HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Feedback/Responses A sampling of Public Feedback/Responses
from Max Mania's City E-mail Account
August 17th, 2012: From Kevin Tracy
"Thanks for the update...Again, thanks for your support."
In response to ongoing concerns about the PADA.
June 21St, 2012: From James Trekas
"Thank you Max! This helps out quite a bit."
Mr. Trekas is a local amateur historian. This message was in response to my
getting him some information about getting access to the clock tower in the
County Courthouse in order to work on a video history of it.
June 19th, 2012: From Alan Turner
"Thank you very much for your help."
In response to comments/concerns that Mr. Turner had sent in about the Laurel
St. stairs. In another e-mail related to this, Mr. Turner explains that, though he
wrote to all the Council, only two replied to his e-mail. I was one of the two.
June 17th, 2012: From Harley Oien
"I appreciate your interest and would be glad to meet informally with you and
Mr. Keene (McKeen)."
In response to concerns Mr. Oien has about the City Dump.
June 16th, 2012: From Ted Miller (Sequim City Council)
"Thanks for the sentiment."
In response to a note about Sequim asking for air monitors.
May 11th, 2012: From Mike Green
"Thanks for the forward. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in including me in
this information."
In response to my forwarding Mr. Green information about the Clallam County
Heritage Board's interest in Locomotive #4 -a subject that I knew was also of
interest to Mr. Green.
April 26th, 2012: From Teresa Pierce
"I will forward to Peter with the email address I have on record. Thanks for the
In response to my suggestion that Peter Ripley be forwarded information on an
upcoming local meeting of the Washington State Governor's Committee on
Disability Issues and Employment-subjects I knew might be of interest to Mr.
April 12th, 2012: From Catherine Harper
"Thanks for keeping up the good fight."
In response to issues with Nippon.
April 6th, 2012: From Catherine Harper
"Thanks, Max, for all of us."
In response to issues with Nippon.
April 51h, 2012: From Cherie Kidd
"Thanks Max. I appreciate your thoughts and your input and your out of the
box thinking...Thanks for speaking up."
In response to issues with Nippon.
April 41h, 2012: From Gerald Carpenter
"I appreciate that you are willing to hold out against the majority to obtain the
best possible outcome."
In response to issues with Nippon.
April 2nd, 2012: From Catherine Harper
"Thanks, Max, for being the voice of sanity out here in the wilderness. You are
In response to issues with Nippon.
March 261h, 2012: From Mindy Mayfield
"I was in tears of thankfulness when I read in the paper that you took a stand
at city council, to study biomass in PA. Thank you so very much."
In response to issues with Nippon.
March 191h, 2012: From Angela Nagel
"...thank you for taking time out to talk with me! Thanks for getting my card to
Tom Callis, I will follow up on that."
Ms. Nagel is the AmeriCorps volunteer coordinator with the local YMCA. She and I
met to discuss ways for her to do outreach to potential volunteers/mentors in the
community. One of my suggestions was to talk to Tom Callis about doing an
article about her program- and as follow up I talked with Tom and gave him her
contact information.
March 3rd, 2012: From Paul Lamoureux
"Thanx...Really appreciate your explanations on the transition subject...Thanx
Max for your note...Appreciate your time with it."
In response to e-mails about the waterfront redevelopment and the Transition
Town concept.
February 23rd, 2012: From Norma Turner
"Thanks for asking."
In response to my following up with Mrs. Turner about whether or not she had
heard back from anyone in answer to her questions about the FEMA lawsuit.
January 171h, 2012: From Anami Cloud
"Thanks for your reply...Thank you for the invitation to the retreat...I will check
to verify that it is a public meeting."
In response to an e-mail about several City issues.
November 51h, 2011: From Jackson Smart
"Thank you Max. As always....your (sp) on the job."
In response to Mr. Smart's concerns over the new "smart" meters.
November 3rd, 2011: From Shirley Nixon
"Zero response except for you. Thank you!!!"
In response to my following up with Mrs. Nixon about whether or not she had
heard back from anyone in answer to her questions about the City's attempt to
become a Natural Resources Trustee for the Rayonier site.
September 22nd, 2011: From Patti Carman
"Out of all the council folks, I always like to hear what you have to say. I like
your approach and your understanding of the many topics. You always seem
the most approachable. So yes, thank you."
In response to a vote on repairs for the Olympic Discovery Trail.
July 131h, 2011: From Paul Lamoureux
"Thanx, Max...Appreciate the extra efforts..."
In response to questions Mr. Lamoureux had about the Housing Authority. I
followed up with Nathan West, then forwarded information along to Mr.
June 3rd, 2011: From Anne Shaffer
"I've VERY much appreciated your letters to the ed (editor) - keep up the good
work it is an enormous relief to have you working for the community..."
In response to a letter to the editor I wrote about the Esprit Conference.
May 251h, 2011: From Kara Connor
"It was nice meeting you at Esprit. I thought you gave a great speech about how
you feel about the conference and the attendees."
In response to the keynote introduction speech I was asked to give at Esprit
2011, which Kara attended- coming all the way from London, England.
May 23rd, 2011: From Christopher McMahon
"Kind greetings! Thank you for your prompt response. It is very much
In response to Lincoln Park issues.
April 61h, 2011: From Alan Turner
"Giving you a heads up that we put the following message on our blackboard
this morning: A rave to Max Mania- Finally a city council member who calls it
like he sees it and with the courage to give voice to what many of his fellow
citizens are thinking."
Sent in response to general City/budget issues.
October 21St, 2010: From Carol Foss
"Thank you for your very reasoned, personal response. I appreciate it."
In response to the idea of the City instituting business licenses.