nerigi�ttaral�i cAe aaaE�mr -
�ettarsµu>il�spQelinsa�ernaws�ap$rs ar�ot�y�ou&�ette�s gdi�goeY
,.� ...�Ehve4.a.JeH e=n�,vr"�aYfnd hmamtfc:iPKarattir�ril Cdaraia,inliisnliea .."s...
i 9
_.. there will still be big flop
m the sprmgtunes and des
T ert dryness in the summer
• Nli�s < k� � lames.' •. 4
ME,' w How will the salmon .
akns survive that. ID
t Indeed,will people get,-'.
{ 'enough potable water
, r t Y then?
,w V., Those dams will b e k!
extremely expensive to
replace in the future
probably unposs' le A a J
declining economy..
Roger Spencer
I would like,to ask why
Kh the Sequim Senior.Activity
,: Center is net receiving
funds from the United Way
of Clallam County
I belieuethey should. Cc (,ourGr�i�2yiLa� C�LPIzr e �icQc�
The SSAQ has many
t era and the fuel takes on seniors usmgvialkers Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Dail
"that fuel. rA some ing oxygen,some y
d wingwheelchars. >> News, pub. 3117,stating the obvious developments from
' Yau-pay the wa. hand' - p
t0 benefits of the auto orr : All these people benefit° destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA, supposedly to
tf from the center.
ors who burst your; and recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
alI'the taxes ass c;;;; with It's a place where every-:
y_ those wages and benefits. them elves and earn enjoy
At every level oi.1 a- �. The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
tion those taxes ar$°aided' They pay all their bills
ay and certainly can use and concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
tothe post of the p o,uct at need help the way the very much faster than the had been assuming,due primarily
that level.Then the$ -t is United Way could give. y g' p y
e multiplied by the prod fac- to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
� I hope they will give
tor sold before heap love tls� thoughtful consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
yli @ amending their policy and„
ies So,the actual cost oitl�ie include the Sequim senior more t0 greenhouse warming.
] taxes gets increased asg Activity Center in their Lill- '
, - raw material moves ;'fsiiiding _ When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts,will
s, through the processes lead Ruth J.Albertson, melt also, leaving weather pattern of huge spring floods and
ing to the final produ"ct ; I S g p g p g
Fal So,for those of,you why �ql""' summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
advocate solving our tiOBRA benefits drastically r
national.and state budgetil y educes the salmon runs there.
ri h ces-by orate ns,'�re e"big m f and of COBRA?pu have
rp. It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
ber,those corporate taxes, T3ow many unemployed
don't come out of the pock.- currently thanking situation is, Therefore it's up to you,the people with
ets of the management or t{�lucky stars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
owners/stockholders of ey r.expensive they can their own irrationality. ou should be striving to et financial
those corporations--they st Veep the mental cov- y 9 9
I just got passed on as er+ ytheyhad before they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them--
1 increased prices on the we aid off? so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy.
"a, goods and services those L `ou know how that. g Y
,pgn, corporations,provide: law ;passed,and what
When you advocate tax- COB stands f°r? Even if,for whatever reason,you can't be sure of the rate of
m business,you advocate It .ds for Congressio-.
g y nal0� us Budget Rec- global warming, shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
taxing.you�selves: Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
Consider this next time oncihai' t1ct.
<„ you advocate for taxing: So ul_ e,see that bud caution?
€ R someone further back in
get roco at—has been
& the manufacturing chain. used m times for Many Yours,
;w. import aii P,speets of
ung, our
MI being,mclud--
�'erf+tFl b� arc ixuve ant health
IEiwiia River dams
Don is scared by mis-
F. ,c Future generations will orma }n and scare
look back and be.damn onge
sorry that the dams on the The ire congressidnal
Elwha River were takenI ends,-and budget
out.' .co ation is a commonly
he weather is warming e al to get things done
� sigbificantly. ' t benefit yau,
Even if there is increased Lyn Muench,
�, sndw on the mountains Port Angeles
��yy rF
H�yY�us Sk�r
W�strk w eCtypsatp �
t o lltror &A1 33Q
e encnnrag jt let#ers tats a ediwo R V,fe*sriio®
ieade[sgrpleyis°Elocah4eskifloC� ntot�7lflw a7 C�zt1
Pgtntgt�liaA [festgpiniorrcolumns6tnma[Q>ha�a;aauordstrat
ins nh 1 comr�unit�bfestyfa issk_ipshRL�@ seodusonfy One Ig�e� '
veto Q�mooto : t =
P�Il�,qula�L7a71�1'faf�5 Fatttil#tes@ty�s the Hghkto keiaot ccAdan�e nr .
esi�fnrel skkl�gt}vii @r�inicimaiton slatedg�yer;�eannnthn sul?stasl(�tsr3
I,etfgispu}�hs�ed lrtat�al aewspaQsas°anon�ra�il7s letters Fflrs�aK
..., aAnrd7o,9nkerc°nrGu3c°.�ilCn.hmwcn3twJ iicrchxniL±c mnnlc..Mia w P .>�_,
there will still be big f10
-� iri the springtime s and des
U ert dryness in the.summer-,
KfRE a` W How will the salmon
yygpdi !r
survive that?;
indeed,will pcople get C 0,��
enough potable water . �`L
then? �C9 Rj e`PS
Those dams will be P
k k extromely expensiv0 to
replace in the future �Q
probably impossible in a
declining economy.
Roger Spencer
M Port Angele
I would like to ask why
the Seqmm Senior Activity
•'`a , u.' Center is not receiving
fund's from the United Way
t•ji'' ,' of Clallam County. ,
I believe they should. t� Cortiiicrlrr� V��` � q—
The SS kC;has many
.71 p Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Dail
a seniors using walkers
era and the fool tax s on Y
some using oxygen some
that fuel t usingwhee)ckiars >» News, pub. 3/17, stating the obvious developments from
to You.pay thew acid
benefits of the auto rk All these people beiiefiit destroying the dams on the Elwha River,WA,supposedly to
�f from the center.
ers who built your and recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
all'the taxes assoc ie with Tt's a place where every
y those wages and be fits. one can come and enjoy
themselves andj arn. The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
At every level ofltryaxa- -They pay all their bills
iay tion,those taxes ar�fadded and certainly can use and concludes with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
thatevel.of the hailuctat need help the Way the very much faster than they had been assuming,due primarily
that level.Then tha z¢ost is United Way could give.
e multiplied by the profiO'fac- Ihopoaheywil]give to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
for before the products
ill sold to the next level j4 thoughtful consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
am ending their policy and more to greenhouse warming.
ies So,the actual cost oftlyie include the Sequim Senior
1 taxes gets increased as Activity Center in their
�n_ raw material moves funding When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts.will
s through the processes lea Ruth J Albertson, melt also, leaving weather pattern of huge spring floods and
ing to the final product tit , Sequim 9 p 9 P 9
al SoJorthosG`ofyouwho h summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
advocate solving our -4 f OBRA benefits drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
national and state budged i
woes.by taxing those"big i3ow many of ydtrhave
rich corporations,"remem- and of 00BM. It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
bar,those corporate taxes- How many unemployed
rp situation is. Therefore it's up to you,the people with
don't come out of the pock- $currently thanking
ets of the management or �i lucky'stars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
ownerststockholders of e expensive,they can their own irrationality. You should be striving to get financial
those corporations-they st14; @eP the medical cov-
u gust get passed on as erg ythey had before they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them—
increased prices on the were,laid ofE? so that the dams will last longer in a declining economy.
goods and services those D ou know how that
law ; passed'and what
corporations provide. Even if,for whatever reason,you can't be sure of the rate of
When you advocate tax, Co B; lands for. Y
A It dsfor Congressio-• global warming,shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
nat ing business,you advocate 0 us Budget Rec-
o taxingyoui:selves. oncilia} „Act. Elwha dams now in order to at least err on the side of
Consider this next time So pi 'e,see that bud- caution?
you advocate for taxing
someone farther back in get reco iationhas been
used m dimes for many
the manufacturing chain. import aii aspects of our
. g, mutual w being;uiclud-„
health'octant health n
�€sI �w care t} Vc. S --��
Elwha River dams "Dont scared by mis-
p a, Future generations wil i orma� and scare, ,
look back and be damn age
sorry that tte dams on the The ,are congressional
Elwha River were taken i ans 'ends,and budget
s r out.' co at'on is a commoxily
The weather is warming e• of to get things done
significantly. t bendYityou,
k` Even if there is ixicreased x+ Lyn Muench,
r snow on the mount?ins, ' Port Angeles•
tNeetspuraget�ll¢tteiotl� �cJitalZll�Nordsv# narlm t
� reade�6tn�F>taafloca@ merest,,artd#?�}�pta�f4fVl�rt'`a���Teen;
Ps�lr!tgtYlQi�c g€e�Cppima¢colu�nsckoomSlrgthaia�tVl6rdsfh�l
Ida;�orrrae�(�nl�Ufd,3tyf�rls�IQ�Please �ar�dug�o�Qp�lalter
� r_eE�Xs'aetdt�,�a�taolor�ptlbl7sEie����9me�th�l�aperll'`ot�" �""'Po s�ga�lt Gservas itre Figat}pleJsetondBnSaor
ed�la#Clapiyaf`1pt�ec ipForrrta�t�otistatad s�#aarnattrtot.lie 5uF2staofiaieo
Leh`er�put3bshad°ltkother ae�spepois,�[�apy�olzslettet�peTSOaa�"`
'-. . t'ntYa�c Ipiler<�aflnosiflnn.iu�umttclaHarrcYnnthonew�ril..mgcc -..:� °.:
there-will still be big no
T u m•the springtime s and des. '
ert`dryness in the_sumxner: �®
_ t r nr times.'
Nom. Will b 4r How will the salmon
ytORK ' survive that?'214
# J;.- Indeed,will people get cL
3 enough potable water 9
N then?' t R.Klgee
} Those dams will be ' orl Qp�
extremelyespensive to VIM
replace in the future— �
probably impossible in a
� decbning econon}y � ..
Roger Spencer
' I would like to ask why
'r ,i ti• the Sequim Senior Activity
Center is not receiving
\ p I funds fromthe United Way p,
of Glallam County.,- 6t -
.I•believ. �Ahe should. -
; Y
The"SSAQ has many
t era and the fael tax s on seniors using walkers, Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the editor of Peninsula Daily
that fuel. ; some using oxygen some
to T'oupaythec—W4 •; usmg,wheelchaiTs. "'' `' News, pub. 3117,stating the obvious developments from
rf benefits of the auto ,rk- All these peop}e benefit" destroying the dams on the Elwha River, WA,supposedly to
ers who built your gar and froze the center, recreate the original habitat for wild salmon.
all•the taxes associewith Its a place where every
those taages;and be efits. one can come and enjoy
y At every level of�axa + emselves and jearn The 2004 NOVA program ironically titled"Dimming the Sun"
,ay tion;those taxes ar4jkdded anThey api'ay ariluse bills with dire scientific predictions of Earth warming
to the cost of the pggluct at need help the Way the very uch faster than they had been assuming,due primarily
that level.Then that Fost is United Way could give, y
e multiplied by the prolifac- 1 ho e the "I give
to the melting of polar ice caps releasing methane from the
for before the produc8f,A thou h Y g g y
yll sold to the next 1`evel g.tU consideration to ocean floor below the caps and thus contributing significantly
amending their policy and
ies So,the actual cost ofytie more to greenhouse warming.
I taxes gets increased as a @,! include the Sequim�aenior g
Activity Center in their'
r;,l_ raw material moves funding: When the polar ice melts the glaciers on the Olympic Mts.will
s, throughefi processes lead :. melt also, leaving weather pattern of huge spring floods and
ing to the final product.' i Ruth J..Albertson, g p
ral So,for those o.you whole Sequim
advocate Solvmgour � summer droughts. Even in our times a drought in California
national.and stit budget �100113RA beneftfs drastically reduces the salmon runs there.
woes.by taxing those"big t(�+How glary of.'yau have
rich corporations,"iemom- `card of COBRA? It's difficult for many people to realize how dangerous this
ber,those corporate taxes. , ,How many unemployed
don't come out of the pock-` currently tbanldng situation is. Therefore it's up to you,the people with
ets of the management or t �lucky ptars that,how- knowledge and power,to save the people around here from
owners/stockholders of er#expensroe,they can their own irrationality. You should be striving to et financial
those corporations-they stt]i eep the medical cov- y g g
x just get passed on as or Ythoy haabefore they aid to STRENGTHEN the dams rather than destroying them—
increased prices on the were lard off? so that the dams will last Ion in a declining economy.
,, goods and services those D u,know how that. longer g
corporations,provide: law passed,and what
E When you advocate tax- CoB Stands for? Even if,for whatever reason,you can't be sure of the rate of
ing.business, ou advocate It ds for Congressio-• global warming,shouldn't you stop the destruction of the
taxing yourselves.es. nal 0 ` us$udget Rec- Elwha dams now in order t at least err on the side of
h Consider this next time oncihata ct.
e you advocate for taxing So pl: Se,see that bud- caution?
someone further back in get reco �liatipn has been
ai4- the manufacturing chain. used m' ttimes far many Yours,
,W ing, port aspects of our
mutual being,mclud-.-
3N mg this ortant health
Elwha River damns :„, D of si scared by mis-
Future generations wil� "� =orma }land-scare,
, lookbackandbe.damn, onge' g
sorry that the;dams on the The •lire congressidnal
Elwha River were taken . ands.and budget
ont.' o motion is a eommooly
The weather is warming' e of to get things done
significantly. ''t benefit you,
Even if there is increased '' Lyn Muench,
snow on the mountains :Port Angeles
`,C µ
10 �iEICVIt1tS0#+,Weel4yro ]tt + dlkoL6 X30
Yse® 4r�9e l le rSYothet irfAfotg5ii 9000 orfeW&Fftom
re�Qx;k �oie�a#t���o#� as�t�R;a��fvfaw��f�'€Teen
PoirrfofYirev� gees#Ap1a!orrcolamn�at�ettuzrefhanu�rdsthak
fac#041VIc CcQmrgul�i llfes{�latsst@ f sa -sBpduscnly� JetEeP -
� LeHek� dguest�alumaS�Ia4bl tshatltie���llto;�%Ir ��l�n��
pepinsu7aA �l�les!s,at�d ft resgru¢s#hs�,p�t�o- �#caan��ar .
Let#etIauhlrshed[natflerneW�papeis a�tsn}no3s lets personal
<�,., aHanlrm.lall cafirrnMw{inn h�rFnN e�5e1f'aec•t�rtnRiar»eniiYe.rrm'r x.u.�