HomeMy WebLinkAboutComplaint packet from Nelson against Mania PEA � 4 r
July 20,2012 A 2 0 ". [ 1
ar 7 UT, "
Dear Mayor Kidd,
My name is Jack Slowriver and I live at 132 F 11'"Street in Port Angeles. I am writing to file a
formal complaint based on two recent exchanges I had with Councilman Mania, both of which have left
me questioning the extent to which he is able to perform as an unbiased and professional member of
this city's governing beady,
On July 2, 2012, l received a telephone call from Councilman Mania on my personal, unlisted cell
phone, He asked if I had a couple of minutes to talk. I said yes. He then provided a list of things that
he's done as a member of the City Council such as introduce some kind of gender non-discrimination
language and support planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, Nye then questioned why I wasn't
supporting his wife, Dale Holiday's, bid for County Commissioner. It seemed to me that Councilman
Mania was suggesting that his actions on the City Council (please note I did not advocate for either issue.
to be addressed by hire or the larger body) Indebted me to him and that my support of his wife's
candidacy was expected. I was greatly disturbed by the tome and content of this conversation and
ended it after repeatedly asking why Councilman Mania was making this call
My concerns regarding Councilman Mania's behavior escalated when I walked by Cate Holiday's
campaign contingent on the way to line up for the Fourth of July parade, 1 had not uttered a single
syllable when both Ms, Holiday and Councilman Mania yelled "fuck You"to me amidst a small,group of
supporters in front of the courthouse. Though I understood exactly wheat was spoken, I asked'if it could
be repeated with the hope that they would further demonstrate their aggression and poor self control
to a wider audience. At that point, Councilman Mania came within two feet of me and said, "Fuck you,
you backstabber." I have never made a formal or informal alliance with Councilman Mania and believe
that 11 should be free to express my opinions regarding local politics without fear of retribution by any
member of the City Council. I am concerned that Councilman Manial believes in a type of political horse
trading that is unethical and that his behavior is completely unprofessional and unbecoming of a City
If you should like,to talk to me further about this complaint, please feel free to reach me at( l
80 8-4400
Jack Slowriver
Teresa Pierce
From: Dan Mcl een
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 11'56 AM
To: Teresa Pierce
Subject: FW For your consideration
Attachments: Mania Packet.pdf
Per the Mayor's request, please forward to all Of the COUncil members.
Dan McKeen - City Manager
PO Box 1150/321 E, Fifth Street/Port Angeles, WA 98362
Email: dmckee�i@cityo,fp�) tjs/Phonci. 360w -417.4501.
Website: www-cityofpa.us
From: Cherie Kidd
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 11:50 AM
To: Dan McKeen
Subject: FW: For your consideration,
Please forward this to all council members,
From: Brooke Nelson
Sent: Thursday, August 16,, 2012 9:25 PM
To., Cherie Kidd
Cc: than McKeen
Subject: For your consideration
Greetings Mayor and fellow Council members,
Attached you will find correspondence from Max, all but one item is from his city email account, 1,
have only included excerpts.
First, I want to clearly state the reason why I compiled this package. It is not a personal attack on
Max, That is not the point of this, at all, This is about conduct-conduct that should be a concern to
the Council. The reason I began reading Max's email and gathering information is several citizens
have come to me, beginning in April complaining about Max's behavior, commenting that it is
unacceptable for a council person. I have received many specific complaints over several months,
The complaints were not about Max as a person. They were about behavior that the citizens
considered highly offensive by a council mernber in our city, Those complaints prompted me to
review Max's dialog through his city email. After reviewing these emails, I believe this should, be
addressed by the 'full Council.
Some of the email shows an attempt to undermine or sabotage positions formally adopted by the
Council, or interfere with the work of other council members. There are many emails that Max
suggests to citizens to confront/picket/sabotage the Mayor and discredit additional council
members. His actions disparage the council, the work we are trying to do and the relationships we
have worked so hard to strengthen. The city as a policy is attempting to rectify and build our
relationships, and his letter to the Sequirn City Council as an example, undermines this, Max
deliberately attempts to covertly undermine the direction and policy that have been formally
adopted and discredit us the city council as a body, which serves no good purpose for the overall
well being and productivity of our city. Our role is to reflect our values here in Port Angeles, but
these emails show the entire Council in a bad light. They reflect adversely on the city-in my
opinion, thus is unacceptable poor behavior..
Other of these emails may be more blatant violations. The city has formally adopted ordinances,
regulations and policies referring to Nippon. With regard to Nippon, Max's actions go directly
against the Council's ordinances, regulations, and policies, our drive for economic development,
and could potentially jeopardize our tax base. Our oath of office affirms "we will support,the
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles". Actively attempting to sabotage Nippon violates this oath,
And use of an official's position for improper purposes may be a violation of state standards.
Included in the emails is an email regarding Dick Pilling which makes me extremely uncomfortable
as the innuendo is of asexual nature, We have a thorough sexual harassment policy which Max
requested everyone be educated on, and we were, and this email was sent after our refresher with
this policy.
City business was also included in an email I received and is included (sent from Max's private
email, not city email); it referred to the "ethics complaint" filed against him with the city. This mixes
his city business with his personal email and the opinions expressed in that email. I cannot express,
how inappropriate this behavior is. In addition to creating a liability for public records requests, he
used his position to try to influence Council action regarding Matthew Randazzo's application for
the Board of Adjustment. I clearly understand that Max has an issue with Mr. Randazzo, Max has
made that apparent. Even SO Our oath states we will "impartially perform and discharge the duties
of office"', When he attempted to discredit Mr. Randazzo's application based on his handwriting, I
do not believe Max was acting impartially,
The reason 11 began reading Max's email and gathering information was the result of citizens
approaching me, complaining about Max's behavior. I assume we all receive feedback about each
other, but I had specific complaints over several months.
As we all know, state law sets standards of conduct for city officials. Those are the minimum
standards. Even if conduct does not violate state law, it can violate local standards of expected
conduct. Cities can, and many other have, recognized that their local community expects a higher
standard of conduct from council members. We must recognize that in Port Angeles a Council
member's conduct is always viewed as the conduct of a city official. We can never be just a private
person. In this instance, we may be confronted with conduct that violates state law and our oath of
office. But even if it does not, the conduct may fall well below the standards of conduct expected by
our local community, Only the City Council can recognize local higher standards.
Brooke Nelson
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Pale l of 2
Date sent: 4/4/2012 6:45:06 AM
From: Mrnania@cityofpa.us
Bee: catherineharper8@wavecable.com; cmi'usk(a olypen.coni; darlenes olympus.net;
dai~kwhitmore g ail.com; dorotheahk me.corn; cdcli dd @olypen.com geraldsuecllen@hotinail.com;
lavender @nikola.com; macrobbie@olympus.net; marschall7 msn.com; m chaelbunnell@olyl)en.com;
norma ene @olympus.net; nur ebikerider @;yahoo.com; olympicportalproductions @gmail.com;
paexaminer mail.com;pbntumer @olympus.ne ;polliwo 4.5 ca yahoo.com; revival @wavecable.com;
secluimhealer ginail.com; sevilletal( yahoo.com; shirleynixon @ol mpus.nek; st rrp @olypen.com;
Subject: Thanks and Apologies
Hello All,
First of all, my apologies for the group e-mail. It"s just that SO MANY people spoke out in concern about the
biomass facility that it would be too time-consuming to send everyone an individual e-mail as a follow-up. But,
please know that I deeply appreciate each and every one of you who wrote to the Council and/or came to speak to
us during public comment. I don't know if anyone else on the Council (except Sissi) actually heard you last night,
but, your efforts did you honor,
Second apology: For those of you who were at the meeting last night, let me say how sorry I am that you were
subjected to Dick piling's extremely out of line personal insults. Mr. Piling obviously has no restraint when it comes
to "going there" and engaging in mean-spirited and counter-productive attacks against those who don't share his
world view. I was personally offended by his comments, but not surprised, being that it was very much in
character for him.
Third apology: Despite his kind words at the end of it all last night, and his description of the evening as being
"how Democracy works," Pat Downie apparently shared a very different view with KONP, as some of you may
already know. In their story about last night's meeting (+oo Iq-�,i ) (ya r l(�(G Pat is gusted as describing it
as a "three-hour waste of time." I could not disagree more, and I never think that taking the time to hear the
concerns of the public is a waste of time. I apologize for Pat's remark, and assure you that not everyone on the
Council fuels that way.
Moving forward: Though it would be easy to be disheartened by the (non) results of last night's meeting, I would
argue in favor of guarded optimism. I think a clear but slim majorityof the public is concerned about this project
but clearly not a majority of the "powers that be'" are. But that can change, either through continued education, or
through the ballot box at the next election.. So please keep the pressure on. This should not be the end of this. I
still believe that Port Angeles is on the cusp of significant, positive change. Please keep the pressure can.
A second point...To expand on one I made last night. I don't think the biomass facility in total is making as much
economic sense to Nippon as it did when it was first proposed. And I do believe that many of the mill jobs will
start disappearing if and when this biomass facility gets up and running. If those jobs do start disappearing, that
will provide a perfect reason to reopen this subject and have a very public discussion about how many jobs there
actually are associated with this, and how they compare to the risks involved. Job cuts there would also, rather
obviously, undercut the emotional support many feel for Nippon. (And for the record, I am under no illusions that
the multinational Nippon Corporation is in any way warm and fuzzy about Port Angeles. When we are no longer
profitable, we will, of course, be cast aside.)
Thanks again for speaking out and showing up. It was a tong, sometimes painful evening, but I think there can be
good that comes of it.. Please continue to speak out, continue to be involved, and be part of moving our
community and our county forward.
Yours truly,
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Date sent: 4/4/2012 11:52:49 AM
From: Mmania@cityofJpa.us
To: kj.art@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Please put us on your email list.
Hi Kjersti,
Thanks for writing, and for sending the information that you did earlier. I have noted your e-mail address and will
include you on those rare occasions when I send out a "message" to a number of people. (I try not to abuse the
BCC function, because it can seem so impersonal...)
Anyway...Last night was certainly interesting. And I can tell you that, while I will certainly continue to have deep
concerns about this project, and ask probing questions about it whenever possible, I will not at this time be
pressing for further Council (in)action on this issue. Simply put, it was clear to me last night that, at this point, a
majority of the Council do not want to hear the concerns about this project that so many people have, The result
of the meeting last night was that five Council members voted "No" to even discussing this issue further, in
conjunction with the Sequim City Council, if they won't even vote in favor of talking about it, there is no realistic
way that I see to get four Council members to vote in favor of actual action, like a moratorium. (This ignores
widespread public concerns, and a majority of public comments on 'this...All of which is very shortsighted, in my
In fact, after my motion to hold the joint meeting with Sequim failed, I attempted to make a second motion that
spoke to exactly what you described below - tying the approval of the biomass facility to Nippon maintaining the
existing jobs at the mill. My attempt to make this second motion was shut down by the Mayor. But, I have little
doubt that, if and when Nippon gets the biomass facility up and running, the mill jobs will, for the most part
vanish. Sadly, so many Nippon workers and supporters seem incredibly naive about how multinational corporations
work. They seem to think that Nippon "cares" about Port Angeles - which is certainly not the case.
But, for those of us who actually live here, and actually do care, I have a hope/suggestion. Keep the pressure on.
Keep the issue alive. Let the City know you're unhappy about this. Let Nippon's corporate headquarters, know
you're unhappy about this. Write letters to the PION to tell everyone you're unhappy about this. Make this an issue
for candidates running for office, or for re-election. Needless to say, last night was not the end of this issue, this
debate.Time and technology is on our side - we just have to do whatever we can to minimize the damage this
project could do to Port Angeles before the whole thing falls apart.
Thanks again -feel free to write any time.
Yours truly,
Max Mania
From: Kjersti Reed [kj.art@hotmaii.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:15 PM
To: Max Mania; Kjersti Reed; Robb Reed; Sissi City Council; Bob Lynette
Subject: Please put us on your email list.
Hello Max,
You sent out an email following the city council meeting that we would have liked to receive too. My husband and
I are members of the Clallam County Healthy Air Coalition and we are against the biomass plant,
I recently sent you the names and contact info for the two Thurston County Commissioners who instituted the
moratorium on a biomass plant there. I would appreciate it if you and Sissi would contact them and learn
whatever you can from them, Then, see if we can apply it here. I would like to hear what you both learn from
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that exchange.
Honestly, I think the city powers that be who said a moratorium is not possible are just trying to talk you out of
pressing on with that idea. If the city or the county commissioners didn't want the biomass plant, they could stop
it. They would find a way. The city council gave Nippon the green light so it doesn't make sense that they don't
have any power over the project, At the very least, the city council should require that the mill sign a contract to
keep the mill going with the current job numbers intact to have the opportunity to go forward with the biomass
plant. If the mill jobs go, the biomass plant loses its "renewable" energy status. When that happens, the biomass
plant will no longer be profitable and Nippon will shut that down too.
With all of the government subsidies Nippon is getting for this so-called "renewable" energy plant, we could send
all 200 of the mill employees to retraining programs and they could come out more viable wage earners than they
are now. Once the mill shuts down, the jobs go away and the pollution stays. Mill workers go on unemployment
for awhile and then what?
Kjersti Reed
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Irate sent: 4/4/2012 2:31:42 PM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
'ro: paexaminer@gmail.corn
Sul�jcct: RTC: Thanks and Apologies
When we're talking about Dick piling, we're always talking about a lot of Dick.
Thanks, as always...
From: port Angeles Examiner paexaminer @gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2812 1:56 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: Thanks and Apologies
I also wanted to mention that Dick Pilling was giving proponents of biomass tallying points and coaching
their. So did we really hear there or just a lot of Dick?
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania @cityofpa.us]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:45 AM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject Thanks and Apologies
Hello Ail,
First of all, my apologies for the group e-mail. It's just that SC MANY people spoke out in concern about the
biomass facility that it would be too time-consuming to send everyone an individual e-mail as a follow-up. But,.
please know that T deeply appreciate each and every one of you who wrote to the Council and/or came to speak to
us during public comment. I don't know if anyone else on the Council (except Sissi) actually heard you last night,
but, your efforts did you honor.
Second apology: For those of you who were at the meeting last night, let me say how sorry I am that you were
subjected to Duck Piling's extremely out of line personal insults. Mr. piling obviously has no restraint when it comes
to "going there" and engaging in mean-spirited and counter-productive attacks against those who don't share his
world view. I was personally offended by his comments, but not surprised, being that it was very much in
character for him.
Third apology: Despite his kiind words at the end of it all last night, and his description of the evening as being
"how Democracy works," pat Downie apparently shared a very different view with KONp, as some of you may
already know. In their story about last night's meeting ( Vskn :,� �Ei, " 9 � r�K,I� " :), pat is quoted as describing it
as a "three-hour waste of time." I could not disagree more, and' I never think that taking the time to hear the
concerns of the public is a waste of time. I apologize for pat's remark, and assure you that not everyone on the
Council feels that way.
Moving forward: Though it would be easy to be disheartened by the (non) results of last nights meeting, I would
argue in favor of guarded optimism. I think a clear but slim majors of the public is concerned about this project-
but clearly not a majority of the "powers that be" are. But that can change, either through continued education, or
through the ballot box at the next election. So please keep the pressure on. This should not be the end of this. I
https://viewer.messaging.inicrosolt.con-dblank:.T7tm 4/26/2012
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Date sent: 4/5/2112 3:50:33 PM
:From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
Bee: catherineliarper @wavecable.com; cmfusk @olypen.com; darlenes rx olyinpus.net;
darlwhitmore@ mail.com; dorot eahk @rne.com eraldsueellen @hotniail.co; kj.art@hotnnail.com;
lavender s nikola.com; macrobbie tx olympus.net; marscha117 @msn.coni; michaelbunnell @olype,ri.com;
norii a ene olympus.net; nurse bikerider@yahoo.com; olympieportalsproductions @gmail.com;
paexaminer cr gmail.com; peteretep13 @ hotma l.com; polliwva 45@yahoo.com; revival wavecable.com;
sequimhealei° mail.com; sevilletal @yahoo.coi i; shirleynixoii@olympus.net; stari-p @olype .com,
Subject: F W: Fetter from Mayor to Nippon
FYI...Needless to say, I find this response less than zero...
Pram:: Cherie Kidd
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:40 PM
To: Max Mania
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
I requested the letter to be drafted to NPI. They have chosen to invest millions of dollars into our local economy.
I wanted to assure there that their investment is bath acknowledged and appreciated. As we continue to struggle
with a 11.4% unemployment rate, we look ahead to a stronger economic climate for our local citizens through
partnerships and investments.
From: Max Mania
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:16 PM
To: Cherie Kidd
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: FW: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Cherie and Kent,
I strongly, strongly object to this letter. I find it offensive, outrageous, and a slap in the face of all the people who
came and expressed their concerns about the biomass facility last Tuesday. This pandering to a multinational
corporation is uncalled for, and beneath you. Need I add, it is also totally pointless at the end of the day. Once the
mill here is no longer profitable, Nippon will close it. We have no control over what their Board in.japan decides to
do. None.
littps://viewer.messaging;,rnicrosoft.com/blank.htm 4/260/2012
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Date sent: 4/5/2012 4:1.2:20 PM
From: shirteynixon@olympus.net
"1'o: Mmania@cityofpa.us
Subject: E: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Pathetic pleading from Harold Norland is probably what prompted Cherie to send that letter, He may well have
ghost-written it, with an eye toward the statements he wanted to get on the record at Corporate HQ. I have some
personal sympathy for Harald and the others who are probably walking on very thin ice with their Japanese
overseers. Up until now mill managers here have been able to assure Japan that city officials are in Nippon's
pocket; that mill managers have an inside track at city hall„ and can get the city to do whatever Nippon wants„
Nippon's own seat on the UAC; cheap utility bills; speedy permit approvals with no enforcement of even the most
feeble of permit conditions; for a long time such evidence of favoritism supported that fiction of forever favoritism.
But mill managers can no longer guarantee to Japan that the City will always"do the right thing" by Nippon. Mill
managers are scared, Real scared. People are speaking out, People won't be silenced. Elected officials such as
you are listening to these people and thinking for yourselves and showing that representative democracy is
beginning to mean something in Port Angeles,
That Cherie sent such a letter to Nippon's President could ironically be a good thing in the long run... At least she
didn't apologize for listening to public comments about the biomass project. The letter helps create a paper trail
showing that the city has been polite and appreciative. When Nippon pulls out of town soon and people try to
blame the city for creating a hostile business environment, the new City Manager can pull this letter from the files
and say"Huh'?"
I'd prefer not to personally send my substitute letter to everyone else on the Council, but you have my permission
to forward it or use it any way you want.
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania @cityyofpa.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:29 PM
To: Shirley Nixon
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Might I suggest you resend your letter to the entire Council?it might make for a nice contrast with the
pathetic, pleading letter to Nippon,.
I cannot tell you how disgusted I,airs by this. I just: hope there's some sort of pushback from the
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynxonolympus.net]
Sera: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:27 PM
To: Max Mania; normagene@olympus.net
Cc: darlenesolympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Nippon is a "wonderful corporate citizen"? By what measuring stick"? Pen Ply, perhaps?
Is Nippon as wonderful as Westport Shipyard„ that employs at least twice as many workers, and brings
very wealthy yacht owners and yacht buyers to town to spend money here?
How about another letter:
Lear President of Westport Shipyard and owner of the mega-yacht Evviwa, moored a few steps
away from our Industrial Wat(w Line,
We just wanted to let you grow how much we appreciate year operating your manufacturing facility
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Date sent 4/5/2012 6:58:25 PM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
To: nursebikerider@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: One More Thing (I'll Be Right About)
That exactly what's on our side - the stone cold fact that at some point, Nippon absolutely will give upon their
facility hero. So, in my opinion, what we have to do in the meantime, is to try to minimize the amount of damage -
both to perople's health and to our local environment- that this facility could do. Well, that and continue of try and
shame local elected officials into putting the health and well-being of their own constituents ahead of the well-
being of a foreign corporation.
Thanks for being in this battle,Tami. Deep the pressure on - and bring your friends.
Yours truly,
Pram: Tami Lee Mendonca [nursebikerider yahoo..com]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:08 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Re: One More Thing (I'll Be Right About)
Thanks for your efforts in this issue. I like your idea of protesting at the Fart-net's market,
I'm in. We have to keep fighting....never give up!!
From:: Max Mania <Mmania @ cityofpa.us>
Sent: Thuirsday, April 5, 2012 6:28 PM
Subject: FW: One More Thing (I'll Be Right About)
FYI...Here's the latest forwarded response...And here's my suggestion in response to that.
Every first Saturday of the month, there's a table at the Port Angeles Farmer's Market for members of the City
Council to come sit at (from 10arm to Noon) and discuss issues of importance to members of the community. So...I
wonder how it would go if members of the public showed up there, carrying signs that said things like, "Nippon
Corporation can speak laud enough for you to hear, but the people of Port Angeles apparently can't be heard,"or,
"Nippon poisons the air, you poison our belief in the political system," and then just stood in front of them -
silently -for the two hours they're sitting there.
It's a thought.
I have another thought as well. If you'd like to hear my other thought, please call me at 457-1301 (home phone,
not a cell phone) and we'll talk.
Thanks to you for your activism and concern...Keep the pressure on.
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From: Cherie Kidd
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:53 PM
To: Max Mania
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: RE: One More Thing (I'll Be Right About)
Hi Max,
Thanks Max. I appreciate your thoughts and your input and your out of the box thinking.
I am not trying to weaken the confidence of the investors that are keeping NPI afloat.
I am not always right- but like you, I am in there plugging for my community. I am always trying to learn more
and open to new information. Thanks for speaking up.
Best Wishes,
From: Max Mania
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:43 PM
To: Cherie Kidd
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: One More Thing (I'll Be Right About)
Just one more thing...
I was the only Council member to vote against wasting City time and resources to try and get a spot on the
natural resources council overseeing the Rayonier site. And I was right- we didn't get a spot.
I was the on/y Council member to vote against wasting staff time and tax dollars on trying to prop up the clearly
failing PenPly. And I was right- all our "help" did was help them to run their delinquent bill with the City higher
before shutting down.
And I will be more right than wrong about Nippon, too. If and when they get their biomass facility up and running,
the jobs at the mill will start to disappear. Their paper business falling 20% a year, for years...The paper they
make is primarily for phonebooks and newspapers, both of which are shrinking businesses...New competition, old
equipment, we're competing in a global market for cheap labor, we're competing in an expanding market for
"renewable" fuel for this facility, etc., etc., etc. They will tell you whatever you want to hear, but that doesn't
change the facts. Their mill here is out of date, and just about out of time. And, needless to say, the Nippon
Corporation doesn't give a tinker's dam about what happens to Port Angeles.
Those jobs will not last. On the other hand, the pollution, ill-will and bad reputation that this project will generate
will likely outlast us all.
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Date sent: 4/5/2012 10:09:I6 PM
From: shirleynixon @olympus.net
To: Mmania@cityofpa.us
Cc: darlenes @olympus.net; inichaelbunnell @olypen.com; normagen@olympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Whatever Harold Norland might want to say to you should be said IN PUBLIC.
Too much communication between Nippon and the City has gone on behind closed doors, and the secrecy only
contributes to flawed decision-inaking and public mistrust.
Maybe Cherie would be willing to set up a ubp lic meeting between you and Harold Norland so that he could "help
you understand" and allow the rest of us to "better understand"too?
Oh —wait---the Council voted 5-2 against sponsoring anything like that.
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania @cityofpa.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:05 PM
To: Shirley Nixon
Cc: normagene @olympus.net; darlenes @olympus.net; michaelbunnell @olypen.com
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
FYI...I just got a message (answering machine) from Cherie, offering to set up a meeting between Harold
Norlund and me, so Harold could "help me understand."
What is so painfully sad is that Cherie obviously doesn't understand that by making such an offer, she's
calling me stupid, and only offending me more—And she really, truly seems not to have ever, even for a
moment, considered the possibility that Harold might lie to her to protect his business interests. It's a case
where someone's being naive has the same effect as if they were corrupt- to shut out the voices of the
But still we battle onwards...Just had a good call from Bob Lynette. I hope to see you all soon...
Yours truly,
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon @olympus.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:07 PM
To: 'Darlene Schanfald'; Max Mania; normagene @olympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
i would imagine that Westport yacht buyers are indeed turned-off by the pollution landing upon their shiny
chrome and fiberglass; I don't know enough about hull maintenance to know whether more acidic sea
water is good or bad. Maybe it makes barnacle shells less sticky? (I'm being tongue in cheek, here.) I do
worry that industries like Westport may be getting discouraged by the climate in Port Angeles...
From: Darlene Schanfald [mailto:darlenes @ olympus.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 6:19 PM
To: 'Max Mania'; normagene @olympus.net; Shirley Waters Nixon
Cc: darlenes @olympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
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From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania@cityofpa,us]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:05 PM
To: Shirley Nixon
Cc: normagene,@olympus.net; darlenes@olympus.net; michaelbunnell@olypen.com
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
FYI...I just got a message (answering machine) from Cherie, offering to set up a meeting
between Harold Norlund and me, so Harold could "help me understand."
What is so painfully sad is that Cherie obviously doesn't understand that by making such
an offer, she's calling me stupid, and only offending me more...And she really, truly seems
not to have ever, even for a moment, considered the possibility that Harold might lie to
her to protect his business interests. It's a case where someone's being naive has the
same effect as if they were corrupt- to shut out the voices of the community.
But still we battle onwards...Just had a good call from Bob Lynette. I hope to see you all
Yours truly,
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon@olympus.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:07 PM
To: 'Darlene Schanfald'; Max Mania; normagene@olympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
I would imagine that Westport yacht buyers are indeed turned-off by the pollution landing
upon their shiny chrome and fiberglass; I don't know enough about hull maintenance to
know whether more acidic sea water is good or bad. Maybe it makes barnacle shells less
sticky? (I'm being tongue in cheek, here.) I do worry that industries like Westport may be
getting discouraged by the climate in Port Angeles...
From: Darlene Schanfald [mailto:dllarienes@olympus.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 6:19 PM
To: 'Max Mania'; normagene@olym pus,net; Shirley Waters Nixon
Cc: darienes@olympus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Your writ below strikes another thought.
Could Westport and its customers be concerned about the Nippon stack
emissions; what they might do to the yachts moored in the acidic water?
Nippon is a "wonderful corporate citizen"? By what measuring stick? Pen
Ply, perhaps?
Is Nippon as wonderful as Westport Shipyard, that employs at least twice
as many workers, and brings very wealthy yacht owners and yacht buyers
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to town to spend money here?
flow about another letter:
Dear President of Westport Shipyard and owner of the mega-yacht vviva,
moored aftw steps awayftom our Industrial Water Line,
We Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you o. erating
your manyfacturingfiacility in Port Angeles, The multi-million dollar
yachts you build here are the pride ofour city, and carry the story of'our
unique and beautiful'natural harbor throughout the world We love
looking at the luxurious yachts adorning the Boat Haven and doing sea
trials qf
.f'City Pier. We have been excited to welcome to our town the new
workers you have hired to perform expert mechanical, electrical, and finish
cabinetry work on Westport yachts, We are pleased that you are working
with Peninsula College to develop 21st Century vocational training
programs that will prepare the next generation of Wes(port workers,fbr
well-paying fobs here in Port Angeles,
Although you live nearby, I apologizejbr not having made the effbrl as yet
to get to know you better, Iwould like to arrange far city council members
and myself to tour your facility sometime soon. Perhaps you might even be
so kind as to take us sailing on one ql'your yachts? We would love to be
able to get a closer look at the Nippon Paper Industries mill and
smokestacks from the waterside.
Business Ambassador and Mayor CK
From: Max Mania [mai Ito:Mrnania@cityofpa,us]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 3:53 PM
To: sliirleynixon@olympus.net; normagene@olymptisnet
Cc: darienes@olympus.net
Subject: FW: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
FYI.J want to vomit,.,
From: Teresa Pierce
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:17 AM
To: Kent Myers; Brad Collins; Brooke Nelson; Cherie Kidd; Dan DiGuilio;
Max Mania; Patrick Downie; Sissi Bruch
Subject: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Good Moming Council,
Attached is electronic copy of letter being mailed today from Mayor Kidd
to Mr. Hiro Sagawa, President of Nippon Paper Industries, USA.
https:Hviewer.iiiessaging.microsoft.conVblalik.btm 4/26/2012
Date sent: 4/6/2012 9:28:55 fi.M
From: Mmaniacityofpa,us
To: catherineharper8@wavecable.com
Subject: RE: F W: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
I'd say if you can't be heard here, but voices from Japan can...Maybe the reverse is true. Maybe our voices
here will be heard in Japan if raised loudly enough. It's worth a try, in my opinion.
From, catherincharper8 @wavecable.com [catlrerineharper°8 wavecable.com 1
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 5:1.2 PM
To: Max Mania.
Subject: Re: p'W: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
WOW. Well put.
Should some letters be written by us lowly private
citizens?I'd do it.
Let me know.
On Thu, S Apr 2012 1 6:27:01 -0700
Max Mania <Mmania cityofpa.us> wrote:
> hello All...
> In case you're interested, below you'll find what I
>wrote to Cherie and Dent in response to this amazingly
>thoughtless letter. Hopefully the Board at Nippon will
>hear from some local residents who have a slightly
>different viewpoint.
> Thanks main,
> Cherie and Kent,
> I strongly, strongly object to this letter. I find it
>offensive, outrageous, and a slap in the face of all the
>people who came and expressed their concerns about the
>biomass facility last Tuesday, This pandering to a
>multinational corporation is uncalled for, and beneath
>you. Need I add, it is also totally pointless at the end.
>of the day. Once the mill here is no longer profitable,
>Nippon will close it. We have no control over what their
>Board in Japan decides to do. None.
https://viewer,messaging,microsoft.com/biank.htiii 4/26/2012
April 8, 2012
Masatomo Nakamura, Chairman
Yoshio Haga, Executive Vice President
Nippon Paper Group, Inc.
1-2-2 Hitotsubashi
Tokyo, 100-000'
Subject: Nippon Paper Industries, USA — Biomass Proposal
Dear Messrs. Nakamura and Mr. Haga,
Perhaps you are now aware that there is a rising tide of opposition among
the residents of the North Olympic Peninsula over Nippon's building a
biomass plant in the heart of our community in Washington State.
We wish you to know of the increasing opposition being expressed by local
citizens to (a) the very serious health concerns associated with the emissions
from the proposed biomass plant, and (b) the legislative, regulatory and
financial risks associated with the project. Specifically, these risks are the
1 . That the resistance to the Nippon biomass project by Clallam County
citizens continues to increase as more people become aware that the
health risks of burning biomass are recognized by medical authorities
and health researchers both in the State of Washington and the nation
as a whole. Public concern has already helped to halt some 24
biomass projects across the United States.
2. The Nippon co-generation biomass plant could be delayed or
cancelled because there is increasing medical evidence that wood-
burning biomass plants pose significant health threats to the
communities where they are built. See the American I-Ieart
Association article in Circulation June 2010: "Particulate Matter Air
Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease." U.S. courts have determined
that local Boards of Health can override state law if the health of the
citizens is threatened.
We are writing to you as part of the vocal, coordinated and actively growing
citizens' opposition and we will vigorously resist endangering the health of
our community.
Howard Vadset, for
Clallam County Healthy Air Coalition
Executive Vice President and Representative Directors
Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Masayuki Hayashi
Masaru Motomura
Fuznio Manoshiro
Shuhei Marukawa
Hironori Iwase.
Kazuhiro Sakai
Masahiro Hirakawa
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Date sent: 4/6/2012 9:10:04 AM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
To: sbirleynixon@olyinpus.net
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon; Weaning 'rime is Nigh
Yes, this is a public record, but I still think lt"s good to ask, or to have gotten permission. (See previous e-mail
forwarded, because Michael Bunnell stated in said e-mail it could be used for whatever purposes I deemed fit...)
I also like to check in with people to see if it's worth sharing something - as in, will anyone else on the Council
even listen to what is being shared? in any case, thanks for the effort, and for giving those of us with an eye on
the future I chance to say(at some future date) "I tried to warn you! I told you so!"
Not that "I told you so! is the best or most satisfying way to govern, but...Sometimes it's all we're left with.That
and warm memories of Jeff Lincoln...
Yours truly, from the trenches...
Frown: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon @olympus.net]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:03 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon; Weaning Time is Nigh
just sent a separate email with these thoughts to everybody on the council. See what you think.
As a general raffle----You are always free to share whatever I send to your city email with anybody. It is a public
record, of course!
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania @cityofpa.us]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 9:51 AM
To: Shirley Nixon
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon; Weaning Time is Nigh
Co I have your permission to forward this last message along to the rest of the Council?You raise a lot of
good points, and I think it would be good for them to hear them - ifthey will listen, that is.
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon @olympus.net]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 8:49 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon; Weaning Time is Nigh
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Something that emerges from all of this as an urgent order of business for the City is to start taking action
now to plan for the impacts to the city budget when Nippon leaves town, Nippon has such a strong hold on
city government beraLISE3 it supports so much of the general fund via the utility taxes it pays on the
electricity from BPA, The City has feasted on that fat for far too long ---and needs to go on an immediate
budgetary diet. Because, as You know, one day soon, Nippon WILL be gone. gfty-qovernment must
baqk_pn expense s 4t1d wean itself from a onejndustry�:de qndent source of
fa eratin rev nue, (Remember my email a few weeks back about the fate of Pontiac, Michigan???)
Shelve the silly talk of operating a city municipal court and hiring a hearing examiner. (These can be
contracted-for with the County.) Cap the starting salary for the new city manager at$1201 , Impose a
hiring freeze. Do not fill ANY city jobs when people leave. Reassign existing personnel. Better yet, start
firing certain people who have helped to get PA into this fiscal dependency mess, and reorganize
departments accordingly. Heaven knows, with the liberal cash-out-of leave policies in existence now, it will
cost us dearly to pay off these people when they depart; that is painful, but apparently unavoidable, While
You're at it, change those too-generous leave accrual and cash-out policies to ones that have"use it or
lose it" caps. Change labor contracts to require that employees contribute 25% or more of the cost of their
health insurance benefits,
In sum, immediately start budgeting as if the city will receive zero revenue from Nippon. If by chance
Nippon is still around for a few years to contribute some revenue to the general fund, then bank it in
reserves to use as a cushion for later.
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania@cityofpa.us]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 6:43 AM
To: Shirley Nixon
Subject: RE, Letter from Mayor to Nippon
It really is PAINFUL to see Cherie turn into a corporate robot, who insults even her fellow (and
supportive) Council members with canned, passionless responses like the ones I've gotten. THE
BIGGEST lie in our culture is a recording that tells you, "Your call is important to us." When Cherie
says she's "always open to getting new information," it's a phrase with just as little credibility.
When we want to put fluoride in the water, then the dentists have the ability to sway the Council,
because, after all, they're the experts. But when the Heart Association and the Medical association
raise concerns about biomass...Well, gosh, why would the Council listen to those "outsiders"?
Especially if it might be "bad for business"?
No sense, no consistency...Port Angeles: Lots of great views and no vision.
Still, we fight onward—
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon@olympus.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 11:09 PM
To: Max Mania
Cc: norm agene@o Iympu s.niet; darlenes@olympus.net; michaelbunne,ll@olypen.com
Subject: RE: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
Whatever Harold Norland might want to say to you should be said IN PUBLIC.
Too much communication between Nippon and the City has gone on behind closed doors, and the
secrecy only contributes to flawed decision-making and public mistrust,
Maybe Cherie would be willing to set up a public, meeting between you and Harold Norland so that
he Could "help you understand" and allow the rest of us to "better understand" too?
On -wait---the Council voted 52 against sponsoring anything like that,
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Date sent: 4/6/2012 9:15:50 AM
From. Mmania@cityofpa.us
Subject: FW: Letter to County Commissioners
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for wiriting and expressing your concerns. You're certainly not alone. I meant to include you in
the reply to Michael's letter that I sent out, but I typed your e-mail address in incorrectly. So, I am
sending this along again, and urging you to keep speaking out and letting us, and anyone else who will
listen, that you are concerned about the biomass facility. The public has a right to speak out - and we
have a repsonsibility to listen. Sadly, thus far, even though I only have one good car, I seem to be one of
only a few that have heard the chorus of concern. So keep the pressure on- please - it is vitally important.
Thanks so much -yours truly,
Max Mania
From: Max Mania
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:08 AM
To: michael bunnell
Cc: shirleynixon@olympus.net; normagene@olympus,net; darlenes@olympus.net;
cather,ineharper8@wavecable.com; cmfusk@olypen.com; dorotheahk@me,com;
dartwhitmore@gmail.com; geraldsueellen@hotmail.com; kj.art@hotmail.com; lavender nikola.com;
'Pat MacRobbie'; marscha117@msn.com; nursebikerider@yalioo.com;
olympicportalsproductions@gmail.com; peteretep,13@hotmail.com; pol I iwog4 5 @yahoo,com;
revival@wavecable.com; starrp@olypen.com; sequimhealer@gmail.com; sevill eta I @yahoo,com;
tdmcc888@yahoo,com; writer@olypen.com;j googrn@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Letter to County Commissioners
I-Ii Michael,
I'll take you at your word, and am forwarding this (on CC) to a lot of people who are also very concerned
about this, I think your letter is a good example of what active and concerned citizens can do. They can
also show up tomorrow at the Farmer's Market to talk with Cherie Kidd. They can also continue coming
to public comment period at our Council meetings and expressing their concerns and evidence. They can
write letters to the editor (good luck on that one). They can write letters to the Council (for whatever
good that seems to do). They can write directly to Nippon corporate headquarters and tell them that this
fight will continue for as long as it takes. People could also show up at our meetings of the Utility
Advisory Committee - a committee on which Nippon has a seat for their representative. They can write:
and reach out to other governing bodies (the County, Sequim, etc.)to get them to see the light. They can
talk to our state legislators, and support new legislation that actually regulates this industry.
Time and technological change are on our side on this. But we have to try to minimize the damage done
to our community in the period before this whole charade falls apart.
So thanks again, Michael. Keep up the good work. Let's all keep up the good work, yes?
Yours truly,
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P.S. - For those of you who weren't there, or don't know...Michael was one of the public speakers at the
last Council meeting, and gave what I consider to be one of the best, most heartfelt and effective
comments I've ever heard. To say he hit a home run is an understatement.
From: michael bunnell [michaelbunnell @olypen.com]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 9:38 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Letter to County Commissioners
Hello yet again, Max --
Here's a follow-up letter I've sent to each county commissioner.
It's basically the same letter I sent to the city council members
yesterday but with appropriate changes and also a couple of new remarks.
I feel somewhat guilty about bombarding you with copies of
everything I send out, but as a "walk-on" member of your team I feel
that you should know what I'm up to in the name of the cause.
If anything I say (or write) in pursuit of our mutual goals could be
useful to you, please feel free to make it yours and use it however
you think it might do some good.
As I learn more about the Nippon biomass burning project, I
understand why its supporters are so angry about the late-in-the-game
objections that have been raised. Asking for a moratorium on a
project that is already under construction and providing jobs for
local residents is asking a lot.
At this week's meeting of the Port Angeles City Council, several
speakers presented compelling arguments opposing a moratorium: the
project has already been through the permitting process -- it has met
all the requirements along the way -- and it is already in progress.
These speakers reminded us of America's constitutional form of
government in which elected officials go through due process before
arriving at a decision which they deem to be in the public interest.
Both the Port Angeles City Council and the County Board of
Commissioners appear to have gone through such a process before
approving this project.
But here's a feature of our constitutional form of government that I
don't think has been mentioned in the public dialogue about the
Nippon project: our form of government has a built-in mechanism for
correcting mistakes and oversights.
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The right to keep and bear arms was one of many rights that weren't
included in the Constitution but which were added only after a hotly
contested dispute over the need for, or the legitimacy of, a Bill of
The well-intended experiment of Prohibition was implemented by way of
a Constitutional amendment -- and when it was found to be a mistake,
it was repealed by another Constitutional amendment.
Amending the federal Constitution is not directly comparable to the
function of county commissioners or city council members, but I think
the concept of catching and correcting mistakes should always be kept
in mind. "Staying the course" has had some disastrous results.
How many of you had friends come home in body bags during the years
when our only reason for being in Vietnam was that we were already
How many of you remember the long, hostile line-ups at gas pumps when
the oil companies punished us with a fuel shortage for demanding that
Congress halt work on an oil pipeline that it had authorized in spite
of missing Environmental Impact Statements which subsequently turned
out to show that the pipeline failed to meet requirements?
How many of you noticed, during the Iraq war, that Halliburton made
huge profits by running caravans of empty trucks across the desert
and then billing the government for fuel at many times the price
they'd paid for it?
This is a dark time in our nation's history in terms of how our
regulatory agencies function (or fail to function). Think of the
Massey Energy coal mine disaster and the BP oil rig explosion and any
of the other avoidable catastrophes that were caused in large part by
careless or corrupt permitting and regulatory processes.
Supporters of a moratorium on the biomass burner admit that they're
presenting their case late in the game, and they confess to being
puzzled that they were not aware much earlier of what they perceive
as the dangers of the project but they've pointed out some serious
flaws in the requirements that the project met in its way through the
permitting process. Based on those concerns, I urge you to consider
these two questions;
(1) Is the Clallam County Board of Commissioners required by its
charter or other source of authority to approve a project just
because it has successfully passed through the permitting process, or
could the Board withhold its approval if it thought the permitting
process had contained serious errors or shortcomings?
(2) Have the opponents of the biomass burner presented sufficiently
compelling allegations of flaws in the permitting process or of
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health concerns that were not adequately addressed before the
project's approval to justify putting the project on "hold"?
I share the opinion that the answer to Number 2 is "Yes". Like them,
I'm not asking that the Nippon project be scrapped immediately.
We're only asking that it be put on "hold" while you take a closer
Iook-- not at whether the project meets this or that requirement,
because you've already done that -- but at whether those requirements
are sufficiently stringent to safeguard public health and the future
of the environment, which are every bit as critical to the public
interest as are jobs and business growth.
Then, if you decide that the project is not as beneficial to the
public interest as it seemed at first, I hope you have the authority
and the will to overturn your previous approval.
Closing down even a few jobs, even temporarily, would inflict a
slight hardship on an already struggling community -- but going
forward with a project which is arguably harmful to everyone's health
(even life), the environment, and the tourist-related portion of our
economy would be even worse. A few healthy workers laid off now will
survive far better than many thousands of innocent taxpayers exposed
to Iong-term toxic pollution.
Michael D. Bunnell
121 Horizon View Drive
Sequim, WA 98382
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> What is the normal protocol for sending such a letter?
>Why weren't other Council members informed such a thing
>was being considered?
> ,Again, we have a great many residents of Port Angeles
>who are deeply worried about the biomass facility. You
>have just told theta all that they do not matter. In the
>mad rush to try and preserve some jobs in a dying
>industry, we are selling out the good-will and (quite
>possibly) the well-being of our own citizens. It doesn't
>get much more short-sighted than that.
> Hopefully this letter will spur on our local residents
>to write their own letters to Nippon, to help give their
>corporate headquarters a broader picture of what the
>community thinks.
> To say I am disappointed by this maneuver is a grave
> Max
>From: Teresa Pierce
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:17 AM
> To: Kent Myers; Brad Collins; Brooke Nelson; Cherie
>Kidd; Dan DiGuilio; Max Mania; Patrick Downie; Sissi
> Subject: Letter from Mayor to Nippon
> Good Morning Council,
> Attached is electronic copy of letter being mailed today
>from Mayor Kidd to Mr. fliro Sagawa, President of Nippon
>Paper Industries, USA.
> -Teresa
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Date sent: 4/6/2012 9,:42:11 AM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
'ro: shirleynixon@olympus.net
Subject: RE: Plan City Budgets assuming NO revenue from Nippon
Very well put. Just like an abused spouse will often say, "It'll never happen again,' all these people here seem
willfully blind to all the times, and all the towns, that have been screwed over by corporations. "Oh, sure, they've
pulled out of other communities and devastated them, but, that won't happen here," Left unstated, or
unexplained, is why exactly the dynamic would be any different here than it has been in a thousand other
towns.. Why would Nippon have a special spot in their corporate heart for Port Angeles?
And no answer is forthcoming.
Dale and I sometimes talk about the "It-can't-happen-to-me" gene that seems to operate in so many people, in so
many ways. "Yes, yes - I know that smoking causes all manner of health problems in people—But it won't happen
to me," "Yes, yes - I know that having a few drinks and then driving home is a recipe for getting in an
accident...But it won't happen to me." And on and on. AND they're currently ignoring two sets of facts - the health
facts and respected organizations, and the fact that Nippon is outta here whenever it suits them.
So much denfal—it'svery difficult to deal with. I'm having trouble sleeping at night right now, and I'm trying to do
the right thing, I have no idea how others sleep when they are actively standing in the way of protecting the very
citizens they are supposed to be representing. The way so many people are acting, you'd think only those fabled
200+ workers at Nippon are allowed to vote.
Thanks - more later, I'm sure...
From: Shirley Nixon [shirleyniixon@olympus.net]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:30 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: Plan City Budgets assuming NO revenue from Nippon
Feel free to disseminate or use this any way you like.
You know, the dynamics of the City's relationship with Nippon reminds me of what occurs in a domestic abuse
situation. The abused spouse is made to believe that he/she is powerless to go forward alone; that the abused
spouse is worthless and could never Succeed independently. Breaking free of the abusive relationship requires
courage and the willingness to embrace a better self-image and more positive world view. It's time for Port
Angeles to end the unhealthy co-dependency and cast out all vestiges City subservience to Nippon's abusive:
From: Max Mania [mailto:Mmania@cityofpa.us]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:09 AM
To: Shirley Nixon
Subject: RE: Plan City Budgets assuming NO revenue from Nippon
Thank you...I guess you don't mind', if it makes the rounds...
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From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixon @olympus.net]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:01 AM
To: Dan DiGuilio; Brad Collins; Brooke Nelson; Max Mania; Patrick Downie; Sissi Bruch; Cherie Kidd
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: Plan City Budgets assuming NO revenue from Nippon
Dear Mayor and City Council:
Please visit this website, and consider the possibility that this could happen to Port Angeles if you do not
start to take steps to prevent it
ll €Es t,
a ' a i.. .._... -
Emerging clearly from the council's reaction to the public controversy over Nippon's biomass plant is the
realization that an urgent order of business is for the Council to start taking action now to plan for the
impacts to the city budget when the Nippon Mill ceases operations (which many of us think is likely in the
near future) or quits buying so much electricity from the SPA (which is another likely scenario if Nippon
instead uses electricity frog burning biomass to supply power to the mill).
Factions representing Nippon's interests exert a strong influence on city government Because mill
operations support so much of the general fund via utility taxes paid on the electricity purchased from
BPA. The City has suffered under that strangle-hold and feasted on that revenue fat for far too long: the
city needs to go on a budgetary crash diet. Cify government m___ust start right now guttinci back on
expenses and wean itself from a one-industry-de endent source of operating revenue.
Shelve the fiscally irresponsible talk of operating a city municipal court and hiring a hearing examiner.
(These can be contracted-for with the County.) Cap the starting salary for the new city manager at$120K.
Impose a hiring freeze on all other personnel. Do not fill ANY city jobs when people leave. Better yet, start
dismissing people who have helped get PA into this fiscal dependency mess, and reorganize departments
accordingly. Heaven knows, with the liberal cash-out-of leave policies in existence now, it will cost us
dearly to pay off these people regardless of how they depart; that's fiscally painful, but apparently
unavoidable. Change those too-generous leave accrual and cash-out policies to ones that have more
realistic"use it or lose it` caps, Negotiate labor contracts that require city employees to contribute 25% or
more of the cost of their health insurance benefits. Those are just a few of the many ideas that would start
the city down the path of better Budgetary management. These austerity measures need to be discussed
and implemented now—not ignored or put off until later.
In sum, please immediately start budgeting as if the city will receive zero revenue from Nippon. If by
chance the Nippon mill is still around for a few years to contribute some revenue to the general fund, then
bank it in reserves to use as a cushion for later. Do not let Port Angeles end up like Pontiac, Michigan,
having to lay off all police and firefighters and sell all city properties including city hall.
Thank you for considering my views, and for your courage in tackling tough issues,
Shirley Nixon
PO Box 178
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-0850
shirleynixon @olympus.net
https:Hviewer.messaging.microsoft.com/biank.htm 4/26/2012
Rprl' 1 7,
I am writing this letter to you because I thinly I do best in written
communication, and this way I can be sure that I have said everything I want to
Let me start by saying that for the past several years, I feel like I have
been one of your biggest supporters. I changed the dynamic you were faced with
by running for City Council, and winning. Then, when Larry Little resigned, I
was one of the people who urged Brad to apply for the open seat. 'Without my
vote for Brad, we would likely have had Glenn 'Wiggins instead. Then, I was able
to convince Sissi to run for City Council, and she won, And thus was the
support for you being Mayor created on the Council. (I have also been a
supporter and defender of you with the public on many, many occasions.)
So I like to think that you know that I am not your enemy, nor a friend of
your enemies. (Enemies like Dick Piling, who ran Cody against you, for
instance, and who has nothing but disdain for you.)
But, the way you handled the public comments on the Nippon biomass
project, and the underhanded way you seat the Nippon. Corporation a (in my
opinion) wildly inappropriate love letter immediately afterwards, well, that has
driven a wedge between us.
Then, when you responded to nay heartfelt concerns about all that with
what came across as canned "your call is important to us" robo-speak, that
didn't help. Neither did your Call offering to set up a private meeting between
Harold Norlund and myself so he could help me "understand." ' tat,ores
insulter It also perpetuates one of the major problems in Port Angeles w-the
perception that there are secret dealings and deals between the City and
Nippon. There have been enough secret meetings and deals in this town to last a
lifetime. I will not be party to any more. gan'ty�qe how that would ok-to..an--
Please note, I relied on information that Harold Norlund had already
given us in reaching my conclusions -conclusions I laid out in detail, and
citing Harold, at the meeting last Tuesday. I watched Harold as I made my
statements-he didn't shake his head in disagreement, he didn't turn to the
people he was with and say"That's not what I said." He didn't challenge my
statement with one of his own. Nothing about his response showed he was in
disagreement with my statement of the facts. So the idea that he would have
anything more to tell me on this seems far-fetched. (More on that in a minute.)
Cherie, we are all elected, from various pools of voters, all bringing
various perspectives with us, to do the same exact thing: Represent the people
of Port Angeles to the best of our ability.
What I heard via the majority of the e-mails we received, and from the
majority of the public comments we heard, was the people of'Port Angeles
raising their voices in alarm. The people with vested interests in Nippon. (their
workers, their lobbyists, the timber coalition representative) were, of course,
vocal in their support for the biomass facility. But the people of Port Angeles,
and our health cage providers, raised their voices in alarm. They provided facts
to back up their concerns from respected, reputable organizations like the
American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, etc. And Sissi
reminded us that the "review" done by the Planning Commission was so rushed
she didn't have time to actually read the materials given to her.
But their pleas, and their facts, fell on deaf ears.
Then you read what seemed to be a press release written by Nippon.,
praising them- and, essentially, tel_ug31 �. �P k l€s yam►u�
The people who elected you to office asked you - begged you -for help,
and you told them that you do not cure. They pleaded for the health of our
seniors, and you told them you do not care. They pleaded for the health of the
children in our community and you told them you do not care.
Then in a f ex ac teeme-.d-ealious_ig-iA.Inwn,%itiue, you sent
another love letter to Nippon, bowing down to .a corporation that doesn't give a
damn about Port Angeles. You degraded yourself, and undermined your own
respect and authority in the community by doing that, Cherie. Again, you told
the people of Port Angeles that they are, at best, second,-best. Nippon comes
first - all other considerations be damned.
Now, I am trying, really trying, to get past this wedge between us,
because that is what is in the best interests of the City. I know we have a lot of
big issues on our immediate agenda. So I am tying. But you need to know, I
am still_jggredibly, hurt and angry.about how this all transpired.,
One thing you could do to help me would be to answer a few questions I
have, to help me understand where you're coming from.
The first question is very simple. Do you really, really think that the
people who actually make the decisions about what happens with the Nippon
mill here - the people on the Nippon Board back in Japan-do you really think
they care what happens to the town of Port Angeles? If your answer is yes,
please explain why you think this.
Second question: Have you ever considered the possibility that Harold
Norlund has, or would, lie to you about any aspects of this project? If your
answer is no, please explain why you think this.
Third question.: Did you read the reports from the aforementioned health
organizations given to us? If not, why did you feel comfortable ignoring them? If
yes, why did you feel comfortable ignoring the facts they presented?
Final question: What is your view of the health and environmental
concerns raised by the opponents of this project? Do you thinly they are a.
bunch of cranks? If not, please tell me how you are able to put the actual,
physical health of your constituents second behind the desire of a foreign
corporation to make profits?
Or let me put it this way: If you lose your job, you can find another one.
If you lose your health, your ability to breathe easily, or your life, those things
are gone forever.
I really need for you to help me understand, Cherie. I need to know what
thought processes you used to come to a place that (to those on the outside)
seems to be so hostile to the people who elected you, and so beholden to a
foreign corporation that, at best, employs 1%of the population of Port Angeles.
Needless to say, we've all seen the great amounts of agitation in our
culture over the 1% versus the 99% over the last year or so. And I will have to
support the 99%, the people of Port Angeles, in that struggle locally. As an
elected official, and as a person with a conscience, what else can I do?
But I don't want you as an enemy, Cherie, So please, please, help me to
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Date sent: 4/8/2012 8:20:00 AM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
To: michaelbunnell@olypen.com
Bee: catherineharper8 @wavecable,coin cm usk@olypen.can ; epratt@ ecluimwa. ov;
darlcnes @olympus.net; dartwhitmore gmail.com; dorotheahk iiic.com; geraldsueellen @hotmail.com;
1�j.art @hctmail.com; lavender @nikola.corn; macrobbie olympus.net;marschal17' msn.com
norm agene @olympus.net; nursebikerider yahoo,com; olympicportalsproductions gmail.com;
paexaminer@gmail.com; pbnturner@olympus.net; peteretepl3 ,hotinail.com; polliwog45@yahoo.com;
revival cr wavecable.com; sequimhealer gmail.com; se villeta I @yahoo,com; shirleynixon olympu .net;
starrp @olypen.com; tallgreen cx islandnet.com; tdmec888 yahoo.com; writer @olypen.com
Subject: ICE: Who's Who
Hey Mire,
I think it's a good idea. I would also suggest that this list include all ways of contact these people (e-mail,
nailing address, etc,), and that this list include the mailing address for the Nippon Board over in Japan.
Everyone else is just a middlernan, really.
Also: I'd strongly suggest trying,to get as many people as possible from this e-mail list actively involved
in meetings, and other activities - and to branch out from there. Cherie Kidd was down at the Farmer's
Market at the City Council table yesterday all by herself. I declined to go, but, I did stop by near the end
of her "shift" to drop a note off to her, and saw that the ONLY notes she had written on her notepad were
"Support for NFI" with three or four checkmarks next to it. This is unacceptable, in my opinion. We
NEED to have people out there when these opportunities arise, holding signs and making comments 4.
AND making it impossible for Cherie (or anyone else) to try and spin this 'issue their way.
Also: The PDN today says that the Sequirn City Council will be holding a public meeting on the biomass
project on Monday, May 14th at 6:30PM at the Sequim Transist Center/City Council chambers. It's on
my calendar - and hopefully there'll be someone headed back to Port Angeles afterwards.
Thanks to you all,
From: michael bunnell [n iel aelbunnell@olypen.coni]
'dent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:29 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Who's Who
I wonder if we should put together:a "Who's Who" list for new
recruits to our movement. Many of the people who get onboard with us
may not know who Harold Norlund is, or Cherie Kidd, or any of the
speakers (both pro and con) at last week's city council meeting who
gave their job titles or referred to specific people or agencies as
their sources of information. I confess that I didn't know who you
were until Margot brought me into the fold.
If people would care to provide me with whatever names and basic infra
they have, I'd be glad to put the list together in a form that might
be a handy reference for the troops.
https://viewer.messaging.microsoft.com/blaiik.htm 4/26/X}12
Page 1 of 2
Date sent: 4!8/2012 11:13:09 AM
To�ml�'.at~tm 1�otrnaalorn; oh.tortuga.43 cr mall.cnrn; shirleyion ;calypus.net
vwrindencry nJolypen.com.
Subject: the Sequim City Council meeting on biomass
Please be sure to point out - as Sisi reminded us during the last.City Council meeting here-that the Planning
Commission approved this even though they didn't have time to read the materials presented to them. Needless to
say,this would have had a, shall we say, negative effect on any public comment against this project that said
Planning Commission would have heard. gut, as a way to demonstrate how this was ramrodded through, it makes
the "process" clear.
You might also want to point out that Nippon was so stare of their approval for this from those who were supposed
to be"permitting" and "overseeing" this project that they started work on it before they had their permits.
"Again, the "process" followed on this stinks, absolutely reeks, of favoritism and rubber-stamping.
Thanks for all you're doing...
From: Shirley Nixon shirleynixonolympus.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:22 AM
To: 'Kjersti Reed; Max Mania; "Bob Lynette'; "Robb Deed'
Subject: RE: the Sequim City Council meeting on biomass
I received this information below,from Candace Pratt, Sequim City Council member. The""Laura" she refers to is
Laura DuBois, another member of the Sequim Councili. I'm being asked to put together a timeline hand-out of the
permitting processes and financing for the Nippon project* so any input folks may have on that would be welcome,.
"Laura and i met this afternoon and came up the following:
Purpose: to give -factual information about Nippon's cogeneration plant to the
Sequim City Council and citizens without fear-mongering.
To save time, we would like a handout that gives the timeline/history of the
permitting process for the Nippon cogenerational plant. This may be the place for
the financing of the pnt. . .if that would be of interest to us. Based on your
email, it sounds like you have this information, so we'd like you to write this
up for us, if you are willing to do so. it should be in laymen's terms and not
overly detailed.
Vicci Rudin has agreed to moderate.
Mark Goodin of ORCAA has agreed to participate. we will ask him to discuss
permitting, current standard, and the wind currents from PA. is Sequim in the
path of prevailing winds from the plant?
Bob Lynette will speak to his area of expertise: energy>renewable vs alternative;
cogeneration or biomass; efficiencies of the plant..
Dr Koes Kolff of ITT to address in laymen's terms what we know and what we don't
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This will be followed by comments/questions limited to one minute from the
audience answered by the panel, to conclude no later than 9 pm. Any unexpressed
comments are to be submitted to the City Clerk in writing."
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Page 1 of 2
Date sent: 4/8/2012 8:25:41 PM
From: Mmania @cityofpa.us
To: michaelbunnell @olypen.com
Cc: darlenes @olympus.net; dorotheahk @me.com; marscha117 @msn.com, normagene @olympus.net;
nursebikerider @yahoo.com; paexaminer @gmail.com; peteretepl3 @hotmail.com;
shirleynixon @olympus.net; tallgreen @islandnet.com; windenergy @olypen.com; writer @olypen.com
Subject: RE: Idea for Parents
Hi Michael,
I was just trying to come up with a good name for a "parents group" to address this issue, and...There it
was. Needless to say, if you tag "Port Angeles" on either end you wind up with PAPAPA, and run the
risk of sounding like a version of Surfin' Bird.
But, in all seriousness, I think from a PR perspective, and a messaging/branding perspective, that a
parents group (with an easy to remember name) is a good idea. I mean no offense at all when I say that
many of the people who are fighting this battle right now are more grandparent-types than parent types.
And, if you wanna lay the guilt on good and thick, I think that people concerned about their kids health is
a good way to do it. I mean, look a little kid in the eyes and say, "Hey! I'm gonna poison your air and
damage your (still growing) lungs - but you might have a job at the mill when you're older!"
A parents group might also be a good "come-on" for cold-call approaches to people - say, petitioning
outside a grocery store, or other places people gather.
I feel kind of like a jerk suggesting ideas that I really can't take the lead on, but...I share them as they
come to me. Hopefully my being on the inside (such as it is) is of some value, though...
Yours truly,
From: michael bunnell [michaelbunnell @olypen.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 4:52 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Re: Idea for Parents
I'm intrigued already. Does "PAPA" already exist, or is that your
suggested name for a group yet to be formed?
On Apr 8, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Max Mania wrote:
> Hi All,
• One of the things that I think would be (potentially) effective in
• terms of PR and speaking to the City Council would be if there were
• more parents of school age children involved and speaking out. It's
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Page 2 of 2
> hard to take a stand in favor of harming children, and, if the
> Council continues to refuse to listen to the concerns on this
> issue,well, hopefully that would just motivate more parents to get
> informed and get involved.
> Maybe something like PAPA - Parents Against Poisoned Air,Needless
> to say, I can't take the lead on any such efforts,but,I do think
> as an "interest group," parents, speaking up for their children,
> might have some swaying power,
> Pour the guilt on thick. Keep the pressure on. Shame us into doing
>the right thing.
> just my two-cents worth...
> Max
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Date sent: 4/8/2012 8:26:04 PM
From: Mmania@cityofpa,us
To: paexaminer@gmail,.com
Subject: RE: Clean Air Action Steps
H! Anami,
Well in truth, the City Council could call a halt to this if they really wanted to - but they aren't going to want to.
However, I believe that we absolutely could get the Council to a place where they'd do somet hing positive to
address this, short of shutting it down.
But, the people who could, and will, shut this, down are the folks at Nippon. More precisely, the Nippon Board of
Dorectors over in Japan. Generate enough bad press and controversy and make sure they know about it, and this
(Increasingly more risky and less profitable venture) will get shut down from the top, not from the bottom. I think
the idea now is to attack the problem from both sides - locally and overseas - and try to double-team the problem.
So, keep up the pressure, and stay tuned for more information...
Thanks a lot...
............. ............. ................ ................. ............ ................................
From: Port Angeles Examiner [paexaminer@gmaii.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 20,12 4:16 PM
To: 'ROSE MARSCHALL'; Max Mania; michaelbunnell@olypen,com
Cc: 'Diana Somerville'; 'Margot Funk'; 'Dorothea K.'; normagene@oiympus.net; nursebikerider@yahoo.com;
peteretepl3@hotmaii.com; 'Maureen Wall'; 'S'hirley Nixon; tdmcc888@yahoo.com; 'Nelson Cone', Xfirsti Reed;
murv_s@yahoo.com; appropopo6883@hotmail.com; 'Crystal Tack; polliwog45@yahoo.com; 'Bill Paquin'; 'Grace
Robinson Price; 4d!ream,gal@gmail.com; 'Penny Burdick; 'Tim Gutherie'; 'Francisco'; 'Linda Melos'; 'Rick Marschall';
'Bob Lynette'
Subject: RE: Clean Air Action Steps
Hi all. I want to add to this discussion the main part I took away from that meeting. After all the back and
forth pro and con the city attorney stated something we should pay attention to; there is no way the
citizens or city council can legally stop the bio mass incinerator.
Of course those of you who know me know I do not give up just because someone says something is
He also said that the only people who can stop this is ORCA (is that the correct acronym?) and that this
item is undergoing appeal right NOW, Also it has been said that people at ORCA have responded to all
of this new research to the harm caused by these incinerators. So should we not turn our efforts to
convincing ORCA of the dangers since they are the only people with the ability to legally stop this from
happening? Specifically alerting them to statements from doctors and research?
From: ROSE MARSCHALL [mai Ito:marschal[7@msn.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 10:40 AM
To: Max mania; michaelbunnell@olypen.com
C'c: Diana Somerville; Margot Fusk; Dorothea K.; normagene@olympus.net; nursebikerider@yahoo.com;
httt)s://viewer,messaging.microsoft.com/blank,htm 4/26/2012
rage /, oz i
peteretepl3 @hotmail.com; paexaminer @gmail.com; Maureen Wall; Shirley Nixon; tdmcc888 @yahoo.com; Nelson
Cone; Kjirsti Reed; murv_s @yahoo.com; appropopo6883 @hotmail.com; Crystal Tack; polliwog45 @yahoo.com; Bill
Paquin; Grace Robinson Price; 4dreamgal @gmail.com; Penny Burdick; Tim Gutherie; Francisco; Linda Melos; Rick
Marschali; Bob Lynette
Subject: Clean Air Action Steps
Dear all,
At the Clallam County Healthy Air Coalition meeting last night we have decided to focus on three main strategies:
1. Send letters to Nippon, JAPAN and cc to Nippon Port Angeles.
Nippon Japan (I could not find an address to mail our letters. If someone can find it please send to all. If we
just sent to Nippon here in Port Angeles, it may not get back to the main company in Japan.)
Nippon Paper Industries USA
P.O. Box 271
Port Angeles, Wa. 98362
If you want help on this you can contact Diana Somerville. We are signing one letter from all and sending
individual letters.
2. Educate the doctors and get them on Board with the purpose of getting our Board of Health to declare a
moratorium for HEALTH reasons.
3. along with a presentation here and there as the weather warms up start to go to where the people are at
events: Sequim Irrigation Festival, -Be in the Paradelll (we will need your bodies), Juan De Fuca Festival, and
continue to educate the public.
4. It could be very important for everyone to show up at the next Board of Health meeting on April 17th at 1:30
Clallam County Court House 4th and Lincoln, Port Angeles, and sign up to speak and also be a presence if you do
not want to speak; ask them to have a special hearing on the health effects that will happen on our community
and listen to some doctors in the know. Maybe we can Skype Dr. Hammins from Massachusetts even. We are
contacting others, more local, to see if they will come speak too. Please bring 8 copies of any health related
concerns (science papers etc.) to give to the Board of Health Members. (I think it is 7-8?)
5. Carry around our half sheets and talk to people, as we are finding out that the majority of people are still
uneducated about this matter.
Super Saturday to all,
Rose Marschall
• From: iAlrn rma�c
• To g,ic; Ii -d 11 If(A(rr c)iya7fflcP9
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Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2032 08:55:48 -0700
> Subject: RE: Sorry I missed the meeting
> Hi Michael,
> Well, sorry you missed the meeting and all...But I have no doubt that you'll find plenty to do with the good folks
fighting this beast as things move forward. Everyone I've spoken with has been very impressed with your public
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Page 3 of 3
comments and/or what you've written. So stay involved, and, hey! Other people copied on this - Michael wants to
get involved. Drop the guy a note and get him working with you...
> Thanks - talk with you soon?
> Max
> From: michael bunnell [michaelbunnell @olypen,com]
> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 6:26 PM
> To: Margot -BlessingsKeep
> Cc: Max Mania
> Subject: Sorry I missed the meeting
> I guess that says it all.
> And yet I seem to have more to say. Please let, me know of anything I
> can do to further the cause. I'll finish writing letters to the
> Sequim City Council tomorrow, and I'll try to do a letter to the
> editor of the PDN on Sunday.
> During some of the time that I can't keep my mind on other work, I've
> been pondering a set of handout sheets with "the other side of the
> story" on the various arguments used in support of the bio-burner.
> There are probably better ways to get the message out than handout
> sheets, but I guess I'm inspired by Thomas Paine and the pamphleteers
> and broadsiders (poster writers) of times gone by.
> Anyway, in the next few days I may have some trial balloons to float
> past y'all for your thoughts or suggestions.
> I won't be at the Farmers' Market tomorrow, but I'll try to make the
> next activity whenever and wherever it is.
> mdb
hitn,-//viewet•.nlessaLying.m.icxosoft,conVblanlc.htm 4/26/2012
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Date sent: 4/9/2012 6:48:58 AM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
To: tallgreen @islandnet.com
Subject: RE: Idea for Parents.. and..
Thank you, Tyler- it is VERY much appreciated.
From: tallgreen [tall green@islandnet.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:01 PM
To: Max Mania
Cc: catherineharper8 @wavecable.com; cmfusk @olypen.com; dorotheahk @me.com;
darlencs @olympus.net; dartwhitmore@gmail.com; geraldsueellen @hotmail.com; lavender @nikola.com;
michaelbunnell @olypen.com; marscha117@msn.com; 'Pat MacRobbie'; normagene @olympus.net;
kj.art @hotmail.com; nursebikerider @yahoo.com; olympicportalsproductions @gmail.com;
peteretepl3 @hotmail.com; paexaminer @gmail.com;pbnturner @olympus.net; polliwog45 @yahoo.com;
revival@wavecable.com; shirleynixon @olympus.net; sequimhealer @gmail.com; sevilletal @yahoo.com;
stamp @olypen.com; tdmcc888 @yahoo.com; writer @olypen.com; oh.tortuga.43 @gmaii.com;
Subject: Re: Idea for Parents.. and..
Hi All,
Here are a few URLs/links for you to be aware of.
Here is a list of the Board of Directors of the parent company of
Nippon Paper Industries:
and here is contact information in Japan for the Board members:
Contact Information
Address: 1-2-2 I-Iitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-0003, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6665-1000
Fax: +81-3-3217-3000
I'll put together a list of media contacts in Japan, and other sources
that the group may find useful to demonstrate to the press, peoples, and
corporate Directors in Japan that we are not so thrilled with their
plans, here.
https:Hviewer.messaging.microsoft.com/blank.htm 4/26/2012
Page 2 of 2
On 2012-04-05 12:24, Max Mania wrote:
> Hi All,
> One of the things that I think would be (potentially) effective in
> terms of PR and speaking to the City Council would be if there were
> more parents of school age children involved and speaking out. It's
> hard to take a stand in favor of harming children, and, if the
> Council
>continues to refuse to listen to the concerns on this issue, well,
> hopefully that would just motivate_more_parents to get informed and
> get involved.
> Maybe something like PAPA - Parents Against Poisoned Air. Needless to
> say, T can't take the lead on any such efforts, but, I do think as an
> "interest group," parents, speaking up for their children, might have
> some swaying power.
•Pour the guilt on thick. Keep the pressure on, Shame us into doing
• the
• right thing,
> Just my two-cents worth...
> Max
l,ttn,z-/h„--Wnr megg2ryinn.mic3•osoft.com/blanlc.htm 4/26/2012
Pagel of 3
Date sent: 4/9/2012 6:51:41 AM
From: Mmania @cityofpa.us
To: michaelbunnell @olypen.com
Cc: cmfusk @olypen.com; dorotheahk @me.com; marschall7 @msn.com; normagene @olympus.net;
nursebikerider @yahoo.com; olympicportalsproductions @gmail.com; paexaminer @gmail.com;
pbnturner @olympus.net; peteretepl3 @hotmail.com; revival @wavecable.com;
shirleynixon @olympus.net; tallgreen @islandnet.com; windenergy @olypen.com; writer @olypen.com
Subject: RE: Idea for Parents
If you know ANYONE who even MIGHT be concerned about this - whether they have school age
children or not- then PLEASE do reach out to them and see if they are interested in learning more. We
ALL should be doing that.
Let me know if I can help...
From: michael bunnell [michaelbunnell @olypen.coml
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 9:43 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Re: Idea for Parents
I think the organization is a great idea, and so is your suggested
name for it-- of course adding the extra "PA" on the end would ruin it.
You shouldn't feel at all like a jerk for sharing ideas that you
can't spearhead yourself-- in your position,you can't be the point
person in every skirmish. Having you on the inside is extremely
valuable, which is why it would be reckless to over-expose you in
every aspect of our campaign.
I agree that parents of school-age children are one of our best
target groups. If they're not already concerned, we need to make
them concerned. If you'd like, I'll initiate some contacts and see
if I can get a few such folks to attend a coalition meeting and see
where we can go from there.
On Apr 8, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Max Mania wrote:
> Hi Michael,
•I was just trying to come up with a good name for a "parents group"
• to address this issue, and...There it was. Needless to say, if you
• tag "Port Angeles" on either end you wind up with PAPAPA, and run
btfn.s-//vi e•wer.messaain2.microsoft.com/blank.htm 4/26/2012
Page 2 of 3
> the risk of sounding like a version of Surfin' Bird,
> But, in all seriousness, I think from a PR perspective, and a
> messaging/branding perspective, that a parents group (with an easy
> to remember name) is a good idea. I mean no offense at all when I
> say that,many of the people who are fighting this battle right now
> are more grandparent-types than parent types. And, if you wanna lay
> the guilt on good and thick, I think that people concerned about
> their kids health is a good way to do it. I mean, look a little kid
> in the eyes and say, "Hey! I'm gonna poison your air and damage
> your (still growing) lungs - but you might have a job at the mill
> when you're older!"
> A parents group might also be a good "come-on" for cold-call
> approaches to people - say, petitioning outside a grocery store, or
> other places people gather,
> I feel kind of like a jerk suggesting ideas that I really can't
> take the lead on, but...I share them as they come to me. Hopefully
> my being on the inside (such as it is) is of some value, though...
> Yours truly,
> Max
> From: michael bunnell [michaelbunnell @olypen.com]
> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 4:52 PM
> To: Max Mania
> Subject: Re: Idea for Parents
> I'm intrigued already. Does "PAPA" already exist, or is that your
> suggested name for a group yet to be formed?
> mdb
> On Apr S, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Max Mania wrote:
>>Hi All,
>> One of the things that I think would be (potentially) effective in
>> terms of PR and speaking to the City Council would be if there were
>> more parents of school age children involved and speaking out. Its
>> hard to take a stand in favor of harming children, and, if the
>> Council continues to refuse to listen to the concerns on this
>> issue, well, hopefully that would just motivate more parents to get
>> informed and get involved.
>> Maybe something like PAPA- Parents Against Poisoned Air. Needless
>> to say, I can't take the lead on any such efforts, but, I do think
htti)s://viewer.messaging.microsoft.com/blank,htm 4/26/2012
Page 3 of 3
>> as an "interest group," parents, speaking up for their children,
>> might have some swaying power
>>Pour the guilt on thick. Keep the pressure on. Shame us into doing
>> the right thing.
>> Just my two-cents worth..,
>> Max
fit,t.ns-//viewet-.messagina,microsoft�com/blank htm 4/26/2012
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Date sent: 4/10/2012 11:59:38 AM
From: Mmania @cityofpa.us
To: Ckidd @cityofpa.us
Subject: RE: Response to your Letter from Saturday
While I appreciate the response, and am sorry that your basement is flooded (been there, done that), I am still
disappointed that you haven't answered any of the questions I asked you.
Hopefully we can talk face to face sometime soon, because I am feeling increasingly...alienated.
Good luck with your house issues - see you soon...
P.S. - I just have to note, in regards to Nippon "playing by the rules," that they started work on this project
without having all their permits.
From: Cherie Kidd
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:36 PM
To: Max Mania
Cc: Kent Myers
Subject: RE: Response to your Letter from Saturday
Dear Max,
Please accept my apology for not responding to your hand delivered letter on Saturday sooner. The basement of
my home is flooded and we are working diligently to save the carpet and furniture.
I also have to help out in our business and frankly, was a little bit under the weather yesterday.
First and foremost, I am sorry that you are hurt and angry at my opinions and statements. You stated that you do
not want me as an enemy. Max, I do not want you as an enemy either and choose not to think of you as an
enemy. You stated that you are incredibly hurt and angry. I am not hurt and angry at your responses to my
statements, even though it has been harsh. I choose not to be angry at you because you have earned my respect
too many times to let one incident drive a wedge between us, from my perspective.
At no time have I intended to seem callous and insensitive as you suggest, In fact, at our last Tuesday night
council meeting, the expansion of the 15 minute time period for public comment is only expanded "at the
discretion of the Mayor". You know that I made every effort to let every person speak. After the meeting, I made
a positive point to you that in fact, you DID get a forum. We just had it! I tried to be very fair to everyone in
attendence out of respect for the public and for you.
I disagree with your assessment that, by my actions, I told the people I do not care - I care every day about
helping our people and moving our community forward, You may disagree with my opinion, but I am puzzled that
you say that I do not care. i hope my history and my actions have proved otherwise.
I thought my call to you offering to set up a meeting with Harold could be helpful, and was not meant to insult you
- quite the contrary. Rumors and inuendos about the mill closing are not factual and I was hoping to help clear
this up in a positive way. I am sorry you took it as an insult. I was merely trying to find positive solutions.
Max, when a business has legally gone through the permitting process and we have no legal authority over the
decisions at this point, then we can choose to back off, The overriding issue here is "playing by the rules". NPI
Page 2 of 2
has played by the rules and has received their permits. If that is wrong, then we need to address changing the
rules, not ignoring them, or shouting them down.
I have read reports regarding biomass and intend to do a lot more studying regarding this issue. I have promised
Diana that I would read information sent by her and I will.
As we struggle with an down economy that has effected all of us, I don't think the council should disparage
investment that provides family wage jobs and benefits. The biomass issue will continue to be studied.
I appreciate all the positive influence you have had over the years and I personally will not let one area of
disagreement diminish my appreciation of you or your efforts.
Please let's continue to move forward to discuss and educate each other in areas of disagreement, not condem a
good working relationship over any single issue.
Best Wishes,
From: Max Mania
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:23 AM
To. Cherie Kidd
Subject: Today's story in the PDN
To quote from today's story in the PDN; "There (sp) nothing better than a hometown business making a long-term
commitment," Kidd said Monday.
Cherie, you do realize that Port Angeles is notin Japan, right? Nippon is nota "hometown business." They are a
multinational corporation, with no allegiance to Port Angeles.
Note that "Norlund was not immediately available to comment Monday on Kidd's letter." And why not? My guess
would be because he didn't have permission from the powers that be in Japan to do so. The decisions regarding
the facilities here are not made here.
I would also note that I am disappointed that in the past 48 hours you've had time to further praise Nippon to the
press, but apparently have not had time to respond to the note I wrote you.
Still waiting, I remain...
Page 1 of 1
Date sent: 4/10/2012 7:57:30 AM
From: tmiller @sequimwa.gov
To: Mmania @cityofpa.us
Subject: RE: Your Letter
Thanks for the note.
Incidentally, our CC is holding a study session to hear from both sides on the issue. It will take place at
5pn-i on 14 May at the Transit center. An informal poll of our council shows 2 members supporting the
Biomass plant, 3 leaning against, and 2 undecided.
From: Max Mania [Mmania @cityofpa.usj
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:28 AM
To: Ted Miller
Subject: Your Letter
Hi Ted,
I just read your letter to the editor, and I had to write to say THANK YOU. At the biomass hearing here,
emotions ran hot on both sides, but the evening never degenerated into name-calling or insults...Except
when Dick Piling spoke. He was beyond out of bounds, and beyond rude, and I really appreciate someone
calling him on it. Dick's approach to politics - attack, abuse and confuse - have no place in a reasoned
discussion, and do nothing to help our community advance.
'Ranks again, Ted. I'm so glad you're in there doing the hard work that your job requires. I know that you
approach it with a serious attitude, and a great deal of thought.
Yours truly,
Page 1 of 2
Date sent: 4/11/2012 7:35:04 PM
From: catherineharper8@wavecable.com
To: Mmania@cityofpa.us
Subject: Re: FW: Letter: From Nippon to Mayor Kidd
Starting work without a permit has a familiar ring to it.
It's classic Port Angeles to get a start on something
before it's been put to a vote or any "open"' meetings have
been held. That way, when the complaints begin, they can
say "Oh, Gee, we've already started it. So sorry, but of
course now it'll have to proceed as planned." I've always
had the impression here that whatever meeting the public
is invited to is about an hour after the real meeting.
I'm absolutely sick about this, but I think it's a done
deal. Cherie Kidd's simpering letter certainly didn't
help, and that is ALL OVER the media. I don't know why,
but I expected better than that from her. Silly me.
Thanks for keeping up the good fight.
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 16:46-56 -0700
Max Mania<Mn-iania@cityofpa.us>wrote:
> Attached is the response from Nippon, such as it is.
>Please note how they have "complied with all
>regulations," but no more. Except that, well,they did
>start work without a permit, among other
> Also, in preparation for the upcoming tour of Nippon for
>the City Council ..If anyone has anti-biomass buttons
>and/or t-shirts that they could loan me to wear on said
sour, I'd be happy to hear about it. After all,we want
>to make sure we have open communication with our friends
>at Nippon. They care so much about our community.
> Thanks a lot- spread the word!
> Max
>From: Teresa Pierce
* Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 1:57 PM
* To: Kent Myers; Glenn Cutler; William Floor;Nathan
>West; Brad Collins; Brooke Nelson; Cherie Kidd; Dan
>DiGuilio; Max Mania; Patrick Downie; Sissi Bruch
> Subject: Letter: From Nippon to Mayor Kidd
Page 2 of 2
> Attached: Electronic copy of letter received today from
>Hiro Sagawa, President 1 Nippon Paper Industries USA
> To: Mayor Kidd
> Re: Response to Mayor's letter of April 4, 2012
/1) 11)A17
Page 1 o1'2
Date sent: 4/12/2012 11:51:22 AM
From: cpratt @sequirnwa.gov
To. Mmania@cityofpa.us
Subject: RE: Biomass Meeting`/
Dear Max,
"I"hams for the infarrnatio r. We have set up the informational f0111m primarily for Council education. The
Council was unanimous in asking for a balanced panel. We will have time for citizen
questions/comments, but I think they will be limited to one minute each, We expect it to last.2 hours,
See you Monday on the bus!
Candace Pratt
S"equim City Council.
893 N Oxford Way
equim WA 98382
cpratt @sequimwa.gov
From: Max Mania [Mrnania @cityo-fpa.usj
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:26 AM
To: Ted.Miller
Cc: Candace Pratt; Laura Dubois; Erik Erichsen
Subject: ICE: Biomass Meeting?
I.Ii Tcd (and other Sequirn Council members),
Thanks for the reply, and for forwarding my message along, Even though this doesn't register as a
"problem" to the PA City Council right now, does not mean that it cannot be raised to a higher level
moving forward. IF the Sequim City Council were to pass a resolution opposing the project, that would.
be a gesture we would have to take very seriously. I know a lot of'citizens are working on a lot of
governing and regulatory bodies to try to get the message through to us that this is something to be
concerned about. So please, do Na feel like this is a hopeless cause, or that anything you (or others) do
is a "futile gesture," This issue is NOT settled, this issue is NOT going away, And I do believe that time,
technology and science are on the side of those with worries about this project.
,anyway, if there's a meeting, and if I can come and observe, please just tell me when it is and where to
tae. This is a priority for me, and I'm happy to partiepate in whatever 1 can to help move this issue
forward, (Lord knows Pr'4 has spent enough time hurtling backwards—)
My best to you all - and many thanks,
Max Mania
Page 2 of 2
Isom: Ted Miller (tmiller cr)sequimwa.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:13 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: Biomass Meeting?
I also was pained to read about the PA CC decision; I had been looking forward to a joint meeting. I
forwarded your letter to our subcommittee on Biomass (Candace Pratt, Laura Dubois, and Eric 1,richsen).
While a majority of our CC dislikes the project, I sense a general feeling of hopelessness and
helplessness. Nevertheless I want a resolution opposing it from the CC, even if it is a futile gesture.
-- 'fed
prom: Max Ma�iia [yrnania @cityofpa.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:11 PM
To: 'fed Miller
Subject: Biomass Meeting?
I-Fi Ted,
Well, I trust you've read the PDN and heard a few stories through the grapevine...Let's just say that last
"Tuesday night was truly painful.
In any case, is your Council, or a sub-committee of your Council, having a meeting to discuss the
biomass issue? If so, could I possibly attend?Needless to say...It's a topic of interest to me, and to the
community I represent. And, also needless to say, this issue isn't settled yet.
Of course, this is all assuming that you and/or your fellow Council members would be willing to
associate with someone such as myself.
Take care, Ted, and keep on fighting the good fight.
Yours truly,
httus:Hvi owe r.messx-)i uy.micro soft.conn/blank.11 tni 4/27/2012
Page l of 1
Late sent: 4124/20912 7;09:00 AM
Frorn: Mrnanla@cltyoFlea,us
To; e ratt @s ciuimwPa.gov; Idubois @sequimwa.gov tniiller@seqLlil-nwa.gov
ul�je;ct: Biomass Foaruan (RJR)
Hello All,
I just have to say-1 am extremely disappointed that you all chose to cancel a public forum that was already
scheduled, on a subject of clear concern to the public, due to what Harold Norlund "presented" to you. This
smacks of backroom deals and hidden agreements. It shuts the public out, but will not shut them up.
Please know that Harold has presented different"facts" at different times, tailored to different audiences, And his
"facts" overlook or play down the very real health issues with this project - and Sequinn will be ground zerofor the
(literal) fallout, being that you're downwind. Bob Lynette has a great'dealof information on this project -
information Harold Norlund would rather you not know about or think about,
I am amazed and saddened that you all seem to think that, A) Harold Norlund, who is most certainly a biased
party in all this, is giving you all the information, and B)That anything the Sequim Council decided or said would
be meaningless. It most certainly would not have been meaningless, You are our neighbors, and your voices would
have carried to the Port Angeles Council chamber.
But you have chosen not to raise your voices, And, from where I sit, it also looks like you have closed your minds
to anything that runs contrary to the corporate line. How sad. It does a disservice to your Council, and to your
citizens, Again, from where I sit, it looks like you were perfectly harpy to make a decision without having all the
facts presented to you.
This is a sad day.
Yours truly,
Page I of 1.
Date sent: 4/25/2012 3:51 :17 PM
From: Mmania@y)cityofpa.us
To: dorotheahk@ine.com
Subject: RE: Biomass Forum (R.l.I'.)
Thank you for the kind words. I just wish I had deeper support on our Council...
Yours truly,
Front: Dorothea Hover-Kramer [dorotheahk cr me.coml
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 3:55 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Re: Biomass Forum (R.I.P.)
Beautiful letter you sent to the Sq. city countil! thank you for your
deep integrity, Dorothea.
htipsalviewer.n�essa�ink,t�licrosoft.comlb]a��lc.htni 4/26/2012
Pate 1 of 3
Date sent: 4/24/2012 7:411:46 AM
l'rotn.: shirleynixon @olympus.net
To: lv mania @cityofpa.us; writer @ oly en.corn
Cc: cal llet°incharperg@wavecable,com; cgnfusk ca olypen.com; crystal ci)olypen.com;
darlenes@olympus.net; dartwhitmoiee,@ mail.com; dorotheahk me,com; geraldsucellen ir)liotmail.com;
jgoodrn@yahoo.corn;, macrobbie@olytnpus.net; trtarschal17 c't)msn,com; nai haelbunncll@olypen.corn;
nornaagene @olyrnpus.net; nurscbikerider @yahoo.corn; olympieportalsproductions@gmail.com;
paexaminer rx gmail,com; pb aturner @olympus.net;peteretepl 3 @hotrnail.corn; polliwog45 @yahoo.com;
revival @wavecable.com sequimhealer ,gmaiI.coin; sevilletal cx3yahoo.com; stagrp(c olypen.com;
tallgreen cx,islandnet.com; tdmcc 88@yahoo.cotn; windenergy @olypen,eom
Subject: RE: Thanks
My hunch is that Noriand exerted heavy pressure on Sequirn's City Manager, and quite possibly also gat help trout
our state elected officials (Tharinger, Van de Wege, Hargrave) and others to pressure the Sequim Council &
Manager. I'M sure Kent Myers pressured Sequirn's City Manager, tau. Leak at how quickly Burkett ernailed Myers
to tell him the news about cancelling the biomass forum. (Burkett notified Myers at 8:55 PM last night, two minutes
after informing Harold Nodand and thanking him for his"excellent presentation" )
My respect for Burkett just dropped quite a few notches; I'd harbored higher hopes for the quality of Sequir-u's
From: Diana Somerville [mailto:writer @olypen,com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2.4, 2012. 8:10 AM
To: Max Mania
Cc: catherineharper8 @wavecable.cant; Margot Fusk; Darlene Schanfald; dartwhitmoregmaii.com,•
Dorothea Hover-framer; geraldsueellen@hotmail.com; Rose Marschall; michael bunnell; Pat MacRobbie;
Norma Turner; Taml Lee Mendonca; olymp cportalsproductions @gmai1,com; Anami Llami; Mury Sears;
Peter farakondis; Helen Sears; Maureen Wall; j goodwin; shirleynixon olympus,net Nixon;
sequimhealer @gmail.com; sevilletal @ya,hoo.com; starrp olypen.com; tyler ahlgren;
tdmcc888C yahoo.com; Bob Lynette; Crystal Tack;
Subject: Re: Thanks
" n't t)+ tlsi
l�lc rlund wool 't laarticipate in a forum, so, of course, they let him speak first, End of"stogy,
Here's what Candace Pratt said on behalf of"the Sequirri City Council:
From: Candace Pratt [mailto:candacep@wavecable.com]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2012 9:19 PM
Tau: Vicci Rudin; Shirley Nixon
Subject: Forum cancelled
Tonight Sequirn City Council had an excellent presentation from Harold Norlund
and his Environmental Specialist about the cogen plant, and he readily answered
Council and answer our 's but would not
r He had agreed to talk to the q ,
our s
q C
participate in a forum,)
While we recognize there are health concerns, we are not the appropriate agency
to address them, and we have no authority to affect the outcome. There are
biomass plants in the state that have been up and running for a while, time enough
for the Washington chapter of the Amer Lung Assoc to weigh in on health
Page 2 of 3
hazards,.-but I couldn't find any indication that they have. So we decided not to
proceed any further.
Thank you both for being willing to help me with this venture, I hope Shirley, you
haven't spent too much energy on the timeline. If so, I owe you,
On Apr 24, 2012, at 7:58 AM, Max Mania wrote:
Hello All,
Well, gee, it seems the fix is in. See messages below for briefing of how the Sequirn City Council
drank the Kool-Aid that Hai-old Norlund brought them. AMAZING. And pathetic. Because, as we
all know, Harold would never lie, right? Or present information shaded to protect his position?
And there just certainly couldn't be any information that might run counter to whatever Hai-old
It's going to take another election cycle, and possibly some recalls, to get the elected officials in
this area to CARE ABour THE HEALTH OF THE PUBLIC. I am sorry for "shouting" with the
caps, but, this is so amazingly awful.No courage. No vision. Not even any questions, Just
everyone agreeing to go to sleep, and, as Pat Downie said, "Letting this corporation do what it
Please do let the Sequirri City Council people know how you feel about this incredibly short-
sighted decision.
And keep the fight going, We have the facts on our side, as well as righteousness,
Yours truly,
i�mojn:-Kent Mye-r-s
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:48 AM
To: Cherie Kidd; Brad Collins; Brooke Nelson; Max Mania; Sissi Bruch; Dan DiGuilio; Patrick
Cc: William Bloor; Dan McKeen; Nathan West
Subject: FW: Thanks
Council Members,
Based upon this inessage received from the City of Sequim yesterday, it appears that the City will
not be hosting a biomass forum next month.
Kent Myers
Page 3 of 3
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Burkett [mailto:sbui,kett@sequimwa.gov�
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2032 8:55 PM
To: Kent Myers
Subject: Fwd: 'Thanks
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Steve Burkett <sburlcctt @scquianwa.gov< ;t_.c
Date: April 23, 201.2 8:52:39 PM PDT
To: "(harold.norlund @npiusa.com< f F ,f
<harold.norlund @npiusa.com<..,. ;,'' �).;n. .� E..?I :>
Subject: Thanks
Thanks again for taking time to educate us on biomass. Your presentation was excellent and
answered our questions. During the meeting the Council voted unanimously not to schedule a
forum on the issue.
Take care,
Sent from my Wad
Page I of I
Date sent: 4/25/2012 1:06:33 PM
From: writer @o typen corn
Bcc: Minania@cityofpa.us
Subject: Sent to Sequins City Council
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: virgin vadset
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at I 0:0 �M
Subject: Biomass Forum
Sequinn City Council,
The Sequim City Council's cancellation of the May 14'th Biomass Forum is local govemment
at it's worst, allowing a large offshore corporation to make a presentation behind closed doors
with no public notification, input, or opportunity to respond.
V4iy are you afraid of giving equal time to learn the truth about how badly Nippon's toxic
monstrosity is going to Pollute the air of 40,000 us living downwind?The health consequences
are life threatening. All the major medical associations are warning of the health hazards of
biomass incineration. You should be asking the Clallam County Board of Health to take action
on this very real coming health emergency,
Kitsap County, Mason County, and Vancouver all stopped biomass projects for health reasons.
Are you smarter orJ List uninformed?
Failing to act now will probably leave us with the unhealthiest air in the state. Who will want
to visit here, move here, or stay here? Harold & Virginia Vadset
Page I of 2
Date sent: 4/25/2012 11 :26;02 AM
From: Mmania@cityofpa.us
To: Idubois@sequit-nwa.gov
Cc: epratt( ,secltrimwa.gov; tr-niller a segtrimwa.gov
Subject: Pali:: Biomass Forum (RIP)
Please note I did NOT say you - or anyone - did or does "backroom deals," I merely said that this kind of
ogre-sided decision-making could easily be perceived by many as being the results of an "agreement"
made behind the scenes. Adding an additonal work session before the regularly scheduled Council.
meeting, after the agenda had gone out...Having just the proponent of the controversial project
speak-11CY) taking the stele of actually cancelling a previously scheduled public forum on the subject.
Surely you can see how this MIGH71' be seen by members of the public? Add to this the :fact that Harold
Norlund is "unavailble" to come to a forum with those in opposition to the biomass project,yet is readily
available to come do a solo show, and you might wonder what Harold is trying to avoid? What questions
does he not want to have to answer in public?
And add to it all the fact that your City Manager immediately c-mailed our City Manager to tell him that
the forum was cancelled—It all could seem very much like a one-:sided,predetermined outcome. Prn not
saying that it was, but, to many people, this perception will be their reality.
So, again, I am saddened by this decision, but will continue to be an advocate for public health over
corporate prolrts, This is an issue of great importance to the entire County, not just fort Angeles, and it is
far from settled.
''ours truly,
From: Laura Dubois (lduboisg)sequimwa.govj
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012. 11:01 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject, RE: Biomass Forum (RIP)
I don't do backs oom deals or have a hidden agenda.
Laura J. Dubois
City Councilmember
152 W Cedar Street
Sequim, WA 99382
EIS: Please note my email has change to Idubois(?,Dse uimwa.gov.
From: Max Mania [Mmania ,cityofl)a.us
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 8:09 AM
To: T"ed. Miller, Candace Pratt; Laura Dubois
Subject',Biomass Forrtiun (R.I.P.)
Hello All,
Page 2 of 2
1_just have to say...I am extremely disappointed that you all chose to cancel a public forum that was
already scheduled, on a subject of clear concern to the public, due to what Harold Norlund "presented" to
you. This smacks of backroom deals and hidden agreements. It shuts the public out, but will not shut
them up.
Please know that Ilarold has presented different "facts" at different times, tailored to different audiences,
And his "facts" overlook or play down the very real health issues with this project - and Sequin-1 will be
ground zero for the (literal) fallout, being that you're downwind. Bob Lynette has a great deal of
information on this project - information Harold Norlund would rather you not know about or think
I am amazed and saddened that you all seem to think that, A) Harold Norlund, who is most certainly a
biased party in all this, is giving you all the information, and B) That anything the Sequim Council
decided or said would be meaningless. It most certainly would not have been meaningless. You are our
neighbors, and your voices would have carried to the fort Angeles Council chamber.
But you have chosen not to raise your voices. And, from where I sit, it also looks like you have. closed
your minds to anything that runs contrary to the corporate line. How sad. It does a disservice to your-
Council, and to your citizens. Again, from where I sit, it looks like you were perfectly happy to make a
decision without having all the facts presented to you.
This is a sad day.
Yours truly,
Page l of 4
Tate sent: 4/25/2012 11:04:33 AM
From: Mrnania @cityofpa.us
To: michaelbunnell c old+pen.corn
Sul�jec : RE: Thanks
It can be a somewhat strange line to draw, but...Being that anything and everything biomass MIGHT end
up before the City Council, or be considered Council business, I'd like to keep it here - even if it is just
venting, exploring "what ifs" scenarios, etc. blow, if there are things about biomass (or any City issue) that
you do NOT want to have here as a public record, please feel free to call me instead.
.And, yes, anything to do with the show for the Fine ,Arts Center, which is, of course, a CITY facility,
should go to nay personal e-mail, 'Which, of course, has the word "official" in it to simply further
confusil�, matters,
I'm tryin' to be discreet here.
Try in',..
From: michael bunnell [iiiieliaelbunnell @olypen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, ,April 25, 2012 9:40 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: Ike: Thanks
My mistake -- I thought communications about your personal thoughts
or non-City Council activities on biomass were to go to your private
address and only communications regarding your public words or
actions were to go to your guvmint address.
So let nee get this straight:
Biomass stuff to guvrnint address;
Theater stuff and so on to private address..
If you know what C paean.
Can Apt.25, 201.2, at 9:19 AM, Marx Mania wrote:
> .also, FYI...I wrote to three of'the Sequim City Council members
> (from this account!) and, as of'°this moment, have not heard a peep
>back from ANY of them...And these were the three l was closest too,
> and respected most...
Page 2 of 4
> Amazing, and disheartening, But anger is an energy, too. So let's
> use our own personal biomass of outrage to keep us going, keep us
> fighting the good fight.
> Yours truly,
> Max
> From: Shirley Nixon [shirleynixori@olympus.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 2,4, 2012 8:40 AM
> 'I I o: 'Diana Somerville'; Max Mania
> Cc: catherii7eliarl)er8@wavec,,tl)le,com; 'Margot Dusk'; 'Darlene
> Schanfald'; dai-twhitniore@gmail,com; 'Dorothea Hove r-M-arner';
> geraldsueellen@hotmail,com; 'Rose Marschall'; 'michael bunnell';
> 'Pat MacRobbie'; 'Norma 'Furner'; 'Tarni Lee Mendonca';
> olympiepoi-talsproductions@gmail.com; 'Aiianii Llarni% 'Mury Sears';
> Teter Karakondis'; 'Helen Sears'; 'Maureen Wall'; j goodwin';
> sequirnbealer@gmailcom; sevilletal@yahoo.com; starrp@olypen,corn;
> 'tyler alilgren'; tdmec888@yalioo.com; 'Bob Lynette'; 'Crystal Tack'
> Subject: RE,: Thanks
> My hunch is that Norland exerted heavy pressure on Sequim's City
> Manager, and quite possibly also got help from our state elected
> officials (Tharinger, Van de Wege, Hargrove) and others to pressure
>the Sequins Council & Manager. I'm sure Kent Myers pressured
> Sequim's City Manager, too. Look at how quickly Burkett emailed
> Myers,to tell him the news about cancelling the biomass forum.
> (Burkett notified Myers at 8:55 PM last night, two minutes after
> informing Harold Norland and thanking him for his "'excellent
>presentation" .)
> My respect for Burkett just dropped quite a few notches; I'd
> harbored higher hopes for the quality of Sequim's leadership.
> Shirley
> From: Diana Somerville [ma.iIto:writer@olyl)en.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 8:10 AM
>To: Max Mania
> Cc: catherineharper8@wavecable,corn; Mai-got Tusk; Darlene Schanfald;
dartwhitrnorc@grnail.corn; Dorothea 1-lover-Kramer;
> geraldsueelien@liotmail.com; Rose Marschall; inichael bunnell; Pat
> MacRobbie; Norma Turner; 'Fami Lee Mendonca;
>olymj)icportalspi°'oductions@gmail,cotri; Anarni Llarni; Mury Sears; Peter
> Karakondis; Helen Sears; Maureen Wall;j goodwin;
> shirleynixon@olympus.nct Nixon; sequirrihealer@gmail.corn;
> sevilleta I @yahoo.com; starrp@olypen.corn; tyler ahlgren,
> tdrncc888Ca),yahoocom; Bob Lynette; Crystal Tack
> Subject; Re: 'Thanks
• I am so disgusted.
• Norlund wouldn't participate in a forum, so, of course, they let
•him speak first. End of story.
> Flere's what Candace Pratt said on behallof the Sequirn City Council:
A Il K (i I I
Page ] of
Date sent: 4/25/2012 10:00:13 PM
From: tailgreeii@islatidtiet.com
170: Mmania@cityofpaus
Cc: cithei-itieliarpei-g@wavecable.com;, cmfusk@olypen.com; darlcncs@olympus.net;
dartwhit,niore@gniail.com; dorotheahk@mc.com; geraidstiecllen@hotin,,til.coi-n;jgoocirn@yall.00.com;
1,,j.art@hoti-nail.com; macrobbie@olympus.net; iiiai,schall,7@msn.com; niiehaelbunnell@olypen.com;
tiormageiie@olympus.net; nursebikcrider@yahoo,com; oh.tortuga.43@gmail.com;
olympicportaisproductions@gniail.com; paexaminer@gmail.coin; pbntu:rnel-@olympus.net;
peteretepl.3@ hotmailcom;polliwo&,45 @,Yahoo.coin; reetival@wavecable.com;
sequin-d,ieale�r@gmail.com; sevill.etal@yahoo.coni; shi id ey nixonCd,)olympus.net; starrp@olypencorri;
tdniec888@yalioo.coni; windenergy@olypen.com; writer olypen,com
Subject: Re: Biomass Forum (R.I.P.)
1-ley Max, and others..
Had PBS on while I read your note. They
had a programme on called "America Revealed", about the US electrical grid
system. 1"hey said that half of all US electricity comes from coal fired
plants. Huge pit mines in Wyoming.
Yeah, "Burn, Baby, Bum".
Original Message -----
From: "Max Mania" <MMania@cityo-fpa.us>
Cc. <catherineharperS@waveeible.coiii>,; <cmfusk@olypen.corn>;
<darlenes@olympus,net>; <dartwhitmore@grnail.con-1>; <dorotheahk@rnc.com>;
<geraldsucelleii@liotinail.coin>; -jgoodrn@yahoo.com>; <kj.art@hotmail,corn>;
<marscha117@msn.co,m>; <rnichacIbunneII@olypen.corn>; "'Pat,MacRobbie...
<macrobbie@olympus,net>; <normagene@o lympus.net>;
<nurscbikerider@yahoo.com>; <olyiiipiepol-taispro,duc,tions@gn-iail.conl>,,
<oh,1ortuga.43@gmaiI.com>; <paexarniner@gmaiI.com>; <pbntui-ner@o lympus.net>;
<peteretep I 3@hotmailcom>; <poll iwo g4 5 @yahoo.coin>; <revival@wavec,RbIe.com>;
<sc,quirnhealer@gmail.corn>; <sevilletal @yahoocom>;
<shirleynix on@olyrnpus.net--; <stairp@olypen,coni>; <alIgreen@islandnet.com>;
<tdmcc888@yahoo,coin>; <wmdenergy@oIypcn.com>; <writer@olypcn.coin>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 12:14 PM
Subject. FW: Biomass Forum (R.I.P.)
> For what it's worth,, here's the terse reply I got from Laura Dubois.
> Please note I did not say she (or anyone else) WAS engaging in "backroorn
> deals," merely that this could be SEEN as having a certain backj°oorri
> quality to it by many people. Still, it seems to be a sensitive
> spot...I-IM111M.".
> Max
> 1:`rorri: Laura Dubois [ldlabois,asequitriwagov]
1111 nS://Vi eWe1%III C�Sa Qi 1.1��L III i UOSO4)coin/blank.htm 4/26/2012
MARCH 20, 2W12
Mania - "Forcontmxt, we've not only had some people here tonight from Sequimnexpressing concerns
about biomass, but yesterday when I was at the Transit meeting in Seq,uim, afterwards someone from
Sequim came uptomne with concerns about the biomass. | would like to place on an agenda,ASAP,a
moratorium. |think we do need to discuss this."
APRIL 3, 20I2
Mania - °\ would like to start with just clarification. |, at the last meeting, called for an agenda item
to discuss this issue. ] did sVin response tVa great many numbers mf the public. | did not call for a
moratorium. y proposed vve have a discussion about biomass.The newspaper didn't quite get the
nuance. Perhaps they can get it this time. And, 1sdl,| amuim favor Vf having this discussion. I've been
told that the SeqmimCity Council la having m meeting on this issue om May 14 they have itscheduled.
So, U vvom|d just move that we proceed with ajoiot public meeting with the Sequimn City Council to
discuss the biomass facility nn May 14at a location that [s convenient with the Sequym City Coumm||."
Nt was moved 6wMania and seconded byBrmchtohold a ^oTmt public meeting with the Sequ|mnCity
Council to discuss the biomass facility,on May 14,at a location that is convenient with the Sequinn
City Council.
Council discussion followed.
Mayor noted that Council just held a public forum on this issue and listed all of the public forums on
the Issue todate. SEE list.
Downie again...
KHanbm..~ wThe moratorium word got attachedto me, but it was not mmV language.........
Motion failed 5 to 2 with Kidd, Downie, Di Guilio, and Nelson voting in opposition.
Page I of 2
Date sent: 5/30/2012 6:50:41 AM
From: Mrnania@cityofpa.-us
To: paexaininer@gmail.com
Subject: RE: PRIDE Celebration?
Hi Anami,
You know, it occurs to me...Your shop would be a great place to do your own PRIDE celebration. If that's an idea
you could get into, I'd be happy to help out, write a press release for it, etc. Let,me know...
As for the pointlessness of attending City Council meetings...Welcome to my Hell. I have to be there. In any case,
needless to say, anything I can do to help you cover issues, get the word out, etc.,just let me know. We need to
get more people involved with local politics. Like the song says, "Silence is the enemy, against your urgency." So
speak up people!
From: Port Angeles Examiner [paexaminer@gmaii.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:18 AM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: PRIDE Celebration?
Yeah— a pride without gay people, funfun, Don't they know gay people make things, well gay?Weird.
Sorry I disappeared that biomass fiasco sort of turned me on to the pointlessness of attending city council.
We are regrouping with a new and improved plan to improve the plans goals and successes of PA. I am
writing a response to the "green" email you sent. There are several bald faced lies on there!
From: Max Mania [mai Ito:M mania @cityofpa,us]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 7:54 PM
To: Port Angeles Examiner
Subject: RE: PRIDE Celebration?
'Well, I have found out more since I sent the e-mail to you...Apparently the local Democrats are doing some sort of
event to (in my opinion) take,advantage of the recent press around gay marriage. But being that they don't seem
to be letting our local LGBT folks know, I kinda doubt its going to be much of anything...Just political posturing.
But I'll let you know if I hear more, or hear differently.
And, in any case,, thanks for the response. See you soon, I hope.
From: Port Angeles Examiner [paexaminer@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:49 PM
To: Max Mania
Subject: RE: PRIDE Celebration?
https:Hviewer.niessaging.microsoft.com/blatik.htm 7/20/2012
> > --------- Original Message ---------
> > Subject: Election Results (from Dirty Tricks)
>> From: M Mania <officiali-naxrriataia �)yqt oo.coi-n>
>> To:
> > CC:
> > For those of you who don't know, or who don't know the (nearly) final
count...Dale came in a strong third in the County Commissioner primary
election. We have no doubt - none whatsoever - that she would have easily
made it into the top two if not for the near-constant sabotage coming from
the current Chair of the Clallam County Democratic Party, Matthew
Randazzo, over the past several months.
> > Among other things, Randazzo, and his former chief stooge, Jack
Slowriver, engineered:
> > * A phone call from Steve Tharinger the same day Dale told Randazzo she
was going to run. Far from being an encouraging call, Steve Tharinger called
to try and talk Dale out of running, to protect his friend Mike Chapman.
> > * Sent out a poisonous, slanderous e-mail about Dale, "warning" people
not to vote for her, and telling outrageous lies about her. This same e-mail
"endorsed" non-Democrat Mike Chapman.
> > * Refused to even acknowledge her candidacy on the Clallam Democrats
website or Facebook page.
> > * Spewed out a steady barrage of lies and distortions about Dale.
> > * Filed a totally baseless "ethics complaint" against me with the City of
Port Angeles, in an attempt to smear Dale by association. I am still dealing
with the BS this action created.
> > * I also believe that Patti Morris was talked into getting into the race to
split the Democratic vote. Can I prove this? No. But if you look at her
essentially nonexistent "campaign," you'll see that she was clearly, clearly not
behaving anything like a serious, authentic candidate. (And came in a distant
fourth to prove it...)
> > And on and on and on. Dale ran a strong, smart, organized campaign,
and got great traction - but every step of the way she was fighting the
corrupt "leader" of her own political party. Why would Randazzo do this? I
can only speculate. Given that he has also sabotaged the campaigns of other
women, I assume that some level of sexism is involved. And, given that
Randazzo doesn't seem to do anything for free, I also assume he's getting
something from Mike Chapman for all the "work" he's done for him.
>> And by the way...For those of you who think Chapman is Mister Clean,
and not involved in or aware of all the dirty dealings going on in this
campaign, let me tell you something. Within an hour of the bogus
"complaint" being filed against me, Mike Chapman's campaign manager,
Paul Martin, was calling the City, asking for a copy of the "complaint." (Gee, I
wonder who called him to tell him, and why? After all, it was supposedly a
"complaint" against me.)
> > Paul Martin was also there in Council Chambers last Tuesday (election
eve) - even before members of the Council arrived -just waiting, hoping, that
there would be some discussion of the "complaint" against me. When he was
told it wouldn't be addressed that evening, he left. Translation: Right up until
election eve, Mike had his guy right in there, ready to play dirty. Now, that
won't be necessary - but, as mentioned above, I'm still dealing with the BS
left behind.
> > All this - and so much more -- all from Matthew Randazzo. He's screwed
people over left and right (but mostly left) since arriving here, and Dale is just
his latest victim. Hopefully she'll be his last. (Those interested in learning
more, feel free to contact me.)
> > If you care at all about progressive, center-left politics...If you believe in
playing fair...If you want to live in a community where civility, honesty and
integrity are part of the political scene...Then I urge you to educate yourself
about Matthew Randazzo. Until he is banished from the local political scene,
there is little hope for clean, honest, responsive ideas to get a fair shake here.
> > In closing, let me say a heartfelt thank you to the hundreds of people
who supported Dale during her campaign. As for the handful of people who
continue to prop up Matthew Randazzo, shame on you.
> > Yours truly,
> > Max Mania
> > Overthrow the effigy
> > The vast majority
> > We're burning down the foreman of control
> > Silence is the enemy
> > Against your urgency
> > So rally up the demons of your soul
> > Green Day/"Know Your Enemy"